Usual disclaimers, don't read unless you're of age, story only, don't do it, etc.

The Hypno-tricked Wives Part 3

I was fascinated with the idea of finding out just how hot my wife had been before we met. About a year ago, she and I ran into a guy she dated in high school. His name was Greg, and there was something about the way she talked to him that made me wonder. She'd always told me I was the only guy she ever got really turned on with, but like every guy, I guess I was never sure how true that was. After we'd left Greg, I kind of arched my eyebrows and asked her, "So. You and Greg were just pals in high school?" "We dated when I was a Junior, Mr. detective," she answered. "And no, he didn't have any better luck than the rest." Her voice got testy as she added, "Why can't you believe there are some women in this world who have enough self respect to behave like a human instead of an animal?" I'd been a husband long enough to know it was time to drop the subject, so I did. But the look on her face and the tone of her voice when she'd been talking to Greg stayed with me, and came back full force when Jason first talked about doing a little test on some of the wives. Jason told me he needed time to plan the role-playing he'd talked about, but he made sure the wait wasn't boring. All week long he kept us both entertained with whatever opportunities came up. He even suggested that I bring binoculars to work, "just in case we arrange something worth a closer look." As usual, he made everything as simple as possible, and gave us some delightful views with no risk at all. For example, Dick Poleman's wife Victoria came to the office one afternoon, looking absolutely fine in a crisp white blouse, medium length gray skirt, dark hose and heels. She had her long brown hair done up that day, but I've seen her with it down, long enough to rest on the upper swell of her ass. She has beautiful dark eyes and a great smile. Her breasts are good, but her best feature is a pair of well shaped legs, which the gray skirt and heels really showed off. She asked the receptionist if Dick was available, and then took a chair to wait for him. My office opens on the reception area, and I was able to admire her through my office door without being obvious. Jason's office is opposite mine, and he must have noticed me staring out my door. I saw him stand, and as he crossed the hall to my office, he glanced to his left to see Victoria sitting there. He stepped over to her, exchanged a few words, and then came to my office. As he entered, he closed my door, leaving it open only a crack. "She is lovely, isn't she," he said. "Very," I said. "I don't suppose you've had a chance to talk with her, have you?" "If you're asking have I set her up, the answer is yes. I'm going to make a call, and then I think you'll want to step over and watch through the crack in your doorway here. And bring the binoculars." As he made his call, I moved to the door and adjusted the binoculars. Jason's call was to our receptionist, and whatever he told her, it caused her to leave her desk and walk toward the rear offices. Victoria was now alone in the reception room. Jason told me that if his suggestions worked, Victoria would begin to feel an annoying itch on the sole of her foot. I could tell the itch had already started, because Victoria began to arch her left foot in its shoe. As I watched, I understood why Jason wanted her alone. He wanted her to feel free to scratch her foot with no one watching. A moment later she reached down and put a finger inside the shoe, scratching her arch. The expression on her face turned into a cute mixture of pout and frustration as her scratching didn't work. Now as she became more and more aggressive rubbing her foot, her skirt began to rise up on those wonderful legs. I could see where things were going, but I also knew that Victoria's pantihose would dampen things for me. Jason was standing behind me, watching through the crack, and I offered him the binoculars. He took them, focused on Victoria, and said, "Thanks." "Oh, don't thank me too much," I said, "she's wearing hose. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to appear ungrateful, but pantihose kind of flatten the view for me." "What makes you think they're pantihose? I'm betting they're not. By the way, I think you'll notice a lot more of the wives begin to skip wearing hose or switch to thigh highs. It was an easy, safe post-hypnotic suggestion to make, so I've done it with all of them. Hoping he was right, I looked back through the door with renewed interest. Victoria was still plagued by the itch on her foot, and as she shifted on the chair raising her foot to scratch more of it, her skirt rode up high enough to answer the question. With a final upward slip over the dark nylons, her skirt rose to reveal the tops of thigh high stockings, and a few inches of delicious smooth skin beyond. Finally, with quick look around to make sure she was still alone, she lifted her left foot up to cross it over her right thigh, and scratched it vigorously. The view was absolutely spectacular, with Victoria's skirt high on her thighs and her legs spread wide to ****** her very brief, very sheer panties. "Time for itch number two,"Jason whispered, and generously handed me the binoculars. As if on cue, Victoria's face took on a surprised look as her eyes squinted with the