
On the way home things started to hit me. I couldn't believe what Dr. Hannah had just told me. My levels of Testosterone were dangerously high. So much so that it had damage part of my liver and destroyed part of my prostate. They wanted to check me in to the hospital, but I had to be in Dallas the next evening. Dr. Hannah told me there were two paths we could take. One would stop the damage immediately. The other would take some time and could leave my liver scared for life. Neither would reverse the damage to my prostate. I was told that will only get worse the longer we wait. The slowest path was to take a cocktail of drugs. No matter what I was going to have to do that. The fast way was the one that scared me. They would remove my testicles and part of my prostate. Then I would be given a months worth of drugs to stabilize my body. I would have to miss work during both treatments. I knew which one I had to do. Kelly was just the one to say it. So here we were on the way home knowing that in two weeks I was going to be castrated and have to take a month off. Dr. Hannah told Kelly it would be rough the first month. So when we got home Kelly called the girls and they were going to come up for two weeks to help out. Jennifer was going to take the next two to three weeks and help us. Kelly knew at seven months that she would be limited.

I got back from my two weeks away and things started in motion. The day before we went in for some blood work. They explained everything in more detail. I would first have my testicles removed under a local antiseptic. Kelly would be in there with me. I was glad for that. Then they would put me under for the prostate surgery. This was going to be a longer process. Then I would be allowed to go home the next day where I had to stay in bed for two weeks or more depending on how extensive the surgery was. Dr. Hannah then brought in Dr. Tina to tell us about the drug cocktails. She said I would have to take them for a month or two depending on the results. She said they would destroy all the testosterone in my body. Then my system would restart. She said they have had good success with this treatment. She said my body would then go into a small puberty phase. This would then set the hormone levels to the correct amounts. That night Kelly shaved me all over down there. I had no hair from my knees to my chest. I asked her how far she thought they were going to have to go. She laughed and said that was what the instructions said to do. The next morning we went to the hospital. Dr Hannah was going to be doing both items. We went in and they put my legs up.I looked like I was going to give birth. Kelly joked that it would only be a few months till she would be in that position. I was a little out of it and told her I couldn't wait. The nurses were all asking about the baby. One asked Kelly about it being her last. She said she didn't know. Then she showed the nurse a picture of Sarah. I guess she got it from there. It was also the first time I thought about there being more kids. I knew I had always wanted a big ****** but not like this. At least that wasn't how I pictured it. Dr. Hannah then came in and started the procedure. She explained everything that was happening. Kelly was really interested after reading all the books she had given us.

First was the right incision. Then they popped the first one out of the sack. She showed Kelly how it was extremely small. She made a few cuts and stopped all the bleeding. She then gave Kelly some scissors and told her she could make the final cut. She was more into it than I would have wanted her to be. Kelly reached over and I could hear the cut and the ball hitting the container below. Dr. Hannah told her she did well. Kelly then got a better view for the other side. First the incision to open the other side of the sack. Then she cut away the other tissues and sealed it to stop the bleeding. My last testicle was then out and Kelly made a comment about it being small also. She said it was the size it was suppose to be, but still a little small. Kelly then made a comment about Jamal having big testicles. I was part of the way out of it, but still caught it. The nurses giggled since they had seen the pictures. Kelly then showed Dr. Kelly a picture of him with Sarah. She said he is very good looking and asked her about this baby. She said it was his too. She said she figured it was. She told Kelly that she could probably have ten years or more of fertility left. Kelly said she didn't know how many children she wanted. She just loved being a new mom again. Dr. Hannah then gave Kelly the scissors again and said this would be it for me. Kelly made the cut and I heard it hit again. Dr. Hannah asked me about fake testicles. I was too out of it to answer. Kelly said to leave them out. The Doctor said it would be best as they might need some of the skin for the next surgery. Before they wheeled me out she showed me the testicle and explained the damage to them.

