NIGHT TO REMEMBER by Videowatcher

Actually, I thought it was kind of a neat idea for my wife -- a "girls night out" every week or so. Hell, I stopped off for a brew once in awhile myself with a bunch of the guys from work. That always wound up at 2 or 3 am and she never once blew a fuse.

And it really didn't bother me at all when I found out that about once each month, they all got tanked up pretty good on wine coolers and headed for one of those male stripper reviews. After all, it wasn't unusual for me to drop a few bucks staring at the gals down at the clubs.

In fact, I really enjoyed her special nights -- Glenda would come home with a pretty good buzz on and so horny she would fuck and suck the rest of the night. Sometimes, we were even a little late to work the next day because we were both so fucked out.

We got to laughing about it at the shop as we tried to imagine what went on. None of us could even picture our wives popping a buck in a guy's g-string. Anyway, Ed said his cousin ran the biggest one of those clubs and had a great view of every performance from a special room he had built close to the stage. He claimed that the women were wilder than any men he had seen at a regular strip club.

After we finished calling him a liar every way under the sun, Ed said he could prove it to us if we wouldn't let anyone know what he and his cousin were doing. He thought it would ruin business if the women knew they were being watched and, it turns out, videotaped.

Well, we told Ed that a tape wouldn't prove anything to us -- we had to see for ourselves.

At first, he just told us "no way". Then, after a few more beers, he said he would check with his cousin.

Two days later, the deal was done -- if we would get to the club a couple of hours early and come in the back way, we could use the special room for one night. He warned us that his cousin was going to post a couple of his biggest bouncers to keep us from coming out of the room when the women were there. We told him that, as long as we got booze, we could handle that rule.

A few nights later, our chance came. My wife told me that her friends were going to the club to celebrate her 30th birthday. She said they were going to see a "really hot act" after the Friday night show.

Glenda winked, twirled around, rubbed her ass against my crotch, and said that if what they had been told was true, I had better rest up 'cause she was going to jump my bones as soon as she walked in the door.

As soon as she left, I called the guys and we were on our way. Rather than take a chance on our wives seeing our cars, we caught a cab after work and arrived at the club about 3 hours early. We hadn't been there more than 20 minutes when the women started arriving. It looked like every woman in town was going to be packed into the showroom and, judging by the way they were knocking back those coolers, they would be flying by the time the show started.

Talk about a raucous bunch of gals. They were hooting and hollering, whistling and generally getting potted. I finally found my wife in the crowd and watched as she downed about five glasses of wine in the first hour -- Hell, I was still nursing my first beer of the night.

Ed's cousin came into the room to see how we were doing. He also let us in on a few twists for this new bunch of strippers. They had leased the entire club for the night and had arranged a "members only" license for the midnight show. If the women didn't join, they couldn't stay for the second show.

By changing it into a private club for that performance, they could practically toss out any rules the city had. It was a wonderful loophole that many of the men's clubs used to allow bottomless dancing along with nude lap dancing. We had all seen some fine pussy "up close and personal" more than once thanks to that law.

Of course, none of the clubs we went to had anywhere near the people that were packed into this club. We couldn't wait to see how this crowd would react to some swinging dicks.

Ed's cousin brought in the video camera controls for us to play with during the show. He had several cameras concealed around the room and everything was hooked up to recorders. He thought we might like to zoom in and look around once in awhile. He also strongly reminded us that, no matter what happened, we were in the room until the women were gone -- absolutely no exceptions or the bouncers would beat the living shit out of us. One look at those giants and we agreed that it was cool with us.

While we were still waiting for the show to start, we started fucking around with the camera controls and quickly discovered that two of them were equipped with the infamous Sony infrared lens. While it didn't work worth a shit on most cloth, if a gal was wearing a silk blouse or dress, we could damn near see right through it. We had a blast taking bets about what the different women were wearing and then zooming in to check it out.

I couldn't resist checking out my wife and her friends. BINGO!! We quickly discovered that her little blonde secretary wasn't wearing a bra under that soft silk blouse. One of the guys managed to be focused on her when she stood up and treated us to a classic "nipple zoom" -- starting with a wide shot and moving in until we got a full screen view of her tits and erect nipples.

My wife had also picked a perfect dress for the camera. I couldn't quite make out all of her charms, but I damn sure could tell she was wearing some of her sexiest lingerie under the dress. In fact, I was dead level certain that she only had on three pieces of clothing -- the dress, a tiny little bra, and a pair of bikini panties.

