The usual disclaimers: Erotic material, don't read unless you're of age, fiction, don't do it, etc. This material may not be altered or published in any manner without permission from the author.

The Hypno-tricked Wives Part 5

The next few days went slowly. I mentioned Doug's name to Kathy a few times, the way Jason said I should. I was careful not to put any pressure on or get her angry, and my casual use of his name seemed to go alright. Of course, each time I did it, it made waiting 'til Wednesday all the harder. But with Jason around, there was always the chance for a pleasant distraction to help pass the time. On Tuesday, he managed one that the whole office appreciated, though only Jerry and I knew it wasn't an accident. We had hired a new Administrative Assistant, a woman named Karen, who managed to annoy just about everyone. There was something about her that made most of the guys feel like she'd said "no" before they even asked. Kind of a "don't even think about it" put-down right out of the blue. And she didn't do much better with the women, especially those who had seniority. She acted more like an executive than an assistant, and that didn't play too well. Despite all that, she was good to look at. She had light brown hair and a pretty face with beautiful full lips. Her figure was good, with really fine breasts and legs that made my eyes stray every time she walked past. Jason hadn't warned me about any kind of a set-up with her, so the first time I knew about it was when I heard her calling for someone to come and help her. As I stepped out of my office to see what was wrong, Jason looked at me with a subtle smile and said, "I think you'll want to go help Miss Perfect." Her voice was coming from the snack room, and I had trouble keeping a straight face when I got there. Karen was standing half bent over with her blouse stuck in the door of the microwave oven. She was wearing one of those loose flowing blouses that have a bow made of the same fabric, and it was jammed in the door latch. She couldn't open it, or turn around, or even straighten up. Jason told me later it was fairly easy to put her in limbo for a moment, catch her blouse in the door, and then give her a memory that she'd accidentally pushed the door closed while stretching to get something off a lower shelf. I went over to her and asked what had happened, and while she was explaining, Jerry and a few more people came in. One by one we all took a turn at trying to open the microwave door, and of course, each one of us took full advantage of her situation. Looking down her blouse was almost unavoidable. She couldn't straighten up, and with her blouse stretched to one side, every one of us got a great view of Karen's full breasts cupped in a lacy bra. When I went back for a second try, I got an even better treat. I told her I needed as much slack as possible, and asked her to put her arms together and stand as close as she could to the microwave. She did it, and when I bent down to work on the latch, I saw what I'd hoped for. Putting her arms together made the bra gap forward, ******** her breasts all the way down to the tops of her delicious dark nipples. My fingers were working at the latch, but my eyes were locked on her breasts. And the best thing was she probably knew it. She had to stand there, bent over and *******, knowing I was taking in every detail of her precious tits. Things got even worse for her when the maintenance guys showed up. They had to move the microwave so they could take off the casing and get to the door's hinges. Of course, she had to move with it or loose her blouse completely, and the maintenance guys weren't shy at all. They not only looked, they nudged and rubbed and took every excuse there was to feel her tits with their arms and even a back of the hand or palm now and then.

