"You haven't touched your lunch," Tina said after she finished telling Jen about her latest date with Jason.

"I'm sorry," Jen said. "I guess I'm distracted."

Tina reached over and grabbed her friend's hand. "What's wrong? Are you and Michael okay?"

Jen looked up in surprise. "How did you know?"

"Jen, we've been friends since high school," Tina said, concern in her voice. "I was your maid of honor. I think I can tell when things aren't going right with you and your husband. So what's wrong?"

"It's just -- god, this is so embarrassing. But I've told Michael some of the things you've told me. You know, about the dates you've had with younger guys. Lately, Michael's told me about some things he fantasizes about."

"Oh," Tina said, her interest suddenly more than just concern for her friend. Has Michael been fantasizing about sleeping with her? She remembered the dinner the other night, when she put her hand on Michael's thigh. She shouldn't have, but she couldn't resist. She could tell he was hard. It gave her a naughty thrill to flirt with her best friend's husband. It was something she'd never have done while she was married, but she had embraced her new-found freedom since her divorce, especially since she'd started going out with younger guys.

Jen hesitated, considering whether to tell Tina. But then she realized she needed to tell someone, and who better but her best friend. "You can't tell Michael I told you this."

"I promise," Tina said immediately, trying to hide her intense curiosity.

"Michael told me that -- he has fantasies about -- about seeing me with other men."

"What?" Tina said, wide-eyed. "You and other men?"

"Yeah, I know, it's crazy. He's never mentioned it before. It's only been since you've been going out with younger guys. He even said he fantasized it was me who Jason did in the alley."

"Wow," Tina said, shocked. She had heard some guys had this fantasy, but Michael seemed so straight-laced. Also, she remembered when Jen started dating Michael, over 10 years ago. Michael had been jealous of guys even speaking to Jen. She couldn't believe Michael had changed so much, that now he'd like to watch Jen in bed with another man. "Do you think he really wants you to do it?"

"I'm not sure," Jen said. "I don't think so, but he always talks about it ... I mean, when we're in bed."

"Well -- okay, I know you're going to think this is crazy," Tina began, "but maybe you should hope that Michael is serious."

Jen frowned at her friend. "You're right, I think you're crazy."

"No, I'm not crazy," Tina said, laughing. "You wouldn't believe how great sex is with these guys. They're so young and strong and gorgeous, and so hard! I'm glad Bill cheated on me, and we divorced. I really am! Because now I'm having the greatest sex of my life. He's paying me alimony, and I'm using his money to get all dolled up for other men."

Jen's frown deepened. "So how does this all relate to me?"

Tina squeezed Jen's arm. "Honey, I'm saying you can have the best of both worlds. You can be married to a great guy who loves you, and fuck other guys on the side. You're the luckiest girl in the world!"

Jen shook her head. "Breaking my marriage vows isn't something I want to do."

"Jen, it's not cheating if Michael wants you to do it," Tina insisted.

"I don't know about that," Jen said skeptically. "Besides, I don't know if Michael is really serious about this."

"What if he is serious? Would you play along?" Tina smiled affectionately at her friend. "I mean, it would be fun to have someone to go clubbing with, like we did back in college."

"I don't know," Jen said honestly. "Those days were a lot of fun. But I've been married for over 10 years, and I have two children. I love Michael. I don't want to break my marriage vows."

"But Jen, honey, Michael wants you to do this. You wouldn't be breaking your marriage vows."

Jen shook her head. "I told you, I don't know if he really wants me to do this."

"Okay, I have an idea," Tina said. "Come clubbing with me Saturday night. Just you, not Michael. See what he says."

"I don't know," Jen said warily.

"Jen, what's the harm? This will help you and Michael figure out what he really wants. He probably doesn't know himself. And it's not like you have to let some guy pick you up. We can just go out and have fun, like we used to do in college."

Jen thought about it for a few moments, then she found herself nodding.


"Can we talk?" Jen asked. "I mean, we haven't really talked about the other night."

