I Deserved It by Chris

I had been fantasizing about having another man fuck my wife Kelly for a long time. It had always been my favorite fantasy. I knew it would never come true though because Kelly is pretty much a prude when it comes to sex and sexuality. Sometimes when I wasn't thinking too straight, I'd leave hints like stories that I'd found on the internet about wives being taken - sometimes light **** where the wife ends up enjoying it, and sometimes just stories about wives getting so horny that they couldn't help themselves.

It would always backfire with Kelly getting mad at me and telling me to not put that stuff where she could read it. It was discouraging but I do have to admit that I wasn't really sure that I would be able to handle it anyway.

One day I saw this ad for sexual subliminal tapes on the internet. It said that by playing the tape, I could get my wife to live out any fantasy that I wanted. When I saw it, I had a weak moment and decided that I was going to buy it and go for it. I had asked the vendor to program it so that my wife would be willing to let a man fuck her in front of me. In 10 days, I got the tape in the mail.

I was really excited! The tape played nature sounds which were soothing while the subliminal messages were stored away "behind" the sounds. I told my wife that I wanted to use it to try to help me sleep better. I then just hope that it worked although I always had a little doubt in my mind if this is what I wanted.

After about 3 weeks, my wife's and my sex sessions began to get steamier. She seemed to get into it more and more. One time I asked her to share her favorite fantasy with me while we screwed. I was shocked when she reluctantly told me that she lately had been fantasizing about fucking a stranger while I watched!! I couldn't believe that the tape worked!!

I remember fucking her harder that night than I ever had! I came so hard I thought my eyes were going to cave in. I wispered in her ear the whole time about how I was a stranger fucking her...that I was gonna cum inside her and make her pregnant in front of her husband. And, when I said that, she came so hard her whole body shook! It was amazing.

After cleaning up, we both crawled into bed and Kelly said, "You know that was just a fantasy, right? I'd never cheat on you. In fact, I feel kinda embarassed even doing what we just did - talking about it and all."

"Don't", I said. "It's normal for husbands and wives to share their fantasies. I was really turned on too."

"You were?", she replied. "I can't believe you weren't jealous."

"I know it's just a fantasy. No harm", I smiled to myself.

Then we kissed and nodded off to sleep.

The whole week I couldn't stop thinking about the experience and how well the tape worked. I started planning in my head to see if I could test the limits further. I decided to call home from work on Wednesday and ask her on a "date". It would seem special since we hadn't had a "date night" in a long time.

She immediately said "yes" and we planned on Friday night. I told her to meet me at a local bar and I would meet her there. Kinda like picking her up. She was all excited and I couldn't wait for Friday to get here!

When Friday came around, I couldn't wait for the work day to end. When it finally did, I hastily gathered my stuff and practicalyy ran to my car. Driving as fast as I could to the bar, I parked and went inside.

Kelly was already at the bar and looked incredible. Kelly is 30 years old and has beautiful brown hair and green eyes. She has a killer body and many times I catch men staring at her when we walk around together.

I saddled up next to Kelly and said some cheesy line like, "What's a fine looking lady like you sitting alone tonight?"

"I wasn't alone Honey" she replied. "What?!" I asked. "There was a very handsome man here a second ago. He went to the restroom for a minute. I let him buy me this drink and everything. He's been hitting on me for awhile now."

I felt a pang of jealousy ring through me but at the same time was turned on at the thought of it. I decided to play along.

"Well, maybe you should stay awhile and have a dance or two with him".

"Maybe I will" she said in a sexy voice. "Maybe I'll let him do more than dance with me."

She said the second think jokingly and I knew she had no intentions of anything kinky.

Just as I was about to get up and take her up on her "dare", the man she was talking about came back. I was shocked to see a black man coming my way. Kelly had never been in to black guys before. Plus, this guy was HUGE!

He looked at me angrily as I got up and move down two bar stools to try to listen in.

When he sat down, I heard him ask Kelly if I was bothering her and she said "a little, but not too bad" and he again looked in my direction.

