Reluctant Wife Gives it Up Part 2

After pressured by her husband to give in to racial demands, a wife steps into a world of interracial harmony discovering first hand the pleasures of black flesh. However, fighting racism and social injustice isn't enough for her to commit to the lifestyle. While she clutches traditional values and western religion, her heart is with her husband. Meanwhile, the racial advocate community has other purposes for her body.

Author's note: This is a dialog-rich story following the conversations between many of Black Pine's characters discussing racial justice.

Brett drummed his fingers waiting for his wife, Samantha to reappear from the bullpen. He was finishing his second beer alone at this table while she was busy with Darius, a tall handsome bull. Two couples had already stepped out looking refreshed as if they solved the world problem with racism. Perhaps, they did. The women were laughing after relieving their stress. They separated from their bullpen dates and went to the bar where more black gentlemen waited to flirt with them. The server and the hot MILF bartenders gave each lady a hug as if they just announced wedding plans or something. Brett looked over to the side where a curtain separated a small, cramped private room from the floor. A white man, looking somewhat depressed, stood to close the curtains. Behind him, his wife went topless while Brett could make a out a third person inside. He was a black man unzipping his pants.

Brett brushed his hand across his forehead feeling nervous with each passing minute. Anticipation and excitement long passed. He was sweating worry of himself and his marriage. Maybe she was crying from guilt? Or was she in the arms of her first black lover promising her heart? All he wanted to was to make a vow of black cooperation and stand out from the racists who lived in his communities. Black power was sweeping white bigots and their housing away. He thought by having his wife entertain black men that he could save both his home and his marriage.

When Brett saw Samantha emerge from the bullpen, he was elated and nervous. Samantha was clothed in her hot mini-dress following Darius out. Before they parted ways, Darius put his hands on her breast and ass they kissed goodbye. Brett cringed realizing they did more than just talk.

Samantha made a bee-line back to her husband. She stood in front of him looking sad and depressed as if she let down the whole world. "Take me home", she pleaded. Brett got up and escorted his wife out of the door and out of the club. She would not stay long enough to receive a congratulating hug from the bartender.

The ride home wasn't one about celebrating. There would no talk about bridging differences or enlightenment. There would be no plans made returning to the Black Bull Club. Samantha crossed her legs and only acknowledged Brett with one sentence, "I don't want to talk about it." Her voice cracked and she sniffled, looking away through the passenger side window to avoid looking at her husband.

Brett wanted to know everything she did for her bull. Did she perform a sex act for Darius never allowed with her husband? Did she enjoy the experience? Did he? Brett squirmed as his penis went hard. Did she use a condom? Brett almost drove off the road turning his head to peak between her legs. The idea of something white and sticky coming out of her almost led him to hit the shoulders again. Maybe, that's why she was crossing her legs.

After the car pulled into the garage, the garage door descending behind them, Samantha felt comfortable out of the car. She ran into the house and took refuge in the spare room slamming the door behind her. Brett would not get another word out of her until morning.

It was Thursday and the morning after The Black Bull Club. Brett called into work telling his them he had to "take care of his wife". It was more true than not. Nearly noon, Samantha's door was still closed. Brett, worried about her emotional health, approached her door and heard her praying.

"... please forgive my sins. I did the wrong thing for very good reasons. I want to be a good, faithful wife. I beg you, let me find other ways to fight racism. Oh, ... why do you tempt me with your strongest men!"

Brett sat on his couch in the back ****** room browsing through his phone but it took only two minutes to switch to free, interracial porn. Watching videos of black men fucking blonde wives, like his Samantha, was something he wanted her to go through. It was erotic, beautiful, and right! Black men were insatiable and always needing more. This was something Samantha needed to experience. Sex was something she should be providing them.

With a video of a blonde wife experiencing a cream-pie, Brett's cock stiffened. Her black lover stood and walked away unmoved what he left for her. Brett squeezed his crotch. That is the life he wanted for Samantha.
When Brett heard the spare bedroom door open. He begrudgingly shut down his browser, looked up and saw Samantha walk into the ****** room wearing a thick, plush bath robe. Her hair was up in a bun and she looked exhausted. Samantha stood silently in the middle of the room not gesturing for a seat. She looked far ahead expressionlessly. Brett stood and went over to her to give her a hug Samantha took a moment of pause before reciprocating and placed her open palms on his shoulder blades.

