Prison Doctor Chapter One


The French press coffee on the stone counter was cold and untouched, along with the toast. The avocado spread had turned a very unappealing brown, "Fuck late on my first day," Paige muttered.

"What?" her husband asked.

"Oh, thank you, Luv, you made me breakfast, that's so sweet," she kissed him on the cheek.

"I still don't know why you are doing this, Paige?"

"We have been over this numerous times," She said as she took a sip of the cold coffee and made her way towards the door.

"Yes, and it doesn't make me feel any more comfortable with you going to prison."

"Very funny, you still have a shot at stand-up, you and that sharp wit of yours. That is if the surgical thing doesn't work out for you."

"Ha ha, please be careful, honey."

Paige rolled her eyes as she kissed her husband, of course, I will, when am I not?"

"Who is the comedian now?"

Paige smiled and made her way out the door, thanking her husband for making her breakfast.

The prison was far beyond the city in a hilly rural area an hour's drive from their home. As Paige drove she wondered why she had made her volunteer choice a high-security men's prison. The clinic where she worked encouraged community commitment by offering its staff paid volunteer time. She had multiple choices regarding her volunteer time opportunities, and all of the options were worthwhile. It was a story her father told her when she decided to become a physician like him that heavily influenced her choice. Paige's father had done his internship at a state prison in the Deep South. He came from a large ****** that was not poor but certainly not wealthy either so putting a multitude of children through college was beyond his parents' means. He was determined and committed to finding a way and with perseverance and tenacity worked as many as three jobs at a time he made his way through college and into medical school. At this point his road to becoming a doctor could have become nearly impossible medical school was expensive and even with his savvy he was soon short on funds.

Luckily, one of his professors took a shine to him and his grit. She admired both his ambition and medical skill and using her connections arranged a scholarship in which a three-year internship at a state prison would follow a two-year residency that would see the vast majority of his schooling paid for by the state, it was a win/win. The program was forward-thinking, progressive, and left-of-center which the government at that time encouraged. Unfortunately, those ideas are no longer fostered in the current political climate.

Her father would often talk about all the incarcerated; some were there justly, others were not. The social injustice was staggering many of the Black men were sentenced unlawfully, framed, or set up by a corrupt system that was skewed against them. Working to help these individuals gave his career in medicine meaning. He told Paige it was one the most fulfilling events in his life along with marrying her mother, the professor who had made it possible. The idea of doing good and righting wrongs deeply appealed to Paige.

The guard at the staff gate checked her ID while his partner searched her vehicle, satisfied with the results, she was waved through and onto the main administrative building. Expensive German SUVs were rarely parked in the Longwood Maximum Security Prison staff lot. So when Paige pulled into a visitor's spot, the ground crew noticed. They stopped their work and spied the tall, impeccably dressed woman making her way to the main building. They watched the red soles of her heels flash as her tight bum swayed beneath the expensive fabric of her gray skirt.

The entrance to the main building was through a large steel gate, which included more security. To the right of the gate was a large red button labeled Entry, Paige pushed the button and the voice asked, "May I help you?"

Paige announced herself and after several moments the heavy steel gate slid open and she entered her second security checkpoint. She was told to empty her pockets, remove her shoes, and hand the guard her purse for inspection. She then went through three levels of security including a metal detector and wand check all before being patted down, the patdown was administered by what she considered an overly aggressive black, full-figured female guard who ran her hands over Paige's shoulders underneath her arms and then over her breasts as she commented, "There isn't much to hide there," the rest of the guards chuckled as Paige bristled at the guard's announcement though she kept her anger in check by saying nothing. She hopelessly tried not to blush as the guard continued to pat down her torso and legs, Paige found the whole task both intimidating and invasive. Once cleared, she retrieved her belongings and made her way out the double doors to the Warden's office. Paige moved through the dimly lit corridor as the sound of heavy metal doors clanged shut behind her. Longwood had a reputation for housing the most dangerous, violent, and notorious criminals, and security was paramount.

The Warden's secretary noted Paige as she approached. Another do-gooder she mused to herself wondering how long this one will last. The prison had its share of volunteers over the years. They were mostly college students, and psychology majors offering counseling or rehabilitation sessions. A few nursing students here and there are all trying to earn college credit or fulfill some internship requirement, most didn't last more than a few months at most. An actual medical doctor was new, an attractive successful woman doctor at that. The prison's medical facilities lacked staff and resources and any help was welcome. This was especially true if the assistance was of the caliber of Dr. Muller-Rubin.

"Hello, I am Dr. Muller, here to see Warden Norton," Paige announced.

The Warden's secretary eyed Paige suspiciously. "I will let the warden know you are here, Dr. Muller or is it Muller-Rubin as the paperwork indicates," she asked with a sarcastic tone.

Paige informed the snooty secretary, "Dr. Muller is fine, thank you," not wanting to go into the details of her married name, "Ms. Bacman, is it," Paige asked, taking note of the secretary's name on her desk. The secretary did not believe in surname hyphenation or politically correct honorifics, regardless of the reason or, possibly she disapproved of the name itself.

She corrected Paige, "It's Mrs. Bachman, if you please, this PC nonsense has gone too far," before informing the Warden of Paige's arrival. Ahh, there were no double-barreled surnames for Mrs. Bachman; the Warden's secretary was old school Paige reflected. She handed Paige an identification badge informing her that it must always remain visible.

Paige was soon shepherded into the Warden's unassuming office, "Good morning, Dr. Muller," Warden Norton said rising from behind his desk and extending his hand, "I am so appreciative you could join our staff, please, have a seat."

"Thank you, Warden Norton," Paige replied shaking his hand firmly. She noted that Warden had very soft almost feminine hands and grasp. He also avoided looking at her directly, eye to eye.

Warden Norton was a short, slender man with glasses perched on his nose. His slightly thinning hair was neatly trimmed and his well-tailored suit seemed out of place for a government employee. The two engaged in small talk about ****** and careers before the Warden turned his attention to the reason for Paige being at Longwood, "I apologize, Dr. Fellows, our staff doctor could not be here to greet you. Longwood is just one of the facilities in his rotation and he couldn't break away from his other commitments."

"I understand; that is one of the reasons I volunteered. I know how the state's prison system is severely understaffed, especially in the area of medical care."

"Very true, which is what makes your time with us so valuable. If I could Dr. Muller may I ask a more personal question?"

Paige tilted her head in hesitation, then responded, "Of course?"

"Please, don't take this the wrong way, Dr. Muller we are overjoyed and extremely grateful that you have offered your assistance here at Longwood. It is my understanding that you have a very successful practice of your own. I am curious as to why you would donate so much of your time here for the pittance the state is paying you?"

Paige didn't respond immediately, she certainly wasn't going to tell the Warden the whole truth. She pursed her lips before biting the lower one and then spoke, "It is a fair question, Warden Norton. My motivation is mostly altruistic in that I do want to help the inmates here. I have lived a life of privilege that many have not, most certainly those who are incarcerated here. Some guilt on that account factors in for sure. You are right, my practice is thriving, and lots of wealthy patients are willing to pay for unnecessary treatment. The rash they caught from their vacation to Aruba, the ache in their backs from goat yoga at their exclusive health club. The prescription for antibiotics will do absolutely nothing for their sore throat brought on by a viral infection that will naturally run its course in a few days. The demand for Orlistat to rid themselves of body fat even though a half-hour walk each day would yield the same result. They demand a referral, saying that their breathing problem requires a rhinoplasty, you get the idea."

Warden Norton paused in thought then said, "Yes, Dr. Muller I see your point. We live in a society that values comfort and beauty. Many individuals will pay exorbitant costs to maintain both I am sure all while the needs of the disadvantaged go unfulfilled."

The Warden for his part was glad he was seated behind his desk. Dr. Muller was an extremely attractive woman, dressed smartly in a dark gray suit jacket and matching knee-length pencil skirt. Her deep, sable hair and svelte body with just the right amount of curves would bring any man to full attention in her presence. The desk mercifully hid the erection tenting the front of his trousers.

Dr. Muller caught Warden Norton staring at her long-toned calves as he spoke and he sheepishly avoided her gaze before continuing, "I must warn you, Dr. Muller, that this facility is full of convicted felons. Many have not seen the outside world for years. A woman in this environment is due for a culture shock. I know you have been provided with background material and information but please be careful. In addition to a nurse, a guard will be with you at all times during your interaction with the inmates, there will be no exception to that rule."


The Warden covered a few other items before asking, "Well, Dr. Muller are you ready to begin?"

"Lead the way!"