**** Finally, Wednesday night came. I had to work hard trying to look relaxed all evening, but finally Kathy and I headed up the stairs for bed. I waited until she had just dozed off, and then whispered the cue word in her ear. For a moment I thought maybe it wasn't going to work, but then she slid her legs out of the bed and sat up. I waited until she'd opened the closet, and then I slipped quietly out of the room. I found myself tip toeing down the stairs, as if she could hear me, even though I knew her mind was totally focused on dressing for a date with Doug. She'd be seeing the clothes in her closet as her old teenage wardrobe, and when she was dressed, she'd come downstairs and wait on the couch. Jason and Jerry were waiting at the front door, and I opened it quietly to let them in. Jason was calm as usual, but Jerry was nervous. "You're sure she's not gonna know me?" he asked. "She'll know you," Jason said, "but not as Jerry. You'll be Doug, a high school senior she's dating. And she won't be on the couch in this house either. She'll be in the back seat of Doug's car." "And she'll really think she's back in high school?" "Relax, Jerry. Everything will be fine. All you have to do is sit down and let nature take its course." "And I can talk to her?" "Say whatever you like," he said, and then looking at me he added, "Assuming, of course, we still have permission?" Jerry looked at me and said, "Yeh. Uh, I thought up some stuff I can try, you know, see how far I can get, but you gotta be sure you're okay with this." "No way I'm gonna back out now," I said. "I have to see this. Try for whatever you can get...right up to the limit." Then it was my turn for a little doubt. I asked Jason again, "And you're absolutely sure she won't see you or me watching all this?" "We'll be over there in those two chairs. She won't be looking there, but even if she did, she wouldn't see us. She's in Doug's car, remember? Her mind will fill lin whatever details she can recall about the places she and Doug used to park. Now relax, both of you. Its time to enjoy. Time to enjoy. How about time to panic? I could hear Kathy at the top of the stairs, and I knew there was no turning back now. And then she was down the stairs, headed for the couch. And then she sat down. I guess Jerry and I froze, because Jason had to get us both moving. He gave Jerry a nudge toward the couch, and guided me back to the chairs. Sitting down in the chair calmed me a little, and I took my first look at the two of them together. Kathy had already moved over next to Jerry. She had Jeans and a blouse on, and I was already a little jealous. Her figure was still good and the jeans proved it. She'd turned toward Jerry, with her breasts pressing against his ribs, and I could see the side of her ass filling out those jeans in all the right ways. Kathy began talking to him about school and his car and a bunch of other things, and it was easy to see Jerry was still a little nervous. He didn't say much for a while, mostly, "yeh," and "I know," and whatever else sounded safe to him. But the longer she talked to him as though he was Doug, the more confident he got. He let her chatter on a while, and then lifted his arm up to put in around her shoulders. She went on talking, trying to finish whatever her point was, but this time his answer was to turn into her and find her mouth. He kissed her, leaned back a moment, and when he could tell she was okay with it, he kissed her again, longer, with his mouth beginning to work hers open. I don't know exactly why, but seeing her kiss him like that gave me a sudden jolt of stronger jealousy. I actually had to talk to myself and remind myself that all this was my idea. They made out like, well, like a pair of teenagers, their kisses growing longer, their tongues finding each other, and I could tell Jerry was a very happy guy. He pressed her in against his chest, feeling the push of her breasts against him, and began to lick her neck and tease her ears with his lips. If I'd wondered at all about her responding, the question was answered when she arched her neck and made small sounds of pleasure. Her hands stroked his back, and soon they were kissing deeply again.

Jerry must have really liked the feel of her lips and tongue, or maybe he was just making sure he didn't rush things, but it seemed like a long time before he leaned back, letting his lips pull at hers until they parted, and turned his head toward me. Behind her back, his raised his hand palm upward, asking if he should go ahead. I gave him a thumbs up sign, not completely sure if I meant it, but sure enough to let things go for a while. He kissed her again, this time slipping one arm down from her shoulder until his hand rested on the upper part of her chest. "Doug...."she said. "What?" he said in mock innocence. "Don't. Please." Jerry began nuzzling at her neck again as he murmured, "I'm not doing anything." Kathy's ears have always been sensitive, and as Jerry began to nibble on them again, she turned his face toward her and kissed him. As they kissed, Jerry slid his hand down further until it rested on the upper part of her right breast. I knew it was early in the game, but it began to look as though Kathy had been telling me the truth all these