Lauren's Revenge Chapter 2

I had hoped that two doors and a length of hallway would swallow the din rising from my bedroom. It wasn't enough that my wife had decided to punish me for my two-night stand by having her own affair. Or that she had chosen my biggest rival from the office as the man she'd take to bed. No, Lauren compounded these acts by forcing me to first witness her seduction from the bedroom closet and to now listen to their all-night gymnastics from my place in the guest bedroom.

The real humiliation of the evening, however, came in seeing and hearing my wife cast off the reserve that had cloaked our sex life. In the company of Richard's longer, thicker cock, Lauren became a howling, begging seductress. To be sure, I had never fancied myself a great lover. But Lauren's elaborate production became the magnifying glass through which I saw each of my shortcomings as Richard introduced my wife to new levels of fulfillment. With both rising excitement and dread, I watched this man elicit in just one night sexual responses that I'd been unable to unleash in my wife in our dozen years together. The experience left me a curled in a shivering ball, crying into my pillow and praying for sleep- -or even death; anything to shut my ears to another round of my wife's new-found orgasmic scream.

All night the stabbing sounds rushed over me. Around 2 or 3, it was Richard's roar that stirred me. "Yeah, baby. Drink my cum." Needless to say, in a dozen years of wonderful cocksucking, Lauren had never allowed me to climax in my mouth. An hour later, more or less, it was Lauren's searing wails begging Richard to pluck her anal cherry. Each time the sounds of their lust triggered a compulsive round of frenzied masturbation--acts that only multiplied my despair.

I did eventually sleep, if only long enough to be awakened by Lauren brushing the sweaty hair from my forehead. "Time for work," she whispered, in a voice so gentle that I momentarily wondered if it had all been a nightmare. But as my eyes focused, reality set in. I was not in my bed and my wife sat beside me unashamedly wearing nothing more than the signs of her night's activity. Her hair splayed out in all directions, thick with both their sweat. Her skin was still flushed from her lover's embraces, and bruises were evident on her breasts. She sat with her legs spread open just enough for me to see that sometime during the night she'd shaved off all her pubic hair (dimly I remembered hearing a running shower). What I knew could only be dried cum coated the thick, raw labia.

Still, there was tenderness in her manner. She stroked my forehead and looked deeply into my eyes. "You okay?" Her tone wavered with genuine concern. "I honestly don't know." I pawed at my eyes, suddenly ashamed for her to see the wet, red rims. Lauren bent toward me, and I eagerly accepted her kiss. Instantly I was overcome by a thick, bitter taste, a taste that could only be the remains of Lauren's newly expanded cocksucking talent. She drove her tongue deeply into my mouth before I squirmed from her grasp. The tender manner was gone, replaced by a belittling smirk. "Remember, my darling husband: You have no one to blame but yourself." She rose and walked from the bed, stopping just inside the door. "Tell Mr. Harrison that Richard will be late getting to work this morning. I'm sure you and Jessie shared a quickie in the morning, and I want to give myself the same pleasure." "Actually," I said, the last strain of pride I could muster rising in my voice, "we didn't." "Too bad. For what it's cost you, you should have really enjoyed yourself. Or were you simply not up to that task either?"

And then she left. Too soon I heard hers and Richard's laughter, spurred no doubt by her recounting of each humiliation. After my shower, I dressed to Richard's thunderous praising of yet another blow job. Stepping into the hall, I saw Lauren had left open the door to our bedroom. There they lay: Richard on top of her, my wife's legs hooked around his waist, their bodies slapping against each other hard and steadily. That sound played in my mind all morning.

I avoided Richard's office all day. I saw him once, the center of a cluster of salesmen. I thought nothing of it until I realized they had stopped talking when I approached the kitchenette. I retreated to my office, stomach churning, and very much afraid that I was near my breaking point. Then the phone rang. "Hi, babe. How's your day going?" Lauren's chipper voice was exactly the same as it was most every day when she made this call. "Uh, I've had better." "Oh? You should have gotten more sleep last night. You know how you get when you're over- tired." I sat numbly as Lauren giggled at her joke. "Yeah, I guess so," I finally mumbled. "I hope you're not too tired for dinner guests tonight." "Tonight?" My mind snapped awake. "Who's coming?" "My, my," Lauren teased. "After last night's adventure you're still worried about who's coming..." "I meant..." "Why not wait 'til you get home to see. It should be a great time. Make sure to get some wine on the way home. Don't be late--it's your fantasy, after all."