The examination room was dark, even with the few flickering fluorescent lights that worked the room felt more like a cave than a medical facility. The paint was peeling off the walls and the air smelled of antiseptic mixed with sweat and urine, the stench was close to unbearable. A thick layer of dust covered the unused medical equipment scattered here and there. The items that had been recently used were spread carelessly about unwashed and unsterilized. The dingy linoleum floor was cracked and worn by the multitude of prisoners that had shuffled through over the years. A facet dripped into a rust-stained sink, and the digital clock that hung on the far wall flashed noon repeatedly with several segments missing reminding the prisoners that time does stand still at Longwood mockingly.

Paige looked about in horror though she kept both her feelings and emotions in check. Even her internship at a poor rundown inner-city hospital could not prepare her for this hellish scene. While she did her best to keep her sentiments to herself the Warden was not an ignorant man. He knew a highly touted professional like Dr. Muller lived in a different world altogether, "I must apologize Dr. Muller I am sure this must seem almost third world to you and not the type of facilities you are accustomed to practicing in we do the best we can with the resources that are provided."

Paige's attention was drawn toward the examination table and its peeling surface. Handcuffs clung to the bars on the table's legs as a stark reminder of the restraints used for the more violent incarcerated. Dirty exam table paper lay strewed over its top surface, the room's only window was tiny and covered in thick layers of grime. Only the strong morning sunlight had enough intensity to cast a faint ray of light through the grimy glass. A poster on the far wall showed some picturesque mountain scene that had long since had its inspirational message plastered over in marker with big, bold letters 'ESCAPE.'

"It's fine, Warden we will make do. It's not how pretty the wand is; it's the magic in it."

"Excellent; if there is anything else you should need please do not hesitate to let me know. Nurse Karl should be here shortly; there was a medical emergency in Block C this morning that he had to attend to bright and early. As we have discussed a guard will be posted in the room at all times when you start receiving patients, please remember you are never to be alone with a prisoner without a guard in attendance."

"Understood, Warden,"

"Very well; I wish you the best of luck and again if you need anything please do not hesitate to contact me directly or one of my staff."

Paige thanked the Warden for his time as he left before taking another look at the depressing surroundings. She immediately removed her suit jacket, rolled up her sleeves, donned a pair of rubber gloves, and set to work cleaning the examination room. She had never shunned hard work nor found any task beneath her and this opportunity was no exception. Scrubbing the countertops and cabinets while inventorying their content finding vials and bottles of expired medication, which she carefully placed aside for proper disposal. Next, she moved on to old medical records organizing and sorting the yellowed and torn pages and folders. Afterward, she fiercely scrubbed the examination table until its original color shone through.

As she stood back admiring a job well done the examination door opened and Nurse Karl made his way in with a "Hello, Dr. Muller is it? Karl Nelson or as the patients here call me Nurse Catheter Karl," he extended his hand as Paige shook it fighting back a laugh and simply smiled.

"It is always great to have humor in our profession. You can call me Paige; it's more informal in close quarters like these."

"Thanks but if you don't mind I will go with Dr. Muller and if you will refer to me as Nurse Karl with patients present. The inmates, I mean patients rarely show much respect and what little they do is tied to your perceived value to them. Keeping things professional helps a little in that regard."

"No worries, Nurse Karl, it is?"

Nurse Karl scanned the room before speaking, "Looks like you have been busy making some cleanliness headway around here."

Paige took note of Nurse Karl whose hair was casually tousled with a beard that was at that perfect length of what many call ruggedly handsome, if you like beards Paige reflected. His green eyes gave way to a slightly crooked nose as if he had encountered a small incident years earlier. This small flaw only added to his character, along with a well-defined jawline. He was slightly taller than Paige which made him a little taller than average for a man with a trim physique, "Yes, I have made some headway. If you don't mind helping out we have an hour before the first patient is scheduled we might be able to finish a few more things."

"Of course, Dr. Fellows was not much for housekeeping with his busy schedule and all."

Paige let the comment slide as in her view being busy was no excuse for not following proper hygiene and sanitary conditions in a clinical setting. The pair polished stethoscopes and cleaned sphygmomanometers, then otoscopes one by one before organizing the equipment. Looking at the somewhat improved examination room conditions, Paige said, "I hope Dr. Fellows doesn't take offense with change."

"Dr. Muller, let me tell you that Dr. Fellows will be the least of your worries here," Nurse Karl replied ominously.

"You sound like my husband."

"Yes, l can imagine. He doesn't like you working at a facility like Longwood?"

"He encouraged me to volunteer my time, just not at Longwood per se."

"Save the world," Nurse Karl asked teasingly.

"It does sound like a white woman wanting to save the less fortunate but in my case, it's total selfishness. I had to get away from rich snobs who complain about every little ache and pain as if their suffering is paramount if only for a few days a month, it will be nice to treat a person who doesn't give a rat's ass about that blemish that won't clear up before the Saturday night dinner party."

"Still, you ended up here at Longwood. There had to have been a better option, a children's hospital, women's shelter, something, anything."

"You are right, this facility was not what I had in mind. Both my parents suggested I could do the most good here and they are very persuasive."

"Must be for you to be here, are you sure this isn't some kind of latent punishment for being a problem child?"

Paige laughed, "My husband was the one with strong objections. After I talked with the Warden my mind was made up. My husband, for all his bluff and bravado, can be turned, I wore him down eventually."

A few minutes later, Dr. Muller was treating her first patient man with diabetes, and the next a heart condition and high blood pressure. Numerous cases of arthritis and joint problems made up many others, one prisoner had an infected tattoo. She dispensed both medicine and advice to each patient the prisoners responded to her calm, feminine manner and gently soothing voice. As the morning turned to afternoon the stream of patients trudged on. Naturally, the prisoners took note that she was a female doctor. Most accepted her gender in stride and some seemed to prefer it. Many made comments either directly or indirectly that she ignored. Some comments were highly inappropriate this was a men's high-security prison after all and in all fairness the Warden had warned her about how she would be perceived and accepted in this environment. Nurse Karl would offer a sympathetic smile now and then when a prisoner would make an incongruous remark or gesture. The prison guard, Officer Roy was a different story, he rarely said a word or moved. The only action from him occurred when or if a prisoner made a perceived threatening move or indication otherwise, he was an onyx statue, big, tall, and broad-shouldered, and his arms looked larger than Paige's slender waist. He had arrived only a few minutes before the first prisoner with the briefest of introductions. Once the formality was over he moved to the far corner took out his paper and began doing the crosswords. His attitude told Paige that either he didn't like her or thought this whole endeavor was a waste, maybe and more likely both. All in all, she did feel safer with his presence.

Every patient had a different story though Paige could see the anger and hopelessness in their eyes as they spoke, some were fighting physical battles and others had mental and emotional enemies. Eventually, the last patient shuffled out leaving the room suddenly very quiet. She assisted Nurse Karl in tidying up and organizing everything for which he seemed grateful. She took his deep appreciation of her help as a sign that Dr. Fellows habitually left him to handle the cleanup after each day. Soon, all the supplies and apparatus were thoroughly cleaned and stowed away. Paige leaned against the counter and stretched, rotating her neck from side to side working out a kink, "Not a bad day's work for day one."

Nurse Karl smiled and nodded.

Paige was about to put the last patient folder away when the silence in the room was broken by the sound of yelling and prison guards barking threats as they made their way through the door. When the door swung open a very large, well-built black man entered the room dressed in prison orange. Paige had never seen a man with a more commanding presence. Without saying a word, he surveyed the room until his eyes fell upon Paige, looking her up and down slowly like a lion with a cornered lamb before smiling with a full set of gleaming gold teeth.

She returned his gaze, taking in his marvelous toned physique. His ebony flesh was the color of deep rich soil and every visible inch sported some type of tattoo save for his face and the palms of his hands. His face and head were smooth-shaven and his eyes pierced her soul. The muscles that were not laid bare by his prison uniform strained under the orange fabric. An animalistic desire within her led to her sex clenching involuntarily. It was lust at first sight for Paige an emotion, feeling she had never experienced, 'Stop it she told herself.'

Finished appraising the young Doctor, his eyes met hers. Paige blushed at being caught gawking like a sorority girl in heat. The room was his even Officer Roy a proud Black man in his own right took note looking up from his crossword momentarily with a manner of deference.

A breathless, chubby prison guard arrived, screaming, "Prisoner Langston, get back to the yard, don't make me force you."

The prisoner looked at the plump white guard and smirked, "Chill, Officer Arlin, I need medical attention."