"Are you okay?" he asked her, looking into her dreamy eyes.

She shifted her eyeballs to her husband and replied clinically, "I think I am."

Brett's curiosity was irresistible. He asked Samantha, "Um, did you go through with it?"

Samantha turned serious, "Of course, I went through with it. I had sex with a black man ... and I did it for you, racial harmony, and the black race. Just as we discussed."

Brett looked down and nodded showing acceptance. Samantha saw it wasn't easy on him either and she soothed him by putting her hands on both of his cheeks. "I experienced racial justice last night. We both did. It must have been difficult for you waiting alone knowing your wife was giving her complete sexual attention to another man, a black man?"

Brett cleared his throat as Samantha expected an encouraging reply. "It was the right thing to do, I think."

Samantha didn't react immediately, she gave it a moment and said in return, "Maybe. We'll see in time how black passion affected our marriage." she said. Brett accepted the risks but he couldn't look away from Samantha's lips assuming she had planted those on black cock before it slipped between.

"Did he ... treat you well?" asked Brett of Samantha's black lover.

"Darius?" she asked, amused with her husband's curiosity. "Darius was the perfect gentlemen. He was aggressive, dominant, and took complete control of me. Darius was everything I expected from a black man." said Samantha before her face turned pink, blushing from the confession she needed to share. She looked into Brett's eyes and put her lips only inches from his. "He did persuade me to perform many vile, filthy sex acts. Things I never done for you and never will for the sake of respecting our marriage."

Samantha saw by her husband's reaction he was hiding his shock with a deep breath and looking away into the corner of the room. She nodded at him pleased he was realizing the sacrifice she made for the black man. "It true, honey. I did and said things with Darius that I would only do with a black man. As Brett stood silent, Samantha told him, "I took a hot bath and a shower to clean myself from the dirty feelings I've been carrying since last night. But it doesn't wash the fact that I cheated on you and I did nothing to stop it."

"Do we seek marriage counseling now?" Brett wondered.

"About that." said Samantha as she stepped away from Brett before turning around and crossed her arms. "Darius wants to have a discussion about race relations with me."

Brett's natural reaction was "What?"

"Before we said goodnight, Darius said he wanted me to take part in a discussion about white racism." explained Samantha.

Brett sounded enthused, "That's great, honey. You did it. You broke through racial barriers. Did he say when and where?"

Samantha raised her shoulders looking uneasy, "When? ... As soon as possible. Where? ... Alone."

"Oh, really?" said Brett understanding Darius's intentions with his wife who nodded again, "Yeah, that's right." Samantha smirked at her husband and shook her in head in disgust realizing their marriage couldn't escape the pressures of black culture.

"I was willing to move on from my infidelity and seek therapy. I need to get my head examined after my behavior." pleaded Samantha, "But Darius, now my lover, is asking for another turn at my body. What do you say, Brett? Should we put our marriage first or the sexual needs of a black man?"

Brett noticed the changes in his wife after one brief encounter with her black bull. She acted lost and confused but he heard the confidence in her voice. Darius must have done exceptional work on her and she reciprocated. He could have easily put a stop to it. But the idea of putting the interracial couple back together was too erotic for Brett to resist. Brett really wanted to see Samantha's transformation continue with another experience with black cock.

"I think you two should meet and discuss race as he wanted." Brett suggested.

"Really? Hmmm." reacted Samantha calmly considering the idea.

Brett justified, "Meet him tonight. The longer he waits for your answer of 'yes', the more racist he'll think you are."

She dropped her arms before rubbing her forehead as if she was having a headache. "It hasn't been 24 hours and you're asking me to betray you again." she complained and

let out a defeated breath of air, "I want to be a good and faithful wife. That's who I am."