Lauren's dinner outfit was considerably milder than the lace lingerie I'd found her in the previous evening, but she still oozed sexuality. The mini was black and short enough to allow for an occasional glimpse of stocking tops and garters. Her white silk blouse, unbuttoned to reveal the edge of her lacy bra, clung to the curve of her breasts. It wasn't new; Lauren knew the outfit never failed to arouse me. "You can't be too angry with me," she breathed as I hugged her to me. "Not at all," I said. "Angry at myself.... I'm so sorry, babe. I--" The push of Lauren's hand in my chest silenced me. "Save the contrition. Now's not the time. Our guests will be here soon." I'd just opened the wine when the bell rang. Immediately the door swept opened and Richard walked in. "Hi, honey, I'm home," he sang out, laughing hysterically at the cliche. He swept my wife into his arms and kissed her passionately. "Miss me?" "You bet," Lauren sighed, and dropped her lips onto his again. The now familiar ripple passed through my stomach as I found myself unable to look away. Lauren broke the kiss and turned back to the door. "And you," she said, "must be Jessie. Please come in." So mesmerized was I by Richard's entry that I hadn't realized the person with him. And not just any person. He'd brought Jessie--another saleswoman from the office. The saleswoman--the one with whom I'd spent two night during a recent sales conference.

"Please forgive my husband, Jessie. He's having a rough time." The two women hugged as if they'd know each other for decades. "I'm so glad you could come on such short notice." Nothing in Jessie's appearance suggested her notice was short. Her hair was perfect--swept up in a carefully arranged chaos of blonde curls. The shimmering mound of gold appeared almost electric over her short black dress, a look accented by a large gold necklace. She was stunning--more so even than the night she'd teased me into her bed. The night that had led to last night and, now, this one. Jessie, Lauren and Richard engaged in small talk around me as I tried to unpuzzle what the night promised. At Lauren's instruction, I served the wine and finished preparing the dining room table. The meal passed in a blur, but even in my confused state I could feel the undercurrent of excitement. Lauren seemed particularly eager to have the last plate cleared away and usher us all into the ****** room.

From the cabinet I produced a bottle of liqueur, filling glasses for each of us. "To good times," proposed Lauren, then reached over to tap the hand in which I held my glass. "Maybe you should pass, dear. You wouldn't want another case of the droopsies." I could only stare at my wife as the three of them laughed and drank to the toast. "Jessie." Lauren continued, turning to face the saleswoman. "I feel I owe you an apology. I understand that my husband was quite the...well, perhaps the phrase is 'let down' during your first night together. He must have had quite a lot to drink; he may not be the biggest stud in the barn but he usually rises to the occasion." "Although maybe," she mocked, glancing directly at me, "he was simply intimidated. You are quite the ravishing woman." "Thank you," Jessie said, blushing slightly. "But I would think your husband's quite experienced with a beautiful women." "Hear, hear," sang out Richard, raising his glass to the two women. "You're too kind," Lauren said, but I could hear the sparkle Jessie's compliment produced in Lauren's voice. "I do hope, though, that his second-night performance was up to your expectations?"

Jessie regarded me for a long moment, long enough for me to brace myself for the revelation. "Actually, Lauren, no....but to be honest I had no expectations. I lured your husband into bed to score points with him. You know, sometimes you get treated better if you sleep with the boss. Oh, he's a nice enough guy and all, but if I'd been out for great sex, I'd have opened my door for someone like Richard. But Richard's not my boss--your husband is. And a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do." Lauren stepped over and gave Jessie a long hug. "My philosophy exactly, dear, which is why we're all here. As for you," Lauren turned to face me, "I don't know whether to be angry with you or simply pity you. But I do know you aren't forgiven, not yet."