The guard, still exhausted and breathing heavily reached for his Taser, "Fuck you, no more warnings, prisoner."

Paige moved quickly to defuse the situation not wanting it to escalate, "Officer Arlin is it, that won't be necessary. We have time to see to this patient's needs."

With Taser in hand, Officer Arlin turned toward Paige with a mixture of annoyance and confusion. "Ma'am, if you don't mind I will handle this."

By now, the doorway was filled with additional prison guards all with batons, pepper spray, and tasers at the ready.

"It's Doctor Muller. Please allow me to handle this; escalation is unnecessary here. I am sure Warden Norton would appreciate a peaceful resolution and I can see to the patient's needs and no one has to know the prisoner slipped past the guards. No violence needs to ensue and the patient's issues will handled but most of all Warden Norton doesn't need to be involved so everyone wins."

The guards behind Officer Arlin used colorful language to identify the prisoner. Paige encouraged all of them to follow her advice and they saw the truth in what she was saying, there were several seconds of tension before the guards stood down. All the while the prisoner appeared disinterested in the commotion he was causing. Catching his breath with a look of disgust on his face, Officer Arlin mumbled, "These ni*gers own the place," he holstered his Taser and straightened his belt before growling, "Let me know when you are finished with him," then slammed the door.

Except for the prisoner's initial entrance into the examination room Officer Roy never looked up from his crossword puzzle. Once calm had returned to the room he remained unmoved by the whole melee. Paige exhaled in relief and turned towards her new patient, "Now that's over with, please come in… I am sorry I didn't get your name?"

The prisoner moved with long, purposeful, and powerful strides across the room. He gave another big gold gleaming toothy grin, "No, you didn't, Becky."

"My name is Dr Muller."

"No offense, Becky; Doc Muller sounds like an old white boi tag. A fine snow bunny such as yourself needs a fine name. I'll think about it and tell you what I come up with," his voice was buttery smooth, deep, strong, and confident. She was reminded of Nurse Karl's advice to keep things professional. The use of proper names and titles was essential to maintaining respect. She certainly agreed with his assessment but now was not the time to stand on titles having just de-escalated a tense situation she didn’t need to create another and would address the issue later.

"His name is Latrell, Latrell Langston. Everyone calls him LL or Captain Supreme." Nurse Karl interjected.

Latrell turned his attention to Nurse Karl with derision, "If I need your help communicating with Becky here, I'll let you know faggot. Remember, boi I am the one who lets you suck Black cock and get your boi pussy fucked around here."

Nurse Karl shrunk back to the corner of the room, fully chastised.

Paige's eyes widened as she tried not to stare in Nurse Karl's direction. Normally, her gaydar was fairly well-honed though in this case, she might have missed it regarding Nurse Karl. In her defense, the pressing issue of getting up to speed on her first day meant that she was not overly observant about anyone's sexual orientation. Not that she was ever concerned about anyone's sexual preferences for that matter. She quickly turned away so as not to be seen staring into the area Nurse Karl occupied, "Mr. Langston, what can I help you with today?"

"Word in the yard was about a new Doc," Latrell smiled showing off his full array of gleaming gold teeth. His smile is liquid sex, Paige thought.

"Once again, Mr. Langston is there a medical concern I can help you with?"

"Flashing some tude, Becky I bet those white bois like that. You sure are an improvement over the old Doc. I'm sure you have skills he lacked, though he has some that a man can't complain about," Latrell said as he grabbed his manhood that was barely constrained by the orange fabric of his trousers. He looked Paige directly in the eyes and smirked. The innuendo wasn't lost on Paige, though she was unsure if it was mere bravado on Latrell's part.

"I'll ask once more: is there medical assistance that you require,?if not, I will have to ask you to leave."

Latrell moved towards Paige slowly causing her to subconsciously take a step back, "Woa Becky, don't mean you no harm. I want to show you my medical condition," Latrell said turning up his hands with palms facing out to indicate he meant no harm to her.

"Which is Mr. Langston?"

"Pulled muscle, Doc,"

Doc was better than Becky and so she acceded to its use for the time being, "Pulled muscle," Paige replied almost afraid to ask.

"Yeah, I and the crew were playing some ball in the yard, you know how it can get with the crew."

"Where is the pull, Mr. Lanston?"

Latrell's giant hands grabbed his ample right upper thigh indicating the muscle's location. Then he slowly moved his hand up and over his groin, "Might have ruptured it or something I don't know."

"Of course," Paige said tilting her head with a look of derision.

"So, Doc?"

Against her better judgment, Paige relented not sure she believed Latrell, "Alright, if you would please disrobe," Latrell, with a look of pure enjoyment, started by discarding his shirt, revealing a perfectly sculpted chest. Paige, for her part, tried not to take note. Once done Latrell tossed the shirt aside landing on the examination room counter. Then putting his hands on his hips as if striking a pose and waited. Paige exhaled dropping her chin to her chest, "Pants too, please, Mr. Langston."

"Thought you would never ask."

"Here it goes," Paige mumbled.

"Ahh Doc, just having a little fun with ya.

"Have fun on your own time."

"Alright, alright don't get that tight little white ass of yours all puckered up," Latrell said as he shifted his hips letting his prison pants slide down his wonderfully well-developed and powerful legs. Each leg was the size of a tree trunk bulging with muscle. Paige observed that Latrell was not wearing any underwear which violated prison rules. His ass cheeks were as hard as a rock and when he turned around she suppressed a gasp at the sight of his maleness. It was the biggest specimen of manhood she had ever seen. She watched as it swung menacingly side to side at over ten inches in length. As a physician, she had seen her share of penises though nothing could compare to what was now before her eyes. Big, thick veins ran along its dark, onyx length, she swore she could see the blood pulsate through them. It looked more like a weapon of vengeance than an actual male appendage and even flaccid, it was truly impressive.

"You like Doc, all bitches do," Latrell said with a tenor of smugness in his voice.

By now, Latrell's posturing was starting to get thin. Paige was a doctor, and he was her patient. There needed to be a professional relationship between them. Taking charge and control of the situation was her responsibility as a doctor. She dealt with difficult patients daily, why was she not doing it now? Something was different, Paige couldn't deny she found Latrell's swagger and cocky self-assurance alluring. She needed to set expectations, and Latrell needed to understand that he had to respect her as a physician, "Mr. Langston… "

Latrell interrupted, "Doc, call me LL. No need to be formal. Not now anyway, not after what you have seen."

Paige paused and shook her head, "LL… I mean Mr. Langston, we have to be clear. You are a patient here to be treated and as such we need to treat each other with respect." She looked first at Nurse Karl, who looked like a sacred bunny, no help there and Officer Roy was still focused on his crossword puzzle so even less support could be expected from that side of the room.

"Sure, Doc, you can call me Latrell if that makes it more professional?"

"Fine, thank you, Latrell, that would be great. If you could, the examination table, please."

Latrell moved with authority to the table and slid onto it with his legs spread his manhood was once more prominently displayed. Paige tried to remain as in control and dignified as possible even though deep down, Latrell was affecting her. Paige seated herself only to find herself staring directly at the thick, fat black cock barely a foot from her face as she put on a pair of examination gloves. 'Focus,' she told herself.

"Eleven inches, if you are wondering."

"I'm not," she answered, annoyed. Even though at that moment something was stirring inside her. The conversation produced a chuckle from Officer Roy, who never looked up and continued doing his crossword. Paige regained her focus and asked, "You injured this when?'

"Yesterday out on the yard on the court, like I said."

Paige ignored his tone which sounded as if he had simply omitted the word 'bitch' at the end of the response to avoid a hassle.

"Have you injured the area before," she asked as her long, slender fingers moved along the firm ebony flesh of his thigh, starting at the knee.

"Only when I have had some hoe bouncing on me all night."

"I'll take that as a no."

"Damn, that's cold."

"Respect, remember? If you could please spread your thighs further apart."

Latrell did the bare minimum in this regard separating his legs by only a few inches making sure there was minimal clearance between his thighs and massive manhood. As her hand and fingers moved up Latrell's incredibly well-developed and powerful thigh she did her utmost to avoid contacting his manhood. Dr. Muller was confused by the reaction to Latrell, she should have been disgusted but inside that was not the case. What was it about this man that affected her this way? He carried himself with an air of importance and unapologetic pride. The swagger was undeniable as he projected himself with superiority, his haughty confidence and his dismissive demeanor added to his allure, allure that she should be offended, disgusted by but she was not, she was responding to him and barely hiding it.