They were at dinner, at a downtown restaurant. Jen didn't want to talk about this in bed, or even at home. She wanted Michael to be thinking with his head and heart, not his penis.

"Sure," Michael said, putting down his menu. "It probably seems like my fantasy came out of nowhere, but it didn't. I've had these fantasies a long time, I just never had the courage to tell you."

"Really, of watching me with other men?" Jen said, surprised.

"Yeah. It's always excited me, watching guys flirt with you. Remember last year, at our vacation in Cancun, when that guy hit on you? He kept asking you to dance? My cock was so hard I thought I was going to burst through my pants."

"Wow," Jen said, wide-eyed with surprise. "Why didn't you ever tell me about your fantasy?"

"I don't know," Michael said, looking sheepishly. "It's hard to tell your wife that you fantasize about other men fucking her. But I guess, well ... lately, whenever Tina told you about one of her dates, you got really excited. I've thought maybe you might be open to some games."

Jen frowned. "What kind of games, Michael?"

"You know what I'm talking about," Michael said.

"No, Michael, I want you to say it, tell me exactly what you want."

"Okay," Michael said. He was getting excited, and so he was trying to control his breathing. "I'd like you to go on dates with younger guys, like Tina does."

"Just like Tina?" Jen asked. She wanted to find out how far Michael wanted her to go. "You know that Tina lets them kiss her, right? You'd want me to let another man kiss me?"

"Yeah, I would," Michael said without any hesitation. "As long as that's what you wanted."

"What about touching me? Do you want me to let another man touch my breasts?"

"Yes," Michael said, almost gasping with excitement. "I'd want you to let him fondle you."

"What if he put his hand on my leg? Would you want me to let him do that? What if he ran his fingers under my skirt? Should I let him do that, too?"

"Yeah, god, I'd want you to let him do that," Michael gasped. "God, you've gotten me so excited."

Jen shook her head. "I don't understand how this turns you on."

"I can't explain it, but it does." Michael looked around to make sure no one was looking. Then he took his wife's hand and lowered it to his crotch. "See?"

Jen's eyes grew wide with surprise. Michael was rock hard. His excitement was starting to turn her on. Also, she couldn't deny the naughty allure of a young, hard body. She massaged him under the table. "Tina wants me to go out with her Saturday night."

"She does?" Michael asked. "I think you should go!"

"Why?" Jen asked, acting coy. She continued to massage him. "Do you want me to play your game?"

"Oh god, yes!" Michael said excitedly. "I want you to flirt with other men. I want you to kiss them, and let them touch you. God, I want you to touch their cocks, and suck them, and even fuck them!"

Jen's breathing was heavy now. She was soaking wet. "Come on," she said urgently. "Let's pay the check, and go home!"

Chapter 4

Jen was going to be late. Tina was going to be there any minute, and Jen still wasn't dressed. It had been a long time (over 10 years!) since she had gone out dancing without Michael, and she didn't know what to wear. She finally picked out a silk, white blouse and a black skirt that ended a couple of inches above her knees. Underneath, she wore a bra, panties and pantyhose. She finished the outfit with black pumps.

Tina had already arrived when Jen finally came downstairs. She smiled when she saw her friend. "Wow, now I understand what husbands mean when they say it takes forever for their wives to get dressed," Tina teased.

"Sorry," Jen said sheepishly, kissing her friend on the cheek. "I couldn't figure out what to wear."

Tina stepped back and looked at Jen. "Hmmm," she said as she studied what Jen was wearing. She motioned to her skirt. "Don't you have anything shorter?"

"No," Jen said, feeling uncomfortable under Tina's scrutiny. She felt like a school girl being evaluated by the headmistress.

Tina frowned, but then shrugged. "That's okay. Anyway, this will help." Tina handed Jen a shoe box. "I thought you might not have any going-out-dancing-shoes."

Jen opened the box and pulled out a pair of black high heels. "Dancing shoes?" Jen said, fingering the 3-inch stiletto heels."

"Don't worry, they'll be plenty of guys there to catch you if you fall," Tina said, giggling. Then she playfully jabbed Michael in the arm. "Right Michael?"