Brett reminded Samantha the burden whites have struggling with their racism, "Darius can't think that you have regrets and turning back to racism" Samantha paused and answered, "No, I can't let him think that about me.” Samantha took several deep breaths and looked at her husband, ”I agree. I should have sex with a black man again. His need for sex comes ahead of our marriage. Am I right?"

Brett nodded joining his wife in her commitment to pleasing a black man. Samantha snickered, "Nice to know how low you value our marriage."

"We don't seem to have any another option." meekly replied Brett.

Samantha shook her head again, "With life under black power? No, we don't." There was an awkward silence but she decided to break it. She walked up to Brett putting her hands flat on her husband's chest and told him, "I'll do this on one condition. While he's using my body for his own sinful, black pleasures. I'm allowed to enjoy it."

Brett let out muted gasp but had no choice but to agree with a quick nod. "Good." said Samantha business-like. "You'll get his number and set up my meeting. Meanwhile, I'm going out for clothes." she demanded.

Through a text message to Darius, Brett requested a "private meeting about race" for Samantha. When Darius replied with a simple "when?", Brett responded with "tonight, this is important to her". Darius gave his blessing with a time and place where the private interracial event would occur. In a few tense minutes, he had committed his wife to sin for racial justice again.

When Samantha returned home carrying bags by the arms, she was dressed in a new sexy outfit. Her dress was tight on top and short on the bottom. She handed the receipt to Brett directly and commented, "This is the price we pay for racial justice." Samantha acted cold and distant with her husband. But when Brett told Samantha the meeting with Darius was arranged, her mood changed immediately. She went from cold and annoyed to cordial and tolerant of Brett.

Brett explained she would meet Darius at 11 O'clock at night in a motel. Samantha was intrigued with a late night date in a seedy motel. It felt an appropriate place for a discussion between a black man and married, white woman about race. This would give Samantha time to prepare her for race repair.

As Samantha disappeared down the hall, Brett took a close look at the receipt tagging over one thousand dollars! She had bought half the store from Blossom Boutique including a line item for several hundreds of dollars for "grooming" services.

At the hours approached for Samantha to betray her husband again, Brett couldn't resist peeking into the spare bedroom where his wife was practicing yoga. She was stretching her legs and trying to hold back uncomfortable grunts. He had never seen her take yoga that seriously.

However, by 9 O'clock Darius had texted Brett the meeting was postponed to midnight. At 11 O'clock, Darius postponed it again to 2 in the morning. Samantha tried not to show her frustrations and was steadfast in her commitment to meet Darius. Brett only talked with his wife behind locked doors through the night. Samantha wanted isolation. When she wasn't grooming she was praying for her marriage and her soul. She tried not to think about performing sex acts for Darius. She tried but failed. Samantha thought about it a lot.

It was nearly half past one in the morning when Samantha stepped out of her bedroom. Her makeup was stunning. Her hair perfect! She was wearing an off-white, short sleeve kimono robe with high heels. Brett's jaw dropped. “Let's go.” said Samantha very seriously like she was heading for the hospital.

Near the Stockyards
and the shuttered steel mill was a place popular for interracial sexual activities. The Black Owned Motel was hastily built after the mayor's election to accommodate white women and their growing need for black partners. Brett drove into the lot ten minutes before two. Being the lot was a quarter full, he easily parked the car near the motel doors.

“Where am I going?” calmly asked Samantha.

“Darius gave explicit instructions to wait for the room number. I'm not to disturb him.” answered Brett. Samantha raised an eyebrow impressed in Darius's control over her husband. She opened a compact mirror making sure of her perfection.

2 O'clock came and went Darius hadn't shared the room number. Perhaps, he wouldn't. Samantha crossed her arms and kept silent as she and Brett waited patiently as prostitutes walked up and down pass the doors. Samantha began to show unease as she squirmed in her seat and suggested to Brett to text him. Brett refused wanting to obey Darius to the letter.

“That's right, he's in charge.” said Samantha to her husband rather sarcastically. Samantha had no choice but cross her legs and tap her feet looking at a whore wearing nothing but a bikini. But at 2:30, Brett's phone pinged sending Samantha out of her seat.

