I remember the first time I met Kelly. She was out with her *********. She looked like she could have been there older sister. She had Joy when she was just 15 and Amber just a year and two days later. After that her mom put her on the pill. They are catholic, but her mom couldn't take anymore. I met Kelly five years ago. We dated for two years on and off. Then we got married. The girls are great and the last just left for college. They are both at the same school and don't get home as much as Kelly would like.

Things were going good till a year ago. I was in a bad car wreck that I barely survived. The steering column came up and crushed my mid section. I had some internal bleeding, three broke ribs, and some major nerve damage.

I was out of the hospital after two weeks. It took me six months to get back to work. While I was out, Kelly went to work at a strip club. No she wasn't striping. She could since she still looks great. Black hair, green eyes, 117lb, and just 5'6. She looks Italian since she is so tanned. She worked the evening shifts when the girls were home to help with me. She was the shots girl. She got the gig because she knew the owner. She worked there doing some stripping in college. She has a bachelors degree in Art. Lot of good that was.

So I went back to work after six months. I do consulting and have to travel each week. I usually leave out on Friday and get back Wednesday evening or Thursday Mornings. This was not a problem when the girls were home. I always loved the nights I got home. It was like a honeymoon all over again.

Now that the girls are gone things are not as good. That is just the tip of the problem. The accident made it to were I can't get hard. Not even morning wood. It wasn't a problem at first but got to be one real quick. We started using toys and me licking her a lot. She liked it but I knew it wasn't the same for her. It didn't help that I was a jerk taking the pain pills. This went on for a while till something finally happened..

Kelly had been down for a few weeks. Her friend Jennifer from the club came over while we grilled out. They were swimming in the pool and I was talking to Jennifer's newest boyfriend. Later they got out and went to the hot tub. We all got in were pretty *****. Kelly got out and asked Jennifer's boyfriend to help her carry the cooler in. Jennifer slid over and said she wanted to talk with me.

She said she wanted to meet me for lunch one day. I told her to just set it up with Kelly. She said no just the two of us. She said she wanted to find out more about consulting. I told her ok, but thought it was weird.

We met a few days later at a little cafe and she was in the back. We were the only ones since it was lunch and little late. She made small talk and then told me what she really wanted. She said she had talked with Kelly but she didn't know about this. She said all of this was her idea. I was getting a little curious. She said Kelly was depressed and I said I know. She said I have a solution. She wanted to take Kelly out. I told her I was fine with that. She said well I kinda want her to meet some folks. I said ok. She said guys. I must have had a weird look on my face. She said let me explain.

She said you are gone all the time with work. Kelly is home alone and missing you and the girls. I think it would be good if she went out and met some guys. She will not be hooking up with them just going out dancing with me always there.

She said don't answer me just think about it. I know it sounds odd to you, but I think it is just want she needs. She got up and left and said she would see me in a few weeks. She called me a week later. She said she wanted to get together for lunch. Same place and same time as before.

She made small talk and then asked me how I thought things were with Kelly. I said worse. I came home this week and she was crying in bed. She asked if I thought about what she had asked. I said yes and I was ok with it as long as nothing happened and she promised to be open with me. She said she would. She also said I needed to talk to Kelly and encourage her to go out. She said she was going to call and asked her to go clubbing tomorrow night. I told her I would.

I got home and Kelly was in bed still. She said she would order some pizza. I told her that we should go out. She said no she didn't feel like it. I told her ok and I cooked and made a nice dinner for us. I got her out of bed and she was surprised. She seemed a little happier.

We talked and I told her I was concerned about her. I told her that she had to get out of the house more. She said she was not interested. I told her to just call Jennifer and get her to go with her. She said no. She also said Jennifer had called and wanted her to go to a club but she was not up to it. I told her I thought she should. She just looked at me funny. I told her she use to love going out clubbing when we met. She said that was before we were married and she was looking for guys. I told her it was ok. I trusted her and Jennifer. She said she would think about it. I left the next morning and told her to call Jennifer and go. She said maybe. Jennifer called me and said Kelly was going to go. I told her to be careful and take care of her.

I called Kelly Monday and she seemed in a better mood. She said had talked to the girls. She said they had a good time at the club. She said it felt weird after all that time. She said she felt old. I told her she was probably one of the hottest girls there. She said what ever. She did mention that she was going to start back at the gym. I told her that would be good. She asked me if I thought she was getting fat. I told her no, I just thought it was good she was going to be getting out of the house some.

I got back Thursday morning and Kelly was already up and heading to the gym. She said Jennifer called and wanted me to yell at her. She mad a joke about not having anything to worry about. I assured her she was safe. I met Jennifer again at the restaurant. She wasted no time in telling me she was right. I said ya that did her some good.

