This is the story of how going back to college changed our world. I met Jordan, my wife, when we were both seniors in college. Jordan was perfect in my eyes. She was short, 5'2, black hair, dark eyes and a great tan. She had the cutest little butt. I use to tell her she could be a butt model. She also had a great chest, 30c. They had just the right amount of sag, if you would call it that.

She developed early. She actually had two really bad miscarriages when she was 12 and 13. She carried for 7 months on each and lost them both. She had a hard time dealing with it. It mad her wild. She wanted to get pregnant again. That led to a lot of sex with a lot of guys. Her mom was raising her and her sisters alone and was away at work most of the time. She had boys over pretty regular. She went through different phases. Black and Mexican guys. She had her first threesome at 15. Her first group at 16. She also let two boyfriends pimp her out. One was in high school and the other in college.

During her junior year she had sex with over 200 guys she guessed. Her room mate was former call girl for the same guy. She had an intervention for Jordan. She then went to counseling through the school. It helped her to realize she was using sex to cover the pain from the miscarries. Jordan admitted it was risqué having unprotected sex with a lot of the guys she was with. By the time we met she was in recovery and told me some of what was happening. We dated for almost six months then got married.

Our honeymoon was the first time we had sex. It was good, but I began noticing that Jordan wasn't completely satisfied with everything. That led to us talking and telling me everything and I mean everything over the next couple of weeks. She would cry and I would cry. She would laugh and I would laugh. I kept assuring her that I would never get mad at her for anything she did.

We grew a lot closer during those months.. She also told me that she couldn't have kids. She had a lot of scaring from the miscarries and the doctor told her it would be a miracle if she got pregnant. That led to us trying for a full year, but nothing happened. Jordan said she was ok with it, but I knew it bothered her. She did some counseling still and that helped.

On our two year anniversary Jordan got accepted to a great University to get her masters in Child psychology. The problem was that it was 6 hours from where we lived and I couldn't find work there. I had a pretty good job here and it was the only way we could afford to do it. That and she was going to get a job on campus. We talked a lot and decided it was best that she go for the two years and she could come home during the breaks. We set down some ground rules for calling and committing to the relationship. Neither of us was ready for how hard it would be.

She left right after Christmas for her first semester. We had it lined out for the four semesters ahead of us. She was going to take summer courses to lighten the loads. The first semester went by so slow. Jordan had four classes and was sailing through them. She was always a nerd when it came to class. She met some friends and that helped. She talked a lot about two of them. One was Jessica, a girl she had some classes with. The other was Todd. Todd was a guy in the dorm she over saw. The job she got was as a floor mom , so to speak. She just handled the small problems that came up. It was a coed dorm.

Todd was always around to help her with problems that came up. He was good with tools and fixed some of the small jobs. They hung out some, but she said it wasn't anything sexual.

It was hard for both of us not having sex. We did the phone sex thing, but that got old. Just the same old thing. She came home for a break before the summer classes started. We had two weeks. We stayed in bed for the first few days. The rest we talked about everything going on. That led to talks about sex and not getting any. She admitted she told her friend Jessica about how hard it was. She said Jessica said we should play more games on the phone and experiment while away from each other.

I was a little shocked but said I was ok for it if she was. She said we would take it slow and see what happened. She said maybe she would start flirting with some of the guys that hit on her a lot. I knew about some of it. She realized that the first night she was back when I got hard hearing about it. She also realized it from when we talked about her past. She never said anything till now. Truth was it is a turn on for me for some reason.

She went back and the next semester went fast after the summer. She had flirted a lot and we talked about it.. It helped a lot, but Jordan was getting really depressed. She talked about quiting. I told her that can't be an option. She was way to close. I told her that maybe she needed to hang out more with her friends. I joked that Todd would like some time out with her. She just looked at me funny. I told her it would do her some good. She said it was just a turn on for me. I said maybe. We both laughed.

That night after sex she admitted it might be fun to go out with Todd or someone from school. Nothing would happen she said. I told her as long as she was honest and told me everything it was ok with me. We agreed to give it a try.

When she got back to school she called me all upset. She said the screwed her classes up and she only had two this quarter. She was promised she could get one in each of the summer terms to make it up. She also said she had lost her wedding ring. I told her it was ok I found her jewelry bag it had fallen out of her bag and was in the bedroom now. I made a joke about her not being married while she doesn't have the ring. She laughed and started to calm down. She was ok by the time we finished talking.

