Usual disclaimers, don't read unless you're of age, story only, don't do it, etc.

The Hypno-tricked Wives Part 2

After that first experience with Jason's hypnotic abilities, my interest in company social life took a big swing upward. My wife Kathy was surprised but happy at my new-found social interest, especially because it all involved her. No more nights with just the guys. I wanted to attend every couples get-together I could, and I made sure Jason was always invited. The next event was an evening barbeque at Frank and Julie's house. Jerry and Shelly were there, and Jim and Linda. The day before the barbeque, I asked Jason if he thought we might be able to have some of the fun we'd had before, and he said, "Sure. If you'd like me to arrange something, I will." When I asked him what he was planning, he told me, "Nothing. I don't like to plan things like this. I just take whatever comes along, and whatever seems safe. My suggestions have to be part of something the women can see as normal for where they are and why they're there. I mean, I can tell someone they're at the North Pole, and maybe they get colder, but the whole thing is a strain. Simple, believable suggestions are a lot safer, and easier to make people forget about too." "What about Kathy when you told her she couldn't see or feel or hear anything?" "I can do that a little, but it's better to keep it short. It's called putting someone in limbo. They think they're in kind of a daydream, and that's believable. We all get distracted and space out sometimes, but not for very long. To make sure there's no strain in the suggestion, I like to keep it short. No way I want to foul things up with a mistake." He looked at me for a moment, and then added, "Were you thinking about telling any of the other guys?" "I don't know," I said, "I've been wondering about that." "Well, do what you think you should, but talk to me first. The more people that know about this, the more chance there is for problems. I'm willing to taken certain risks, but still, I'm a careful man, and I expect you to be careful too." "Oh don't worry about that," I told him. "I wouldn't want to kill the goose that lays this particular golden egg." "Okay." On the evening of the barbeque, I could hardly look at any of the wives without wondering what was going to happen, and to which one. They all dressed casually, and all of them wore slacks except my wife Kathy. She'd been kind of annoyed that I pressed her to wear her light cotton skirt rather than slacks, but she went along with it. Probably didn't want to dampen my new social interest. I was disappointed about the other wives wearing slacks, but I was sure Jason would figure something out. I saw him talking to Linda, and guessed he was giving her the same hypnotic set-up he'd done with Kathy, Sherry and Julie. I asked him a little bit later, and found out I was right. I also found out he'd done it to Frank. Jason remembered what I said about Frank not wanting guys to look at his wife, so he thought setting Frank up to be put under easily might come in handy. Well, that was okay with me. I like Frank, but he can be a pain about a lot of things, and being over- protective with his wife is one of them. But, as I told you earlier, that doesn't stop him from checking out everybody else's wife, so you can see why I didn't have a problem with Jason making sure he wouldn't cause trouble. Talking about Frank and Julie made me notice Julie all the more, and what I was noticing gave my cock a quiver. She had to have the largest breasts of any woman there. Her blouses were always loose so they didn't press out against the cloth, but you could tell just the same. "Frank's a lucky man," I thought, "but then, maybe I can get a little lucky too." I found Jason, and asked him what he thought we might be able to do with Julie. "We can probably come up with something," he said, "but I wondered if you might want to see what we can do with Kathy's nice full skirt first. Just something small, a little warm up. "Sure, I guess," I said. I was still seeing Julie's breasts in my mind, but the idea of watching what might happen with Kathy sounded like fun too. "So tell, me, which of the guys here do you like best?" "Well, that'd be Jerry. He and I always get along great." "Alright, do you think Jerry would appreciate a nice long look up Kathy's skirt if you gave him the chance? It felt strange planning which guy to show my wife off to, but on the other hand, it gave me a rush in the pit of my stomach. I knew Jerry would do the same for me if he could, so I said "Yeh. See what you can do." "I'll set it up now. I've done this one before. Its easy. First, take this bottle of aspirin and put it in your pocket." He handed me the bottle and