Brett read the simple message, “In 5 minutes send her to room 4”. They were parked in front of door “3”. Brett took in a breath and told his wife the instructions.

“Okay, this is it.” Samantha whispered to herself.

Brett saw his wife getting nervous, “Maybe, Darius only wants to talk about fighting racism with you.” he suggested.

Unmoved, Samantha squirmed out of her kimono and revealed her outfit underneath. Samantha had the smallest, tightest, pink hot pants on. Her top was little more than a loose fitting shirt pulled barely over her nipples ******** her lower breasts. Samantha turned to her husband, “I think he's going to want sex.”

Brett panted in not only in surprise of his demure wife but in the anticipation of what her black lover will enjoy. Samantha looked uneasy showing no pride in the overtly provocative outfit that would blend well with the whores trolling the lot. She rubbed the outside of her legs with her hands to warm herself and looked at her husband.

“Look at us, Brett.” said Samantha, “A week ago we were a normal, happy couple. Now you drive your wife to a cheap, run down motel at two-thirty in the morning, so she can meet her black lover because he needs pussy.”

“In the couple minutes we have left, I want you to know, whatever happens to me in the motel room, I'm going to do my best not let my love for you and our marriage diminish. Darius will expect me to repeat the nasty sex acts I performed for him last night … and I will. However, I'm drawing the line and won't do anything new and perverted. I respect myself too much. I give Darius what Darius he needs, then I'm done laying down with other men. Understand?”

Brett gave a little nod acknowledging his wife. As Samantha popped her passenger door open letting the cool air sweep inside the cabin, she had her last words to her husband. “Darius and racial justice reasons aside, I want to enjoy this. I think I deserve good sex. It's too bad I have to find pleasure with another man's sex organ. I hope you'll understand.” But Samantha didn't give her husband anytime to respond. She got out of the car and closed it behind her on her way to the room.

Brett took a deep breath. His guilt was deep and he second guessed his commitment to life under black power When he saw Samantha shaking her ass in that hot pants, the guilt evaporated and his dick stiffened. He knew those pants would come off soon.

Soon after Samantha rapped the door, a prostitute came from her right and passed behind her. The raven haired woman put her ass gently on Samantha's ass and told her, “Nice outfit, hon!” Samantha smiled and said, “Thank you.” not minding being mistaken for a prostitute.

Darius opened the door and saw Samantha more beautiful than the night before. Samantha's outfit pushed the limits what a good, wholesome wife should wear. Meanwhile, when Brett saw from his seat Samantha step inside and the door close behind her, he knew their fates were sealed. Samantha would experience black dick again.

With the door closed behind her, Darius approached Samantha for a friendly hug. The two stared at each other and both re-kindled an attraction with one another and they kissed. Darius's right hand reached underneath and grabbed a tit while his left had a good grip on her ass. Darius then gently held both of Samantha's hand, stood back a step to get a good look at her in her outfit.

“You look hot, white girl!” he told her.

Samantha blushed, “Thank you! The young woman at the boutique suggested I wear this for you.”

Darius was impressed, “You been telling people you had a date with a black man?”

Samantha smiled, “Proudly! I wasn't sure you wanted to see me after putting off our date.”

“I needed to see how badly you wanted to see me.” explained Darius, “Your husband said this was very important to you.”

“He did?” asked Samantha and Darius nodded before he stepped in and began groping her breasts. Samantha was too taken back at Brett's enthusiasm hooking her up to bother with Darius's hands now reaching for his ass. The couple kissed again this time with open mouths. “Girl, you seem comfortable with a black man appreciating your body now.” Darius. Samantha looked down and noticed his two hands reaching underneath her shirt groping her breasts. “Oh, this. Yeah. I guess my husband wants you to do this too.”

Darius lifted Samantha's shirt and started sucking on her right nipple. She looked up into the ceiling and gasped signaling how good it made her feel. Black guys were so possessive, she was discovering. Darius kissed Samantha on the lips again before he turned her to the side and planted a firm hand on her ass. “Get out of the clothes, I'm going to fuck you.” he said bluntly.