She said they were going back again this week. She said they were going shopping Friday after I left. I told her I was ok with that, just not to spend all my money. I didn't ask about the clubbing, but I was a little curious.

Monday I talked with Kelly and she was still in a good mood. She told me she lost five pounds. I told her she didn't need to loose any. She said she was going for 110. Then she was just going to tone it all up. She said they had a good time at the club. They went Friday and Saturday. She said Jenn wanted to go Sunday, but she was to old for that. I told her she wasn't and she said she needed her beauty sleep..

I got home Wednesday and Kelly was at the gym. She came in and I could tell she had lost some weight. She grabbed me and pulled me to the bedroom and into the bathroom. We showered together and went straight to the bed. She was full of energy. I was tired and horny, but couldn't get it going. She was little upset, but got out her toys and we messed around for almost two hours.

We went out to dinner for the first time in a while. She wore one of the skirts that she bought. It was really short. She said Jenn picked it out. She also showed me two others. One was more her style and the other was even shorter than the first. She said that was just for us around the house. She was to old to wear it out. I told her she wasn't to old. She just rolled her eyes.

The next week I got back and Jenn wanted to have lunch. She said Kelly is really doing a lot better. She said they went out three nights this week. I said what are you all doing out three nights. She got a little red and said just dancing and having fun. She said Kelly is looking great. She said the gym is paying off. She said she is there 6 days a week and working out for almost 4 hours each day. Jennifer laughed and said that could have something to do with Jamal. I said who is Jamal. She laughed and said calm down Tiger. He is just her workout instructor. He use to work at a fat camp and now he can get anyone into shape in just a month. She said Kelly didn't have that far to go in the first place. She laughed and said she is starting to get a little six pack.

She said they were going out again this weekend after some more shopping. I said ya I saw the stuff you got her to buy. She admitted she pushed for the two skirts. She said but soon she will have to wear the small one out. Jenn said they made a bet that she would have to wear it out and meet Jamal at the club is she gets down to 110 lbs by the end of the month. I was looking odd at her. She said it was a bet after she met Jamal at the club. He told her it would be no problem if she would follow his program. She had and now she was just 3lbs away. I was a little put off by it all. Jenn said it was all innocent. She said it wasn't a date. Then she shocked me by saying that Henry would be her first choice to go out with.

I said who the hell is Henry. She just laughed. She said he was a friend of her boyfriend that goes out with them some. She said he has a crush on her. She said that Kelly thought he was cute but that was it.

Jenn said she wished sometimes Kelly wasn't married, because Henry would be a good match for her. He is just out of college and not looking to settle down just have fun. I was floored and she said I'm just kidding. You should see your face. She said we can talk about Henry later. I have to run.

The next week I called Jenn for lunch. The Henry thing had been on my mind. She got there and looked great. Usually she is just wearing some regular clothes. She said she is meeting Kelly later on. I got right to the point and she just giggled. She said I was just messing with you. She said she had a picture of them together on her phone though. I was little taken back. It was all four of them at the club. It looked like two couples. She said they get along great. She then said I don't want you to get pissed, but Henry asked her out. I was little mad. She calmed me down and said what is the big deal. I said for starters she is my wife Jennifer. She said wow. Calm down. She said did you get this pissed when Kelly dated other guys when we were dating. I said no.

She said so what is the difference now a piece of paper. I said ya and some vows. She said look. It is nothing to get mad over. Henry is just going through a ruff spot and wanted some company. Kelly said no anyway. She then said that she thought it wold be a good idea if Kelly went out with someone. She is just cooped up in the house when she is not out with her. She said besides I will be there. Nothing will be going on that isn't happening at the clubs.

I looked at her funny and she giggled again. She said I didn't mean it like that. I asked what exactly was going on. She said just dancing and hanging out. She said Henry has tried to kiss her a few times but she always backs away. Then Jenn said what would you do if she didn't back away. I was to stunned to answer. She said before you answer remember how happy Kelly has been. She said I think it would be good for her to kiss him and go out with him. She said Kelly loves you and would never do anything to hurt you or your relationship. She said Kelly likes the attention and it has helped her to get through a lot of the stuff she has had to deal with over the last year.

I told her I understood that but, and she cut me off. She said let me talk to Kelly and see if she is interested. If not, then I will drop it. So I agreed to drop it till then. It was all I could think about the whole week away.

I was getting ready for lunch as Kelly was leaving for the gym. I watched her dress and she was getting a six pack. I made mention how good she looked. She admitted she was down to 105 and was feeling sexy again for the first time in a long time. She said Kelly and her were going to go buy some new clothes. I told her to splurge because she deserved it.