continued, "In a few minutes, Kathy will begin feeling a little light- headed, and she'll ask Julie if there's a place she can lay down for a bit. That'll probably be Frank and Julie's bedroom. And don't worry. She won't really have anything wrong with her. After she's gone in there to lay down, I want you to ask Jerry if he'll bring the aspirin up to her. He'll probably wonder why you don't do it, so tell him you've got a case of the trots and you need to hit the bathroom in a hurry. You might even wonder out loud if you and Kathy both caught a flu or something. When he goes inside to give her the aspirin, you head up to the bathroom. It's right near the bedroom. Wait in there until he goes in to where Kathy is, and then come out quietly and watch. Just make sure he doesn't see you unless you want him to know what's up." "What's going to happen?" "Jerry is going to find your wife on the bed. If she follows my suggestion all the way, she'll be asleep, lying on her back with her knees bent and her feet flat on the mattress. When he tries to give her the aspirin, he'll discover she's out like a light. Then we'll just let things take their course. Jerry might take advantage, and he might not." "Okay," I said, "go ahead and set it up." Jason left me for a few minutes, and when I caught sight of him again, he had just finished talking to Kathy. As he turned away from her, he gave me a little thumbs up sign. In a minute or two I saw Kathy talking to Julie. Julie nodded, and they both went into the house. Julie came out a minute later and walked over to me. "Julie wanted me to tell you she's going to lay down for a bit. She's feeling a little light-headed." "I'm not surprised, I said. "I've been feeling a little rough myself." After a little time went by, I found Jerry and asked him to take the aspirin up. I didn't even need to use my upset stomach excuse. He just took the bottle, said, "Sure thing," and headed inside. I waited until I was alone, and then followed them into the house. The stairs had a thick carpet, so I knew Jerry wouldn't hear me. When I got to the top I saw there was no light in the hallway, and a dim light on in the bedroom. With the hallway so dark I knew I couldn't be seen, so I just leaned against a wall and waited to see what would happen. Jerry was already leaning close to Kathy's head, whispering her name. When she didn't respond, he said it louder, and nudged her shoulder a bit. When she still didn't respond, he put the aspirin bottle on a night stand, and started to leave the room. I moved back quickly, ready to act as though I was headed into the bathroom. When I didn't hear him, I went back to the doorway and looked in. Jerry had stopped at the foot of the bed and was staring at Kathy. She had raised her knees up the way Jason thought she might, and Jerry evidently couldn't tear himself away from the view. I couldn't blame him. The bed was directly across from the door, and I could see what he was seeing. A delightful hint of Kathy's french cut panties was just visible under the hem of her skirt. As I watched, Jerry stooped down a bit to get a better angle, and I did the same. Her knees were together, but we both could see her cute ass and the the upside down "V" at the bottom of her panty crotch. When Jerry straightened up, I could tell he was thinking, trying to decide what he should do, or maybe what he could get away with. It didn't take him long to decide, and I watched with my cock getting harder as he carefully put a hand on each of Kathy's knees. With a little pressure he opened her legs, and one of them fell open even more on its own. Now when he looked under her dress, he had a clear view of her panties and the sweet mound underneath them. He stood there so long staring at Kathy's ******* panties, I thought he'd turned to stone. But when he did move, he did exactly what I'd have done. Slowly, carefully, he pulled on her skirt until it slid up her legs, and then lifted the hem up above her waist. And there was my sleeping wife, with her skirt up, her long legs *******, naked to her waist except for the tiny sheer panties. She looked fantastic, and Jason took it all in from close range. And then from closer range. I got hotter and hotter as I watched him lean over and lower his head to her panties. I could hear him inhale as he took in the scent of her sweet pussy, and I wondered if he was going to try touching her. I got my answer when he took hold of her skirt and put it back over her knees. I guess he thought touching her there might wake her up. Too bad. He didn't know her sweet little pussy was his to play with all he wanted. He did get one last thing in, though. He walked up to the head of the bed, whispered her name again, and when she didn't answer, he took