"Uh, right," Michael said. Waiting downstairs for Jen to get dressed had been excruciating, but exciting too. All Michael could think about was his pretty wife in the arms of another man while dancing at the club. He was so hard it hurt.

"God, you have great legs, I hate you," Tina said admiringly as Jen slipped on the high heels. "Doesn't she have great legs, Michael?"

Michael could only nod; his throat was dry from excitement. Jen did have amazing legs. They were her best feature next to her pretty face. He had always encouraged his wife to wear higher heels, but she always tended towards the more practical, low heel pumps. Now wearing the 3-inch stiletto heels, Jen's legs looked even more incredible. His penis throbbed in his pants.

"Oh, you have great legs too," Jen said to Tina. Then she tentatively began walking across the room. "How are you supposed to walk in these things?" Jen said exasperated as she wobbled in the high heels.

Tina giggled. "It just takes practice. Anyway, I told you, they'll be plenty of guys there to catch you if you fall." Tina smiled and then, after making sure Jen wasn't looking, she teasingly ran a finger across Michael's back, just below his belt.

Michael tensed at Tina's touch, her finger sending an electric charge through his body. He had always been attracted to her, now more than ever. He wondered if Tina teased guys when she went clubbing. Of course she did, Michael thought. That's how she picks up so many young guys. Michael's cock pulsed as he imagined Tina teaching his wife all her tricks for teasing men.

Tina lowered her voice so only Michael could hear. "Anyway, when guys catch you, that's the fun part, right Michael?"

Michael reddened. What had Jen told Tina? Did Tina know about his fantasy to see Jen with another man? Michael felt embarrassed. Men were supposed to be kings of their castles. They weren't supposed to let other alpha males fuck their wives. Yet, that was Michael's fantasy, and now Tina knew it. Why had Jen told her?

"I'll wait for you at the car," Tina said to Jen. As she left, she glanced again at Michael, a smile on her face.

"Are you sure about this?" Jen asked Michael. "It's not too late to change our plans. All three of us could go to dinner."

Michael looked at his wife. Her makeup was perfect, her shoulder-length blonde hair lush and soft. The stiletto heels seemed to turn her otherwise conservative outfit into something reeking of sexuality. He found her almost impossible to resist, and he was tempted to take her to bed. But he knew if she, his wife, had this effect on him, her allure to other men would be even greater. He was becoming obsessed by his fantasy of her with another man.

"Yes, I'm sure," he finally said, his voice almost quivering from excitement. His earlier brief anger had been completely replaced by his lust. "I'll be awake when you get home."


"God, I can't believe I'm here," Jen said. She and Tina were sitting at the bar, sipping Cosmopolitans.

Tina smiled and squeezed Jen's arm. "Don't be nervous, we're going to have fun."

Jen frowned. "I know, but ... I guess I'm disappointed. I hoped Michael would change his mind. Playing this game of his isn't exactly what I imagined when we took our marriage vows."

"Jen, you guys are just going through a phase, that's all. Who knows what happens to guys as they get older. At least Michael isn't trying to sleep with other women. I think you need to play this out, so Michael can get it out of his system."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Jen said after a few moments. "I just don't know how far he wants me to go. Or maybe I do know, but I'm not willing to go that far."

"So don't worry about it. Just take one step at a time, and let things go where they go." Tina hopped off the stool and grabbed Jen's hand. "Come on, let's dance!"

Tina led Jen into the middle of the dance floor. It was crowded, so they danced close together. Jen was having fun, she hadn't been out dancing in years. The music changed to a slow song, and Jen was about to go back to the bar when Tina grabbed her hand. She leaned close to Jen's ear and whispered, "Some cute guys are watching us. No, don't turn! Just follow my lead."

Tina moved close to Jen and danced slow. As she swayed, her fingers grazed across Jen's skirt. At times she whispered into Jen's ear, and as she did she allowed her fingers to trail down Jen's back. She edged even closer to Jen, until their breasts almost touched. Tina put her hands on her friend's waist, and they swayed to the soft music as one, Tina's fingers lightly caressing just above Jen's ass.

