My best friends fiance.

I was sitting around talking with two of my best friends and our girlfriends and the subject came up about some of our past group sex experiences. I know that it was not very discreet to discuss this in front of our girls but once we got started we couldn't seem to stop. When we were in high school the most important thing in life was getting laid. After we had, the most important thing was getting our buddies laid.

Most of the high school girls were fairly easy to set up for a threesome or even a small gang bang. I'm sure that most of them enjoyed the experience as much as we did, but occasionally we came across a girl that didn't want to go along with us.

We were discussing one of those times. It seems my best friend Ted had been dating a really cute girl for some time and the relationship had finally become sexual. After a while he tried to talk her into a threesome with me. She really got pissed and wouldn't even discuss it. Ted was ready to break it off with her and look for a girl a little more willing but my other friend and I talked him out of it. We wanted a piece of that girl bad!

As it turned out the Junior Prom was coming up and we talked Ted into asking her to the Prom. We had planned from day one that Ted was to wait until just before the Prom and then give her the ultimatum. Do his friends or the Prom was off.

Well, it worked. My parents were out on a Friday night and Billy and I waited for Ted to bring her over. Once she got there she was in tears almost the whole time. We tried to get her into it but she was being a pain in the ass. She didn't want to let go of Ted. She hung onto his arm and wouldn't talk or even look at Billy or me. Finally Ted had had enough and told her to strip. She wouldn't do it at first. Then he told her that this was it. Either she stripped or he'd take her home and the Prom was off. She still didn't make any move to strip but she did let go of him and just stood there crying with her arms at her side. Ted took that as a sign of agreement and stripped her for us!

I don't know why the sex that followed was so damn good. She just laid there and let us do it to her, so it really should have been a bad piece of ass. Maybe it was the fact that she didn't want to do it that made it so exciting but whatever it was it was great. When I came inside of her I came a ton. Best nut I'd ever gotten! Billy felt the same way. Ted went last and even though he'd been sleeping with her for months, he said that was the best he'd had from her! Ted did take her to the Prom but broke up with her shortly afterwards because she wouldn't repeat her gang bang.

When we told this story to our girls we got the expected reaction from Billy's and my girlfriends, they thought we were disgusting and wanted to change the subject. The one that surprised us was Ted's fiancee, Patty. She kept asking us questions about it. Asking about why we enjoyed it so much and did we think the girl was sexy while she was doing it. She even asked us if we thought that she really wanted to do it and really had enjoyed herself but had too many hang-ups about it. For some reason Patty wouldn't let the subject drop. The one question that she kept coming back to was "Did we still respect the girl or did we think that she was a slut?" We told her of course we still respected her. In fact, Ted might still be dating her if she had agreed to continue doing it! The other two girls finally got her to drop the subject and I thought it was over with. I was wrong!

Just a couple of weeks later we were all at a party and I kept finding myself alone with Patty. I finally figured out that it wasn't on accident, Patty was purposely trying to get me alone. When my girlfriend and Ted got involved in some silly party game, I was left alone with Patty. After a couple of minutes of small talk, Patty brought up the subject of the gang bang again.

She asked the same questions as before. She said she really wanted to know how the guys felt about it. Again she asked whether or not we respected the girl afterwards. When I assured her that we did she still wasn't satisfied. "Your sure you didn't think that she was a slut?" "Of course not, Patty." I was really starting to feel uncomfortable with this discussion and tried to change the subject but she kept coming back to it. Then I noticed her looking around to make sure no one was paying any attention to our conversation. She looked very nervous and I knew something was coming. Again she asked, "Are you sure you respected her afterwards?" "Of course, Patty." Without looking at me she asked "Would you respect me afterwards if I wanted to try it?"

Oh Christ, I thought, how do I get out of this one. "Of course I would, Patty. But I really think that you should be having this conversation with Ted, not me." "I wouldn't want Ted to know" she said. She then looked at me for the first time to get my reaction. At first I was hoping that she was kidding but she wasn't smiling and she was very, very nervous. She was *not* kidding.

Even though no one was paying any attention to our conversation, I just couldn't talk to her about this right there. I told her to go outside for some air and I'd wait a little bit and then meet her at my car. When I got there, we sat in the front seat to talk. She was obviously very embarrassed by what she'd said but she wasn't about to drop it!