I got to lunch and had to wait for Jenn to get there. She was running late because of a wreck on the interstate. We made small talk and she said they were going shopping later. I told her I had given Kelly the platinum card. She just laughed. She they may have to hit saks then. I laughed and said maybe she wasn't looking that good. She said Henry sure though so. I was stunned. She said don't worry. Nothing much has happened with him and her. He is still asking her to go out though. She said don't be mad, but I told her she should. I was obviously pissed. She said stop right there. She said I am the one who got her out of the house and finally living a normal life. So maybe I know what she is needing now. She said Kelly and her had a really long talk last night..

She said if I told Kelly any of this then she would never talk to me again. I told her I wanted to know what she was feeling since she hadn't really told me anything. She said there is a good reason for that. You are not open to hearing what she has to say. You almost blew up here when I told you some things. I agreed to that. She said Kelly is starting to feel sexy and liking the looks she is getting. She said she is really wanting to buy sexy clothes now. Not for the other guys but for me. I was smiling then.

She said that you are good with but the rest you wouldn't understand. She said Kelly missed going out and dating. She said that is why she has liked clubbing so much. She is hearing from the girls about going out and she misses it. Then she floored me. She said Kelly admitted if we weren't married she would go out with Henry. Jennifer said you should tell her it is ok. I was floored. She said just think about it. Ok! I agreed I would. She said they were meeting Jamal at the club this weekend so Kelly could pay her debt. I wasn't happy about that either.

I got home and Kelly had made a romantic dinner. We sat in the hot tub for two hours talking. She said she was loving her time out with Jennifer but didn't mention Henry. I told her she should keep going out. That I wanted her to be happy. She gave me a big kiss and then we went to bed. I woke up and Kelly was masturbating. It wasn't the first time since the wreck she had done that, but usually I was helping her. I stayed still till she finished and was asleep. I got up and couldn't go back to sleep. I kept thinking about everything that Jennifer said.

The next week I didn't get to come home so it was two weeks till I had lunch with Jennifer. She was really bubbly when she got there. She barely had sat down when she showed me the picture on her digital camera. It was Kelly at the club in the shortest mini I had ever seen. It was shorter than the one she bought at first. Jennifer said she made her get this one when they went shopping again. The bet was she had to wear what Jennifer picked out. That is why it was so short and she had on a top that did little to cover her. Jenn said it showed off her new six pack. She had one pick that you could see it. She also showed me one with Jamal with her. I should have known he was black from the name but didn't put it together till then. He was very big and muscular. He was at least 6'5 and probably 240 all muscle. She said he played semi pro football.

She then showed me some other shots of them at the club. One was Kelly kissing Henry on the cheek. I wasn't mad because I could tell she was laughing. Jennifer said they were going to his birthday party this weekend. She said she told Kelly that she should give him a date card good for three dates.

That led to us talking about things for thirty minutes. I had to admit she was the happiest I had ever seen her. Jennifer said she would make sure that Henry knew nothing could happen on the dates. I couldn't believe it but I agreed. She then told me I had to let Kelly know it was ok. She came up with a plan and I did it. When I got home we went out to eat. I brought it up during dinner how happy she had been. I told her that she was as happy as when she was dating in college. She got a weird look and realized I was joking. I then told her that I liked her going to the clubs with Jennifer. I told her I trusted Jennifer. She said I might not if I knew what she wanted me to do. I asked her what. She tried to avoid the question, but I kept on. Over desert she told me she wanted her to go out with a guy. She said no one in particular. I told her I would be ok with it as long as Jennifer was around and that it didn't hurt our relationship. She looked at me strange.

I said I love and trust you.. I said it is no different than going to the clubs and meeting guys. I told her I figured she had kissed guys there. She nearly shot champagne out of her nose. I laughed and so did she. I said it is ok as long as you are safe and our relationship is solid. If that changes then we will just stop it. She said are you serious. I said ya. I trusted her and Jennifer. She didn't say anything else.

I thought about it the whole trip. Kelly never said anything when I called about it.

I got back Wednesday night early so I went straight to Jennifer's house. She was painting and stopped to chat. She said she gave Henry the card behind Kelly's back. Kelly agreed to do it though. They are set to go out this weekend. She said Kelly may want to talk to me about it while I am here. She promised to make sure nothing bad happened. She said the first one would be a double date. I told her I was still not sold on this whole idea.

She then showed me some pictures from the party. It was clear that Kelly and Henry both liked each other. Jennifer joked that she had a glow around him. I just gave her a dirty look..