A few days later we chatted and she said Todd was back on campus. They went to the gym together some times. He is big into working out and apparently well built muscle wise. She said he had been talking about this great place to eat just off campus. I asked her if they were going. She asked me if that was cool with me. I said if she wants to then I trust her. She said she would think about it if he asked.

Thursday around 2:30am she called me. Apparently some of her friends came over, guys and girls. She said Todd was there and stayed to clean up afterwards. She said he asked her out to dinner. She then said she told him that would be good. I was a little shocked. Even though we had talked about it, it was now coming true. She said they were going tomorrow night. I was half awake, so she let me go.

Friday at work all I could think about was her going out with Todd. I tried to call her when I got home, but the cell phone went straight to voice mail. I figured she may have left already. I sent her a text and she sent back a text that just said out and call you later. I got a call around 11. She had just gotten in and Todd went back to his room.

She said they went to that restaurant and it was really good. She had muscles which are her favorite. She also had some pasta. She said he is a really nice guy. Opened the door for her and stuff like that. She said he wasn't like a lot of the guys she dated in college. She said they are going to a movie at the school tomorrow night and maybe go by the cafeteria. She said they also had coffee before coming home. She was wired. Even decaf does it to her. Usually if we have coffee late, I know it means a long night and usually a good night.

I made reference to that and she just laughed. She said I was the only one who got that now. I said so your boyfriend doesn't get that to. She laughed and said I have no boyfriend. He is just a friend. We talked a little more and then I had to get some sleep.

The next day she called and we talked about different bills and stuff. She said she would call me when they got in if I wanted her to. I said it was up to her. Truth is I was tired. I wound up messing with stuff around the house and then going out with a friend of mine. We had some beers and got back to the house around midnight. I was give out, but checked to see if she called. She hadn't and I went to bed assuming she wasn't going to call.

Around one I got a call. Jordan said she wasn't sure if I would be up. I told her it was ok. I was up now. She said They left about thirty minutes ago. She said Todd, Jessica and her boyfriend Terry, who is a friend with Todd. They ran into them after the movie and went to the cafeteria with them. Then they all went back to Jordan's room and split two bottle of wine. I was a little curious since wine is a sex starter for Jordan.

She said they all left and then Todd left. She said it was about 30 minutes ago. I asked why she waited to call. She said she was changing and thinking. She then just blurted out he kissed me. I was shocked and half asleep.. She said I was worried about telling you. I laughed a little and said I was more concerned that I was loosing sleep than her getting a little kiss.

She laughed and said she was worried how I would react. I told her it was ok and said I was serious about the sleep. She said ok and laughed and got off the phone. I told her I would talk with her tomorrow. She said she was going jogging in the morning and would call me around lunch.

The week went by slowly. Thursday Jordan called and we talked about school and work. Then she said Todd had asked her out again. I said it was up to her. She said ok. She also said her and Jessica had a long talk last night. Jessica asked her what was going on with Todd. She noticed the little looks. She said she also noticed the ring was off her hand. She said she didn't know what to say. Jessica just blurted out that we must be having troubles. She asked if we were separated and she said yes. She said she didn't know what else to do.

Jessica asked if Todd knew. She said no. She said they were just friends. Jessica picked at her and she admitted that she liked Todd, but wasn't ready for anything to happen. Way to soon. She said she thought that would get Jessica off her back. I was a little shocked, but we hadn't talked about any of it. She said she loved me and was sorry if any of it upset me. I told her it was ok

Friday I sent Jordan a text. She didn't send anything till around 10. She just said out and call later. I finished watching a movie and went to bed. I wasn't asleep yet when she called. She was in a good mood. She said ya they went and saw this chick flick that her and Jessica had been wanting to see. She said it was a double again. They then went back to the dorm and ordered a pizza.

She said Jessica and Terry left. Todd stayed for about thirty minutes and left. She didn't say he kissed her so I asked. She said ya, like I should have known he did. She said he asked her out again for tomorrow. They were going to leave from the gym, so she would call me later if I wanted. I told her that was fine.

The next day I did some work on the computer and painted a room that needed it. I was give out and got a pizza then went to bed. Jordan says I act like I am old since I go to bed so early. She called around 3. I was completely out of it. She said sorry it is so late. I told her it was ok. She said we will talk tomorrow since there was a lot to discuss. I told her that was fine and off we went. After I hung up the phone my mind went to racing with what we had to discuss. Everything was negative and kept getting worse. I couldn't sleep and finally got up at 5 and started painting.