Just as I was grinning about catching her strutting her stuff when she took off for the restroom, I remembered about the videotape. I flagged down one of the Godzillas by the door and told him I wanted to get that tape and erase it. To put it mildly, he told me to take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut. He said they guarded those tapes very carefully and even pulled out the best stuff to sell to one of the Internet porno sites.

After a brief moment of panic, I rationalized that Glenda almost never looked at a computer, much less browsed the net. I was probably on safe ground, so I sat back to enjoy.

Sure enough, when she came walking back from the bathroom, one of the infrared cameras focused on her immediately. I took some good natured ribbing about everyone seeing my wife, but it was more from envy and lust than anything else. Everyone knew that I would be fucking her bow-legged soon and just dreamed of being in my place as she wiggled through the crowd.

Even the miracle Sony couldn't penetrate the second layer of cloth but, thanks to some very creative camera work, we were treated to a tight closeup of her panties and a hint of her dark bush -- I saw that my horny little wife was really getting wound up and felt my dick twitch in anticipation.

Finally, the stage show started and the crowd of women really went wild. They stomped, they hollered, they threw money on the stage, some even stood on their chairs and flashed their tits at the dancers. All this and the guys never went past a tiny pair of Speedos. Now, we did have to admit that some of those suits were well filled.

Some of the braver women bounced up to the stage to stuff a dollar and grab a quick feel. Without exception, as soon as the woman put her hand out to pull back the dancer's briefs for the tip, he would pull the old bump and grind so that he was right in her face and she had her hand directly on a stiff prick. The woman would scream, cover her face, and run back to her table of friends while the rest of the crowd cheered and applauded.

All this time, the booze kept flowing like water. I had kept a loose check on my wife's table and they were well on their way to being totally smashed. One of Glenda's friends left for the restroom but made a detour and headed toward the DJ booth. I watched as she whispered something to him and slipped him a $20.

As the first show was getting close to the end, the DJ called the lead dancer over and handed him a microphone. He danced to center stage and called out, "I understand we have a birthday gal here tonight!"

My wife's friends all shouted and pointed until a spotlight was brightly shining on Glenda.

She was a little tipsy, but it still took awhile to get her to stand up and wave to the crowd. She started to sit back down when two of the dancers appeared by her side and started walking her to the stage.

One of my buddies made certain that a video camera stayed focused on my wife as the dancers lifted her up to join the lead dancer.

He slowly walked around my wife, carefully looking her over, "One of your friends told us that you were over the hill -- but you look fine to me!"

With that cue, the music started again with a heavy base beat. He danced around her for a moment or two and then reached out to pull her tightly to him and launched into a wild lambda.

Everyone in the place could see that his Speedo was hiding a boner that wouldn't quit and he was rubbing it all over my wife's leg. Everytime he twirled her around, her little dress flipped up and flashed her panties to the crowd (and our video cameras). They were soaking wet and almost transparent!

All the guys in our booth slapped me on the back every time the camera zoomed in to her panty-covered twat! Even without the infrared camera, you could clearly see her pussy hair and dripping slit through the thin cloth. Her nipples must have been as hard as diamonds as they were plainly visible through her bra and dress. My tipsy wife was getting turned on big time!

As the music built to a climax, the dancer slipped behind her and raised the hem of her little dress over her hips almost to her tits! Still standing behind my wife, he spread her legs and pulled her even tighter to him. As he was grinding his rigid cock into my wife's panty covered ass, he slid one hand into the front of her panties and the other up under her bra. He fingered her pussy and groped her nipple for just a second or so and then, just as suddenly, yanked her dress back into place, bowed, waved to the crowd, and disappeared off stage.

My wife literally ran back to her table as the crowd of women went wild cheering and yelling for more. She gulped down her drink, grabbed her purse, and tried to leave. Her friends would have none of that. They finally got her to settle down and bought another round of drinks.

Just then, the announcer thanked everyone for coming out and asked everyone how they liked the "sample". The crowd went wild with applause -- even my embarrassed wife cheered and whistled. "We thought you were a great crowd and want to do an even hotter show (he was interrupted by lots of cheering) but the city says this is as far as we can go in a public club (LOTS of boos). Now, we have leased this building for 3 more hours and, if you want us to, we can shut down for a few minutes and re-open as a private club for one more HOT show!"

The place practically exploded with cheers even when they announced that only those women "joining" the club by paying a $30 membership fee would be allowed to remain. Several of the women did leave, but their seats were quickly taken by those standing along the wall.

It was almost midnight and my wife started to leave (so she could get home and fuck my brains out) but her friends pulled her back down. They told her this was her birthday treat and paid the fee for her and bought another round of drinks.

