My Fiance's Humiliation

By: Carnal Knowledge

The first time I realized my preference for "sharing" was in the late 60's. I had already had a few threesomes with a couple of my buddies but the girls were just dates, not someone that I really cared about.

The first time I shared a girl that I cared about was when I was in my late teens. I had gone to the beach with two friends and we had met three girls that were close friends with each other. One of the girls, Marsha, was nineteen. The other two, including the girl that I met were seventeen. I don't know what the odds are but all three couples stayed together for quite awhile.

The only problem was that they lived nearly 100 miles from us. After some time all three relationships had become sexual. We didn't have a lot of money in those days so when we went down on weekends, we would rent one hotel room and share it.

At first the girls were real shy and wouldn't do anything in front of another couple. Finally we got them to the stage that we would fuck in the same room but the girls always hid under the covers. They even got dressed under there! One night I was there with one of the other couples and my buddy's girlfriend had to go home. My girl had told her parents that she was spending the night with a girlfriend and she was going to stay the night.

My girl, Juanita, had brought a robe and had put it on under the covers and had gotten up to say good by to her friend. After Patty left, I went up to Juanita and started making out with her standing up. She was very embarrassed because I was naked and all she had on was the robe and Ted was naked under the covers of the other bed and was watching us closely.

She wanted to get back in bed and turn off the lights but I'd had enough of that! It took a lot of work but I finally got the robe off of her in front of Ted! Juanita was very well built and Ted was getting a good look at her. I think that it might have been a little easier with any other guy because Ted was engaged to Patty and she was Juanita's best friend.

I finally got her to lay on the bed. She tried to pull up the covers but I wouldn't let her. I kept making out with her and she was getting kind of turned on but she kept begging me to stop because we weren't alone. I kept telling her how proud I was of her. I told her about how I had told Ted how I thought she was the sexiest of the three girls. I wanted her to prove to Ted that I was right. Prove that she was the sexiest!

Finally I was fingering her and I rolled to the side so that Ted could get a good look. He very quietly went to the bottom of the bed and he had a great view! Then she looked down and saw him standing there naked! She tried to cover herself up but I wouldn't let her. "Please baby" I begged "I'm so proud of you. Let Ted look."

We didn't know much about threesomes in those days but everyone had heard the stories about the girls with the bad reputations that would do "gang bangs." I think that Juanita knew that she was about to become one of those girls! She knew that I wanted her to let Ted fuck her! She had tears streaming down her cheeks, but she finally just gave in and stopped fighting it!

When I tried to spread her legs even further apart to give Ted a better view, she didn't even try to stop me. Ted saw that she was cooperating and slipped into bed beside us. He didn't waste any time and immediately started feeling up her breasts. I knew what he wanted and I moved my hands to her breasts, leaving her pussy open to him! Once he got his finger in her pussy it was over! She just laid there and let it happen!

I moved to the far side of the bed to give him room. He got on top of Juanita! She was crying softly and we knew that she was very embarrassed but she didn't try to push him away! I think that she had already resigned herself to what was going to happen and she just wanted to get it over with.

We had sex earlier in the evening and he and I had both been fingering her so she was very well lubricated. I watched closely as he searched for her opening with the head of his dick. I expected her to pull away but she didn't. Then it happened! He was pushing forward and Juanita was lifting up to meet him!

He drove all the way into her in one thrust! She had avoided kissing him before but now they were kissing deeply. I just lay back and watched. He had made love to his own girlfriend earlier, so he wasn't in danger of the young man's problem of cumming too soon! He started really pounding into her!

We had been making love in such a reserved way because of the other people in the room but there was no reason to be reserved now! He wasn't making love to her, he was fucking her and she was fucking him back!

I couldn't understand my own feelings. I'd watched Ted with other girls. It had always been fun but it never really affected me. Now though, it was like my heart was in my throat and I was struggling to breathe! This was my girl that he was fucking! The woman that I loved. And I was actually watching his penis penetrate her!