urgency of a new itch. Without a moment's hesitation, she reached up between her open legs and rubbed at her panty crotch. A moment later, she pulled the at the side of the leg hole, and when that didn't end the torturous new itch, she pushed her panties aside and massaged her pussy. Her pubic hair was shaved from each side, leaving a small bikini trim that did little to hide the full dusky red labia she'd *******. Watching her through the binoculars, I was treated to a wonderful close-up view of her fingers as she pulled at her pussy lips and then stroked them. After a few moments, she seemed to find relief, and with a worried glance around the room, quickly put her foot down and closed her legs. That should give you an idea of how the whole week went, but even with the great peeks I got at quite a few of the wives, I was still eager to move on to whatever the role-playing test was going to be. It was late on Thursday when Jason told me he'd figured out how to set it up. He asked if I'd decided which of the wives to test, and I told him I wanted to try my own wife Kathy first. He asked if I knew the name of anyone Kathy used to date, and I told him about Greg. "Okay, he said. "Is next Wednesday okay for you?" "Should be," I said. "Okay. Between now and then, I want you to mention Greg's name to Kathy at least two or three times. And make sure you don't challenge her with it. Just say something like you saw someone in a restaurant that looked like him. We want his image in her mind, but we don't want any stress about it." "That sounds easy enough." "The night we do this, she'll believe she's back in high school, and she'll think the guy she's with is Greg, but it won't be. It'll be whoever you want." "How about you?" "I don't want to risk that. I need to be where I can watch for any problems. It'll have to be somebody else." "You mean things could go wrong? What kind of problems are you talking about?" I said, getting a little apprehensive. "None, if we're careful. And that's my point. Most of the stuff you hear about hypnotic suggestion is garbage. If there's too much conflict between reality and the suggestions you make, its harder to keep your subject fully involved, and there's more risk they may remember part of it. What I'm setting up with Kathy will be safe, but every subject is different, and I need to be watching in case there's some reinforcement needed." I told Jason how much I appreciated his caution. We had a great thing going,and I wanted to keep it that way. "So who can you trust to play Greg?" he asked. "Jerry's the only one I'd trust. At least for now. Maybe we can bring some of the other guys in later." "Okay. Tell him what we've got set up, and if he's interested, I'll meet with him and explain things." "Something tells me he'll be interested," I said. "Okay. Now let me explain the last part. We don't know how Kathy's going to react when she thinks she's with Greg. I'm going to suggest to her that she's back in high school, and that she and Greg are in the back seat of his car. For all we know, she may slap him the first time he tries anything, and we'll end the test right away. But if she doesn't, and she gets aroused, we have to set things up so that afterward she won't have any questions about why she's wet." "So how do we do that?" "We set it up in your house. The two of you will go to bed as usual. When Kathy's settled down with her eyes closed, you'll give her the cue word. Let's make it "Pandora." That's all you have to do. She'll get up, dress and go downstairs on her own. When she sits on the couch, she'll be back in high school, sitting in Greg's car after a date. The lights will be out except for one near the couch, and you and I will be watching from the chairs opposite the couch. Jerry will know we're there, of course, but Kathy won't. When its over, you'll go back upstairs with Kathy. She'll undress, get in bed and close her eyes. That's when she'll come out of it, and if her body's aroused from whatever went on downstairs, you'll need to cover by making love to her." "I'm getting hot just hearing the plan." "One more thing. Tell Jerry he can try for whatever he wants, but he can't cum inside her. It'd be too hard to explain when she wakes up in bed with you." "That's okay," I said. "This whole thing's exciting as hell, but I still don't know if I'm up to letting somebody else fuck her." "Well, if you ever decide you are, I can try to set it up. Maybe a little modification on what we're setting up for Jerry next Wednesday. Just let me know." Wednesday. That's when the reality of this thing happening just a few nights from then hit me. I said, "Okay," as my head filled with images of Kathy and Jerry on that couch together. Explaining it all to Jerry was a little tougher than I thought. When I told him I'd seen what he did while Kathy was asleep at Frank and Julie's house, his mouth dropped open. It stayed open while I explained the rest of it, and when I finished, he was quiet for a while. He started to talk two or three times, but never finished a sentence. It took about an hour for him to finish asking questions, some of them two and three times, but I could see his interest building with every answer I gave. "And you're sure its okay with you if with Kathy?" "Would it be okay if I played with Shelly?" "Well....yeh, I guess it would. I mean I think I know it would, if I was there to