When the intermission finally came, the place was still packed with raunchy women willing to pay some bucks to see hard cocks dancing on stage. By our guess, there wasn't a prude left in the house.

Back in our booth, I didn't know quite how to feel. Everyone was replaying the tape so they could get a good look at my wife's panties and the not-so-subtle hint of her pussy. I turned around just as my buddies were watching the dancer dry-humping her for the tenth time. One part of me wanted to rip the tape out of the machine (even though it was well guarded by the two gorillas). On the other hand, it was so hot, that I wanted to run out and fuck her right at the table.

The club manager came over to me and handed me my own copy of the tape. "I guess you know, this is going to be one of the hottest sellers on my WEBB site."

While I was still stinging from that thought, he showed me the back of his standard ticket and the private club card. By coming in and ordering that first drink, every woman in the place had "signed" a release. He had based the language on the tickets to sporting events, which protect the owners from liability if a fan gets hurt.

He grinned at me, "your wife has just made me a LOT of money! Hope you aren't too pissed. Maybe this will help a bit." He had slipped me an envelope containing a lot of money. There must have been a thousand bucks in there. He also sent up another round of drinks and dinner for us. I had to admit that did make me feel a bunch better as we settled in to watch yet another rerun of my wife's panties and pussy filling the screen.

We heard the music start pounding again and turned to see what happened next.

At first, we thought we were seeing the same acts again -- the same dance numbers, the same women throwing money on the stage, the same drinks being ordered. Then the first dancer threw his pants into the audience. Those women went totally nuts! Instead of the swim trunks from last time, he was just wearing a g-string jock barely holding back a huge hard-on.

When one woman finally got up enough nerve to rush up to the stage with her dollar, he danced to the edge of the stage and pulled her face into his crotch. The crowd cheered as he humped his cloth-covered cock on her face. She turned bright red and ran squealing back to her table.

Another woman rushed forward and yanked the g-string back enough to pop her dollar in. When she did, it came off right in her hand, leaving a raging prick bobbing right in her face. This gal was no shy petunia -- she reached out, grabbed his cock and gave it a quick kiss before retreating to her table.

The dancer moved back to the center of the stage with his rigid cock bouncing with every step. When the crowd chanted for more, he moved back to the front, leaned over and picked up a woman's drink glass. Kneeling just inches from her face, he started slowly jacking off. When the rest of the women saw what was happening, they started chanting "Stoke! Stroke! Stroke!"

My wife and her friends were standing on their chairs and chanting with the rest of the group.

Moments later, the guy stiffened and aimed his throbbing cock into the drink glass. He shot blast after blast of hot white cum into her wine and, when he was finally done, stuck his dick into the liquid and stirred it all up -- then he handed it back to the woman.

I was working the camera controls and zoomed in to see what she would do. At first, she just stared at her cum cocktail, then to our shock; she brought the glass to her lips, tilted back, and drained every last drop. When she was done, she waved the glass above her head, licked her lips, and took a deep bow to thunderous applause.

While everyone calmed down a bit, more drinks were brought around, and we all watched the tape again. My wife was right; this was the hottest act I had ever seen. I turned the camera back on her and her friends and could see they were all wild-eyed. I knew I was in for a world class fuck session and could hardly wait.

The next two or three acts were much of the same. Strutting around the stage, showing off huge boners, letting some women touch them (one woman even managed to do a passable blowjob), and finally jerking off so the crowd could see the cum fly around the room.

By now, most of the women were chanting "MORE" for every twitch from the dancers. They were shouting things that would never even be mentioned in a regular strip club. More than once, a gal had a buck in one hand and a dancer's cock in the other. We would have had our arms broken if we grabbed a dancer's pussy.

Finally the lead dancer made one more turn around the stage, grabbing the DJ's microphone once again. "Where's my birthday lady?"

Once again, my wife's friends made her stand up in the spotlight until two dancers led her to the stage. One of my friends was controlling the video camera now, so all I could do was watch as he zoomed in on her face. She was wild looking and totally potted.

The dancer went through his birthday routine again but this time, he threw in a new twist. As he danced around her he said, "Your friends said you were over the hill, but let's check it out!"

As they twirled around and danced against each other, he kept pulling the hem of my wife's dress higher and higher. Glenda didn't make a move to stop him -- instead, she started stroking his g-string until he started to get really hard again. By then, his dick was so big it was sticking out of his g-string -- the bastard was rubbing his bare cock again my wife's panty covered butt. By now, he had Glenda's dress up to her tits again and was humping against her harder and harder.