As her hand moved higher Latrell eyed her up and down savoring the way she fought not to tremble in his presence. She might be a little too trim for his liking but still, she cut a fine figure for a white girl. She smelled good, a hint of vanilla and jasmine. She may not have yet comprehended it, but he knew she was desperate for him to possess her.

Feeling the rippling muscle beneath her fingertips was making her sex moisten and tingle. She found it hard to focus and concentrate, actually feeling dizzy with her heart racing. Her hands stopped momentarily as she squeezed the bulging muscle under her touch. The back of her glove-covered hand grazed Latrell's cock she felt the smooth skin hot and velvety as the head caressed the back of her hand. Her throat tightened, and she felt a rise in her arousal. She now felt like she had swallowed a kiwi whole there was a direct link from her throat to her sex which started to swell and tingle, her nipples hardened and her eyes closed as she gasped momentarily, lost in delirium.

Paige wasn't sure how long she had been in a daze, though when she refocused she looked up and saw Latrell's big gold-toothed grin gleaming down at her. Nurse Karl was calling out, "Dr. Muller… Dr. Muller, are you alright, is everything okay?"

Paige shook her head clearing the fog of lust that had temporarily overwhelmed her, "Fine, sorry, I am fine."

"Yeah, she is fine, boi. A case of the fever right Doc," Latrell said with a wide grin before adding, "It feels even better without the glove."

Paige ignored his quip and continued her examination moving her hand over and along both thighs careful not to touch Latrell's massive manhood, asking a minimal number of questions to hurry the examination along. The room was closing in and she felt a dizziness start to build once again. She did feel guilty for not being more thorough. She slid the examination chair away and tore off her gloves with a loud snap, "You should be fine, Mr. Langston, there is no bruising or swelling, don't over-exert it for a few days, put ice on it several times a day for the next couple of days. If it doesn't improve I will be here in two weeks and we can reevaluate," she said with as much professionalism in her voice as she could muster.

"It's a date Doc, see you then."

Paige was about to say that a follow-up would only be necessary if Latrell still had issues but something deep inside stopped her, what stopped her she knew but did not want to admit to herself so she shook her head and regained her composure as Latrell put on his orange pants and grabbed his shirt leaving his fantastically well-muscled upper body on display as he made his way to the door. Before leaving he turned to Karl, "You come around tomorrow, boi and I'll give you some of what you've been craving," he said grabbing his crotch, "Got a couple of guards lined up for today, you be there tomorrow, you hear me, boi?" A red-faced Karl nodded as Latrell made his way out of the room. Paige could only look on dumbfounded unsure of what to make of the proceedings. Just then one of the guards knocked and stuck his head in the room Informing them that one of the prisoners had burned a finger in the prison kitchen. He was hoping Nurse Karl could take a look at him before the end of his shift. Paige wasn't sure who looked more relieved for the interruption, her or Karl.

Paige looked at Karl. "Go ahead, I'll finish up here."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive, I have a little paperwork and a spruce up before I leave, fifteen minutes tops, go on I'll be fine."

"If you're sure?"

Paige nodded in affirmative, "Okay, then I am out of here," he said as he grabbed his first aid bag and radio before heading for the door.


Karl stopped before he got to the door and turned back towards Paige, "Yes, Dr. Muller?"

"Good job today, solid work."

Karl smiled, "Thanks, Dr. Muller," and with that, he was gone. Paige filed the last of the day's paperwork and did a quick survey of the room satisfied that everything was in order, officer Roy escorted her to the front gate. As Officer Roy, who had remained silent the entire time it took to reach the front gate, finally spoke, "Take this piece of advice, Doctor do the job you come here for and no more. When you finish your day leave and leave every person and their problems, issues, and baggage behind don't take a single scrap with you. Have a good evening, Doctor," with that he buzzed her through to security.

"I am an idiot," she muttered as she seated herself in her vehicle, "Fawning over a prisoner what the hell is wrong with me," she asked herself, "Married to a wonderful, supportive man and here I am lusting for a convict, I must be crazy." The sun was setting as she turned her SUV onto the main freeway and headed toward home. Only a few miles down the road a soft chime interrupted a Saint Vincent tune playing as Paige was humming along. The caller ID showed Warden Norton. She debated answering before relenting and voicing for the system to pick up, "Hello, Warden Norton."

"Hello, Dr. Muller; I am so sorry I didn't get a chance to catch up with you before you left today. I fully intended to touch base with you and see how your first day went, my apologies. When my last meeting finished Officer Roy told me you had left."

Paige didn't tell the Warden that she intentionally left without checking in with him, there was something about the Warden that troubled her, maybe not troubled more like a veneer that hid something, "No worries, Warden Norton. It is me who should apologize for dashing out. I have a prior commitment and I am running late so I left in a bit of a rush, I am sorry," Paige lied.

"Not at all, Dr. Muller, I know your time is valuable. We are so lucky to have you, I take it all went well then?

"Everything went very well today, Nurse Karl and Officer Roy are extremely professional and very helpful."

"No problems?" The tone of Warden Norton's voice indicated he knew more than the simple question contained. Paige bit her lip debating whether to confess the Latrell incident to the Warden. She had already lied about the reason she had avoided him her conscience would not allow her another falsehood, that was not the way she was raised.

"There was an episode with a prisoner, it was handled without any problem."

"I see, well, any incident involving staff and a prisoner is always cause for concern, Doctor Muller."

There it was; now Paige was on the hook for an explanation of Latrell's escapade into the examination room. With no way to avoid not telling the Warden she did her best to retell the events of earlier in the day. Oddly, she framed the incident in a way that cast Latrell in as positive a light as possible at the same time showing both Nurse Karl and Officer Roy as fully competent and caring. Her view of the white guards was less positive.

Warden Norton remained silent while Paige explained the happenings, when Paige was done there was a long silence before the Warden spoke, "I see; well, no harm, no foul, I suppose. Again, you were not injured or threatened in any way?"

"No, not at all I assure you."

"You were never made to feel unsafe or uncomfortable?"

"No, never."

The Warden sighed, "Normally, an innocent like this needs to be reported and documented. However, based on what you told me it appears to just be a misunderstanding by overzealous guards."

"Exactly, Warden Norton a misunderstanding."

"Well, then we can put this issue to bed, so to speak, is that okay with you, Doctor?"

"Perfectly fine by me."

"Alright, then, I know you are busy, Dr. Muller, so I won't keep you any longer. See you in two weeks?"

"Yes, of course,"

"TTFN then, doctor, until the week after next."

Paige pressed the end call button on the steering wheel. Then it occurred to her why the Warden had put her off. He seemed a bit too effeminate for her liking not that it was any business of hers it was just that she liked her men, all men.

"Good little bitch, boi," Latrell said as he took the phone from Warden Norton's hand and leaned back in the Warden's office chair with his legs spread wide as his enormous cock swung menacingly over the Warden's head. The Warden looked up from between Latrell's mammoth muscled legs. He was crouched underneath his desk dressed in a pink babydoll nighty and fluffy pink high heels and was wearing whorish red lipstick and dark eyeliner.

"Thank you, Master," the Warden replied.

A cruel grin spread across Latrell's lips, "Your slutty wife looks a whole fuck better in that outfit slut. Now crawl up here and suck my big black cock!"


Night had fallen by the time she had made her way to the city's outskirts with nothing but red taillights and light rain before her paige reflected on her first day of volunteer work. She felt it was a success and that made her both happy and grateful, it had also left her hot and bothered squirming in the rich leather seat of the luxury SUV. Trying to stay focused on the road and traffic all the way home she wondered what had gotten into her. Latrell... Latrell was the what? Not physically at least not yet. Gawd, how could she even think that she knew it would never come to that? These thoughts were insane on so many levels. she knew Latrell was a criminal doing time in a maximum security state prison, she didn't know what he was incarcerated for, drugs, robbery, ****, maybe even murder, and wondered why not knowing seemed to excite her even more? That is it, she mused, the bad boy syndrome is something that more than a few women secretly love. The fantasy of a strong, forceful man taking her and doing as he pleased. It was an illusion she told herself and this was craziness and that she had to stop but it didn't the want and craving increased all the way home, Latrell had buried himself in her psyche.

By the time she parked in the underground garage, her panties were soaked. Even her pert nipples were standing at attention under her bra, the movement on the walk to the elevator caused them to ache with desires and her sex to throb she needed a good shag and everything would be fine, it would clear her head and of that she was positive.

