MY WIFE KELLY Pt4 By Kelly was getting in a routine over the next week. I was helping as much as I could. Two under one year is tough.

I also went back to the doctor. I was healing fine, but was not having much luck with controlling my bladder. She said the muscles would have to heal before I could get that down again. She said to keep practicing. She also said that as the prostate shrinks from swelling, I would loose some more size to my penis. I was worried because I could barely stand and pee now as it was. Dr. Hannah said it would be easier to just sit and pee for now anyway.

Dr. Tina said the blood results were good, but I may have to have a gland removed it didn't finally clear up. She said it was fifty fifty at that point. She also asked me how I was handling the body changes. Kelly laughed and said I couldn't keep my hands off my chest. I told her it was because they are tender. She gave me some cream. They also measured my chest. I was a 34bb. She said I could expect to get bigger till they worked this out. They also gave me a high dose of estrogen. It was suppose to counter act the effects on my liver. The bad part was I would develop more else where.

My hips were definitely bigger too. I was now in sweet pants all the time. Jennifer said you could tell my chest was there now too. I hated hearing that.

Two weeks later we did it all over again. This Time Dr. Tina said part of the gland that produced Testosterone had to come out. There were going to hit two different glands that produce it. They also wanted to experiment with an estrogen pump. This would help to clear the last testosterone out. They also told me that I would have to start taking it once this was done since my body wouldn't produce it by its self.

After the surgery and implant, I went home. The implant was near my grown and was irritating. Every time I would pick the girls up it would hurt. I was also downing the milk like crazy.

Two weeks later we went back to the doctor. It was the day before Kelly's birthday. My testosterone levels were low, but still there. I got another shot of estrogen and some other pills. I was a pill taking fool now. After we left we went to eat at a nice restaurant. Jessica had the kids. We went home and slept together for the first time since all of the surgeries. I was now able to hold liquids.

The next day we had cake for Kelly. Jessica came over. After that Jessica and Kelly went out and I kept the girls. It turned out to be a double date. Kelly was finally able to have sex again and was wanting it. She got home late the next night. She said they had a good time. Jessica told me they screwed all night. She said the sheets were drenched. She laughed and said she might have to get a new bed.

Kelly was grumpy a lot lately and didn't want to talk about it.

A month later I went in for my next checkup. They did blood test and took a sample from my prostate. They said I had about a third of it left, but the estrogen in high doses had shrank it. She said about a 1/25th the size it should be. She also told me that I would have to sit for the rest of my life to pee. Sadly that was one of the worst parts for me.

They also did some checks and my hips were definitely getting larger still. I couldn't wear any of my pants. I had to go up four sizes because of my hips. My chest was the same story. Dr. Hannah said we needed to talk and she said the breast were up to a small c. I was shocked and so was Kelly. She hadn't seen them in a while and was a little shocked.

Dr. Tina saw us for the blood results. She said they were going to send the samples to a lab to find out what was going on. They were showing some traces of testosterone still. The good news was my liver was recovering. I found out that was due to the estrogen. So to have a healthy liver I had to take the boob medicine as Kelly was now calling it. Dr. Tina said I could expect more of that over the next few months.

Two weeks went by and Kelly's mood was worse. I had went back to the guest room just so we weren't fighting. Jennifer talked to her and then me. We went to lunch. She told me that Jamal was over there with Kelly and things would be a little better tonight. She said Kelly wanted to see him more and me being home was hurting that.. Jennifer said that I should set up an office in her house, since I couldn't go to work looking like I did. I told her I was ok with that. So I started staying Monday Through Thursday with Jennifer. Then some times on Saturday and Sunday. This gave Kelly the time she needed.

I was suppose to go back to Dr. Tina after a month. But she called us in a week early. She said they had my test results. She said they had some good news and bad news. The good was my liver was almost at 100%. The bad new was in the lab results. They found out that the milk I had been chugging was what had caused the testosterone to show up. My body hadn't made any testosterone since the surgery. The chemicals they give cattle was messing up the results. The bad news was that I was now in the puberty phase.

I asked because I thought that was what they were wanting. She said you are going through a female puberty. That is why you have the new features. She said I was almost completely through with it. I would probably experience some changes over the next few months to a year and then my body should settle down. I was floored and Kelly was too.

Dr. Tina said that the milk consumption would slow down and I would stop craving the really fattening foods. She said that the estrogen pump had to stay in place or the damage would start again in my liver. They did the measurements and I was now a large C. Kelly was shocked when she saw them. She made a joke about wishing hers looked that good. I started to cry. Something I had done a lot of since the surgery. They all comforted me.

The next week Joy and Amber came home for two weeks.

The girls loved my new look. They played with my chest. They also were the first to notice when I lost all the hair on my body. Within three days it was all gone but my head. The new hair was soft. The hair on my head was thicker too. The Doctors said it was normal.

The girls also thought it was good that I was going to Jennifer's house to work. They had there boyfriends down the next week. Jamal was there some too. I was in the guest room now for good pretty much.

The day before the girls left, I was complaining about my back hurting. The girls laughed and said they knew what it was. Joy ran to her room and told me to close my eyes. I did and Amber took my shirt off and rubbed my back. Then she came back and I felt her slip something on my arms. I opened my eyes to see my chest covered in a bra. I was shocked. The girls giggled. The bad thing was it helped my back..

Amber was shocked. She said I was almost a double C now. Just then Kelly walked in. She had a shocked look on her face. The girls explained it and they all had a good laugh. I was still embarrassed and was now crying.. They all comforted me. Kelly told me to take that off. She had something that would be better. She went and got a sports bra. It did look a little better, but it was still a bra.

The next day the girls left. They went shopping on the way to the airport. Kelly gave me a bag of sports bras. I had enough to get me through the week. They helped so I wore them. Jennifer also got a kick out of me wearing them. That led to some very uncomfortable steps. To be continued....

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