Monday Jordan called and we talked about all the changes. She said she was liking all the attention. She said she was happy that she had a husband who loved her enough to let her loose. I told her I loved her and wanted her to be careful. She said she is mostly and giggled. I asked what that was about. She said she did something she had never done before. She went to a strip club. She said to wait she would get to it.

She said Thursday they had a good time at the club. Jenny told them that she and her boyfriend had a big fight. He knew she didn't come home the other night when she was out with Jordan. She told him that she stayed with Jordan, but he didn't believe her. She said Jenny was kissing a lot of guys at the club but that was all she did.

She spent Friday with Todd and Saturday with the guy with the nice house. Sunday she went out with guy from the apartment. I asked her which one and she laughed and said the crazy looking one. She said he was probably her favorite. She then said this is where I did something I have never done before. I said what. They went to a strip club to see a friend of his. He wound up going to the back and she met the stripper friend of his, Candy. Believe it or not, but it was her real name.

She found out that Candy works for David, the guy from the apartment, during the week. She makes money on the side getting pimped out. She said you would never know it by looking at her. Jordan admitted to doing that in college to and they seemed to hit it off. She said the club was fun and that we would have to do it one night when she was home.

The week flew by at work. Everyone is worried about layoffs. Jordan called Thursday and said Todd had spent the week with her. She said she liked that a lot. He is also seeing some other girl. Jordan was ok with it.

My weekend went fast as I did a lot of work. Sunday night Jordan called and she hadn't done much. They only went out last night with David and some of his friends. She said Jenny was close to finally hooking up with a black guy. She apparently likes the better sex guy from the apartment. David's roommate. They kissed a lot on the couch before she left. Jordan stayed and so did Candy.

We talked about school and we were both excited that she was a few weeks from coming home for two weeks.

The week flew by. Jordan was focusing on her school work. She was going to take her final early. Things went slow till she was finished.

The week before she came home she didn't have any classes. She called me with her flight information. I told her I would be there waiting and ready to take her straight to bed. She got a little quite and said we would talk about that when she got home. Her last week was spent between David and Todd. She said they both made sure she was satisfied till she got back. She said David asked her to stay with him during the break. She told them both that she had to go home and see her ******.

I picked her up at the airport and gave her a huge kiss. We got in the car and I could tell something was off. When we got home she admitted what it was. She was worried I felt differently. We talked and I told her I still loved her just as much as when she left before. She gave me a huge kiss.

We went straight to the apartment and to the bed room. Jordan went to the bathroom and came out in some new lingerie she had gotten. She looked incredible. It was a see through baby doll top and a thong. She looked beautiful.

We got in bed and I was all over her. She said it all felt great. I tried to go down on her and she stopped me.. I tried again and the same. I asked her what was wrong and she said nothing. She just didn't want that. I focused on her breast. She then went and sucked me off. I tried to stop her before I came and she didn't stop. I was a little mad, but it was a great blow job. She said she was just way to into it. I knew it would be a few hours before I could get hard again.

We sat and talked about everything including my job. I told her they were talking layoffs. She said if I got laid off she could take a part time job. I told her I hoped it didn't come to that.

We slept late and got up the next day and went to the park. It was a great day out. We got in and she cooked her famous spaghetti for me. It was great. We went to bed and the same as the night before. Blow job and no sex. The next day I had to go to work.

Jordan went to meet up with two of her friends she hadn't seen in a while. She wound up telling them about everything at school. She told me when I got home. They are both single and divorced. She said they thought we were separated. They did ask her to go out that night. She asked if I was ok and said she would make it up to me.

I went to bed around 10. I got up the next morning and Jordan hadn't come home. I was a little worried. I was going to call her but I noticed a text message on my phone. She sent it around 1 and said she was staying with her friend. So I went on to work..

I got home and Jordan was fixing some dinner. She said she was sorry about last night. I told her it was ok. She needed to see her friends. We started eating dinner and she said last night was fun going out with the girls. She said they are both pretty wild. They hit this club they use to go to. She said they both had guys meeting them there. She said they kinda had one for her to. I about chocked on the potatoes. She said she didn't know till she got there.

It turned out to be her old boyfriend Mike. He was a prick in college. I met him a few times and never liked him. She said they went back to the apartment and talked and then the guys left. I felt better about that. She said and I kinda have a date now for Saturday night. I was a little pissed but she said it was her friends fault. She set it up before the guys left. She said she couldn't just tell them that we were going to do something.

I was a little mad and went to bed that way. The next day we had lunch and made everything better. It was still blow jobs till Friday. We went out that night and ate. We then caught a movie and went back to the apartment.

When we got back Jordan went straight to the shower. She came back and was in her pjs. I tried to snuggle up to her and she said not tonight. She said she had just shaved and was tender. I wasn't happy but let it go. The next day we had lunch and she went to get ready for her date. It was the first time I had seen her get ready for another guy since we got married. I made a comment about it when she was putting her makeup on.

She said it is weird. A few times it was Mike too. I just then realized it. She said I guess I have done this before. So it is no big deal. I said I guess not. I tried to kiss her a few times while she was getting ready. She didn't have any of it. She said she didn't want to mess up her makeup. She dropped her robe and slipped on a thong and bra set that matched. She then grabbed a skirt and top. I asked her where they were going as she put her high heels on. She said she didn't know. Maybe dancing and to eat. I made a joke about taking some condoms and she laughed and said it was Mike.

She said she would call me on the way home since she was meeting him at his place. I waited up till two and went to sleep on the couch. I woke up about 5 and went to the bed room. Jordan was already in bed. I got up around 9 to do some work. She rolled out of bed around 10. I fixed us lunch and waited for her to bring up last night.

She didn't so when we went to bed I brought it up. She said they went to dinner at this really nice place. She said he was over some company and doing well for himself. She said they went to this club they use to go to in college. Then they went back to his place and she came home. She said he had a really nice place.

I then made a comment about that being all that happened. She said yes mostly. I asked what that meant. She said nothing. I could tell she was lying. She finally said that I didn't want to know and to just drop it. I told her I didn't like her having secrets. She said fine and then told me they had sex. Three times. Twice in his bedroom and once at her car. She could tell I wasn't happy and said I told you so, but you wanted me to continue. That led to a long discussion.

She wound up telling me he was one of the best lovers she had in college and she wanted to be with him when she saw him the other night. She said he is really big and she was one of the few girls he ever dated that could take him all. She said made mention that he only dates black girls now. He wanted to have a while girl again Jordan said. I told her it was nice that he was getting laid since I wasn't. She said he would get laid again before I did. That led to me going to the guest bedroom to sleep. The next day we barely talked. That night she left out and didn't come home to the next day.

I assumed she went out with some friends the way she was dressed. The next day was the same. She came in and said she was going to go stay with a friend since we weren't on good terms. I said fine. She said she would be back Sunday then. I gave her a look and she just turned and went to the bed room.

I was pissed the whole week at her. We both sent some nasty text back and forth. Then Saturday, I realized she was leaving the next day and sent her a text to call me. She did Sunday morning. By the time she got home we were both crying and had forgiven the other for what was said. She rushed to get packed. I tried to get something going but she said she didn't have time. I drove her to the air port. She said she would call me when she got in. She said she was sorry we didn't have sex while she was home. She said we could talk more about that when she got back to school. To be continued.

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