Ted was very close to cumming now! He asked her if she was close. "Oh God" she moaned "Please don't wait for me. Just cum. Please just finish!" Ted continued to fuck her for a few more minutes. I think that he really wanted her to cum but she was way too embarrassed. Ted finally realized that she just wanted it over with! I watched as he tensed up, let out a loud guttural groan and shot his load into my girlfriend!

Thank God for the pill in those days because he really shot a huge load into her. I had seen him make love to his own girlfriend several times and I had never seen him cum like that.

We took turns with her the rest of the night. I know that we each had her at least three more times. The next morning she was very embarrassed by what had happened! She couldn't look at Ted without blushing and she was afraid that Patty would know what had happened just by looking at her! She told me that it wouldn't ever happen again.

I asked her if she loved me and she said yes. Then it will happen again! It will happen any time that I want it to happen. She wouldn't agree but we both knew that I was right. I couldn't wait until the next week. Our other friend, was supposed to come down next week. Could I get her alone with him? Could I get her alone with both of them? I knew that I would try!

When Ted and I got home after that week-end we could hardly wait to tell Billy what had happened. I'm not sure that he believed us 100%. "You've got to be kidding! You mean you two spent the whole night taking turns with Juanita?" He looked at me and said "I can't believe that you let Ted fuck her! Christ, why the hell did I have to miss out on that?"

We spent the next week trying to figure out how to get her alone with the three of us. Ted kept telling Billy how great it was and how good she looked naked and it was driving Billy absolutely nuts. Billy kept asking me if I really thought that she would do all three of us and I had to admit that I really didn't know.

Billy finally asked, "What are you going to do if she says no?" I asked him what he meant, I mean if she says no, she says no. There's nothing that I can do about it.

That's not what Billy wanted to hear. "Awe Christ man, I've got to have her. It's not fair, Ted's had her!" I had to laugh at his reasoning and asked him what he thought that I could do about it. I mean, I'd ask her but that's all that I could do.

"No man, you don't ask her, you've got to tell her." I told him he was nuts. She might do it if I asked her but I was sure that she wouldn't do it if I told her.

Billy was convinced that she'd do it if I told her to. "What am I supposed to do if she says NO?" I asked. Billy had all the answers, "Tell her that you'll break up with her, she'll do it if you threaten to break up with her!"

"Come on Billy, that's rotten. I don't think that I can do that" I told him. But I think that he saw that I was considering it. "At least try it" Billy said, "If it doesn't work than you can always get back together with her later."

Ted and I both laughed at him and called him a bastard, but at least he'd planted the seed!

We went down there the next two weekends and never even came close to getting her alone. We lived so far away that we didn't really spend that much time with them and the other two girls wanted to spend as much time as possible with their boyfriends, so it was nearly impossible to get her alone. Besides, I think that Juanita may have suspected what I was trying to do and she made sure that we didn't catch her alone!

We had a long drive home after that second weekend and we were all getting a little frustrated. The other two guys had already figured out what to do but it took them most of the 100 mile drive to convince me. We had already told the girls that we weren't coming down next week. We couldn't afford to go down every weekend. Ted and Billy wanted me to call Juanita and tell her not to tell the other girls, but that all three of us would come down to visit her next weekend!

I really didn't think that it would work. I thought that it would be so much easier if it happened naturally like the last time, but they were getting frustrated and they couldn't see when we'd get an opportunity. I finally gave in and said I'd try. They wanted to be there when I called her on Monday night but I said no. I'd do much better if they weren't there listening and prompting me on things to say. The last thing Billy said when I left was "Remember, tell her, don't ask her!"

I called Juanita on Monday night. She was surprised to hear from me so soon. After all, it was a long distance call and I had just seen her yesterday! She asked why I was calling so soon.

I told her that on the way home, Ted, Billy and I had decided to come down next weekend after all. She was thrilled! "Patty and Marsha will be so happy to hear that" she said.