While Samantha was peeling off her shirt and hot pants, Darius went to the bed and pulled off his polo shirt and slacks. He sat on the edge of the bed and spread his legs. When Samantha's pants hit the floor, she asked “Aren't we going to talk about race?”

“Talk?” wondered Darius curious about Samantha's innocence, “Okay, let me ask you a question. Do you think black men are entitled to your white pussy?”

Standing in her pink g-string with her hands on her hips, Samantha answered, “Yes, of course they're entitled. You're entitled.”

“Talk's over. Get over here and suck this dick!” said Darius no longer smiling, smooth, and charming. Samantha walked over on her heels and obediently dropped to her knees in front of him. She ran her hands up Darius's thighs and locked eyes with his. Samantha did not smile either. She looked at the black man as if he took something from her and she desperately wanted it back. Samantha's face gravitated towards Darius's tight, black briefs and the grapefruit sized bulge there. With her nose over the fabric, Samantha got a sniff of his fragrance. It made her heart race with excitement and head spin.

Samantha let out a whispered moan and kissed the bulge and put her teeth on the “fat, plumpy” shape bulging out through the fabric. Her hands ran underneath, gripped the briefs, and pulled down out from under his ass over his knees and dropped to the floor. When Samantha looked up at his freed organ, in a brighter light in the room, she put her hand on her chest. It was huge even when coiled and pulsating. Darius's cock twitched twice and turned off its side like a hungry snake awakening from its sleep.

“Oh! It's so large … and beautiful.” Samantha whispered with no shame. From her knees, Darius's fat cock looked shiny slick and sticky. Like a beautiful flower, it attracted Samantha's lips like a bee.

“You missin' that dick, white girl?” Darius teased. Samantha looked up into his eyes and didn't want to return an answer at first. But her eyes quickly took another glance at his manhood. Samantha looked up and nodded. Her left hand, carrying her wedding band, grabbed the sticky shaft and with a couple pulls made it grow steel hard. Samantha drummed her fingers on his shaft to get a better grip and felt how sticky it was. Her desire and need to put her nose to his cock were too strong to resist. She let out another gasp and moved her face to his crotch tapping the tip of his cock against the left side of her nose.

That's when the aroma hit her. It was a powerful, lingering musky smell that reminded her of lust and dirty filth. Her head went ***** like drinking moonshine but her pussy sent a signal to her brain demanding closer inspection. Samantha jolted her head back and Darius smiled.

“You like how that smells?” asked Darius, “You're smelling the pussy of a wife at the Black Bull. She kept braggin' how progressive she was. I fucked her right in front of the husband and she confessed how racist they both were right before I dumped my cum inside of her like I dumped inside of you.”

“You … fucked a racist tonight?” asked Samantha understanding that Darius had moved on and took another white girl since their hook up and his cock was covered with his dried cum.

“That was hours ago and I need to fuck again. I didn't wash it off 'cause I'd thought you'd prefer this way. Am I wrong?” Darius wondered.

Stroking his cock, Samantha answered, “No, you're not wrong. I prefer a dirty cock.” She lowered her head, took a deep breath, and put Darius's sticky cock into her mouth. As soon as she tasted, and felt, the dried fluids with her tongue, she gagged. But she held her breath, bobbed up and down, and waited for her stomach to stop turning. She had little choice anyhow with Darius's hand on her head. Samantha reached deep for the strength to continue cheating on her husband with a black man's filthy cock covered in spit, cum, and pussy fluids in her mouth. Samantha's eyes opened and popped realizing she couldn't stop. She needed air and took in a breath of Darius's pungent cock and balls. They smell reminded what a dirty girl she had become. But her pussy … loved it and went wet with slick juices preparing a penetration that needed to happen. She rolled her eyes and went into a cock sucking frenzy tipping Darius off she had “clicked”.

Now Samantha couldn't get enough dick. She breathed through her nose wanting to smell more aroma as it fueled her lust. Samantha licked Darius's balls and started sucking on them. She loved how it felt like a mouthful of candy. “Suck my black cock, white girl!” yelled out Darius.

