Some years ago my wife Pam and I were very friendly with a couple that lived close by. In fact I worked with Jack at the plant and we had become close friends. Eventually we introduced our wives to each other. Jack's wife Mary and my wife Pam got alone famously. They became fast friends in a very short time.

All four of us were physically as different as four people could be. Jack was tall and well muscled. He was about 6'4" and had been lifting weights for a number of years, balding on top with blue eyes and a dark beard with grey streaks beginning to appear in it. Mary was black haired, with blue eyes, 5'6" with large "D" sized breasts and a well-proportioned figure. My Pam was 5'0", blonde, blue eyes, with "C" cup breasts and very cuddly. I am 5'10", dark brown hair, brown eyes and definitely not a weight lifter.

All four of did just about everything together. Camping, going out to the bar together, parties together etc. We were all very close and felt that we knew each other just about as much as 4 people could ever know about one another. Even though we were so close we had never tried anything that would remotely be infringing on what would be considered "proper bounds". Sometime we'd have fun flirting with each other's spouse, but never anything really serious. Just harmless good times between friends. Although we had never stepped across any of those lines, I personal had often wondered what it would be like if Jack made love to my Pam. How I'd feel know that she was taking his cock into her pussy where only mine had been before. I often had fantasies about it and it always made me rock hard.

We all decided that we could use a short weekend holiday away from our normal day-to-day routines. A weekend away in a near by large city seemed like the perfect get away. In order to save money it was decided to share a motel room. We reserved a room in a mid priced motel with 2 queen size beds. There was lots of kidding about where the woman would have to get dressed. Jack and I promised we'd close our eyes and not look. Pam and Mary told use we'd better wear clean under wear so they weren't grossed out. We joked like that for 2 or 3 weeks, as the weekend that we'd scheduled got closer.

Finally the weekend arrived. We drove in separate vehicles, mostly because both Jack and I had pick-ups and we couldn't arrange a car to travel in together. It was about a 3-hour drive to the city we were going to. Halfway there we stopped at a roadside caf for a break. We were in a great mood and had lots of fun joking and kidding each other. On the way out to the pick-ups I kidding suggested we trade partners for the remaining drive to spice up the conversation for the drivers. Surprising to me, everyone readily agreed. In a short moment Pam was in Jack's truck and Mary was with me. Jack turned and waved out of his back window at Mary and I. As he turned back he reached over and pulled Pam close to him across the bench seat of his truck. She didn't seem to resist and in fact Mary and I saw her laughing and snuggling close to Jack as they pulled away. Not to be outdone, I pulled Mary close to me and we were off too. During the rest of the drive I could see Jack and my Pam enjoying each other as they drove in front of us. They seemed to be having a great time talking and joking. Mary had her hand resting on my thigh and I must say that we enjoyed out selves as well. I had an incredible hard on the whole time. I wasn't sure if it was the closeness of Mary or the view of Pam being so brazen with Jack that was making me so hard. Either way it looked like the weekend was off to a great start.

When we arrived at the motel every one gravitated back to their normal spouses as though nothing unusually had occurred at all. We unloaded the luggage and settled into our common room. First thing on the agenda was a swim in the indoor pool that the motel had. The women changed in the bathroom as Jack and I changed in the main room with the beds. It was the first time I saw Jack in the nude. He had muscles where I didn't even know you could have muscles. Obviously all his workouts had paid off for him. Last but not least I noticed that his cock was semi hard and looked slick with precum. In addition it appeared to be somewhat larger than mine both in thickness and length. I asked him if he was "excited" about something. He laughed and said that he hoped I wouldn't be mad, but my Pam was one hot woman. He said he'd had a hard-on the whole ride with her. I said I could certainly appreciate that. We both laughed and slapped each other on the back as we left the room to wait on the balcony for the women.

Shortly they joined us and we headed off to the pool. Almost immediately both woman gravitated to the man that was not their spouse. I was surprised and felt a pang of jealousy as I watched Pam and Jack splashing and playing together. Mary shortly distracted me and we were all soon having a great time in the pool. Lots of horse play etc. but close to the end of our time in the pool I noticed that Pam and Jack were spending more and more time in each others arms. It looked innocent enough until you noticed that their hands weren't in sight all the time. It was obvious that they were fondling each other when they thought no one was watching. I must admit that Mary and I hadn't been idle either. I was more than impressed with how her breasts felt in my hands and how good she felt pressed against my chest. I'm sure she couldn't have missed the raging hard on that was so obvious in my swim trunks and which I had missed no opportunity to rub against her when I could. Eventually it was time to get out. Jack suggested the ladies go first so they could change at their leisure in the room. I suspected it was more so he could let his hard-on subside before he got out of the pool. Being as mine was in the same condition I encouraged his idea. The ladies left and told us not to be long.