Jordan called around one. There was small talk and then I blurted out asking what we needed to discuss. She asked what was wrong. I said nothing but it had been on my mind. She laughed and said it is nothing bad. She said it is just about everything going on. Jessica had come over before they went out and they talked. Jessica said Todd really liked her and had noticed the ring gone. That is why he had kissed her and felt more open to them dating.

Jessica also helped her pick out some clothes for last night.. She said Jessica was a little two conservative the night before and need to act more her age, 24. She picked out a skirt that looks great on Jordan. She has great legs and they are looking even better with all the running and working out she had been doing. She also borrowed a top from Jessica that showed off her chest, but wasn't to revealing Jordan said. She also wore some platform sandals to show off her legs and small cute feet. She is a size 3 shoe. She has the words smallest feet. Jessica is the only person she has been able to change shoes with before.

She said they went out to eat and then went to this place on the mountain that over looks the whole city. She said it was beautiful at night. I asked what happened. She said they had a long talk. She said he knew we were separated and wanted to see her. She said she was still coping with everything since it just happened. He told her he would be there for her. She said he was really nice and that was what she needed since I was a real jerk now. She laughed and I chuckled.. She said she agreed to them going out more. She said then they kinda kissed some and went back to the apartment and her left.

She asked me if I was still ok with everything. I said I was. I told her I just wanted her to be happy and safe. She said she was. She also said they were going to watch tv tonight and grill some burgers. She had to go and would call me later. I told her not to late.

I stayed up till midnight and fell asleep on the couch. I woke up sore around 3. I checked and no calls. I went to bed and then to work. Jordan called about 8. She talked about the weather and everything other than the date. I finally asked. She said she was feeling a little weird talking about it. She said it was like cheating on him in a way. I was a little confused. She said it is just weird. I don't know how to explain it.

I told her the only way I would feel comfortable is if she told me everything and was honest with me. She said ok fine. She said they ate and made out on the couch for almost two hours. She said her lips were all chapped. She said he is a great kisser and she loves that he has bigger lips than mine. She was getting a little pissed and said that he had his hands all over her. She said not under yet. I caught the yet but let her keep going. She said he is really big. She could feel it pressing against her the whole time. She said is that what you wanted to know. I told her it may have been a little much. She started crying and I tried to calm her down.

I said lets just take it from what you feel comfortable talking about. She asked me if I was serious and I said yes. She said thanks. She said Jessica and her talked after class and that really helped. She said Jessica reminder her a lot of herself when she was a freshman. That scared me some. She said Jessica called her a prude. She said she gave her some more clothes. She said some were to wild for her. She said a few looked like the stuff she wore as a freshman. I knew that meant whorish.

She said she wasn't going to do anything tonight but study some. It was the first time I can remember her having to study. She said she had been a little scatter brained since she got back. She made a point to mention that she knew school was the priority. I was glad to hear that.

The week went fine and then Friday came and it was off with Todd. They went bowling. She wore a short skirt that Jessica talked her into wearing. She wore some panties that I got her for our anniversary. They are a matching set. She really looks hot in it. I felt a little weird that she wore it. She asked if I was cool with that. I lied and told her it was just underwear.

She didn't call when they got in she said it was late. She asked me if I was still good with the way everything was going. She said Jessica had suggested she see some other guys too. She said she wasn't sure that she was having mixed feelings. She admitted she liked Todd a lot. She said she was also worried about how things were getting physical. I asked her if she felt comfortable talking about it. She asked if I was sure I wanted to talk about it.

I said yes. She said they were making out pretty heavy now. She said she felt his cock last night for the first time. I was totally shocked. She said he put her hands down his pants. She said he is really thick and she couldn't reach all the way around it. She said he was also pretty long. I was shocked and didn't know what to say. She said she loved me and was sorry if I was mad. I told her it was ok. I trusted her. I just wanted to make sure it was me that she will be coming home to. As long as that was the case, I didn't mind what happened. The phone was silent for a while and she said she loved me and was I sure. I said of course.

She said ok and might want to see some other guys down the road. I took that as a good step. She said she had to go and get ready. She said she needed to shave and shower. I told her ok. She said she would call on Sunday. After I hung up I thought about the shave part and tried to put it off. I knew she shaved her pubic hair. I also knew she would always shave before we went out and she knew we would be having sex.