Samantha plopped his balls out of her mouth and said to him, “I love how you call me 'white girl'. It puts me in my place.”

“Smack my dick across the face … do it.” said Darius.

Samantha paused and looked into his eyes, “Like this?” she said before tapping her cheek with it. Grabbing by the base, she continued to smack her face. Her nose, chin, forehead, and tongue got several bats of thick cock. Samantha crawled up and started smacking her breasts with it and proceeded to grind her tits against Darius's glorious loins. Her lust wasn't quenched and she returned to bobbing her head up and down with a mouthful of dick.

Darius pushed her off and went on his knees and elbows with his ass at Samantha's face. She thought it was strange and unexpected for him to aim his asshole at her. The hesitation lasted too long and Darius demanded, “What are looking at? Like that ass!”

Samantha wanted to let out a laugh but realized Darius was serious. He wanted her tongue on his asshole. She covered her lips, shocked and afraid of her next sex act she would perform. Samantha saw Darius's erect, ten-incher hang below his balls. He looked the bull, black, powerful, and ready for sex. Samantha spinning the ring on her left and hand and decided to give Darius what he needed. She put her hand on his firm buttocks, put her face in his ass, and started poking with her tongue.

With few tries, she found the crinkly, eye-of-flesh and started twirling with her tongue. Samantha's eyes crossed and she went full ***** with his ass. She was surprised in the good feelings degrading herself. Samantha licked up and down and getting a mouthful of balls. “Stroke my dick with your left hand so I can feel your ring.” Darius wanted. Samantha reached out and marveled at the thickness and length of his organ meant for penetrating white girls. She smirked, proud of her position, and stroked his cock up and down making sure he could feel the presence of her ring finger. She put her head back and resumed licking ass up and down.

“Ugh! Your husband ever make you do this?” Darius asked, teasing Samantha again.

“Never. He's not man enough.” simply answered Samantha who continued tasting him.

Darius turned over on his back and lifted his knees high to his shoulders. He just pointed as his ass and Samantha put her knees on the floor. She put her hands on his upper thighs getting a good, close look at his sphincter. She stuck her tongue out wide and tapped and lapped it. Samantha moved her tongue out of his asshole and to his balls licking him good there.

“Just the ass. That's all you get now.” Darius told. Samantha nodded her head and licked his ass obediently and she felt privileged.

“You like licking ass?” Darius wanted her to answer.

Samantha made a wicked smile, “I love it!”

“Your husband doesn't deserve this, does he?” Darius asked.

Samantha shook her head and said, “Fuck, no! Your asshole is worth more to me than the asshole waiting for me in the car!” She spat on Darius's hole and following up licking her spit out.

Darius nodded, “Represent … represent your race.” he said watching Samantha make a clockwise circle with her tongue around his rim. He lowered his legs and helped her turn on her back. “It's time you feel what it's like being blacked and owned.” he told her.

Samantha felt shy holding an index finger in her mouth as Darius gently put her on her back. Darius moved to the floor and reached underneath Samantha's and pulled her red g-string down and off of her. Her legs slowly parted as she raised her knees giving Darius full view and access to her cunt. Darius moved his hand up her thigh and palmed her pussy and saw it was shaved smooth. Darius moved his mouth over her beautifully groomed femininity letting Samantha feel his hot breath.

“Did you shave this because of me?” he asked.

Samantha nodded and smiled. She was so proud to show Darius. “Yes and it's permanent. I want it to always remind me I betrayed my marriage for a black man.”

Darius casually replied, “This is your reward.” He lowered his head and planted his wet tongue on her clit and began licking her pussy that belonged more to him and his race than Samantha's cuckold. Samantha arched her back and wailed, “It feels so good to be blacked!”

After enjoying many luscious moments having her pussy tasted and given to Darius's pleasure, her legs were pushed high. Darius pushed a finger inside and turned his hand. Samantha rocked her body in delight. But Darius had other plans and joined Samantha on the bed with his legs where Samantha's head was. He rolled his white-girl lover over and they went into “sixty-nine” position. Samantha thought it was very wicked idea and gave Darius many points for his initiative. Her husband would never show such imagination.