Jack and I rested at the side of the pool and talked about what a great weekend it was turning out to be. He asked if I was having fun and I told him absolutely. I told him that Pam really liked him and seemed to be really enjoying his company this weekend. Jack asked if that was ok with me. My answer was to tell him that what ever made Pam happy was perfectly fine with me. I emphasised the "what ever" part. He thought about it for a minute or so and then said that he would never hurt Pam. That he would only ever do what she was comfortable with. I think we had an understanding. We went up to the room to change. The ladies were in the bathroom putting on their make up so Jack and I changed back in the bedroom again. After every one was ready we went for dinner. It now just seemed nature that Pam would sit with Jack and Mary with me. It appeared that the pattern had been set for the rest of the weekend. We had a great time at the restaurant. After dinner we went to a number of clubs. None of us were feeling any pain as the night wore on. There was much flirting and groping going between our respective partners. Each couple was opening kissing now. Mary had taken to running her hand across my lap whenever she could. She had grabbed my cock a number of times and given it a quick squeeze. I was coping feels of her tits and other charms whenever I thought no one was looking. We were still out in the public, so all of us were trying to be relatively discreet.

I noticed that when Jack and Pam kissed that they were frenching each other openly. Pam's hand was under the table more and more and Jack was cupping her breasts without regard for what I might see. You could actually feel the lust between all of us as a real thing that was growing as the night went on.

Towards midnight we all decided it was time to head back to the motel. Mary was plastered. I had a hard time keeping her upright as we walked from the last club. The rest of us were pretty ***** as well, but not as bad as Mary. Out of the 4 of us, I was the most sober. Thank God for taxis!

When we got back to the room, I flopped Mary on one of the beds. She was close to being totally out of it. Pam when off to the bathroom to change into her negligee that she had brought for the weekend. I suggested to Jack that we should try and get Mary to change. We both got her standing and walking around the room. She said she felt better and went to the bathroom to change as well. Jack and I took off our cloths down to our jockey shorts and crawled into bed. Surprising to Jack and I it was Mary who came back first. She flopped onto the bed I was in. I pulled the covers over her and she was out like a light.

Jack had turned on the TV as was watching a movie when Pam came back. Pam stood in the middle of the room and watched the TV for a minute or two. She commented that the movie looked interesting and then sat on the edge of the bed that Jack was in. I comment in general that Mary and I were to tired to watch any movie so we'd just drift off to sleep while they watched.

After a few minutes Jack looked over at Mary and I to check if we were asleep. Mary was out cold, but I was feigning so that I could see if anything would happen between Pam and Jack. Jack asked Pam if she's like to be more comfortable. He opened the covers as and invitation. Pam got up and slipped under the covers beside him. I watched as she cuddled close to him and laid her head on his shoulder. Time stood still for a while as they just lay there and watched the TV. I saw Pam lift her head and look over at Mary and I. She asked Jack if he thought we were asleep. Jack said yes, he was sure we were out cold.

Jack tilted Pam's head towards his face and they kissed long and deep. I heard a sigh from Pam as the kiss broke. The kissed more. It was hot and heavy. On my part I was having difficulty breathing. My cock was as hard as steel as I watched. It seemed funny to me. Here I was in a bed with a beautiful woman who was almost nude and had her body snuggled up against me. She was out cold and in the next bed I was watching my wife passionately kiss a man who was not her husband.

I saw movement under their covers as both of them began to use their hands to explore each other. It was obvious that she held his cock in her hands and was pumping it slowly up and down. At the same time he was exploring her breasts with his hands and all through it their kissing continued. Finally Pam pulled her lips away from his. She slowly moved her head under the covers. I knew where she was going. Precum was flowing from my cock like a river. Jack threw his head back and groaned as she took his cock into her mouth. Now if there is one thing I'm sure of in this world it is that my Pam is one of the best cocksuckers that there ever was. I knew exactly what Jack was experiencing at this moment. I was envious and jealous and oh so very horny all at the same time. I was so excited that my whole body seemed to be actually vibrating as I watch the two make love to each other. Only guys who have watched their wives doing something like this can understand what I was feeling.