years. She pulled back, told him to stop, and pushed his hand away from her. Jerry sat quietly for a moment, and when he spoke he sounded almost angry. "All right. I'll stop. But you have to stop too. Stop lying to me, and stop leading me on. I asked you to go with me because I thought we cared about each other. But this," and he actually cupped her breast from underneath ,"is a part of being close to you and caring about you. There isn't a girl I know who wouldn't understand that." It was easy to see Jerry'd done some planning. With that one sentence he'd told her he cared about her, and then threatened to leave her for another girl who'd be more reasonable. At the same time he'd managed to get his hand on her tit on the pretext of making a point, rather than plain-old copping a feel. I don't know if that argument would fly with someone older, but you could see Kathy was thinking with her teenage head. She didn't even move his hand away. Jerry kept his hand on her breast while he pulled her closer, now resting his chin against her forehead. Then, as he lowered his head to kiss her again, he whispered, "I think we're really meant for each other, Kathy. While he kissed her, he began moving his hand in gentle circles, pressing in on her breast lightly. It looked like she'd decided to let him feel her up a little, and I had a good guess why. From what Kathy'd told me, Doug must have been some kind of big deal in high school. And I know her well enough to bet she'd do her best to be a part of the "in" crowd, and that probably included dating Doug. I mean, sure, I guess she liked the guy, but she probably wouldn't have let him get his hand on her tit if she wasn't worried he might dump her. Of course I'd told Jerry about it, and it looked like he was playing it just right. Probably the same way Doug would have back then. Ah, my calculating wife. There she was, letting Doug play with her breasts so she could stay one up on the other girls. The sight of his hand massaging her through the blouse was getting me hot, and it made me wonder just how much my virtuous Kathy would let him do. And just how long could she keep control of things? Jerry's hand began to squeeze her breast a little, and when she didn't complain, he began massaging both of her breasts, his fingers stroking and pressing in against the nipples. But if she thought she could keep him happy feeling her up through the blouse, she knew better soon. His kisses were longer and deeper now, and his tongue explored her mouth. I watched his fingers fumble at the middle buttons on her blouse for a moment, and then saw him slide his hand in, his fingers stroking the soft flesh above her bra. She managed to say a muffled "don't" but his mouth covered the rest of it, and his hand worked quickly to slip inside the bra cup. By the time kathy was able to break their kiss and finish her sentence with a weak "we shouldn't do this....." Jerry had cupped her naked breast and begun to roll her nipple between his fingers. "Please," she whispered, "can't you tell I care without....." Jerry covered her mouth with his again. A moment later she stopped trying to talk, and his hands finished opening her blouse. He slid one hand behind her to unclasp the bra, and pushed it upwards with the other, allowing Kathy's lovely breasts to come into full view. Neither of them spoke as Jerry gazed down at her smooth soft skin and lovely dusky pink nipples. Kathy broke the silence, touching his face and turning it to look directly into hers. "Doug," she said, "this can't get out of control....." Without answering, Jerry smiled at her and lowered his head to her breasts. And now as I watched, my sweet modest wife let him suck and squeeze her nipples until they stiffened with arousal. I'd never been so hot in my life. There was my Kathy, with another man's tongue lapping at her tits, his fingers pulling at her nipples, stretching the skin up and away. Jerry was so enthused I'm sure it almost hurt her, the way he was nibbling on her rock hard nipples and squeezing the full soft flesh. I could see it in her face, small moments of pain, and something else too. Her eyes were closed most of the time now, but when they opened, she had the glazed, dreamy look I knew very well. Kathy was loosing control. It was quite a while before Jerry had satisfied his lust for my wife's tits, and lifted his head back up to nuzzle at her neck. His right arm circled her shoulders, pulling her to him, and his left hand rested on her stomach. Of course, it didn't rest there very long. Without a word, his lips nuzzling her earlobe, Jerry slid his hand to the waistband of her jeans. When he pressed down gently on her stomach, sliding his hand under and down, she stopped him, pulling at his arm. "No," she said with quiet firmness. "Oh yes," he said with equal firmness, and pushed downward. The bulge his hand made under her jeans moved slowly down despite her tugging at his arm and her increasingly angry protests. "I'm going to leave," she said. "I'm going to get out of this car right now if you don't stop it." "You don't want to go anywhere," he said. "I know you don't." "Stop it!" she said, struggling now to pull free from his arm. "I mean it." "Alright, kathy," he said, "I'll stop. Just relax." "Then