her breasts in his hands, squeezed them and let his thumbs find her nipples through her blouse and bra. I think he might have even slipped a finger in between the button holes to feel her the soft swell of her skin. With that, he turned and headed for the door. I stepped into the bathroom without being seen, and waited for him to go down the stairs. After he'd gone, I came out and went back downstairs. I wondered how long it would take him to tell me what happened up there. I was pretty sure he would. We'd talked about having the hots for each other's wives enough to know neither of us would mind if the other guy got lucky. But what I wasn't sure of was whether I'd tell him I'd seen it all. Kathy came down a while later, looking refreshed and obviously ******* of the panty show she'd given Jerry. By then it was time to eat, and I didn't talk with Jason again until afterward. When I did, I told him how things had gone, and then with an apology about being greedy, I asked him if he was ready to see what he could do with Julie. He thought about it for a moment, and then walked over to Julie. He talked to her for a minute, and then went to find Frank. When he came back, he told me, "Okay, I think I have it set up for you. They keep their beer in a basement refrigerator. The next time Frank and Julie go down there for beer or anything, offer to go with them. I will too." "With both of them?" "Frank won't be a problem," Jason said with a small grin. For that matter, he'll help. "Okay," I said, and waited for our host and hostess to make another supply run. The chance came soon. When I heard Julie tell Linda she needed to get more beer, I offered to help. And when Frank didn't seem to notice, I called over to him, "Hey Frank, are you gonna let your wife do all the labor?" "Yeh, what am I, a beast of burden?" Julie joked. "Besides, we need more charcoal too. Come on, Frank, get to work." The three of us headed for the basement stairs, and Jason tagged along. Frank started some long- winded joke, and the rest of us kept interrupting and joking around, but I don't remember most of what we said. I was too busy watching Julie. We'd only been down there a minute or two when Jason asked Frank, "How come Julie has to wear a sweater, Frank? Don't you keep her warm enough?" "He does just fine," Julie said smiling, and began unbuttoning the sweater. But of course, it wasn't a sweater. It was her blouse. Button by button, Jason and I watched her ****** her breasts, cupped in a sheer white bra. We had to avoid staring, because even though Frank didn't know his wife was opening her blouse for us, he would certainly notice if we stared at her chest too long. As she undid the last buttons and her blouse fell open, I knew I'd been right about how full they were. The upper swell of her beautiful soft skin strained against each cup. I had trouble keeping up my share of the mindless chatter, waiting to see what would happen next. A moment later, Frank amazed me by stepping over to his wife and helping her remove the blouse completely. He laid the blouse, which he thought was a sweater, on a nearby shelf and asked her, "Is that better?" "Much," she said, now she standing in front of us with only her bra hiding those wonderful tits. It was easy to see her large nipples through the sheer cloth, and I was sure Jason had a plan to remove the bra too. He did. After a minute of teasing both me and himself with the sight of Julie in her bra, Jason said to her, "Julie, is that the new backpack Frank bought you?" "Sure is," she answered, reaching back to pat the top of an invisible backpack. When she reached back, her breasts jiggled and thrust out enticingly, and I enjoyed myself with the view while Jason said, "How do you like it?" "It's great, Julie responded, but the shoulder straps are a little tight. "As if on cue, Jason said, "Let me adjust those straps for you." He stepped behind her and lifted the straps of her bra, pushing them down off each shoulder. "How's that?" He asked. "Better," she said. "Thanks." "You're welcome," he said, and then said to Frank, "So anyhow. You were in the middle of a joke?" Frank continued to tell his joke while we got two bags of charcoal and Julie pulled six packs of beer out of the refrigerator. Her bra sagged forward more and more with every bend she made, and it didn't take long for it to gap forward completely. That's when I decided she needed help with the beer. I stepped over next to her, looked down, and completely forgot whatever I was about to say. The view was fantastic. Her bra was almost falling off of her, and her nipples were completely *******. I stood next to her, listening happily to Frank's dumb joke while I took in every detail of his wife's ******* breasts. She'd finished