After continuously talking Kelly up - and about 4 drinks later, the guy asked Kelly for a dance. I could tell that Kelly as a little ***** as we don't drink that often. She coyly looked over at me, winked and said "I'd love to".

The song began as a fast one and quickly stopped and moved on to a slow dance. The black guy pulled Kelly close to him. I could see Kelly trying to keep a respectable distance between them but it was no use as she finally gave up and let him pull her close. After a minute or two, I could see the man's hands move down to her lower back and then to Kelly's ass. He began to massage her and I was shocked as I saw Kelly begin to rest her head on his chest. Pangs of jealousy ran through me.

They danced like this for two more songs. Kelly and the guy came back to the bar and Kelly excused herself to the bathroom. I got up and followed her.

"What are you doing?!" I asked. Clearly she was *****.

"I'm having some fun. Enjoying a little fantasy of mine." She looked down at the hardon in my pants. "You are too I see" as she gave it a squeeze.

I had to admit that I was turned on.

I decided to think with my little head rather than my big one and dare her further. I said, "Then why don't you take him back home and play with him some more?" I didn't expect her to take me up on the dare, but with the mix of alchohol and her stubborn streak, she decided she wasn't going to let me show her up.

"Okay" she said. "Maybe I will."

I went back to my barstool and waited for her to return.

When she did, she looked brazenly at me and said to the guy, "How would you like to share a slow dance with me at my place?"

His eyes lit up and he said "Hell yeah!"

As they were about to leave, he went to get his coat. I told Kelly that I didn't think she had the guts and that I was gonna hide out at home to see if she did or not.

She just looked angrily at me and said that she was braver than I thought she was. I should've known at that point that I maybe had gone too far.

I hurried home to beat them and set up shop in the closet of our bedroom.

I heard the door open and Kelly giggling. I then heard them come up the stairs and down the hallway to our bedroom. Once inside, Kelly turned on some music and the black guy approached her.

"Now about that dance", he said as he pulled her close.

I could only get a view through a crack in the door but I could see everything. Kelly obviously knew of my hiding place as she kept looking back at the door and when she spoke, she tended to raiser her voice a little bit.

I continued to watch as I saw the black guy get more and more bold with my wife. He was groping her ass, and trying to kiss her. After a little rougher urging, my wife gave in and kissed him back.

At first, it was a tight lipped kiss. I began to figure out that my wife was not really going to be able to beat me on the "dare". But, as the black guy moved his hands to Kelly's breasts, and down her belly, Kelly began to open her mouth and dart her tongue in and out of his waiting mouth.

I was really starting to get jealous but my hardon was the biggest I'd ever had. I was stuck wondering what to do.

Then, I had my answer. I saw the black guy reach down and begin to pull Kelly's dress up and move his hands into her panties. When he did this, Kelly moaned into his mouth and reached for his cock through his pants. It was already huge. As she began to stroke him through is trousers, I couldnt' take any more. I burst through the door to stop this.

"Stop it! Get your hands off my wife!" I yelled.

The black guy started for me when Kelly stopped him. "No! He's my husband! I didn't tell you he was there because he likes to watch" she said lying.

"Kelly, you have to stop. I can't do this" I cried.

Kelly knew she had beaten me in our little game. She decided to bbmake me pay for it.

"Well Honey, we did bring Trevor here all the way home" she say coyishly. "And I really don't think it's fair to let him leave like this" she said moving up to him and rubbing his cock again through his trousers all the while staring at me with a victorious, yet devlish, grin.

"Please stop now" I begged. "I really don't want you to do this" realizing that my subliminal tape scheme may have created a monster.

"Well, I don't want to upset Trevor. I mean he is really big and I don't think you can stop him from taking little 'ol me if he wanted to." she teased.

"Trevor, is Mister Trevor all worked up" she said to him in a little girl voice.

"Damn straight he is!" Said Trevor angrily now.

"You aren't going to make me have sex with you in front of my husband, are you?" Kelly said again in a little girl voice. Trevor started to get the picture.

"Why yes I am. I'm gonna fuck your little white pussy right in front of you annoying husband!"

