Chapter 6

"Hi guys, this is Tony," Tina said as she approached the table with her new boy toy, a handsome twenty-something aspiring artist she had met a week ago at a party. Michael had to suppress a grin. Nowadays, Tina always had a new younger man with her whenever they went out on a double date.

"Hey, nice to meet you," Tony said as he folded his tall, lean body into the chair facing Jen. Michael noticed that Tony's eyes lingered a moment too long on Jen. He couldn't blame him, Jen looked really good tonight. She wore a white, off-the-shoulder blouse, black mini-skirt, black hose and high heels. For the past few weeks, she had been dressing more suggestively. Michael couldn't believe how his wife had changed in so short a time.

He had always had the voyeuristic fantasy of seeing Jen with other men. He never thought it would come true, but that had all changed when Tina divorced and started dating younger men. It was obvious Jen got excited hearing Tina talk about her new life as a cougar. At times, it seemed like Jen envied Tina. Michael had seen his chance, and had started to encourage his wife to be more like Tina.

He thought about the other night, the way Jen had flirted with the young blonde guy (Jen told him later the guy's name was Keith). Michael had been able to see everything, hiding among the crowd. Jen was still uneasy with it all, but it clearly excited her. She was soaking wet when they got home, and their sex had been great.

Michael shook Tony's hand. Then Tony offered his hand to Jen, and after a slight hesitation, Jen took it. As he did with his eyes, Tony held Jen's hand a moment too long. Jen finally pulled her hand away. She glanced at Tina, blushed, then demurely looked down at her lap. Tina noted Tony's obvious attraction for her friend and Jen's discomfort with an amused expression on her face.

"Tony, come buy me a drink," Tina said, pulling her new boyfriend to his feet. "We'll be right back," she said over her shoulder as she walked with Tony to the bar.

"I see you like my friend Jen, you couldn't take your eyes off her," Tina said to Tony at the bar. She looked admiringly at Jen across the room. "I don't blame you, she looks really hot tonight." Tina saw Tony's look of alarm and smiled. "Don't worry, I'm not jealous. Jen and I are really good friends." She hesitated, then added, "Maybe someday I'll share you with her."

Tony's eyes grew wide. "You're kidding, right? A threesome with you and Jen? That'd be great, but what're you going to do with Michael? He doesn't look your type."

Tina smiled mischievously. "You never know. Anyway, it doesn't matter. Michael likes the idea of his wife fucking other men."

Tony's jaw dropped, making Tina giggle. "She hasn't really done it yet ... screw another guy, I mean. Michael wants her too, and he's pressuring her to do it. Maybe if you play your cards right, you might get lucky tonight."

Tony eyed her warily. "And you wouldn't mind?"

Tina giggled again. "I think it'd be fun. Just play along, and we might both get lucky tonight."

Returning to the table, Tina made a point of sitting next to Michael, clearing the way for Tony to sit next to Jen. As Tony slid into the booth next to Michael's pretty wife, Tina smiled and winked at him.

As they talked and drank wine, Michael noticed how Tony edged closer to Jen in the booth. Jen seemed to be enjoying her conversation with the younger man. The bar was so loud they had to almost touch to hear each other. Tony said something to Jen that caused her to hesitate. Then she looked at Michael with a neutral expression, and said "Tony asked me to dance."

Michael's heart leaped in his chest. He tried to say something, but his throat was so dry the words didn't come out. He took a drink of his beer, then said, "Sure, that's alright with me, go ahead."

Tony took Jen's hand and led her to the dance floor. Jen looked back at her husband. She seemed to shrug, then went with Tony. It was a slow song. Ignoring the fact that her husband sat just across the room, Tony pulled Jen close, wrapping his arms around her. Jen hesitated, glancing again at Michael. Then she put her arms around Tony's neck.

Michael grew hard, watching his wife dancing with the younger, handsome man. They weren't dirty dancing, but Tony held Jen close, his chest almost touching her breasts. He wondered if Tony was hard, and whether Jen could feel his erection. The possibility made him lightheaded.