She came home to find Eli preparing a menu of her favorites all done and waiting on a candlelit table with a crisp white tablecloth and flowers. In addition to being a great budding surgeon, he was a talented novice chef. As delectable as it all looked and smelled she could not be detoured. Eli was waiting in the kitchen with open arms, "Hi honey, dinner is just about…" He never finished the sentence before Paige grabbed him by the wrist and pushed him against the refrigerator. Pressing her lips to his and parting them forcefully with a deep, long, passionate kiss as she ground her body hard to his her hands moved up and down his body before desperately seeking his belt and unfastening it, "Whoa… hey, hey, slow down, we have all night."

"No, we don't, I feel like I am going to explode if you don't fuck me senseless immediately."

"I am fairly confident you aren't going to explode from not getting laid in the next hour or two."

"I am not so sure," Paige murmured while fumbling with his zipper.

"Babe, dinner is ready, and it's going to get cold."

"Your food is delicious, hot or cold. Besides it will warm up just fine now come on and fuck me silly, stud."

"Come on, Paige what has gotten into you?"

"What the hell, Eli are you saying you don't want to fuck your wife?"

"No, it's not that. I…"

"Then what?"

"I don't know, you…"

Paige, at this point, was beginning to feel a bit guilty. Now, with a moment to think that her lust-filled desire was being fueled by thoughts of another man, the feeling began to haunt her. She pushed those thoughts aside driven by wantonness she grabbed Eli by the wrists before dragging him towards the bedroom.

"Well, alright then," Eli chuckled as he was led along to the bedroom, he certainly had no objection to a before-dinner tumble. It seemed so un-Paige though he had no reason to complain. Once there Paige practically attacked her husband she worked efficiently and furiously to undress them both then slid onto the bed bringing Eli with her. Laying back she parted her legs pulling Eli on top of her in the process.

Eli, by now was in a passionate state as well and slid his mediocre manhood into Paige's now wet and slippery pussy. He began to thrust slowly and tenderly kissing her neck with loving adoration. Paige certainly at times enjoyed tender, caring, affectionate sex this however was not one of those moments, "Harder, fuck me harder," Paige said in a demanding tone. Eli had never heard Paige use such terms during sex. She was never silent during sex though her responses were more in line with soft satisfying murmurs and sighs of pleasure with the occasional gasp of joy. It both shocked and aroused him as he started to pick up the tempo with his pelvic thrusts. His newfound determination proved to be insufficient for Paige she grabbed him by the bum and with both hands dug her nails into his flesh to spur him toward greater effort.

"OUCH!" Eli cried sure his wife had drawn blood from his ass cheeks.

"Harder, Eli fuck me harder," Paige said oblivious to his distress.

Encouraged by his wife's newfound lack of inhibition and his heightened state of horniness he redoubled his effort. Even in her highly aroused state she barely got to climax before Eli ejaculated with a feeble groan. Paige was in a frenzied state and had no desire to be left unfulfilled. Not to be denied she slid down his body and parted her lips around his very modest manhood. She proceeded to give him what she considered to be a fantastic blow job and from the moans of pleasure coming from Eli, he seemed to feel the same. Paige hoped she could get him hard once more and then ride him like a wild stallion. Her thought was Eli certainly wouldn't come so quickly the second time. With more than a little effort her plan was working until suddenly he stiffened and stopped with a look on his face. Paige knew all too well, "Oh, no, no, no!"

"Shit, oh fuck," was all Eli could say.

Paige pulled her warm, wet, mouth from his member to hold him back from climax. She intended to then ride him to several earth-shattering orgasms. That, however, was not to be. Instead, a feeble spurt of cum escaped the little pink head of his manhood. Though Eli might not have known Paige's inspiration, he did know her motive, dejected Eli said, "Oh man, I am sorry that was just so damn sexy I couldn't hold back."

Paige did her best to suppress the disappointment in her voice as she replied, "No worries, sweetie. It was... good… it's all good, right," offering a weak smile.

"Yeah, that was great. I don't know what got into you. Don't get me wrong, I loved it."

"Uh-huh," she offered before adding, "Sorry about your bum,"

Eli rubbed his ass cheeks, "No blood, but it is going to leave a mark for a day or two."

Paige nodded. "Sorry Luv," she offered sheepishly.

"Man I'm wiped, I need a few minutes to recover before dinner."

"Sure, I get it, me too,"

In less than fifteen minutes since Paige returned home she was now curled up next to a softly snoring Eli as the lights of the city twinkled outside their apartment's forty-fifth-floor window. Quietly, Paige slid out of bed careful not to wake Eli. The sex had been underwhelming at best. A lot like giving a starving man a tiny piece of bread crust, it was just enough to take the edge off the hunger pangs and nowhere enough to sustain him. She stealthily moved into the master bath and closed the door. Once there, she used one hand to pleasure herself to a somewhat satisfying orgasm while her other hand covered her mouth to suppress her moans of climax. No need to let Eli know he was less than adequate or that she was masturbating to the thoughts of another man. Self-orgasm was achieved when Paige was thirsty. She moved in silence to the kitchen and as she did she again noticed the candlelit table complete with a white orchid bouquet, her favorite. Plates and silverware were neatly arranged and a bottle of red wine was waiting to be uncorked and guilt swept over her as she slumped into one of the chairs. Eli had made one of her favorites, Potato Gnocchi with Mushrooms and Greens. It was still warm in the serving bowl as so little time had passed. She grabbed a fork and started eating directly from the bowl. It occurred to her that she had been so rushed, and busy that she had not eaten all day. Paige looked around their luxury apartment wondering if it was wrong not to tell Eli the reason she had come home all hot and bothered. It was harmless, right? Get your appetite anywhere you want but eat at home so to speak. No one was lied to or hurt, Eli certainly had a fantastic time so why would he complain, "Shit," she muttered softly.

I need to let it go she told herself, 'It was harmless fun and a little spice.' She and Eli had watched porn together on occasion and it certainly didn't alter their relationship. Paige could never have any true feelings for a man like Latrell. She didn't consider herself an elitist or racist or was she? Yes, she was both consciously and subconsciously woke the way all 'good' white people were. What she knew was they came from different worlds. Paige knew that was part of the attraction, the forbidden. Being the good girl in the arms of the dangerous man was the allure. It didn't make it right, just made it true. Now that she was sexually sated barely things seemed to be clearer in her mind or that is what she told herself.

The yearning for the forbidden frustrated Paige, she knew this wasn't good for her marriage or her. Admitting to Eli that her lust-filled frenzy was attributed to another man would serve no good purpose. She tossed her fork back in the pasta bowl as her thoughts wandered back to Latrell and she realized the ache, lust, and longing for him hadn't subsided one bit, it had only intensified the salacity to a maddening desire, "Shit," she mumbled once more.


Life with Eli went on as usual and the events from her Longwood return were only mentioned in passing on a few occasions. The fact was Eli missed the sexually aggressive from Paige that night. However, he was unsure if he should approach the subject with her. Their sex life had changed along with the success in their careers. They had busy and unpredictable schedules and were exhausted when they could share time. The adage 'complacency breeds contempt' had also crept into their marriage. This feeling ran stronger with Paige a fact that Eli was ******* of. For the next several weeks, her bi-monthly visits to Longwood were generally uneventful. The usual assortment of medical problems and issues filled her time at the prison clinic. She conceded that Dr. Fellows whom she had yet to meet did a good job with his weekly attendance if he just wasn't so sloppy in his clinical skills. She could hardly blame him as he had to visit three different prisons a week filled to overflowing with patients but the real drama for Paige wasn't Dr. Fellows's lack of organization or clinical disarray; it was the absence of a certain patient. Weeks had passed since her awkward introduction to Latrell Langston. She pretended that it was only in a professional capacity that her concern for his absence filled her thoughts but if it were simply a medical consideration, she could reconcile the thoughts, 'If I listen to my lie long enough will I believe it,' she hoped.

Paige had certainly heard Latrell's name mentioned a multitude of times. He was more well-known than the Warden and far more popular in the prison community. She tried to remain aloof from her concerns, especially to others. She did her best to slip references to Latrell to Nurse Karl or the other guards as surreptitiously as possible. This always brought from Officer Roy a haughty look of derision as he peered up momentarily from his crossword followed by a gruff snort of judgment that always made Paige think it was short for 'You Stupid, Bitch.' Several more weeks passed with no sign of Latrell. By this point, Paige had pushed thoughts of the ebony god off to the side and buried them deep. She had convinced herself that her lustful thoughts regarding Latrell had passed. Her work, career, and marriage kept her occupied and focused it was only a silly infatuation with a convicted felon, a passing fantasy.