getting the beer, and as she closed the refrigerator door, both cups fell forward all the way, completely ******** her wonderful breasts. I was already having trouble not staring, but then she turned to face me. Now she was standing not more than two feet away, with her naked breasts bobbing and swaying gently from turning around. "You know," she said, "if you tell Frank you've heard this one, maybe he'll stop telling it." "No way," I thought to myself. "Frank can keep talking as long as he wants, while I examine your luscious nipples." I angled my head, half at Frank and half at her chest, and let my eyes feast on her. Her tan line stopped midway down each breast, which only made her seem more naked. He aureoles were large and soft, a sweet dark pink, with slightly darker nipples crinkled a bit from the cold air in the refrigerator. My heart was pounding with excitement. This wasn't a picture or a dream. It was beautiful Julie standing next to me, naked from the waist up, with her wonderful naked breasts sloping gracefully out toward me. She was so close I could see every freckle, every detail, even lthe tiny puckered opening at the tips of her nipples, while her husband droned on, watching us, but completely ******* that we were examining his wife's ******* tits. And then all I could think of was how much I wanted to lean down and suck her nipples 'til they got hard under my tongue. Jason must have read my mind, not that it was hard to do, because he stepped over to Frank, touched him on the head, and then did the same to Julie. "Alright, he said, "but remember, not for too long." "You mean....." "Yes. They're both in limbo. Go ahead and taste her." I didn't need any other encouragement. I put my hand behind Julie's back, and pressed her to me as I lowered my mouth to her breasts. Teasing myself, I licked the underside of each while stroking and pulling on her nipples with my fingers. Then I let my mouth close over each luscious nipple, sucking on them and teasing the tips with my tongue. Then I teased her by holding each nipple gently between my teeth, and her body responded. Her nipples grew hard under my tongue, and I sucked the aroused tips until they rose, standing out from her breasts, begging to be sucked more. It didn't seem long at all before Jason tapped me on the shoulder and told me we'd better get ready to leave. With a sigh, I stood up, and continued to caress and fondle Julie's breasts while Jason explained that he would wake them both up and reverse the backpack and sweater suggestions to get us ready to go back upstairs. "Now this is the careful part," he said, cupping both of Julie's breasts and lifting them, "we need to be sure her breasts are comfortable in the cups." As he talked, he took his own turn at playing with her nipples, and then carefully placed her breasts back inside the bra cups. Seeing Julie standing there with a kind of pleasant half smile on her face gave me a sudden impulse, and I asked him to wait a minute before he brought them out of limbo. He said okay, but told me not to take long. I stepped up to Julie, and ran my tongue along her sweet lips. She felt warm and soft, and I continue to taste her lips while I ran my hand, palm inward, down inside the front of her slacks. I found the waistband of her panties, slide my hand under them, and felt a rush of excitement as I touched first her pubic hair and then her soft pussy. I moved my fingers back and forth, delighting in the softness of her, and dipped a finger inside to feel her wet warmth. When I took my hand out again, I inhaled her scent on my finger, grinned like a kid in a candy store, and told Jason I was finished, at least for now. He went through everything he needed to with Frank and Julie to make sure they didn't remember any of it, and soon we were all headed back outside, teasing Frank about his lousy jokes. That was it for the night of the barbeque. But something Jason said toward the end of the evening definitely got me ready for the next time. He asked if any of the guys were jealous of their wives' former boyfriends. I said I was, now and then, about one guy she dated in high school in particular. Kathy always swore she never did anything with him, but I wasn't so sure, especially when we met him a year ago. I said I'd check with the other guys, too, and see if any of them had a twinge now and then. "Well, why don't we set up a little role-playing test," he said, "and see just how hot the ladies were for their old flames. Maybe we'll take it back as far as high school. We'll see how virtuous your wives really were back then, and have some fun while we're at it."

This ends Part 2 I'll post further adventures if there's interest.
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