Tina's voice in his ear almost made him jump. He had almost forgotten she was there. "I'm sorry, what did you say?"

Tina smiled, a mischievous look in her eye. "I said, you really like watching Jen with other men, don't you?"

Tina's question took Michael by surprise. "Well, ah, that is, ah ...," Michael stammered, his face growing red from embarrassment.

Tina jabbed him playfully in the ribs. "Don't be embarrassed. I think it's incredibly hot."

"You do?" Michael asked, genuinely surprised.

Tina extended her leg under the table, and ran the pointy toe of her heel down Michael's calf. "Yeah, I do," she said in a sexy, husky voice. "I think it's really hot. I wish Bill had been like you. We might still be married."

"I thought he cheated on you?"

"He did, the bastard. But even before that, we had stopped having sex."

The music changed, and Michael looked back at his wife. It was a fast song, but they still danced slow. Tony had pulled her closer, pressing their bodies together. One of Tony's hands rested on Jen's shoulder, caressing the bare skin above her strapless top. His other hand rested on the small of her back, his fingers on her skirt, his thumb on her blouse.

Michael noticed the little things. The way Jen sometimes had to extend on her tip-toes to stay with the much taller man, the act causing her pretty feet to arch out of her high heels, and also causing her skirt to hike up, ******** more of her long legs. The way Jen sometimes ran her fingers over Tony's muscular arms as they danced. The way Tony had his leg between Jen's, pressing into her. Michael wondered again whether Jen could feel Tony's erection. A lump formed in Michael's throat as he realized that Jen hadn't danced so intimately with another man since their wedding over 10 years ago. He felt a sudden flash of jealousy, and had the urge to rush over and take his wife away from the younger man. But god, it was so exciting to see Jen dancing so closely with another man.

Tina seemed to read Michael's mind. "They look good together, don't they? Are you thinking about how they'd look in bed, naked, with Tony on top of your pretty wife?"

Tina's words were like gasoline on a fire, increasing Michael's lustful desires. "Tony's really good," Tina said into his ear, her hot breath sending chills down his spine. "Jen would like fucking him."

"Oh yeah," Tina continued, again running the pointy toe of her heel up Michael's calf, "in case you're wondering, he's big. Huge."

"Please, Tina, stop," Michael gasped, pulling his leg away. Tina's words, and the feel of her toe against his leg, were threatening to make him cum in his pants. "It doesn't matter. Jen would never go that far."

"I don't know about that," Tina said teasingly. "I think she wants to. She just needs to be certain you'd be okay with it."

"I've told her already. What else can I do?"

Tina smiled. "I've got an idea."

The DJ began playing fast songs, and another couple barreled into Jen and Tony. The collision brought Jen out of her daze, and she pulled away from Tony. Her heart was pounding in her chest, and her body was tingling. She felt moisture between her legs. She hadn't felt so turned on since ... well, since that time in the bar a couple of weeks ago, when she had met Keith, that twenty-something Adonis. Tony was even better looking than Keith, and she felt weak-kneed looking at him, much less in his arms on the dance floor.

"Thanks, but I think we should be getting back," Jen said, nervously looking through the crowd towards their table. She wondered if Michael had seen how close she was dancing with Tony, and what he thought. Would he be turned on, or think she had gone too far?

"Where's Michael?" Jen asked when she got to the table.

"He left," Tina said.

"He left?" Jen said, shock and concern in her voice. "Was he mad?"

"No, he wasn't mad." Tina took Jen's hand and led her to a quiet corner. "He told me to give you this," she said, handing Jen a note.

Jen read the note:

"Honey, I really want you to go the next step. I can tell you want to do this too. But I sense it may be hard for you to do this if I'm there, so I've gone home. I hope you'll fulfill my fantasy. I think this is your fantasy too. If you do sleep with Tony, don't clean yourself up, just come home, I'll be waiting. I love you -- Michael"

Jen slowly lowered the note, both shock and resignation on her face. "I can't believe it. He really wants this. He wants me to have sex with another man."