Arriving at the prison clinic, she exchanged pleasantries with Nurse Karl whose only concern was the approaching ice storm forecast for late that evening. He and his significant other had plans to stay at a secluded B&B in the mountains a few hours north. The pair had hoped to enjoy one of the last remaining autumn weekends before the real cold weather set in. A romantic weekend sounded like a wonderful idea to Paige perhaps that was a plan she and Eli could get behind for some alone time together. The rush of the holiday season would soon be on them and this might be their only chance to have a couples getaway for weeks. She smiled; yes, she would not only suggest it to Eli, but she would also insist on it, they needed that alone time together.

Paige did a glance over the day's appointments for preparations when her heart skipped a beat Latrell Langston's name was on the appointed list. She froze and felt her cheeks get warm and her sex began to tingle, 'Get a hold of yourself,' Paige told herself you're acting like a love-sick teenager.

She wasn't sure how long she stood there motionless or nonresponsive verbally. It was only when Nurse Karl touched the sleeve of her jacket after repeating her name multiple times that she snapped out of her haze, "Dr. Muller, I have several prescription authorizations for you to sign, do you have time?" Nurse Karl asked one more time.

"What? Oh yes, fine thanks. I mean thank you. I was lost in thought, so much to do today." Her comment brought a mild snort of amusement from Officer Roy. She was about to flash him a look of disgust, but he was already engrossed in his crossword.

The day began as typical with a multitude of patients. By now she had built a trust and rapport with the prison's patients. They had come to accept her caring nature and the expert medical skills she possessed. A few inmates still had some trust issues and fewer showed her little if no respect. These problems were few and far between and Paige could certainly handle them with no issue.

She passed up lunch to catch up on paperwork doing another check of the day's appointments to confirm that Latrell was her second to last patient of the day barring any walk-ins or emergencies. The afternoon was as always a never-ending series of patients. Finishing her paperwork from her last patient she glanced at the clock and then compared it to her watch unsure how accurate and functional the decades-old dusty clock on the wall was, Latrell was already late for his appointment. She fidgeted in her chair and glanced at her watch again. Now and then she would glimpse at the door in a wishful attempt to will the man of her dreams to burst through... was it a wish or nightmare she wondered? Why was she so attracted to this man he was arrogant, self-assured, and exuding dominance and superiority which turned her on to no end. This brought back her thoughts, fantasies of Latrell flooding back, the fantasy of submitting to him as he took her forcefully. Shaking her head, 'I am a fool,' she thought. Paige was brought back to reality by a knock on the door and the hope of her ebony god making a regal entrance, 'Idiot,' she told herself a man like Latrell doesn't knock. Her intuition proved correct when one of the guards poked his head in and passed the partially open door. The chubby face guard who looked no older than a schoolboy humbly spoke, "One of the block E prisoners is complaining of a sore throat." This brought a mumble of disdain from Officer Roy, insinuating if the prisoner didn't suck so much cock it wouldn't be a problem. Paige ignored his comment and checked her watch again.

"Since it doesn't seem like LL, err I mean prisoner Langston isn't going to show he thought maybe he could be squeezed in," the young guard asked.

What could Paige do with Nurse Karl, Officer Roy, and the guard waiting for her reply Latrell was over half an hour late. She had wanted to ask Officer Roy to check on him earlier but was uncomfortable with making the request. Every time she mentioned any prisoner's state or condition to Officer Roy she would at best get an "It's not my job to play wet-nurse to every limped dicked felon in this shit hole," she didn't want anyone to suspect that she had feelings toward Latrell outside of their doctor/patient relationship. Saddled with the obvious that Latrell was a no-show she relented and agreed to examine the last-minute addition to the schedule.

After completing the last two examinations Paige and Nurse Karl finished the day's other tasks. They completed their paperwork cleaned the examination room and reviewed the following week's schedule. Officer Roy as always impatiently waited behind his crosswords so he could leave.

As Paige grabbed her purse and indicated to office Roy that she was ready to leave there came a knock on the door, this time it was Warden Norton whose head popped in from around the door, "Oh, thank goodness I caught you before you left," the warden said.

"Is there a problem, Warden?"

"Well yes, I mean no, not with anything here prison-wise, it's the weather."

"The weather?"

"Yes, haven't you looked outside?"

"No, we have been so busy and the blinds have been drawn all day," Paige replied. The grimy blinds while not a wonderful sight did give some privacy and the view of the prison yard beyond certainly didn't improve the view.

"It's the storm, I am afraid it has arrived a little earlier than expected."

"Shit!" Nurse Karl dejectedly exclaimed as he pulled up the blinds to reveal an ice-covered world outside.

"Yes, the state patrol is recommending no travel, the main road back to the city is a mess."

"I suppose not even an SUV can handle all that ice," Paige sighed as she looked out at the now ice-coated prison yard.

"Afraid not Dr. Muller," the warden said.

"I guess, I will have to find somewhere to stay close by; I saw a motel just off the main road."

"I wouldn't hear of it Dr. Muller; I have a small but comfortable warden's apartment behind the wall that you are more than welcome to stay at tonight." Paige raised an eyebrow at the suggestion one that the warden recognized and added, "Oh, I live close by and have no intention of using the apartment. It was constructed a few decades back when the state's correctional budget was more generous. The idea was to allow the warden to be present in situations like this, it is a luxury of times long gone."

Paige glanced at Nurse Karl who now looked like a child who had their candy stolen, "I can't, I mean, nurse Karl and Officer Roy need a place to sleep."

"There are staff facilities that are more than accommodating for this type of issue."

"I live just a few miles south of town, I am sure I can make it that far," Nurse Karl added.

officer Roy simply replied, "Are we done here?"

"It's settled then you can stay the night in the warden's Apartment."

Paige shrugged, "Alright, and thank you," she said before offering the warden a weak smile.

The Warden's apartment was within the prison grounds proper but outside the maximum security area so anyone visiting would still have to pass through the prison's central gate and security checkpoints. It was open on three slides attached to the administration building's west end and was accessed by either a card key or a key code from the main building. The warden apologized for its state, though Paige was unsure why. It was spotless and looked like it had never been lived in. Most of all it was very modern and Paige would say it touched on the opulent. It certainly wasn't as lavish as her and Eli's apartment in the city. Two well-off doctors can certainly afford very nice accommodations Still, Paige knew this was a better residence than most of the taxpayers whose money supported the prison lived in.

The warden gave her a quick tour of the two-bedroom apartment. He showed her all the conveniences and how to work the thermostat and remotes. He had the staff cook her dinner and place it in the refrigerator for a quick reheat in the microwave along with some breakfast items. He also told her where the basic toiletries were in the master bathroom, finally done he once again apologized for the apartment's state.

No, it's very nice, it's more than nice, it is beautifully decorated."

"Thank you, my wife will love hearing that. She did all the decorating and coordination herself. All while remaining in the state's budget of course," he said with a wink.

"Well, tell her it is beautiful," Paige said now doubting the ability of her gaydar as she had been quite sure if the warden was married it wouldn't be to a woman, it was not a judgment on her part, it was just an assumption.

"I will, and thank you. The storm isn't letting up and I should be off. There is no administration staff here after hours. If you need anything, please call the main control or my number. The phones in the apartment can dial out if needed normally it would connect to the prison's internal line.

"Thank you, Warden."

After that the warden was off and Paige was alone. She opened the curtains in the living room and was surprised to see a nice view of the wooded hills in the distance, the prison's high outside walls marred the view somewhat in the fading daylight. Paige heard her stomach growl and was reminded that she had not eaten all day. She peeked in the refrigerator and opened a styrofoam container that yielded an unappetizing mess of what seemed to be pasta. The other container contained a salad in which she could detect some raw carrots and cucumbers to nibble on.

Leaning against the kitchen counter, she thought about Eli, "Damn," she exclaimed found her phone, and dialed Eli who answered almost immediately, "Hey, babe."

"Hi Luv, are you home yet?"

"No, I assisted Dr. Dorrell on a tough one. We just finished up and I was about to shower."

"Brown nosing one of the senior staff surgeons, nice work," she teased

"It can't hurt, right?"

"Never! Hey, I am stuck here at Longwood and won't be home tonight."


"The weather is awful, a huge ice storm."

"I haven't been out of surgery since before lunch is it that bad?"

"Afraid so, luv,"

"Where will you go?"

"I am staying here in the warden's apartment."

“The what?”

“The warden’s apartment.”

"Where is that?"

Paige hesitated, knowing her husband's response to her storm-bound location, "It's on the prison grounds."

"You're spending the night in a prison," Eli responded in a tone that was more a statement of shock than a question.