The next thing I remember is waking up at home. Kelly said everything went well and asked me what I remembered. I said nothing. As she began to explain everything I went in and out. They had to take a larger portion of the prostate than they had thought they would have. She said they also started the drugs. She said we would have to go back in two weeks. The girls, Joy and Amber, got there that night. They took good care of me the first week. The second week was hit or miss. There new boyfriends came down. Now both of them were seeing black guys. It felt weird meeting them in my condition. I was embarrassed. Kelly told me I shouldn't be. It was just life and didn't really matter. She said she had told her girlfriends and they weren't weirded out by it. I wasn't happy about that, but the pain killers took care of that. The worst part was that I was in the guest room between the girls and their boyfriends. Each night it sounded like they were trying to out do each other. I could have sworn I heard some noises come from our room just below me, but I didn't mention it. They left on Friday and I went to the doctor for my checkup and to have the staples removed. My feet were back up in the air and Kelly just giggled that now I knew what it felt like to be spread out for the world to see. Dr. Hannah said things looked good and asked about the medicine. I told her in the last week I was eating a lot of chocolate and drinking almost a gallon of milk a day. She said cravings are normal and it was ok. She took all the staples and I didn't have much bleeding.

We got home and Jennifer came over to help. She wound up helping Kelly a lot to. She was almost eight months pregnant now. Jennifer helped to clean me up down there when needed. I mentioned to her and Kelly that she was the only one to see me like that. She said man those drugs really are doing a number on you. She said a few of her friends had seen me while Kelly patched me up. I wasn't happy about that, but was still feeling the pain pills. After two more weeks I was sitting up and gingerly walking around. I still had the catheter in. We went back to see Dr. Tina and Hannah. They did the blood test and looked things over. It was the first time I got to see everything. I was still black and blue. I mad meantion that my penis looked smaller. She said that is normal after the surgery. She said I may gain some size after the treatments. We waited for the blood results in the cafeteria. We went back up and Dr. Tina said somethings were off. She said my Testosterone levels weren't going down as quickly as they should. She gave me a shot and said that would stop the endocrine system from producing testosterone completely for two months. She said they would check the levels again in a month. She also increased my cocktail of drugs and told me to drink lots of liquids to get rid of the stuff in my system. That went on for two weeks with me laying around the house. I was able to play with Sarah now. Jennifer joked that I was drinking more milk than the baby. I was up to a gallon and a half now.. I was also having some tenderness in my chest and hips. We called and the doctors said it was a good sign that the drugs were working. Over the next two weeks I put on 20 pounds. They told us that could happen and that I would loose most when I got off the drugs. I should also mention that Kelly had been spending every other night with Jamal. When ever Jennifer was there she was gone. Two weeks later we went back to the doctor. Dr. Tina checked my blood and Dr. Hannah my scars. Dr. Hannah said everything looked good, but I had a small infection. She gave me a shot and prescription for some antibiotics. She said once it cleared up the catheter would come out. She also commented that the extra fat was ok. She said with all the changes the soreness would continue with some growth in those areas. She joked and said not to worry. I wouldn't get bigger than a b cut. She said I might be close to an A now. Kelly giggled and I didn't think it was funny.

Dr. Tina's news was not so good. The testosterone levels were still out of whack. She said the next step is a little dangerous, but we had to do something. She said the damage to my liver was still there. They took me to the clinic and gave me five shots all over. This was suppose to stop the endocrine system. She said the problem is with men they don't always start back up right. She said they would monitor it. I was told no travel till everything was worked out. Work was very accommodating. They moved me to a position so I could work from home. I laid around all day doing reports in my sweat pants. Kelly didn't know what to do with me there all the time. She had almost stop going over to Jamal's since she was near 9 months pregnant. He came over every day to check on her. I just stayed in my office. Two weeks later we went back to the doctor and they checked me. The catheter came out. The hormone levels were better. I was drinking almost two gallons of milk a day. They checked my kidneys and said it was ok. I told them it was all I was craving to drink. The milk had also added another five pounds. Dr. Hannah said it had gone to my hips and chest. She said I was a full aa cup now. She gave me some exercises to do and I was off. That next week Kelly went into labor and gave birth to Neema Ann. Jamal wanted her to have an African American first name. Sarah's middle name is Tanesha. The nurses remembered us from Sarah's birth.. We all went home and started our new life with Ann at home now.

To be continued....

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