All I could think about the next week was them out. I wanted to call Jennifer but didn't. She actually came and got me from the airport. Kelly was running late at the doctor's office. We had to have physicals for our insurance. Jennifer finally got around to telling me about the date. They went to the movies and then to dinner. Henry treated all of them. He is apparently well off. He has a company he inherited.

They went back to his place. He has a huge house in the nicest part of Atlanta. It over looks all of downtown. She said they were all tipsy so they put in a movie and fell asleep watching it. She did say that she saw them kiss once. She wasn't very open about things. She said they are going out this weekend but didn't elaborate.

I got home and Kelly had dinner fixed. It was great and we had some time together in the bed room. Nothing out of the ordinary. I noticed her wedding ring was in the tray on the table. She said she took it off so she wouldn't get any lube on it from the toys. She had never done that. But, I let it go.

Before we went to sleep we talked. I asked about her week. She just said it was fine. She got a little quite later and asked me about what I said a week ago about her going out. I told her I was serious and that I trusted her. She said she loved me and gave me a big kiss..

That was all I could think about during my work trip that week. I was glad no one could read my mind.

I got home and did somethings at the office. Jennifer called me to do lunch. At lunch she said we were seeing a lot of each other lately. We joked for a little bit and then she said Kelly had a good week while I was gone. She went on date number two. She went alone with him this time. Jenn said she was more comfortable with him now. She said that is a good thing though. She said before the date Kelly said she was ready for it to be over. But, the day after she was singing a different song. I got worried and said maybe this was going to far. Jenn laughed and said nothing happened goofy. She just liked his company.

They went to a really nice place that is hard to get into. We have tried forever to get in. He apparently knows the chef. They then went to this resort where they got messages outside over looking the city. Jenn said he is spoiling her that is why she changed her tune. I was a little better with that. She then shocked me and said he got a good look at her nude though. I was floored. She laughed again and said her towel got caught and came off. It was only for a second and she said he looked away. Kelly did like that about him though.

He took her back to his place and they sat out on the deck and drank a bottle of wine. She said oh I almost forgot to tell you she slept over. I got this look and she giggled. She said sorry. I just had to do that. Kelly stayed in one of the guest rooms. He wouldn't let her drive *****. She said Kelly actually felt a little guilty the next day. She said the stay over and the ring thing. I said ring thing? She said ya. Oh I thought you knew that when we go out she doesn't wear her wedding ring. I said something about the other night and she said ya she knew. Kelly thought I would get mad. I was a little but trusted her.

Jenn then said that Kelly might have been a little bad. She said she changed in front of him. He gave her a shirt to sleep in and she changed there. He didn't see much. She changed under it.

She asked me if I was mad. I said no I trusted her.. She said what is the big deal anyway. No matter what she does she still loves you. Right? I said ya but it does matter. She said I was way to old fashion. I told her what ever.

I got home and Kelly made dinner. She was exhausted. They changed up her workout routine and she was sore all over.. She stayed in bed most of the next day and finally felt better that night.. I told her she needed to take it easy. She said this was the first day she hadn't worked out in a while. She was now up to 5 hours some days. I told her I could tell. She said next weekend she would really show me. I also noticed the ring was on her finger this time.

I left for the week and it turned into two. Major problems at one company. Kelly wasn't happy, but understood. When I did get home. Jennifer took me to new restaurant. It was packed. I was little pissed. I said it will be hard to talk in here. She said no it is better. No one can hear us it is so loud. We got a table in a corner so it was ok.

Jennifer said Henry made the most out of his last date. He flew them to New York. They got some Nathan Hot dogs and ate them on top of the Empire state building. Kelly was blown away. He took her to the cafe where harry met sally was filmed. That is one of her favorite movies. She actually used it to ask her out again. I was shocked. Jenn said she said yes but is having second thoughts. She said she has almost got her convinced to do it again. She said I needed to be reassuring. I was so stunned I couldn't talk. She said you know it is the best thing for her and you trust her and me right. I said yes.

She then told me they stayed in a suite overlooking central park. They went to the park the next morning before they left. She had a few pictures they took while there. One was them kissing at the cafe. I also noticed that the ring was missing from the picture.

I felt a little sick to my stomach but talking to Jenn actually helped. She said that Kelly actually had some feelings for Henry. Nothing big just boyfriend girlfriend stuff. She said she would let me know what happens but I should really be assuring to Kelly.

I got home and Kelly and I went out. We had a good dinner and some really hot play when we got home. She wanted me to wear the strap-on that she had gotten a long time ago. We had tried this before but she said it wasn't the same. When we were laying there she mentioned dating again. I just stopped her and told her that what ever she felt comfortable with was ok. I told her things were great with us and as long as it didn't cause problems it was ok. I told her that Jenn was a good friend and to just listen to her advice. She gave me a look and I said Jenn knows best. She just giggled and told me what ever. I told her I was serious and that no matter what I would lover her. She just looked at me odd and I said I swear. She kissed me really deep and then we went to sleep.