watch." "Okay. It's a deal. You'll be with Kathy next week, and we'll try to work out a time for me with Shelly." "This is amazing. I can't believe we can do this." "Believe it." "I want to. Absolutely. Kathy's fantastic. But I'm still worried she'll wake up or something and see it's me." "She won't. Jason is very careful, and very good." I could tell Jerry wanted to believe me, but it just wasn't working. He still couldn't get himself to believe it would work. I told him to think it over, and that I'd ask Jason to talk to him. Jason wasn't surprised when I told him about Jerry. "He just needs a little proof. I'll talk to him. Maybe we can set up a situation where he sees that hypnotic identity switching works." By the end of the day, Jason had talked with Jerry, and convinced him to try a little test with Shelly. Jason was going to call Shelly that night, and give her a suggestion on the phone. Jerry would know the suggestion worked if Shelly told him she'd been feeling really tense lately, and wondered if a massage might help. It was Jerry's job to agree, and make an appointment with a local male therapist for late Friday afternoon. Shelly is probably the most shy and modest of all the wives, and if she agreed to a full massage Jerry would know that hypnotic suggestion works. Jason told him to ask if he could be in the room during the massage, and the therapist had agreed. I could tell Jerry was getting aroused by the whole idea of another man seeing his wife naked under a sheet. Of course, I still had next Wednesday on my mind, but the test Friday sounded great, especially when Jerry agreed to let me watch if Jason found a way to work it out. Shelly is a petite but well proportioned woman with soft blonde hair and lovely green eyes. I could always hope for a mistake or two with the sheet. I went early Friday afternoon, and parked my car across the street from the therapist's office. Jason had told me to wait until I saw Jerry and Shelly go in, wait ten minutes or so, and then go in myself. I didn't want Sherry to see me, so I'd planned to listen at the waiting room door to make sure she'd left for the massage room. When I got to the office, I didn't need to listen. The door was open and I could see Jerry and Jason sitting alone inside. I stepped in and said quietly, "Is everything okay?" "Everything's fine," Jason said. "Didn't Shelly wonder why you were here?" I asked. "You're not gonna believe this," Jerry whispered, Shelly walked in here, saw Jason, and introduced herself as though she'd never met him. I don't know who she thinks he is, but she sure doesn't know its him." "Okay, so I had a surprise for you. See that picture on the wall? That's the guy that normally works here. He owes me a few favors, so he let me use the office. I set Shelly up to look for that picture as soon as she came in, and to see him whenever she saw me. Hypnotic identify switch. That was the real point of the test, wasn't it?" "If I hadn't seen it," said Jerry, "I wouldn't have believed it." Jason got up and went to the massage room door. "Ready in there?" he asked. "Ready," Shelly's voice came back to us through the door. Jason walked back to us and spoke quietly, "Not knowing its me is the only suggestion I've made to her. She's completely awake otherwise." He looked at me and said, "That means you'll have to be completely quiet. You can come in now because she's on her stomach. When she turns over you'll have to step out until I put the warm cloth on her eyes. You can come back in then. Just be careful." He turned to Jerry then and said, "I can give her a normal massage. I'm not bad at it. Or if you like, we can see what develops. I'll have to make her think she's covered, or at least uncovered for a therapeutic reason, but if you want, I'll see how much I can ******, and maybe how close I can get her to a little arousal." Jerry was so tense he was having trouble swallowing, but he told Jason, "Go for it." Jason led the way, and we followed him into the massage room. I could tell Jerry was affected immediately by what he saw. Shelly was laying face down on the table with a light gauzy cloth covering her from her shoulders to her calves. A faint image of her naked body showed through the cloth, with more color and shape where it lay against her shoulders, curved down her back and rose up over her ass. The sheet was so light we could even see a hint of the line between her buttocks as it curved down into deeper shadows. Throughout the massage, Jason spoke to her in a gentle monologue, explaining what he was doing, and why. As he told her he was going to start with her shoulders and back, he took hold of the sheet and lifted it, pulling it downward. He looked up at both of us, and continued to lift the sheet until her body was ******* all the way down to mid thigh. We all had a momentary look at her beautiful naked ass, and then he settled the sheet so that the edge of it rested on the crown of her buttocks. It had been a lovely view, but I think it affected Jerry more than any of us. It was the first time anyone had seen Shelly's ass but him, and I know how he felt. Part of it is jealousy, part pride, some out and out lust, but there's something else. Watching other men look at your wife is a way to see her through their eyes, new and naked for the first time.

End of Part 3

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