"No, Honey. I don't want you to tell Patty and Marsha." I said. "We're all coming down there to see you!"

Silence. Absolute silence. I thought that the phone line might have gotten disconnected. She didn't say anything for at least a full minute. Finally, she got up her courage to ask. "I don't understand, what do you mean?"

"Juanita, I'm sure that you know what I mean. Ted and I had a great time two weeks ago and Billy is jealous as hell! We all want to get together next week with just you. We don't want the other girls to know."

"Oh God" she said. "You didn't tell Billy what happened did you?"

"Of course, Honey"

She was really pissed. She was so afraid that he'd tell Marsha, and then Marsha would tell Patty and then everyone would know. I had to calm her down. I told her that Billy wasn't going to tell anyone. I told her that he was just upset that he wasn't there that weekend, that he didn't get his turn!

She swore that she wouldn't do it! She wasn't going to do a "gang bang!" I was kind of surprised that she had used the term gang bang but she did. I told her that it wouldn't really be a gang bang. I told her that in a gang bang the girl is a slut that's doing it because she wants to do it, but that it would be different with her. She'd be doing it to prove her love for me!

She was crying now. "Ted and Billy wouldn't know that" she said. "They'd think that I was a slut!"

I thought that I heard her waiver just a little and I jumped on it! She was concerned about what the guys would think of her. If I could convince her that the guys would still respect her afterwards, I might stand a chance!

I told her that she was being silly, that the other guys loved her almost as much as I did. They thought of her as a very close friend. They'd never think that she was a slut! "Really?" she said.

I told her that both guys were very jealous of me! I told her that both guys had said that they wished that their girls loved them as much as she loved me and that they would be willing to prove their love like she had! "Do you really think that they would ask Patty and Marsha to do what your asking me to do?" she asked.

I knew that I had to be careful but that if I handled this right, I might get her to do it! I swore to her that they would! They both wanted Patty and Marsha to do the same things but they knew that their girls didn't love them enough. Not like she loved me! I even told her that they were asking me when we were getting married. They had said that if their girls loved them that much they'd marry them!

That helped! She was calming down a little now. She had stopped crying. I just needed something else, something to convince her that the guys would still respect her afterwards. Then it struck me, I had an idea!

"Juanita, Ted and I spent the night with you two weeks ago, right" I asked her. She said Yes, it had been two weeks but what did that have to do with it?

I asked her if she had seen any difference in the way that Ted treated her. Had she seen any sign that he had lost any respect for her. She was very quiet on the phone and I knew that she was thinking about it. I knew that this might be the thing to convince her!

Finally she admitted it. He hadn't treated her any differently. In fact, she said that she felt that he had gone out of his way to be even nicer to her. I jumped on that! I told her that was proof! They still respected her. They still loved her as a friend!

She had stopped arguing. Had I won? Had I lost. Would she do it? I just didn't know.

I finally told her what we had in mind. All three of us would come down next weekend. I wanted her to tell her parents that she was going to spend the night with another girlfriend. I didn't want to take a chance that her mom would call Patty or Marsha's house looking for her. She could even tell Patty and Marsha that she was spending the night with the other girl. Then she could meet up with us at a dance place near the interstate. Juanita knew that the motel that we often stayed at was very near the place that I wanted to meet.

She wouldn't agree. She said that she needed more time to think about it. She said that she'd call me the next day with her answer. I felt like I'd lost. She didn't say no but I really didn't think that I'd convinced her. I hated myself for stooping so low but I was desperate, I used Billy's suggestion. I told her to only call me if the answer was yes and we'd set up a time to meet.

She hesitated for a minute and then asked me why I didn't want her to call if the answer was no. I really laid it on thick. I told her that I loved her and that I even been thinking about something more permanent. She picked up on that real quick. "Do you mean getting married?" she asked.