“Get to that dick!” said Darius and Samantha after securing her knees on each side of Darius's head, lowered hers and resumed sucking cock. She felt a hot tongue bathe her again and felt sexual heaven. Stroking his cock with her left hand, Samantha felt a strange bond with a man and his gifted organ. She lowered her head and put Darius's manhood into her warm mouth giving it all the attention it needed and deserved.

In a short few minutes, Darius slapped Samantha's ass and called for her to, “Ride that dick.” Samantha agreed it was time to take the next step pleasing her lover and cheat on her husband again. She walked on her knees, with her back to Darius, and straddled her body over Darius's stiff cock. Grabbing it, she lowered and felt the rubbery organ penetrate her and push inside her. Her lover had fucked her again.

Samantha exhaled a long, hot breath in the initial discomfort but still welcomed him into her womb. Darius encouraged her, “That's it baby, push that thing inside of you.” She nodded understanding how important this was to the both of them. With Darius's hands on her ass, Samantha had the confidence to be woman enough to work the cock inside herself. She grunted and moaned until she felt every long inch inside of her. Samantha squeezed her breasts in self-congratulation feeling feminine. She started to raise and drop and gyrate her hips. Samantha squealed and felt alive.

“Fuck that dick, you need it!” grunted Darius. Samantha whispered, “I need this … I need this ...” and the couple's “fuck” continued.

Darius had put Samantha on her knees and elbows on the bed. He stood behind her with his feet on the carpet. They joined by intercourse, his aching cock pushing deep inside Samantha's pussy with his hands gripping her hips. With each steady thrust, Darius looked to change the inexperienced wife from an unsure hot wife into a remorseless, black cock slut. She was already an obedient lover staying bent over and taking it. Samantha winced and clutched the bed sheet willing to be Darius's toy.

“You like being a black man's sex object, white girl?” Darius asked with a hand across Samantha's white ass. She could only answer, “Huh-uh...” It did feel good. Samantha felt wonderful when her body was put to good use. Her womb was full of cock and she didn't have the will to do anything other than submit to Darius. Darius reminded her he was in control. He would slowly pull out a few inches before slamming forward. He did it again and again and grunted letting her know his primitive drive was deciding how things got done.

Samantha mumbled just loud enough for Darius to hear, “Fuck me.” That was a big deal to Darius who realized he was getting to his white girl. Samantha didn't wait to be asked before confessing she needed this.

“Love your need for big, black cock.” said Darius. Samantha gritted her teeth and didn't want to reply. But with each subsequent push given to her by Darius, her willpower weakened a little more until she let Darius know the truth, “... I … love … big … black … cock.” In her marital shame she discovered excitement and released a loud moan shaking the walls. Emotionally confused by her orgasm, she wondered how she found herself giving her body to a strange man for no other reason than he's black, and her husband wanted this. In two days, her beautifully traditional “white” marriage was marred and corrupted. As Darius kept fucking her body and soul, Samantha blamed herself for being weak and sex-obsessed.

“Gawd-damn the white race! Bless the black men with this pussy!” yelled Darius reminding Samantha the purpose of her hook-up. She shook her head in denial, “This feels so good! This feels so fucking good!” She looked over her shoulder and sneered, “I'm not racist, Darius! Fuck me!” In unison, the lovers moaned loudly.

With release moments away, Darius put Samantha on her back. He climbed over her, using his strong arms to pin her knees to her shoulders. Sweat ran down Darius's forehead and dropped on Samantha's face. He huffed, wanting to up the number of thrusts before he maxed out. Samantha had her mouth locked open in a silent cry. She looked into her lover's eyes and saw a man who could make her do and say anything. Darius put his left thumb into her mouth and Samantha sucked on it. “You exist for black cock.” he lectured her. He wanted Samantha to agree and tell him.

Pulling his thumb out, Darius flexed his loins, dropping them between Samantha's legs. “Every black man wants to fuck you, white girl! Tell me, you exist for black cock!” Samantha's eyes widened and rolled. She let out another moan and relented, “I exist for black cock!”