"What's this all about, Patty?" "Before we go on you have to promise not to tell Ted anything about this conversation!" I didn't have any problem with that. I wouldn't have been able to tell my best friend that his fiancee was asking about a gang bang anyway! "I promise, now what's this about?"

"I guess you know that Ted's the only guy that I've ever slept with" she asked. "Yes" Ted had told me several times that she was a virgin their first time. "Well, Ted's a very good lover and very gentle." You could tell that she wanted to say *but* but she didn't. "Okay" I said, "Then what's the problem."

"I guess that it's because Ted has always made love me to but I've never really been fucked. When you all told that story about Ted and that girl in high school I was actually jealous of her. All three of you making her do it? She really got fucked that night. She doesn't realize how lucky she was!"

"Patty, look, if you told Ted how you feel I'm sure he'd do anything to please you." She kind of scoffed at that. "Do you really think that he'd set me up for a gang bang with you and Billy like he did with that girl?" I had to admit that he probably wouldn't. Even thought we were still pretty young, just a couple of years out of high school, Ted had gotten much more conservative. Plus, he seemed very hung up on the idea of her purity. Why else would he have told us over and over that she had been a virgin.

"Do you want me to talk to Ted for you" I asked. "No" she said "but there is something that you can do to help" "What is it, Patty?" I asked "Ever since you all told that story, it's all that I can think about. I keep wondering what it would be like to have your boyfriend force you to do his friends. Every time that I make love to Ted now I pretend that he's making me do it with you guys.

"A little fantasy has never hurt anyone, Patty" I said. "I know that" she said "but I want more than a fantasy. I want to really do it once." She could see the look of surprise on my face and quickly added "I'd only want to do it once. Once I know what it's like, I'll be satisfied with my fantasies and I'll be faithful to Ted forever!"

"What do you want me to do, Patty?" I asked. "Promise me that you'll never tell Ted" she begged. I promised and Patty finally told me what she had in mind. "I want to act out the story. I want you to get someone to play the part of Ted and I want him to *make* me do you and Billy."

What was I supposed to say? Ted was my best friend! On the other hand, Patty was very, very pretty. "Patty, Ted fucked that girl that night also. You know that the guy playing the part of Ted would want to play the part all the way through. Are you sure you're ready to make love to all three of us."

"No!" she said emphatically "I don't want to make love at all! I want all three of you to fuck me and to * make me do it * just like you did to that girl"!

A week later it was arranged. Billy jumped at that chance to get Patty. Another friend of ours named Don was picked to play the part of Ted. We all agreed that this would be a one time thing and that Ted could never know! We couldn't set it up for a weekend because Patty spent those with Ted, so we set it up mid-week. Don probably should have been the one to pick her up since he was playing the part of Ted but she didn't know him very well and would have been uncomfortable, so I picked her up.

I had talked to the guys beforehand. Patty didn't want to talk about what we were going to do. That would be way too embarrassing! As soon as we got there, she wanted to be playing the role of the high school girl. Before we walked in, I asked her if she was sure that she wanted to go through with it. She was obviously nervous, maybe even scared but she said yes. When we walked in, Don came right up to her and stated playing Ted's role.

"Patty" Don said "do you really want to go to the Prom"? Very shyly Patty said yes. "Then you know what you have to do?" said Don. "Yes Ted" she said. "Patty, I want you to strip" Don said. Playing her role perfectly Patty said "Please Ted, not in front of your friends." Impatiently Don said what Ted had said to the high school girl " * STRIP, DAMN IT * "

Patty had fantasized about this moment ever since she first heard us telling this story. She did exactly what the high school girl had done. She stood in the middle of the room, with her hands at her side, and started to cry. The tears were real and they really caught me by surprise. I stepped in close to her and whispered in her ear. (Do you want to quit?) (No) she whispered back.

It had been several years since the junior prom and I'd been with quite a few different women since that night but I suddenly remembered how exciting it had been. In his role as Ted, Don walked up to Patty and started to undress her.