do it. Move your hand," she said, and then softened, "I mean, we can be close without that..." "If you want me to move my hand, we're going to do it my way, or you can just hop out now and we'll forget about everything." "I don't want to forget about everything....I like being with you, Doug. I do! But I can't do this." "Alright. I'm going to move my hand. But I'm going to count to ten first. You can manage to hang on 'til then, can't you?" "Just ten and then you'll quit?" "Just ten. Starting now. Just as soon as I slide my finger under your panties here...." "No! You said you'd stop" "I'm counting, Kathy. And he began, very slowly. One. Two. Three. It was clear that Jerry's hand was very, very busy under her jeans. If he'd managed to slip his fingers inside her panties, he had to be stroking her pussy lips and teasing her clit by now. Watching Kathy's face was almost comical. She was tense with resolve, but the arousal she'd already felt from Jerry sucking on her nipples was being reinforced with every sensuous stroke of her pussy. "Hurry up!" she blurted and I almost laughed. She was losing it fast. "Seven. Eight," he counted, "now, you're certain I should move my hand at ten?" "Yes," she said, but there was no mistaking the quieter tone in her voice. "Nine," he said, his fingers working the whole length of her sex, "Ten." Silence. Not a word. The only movement was Jerry's finger as it slowly circled her clit under the jeans. "Shall I move?" he asked. "You should," her voice came, small and quiet between sharp intakes of breath as his fingers probed her clit. "I don't want to." "I know, but..." "Are you sure you want me to stop?" Silence again. Jerry's fingers continued circling her tender-most flesh, teasing her clit. He leaned in to kiss her again, and held his lips to hers a long time while his fingers worked their way up from her pussy to the button that held her jeans together. In a moment it was open, then the soft sound of her zipper, and he was pushing the jeans down her lovely legs. She was quiet now as his hands moved back up to pull her panties down. I sat there numb with jealousy and arousal as Jerry proved that my wife might not have been the totally virtuous young lady she'd claimed. And then her jeans and panties were off completely. Jerry opened her legs slowly, teasing himself as he ******* more and more of her dark rose-colored pussy, nestled in soft brunette hair. Her already swollen labia glistened with moisture, and he slid his hand up her thigh to let it rest between her legs, feeling her warmth and softness. Then his hand rose, and his fingers stroked her labia, spreading them open to ****** her dark pink womanhood. Her breath began to come in short quick intakes as he slipped his fingers inside, finger fucking her first with two, and then three fingers. Soon her pelvis began to move with the rhythm of his hand, pressing hard against him, driving his fingers deep inside. I could tell she was getting closer and closer to a crushing orgasm with each stroke. And then he stopped. HIs hand slid away from her and came to rest on her belly again. It surprised me, and I know it surprised her. "What's wrong....," she said, her breathing still rapid, "I....why did you stop?" "Because you weren't very nice." "What?" she gasped. Jerry looked straight up at Jason and me, winked, and said, "When I tried to tell you how good this would be. You got angry. So maybe now I'm angry. And maybe I won't do it any more." "Damn you," was all she could get out. "This is stupid. You don't stop when...." "I can stop whenever I want. At least until you've been punished for being such a cruel girl." "Punished?" "Roll over my knees here." "Will you stop fooling around? I..." That was all she got out. Jerry grabbed her, forced her head down with one arm and lifted her legs up with the other. Before she knew it, she was laid out across his lap. She was still talking, but with her face pressed into the couch, her voice was too muffled to understand. Jerry's hands circled her sweet naked ass, enjoying the smoothness of her for a moment, and then he gave her the first swat. I don't think she really thought he was going to do it. She was too surprised, and let out a loud muffled "Ouch!" followed by a variety of other noises as Jerry's hands stung her ass cheeks over and over. Before long, her entire rear end had turned to a rosy red. On the one hand I was absolutely stunned, and on the other I was jealous and angry. I'd never even dared think about throwing Kathy across my knee. But here I was, watching another man enjoy the delicious wiggle of her ass and her muffled cries pleading for him to stop. As I thought about it, though, I couldn't be too jealous. The deal between Jerry and me was he could play with Kathy's body, but he couldn't go all the way. So he was probably trying to enjoy her luscious body every way he could before it was over. But I was the one who'd get to fuck her. When he was finished spanking her, he asked if she was sorry. I thought for sure she'd turn over and take a swing at him, but I was wrong. Her face was streaked with tears when she turn toward him, and all she could say was "Sorry....sorry." "That's better," Jerry told her. "Now. Are you my girl or aren't you." "Yes...." "Good. Now