The next week went by fast and I wound up having to stay over again. Probably because my mind was all over the place. Then the two weeks turned into three. Kelly was ok with it. Usually she is a little irritated but she just went with it this time.

I got back on a Tuesday and Jenn picked me up. It was late and she lives close to the airport. She said we were going to make a detour. She took me by Henry's house and it was pretty nice. It was a cool location. She said Kelly was out with him tonight. She didn't know I was coming home tonight. I told her I left a message at the house. She told me to call and delete it Kelly didn't know I came in. She said it would upset her. So I did. She said I would just stay at her house.

Jenn went and put on a tshirt. I could tell she only had on panties on under it Once I got a glimpse of her bent over. She is 5'4 just over 100 lbs. She is blond and really hot. She is a former dancer and looked like she could still dance. She made a killing and saved a lot of it.

We sat and talked for a while. She said things were really moving along with Henry and Kelly. I was getting a little buzzed on the crown we were drinking. I think that is why she got it out. She said my little talk with her helped sooth things out. She said she told Kelly we had talked some. I told her I told Kelly to trust you. I knew you would keep her safe. She asked me how she looked when I told her that. I told her a little shocked.

She said Kelly didn't realize that you and I had a different conversation than she and I had. I asked her how so. She said I kinda told her to let Henry work out her frustrations. I was buzzed and confused. She said are you buzzing. I said ya. She said good. I looked a little confused I am sure. She said they had sex. I was floored. She said you kinda told her to. She said it almost happened in New York. She thought I must have known and was giving her the go ahead after our conversation.

Jenn said that it happened the night after I left the first time. She went to his house for dinner and then led him up the stairs to his room. She said they were all over each other. I wanted to throw up.

She said Jen was a lot more comfortable now that she has been going to the gym so much. She then floored me saying it was the best sex she ever had. I was really sick then. I just laid my head back and said it was because I was buzzing. She then went on to tell me they had been going at it like rabbits since. Jenn said she had a lot of frustration since my little guy hadn't been working.

She asked if I was ok and I said of course. Then the alcohol kicked in and I shot off with I want to know everything. So she proceeded to tell me. She said Henry loves to pull out at the last second and cum on her chest. I knew the next part since she was catholic. No condoms. Henry is catholic to so that was definitely out of the question Jenn said. Jenn said she was probably over there right now fucking his brains out. I would have thrown up if not for the alcohol. Jenn just kept going since I didn't say anything. She said Henry is going to take her the Bahamas in a week or so. She said Kelly may make mention of it. She said I should say something first then went over what to say. We talked for a long time then went to bed. I got up and called Kelly's cell. She said she was out but on her way home. She said I should just call Jenn and get her to bring me. I told her I was ok with that. She said to tell Jenn to stay she wanted to talk to her.

I got there and Kelly was in the shower. I opened the door and it scared her. She said to not come in. She had been to work out and was really stinky. I said ok and went down stairs. She came down and we talked about the girls and my job. I told her she should reward herself. I told her a vacation was in order. I even mentioned going to the islands to work on her tan. She just looked at me odd. I told her to have a good time and take Jenn or a friend and have a good time. My treat. She said ok and just looked at me weird. She said how bout me leaving this weekend.. I said go for it and just put it on the card. She said she had some points saved up and may not have to pay for anything. I knew what she really meant.

I left the next day and she was packing. I told her that she should have a good time and let loose. Jenn told me to say that. That next week, I felt horrible. Jenn called and said to stay an extra week she would explain. So the next night I called her and told her I had to stay. She said no problem. She might stay an extra day or two.

When I got in Jenn told me Henry asked her to stay a little longer and she wasn't going to with me coming home. She said the first part of the week was a dud since she got her period. They made up for it after that. Jenn said they were really into each other now. She said but Kelly is the happiest she has been in a long time.

Kelly had dinner cooked and we ate and went to the hot tube. She sat on the opposite side. Usually she is right by me. She said she just wanted to relax. We talked about the girls and work. I told her I had some time off soon. She said we should save it till the girls are off for Christmas.

The next week went good and I came home and went to the office. We had a big celebration. Kelly went with me. She was a little flirty. I didn't say anything. We went out to eat.

I noticed her ring was off but didn't say anything. When we got back to the house I looked for the ring on her makeup table. It wasn't there. I found it in her jewelry box. I mentioned it that night. She said it was to big now that she lost that weight. She said she was going to take it to the store and get it re-sized.