Pam went on for some time bringing Jack every so close and then slowing down until he wasn't in danger of cumming She liked to do it that way over and over again. She loves giving head like that. Teasing and torturing until a man couldn't stand it any more. I had been on the receiving end of this exquisite torture many times and now for the first time Pam was doing it to another man's cock. It was all under the covers. All I could see was the movement of her head under the covers and how Jack was reacting to her manipulations. He was enjoying it very much. That much was plain. Not being able to actually see it made me even more excited.

After a bit Pam's head reappeared above the covers. I heard them whispering to each other. They kissed some more. I could see Pam snaking her tongue into Jacks mouth. She likes to do this after giving head. She likes to share the taste of the precum she has enjoyed as she has sucked it from the cock she has been "loving".

Pam rolled over on her back and Jack onto his side. Jack's hand disappeared beneath the covers. I could see it move where Pam's pussy would be under the blankets. Pam moaned under his ministrations. I was betting her pussy was soaked from the anticipation she had experienced through out the evening.

Jack pulled the covers over their heads. I think he moved on top of her, but in the dim light I couldn't be sure. There was slow regular movement under the covers. Both of them were moaning. I was almost positive he had his cock in her, but did he really? Their movements were so slow, gentle - not the hard fucking I would expect from a first time. It lasted for 5 minutes. I heard Pam panting and little squeals coming from her, finally a drawn out sigh from both of them. Their heads reappeared. They were still kissing and Jack was on top of her. They both seemed to shiver as he rolled off. They whispered to each other for a minute or two. Jack threw the covers off of himself and swung his legs out of the bed. He reached down on the floor and retrieved his jockey shorts. I didn't remember them being removed. I wondered how they had done that?

I saw his bare ass as he stood and pulled them on. He walked around the bed and came over to our bed on Mary's side. He shook her gently and told her the movie was over. She woke and Jack helped to move to his bed. In the mean time Pam slipped by him and slide into the spot Mary had vacated. I pretended to still be asleep. Mary and Jack were soon fast a sleep. I could hear them both snoring gently.

I rolled onto my side and wrapped my arm around Pam. She snuggled close to me. I'm sure she could feel my hard cock against her thigh, but she just lay there. I slowly moved my hand down her front, down her thigh and under her negligee. She didn't move a muscle as my fingers found her mound. I could feel wet spots of stickiness on her mound hair. Slowly I pushed my fingers down her slit. She was soaking wet! It wasn't the silky wetness of pussy juice, but rather the sticky gooeyness of sperm. Her clit and pussy lips were swollen and oh so hot. I moved my fingertips around her clit. She arched her hips to meet the burning my fingers were causing in her clit. I felt her hand reach for and grip my hard cock.. It was time to "wake up" I bent my face to hers and kissed her lips. They tasted of Jack's sperm. She whispered that we should be quiet so as not to wake Jack and Mary. I moved my fingers into her pussy and felt the river of cum surround them. I asked if she had fucked jack. She answered by whispering that he really has a big cock.. My cock jumped in her hands as she told me. She giggled and said I must like knowing that she had been a bad girl.

My needs couldn't be denied any longer. I slid on top of her, pushing her knees apart and began to slide my cock into her pussy. I'm positive that it's not possible to really describe to other men what it's like to slip your cock into your wife's pussy after it's been filled with another man's cum. The feeling is really indescribable. It felt like fire, yet silky and so slippery. There was no pressure from the walls of her pussy, yet the most intense feeling all over my cock as though there were thousands of tiny fingertips touching me like butterfly wings. I sank to my balls and stopped. My cock twitched in her pussy's grasp as I lay on her. I hungrily kissed her and as her tongue snaked into my mouth, my orgasm erupted from the deepest center of my body. It was nothing that I had ever felt before. It seemed to go on forever. When she felt the first pulse of sperm enter her, she began her orgasm as well. Together we slowly came back to earth. We told each how much we loved the other and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Tomorrow was another day and as it turned out, just as much fun.