Darius grunted in triumph and felt a release of spunk and semen spraying and dumping inside Samantha's womb. Samantha wailed another orgasm, her arms wrapped around her lover tight.

Darius slapped Samantha's bare ass and told her he was going into the shower while suggesting she return to her husband just like she was; sticky, spent, and used.

“You certainly put a lot of fluid inside of me for someone who had sex hours earlier.” said Samantha as she slowly dressed.

Darius said in a straight face, “By early morning, I'll need more.” Samantha nodded and understood and took his virility at his word. Darius then asked, “Did I ruin your marriage yet?”

“It certainly is damaged. I don't know if it will ever recover, especially after tonight.” replied Samantha who stopped undressing for a moment to gather the strength to ask her lover a question, “When will you fuck me again?”

Unmoved and unemotional, Darius replied, “I don't know. Maybe, when you show me you're real and a black cock slut. You can visit the club, if you like. If I'm not preoccupied with another white girl, I might consider fucking you.”

Samantha could only respond with an “Oh.” acknowledging her lowly status. As a white girl she would never decide when a black man gets to have sex with her. Darius walked his naked body to the shower leaving Samantha alone without another word or a goodbye.

Brett's ass had fallen asleep. The lot had gotten very quiet there were only a couple cars left in the lot. Even the prostitutes had given up trolling. He couldn't resist squeezing his crotch through his pants at the anticipation of his wife's return. The motel was a magical place, he thought. Prude, uptight wives walk in. Enlightened, woke wives hot for black men walked out.

When Brett saw Samantha walk out, looking hot in her slutty outfit, he perked up. His heart raced. He saw she wasn't smiling and that made him more aroused not less. Samantha proudly shook her hips side to side as she made it to the car. Brett had wished another aggressive man would be around to ask her for sex. Could she resist?

Samantha got into the car and closed the door to her right. She looked ahead almost in a trance. Samantha didn't say a word or acknowledge her husband near. Brett was curious. Was she stunned or in shock? It occurred to him, maybe she was mind-fucked? Is this being woke through interracial sex looks like?

“Ready to go home?” Brett asked.

Samantha's eyes didn't blink. Her lips were slightly parted. Brett could see Samantha squirming in her seat a little with her legs crossed. He couldn't help but think if Darius left his “deposit” between her legs. Samantha nodded her head a couple times making known she was ready for home. Without another word, Brett started the engine and drove out of the motel lot.

Through the ride home, Samantha kept thinking how she was used. Her body wasn't the only thing fucked. Her mind, heart, and soul were too. While she had sex with only one black man, she credited his entire race for the changes made to her character. She wiped her face of its sweat feeling flush thinking of the life should we have if she continued this path.

Brett treated his wife with the “princess” treatment and opened the door for Samantha in the garage. She waited for him to let her out. Brett followed Samantha into the house through the kitchen and ****** room. Samantha walked straight to her spare bedroom doorway. She would go to bed dirty without bathing. Her right hand was leaning inside the door frame. With her left, she placed it on her ass. Samantha rubbed her knees together, a natural instinct with Darius's semen dripping out.

“I'm done spreading my legs for racial justice.” said Samantha, “If I don't stop now, I never will.” Brett obediently nodded. Samantha then added, “We'll need a year of therapy. And I don't know when you and I will have sex again.”

Brett was humbled at the price for bridging racial division. He had sent his wife as an offering to the oppressed and felt progress was made. Samantha peeled off her pink hot pants and g-string in one motion with both hands. She bent over giving Brett a look at her beautiful ass from afar as she stepped out of them. Samantha turned around and rubbed her sore pussy with her right hand. Brett followed her hand but, with her hand covering, hadn't noticed she was shaved bare.

Samantha looked to Brett and confessed, “You need to know that I really, really enjoyed it!” She took her hand from her pussy to her mouth. She gave her husband one, fleeting look at her pussy's new look, before she shut the door between them.

To learn more about the city of Black Pine and its characters, read the reference guide under the Author's Den found in the forums section.