Tina shrugged. "I told you so. That's all he talked about while you and Tony were dancing. He was practically panting. He wants it to happen. I told him I don't care if you do it with Tony, he and I are just fuck-buddies, we're not serious."

Jen couldn't take her eyes off her husband's note. "What does he mean by not cleaning up?"

Tina smiled. "He said he wants to see you freshly fucked."

"What? That's what he said?"

"Those were his exact words -- freshly fucked." Tina laughed. "God, Jen, I never knew Michael was so kinky!"

"Neither did I," Jen said, shaking her head. "So, what should I do?"

"That's so obvious. You should come back to my house, and let Tony fuck your brains out. Don't look at me like that. You know you want to. You were practically humping his leg out there. And trust me, Tony is really good, you'll love it. Michael's okay with it. He's more than okay, he wants you to do it, it's his biggest fantasy. So what're you waiting for?"

"What AM I waiting for?" Jen thought to herself. "Michael wants me to do this. Why shouldn't I do it? I have needs. Why should Tina have all the fun? Would it really be wrong? No, it wouldn't, because Michael wants me to do it. I wouldn't be cheating on him ... not like before. But no, that wasn't cheating, and it was so long ago. I've been a faithful wife, and I'll still be faithful even if I have sex with Tony, because Michael wants me to do it."

"Okay," Jen said as she finally made a decision. "Let's go to your house."

Chapter 7

Michael sat in the basement of Tina's house, in what Tina called the video room. In the bar, Tina had explained that her ex-husband Bill had installed video cameras throughout the house. Bill liked to video people having sex, both him and Tina, and their guests. Apparently Tina and Bill had been swingers before their divorce. Tina had gotten the house in the divorce settlement. She didn't use the video equipment anymore, but this seemed like the perfect way to help Michael achieve his fantasy. Jen would feel more comfortable being with Tony if she thought Michael wasn't watching. Unbeknownst to Jen, Michael could watch all the action from the video room. Tina told him he could even record it if he wanted.

Michael watched the front door open. Tina and Jen walked in, unsteady in their high heels and giggling. Clearly they were feeling no pain. Michael later learned they had shared two bottles of wine on the way home (in addition to the martinis at the bar). Tony was in the middle, an arm around each girl. Michael's pulse quickened seeing another man's arm around his wife.

They moved from the foyer to the living room, and Michael quickly pressed the button to shift to the living room camera. It was easy, all the buttons were labeled on the control panel, and he could zoom and pan. Bill had also installed high end microphones. Tina had promised Michael he'd be able to hear every word, even whispers.

"Come on, finish the story," Tony said. "Tell me the other things you two did in college."

"Down boy, down!" Tina said, still giggling. She handed Tony a beer, and poured wine for herself and Jen. "Stop panting on my sofa, I just had it cleaned!"

Jen laughed. "Anyway, why does it matter?" she asked, downing her wine in a single gulp and holding her glass out for more. Michael hadn't seen his wife so ***** in a long time. He watched her take another big gulp of wine. "That was so long ago, over 10 years."

Tony scoffed. "Ten years -- Big deal! By then I had lost my virginity."

Jen and Tina both stopped laughing, and stared at the twenty-something Tony. "You're kidding?" Jen asked incredulously. "How old were you? Thirteen?"

"Twelve," Tony said proudly. "I nailed my best friend's mom."

Jen's eyes grew wide, and she brought her hand to her mouth. "Oh my god, that's so bad!"

"Jen, you're one to judge," Tina said, laughing. "You've done some bad things yourself! Doing your best friend's mom? That's nothing!"

"You be quiet," Jen said, kicking Tina. The life long friends shared a knowing look, and the silent message from Jen (even in her drunken state) was clear: "Don't go there!"

Tony shook his head. "I don't believe it. I can tell by looking at you. You're not a bad girl, you're too goody-goody."

"Uh oh, Jen, I think he's challenging you," Tina said, laughing.

Jen smiled at Tina, a knowing twinkle in her eye. She took another sip of her wine, then put the glass down. She looked back at Tony, a sly smile on her face. She slowly leaned back into the chair and crossed her legs. Her short skirt hiked up her thighs, ******** most of her long shapely legs. Jen tilted her head slightly so her hair fell across her face. Then, with heavy lidded eyes looking through strands of her blonde hair, and in a husky sensuous voice, she said, "Oh, you have no idea how bad I can be."