Patty knew that she could stop this at any time because we had all made that promise in advance but you would have never known it. The tears were streaming down her face as her blouse came off and Don went after her slacks. Once her slacks were off, Billy and I both told Don/Ted to slow down and make her pose in her under ware for a minute before he went on. Christ was she beautiful!

I couldn't wait much longer. Don must have felt the same way because he stepped up to her, put his arms around her and unhooked her bra! He stepped back. The bra was hanging loose but was still covering everything. He reached up and pushed the strap off of one shoulder. It fell well down on her arm and most of one breast was *******. Patty looked down at her own breasts to see how much we could see. Don reached up and pushed the other strap off. Patty blushed but didn't make any move to stop it as her bra fell completely away. The bra fell all the way off her arms and down to the floor leaving Patty in only a pair of panties.

* * * * * * * * * *

All three of us just gawked at Patty. She was blushing terribly and still sobbing quietly. She looked at me and I could see the embarrassment in her eyes. "Are you Okay?" I asked. Very quietly she said yes.

Don stepped forward and knelt in front of her. He took hold of her panties from both sides and slowly pulled them down. When the hair of her vagina started to come into view, he paused. He dropped his hands and leaned back a little to make sure that Billy and I had a good look. Then he took hold of them again. This time he pulled them all the way down! He held onto her hand to help balance her and had her step out of her panties.

Patty was naked! Patty was completely naked in front of all three of us!

Don stepped back and joined Billy and me in staring at her! She was one hundred percent into the role! Her shoulders were slumped, her hands were at her side and she cried quietly but made no effort to stop us from looking at her nakedness!

"Turn around" said Don/Ted "We want to see your naked ass." This really surprised me and I thought that Don might have gone too far. Patty didn't even hesitate. She turned around and let us see her gorgeous ass.

Don walked over and picked up a sheet that he had laid out before we got there. "Spread this out on the floor" he ordered Patty as he handed it to her. Patty knew what was coming next and was blushing terribly as she spread out the sheet. You could tell that she was very conscious of being naked because she bent from the knees to arrange the sheet. She knew the view we would have if she bent from the waist!

Once the sheet was spread out, Don led her to the center of it.

"Patty, is the Prom important to you?" "Yes Ted" she answered very meekly. "I could barely hear you" said Don/Ted. "Do you want to go to the Prom?" A little louder Patty said "Yes, Ted, I want to go to the Prom." "What will you do for me if I take you?" Don/Ted prodded. "I'll do what ever you want" Patty said shyly. "Then I want you to lay down." Don/Ted demanded!

Patty knew that this was coming but she still looked shocked. When she hesitated, Don/Ted said " * RIGHT NOW .* " Patty had just about stopped crying at this point but now she started again. Slowly she sank down to a sitting position on the sheet. "I SAID LAY DOWN" Don/Ted said forcefully. Sobbing loudly, Patty lay down on the sheet.

She was incredibly stiff. Her arms were straight down at her side and her fists were clenched tightly. Her legs were just as stiff and pressed tightly together. She looked up to see the three of us closing in around her prone body. All she could see was our three faces staring down at her. She got so embarrassed that she blushed like hell and closed her eyes.

"Spread your legs" demanded Don/Ted. I couldn't believe that Patty would do it. I'd known Patty a long time. After all, she was engaged to my best friend. I couldn't believe she'd gone this far but I was sure she wouldn't do this. It would be unbelievably humiliating for her!

The sobs got louder. She was bawling like a baby! Very slowly the legs came apart. Only about ten inches at first but then Don/Ted hollered at her "ALL THE WAY, DAMN IT ." Patty hesitated briefly. She opened her eyes and saw the lust in our faces. Blushing a deep red, she spread her legs wide open.

I couldn't believe what I was looking at. Patty was laid out right in front of us. Completely naked and her legs were splayed lewdly. I hardly recognized her as my best friend's fiancee! She was the sexiest girl I had ever seen!

Don reached over and took my arm. He pulled me and I had to step over Patty's leg. When he stopped, I was standing between Patty's legs. Right about even with her knees. I was right over top of her and our eyes met. She stopped crying for a minute and looked up at me hopelessly. Then we heard Don/Ted. " * FUCK HER * ".