Saturday night was hard for me to sleep. Sunday I went out with a friend. I was a little worried that she didn't call. I figured she had gotten busy. That had happened before. Monday I didn't get home till late and just ate and went to bed. Tuesday I sent Jordan a text. An hour later she sent me a message she was really busy and would try to call tonight. She didn't call then or Wednesday. Thursday evening I finally got through after leaving all the messages. I was mad and yelled at her. I was worried and I let it out on her. The wrong thing to do I realize. But, I was scared. She immediately started crying and hung up. I called her back and she finally answered after and hour.

She said she was sorry and I did to. She said she wanted to call, but she has just been to scared. I asked her why. She started crying again.. She said she knew I said no matter what, but she was still worried. I got her to calm down and she finally said they had had sex. I was floored. I didn't know what to say. She said it just happened the first time. She said they had been drinking and things got out of control to quick.

They had gotten in from eating and the tv was out. So they turned on some music and danced. Most of it was slow and they were really close together. They then were kissing and got on the bed. They were kissing hot and heavy and her top came off. She didn't have a bra on. She played with her tits and then started fingering her. That gets her going.

He then started eating her. She was quick to point out I was better at that. She said she came and he moved up and started kissing her. His shirt was off and soon his pants. She said he moved up from her breast and they were kissing. Then she felt him push halfway in. She said she was shocked but it felt really good. She said he took it really slow. Jordan said she couldn't take it all. She came twice the first time and then he came. She admitted he came in her. It scared me, but I knew what the doctor had said.

She said they laid there and she felt guilty but he was really comforting. She said they did it again before they went to sleep. She said she got it all in her this time and was able to relax more this time with her on top. She said it was the best sex she had ever had. I was a little let down but I knew from past discussions that I was the best before him. It was an ex that was really hung. It was no mystery that she liked a larger than average penis.

She said they did it more the next day and night. She said Monday she was sore and scared of what I would do. She said she didn't want to loose me. She also said she didn't want to stop. She said it was the best she had felt since starting there.

She said he stayed over ever night that week and was coming over later. Jordan said she has been a wreck. She told Jessica Monday about everything. She said it didn't take long for all her friends to know.. Almost all of them were happy for her since she is suppose to be separated. One of her teachers even knew apparently. She said she didn't know how that happened.

We talked about everything and I told her I loved her and to be careful. I didn't know what else to say. She was very thankful.

I didn't hear from hear till Sunday. Todd had spent the weekend and they were playing the happy couple around the room. She said she is feeling more open with him since we talked. She didn't go into any details which I was a little thankful for.

She did drop another bomb shell on me. She mentioned something about getting funny looks some times when she is with him. She then said well he is black. I was floored. I thought that is something she would have already told me. She said she didn't think it was a big deal since she had been with black guys before and I knew about it. I told her it was just skin color. But, I was caught a little off guard. She said Jessica's boyfriend, Terry, was also black.

She said a few of her friends at school went black. She then told me about one girl she wanted to hook up with Todd's friend. Jenny is 19, blond, and in good shape. Jordan said she is a little shy. She lost her cherry to her high school boyfriend and is still seeing him. I asked if that was not an issue. She said he is not here and she said she is in the same boat she was before she went out with Todd. I just brushed it off.

She also told me that Todd and her had a long talk. They decided to see other people, but still go out some. He said she needed to see others to see if what they had was real since she had just separated from me. She said Jessica was already lining up some guys she wanted Jordan to go out with.

The next week we talked every day till friday. She told me on Thursday that she had a full weekends. She was actually excited. She was going out with Jessica on a double with a new guy. I want even give the names since I got confused trying to remember them all.

She told me she would call me Monday. The weekend was horrible for me. I tried to keep my mind off of everything. No luck there. I went and hung out with a friend, but even he knew something was wrong. I sure as hell wasn't going to tell him.

Thursday they went to the club with some friends from school. She said she met a lot of people and gave out her phone number. Friday she went out with Todd. They came right back to the apartment and stayed till Jordan had to get ready to meet Jessica. She said she really likes having him around when she needs him. I knew what that meant.

Saturday was a blind date with a guy who was 30 and in the masters program at school. He was ok. She said he was tall and pretty good looking. She said Jessica had pretty good taste. The went to dinner and back to his place. He had a nice place and a hot tub. The didn't get in. She said they almost did though. They didn't do anything more than kiss. He asked her out again and she said yes.