Michael gaped at his wife's performance. He had never seen her like this, acting the role of the seductress. Is this how she used to act before they met? It was hard to believe this shameless flirt was the same girl he had married 10 years ago, and who gave birth to his two children. And what were they talking about, the bad thing Jen had done in her past, that was even worst that Tony's sleeping with his best friend's mom?

Tony stared at Jen, unable to take his eyes from the incredibly sexy woman sitting in front of him. He couldn't believe the transformation. With her pretty, youngish looks, blonde hair and blue eyes, and bubbly personality, Jen came across as the sweet girl-next-door. Now, suddenly, this sweet looking girl had turned into a sexy long legged vixen. Tony finished his beer, took off his shirt and walked towards Jen.

Jen looked alarmed as Tony approached. Seeing this, Tina quickly stood and intercepted him. "Slow down cowboy, you belong to me, I haven't decided if I'm going to give Jen a turn." Tina sat Tony down on the opposite sofa and nuzzled next to him. With the high quality audio gear, Michael heard Tina whisper into Tony's ear, "Slow down, or you'll scare her off."

Tina took off Tony's shirt, revealing his muscular chest. "God Jen, isn't he gorgeous?" she said as she ran her hands over his well defined chest. Tina kissed Tony and he eagerly responded, and soon they were heavily petting each other. Tina made sure not to block her friend's view of Tony's crotch, which by now had formed a huge tent in his pants.

Tony pushed Tina onto her back, and pushed up her skirt. He spread her legs and moved his mouth to her pantyless pussy. "Oh gaaaawd," Tina groaned as Tony's tongue touched her clit. "Oh god, Jen, he's sooooo good at this."

As Tony ate Tina out, Michael focused on his wife. Her eyes had an intent, aroused look to them as she watched Tina with her young lover. She was breathing hard, her nipples forming dents in her top. As if desiring physical stimulation, but too shy to openly play with herself, she rubbed her thighs back and forth. Michael's breath caught in his throat as he heard the swish-swish sound of her nylons rubbing together. Finally, needing more, and with her inhibitions lowered by the alcohol, Jen reached a hand into her skirt.

Tina suddenly grabbed Tony's hair and urgently pulled his face against her pussy. "Oh god," she moaned as her body convulsed into a long orgasm. She lay on the sofa, catching her breath, and finally looked over to her friend and smiled. "Oh honey, don't do that, Tony'll take care of you, won't you Tony?"

Tony looked over at Jen. His cock got even harder as he saw the sweet looking blonde with her hand down her skirt. "It'd be my pleasure," he said, standing up and wiping Tina's pussy juices from his mouth. He walked over to Jen. This time she didn't pull away, but instead locked her eyes on the huge bulge in Tony's pants.

"Take off his pants," Tina urged her. She looked directly into one of the hidden cameras, so Michael felt like she was talking to him. She smiled wickedly. "You won't believe how big and hard he is."

Jen's hands were quivering as she reached towards Tony's pants. She unbuckled his belt, and then undid the snap. "Hold on, hold on," Tony said. "Rub me first."

Jen looked at Tina, who smiled and nodded encouragingly. Then Jen cupped Tony's crotch. Her small hand covered just a portion of the huge bulge. She slowly rubbed him through his pants, following the outline of his shaft. Michael couldn't believe his wife was fondling another man's cock. He got lightheaded as he noted that Jen was rubbing Tony with her left hand, the diamonds of her wedding and engagement rings sparkling as her hand ran up and down Tony's shaft.

Jen was mesmerized. He felt so big and hard, even through the heavy fabric of his jeans. She couldn't believe it when Tony seemed to grow even bigger. Abruptly she pulled her hands away. "I can't believe I'm doing this," she said, laughing nervously.

"It's okay, Michael wants you to, remember his note," Tina quickly assured her, again smiling and stealing a glance into the camera.