I kept eye contact with Patty. I looked for any sign that she wanted this fantasy to end. I grabbed the bottom of my pullover shirt and pulled it off. Patty was the one that broke eye contact when I reached for the snap on my jeans. She watched closely as I unsnapped them and pulled down the zipper. I pulled the jeans off and was standing between Patty's legs in my under ware. There was incredible embarrassment on Patty's face as she looked from one guy to the next. She was blushing wildly as her gaze came to rest on the bulge in my jockey's.

Patty watched intently as I pulled down my under ware. I pulled them down to just above my knees and then let them fall the rest of the way and stepped out of them. Patty was staring at my cock. That's when I realized that it was only the second cock that she had ever seen. Ted's cock was the only other one! If this fantasy continued, would I be soiling her for my best friend? I couldn't move. I stood naked between Patty's naked thighs and we just looked at each other. Don finally broke the spell. In his role as Ted he repeated his order. " * FUCK HER * "

I knelt between her legs. I was very conscious of the fact that I was only the second guy to ever do that! All of the sudden she was crying again. I leaned forward, being very careful not to let my cock come in contact with her. I was able to whisper in her ear without the other guys hearing. (Patty, do you want me to stop?) (No), she whispered, (I have to do this).

I reached down between our bodies. I gently caressed her vagina. I let my finger spread the lips apart and continued the caress directly on her clit. When my finger slid a little lower, I was shocked at how wet and hot she was. My finger slid all the way in with no resistance. I pulled my head back a little so that I could look into her eyes. Tears were still coming down but the crying had almost stopped. Just an occasional sob when she looked around and saw the other guys watching!

I took hold of my cock and guided it to her opening. She gasped when she felt it. She looked into my eyes but then other guys started making comments. She kept looking from one to the other of them as they made wisecracks. I know that their laughter was just making this more embarrassing for her! Then we heard Don/Ted. Do it, damn it. I want my turn!

I pushed forward slightly until my cock was firmly against her opening. Then I took my hand away. I straightened out my arms until they were fully extended. I was over top of her. The head of my cock was within the lips of her vagina, but I was not yet inside her. "Are you sure Patty?" I asked. (Yes) she whispered. "They can't hear you, Patty. Do you want this?" She looked up at me and then she looked at the other guys. They had stopped wisecracking and you could hear a pin drop as they waited for her answer. "Yes"

She didn't have time to reconsider. I knew that she was very wet and didn't need for me to enter her slowly. I also remembered her comment that she had been made love to but had never been fucked.

Watching her face closely, I drove my cock all of the way into her in one * very * hard push.

Her eyes shot wide open! She gasped as if she'd been hit in the stomach! She grabbed my back and drove her nails into me! I couldn't believe how tight she was. When a girl is that wet she's usually not very tight but her pussy had my cock in a grip that felt like a tight handshake!

I almost lost it right there! I pressed tightly against her and I could feel my balls nestling up against her ass! " WAIT A MINUTE, PATTY " I begged. I was fighting to keep control. I was still up on my extended arms and I had a great view of her naked body beneath me. Looking down between us I couldn't see my cock because it was all the way in her and all I could see was my pubic area pressed tightly against her splayed vagina!

I was getting back in control. I was almost ready to go again when I looked in her eyes and realized what I was doing. My God! This is Patty! She's a good friend of mine and my best friend's fiancee. I couldn't believe that my cock was buried deep inside her and that I was really going to fuck her!

All of the sudden I remembered that the other guys were there. I felt Billy reach out and spread my legs apart. That's when I realized that he was knelling down right behind us and had a great view of my cock penetrating Patty! He must have spread Patty's legs too because she jumped and looked down there. When she saw what he was doing she tried to pull away to block his view but there was nowhere to go! She had to lay there and let him look at my cock buried deep within her.