I tried to get her to get her toys out and she said not tonight. That is the first time she has ever done that. I mentioned it to Jenn and she said she was probably just tired.

The next week I got back and Jenn took me to lunch. She said things were going really good with Henry. She said she walked in on them when they stayed over the other night. She said Henry was giving it to her really hard that morning. She said Kelly is really lucky.

She also told me that Henry had to go away on business for a month or more. He asked Kelly to go with him. I was a little shocked. She said she told her she should go but she said no. She then said that he is leaving Monday and Kelly will probably stay the weekend to see him off. I just sat there as she talked. She said she had a few ideas for Kelly while Henry was gone.

Kelly got me the next week and I could tell she was in the dumps. She just went to bed when I got in. I did some work and went to bed with her. She didn't want to talk or do anything. I went to lunch with Jenn and she said she saw the same thing. She said she was going to solve that this weekend but wouldn't tell me how. I just told her I wanted Kelly to be happy again. She asked me if I was sure and I said yes.

The next week I got in and Kelly was happy again. I couldn't wait to see what Jenn had done. Jenn and I went to lunch. She said she set Kelly up on a blind date and it worked out great. I said as long as she was ok and safe. Jenn giggled and showed me a picture of Kelly in Jamal's lap. Oh she was safe. He was her body guard all week. I was shocked. Kelly had gone blk in college, but I didn't think it would happen again obviously.

Jenn said Kelly told her everything. She said Jamal is really hung. Almost 9 inches. He is the biggest she has ever had. She said Jamal really liked white women and girls who worked out. That is part of the reason she works out so much Jenn said. Jenn said she was almost down to 100lb and solid muscle. She was getting really hot. She has almost no fat at all now.

She said he also liked her being catholic if you know what I mean. That worried me some but I know Kelly is careful.

Well I left again and was out three weeks. I called Jenn to come get me. I wanted to have time to talk before I got in. She said good thing because Jamal was at our house. I was pissed. That is my house. Jenn was quick to point out that it was mine and Kelly's house. She said Jamal was staying there till they got his apartment finished. He had some repairs that were taking longer than usual. Jen told me to call Kelly and tell her I had to stay another week. I was pissed but she said it would be easier than getting her to get Jamal out. I did it against my better thoughts.

Jenn said she went over to see them the other day and they were like they were married. She said Kelly is getting in way to good of shape to. She said she thinks she is getting some muscles all over now. We went to eat that night and Jenn made it to where we could see them out. They were eating outside with Jamal's two sisters. Jenn said he wanted them to meet her. They were both in good shape also. It was weird seeing her out. She was happy no doubt though.

The next morning I left and couldn't get anything done. Took two weeks and I called Jenn. She said Jamal went home last week, but Kelly stayed with him there. She said she was going to come home when you did. By the time I got home Kelly was there doing the laundry. She was wearing a tshirt I had never seen. I guessed it was from one of the other guys.

She gave me a big kiss and I noticed a big mark on her neck. She had her hair down over it but it was noticeable. I also noticed the ring not being there. That night we talked and she told me about the girls and that she had been cleaning house today. She had washed the sheets. She said she was really happy when I asked her. She said she did have a lot on her mind, but nothing to really talk about. I told her what ever it was she shouldn't worry. She gave me a kiss and said thanks for everything. I knew what she meant and said she was welcome. I tried to get something going and she said not tonight.

The next day I left out. It was a two week trip. I got home and Kelly picked me up. She was really weird around me. She was short and pissy. I figured she was having her period and laid off. Jenn said she would ask when I left. She said it may be because Henry was not coming home for another month now. She said they had gotten pretty close. She said she was also getting close with Jamal. She said they are always together. Either at the the house or gym.

Kelly told me the girls were coming in a couple of weeks. I told her I would try to get off. She said she really wanted me to. I said I would.

I had a two week stay that turned into four weeks. Kelly was pissed. I mean really flip her lid pissed. She said I never wanted anything to do with her and some other stuff.. I got off the phone and called Jenn. She said to forget about it, Kelly was just in a bad place right now and it would be better when I got home. I got home the day after the girls left. They understood but there mom didn't..

She laid into me the first day back. I talked with Jenn and she said to just comfort her and tell her not matter what is going on I would always be there for her. I said of course I would. She said that I had to mean it and make sure she knew that.

I got the house all ready for when she got in from the spa treatment I set up for her. I had rose petals all over the bed and a trail of them from the kitchen. I had her favorite foods delivered. Everything was perfect. When she got in she was shocked and started crying. I told her to stop. I told her I loved her and no matter what was going on or had happened it would never change that. She started crying harder then blurted out she was pregnant.