Lauren turned again to her guest, around whose waist her arm still curled. "As Richard may have explained to you, Jessie, I am taking my revenge by enjoying my own infidelity. My husband has always fantasized about seeing me with another man, and last night he saw as much of me with Richard as he could handle. "Tonight, I intend us all to play out his second greatest fantasy. A threesome with another woman. He always envisioned himself in the male lead, of course, but then that's hardly suitable for revenge. And really, Jessie, how much fun would he be for you and me? Luckily, Richard has consented to be our third. I think you'll find him much more to your liking." Jessie grinned broadly, and began to unbutton her dress. "Oh, I already have." "You *are* quite the little tramp," Lauren giggled, as she swatted Jessie's hands from the buttons. "Please, let me." To my knowledge, Lauren had never seriously listened to my threesome fantasies--much less consider the idea of engaging in sex with another woman. Yet in front of my eyes my wife slowly peeled down Jessie's dress, brushing her fingers over the ******* flesh and flicking away the wisp of fabric that purported to be a bra. One finger traced the line of her new friend's full breast before Lauren's head leaned in to kiss the stiff, small nipple. Jessie groaned and held my wife's head tightly against her.

When Lauren straightened herself, Jessie returned the favor, and even swept away the tiny g- string that lay under Lauren's skirt. She too burrowed into my wife's far more amble bosom and even let her hand caress Lauren's naked pussy. Lauren tensed beneath Jessie's first touch, then relaxed as the saleswoman's caresses grew more insistent. At one point Lauren cast her eyes on Richard, who also stood silently, transfixed by the women's passions. "This is going to be more fun than I thought it would." Her words seemed to awaken Richard, who moved beside the pair. Almost reluctantly they turned to him, Jessie working to open his shirt as Lauren knelt to release his pants. He wore no briefs, and Lauren ushered his already stiff cock into her mouth. Richard kissed Jessie deeply, then looked across the room at me, flashing an arrogant, mocking smile. He adjusted his stance, making sure I could see my wife's face on his cock, her cheeks hollowed as she sucked, her eyes closed in concentration. His hand laid loose on the back of her head and I realized he was steadily pushing himself deeper into Lauren's mouth. She stiffened for just a moment, then recovered, allowing his whole cock into her. Their moans rose in unison, as did my own, and I climaxed in my pants without so much as a touch of my hand.

Richard had far more control. With difficulty, he pulled Lauren's face from his crotch and pushed her toward Jessie's wet and naked pussy. A long sigh escaped the younger woman's mouth as Lauren tongue went unhesitantly to work. Jessie slid her feet further apart to brace against my wife's assault, and was soon rocking her pelvis against Lauren's mouth. Encouraging Jessie's orgasm, Richard began to twist her nipples between his fingers. Jessie's hands flew down to guide my wife's head, and her body trembled as she rocked against her lovers' attacks. "Oh, yes," she whispered over and over. In a moment her words ran together in a single cry and her skin flushed bright across her chest and face. If Richard hadn't caught her in his arms, I honestly think she'd have fallen to the floor. Lauren, still on her knees, looked almost as close to orgasm. For an instant, I considered ripping off my soaked pants and planting my already-renewed erection between her legs. But just as fast my wife fell onto her back, raising and spreading her legs before Richard. "Fuck me like I've never been fucked before," she demanded. Easing Jessie onto the couch, Richard fell on my wife and buried his large shaft in just one shove. It took exactly four pumps before Lauren soared into her own climax.

Richard held himself above my wife's body as her orgasm passed through her, then rolled their bodies over. As Lauren collected herself, she positioned herself to face me, one hand grasping the shaft of Richard's still steel-hard erection, the other hand spreading her pussy to show where the shaft disappeared. Her eyes locked on me as she raised herself to flick the invading cockhead back and forth against her clit. "Jessie," she said at last, "would you help my little hubby with his wet clothes. He seems to have had an accident." Then she lowered herself onto Richard's cock and began her now-familiar chorus of pleasure. "C'mon," said Jessie, "we have to get you ready." Even as she pulled off my clothes, I could tell she was equally caught up in watching my wife slide up and down on Richard's shaft. "You are a fool," she whispered in my ear. "Even I'm not worth fucking when you've already got a sensual, sexy woman like her." I started to explain that this sensual, sexy woman had never shown any of this sensual, sexy nature before last night. But another loud groan, this one from Richard, drowned my lame words. "Is he ready?" Lauren panted between Richard's warning gasps. "Hard and stripped." Jessie trumpeted. "Lay down, boy," my wife said, waving an arm at the floor next to Richard. "I want you ready to receive me." "Do it," Jessie spit in my ear, pushing me forward.