I told her that I'd thought about it but now I was having second thoughts. She must have seen how turned on I got by sharing her with Ted. She must know how badly I want her to do this with Ted and Billy! The girl that I married would be willing to prove her love for me! Even if it was hard for her, she'd do it for ME! Maybe I'd made a mistake? Maybe we shouldn't see as much of each other until we were more sure!

She started to cry again. She begged me not to talk like that. She said that she had proved her love for me just two weeks ago. I told her that I knew that. I said that I hadn't even thought about getting married until that night but now I was having second thoughts. I mean if she couldn't do this for me, what was I supposed to think? Did she really love me?

She said this wasn't easy for her and that I had to give her more time. She promised to call tomorrow. I stuck to my line. I told her to call if the answer was yes. If I didn't hear from her that I'd know the answer was no and that I'd give her a call. .... Sometime ....

I called Ted as soon as I hung up with her. He immediately asked how it went. I told him that she hadn't given me an answer and that she would call tomorrow. Ted was my best friend and I couldn't keep anything from him. I told him that I was very of ashamed of the way I had handled it. I admitted to him that I had implied marriage as a possibility if she did it and threatened not to call her back if she said no. Ted knew that wasn't something that I would normally do to a girl that I cared about and he asked me why I did it.

I had to think about it for a minute and then I realized that I really, really wanted her to do it. I wasn't doing it for him and I wasn't doing it for Billy. I was doing it for me! I had to admit that I wanted to watch them fuck her! When I had made love to her two weeks ago, after he had fucked her, it was probably the best sex that I had ever had! She had been sopping wet and full of another man's cum and I had loved it.

That was it! I wanted them to use her. I wanted them to fuck her and fill her full of cum and then give her back to me to make love to! I thought that Ted would be shocked when I admitted my motives but all he said was "Billy will be proud of you for threatening to break up with her. Hell, he'll probably take all the credit because he suggested it."

I was exhausted. I asked Ted to call Billy and fill him in.

Tuesday night finally came. I couldn't go out because I didn't want to miss her call, if she called. Juanita knew that my parents went to bed fairly early and that I couldn't receive calls after ten. At nine-thirty the phone finally rang. It was Ted. "Well, has she called?"

I had to tell him no, she hadn't called. I told him that if she hadn't called by now that she probably wouldn't call. She had called my bluff. I guess we're going to break up. Ted said that he was sorry and I'm sure that he meant it. He didn't want to see it end like this.

A couple of minutes before ten, the phone rang again. This time it was Juanita! I could tell that she had been crying. The first thing she said was "I just called to say that I love you." I told her that I loved her too, and I really meant it. I waited for her to go on but she didn't. Finally I asked her what she had decided. She said that she had just given me her answer. I told her I didn't understand.

Juanita said "I just told you that I love you. I really don't understand why you would want me to prove my love for you that way. I don't understand at all, but I'll do what ever you want me to do." She hesitated for a few seconds and then she asked if I thought that we'd ever get married.

I didn't even have to think about it. I told her that I'd go shopping this week for a ring. If she didn't like it I'd make sure that it could be exchanged but I wanted her wearing my ring when we got together on Saturday night! She was very excited and told me again that she loved me.

I told her that I loved her too. That's why I wanted her wearing my ring on Saturday night. When I undressed her for Ted and Billy for the first time, they wouldn't be looking at my naked girlfriend, they'd be looking at my naked fiancee. "I understand" she said. And when they *fuck you*, when they both *fuck you* they'll be fucking my future wife. "Oh God" she said. "I love you, Honey, and if that's what you want me to do, then I'll do it! I'll do whatever my husband wants!"

I asked her to remember one thing though. Her parents and her friends didn't know that I was coming down next week, so I'd have to take the ring back after our night with Ted and Billy. I'd bring it back the next weekend and we'd announce our engagement then. She told me that she understood.

I asked if she had made arrangements to get out on Saturday and she said that it was all taken care of. A couple of friends of hers were going to the beach and Juanita had told her parents that she was going along. The friends knew that she was meeting me and agreed to cover for her. Of course they didn't know that she was meeting two other guys too!