let's see if you mean it." "I do." "Uhuh. I want to see your body. Close up. All of it. Are you going to show me?" "I'm naked...there's nothing left." "Oh I think there is." "What?" "I think you should get on your knees, lean your chest down against the seat here and stick your ass up as high as you can." "Oh God, please, that's not pretty it''s...I'd be too embarrassed." "Do it." "Please." "Or we can go back to the spanking...." "No.....wait." And I'll be damned if she didn't do it. Slowly up on all fours, then down with her head and up with that gorgeous ass of hers, aimed right square at him. "Alright, now do it," he said. "Do what?" "What I asked you to. Or do I have to remind you?" Before she could answer, he gave her a hard swat on each upturned ass cheek. "You can look at me. God, I did what you asked, this is so hard...." He swatted her again. "I asked you to show me. So show me. You know what I mean." And now she knew. Slowly, she she reach back with her hands. "Oh jeese...I.....oh god.....this is so.....dirty...god." And she spread open her ass cheeks and her pussy, stretching herself as wide as she could, and knelt there, breathing in short gasps while Jerry filled his eyes with her. As he began trailing his fingers lightly up and down her pussy, he said to her "You like this, don't you." "Press harder...." she moaned. "Please." "Tell me!" he said, "if you want me to press harder tell me you like showing off for me." "Alright...yes...I like it." "Like what?" "I like.....I like...opening myself for you....I like..oh god...." she said, her voice deepening in passion. "I like opening up my ass and pussy for you can you can see me....touch me...." If I hadn't heard it, I'd never believe it. My wife... turned on by ******** herself....humiliated and loving it! Hotter than I'd ever seen her. And when he buried his fingers in her pussy again and began to tease and lick her open asshole, Kathy's response was almost immediate. "Oh god yes," she said, "don't stop this time, oh god don't stop...." and she began humping backwards against his fingers. "I won't," he said, and knelt up behind her, unbuckling his trousers. Both Jason and I raised a hand, a silent warning not to go too far, and he gave us a thumbs up, mouthing, "its okay." His trousers dropped, then the shorts, and a very hard seven inch cock took aim at my wife's lewdly ******* ass. He took hold of his cock and slid it between her legs, coating it with her moisture. And then he began to slide it....from her clit up the back of her pussy to her puckered little asshole, then down again. He moved his cock in small circles with his hand, pressing in on her so that the head of it pushed into her pussy just a bit, then slid between her lips as he pulled up again, now pressing in against her asshole until even that virgin hole opened for him just a bit. I sat there, unable to move, barely able to breath as I watched my lovely, modest wife thrust her wide open ass up against him, trying to press his cock inside her. Her breathing got heavier with each stroke until she began to jerk violently in a series of orgasmic shudders, a high animal scream spilling out of her throat. That was all Jerry could take. As she screamed, he slammed his cock hard against her ass cheeks, sliding up and down between them, groaning louder and louder until a heavy load shot out, spreading up over her ass and the small of her back. And that was pretty much the end of it. Jerry settled back on the couch with a huge smile on his face. Jason stepped over to Kathy, touched her head and spoke a few words to put her in limbo. "You owe me one," I said to Jerry. "Absolutely. A big one," he agreed. Before Jason sent Kathy back upstairs, we made sure she was clean, and we checked to be certain Jerry hadn't got carried away when he spanked her. Her ass cheeks were already back to their normal color, and soon she was headed up the stairs to our bed. Jason and Jerry left, and I followed Kathy up. By the time I got there, she was already back in her nightgown, sleeping quietly. My job now was to begin making love to her while she slept, then touch her head and wake her with the cue word. She'd wake up with me kissing her and stroking her pussy. She'd be horny and wet, but she'd assume I'd been teasing her for a while before she woke. And then we'd make love. I was way beyond ready, and I knew she would be too. This time, I said to myself, I'll do it the way we usually do. But pretty soon one night, I think I'll give that sweet ass of hers a good sharp swat. And then we'll see what develops.

**** As for the other wives, well, by now I was thinking a lot about bringing more of the other guys in on this. I had some tantalizing notions in my head about tasting as many of the wives' furry little pussies as possible, and for that I wanted the husbands' okay. I didn't think I'd have all that much trouble with that part of it. After all, each of them would enjoy the same feast, but I wasn't sure if Jason could arrange something like that. Maybe it would be too complicated. I didn't know, but the more I fantasized about it, the more I knew I was going to ask him about it at the office the next day.

End of Part Five
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