I was so shocked. I did the only thing I could think of and that was to hold her. I got her to calm down and told her I still loved her no matter what. Then she broke down again and said the baby was going to be black. I calmed her down and said I would still love her. She wasn't expecting that. I was still shocked and she could tell. She said she was sorry and that it just happened. She said that is why she had been so moody. She said the girls knew. She said she had told them everything, but didn't tell them I knew. I was glad for that. She said they are both happy for her, but worried about us. I told her we would get through this and to tell them the same.

She went to get a shower and I sat there shocked. I called Jenn and she was crying too. She said she was sorry. I just sat there. She said some other stuff, but I don't remember it. I went to the room and Kelly was crying in the bed. I wrapped my arms around her and told her we would get through this. She just kept saying sorry over and over again. I was suppose to leave out the next day. I called work and said I had to take the week off for ****** reasons. They understood.

The week was rough to say the least. Kelly cried for the first part. Then she got a little better. We spent a lot of time together. The day before I left I had lunch with Jenn and she said to leave it to her and she would fix things.

The week away was a blur. I got back in and called Kelly. She stumbled around and told me Jennifer was going to get me. I said ok, but knew something was wrong. Jennifer got me and I tried to get something out of her. She said wait till we get to my place. I got two stiff drinks in me before she started talking.

Jennifer said that she and Kelly talked a lot while I was gone and have decided a few things. I thought it would be best for me to go over this with you. I kinda agreed. She asked me first if I wanted to stay married to Kelly. I said yes of course. She asked if I was sure. I said of course again. She said then a few things are going to change. I asked like what.

She said first. Kelly wants to have an active sex life. She knows you can't help it, but she wants one. I said at this point I am ok with that.

Second was that Kelly was going to have the baby and Jamal was wanting to play a role in the babies life. I was floored. She said Kelly wants that for the baby. She said she also wants you to be its *** to. That oddly made me feel a little better.

Third Kelly was going to be honest with her girls, friends and sisters about what happened. No one else would know the truth but them. I was a little upset, but Jenn said they would know even if I left Kelly. She said and others would to. Both sets of our parents are passed away and I have no brothers or sisters.

Fourth was that Kelly wanted our relationship to change. I said hasn't it already. She said yes and I think this part is for the best. She said Kelly wanted us to refrain from messing around. She said Kelly believes it gets me to wound up with no way to get off. I knew it was true but didn't like it. She said this was a must. She said it would help Kelly and me become closer as best friends without the physical part.

Jennifer got on the couch with me and gave me a big hug. She said I was the best friend a girl could have.

I got home and Kelly was on the couch. I could tell she had been crying. She gave me a huge hug and said she was worried I wouldn't come home. I told her of course I was coming home. I loved her. She said I know but didn't know how I would react to what Jennifer was going to tell me. I told her what Jenn told me to say. I was ok with it and wanted her to be happy. She looked a little stunned. I found out later it was because Jenn had made the rules not Kelly. Kelly did want them but would never have done it if not for her.

Things changed that night as Kelly went to get a shower she locked the door. No more showers together now that I was her husband/best friend. She also wore some pjs to bed that covered everything. I tried to kiss her but she just kissed my cheek.

I left the next day. I wound up being gone for two weeks. Jenn picked me up and we went to lunch. She said Kelly was doing great. She said Jamal asked her to move in. I was floored. She said she stayed there all week and now has a drawer. She is not living with him, but is going to stay with him when I am way. She said they are really cute together.

Jenn said Kelly told all her friends after she went to the doctor. She is two months pregnant. All of the know the situation now. I was nervous about that, but didn't say anything. She said a few have already met him. My heart sank. She said next week they all would. They were doing a barbecue at our house. Kind of a pool party she said. Jenn also said that Henry was out of the picture for good once he found out she was pregnant.

I got home and Kelly was in bed. She said she was worn out from the week and the baby. Last time she was pregnant she stayed in bed most of the time. She was exhausted.. She showed me the ultra sound pictures. Hard to tell anything really. It was weird but I was a little excited. Probably because Kelly was so excited.. She is 34 and pregnant. She has a few girlfriends that are and they all got together last week. She said that has helped a lot. One of the is pregnant by a black guy also. She really helped Kelly a lot since she is further along, almost 8 months.

Kelly and I talked a lot while I was home. More than we have ever talked. Then I left out again.

I wound up being gone three weeks. Jennifer was glad to come get me. She said the barbecue went great. The girls came in for it and they had almost 40 people there. They all met Jamal. I was sick to my stomach. She said everyone liked him. She said Kelly got all her friends that are pregnant and they are all meeting once a month now. They had there first meeting last week. She said there are some ready to pop and some newly pregnant.