I suggested that we get together at the dance place about six. That's pretty early but I wanted to have time for each of us to have a couple of dances with her and still get back to the room fairly early. I had a big night planned! Juanita had her own ideas.

She wanted me to drop the guys off at the dance place and then come back to the motel and check in. She wanted to meet me there instead. I asked her why and she said that her parents thought that she was going to the beach so she'd be wearing her beach clothes. She wanted to have time to change into her nicest clothes, do her hair and put on her makeup before we went out to meet the guys. I told her that wasn't necessary. The guys would understand.

She was adamant! "When I walk into the dance with you, I'll be wearing your ring. It will be the first time that Ted and Billy will see me as your fiancee and I want you to be proud of me!" Then she said something else but it was almost a whisper. I couldn't hear her. I had to ask her to repeat it.

She repeated it very quietly, "I know what you want me to do when we get back to the motel and I'll do it. I just want you to be proud of me there too. I want to look really pretty for Ted and Billy so that you'll be very proud of me!"

We made plans to meet in front of the motel at five. I went over and picked up Ted and then we went over to Billy's to discuss the plans. I'd drop them off first, check in at the motel and then I'd meet Juanita. After she got dressed up I'd take her to the dance to meet up with them at six. I told them that I didn't want to stay too long. I wanted to be back to the motel by seven or seven-thirty at the latest.

I told them about the ring that Juanita would be wearing. Of course it was Billy that asked if it was just a trick! A trick to get her to do this. I told them that the ring was for real, that Juanita and I were going to be engaged on Saturday.

Ted was a gentleman and asked if I was sure that I wanted to go through with the gang bang. After all, she would be my fiancee. I could see the look of panic on Billy's face as he thought that he might miss his chance at Juanita. I told them that I was sure. Juanita was going to prove her love for me and she was going to do it in the motel room on Saturday night! Billy looked awfully relieved!

We got down there fairly early on Saturday. Ted and Billy had agreed that they should pay for the room, so we went to the motel first and Ted rented the room. We still had a couple of hours before I was supposed to meet Juanita, so we went out and got something to eat.

I think that all three of us would have to admit to being a little nervous. We had set girls up in the past for threesomes. We'd even set a couple of girls up for small gang bangs but they were always just girls. They were never "our girl." When Ted and I had shared Juanita, it was spontaneous. Not planned in advance. We were all a little intimidated that it was Juanita that we had set up! We were going to do a gang bang with Juanita! One of "Our Girls!"

Finally, it was time. I took Ted and Billy to the dance place and dropped them off. Then I went back to the motel and waited for Juanita. She showed up right on time! We kissed in the parking lot and then I took her to the room. I pulled out the ring box and was going to give it to her but she said no. She wanted to get dressed first and do her hair. She wanted to be beautiful when she put on my ring. She went into the bathroom and I heard the shower running. I turned on the TV to wait. She knew that we were supposed to meet the guys in an hour and she was ready on time. Forty-five minutes later she came back into the room.

God, she looked beautiful! She must have gone shopping for tonight because I had never seen the outfit before. It was a long sleeve "silky" blouse that clung to her figure, accentuating the curve of her waist and her large breasts. She also had on a fairly tight, very short mini-skirt. She looked great! And Sexy as Hell!

She asked if I thought the guys would be pleased. Very honestly, I told her they'd be thrilled! She asked if I was going to be proud of her. I took the engagement ring out of the box and put it on her finger. I asked if that answered her question. She didn't answer, she just slipped into my arms and kissed me hotly.

She was still in my arms when I told her it was getting close to six. We should be going. She pulled me closer to her and whispered in my ear, "I'm scared, Honey. I'm really scared!" I asked her if she was going to back out. "No, I promised I'd do it and I will" she said. "I just want you to know that I couldn't do this for anyone but my husband. For the rest of the night we're already going to be married. I'm going to do this for you, my husband!" I told her that for tonight, she'd be my wife and someday she'd be my wife forever!