As Jessie directed my body alongside my rival's, Richard's hips leaped off the floor. Lauren clutched his chest, her body swaying as she rode his orgasmic tidal wave. Their rocking continuing for well over a minute. Finally, as Richard's body twitched beside me, Lauren caught me in her eyes clouded with lust. "You want to play too?" "Yes!" My cock stood so hard it hurt me. "It occurred to me that you've had me, of course, and you've had Jessie--or at least you tried to. But for you to fully experience this threesome, you need to have everyone. So, open up comes Richard." Swiftly, she lifted herself from Richard's cock, stepped over my body and began to lower herself onto my face. Jessie knelt above my head and gripped my ears just as started to turn away. I stared into my wife's cunt, gaping and rubbed raw as I'd never seen it, and oozing with another man's cum. I locked my lips as the wetness spread over my face and the smell of wet pussy and semen flooded my nose. I was going to fight this last humiliation.

Then I felt Lauren's hand grab my faltering cock. "Put that tongue to use or you'll never use this again," she growled and tightened her grip for effect. It took one more squeeze before my lips loosened and I slid my tongue into her dripping tunnel. "That's better," she sighed, and contracted her pussy muscles to dispel a thick wad of semen. "Jessie told me she thought your tongue was your best asset....I couldn't agree more. Hell, it may even be your biggest!" Between my wife's thighs, I could hear the three of them laugh. Above me, my wife rocked her body, squeezing my head between her legs and keeping a firm grasp on my ears to steer my tongue's action. She rode my face, even after I'd taken in all her lover's cream, until a mild tremor passed through her. As Lauren rolled off my face. I was greeted by the sight of Jessie slipping Richard's rejuvenated cock into her pussy. Lauren spread herself alongside them, kissing first Jessie's mouth, then Richard's, while her hands massaged both their bodies. "I think," she said to me, without actually looking at me, "that you've had as much fun with your threesome as you're going to. There's fresh sheets on the bed in the guest room. Try not to get these as wet as you did last night. I'll see you in the morning."

Sleeping was slightly less difficult this night; perhaps I was sufficently exhausted to block out the noises that first floated up the stairs and later, from the master bedroom. Maybe Richard and Lauren lacked the stamina to repeat the previous night's pace and volume. The last sound I remember were the satisfied sighs of Lauren and Jessie who, at least in my mind's eye, were locked in a passionate sixty-nine. I don't know how they fared, but my own climax left me unconscious.

I did see Lauren in the morning, sitting again at the edge of my bed, stroking the damp hairs on my forehead. She was still naked. But unlike the flushed, sweaty sex cat who'd teased me the previous dawn, Lauren smelled of peach-scented soap and shampoo. She leaned down to kiss me and stayed; our lips held each other for what seemed like a blessed eternity. I drank in her tenderness and love. "Take it easy," she whispered at last, pulling away the sheet and laying her body next to mine. "I told Richard to tell Mr. Harrison you wouldn't be in today." I looked into Lauren's face, unsure who I'd see there. Gone was the anger; instead I found by the smile of the woman I'd lived with for so many years. "But what..." I stumbled, regrouped and tried again. "I thought...." I gave up and fell against her, nearly sobbing. "Lauren, I'm sorry....I'm sorry..." "Yes, I know. I knew when Jessie told me she'd taken you to bed in an attempt to sleep her way to the top. I really knew when she said you had problems the second night. I mean, she's a helluva lover. Only a man who loved his wife would have problems getting it up for her." "What about still love me? And what about Richard....or even Jessie?" "I was hurt and I was angry. I took my revenge in the only way I could think of. That's over now."

"You didn't look too angry riding Richard's cock." Lauren blushed, then pulled my body over hers. "Let's just say I had a bit more fun than I expected too. And now I can't wait to teach you everything I learned!"

The End

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