This time, he didn't stop. He finished pulling her dress over my wife's head and tossed it to the back of the stage. Then he reached down and threw his g-string away too, forcing my wife to her knees in the process.

Now, my wife was dancing on stage wearing nothing but a sheer bra and panty set while a totally naked man rubbed his cock on her face. Her pussy was so wet that her panties were dripping and she had slipped one hand down to play with her twat. Glenda took her other hand and guided the bobbing boner into her mouth.

Now, I'm not exactly Tom Thumb, but my wife had never taken more than an inch or two of my cock into her mouth. This guy started with three inches and was feeding her more and more. Moments later, he had managed to slide his entire dick into my wife's waiting mouth.

The room went wild when they saw his balls resting on my wife's chin. That image was also filling every screen in our booth as he began to slowly stroke in and out of Glenda's mouth. The camera caught a great close-up when he finally popped his rigid dick out of her mouth -- and an even better shot as my wife licked her juices from his prick.

The dancer pulled her up against him again and ran both hands around to her pussy. The crowd of women roared has he pulled her panties aside so that everyone could see his fingers plunging in and out of her twat. Next, he started playing with my wife's tits through her bra. When he had her nipples trying to poke through the cloth, he ripped her bra off and tossed it away.

After letting my wife's tits bounce in the air for a couple of minutes, he turned her to face him and started kissing her all over. He slowly moved down until he could take first one nipple and then the other in his mouth. Now, my Glenda's "hot spots" are her incredible nipples. Her eyes glazed over and she was starting to moan. My wife was on the verge of cumming with her tits in a stranger's mouth.

He continued to move down until he was lapping at my wife's pussy through her soaked panties. Without missing a lick, he slipped his thumbs into the sides of her panties and slowly pulled them down to her ankles. The dancer buried his face in my wife's dripping snatch and gave her an incredible tongue job. That sent Glenda right over the edge and she exploded in a body numbing orgasm as she pulled him even deeper into her twat.

As the music pounded on, the dancer stood back up and began to rub his rigid cock over my wife's gaping pussy. By now, we all expected him to slam into her and get it over with. Instead, he slowly slipped the tip of his dick into her opening. Then, just as slowly, started moving deeper and deeper into her cunt.

The crowd was going totally bananas when they saw the handsome dancer's cock finally buried balls deep in my wife's pussy. Then, this all female crowd started to chant to the beat of the drummer. "FUCK HER! FUCK HER! FUCK HER!" Naturally, back in our sound-proof booth, all of my buddies took up the chant too.

The dancer was up to the challenge as he pounded Glenda's pussy. He would almost pull out and then he would plunge all the way back in one quick stroke. The drums and chants went faster and faster as he fucked my wife to the pounding beat.

Suddenly, the bastard stiffened and slammed his cock all the way back into the deepest part of my wife's cunt. We all knew that his bare prick was spurting cum deep into her unprotected pussy and that she was loving every second of it.

For awhile, he stood there with his cock still crammed into my wife. Then he suddenly pulled out and took a bow, and walked off stage with their juices still dripping from his cock.

My wife was left on stage with hot cum oozing out of her just-fucked cunt and the crowd shouting for MORE!

I was in shock! I had just spent the evening with my friends watching my wife getting a royal, no-rubber fuck from a total stranger in front of hundreds of wild-eyed women. To top it off, the whole thing would be on the Internet and available on video within a matter of hours.

The club had cleared out except for my fucked wife and her friends. They were helping her get cleaned up but couldn't find her bra or panties. We thought one of the dancers had picked them up until we turned around to find the club manager standing there twirling them on his finger.

"Well, that makes the other video just a piece of cyberjunk now. Wait until you see this one!"

I was still shaking my head when he handed me another videotape and an envelope containing almost $5000. "I think you wife deserves a little bonus for that performance."

"I guess you guys had better clear out now."

I drove home in a fog, not knowing what to do next. I couldn't let on that I had seen everything. I certainly couldn't let her see the videos -- at least not yet. I was horrified and yet, I was horny beyond belief.

I was still struggling with my dilemma when I heard the door open and there stood my just-fucked wife silhouetted against the living room light. Knowing that her bare pussy was full of another man's cum had an incredible effect on me -- I had the biggest, hardest boner in my life.

Glenda sauntered into the room, slammed the door, and pulled her little black dress over her head. "GOD! Now THAT was one more HOT show!! Are you ready to FUCK?"

My problem had been solved.
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