I took her to the dance to meet Ted and Billy. We saw them about the same time that they saw us. Believe me they weren't discrete at all about checking out Juanita. She looked better than they had ever seen her and their mouth's dropped open and they just stared at her! We went to the table that they had reserved and ordered sodas. (Not old enough to order a real drink) Billy loves to dance and he immediately asked Juanita. She looked to me and when I nodded, they went off to the dance floor. Ted and I waited for them because it was agreed in advance that we wouldn't ask anyone else to dance but her. After all, it was her night!

We each danced with her a couple of times and it was getting close to seven, the time we said that we'd leave. She wasn't ready to go yet. She wanted to wait for one more slow dance and she wanted to slow dance with me. I looked at my watch and was getting pretty anxious to go but she insisted! We didn't have to wait very long. There were a lot more slow dances in those days.

We danced very close and she kissed me several times during the song. After the song was over she continued to hold me in her arms. Then she whispered in my ear, "I want you to know that I love you." I started to respond, but she cut me off. "No matter what you see tonight, I want you to know that I love ONLY you. No matter what you see Ted or Billy doing to me, I want you to know that I'll be thinking of you. I'm going to pretend that you're doing it to me, not them!"

I didn't know what to say. I told her that I loved her too and then I led her to the door where Ted and Billy were waiting.

Thank God that the trip to the motel was a short one. No one said a word the whole way. We were all good friends and never had those moments of awkward silence until now. I guess we were each caught up in our own thoughts.

Once we got back to the motel, we broke out the cooler full of beer that we had brought with us. We weren't old enough to buy it ourselves but there were always ways to get it. Juanita usually doesn't drink beer but she took one this time. There were two queen size beds in the room. Juanita and I sat on one and Ted and Billy sat on the other. We each drank a couple of beers and everyone was starting to relax. I knew that it was time to get it started and I knew that it was up to me to start it.

I got up and held out my hand to Juanita. She took my hand and I helped her up. She asked where we were going. I told her that we weren't going far and I led her over to in front of the door. There was a small foyer there. It was the only place in the room where there was a decent amount of room to stand. And it was a place where everyone else in the room had an unobstructed view of her. I kissed her and then went back and sat on the same bed with Ted and Billy. All three of us just looked at her. She started to sit back down but I held out my hand and said "NO! I want you to just stand there for a minute." She was on display and she knew it. The tears were starting to well up in her eyes and she was almost crying when she said "Please Honey, I don't know what you want me to do." I told her that I thought that she knew what I wanted her to do. "No I don't" she said. "I don't know what you want."

I could barely find my voice, but I managed to tell her that she could start by taking off her blouse.

She knew that it was starting. She looked at Ted and Billy. I looked at them too. I had known these guys for years but I had never seen them like this. There was a look of pure lust on their faces. They looked like wolves checking out a helpless lamb.

She held out her left hand and showed them her new ring. "Guys, I have to earn my ring tonight" she said. She looked down at the floor and said that she had to prove to her husband that she loved him and that she was worthy of being his wife. Then she looked back up at the guys. "But, Please!" she said "Patty and Marsha are my best friends. You have to promise that you'll never tell them about this. I'd just die if they ever found out." Both guys promised that they'd never say anything. The girls would never know. Juanita looked at her ring one more time and smiled. When she lowered her left hand, we knew that it was time to start.

All three of us were sitting on the bed closest to her. We were just staring at her. I know that she was embarrassed as hell and I really expected her to chicken out. I thought that I'd have to go up and take her blouse off myself. She looked at us for a minute and then untucked her blouse. Very slowly, she unbuttoned it. She took hold off both sides of it and then looked at me. "Are you sure this is what you want?" I still couldn't find my voice but I managed to utter that I was sure.

She took off her brand new blouse. She didn't want to drop it on the floor, so she walked over to the dresser and put it down. Then she walked back to her position by the door. She must have bought new underwear for tonight too. I had never seen this bra before. It was very small and showed a lot of cleavage. It was also sheer enough that you could see the dark shadows of her nipples right through it.