She said two of her friends were also now seeing Jamal for Training. One was Jenn's best friend from high school, Mary Catherine. She is married to a guy I use to work with. I always thought he was a prick. Jenn said Kelly was trying to get her to go out on a double date with her, Jamal and one of his black friends. She said no, but Jenn said she thinks she will in a matter of time.

Kelly had cooked dinner and was in bed by the time I got home. I ate and went in with her. She said she was glad to see me and I laid with her for a little bit. We both fell asleep in no time.

The next day we talked about the girls and work. Things were going good and the baby was still doing well. Kelly said she was going to have a garage sale for the clothes she couldn't wear now. She was down to a one and a small in everything. She kept some of the clothes she thought she could wear when she got bigger. She had already said she was going to get rid of the baby fat quickly.

I left out the next day and was gone for a week. I didn't see Jennifer. Kelly made almost two thousand dollars off the yard sale. She had already spent almost all of it on new clothes and a few baby things. She was now at three months.

She got really pissed when I told her I had to go out of town for a month. She was emotional and pretty hot. I left the next day and she was still not talking to me.

She cooled off some by week two. When I got home Jennifer came and got me. She showed me a picture on her phone. It was Kelly and you could see the baby bulge pretty good now. I hadn't seen it because Kelly was wearing the wearing a lot of loose fitting clothes.

Jennifer said Kelly was still pretty pissed. I was off for a few days and pampered Kelly. We went to eat at her favorite restaurant. I got her some flowers and some lotions from a place she likes. I also rented her favorite movie and we watched it. We cuddled a little but she stopped me when I tried to take it further. She said that we weren't going to do that remember.

I left back out for two weeks. When I came back Kelly was a little down in the dumps. Some of her clothes weren't fitting now. She looked really sexy pregnant. I make sure she knew that. She gave me a big what ever.. I kissed her and she made sure it was a short one. I knew that was something I needed to talk to Jennifer about that.

I left out the next day and was back in two weeks. Kelly was starting to really show. A few people asked her about the baby at the air port. She was about five and a half months pregnant now.

Before I left we went to the doctor for her checkup. The doctor gave me a funny look the whole time. It was odd being there, but wanted her to know I loved her. Jennifer told me she had went with Jamal a few weeks ago. That is why I probably felt looks.

I talked to Jenn as she took me to the airport. She said more physical contact with Kelly might change after the baby, but not right now.

Jenn said we could talk more when I got back. I was gone for two weeks. The trips away were seeming to help me. I know that sounds strange, but on the road I didn't have to think about everything so much.

Jenn picked me up and said Kelly was gone. I asked how so and she said she went to meet Jamal's ******. They had been asking to meet her since he told them about her. They know she is married, but thinks we are separated. Jamal told them that they were not getting married. They still wanted to meet her.

So I had two days alone. Jenn came over and stayed the night after getting toasty. I actually got to see her nude. She picked at me saying it was the first time I had seen a girl nude in a while. It had been. She put on a shirt that hid little. I think she did it to tease me. We are to close to ever do anything.

She said Kelly was really getting close to Jamal. She had moved a bunch of her clothes to his house. They are also going to set up a nursery there. I wasn't happy about that but not much I could say now. That was how a lot of the things are now.

I left out on a month long trip. When I got back. Kelly was looking very pregnant. They were having a baby shower for her. I got home in the middle of it. I couldn't take the look from all her friends. I left out and went to see a movie. Jamal apparently showed up after I left. He apparently gets along well with the other girls. Kelly's ********* like him to. Jennifer said that both of the girls are now dating some black guys too. Amber, her youngest, brought her friend with her.

The next day we went out as a ******. It was fun to have the girls home. All the time I could tell they felt weird about the situation. It was also odd seeing Amber with her new boyfriend. He was nice, but just had an attitude about him. I also was sure I heard them going at it in her room. It wouldn't be the first time I have caught either one of them. They both had guys stay over when they were younger. There mom started it when they both turned thirteen. It was weird for me, but Kelly's mom did it for her. Both Kelly and I have walked in on them going at it.

The girls stayed for a week and then went back to school. By month eight of the pregnancy Kelly was getting irritable. She hated being this big. She said she was going to hit the gym hard after the baby. She also got made when I told her I would be out of town for two weeks this time. Needless to say it got worse when she went into labor the day before I was to get back. I got the call and jumped on the first plane home.

I got home about 5 hours after Sarah was born.. I got to the hospital and Kelly was holding her. Everything hit me at once. There was no doubt Sarah was mixed. She looked so cute with Kelly holding her. The nurse in the room looked shocked when Kelly told her I was her husband. Jamal had just left apparently.

Needless to say a new chapter in our lives was just beginning.

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