'I'll be fine; the place is full of guards and security personnel. Besides, I am outside of the maximum security area."

"Paige, I don't like this one bit."

She knew when Eli addressed her by name that it was as close as he got to a demand.

"I know, and if there was another way I would have taken it."

"There are no hotels close by that you can stay at?"

Paige paused and thought about her decision and how to respond to her husband. It dawned on her that she did inquire about the sleazy motel just off the main highway. However, once the warden offered to use his residence on the prison grounds she pushed that option aside, why? She could have simply and politely refused the offer; the motel was only a few miles away. Even in the icy conditions, she could have made it that far with no problem. What made her so eager to stay inside the prison walls with all the convicted robbers, kidnappers, and murderers? It wasn't the collection of prisoners that caused her to accede so easily to the warden's offer, it was one man the thought of being in the vicinity of the man who filled her thoughts and made her heart pound and sex moistened but that was not the answer she could give Eli.

"Hello Paige, are you there... Paige?"

"Yes, I am here."

"Thought maybe you dropped out of the ice storm and all."

"I hear you fine."


"So what… sorry."

"No hotels close by."

"Uhmm, well, the motel nearby was booked and there was no room at the inn," she lied with a nervous chuckle.

"And where is the warden?"

"He lives close by and went home,"

"That is convenient, I guess,"

Paige wasn't exactly sure of the meaning of Eli's remark. Was he suggesting that the warden should have offered his own home for shelter or was he insinuating something else? Eli had never met the warden and if he did she certainly hoped that if she were to be unfaithful it would not be with a man like the warden, she certainly would be insulted if Eli thought such a thing. Of course, there was a man who tempted her commitment to monogamy only hundreds of feet away, "He lives a few miles down the road and so he braved the elements to save my honor," Paige said a little too sharply, she realized after the fact.

"Babe, I wasn't implying, you don't think I was suggesting…" Eli's voice trailed off.

'No, I am the one who should be sorry, that was mean of me, forgive me, Eli, I am tired, it has been a long day and now this is not coming home, I miss you."

"Miss you too."

"The forecast says the worst of the storm should be over by midnight and by late tomorrow morning the temperature will rise above freezing, with any luck I'll be home by lunch."

"Tell you what, I will take you to Sakura for lunch."

"My fave, promise?"


"Okay, you are on. I'm beat, I'm going to wash my face and go to bed."

"Alright, I am going to shower and slip and slide my way home."

"Be careful,"

"Love you, babe,"

"Love you too, bye."

She placed her cell on the counter and tried to push back the ill feeling of lying to her husband. It might not have been the biggest lie in the world but it was a lie nonetheless but the lies are piling up, she reflected. She intended to simply wash her face and soon found herself under the warm flow of the master bath multi-head shower with the jets pulsing in a soothing rhythm washing away the day's tension, 'Our tax dollars at work,' she thought.

Grabbing a towel, she dried herself before wrapping it around her torso. The warden insisted that anything in the apartment was hers to use, yet, it didn't feel right to overindulge his welcome. She noticed three toothbrushes in the holder and thought it odd, one for the warden and possibly one for his wife. Does his wife being here count as a conjugal visit, Paige pondered, laughing. Her search for a new toothbrush was fruitless so she dabbed a bit of toothpaste on her index finger brushed away and finished by rinsing and spating before seeking out a moisturizer.

Paige was low maintenance for the most part so she didn't feel the need to rummage through the drawers and cabinets for mani toiletries. In her search, she encountered an excessive amount of feminine beauty products. It looks like the warden's wife could open up her own Sephora, Paige mused. Finding a plethora of moisturizers she selected the least offensive item. With her skin still damp she rubbed the lotion over her body until she was satisfied it was properly hydrated.

With no spare change of clothes, she had neatly folded her smart dark gray suit top and skirt with silk shirt on the chair next to the bed. They would have to make do for tomorrow until she got home, which meant sleeping all-natural for the night. She could hear the ice pellets pummel the window as the storm raged. The wind had picked up and one of the strikes was loud enough to make her wonder if it had cracked a window. She rewrapped the towel around her body tightly before doing one final check to make sure all the apartment windows were still intact. Paige noticed that the display on the apartment phone was no longer lit. When she picked up the handset she heard no dial tone. Tapping the connect button yielded no response. She speculated that the storm must have interrupted the connection, "I still have my cell," she reassured herself. She made her rounds through each room finishing in the kitchen overlooking the living room. When she turned to enter the hallway back to the bedroom he stood there with a big gleaming gold grin and deep sensual voice, "Hey Doc, you're looking good," several moments of frozen silence followed.

"How did you get in here?" Paige asked startled with panic in her voice. Her eyes were wide with surprise and fear as she quickly looked for an escape route.

"Not happy to see me, I'm crushed," Latrell said placing his hand over his heart. Paige still shocked by the intrusion remained still, "No harm girl, I thought you would like some company on a stormy night, that's all."

"I am fine, you should leave now."

"Is that any way to treat a guest who came to check up on your wellbeing?"

Paige could feel her heart pounding hard and rapidly in her chest, "If you leave now I promise I won't tell anyone, please leave."

Latrell smiled, "Nah, you would miss me," he said as he grabbed his crotch with his massive hands.

"Please... Please leave,"

"Damn girl, you got it bad don't ya?"

"Wha .. at, what are you talking about?" Paige asked confused and distracted by the present danger for the moment.

"You got the fever."

"I am fine, please go."

"You got a hankering for some of that dark chocolate, girl?"

Paige was now riled up at the insinuation, 'How dare he,' she thought, I am not some bimbo slut that swoons over any man she meets. At least, that is what she told herself in the moment.

"I want you to leave, I promise not to tell a soul if you leave right now."

"And if I don't…"

Paige's eyes widened further as she stepped back until her bum contacted the kitchen counter. As stealthy as possible she moved her hand back to reach for her cell which wasn't there. 'How could it not be on the counter, I left it there after talking with Eli?' A look of panic overtook her as Latrell held up two open palms and took a step forward, "Hey, hey, it's all good. You're looking for your phone, I get that. You ain't got nun to fear from me girl, use mine," He said pulling an old flip phone from the waistband of his orange prison pants. As he did his shirt lifted ******** the perfectly formed twelve-pack abs that Paige had seen weeks prior.

You, you have a phone?”

“Course keep in touch with the crew on the outside.”

“But…” Paige's voice trailed off not all that concerned with the how of an inmate having their cell phone in her current situation. With the cell phone in hand, Latrell extended his arm without moving from his location. Paige waited then took a few hesitant steps toward the phone and Latrell. Halfway she paused to look directly at Latrell and those deep dark piercing eyes with a confident smile. Part of her wanted to run another wanted to take the phone and call for help and still another wanted to run into this man's arms and make fierce and passionate love. 'What is wrong with me,' she thought, 'This man could do unspeakable things to her or worse,' the danger was exciting her as that familiar tingle crept over her body, that same feeling that overwhelmed her in Latrell's presence. She mentally shook off her delusion and took the last few tentative steps toward Latrell and cautiously took the phone from Lattrell's hand. As she did the tips of her long fingers grazed his wrist sending a pulse of pleasure over her body In the back of her mind she heard her subconscious yell "Slut," She took the phone and slowly backed away.

It was an old vintage flip phone that was easy to conceal. Paige's fingers touched the keypad it lit up in a soft blue hue. Her first instinct was to dial 911 or the warden, what about Eli? No, he was too far away, who does one call for help from inside a prison? The offer of a working phone had calmed Paige some common sense said 'Why would Latrell give her a phone if he had meant to harm her?

Now doubt crept over her about Latrell’s true intentions, "What are you doing here," Latrell offered his self-assured smile and she punched in the first two digits on the keypad, "I don't get it; why are you risking more prison time by being here?"

"You want me here."


"You heard me."

"Why would I want that," Paige replied feeling more secure with her finger hovering over the keypad.

"You want what all snowbunnies want," he said grabbing his impressive manhood once more through his orange prison pants.

Paige swallowed hard, "Please, If you leave now it's like it never happened."

"That's what I like to hear, a bitch begging."