We looked at her for a minute and then I told her to take off the skirt. She really blushed and didn't move at first. Then she reached for the button on the side of the skirt. We watched her lower the zipper. The skirt was tight and she had to tug at it a couple of times to get it over her hips. Once it was off her hips it came down easily and she stepped out of it. She carried it over to the dresser and put it with her blouse. Then she went back to her spot by the door.

She was wearing panty hose over panties. I never did understand why the girls did that. Why wear both? In this case I guess it didn't matter because she wasn't going to be wearing both for long. I ordered her to take off the hose. I told her that we wanted to see her in her underwear! She didn't hesitate this time. It took a minute but then she was stepping out of them. She tossed them towards the dresser and then turned to face us. Her new panties matched her new blouse. They were the small bikini type and quite sheer. You could easily see the dark triangular path of hair beneath it! My God, she looked beautiful. I just couldn't believe that Ted and Billy were seeing her like this. I glanced over at them and I was very proud of the way they were looking at her!

Of course Billy had never seen her in her underwear before and he was obviously enjoying it! Then I remembered that the time that Ted was with her, she had started out in a robe. Even though Ted had seen her naked, he had never seen her in her underwear. Isn't it funny the things that you think about at a time like this?

She really looked sexy in her new underwear and we took the time to enjoy it. I walked over to the cooler and passed out another round of beer. I told the guys to sit back and enjoy the show because things were about to get really good.

I turned back to Juanita and told her to take off her bra. "Please honey," she said "wouldn't you like to take it off of me?" I realized that it would be easier for her if I did it for her. It would be less embarrassing then if she had to do it herself. I thought about it for a second and then I realized that I wasn't interested in making it any easier for her. She had to prove her love for me and this is how I wanted it done.

I told her that I didn't want to do it, I wanted her to do it. And I wanted her to do it now! Slowly, her hands went behind her back. You could see her bra loosen and you knew that she had undone the clasp. The tears were starting to roll gently down her cheeks. She had to try one more time. "Please Honey, don't make me do this!"

I didn't even bother to answer. She knew that I wanted her to do it. She knew that she had to do it. She let go of the bra and lowering her arms she let it fall all the way to the floor! I didn't even look at her tits. I turned to look at Ted and Billy to get their reaction. They were practically drooling! Especially Billy. He's always been a horny bastard and he was hot as hell right now!

I turned back to Juanita. She didn't know what to do. She didn't want to just stand there and let us gawk at her but she didn't know what else to do! I knew what she should do. I let her stand there and squirm beneath our gaze for a couple of minutes and then I told her to take off her panties!

She reached up and took hold of the top of her panties but she couldn't seem to get up the nerve to pull them down. She looked at me and begged me to at least tell her that I loved her first!

I told her to look at her left hand. She looked down and saw her brand new engagement ring. I told her that the ring was how I had proved my love for her. And I told her that she knew what she had to do to prove her love for me! She never took her eyes off of the ring. Very slowly, she pulled her panties all the way down, looking at her ring the whole time.

When she stood back up, she stepped out of her panties. Juanita was naked. She was finally naked in front of all three of us! She was still looking at the ring. Finally, she looked up to see us staring at her. She started to sob a little and I thought that she was going to start to cry but then she looked back at her ring. It calmed her down. She wouldn't look at us gawking at her nakedness, she'd just look at her new engagement ring instead!

Ted and I had been teasing Billy all week. Both of us claiming that we wanted to be the first to fuck her! In all fairness, Ted had screwed her several times, just a few weeks ago. I had slept with her many times. Billy was the obvious choice to go first! I asked Billy to stand up. When he did, I ordered Juanita to undress him.

I don't know which one of them was more surprised. Billy took a couple of steps forward so that he was right in front of her. Juanita walked past him and came up to where I was still sitting on the bed. I told her to go bac
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