I was back in control. "Patty, I'm going to fuck you now." She didn't respond. "Is that what you want?" I asked. Patty didn't want to answer. I could see her looking at Billy and Don and knew how embarrassed she was! But, after all, this whole thing had been her idea. She was the one that set this up. I made her answer. "Is that what you want? Do you want me to fuck you?" Very quietly she said "Yes." "The guys can't hear you. Is that what you want?" She looked from Don to Billy. "Yes" she said. She was crying now, "Yes"

I pulled all the way back until just the head of my cock was inside her. I paused for just a second and then rammed it all the way back in. "Oh my God" she gasped. Her legs went straight out to the side as she tried to make room for the invading cock. I started pounding in and out of her. Over and over I rammed into her until she was moaning. Then the guys started the wisecracks again. I could see the embarrassment in her eyes as they cracked about how her pussy was swallowing my dick. Don pointed out how her firm little tits were bouncing around because of how violently she was being fucked. I know that she didn't want to but she did look down to see what he was looking at. Watching her own tits bounce as I pounded into her.

Without any warning at all, Patty reached her climax. She wasn't the quiet type either. I was still up on my extended arms, trying to be a gentleman, trying to keep my weight off her, but she reached up and pulled me down on top of her! She grabbed my ass and pulled me into her. She made me stop pumping her while she ground her pubic mound against me while she came! She wailed the whole time.

The other two guys were going nuts. "Christ did you see the way she came" Billy hollered. "Shit that wasn't anything" Don yelled. "You wait until you see what I do to her." I watched Patty's face while she listened to the guys. I had gone back to fucking her HARD and was close to getting my own nut when I realized that the guys were embarrassing Patty to death but she was also getting very turned on by it! It really explained the whole evening. She gets hot by being embarrassed. It seems the more embarrassing the situation the hotter Patty became.

* * * * * * * * *

I decided to try out my theory. I started talking dirty in her ear, not loud enough for the guys to hear, just her. (Patty, they're watching me fuck you. They can see my cock inside of your pussy) I started slowly to judge her response. I had her judged correctly because she blushed like hell but I could feel her respond. She started humping back against me. (Patty I want them to get a better look. Put your legs up on my shoulders)

She did what she was told. With her legs on my shoulders and me taking very long slow stokes the guys could see the whole length of my cock sliding in and out of her. This really turned the other guys on and they started telling each other what a great fuck she was and how they couldn't wait for their turn.

Patty knew how ******* she was in this position and she knew that the guys could see everything. Before I knew it Patty was having another violent orgasm. She pulled her legs off my shoulders and pulled me back on top of her. This time I knew what she liked and pressed my pubic area hard against her pubic mound. She ground against me and kept moaning "Oh my God" over and over as she came.

This was too much for me! I was ready to cum but I wanted her to know that it was coming. As soon as she regained her composure from her climax, I relaxed and let it happen. "Oh God, Patty here it comes!"

I started pounding her hard again. There was nothing under her but a sheet and the carpet. I was pounding her so violently that she was bouncing up off the floor. I finally lost it! I started coming into Patty in gushes. I kept thinking that I was only the second guy to ever do this. I don't know why but I kept thinking about Ted. About how he was my best friend and here I was shooting a quart of spunk into his fiancee. For some reason it made my climax even more intense.

I collapsed on top of her. I was more satisfied than I had been in years. When was the last time I had cum like that? The time we had the original gang bang with the high school girl!

Then I felt the hands on my shoulder. Billy was next and he wanted his turn. He must have gotten undressed while we were doing it because he was already naked. I got off Patty and stood between her legs. Billy would have to wait just one more second while I got a good look at a very well fucked Patty! Even though all three of us were looking at her, she didn't even try to close her legs. I had cum so much that my spunk was oozing out of her and running down the crack of her ass. That didn't stop Billy!

He crawled between here legs and positioned his cock at the entrance of her well-fucked hole. "I've always wanted to do this, Patty" he said. "I know that your Ted's girl but I've always wanted a piece of your ass!" Patty didn't say any thing but I knew that his dirty talk had probably turned her on. Then I saw her lift her ass up off the sheet and press her pussy against him. Billy knew what to do and drove his cock all the way in. He immediately started sawing his stiff dick in and out of her. Patty responded, humping back to meet each thrust.

Patty was being fucked by only the third guy to ever have her!

I know that both of them wished that it had gone on longer but poor Billy had been watching for so long, and apparently playing with himself the whole time, that he couldn't last very long. "Shit" Billy cursed, "Awe shit." Lasting only a couple of minutes, Billy shot his load into Patty.