Tony reached down and cupped Jen's breast over her blouse. Jen was so intent on Tony's crotch she didn't seem to notice.

Jen tried to unzip Tony's pants, but she couldn't get over the huge hump formed by his erection. After two tries she again laughed nervously, covering her face with her hands. "Oh god, I'm so out of practice," she said embarrassed.

"That's okay, I'll do it for you," Tony said. "But I want to do something first." He reached behind Jen and expertly unzipped her blouse, pulling it off her arms and tossing it onto the floor. Then he pushed Jen onto her back. He hooked a finger in the thin material connecting the cups of her strapless bra, and pulled down, ******** her breasts. "I've wanted to see these beauties all night long," he said excitedly, his eyes feasting on the blonde wife's small shapely breasts. He cupped both breasts and rubbed the hard upturned nipples.

Michael unzipped his pants and pulled out his penis, but he didn't touch himself. He didn't want to cum too quickly. It was so exciting to watch another man fondle his wife's naked breasts.

"God, you have a nice touch," Jen moaned appreciatively as Tony expertly rubbed her nipples. He lowered his face and took one of her nipples between his lips. "Oh gawd, that feels so good!" Jen cried as she arched her back to meet his face.

Tina came over and sat next to Jen. "Here, let me help you with this," she said, reaching behind Jen's back and unsnapping her bra. Tina pulled the bra off and tossed it onto the floor next to Jen's blouse.

Tina's hands went to Jen's skirt. "Honey, raise up so I can do this." Her eyes closed, all of her attention focused on what Tony was doing to her breasts, Jen did as her best friend asked and raised her hips. Tina quickly unzipped Jen's skirt and tugged at the waistband. "Help me Tony," she said, and Tony smoothly pulled the mini-skirt down Jen's legs. In a moment it was lying on the floor next to Jen's blouse and bra.

Michael gaped at what his wife wore. On her legs were thigh high stockings. He couldn't remember the last time Jen had worn something other than pantyhose. He always encouraged her to wear stockings, but she never did, saying they were too much trouble for a mother of two. Questions ran through Michael's mind. When had she bought the stockings? Why had she decided to wear them tonight? Michael remembered what Tina had said about the virtues of stockings and fast fucks. "Less fumbling and easier access." The thought excited him immensely, but also gave him a feeling of trepidation.

Tony got on his knees and placed his hands on Jen's inner thighs. He gently pushed her legs apart, but she resisted. Despite her obvious arousal, an uncertain look appeared on her face. Seeing this, Tina gently pulled at her friend's leg. "Trust me, he's really good, and remember, this is what Michael wants." Jen last resistance melted away at her best friend's words, and she let Tony open her legs. "That's it, honey, you're going to love this."

Tony lowered his face to Jen's pussy. He tugged the thin material of her panties aside, and smiled admiringly at the sight. Jen's pussy was smooth and tight, with lips that were thin and just a shade darker than the surrounding skin. God, he couldn't believe this woman was a mother of two, her pussy looked like a virgin's! He was a little surprised she wasn't hairless. Most of the cougars he fucked, like Tina, kept themselves completely bald like porn stars, and he (and his friends) preferred that. Then he remembered this was Jen's first time, and he inwardly smiled. He loved fucking other men's wives, there was a special thrill about taking a pussy that belonged to another man. He didn't understand why Jen's husband would want to share her. If he had a wife as good looking as her, he wouldn't let other men get close to her. Well, that was Michael's problem, not his. He intended to fuck her so good she'd never want her kinky husband's dick again.

And he was going to enjoy screwing this girl. Fuck, she was good looking! Much prettier than Tina. He was actually starting to get bored with Tina. Tina's face was showing her age (despite all the makeup she wore), and her big tits sagged. Jen, though, was something special. Tight body, perky tits, firm stomach and ass, and incredible long legs. Her body could pass as a coed's, but with softer curves. And her face -- youthful and so pretty, with an innocent look to her. He wondered if she'd let him cum on her face. Yeah, he'd like that, to shoot his thick jism all over her sweet, pretty face.