"Oh no!" said Kelly pretending to be scared.

With that, Trevor turned to her and ripped her blouse off. It was a little rougher than Kelly or I expected and I believe it startled her some.

He then told me to sit the hell down and I reluctantly did not knowing if he was playing along with us or not.

He quickly stripped off his clothes and then ripped what was left of Kellys dress of her. I began to get more worried as he was getting a little rough.

He then kissed Kelly hard and she returned his kiss. He then kissed his way down Kelly's tummy. She, all the while, continued to look at me with lust in her eyes. She then spoke through labored breaths.

"Honey...I ...ah...won't let him cum...in me...don't worry...AAAAHHHHH"

He had mad his way down to her pussy and was eating her out in earnest. Kelly's hips began to undulate under his tongue.

I don't eat her out much so she was really going wild. She began to talk dirty using words she never uses.

"Ah...yes...gawd yes Trevor...eat my pussy...FUCK!"

She then turned to me and said, "Chris! You should do this more! It's...ah..yeah...amazing...I'm gonna cum on his....ugh...his tongue baby...yeah...aaahhhhh!"

With that I saw Kelly shake like I've never seen her before. It was incredible.

Her eyes rolled back in her head and she screamed his name and then looked at me. Pure lust in her eyes.

Trevor began moving up along Kelly's body while she continued to recover. I then noticed that he was positioning himself in front of Kellys waiting pussy.

Kelly, coming to her senses, again said in her little girl voice (half looking at me and half looking at Trevor) "you have to be very careful now...no cumming inside me okay? I don't want any little black kids running around."

Trevor looked angry at the statement but controlled himself and said "that's cool..where ya want it?"

"Anywhere elsed you'd like sweetie", Kelly replied.

At that moment, Trevor began to move forward with his huge cock into Kelly. It took some doing as Kelly had never had a cock that big before. In fact, she'd only had two others in her life including me.

I was jealous as hell, but knew at this point, Trevor would kick my ass and maybe even hurt Kelly if I said anything. Dame subliminal tapes!!

I could hear my wife grunt and groan as he began to work his way inside her. She turned her head to me almost looking through me now and then back to him.

He kissed her deeply and she returned the kiss in earnest mixing tongues together in passion.

More and more he moved inside her. More grunting from my wife...."ah...ugh...it's...so big!..ah yeah..please..keep going...ugh!" she cried.

Just as he began to bottom out...I saw him whisper something in Kelly's ear. Then I heard her say, "Not now! I can't!" but he insisted.

With that, she turned to me and began to speak as he picked up the pace.

"Honey..ah...Trevor..is so big...I love..ah..ugh..him inside me...he's..ah...deeper...ugh..than anyone...has ever..ah..been...before!" I felt humiliated but she continued.

"His cock...ugh..is..ah...hitting,...my ...ah..ow!...cervix...he's..ah....so fucking...deep!..AHHHHhh!" she cried as another orgasm hit her like a brick.

As she came I notice Trevor really pumping her hard now. I knew he was about to cum. I called for Kelly.

"Kelly, he has to pull out! He's gonna cum! You're not using protection!"

What happened next changed my world. Kelly began to speak to Trevor.

"Trevor..ah..please...pull out...ah yes..you..ugh..you'll get...me...ah..yeah!...pregnant!"

Trevor ignored her pleas...

"Trevor! Please!...ah..ugh...gawd! Please..don't cum...inside...me!"

Trevor shot back. "Bitch, you deserve this...I'm gonna cum right in your belly and make ya pregnant!"

With that, he gave a final lunge forward and burried himself inside Kelly.

"Oh my GAWD!" Cried Kelly.

She stared right at me....

"Oh no!...ah...yes..oh gawd! Chris...he's..ah...ungh...cumming..in me!...oh...yes...so deep...AAAHHHHHhhh!" as she came on his spurting shaft!

As he got up to leave...Kelly, still tingling from her mind-shattering orgasm, just lay there looking at me.

"Oh my gawd, that was incredible! I guess you lost the dare!"