Almost immediately, Don was in her. Don had a lot more control than poor Billy and was giving Patty a real good hard fuck. That was what she said that she wanted. To be fucked, not made love too!

Billy and I let them go at it for quite a while undisturbed. That's when I noticed that Patty wasn't as turned on as she had been. She seemed to be enjoying it but was definitely not humping back against Don the way she had with poor Billy and me. I realized that even though we were watching we weren't saying anything to embarrass her. I got down on the floor beside her and started talking dirty to her again. This time out loud so that the other guys could hear.

"My God Patty, Don's fucking you." I had dropped the pretense of him being Ted. "I can see Don's dick going in and out of you!" Almost immediately Patty started responding. She was pushing back to meet his thrusts now. "Billy can see it too. Billy can see Don fucking you. Billy's between your legs watching. He can see Don's balls bouncing off of your ass hole. He's all of the way in you Patty and his balls are slapping up against your ass hole."

I don't think that the guys knew what was going on at first but it didn't take them long to figure out what was happening. Patty was crying again. Patty was embarrassed again. Patty was blushing profusely! Most importantly, Patty was responding again! She was fucking the hell out of Don now! I tried to look her in the eye but she wouldn't do it. She was blushing and embarrassed but couldn't help herself. She was humping back violently against Don. Then Patty cried out and I saw her grab Don's ass and press him into her and grind her pussy against him and I knew that Patty had just come again.

Her violent climax caused Don to lose it. Growling like an animal he shot a huge load into Patty. It took Don several minutes to recover. When he finally got off Patty she tried to get up but we all made her lie there with her legs apart so that we could see the cum leaking out of her. When we did let her up it was as if a dam had burst with all the cum that ran out of her and down her legs.

After we got dressed, I took her home. She was very embarrassed by what had happened and that I knew how turned on she became when she was humiliated! Finally she asked me if Ted had ever talked about their sex life. I told her only the usual stuff. Ted had told us she had been a virgin and Ted had told us that she was good in bed. "Did he ever tell you that I never climax in bed?" Patty asked. That really caught me by surprise. "Of course not Patty. Why would Ted say something like that?" "Because it's true" Patty said. "I've never cum with Ted. I cum when I masturbate but I've never actually cum with a man until tonight."

When we got to her parents house Patty leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you for tonight. I'll never forget this but from now on I'll be comepletely faithful to Ted."

Every time Billy and I got together, all we could talk about was our night with Patty. The only regret that we had was that we didn't take any Polaroid's of Patty. They would have been great to have to remember that night. When we got together with Ted and Patty as a couple we could see that Patty was very nervous. I finally got a chance to talk to her alone and asked her if things had gotten any better. She knew that I was talking about her sex life with Ted. She wouldn't come right out and say it but apparently she still wasn't able to cum with Ted.

Then I mentioned to Patty how disappointed Billy and I were that we didn't take any pictures. "Oh God" Patty laughed. "I'd have never let you take pictures like that." "Yes you would have Patty. You'd have let us do anything that we wanted to that night!" "Not pictures" she insisted, "I'd never let you do pictures." I laughed and let the subject drop.

It was Patty that brought the pictures back up. "Would you and Billy really like to have pictures" she asked. "Sure, pictures would have been great. I don't know why we didn't think of them." "Well I'd never let you take them" she said. "Unless" and then she paused. Okay, I'll bite I thought. "Unless what, Patty?"

"Unless I had to do it to keep Ted from finding out what happened" she said shyly. I couldn't believe it! I think that she wants me to force her to do the pictures. Well, lets find out. "Patty I want you to come over on Wednesday night. Billy and I are going to take the pictures that we should have taken before." "No" she said "I promised that I'd be faithful to Ted" "Patty, if you don't come over, Ted's going to find out what happened that night." "Oh my God" Patty said "Please don't tell Ted." Patty was back into playing her role! "I won't have to tell him if you come over on Wednesday ."

"You said Billy would be there but what about Don" she said. "Don will be there too. Are you going to come over and let us take the pictures or does Ted find out?"

Blushing, Patty said "I guess I don't have a choice."