Sunday she went out with a guy Jessica set her up with. She was shocked when he got there. He was thuggish. She went through a phase where she liked that, but not now or so I thought. They went out and ate at a cheap chicken place. She said they got Jack Daniels and went back to his place. She said they got a little tipsy. I know that means she is *****. She said they wound up hooking up. She claimed it was because she had no way home and was in a sketchy part of town and was tipsy. She said she made sure he wore protection. I was glad about that. She said he was non stop when it came to sex though. He was up about every hour. She said they used a box before morning. He asked her out again but she said she would call him.

She said she had five messages when she got back to the apartment. All from guys she met at the club. She was kinda giggly about it. Jessica said she was proud of her and took her shopping. She said she bought a bunch of clothes on sale and only spent a hundred dollars. She said it was a little shop near school that all the girls shopped at. It was mostly clubbing clothes.

We talked again Wednesday and then Thursday.. She said she had made a few dates. She laughed and said she would go out every night if she didn't have school. She kept telling me how happy she was and how much she loved me.

The weekend was long again. I could hardly sleep. I wound up taking some medicine and was late for work Monday. Jordan called Tuesday during my lunch. She said she was sorry, but was doing something later and wanted to make sure we talked. She said the weekend had flown by. She said she was sorry she forgot to call.

Thursday they went to a mostly black club near campus. She met some more guys there and gave out her number. They also took her friend Jenny that was kinda stuck up with them. Jordan said they got her tipsy before they left. She was really shy at first but loosened up later. She actually gave her cell number to black guy. She told Jordan that she wasn't going to go out with him when they were on the way home.

Friday Todd was up and stayed again till she went out Saturday. Saturday was a guy from the club. He took her to the same chicken place as the other guy. She said then she was shocked when they went to that guys apartment. Turns out Jessica set her up with his room mate. She said they got buzzed and fucked. She said he was a top three ever. They did it twice and once in the morning. He admitted he asked Jessica to set them up, because his roommate was bragging about her.

She said she was a little irritated with Jessica, but then they talked and worked things out. She said there was a third guy in the apartment. She said she went out with him Sunday and wound up fucking him to. She said he was a little scary at first. He was a drug dealer she guessed. I was mad that she hung around him if he was. She said that they didn't do it from the apartment and it was safe or she would have left. She also found out that he was taking what the first room mate took and that was why he was able to go all night. She said she was tired by the next day.

I was a little pissed when she said she skipped class. She said she had talked to the professor and she was cool with it. Jordan is the best student in her class.

She said she went out Monday and Tuesday night and that was why she didn't call. They were just two guys she met at the clubs. Both took her dancing and to eat. She said nothing else really happened.

She again told me how she was liking everything and how much she loved me. She said she had another fun weekend ahead. She also got her mid term grades. Both classes were A's. I was proud of her. She asked me if I was still ok with everything. I told her yes, but I was worried for her to be safe. She told me I was the best and went back to studying.

The next weekend wasn't that bad. I went to see my parents and the week flew by. They asked about Jordan and I told them she was doing better with being away. My mom said what ever it was making her happy she should keep it up. She would have been floored if she really knew.

Monday at lunch Jordan called and we talked for a little bit. Then she said she wouldn't talk to me till Thursday.

Thursday she told me about her week. She had gone out with Jessica for club night. Same old stuff. She said Friday she went out with Jenny and a few guys from the club. It wasn't a date, but they both flirted with the guys. She said Jenny was a lot better around them. She said Jenny had a fight with her boyfriend and was mad at him so it opened her up some. They went back to a guys place and wound up staying the night. Jordan hooked up with one of the guys. The other two guys hit on Jenny, but she didn't do anything but kiss them both. She talked about it all week Jordan said.

Sunday she went out with the guy with the nice apartment. He took her to see a game and then they went for drinks with some of his friends. All his friends liked her. They went back to his place and she said he fucked her three times before she left. She said she went straight from his apartment to class. Her teacher mentioned she looked tired and told her she didn't have to come to class. She would send her the notes anytime she needed them. She told her thanks that she had a new job and it was weird hours.

Monday she went out with a guy from the club and wound up hooking up with him. Tuesday and Wednesday were the same. She told me she had a date for tonight and the rest of the weekend. She said it was a lot of fun. She said it reminder her of when she was getting pimped out. I knew from our discussions that she liked parts of it when she was doing it.

She also told me that Jessica broke up with her boyfriend. She said she was glad so they could double date more. She said they were all going to the club tonight with Jenny.

To be continued.

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