Being referred to as a bitch both riled and aroused Paige though the latter oddly excited more forcefully. Latrell moved toward her with a confident swagger causing her to step back again her firm little bum bumped the counter behind her blocking any further retreat, 'What game was he playing and why,' Her fingers hovered over the buttons as she looked up and into his eyes. As always they looked dark and dominating with no panic or worry in them he was firmly in control and she had no doubt of it. She knew he wouldn't stop her from pressing the buttons even though he easily could. She pushed the first button then the second. She paused before pressing the next button then selected the rest her finger now hovered over the send button. She thought to herself, 'How could Latrell be so sure I won't call for help,' he was sure that was very obvious to her so if she didn’t dial, what then... that much was apparent also so the question was not what was going to happen it was a decision her marriage and Eli or capitulation as the seconds mounted the pair stood still. Then Paige's body relaxed and she surrendered the phone back to Latrell. "That's my, girl," he smiled with a huge gold-toothed grin. His large fingers skimmed her wrist as he took the phone causing her entire body to tingle with excitement shaking at his mere touch. The masculinity and power he conveyed were hypnotic, Latrell was the axiomatic pinnacle alpha male and Paige knew the fight was lost her submission to this man was inevitable.

A long moment passed as the two stared into each other's eyes before he grabbed her by the wrists and pulled her hard to him. She felt the unyielding length of his cock brush against her tummy. He tilted her head back forcing her to look into his eyes bringing a shudder to her body under his intense gaze. Her eyes told him everything he needed to know and began grinding his pelvis against hers as her head spun filled with lust and desire. If Paige had thought of refusing this man it was now gone from her mind, her body and mind completely surrendered to the ebony god and he knew it. A wide knowing smile appeared to spread across Latrell's face. She wanted this capitulation to the strong powerful Black man towering over her. At that moment her marriage and her husband were a distant thought like picking up the dry cleaning on the way home from work, she wished it wasn’t so but the truth was different. Nonchalantly, he removed the towel from around her body and tossed it carelessly aside. He pushed her back ******** her body to his view and looked her up and down appraising his new property while rotating her around in peruet with one hand slowly taking in her svelte form without comment. Once he had filling digested his new concubine he said, "Undress me, girl,"

Paige was reminded of the fact that Black men are never undersold in size, magnificent and thick is how she would describe it with prominent veins that ran their length as ridges ripple across its surface. It was dark and ominous in a sleek, sensual way, definitely a cock worthy of worship. Paige knew as her nipples hardened painfully and imagined herself on her knees in adoration. She ran her fingers down and over his supremely muscled pectorals and then along his rock-hard abdominals. Latrell groaned in pleasure at her soft warm touch as her fingers moved lower.

Paige reached down to fondle his cock only to realize that her long fingers could not come close to completely encircling it. She thought about feeling that monster cock inside her and how amazing it must feel as it thrusts back and forth as her pussy ached to be used soaked with the juices of her passion. She was now dizzy with excitement as Latrell ran his big, strong, powerful hands up and down her body exploring her inch by inch. Like a panther stalking its prey, he was on her in seconds driving his tongue deep inside her mouth. They kissed with a hunger and intensity that made them both gasp in pleasure. The anticipation of his colossal cock deep inside her, her hot tight, wet pussy enveloping his cock in pure pleasure had them both at the height of passion.

Latrell pushed his immense cock head against the petals of her now sodden sex. He maneuvered her legs up and over his shoulders until he had her bum resting on the countertop. Grabbing her wrists he forced her arms up and over her head pausing long enough to see the want in her eyes before thrusting into her and stretching her pussy walls enjoying every inch of their tight embrace as he drove deeper.

For Paige, the moment was painful, Latrell was far larger than her husband. The comparison was laughable in her view, it was like a small rock pile next to Mount Everest. It was a deliciously pleasing ache with an amazingly pleasurable pain she had never experienced anything like this and her body was full of desire and at this point, she needed this man to take whatever he wanted from her.

Latrell's thrusts increased in both force and speed hitting pleasure spots in Paige she didn't know existed. For Paige the feeling was miraculous as he pounded her pussy she was calling out his name between gasps, ordinarily quiet during sex, Paige was now babbling incoherently, "Tell me what you want, girl," Page breathlessly whimpered in response. Something deep inside her loved the vulnerability of being called ‘girl’ by this powerful black man, "Tell me what you want, girl," he repeated. He pulled his cock out of her and teased her by slapping her clit with his massive manhood, "Say it, girl, or this end right now!”

"I want you inside me," Paige screamed.

He continued, mocking her, "You love it, don't you, girl?"

"Yesss, I love it," she hissed with a nod of her head. Her hips undulated lewdly with desire trying in vain to keep her pussy in contact with his wonderful cock.

"What do you love, girl," she hesitated and he asked again, demandingly, "What do you love, girl?"

Paige was in a submissive nirvana as she whimpered, "I love your cock..."

"What do you love? You can do better, girl," he repeated forcefully once again.

"I love your black cock..." she recited.

Once more, he coaxed her, "Tell me what you love, girl."

This time she responded as he thrust his massive maleness deep inside her sex in one savage plunge as she choked out, "Black cock..." in a barely comprehensible voice.

Latrell, too was now in a frenzy driven by lust and desire. Normally a skinny assed white girl would be a pleasure sleeve for his cock, but this bitch was different. Maybe it was the situation or what some call chemistry or the vice-tight pussy strangling his cock he wasn't sure, whatever it was this was the perfect moment. Paige's body began to shake violently as her orgasm built. This in turn caused Latrel to be driven mad with fervor as her pussy began to spasm clamping with a crushing force around his now torrid cock. His balls swung heavy and low to almost bursting as every thrust smacked the rosebud of her ass. He arched his back and attacked her pussy at a new angle finding that perfect spot. He continued to drive deeper and deeper with each new assault and Though her screams of "Harder, Deeper, make it hurt," and, "Destroy my pussy," were loud and clear music to his ears.

The pleasure for her was so intense that she could no longer hold a coherent thought. Her release became her only focus, nothing else mattered, she felt like a total slut and was loving every moment.

Latrell's thrusts were with wild abandon as their bodies glistened with sweat. The perspiration pooled in the perfectly forged valley between his two chiseled pecs and dripped onto her pert little breasts, jiggling with each lunge. He was gasping so hard and fast that she felt his hot breath all along her slender neck. He pushed deeper into her in one huge lunge and she exploded into rapture and screamed in ecstasy until all the air in her lungs was gone. Her pussy contracted hard around his thickness in a massive orgasm. A tsunami of pleasure crashed over her and her eyes rolled back into her head. Soon he joined her in blissful euphoria as a cascade of cum erupted from his cock flooding her pussy to overflowing. In rapture, his roar of satisfaction reverberated across the room as his balls contracted pushing out waves of his seed. His thrusting slowed until they both were wrapped in each other embrace. Only the sounds of their ragged gasps of recovery broke the silence, their bodies covered in sweat as Latrell slid his still impressive erection from Paige's pussy with a loud plop.

He pulled her off the counter to her feet, as he maneuvered her to the floor Paige's knees buckled and if not for his quick hands about her waist she would have dropped to the floor. She was still in a post-orgasmic daze and her wobbly legs refused to support her for several seconds. She fell against his strong chest and wished she could cocoon there forever. Seconds, then minutes passed as they embraced their slowly calming breathe mingled with the ice pellets striking the window glass.

Too soon however she shook the confusion away and stood back looking at Latrell with a blush of embarrassment. Her mind raced with thoughts of being a complete slut and a cheater who doesn't give a damn about her marriage. She put her head in her hands and fought back the tears that threatened to pour from her eyes.

Latrell always enjoyed fucking another man's wife. The large diamond on Paige's finger spoke to her marital status yet this was off the charts. He knew what was going through Paige's head and took her hands moving them away from her face before pressing his lips to hers and kissing her deeply, a kiss lingered as their tongues danced and hands roamed over each other's bodies. Paige's head was swirling with conflicting thoughts once more. She needed to pull away, to end the kiss and run. She didn't once again as she melted into Latrell's arms. This time thoughts of Eli started to float into her thoughts and she ended the kiss looking at him she tried to speak but no words came.

It was Latrell who spoke, "Listen, girl. You have nothing to be ashamed of. You needed a man, your boi at home ly not doing you right. I saw that on the first day. Sides' that scene was bussing. Haven't nutted like that in a long time in or out of Camp. You are mighty fine for a flat-chested, no-assed white girl, you are a real snow bunny now, and you're mine, got it?"

Paige didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Eventually, a small snicker escaped her lips and she asked, "Yours?"

"Yeah, my bitch," he added with a smug self-satisfied smirk as he put on his prison orange.

"Ahh, I don't think…"

Latrell looked at the clock on the kitchen oven. "Listen, when you get back to your crib with your pale-ass boi husband, you remember this night, then we will see. Midnight rounds in twenty and I need to get back to the cage," he gave her one last kiss before slapping her bum forcefully and left.

Paige was alone with only the sounds of the storm outside rattling the windows.