Jen knew what Tina was doing, of course. They had done this back in college, a little dirty dancing to get guys' attention. But that had been long ago, and Jen wasn't used to the singles scene. She felt uncomfortable, but she played along with her friend (although she didn't touch Tina, the way Tina was touching her). She had to admit, though, that acting so sexy and drawing so much male attention was starting to turn her on.

Jen was relieved when the song ended. Not waiting for Tina, she made her way back to the bar. She didn't want to give Tina a chance to dance another song. When Jen looked back, she saw Tina surrounded by guys. They all looked well under 25.

Most of the guys were in suits. Jen guessed they were attorneys just out of law school, or maybe Wall Street brokers. They were cute, but nothing special. Jen was about to take a sip of her Cosmo when she saw him. He was tall, with thick wavy black hair, slicked back off his face. He had a dark complexion. Jen guessed he was Greek or Italian. He was ruggedly handsome, and had a bad boy swagger to him. He wore a black turtleneck, jeans and boots. With a start, Jen realized she was staring at him, and was about to turn away, when he turned towards her and locked eyes with her. His gaze was so intense it startled her, and she almost dropped her drink. Embarrassed, Jen expected he would laugh at her, but he didn't. He just kept staring at her from across the room. After a few moments, Jen turned away, but it took a force of will to escape from his intense gaze. Jen found herself almost trembling, and she realized she was aroused. She finished the Cosmo and ordered another one.

A few minutes later Tina came back. "Come on, let's dance!" Tina said, dragging Jen off the stool.

"Wait," Jen said, and she quickly gulped down the martini. Then she let Tina drag her back onto the dance floor.

The martinis were working their way through Jen's body, and helping her to lose her inhibitions. She was having fun, so when the music slowed, she didn't object when Tina moved closer for another round of dirty dancing. "We got those guys so hot the last time!" Tina whispered gleefully into Jen's ear as they danced. "I thought they were going to drag me into a booth and **** me!"

As they danced, Tina reached lower so her fingertips trailed up Jen's legs. She didn't stop when she reached Jen's skirt, instead tracing up her thighs and bringing Jen's skirt up as she did so. Jen wondered if Tall-Dark-and-Handsome was watching her, and that thought combined with the two Cosmos made her more daring. As they danced close, Jen lightly ran her fingers down Tina's back (she soon discovered Tina wasn't wearing a bra), then along Tina's hips. Their faces were so close their lips were almost touching. As they slowly swayed back and forth, sometimes Jen's breasts would brush against Tina's.

The song ended, and as Jen and Tina stepped apart, the crowd applauded. Tina smiled and did a curtsy, but Jen was embarrassed and blushed. She quickly went back to the bar and ordered another Cosmo.

Jen looked back and saw that Tina had disappeared. Some of the guys were gone as well. Jen wondered if she'd see Tina again that evening.

Jen ordered a Cosmo, and was searching in her purse for her wallet when she heard a deep, husky voice behind her.

"I'll get that," the voice said, and Jen turned to see Tall-Dark-and-Handsome giving the bartender a twenty.

Jen's heart did a back flip as she looked into his dark eyes. "Oh, that's not necessary," she stammered out.

"I insist. I'm Darius," he said, holding out his hand.

"Hi," Jen said, taking his hand. Darius's hand was so large, Jen's hand disappeared within his. For some reason, it didn't surprise her that his hand was rough and calloused. "I'm, ah, I'm Jen. Darius -- that's an unusual name."

"Yeah, it's Greek." I was right, Jen thought. He's Greek.

Darius made no move to release Jen's hand. Jen began feeling uncomfortable so she pulled her hand back. Darius didn't stop her, but he extended his fingers so his fingertips traced along her soft palm as she pulled her hand away. The feeling almost made Jen shudder. To hide it, she quickly took a drink of her Cosmo.

"You're a great dancer," Darius said.

Jen blushed again. "I guess it got a little bit out of control."

Darius smiled. "Well, you looked great out there. You should lose control more often."

Jen laughed. "Thanks ... I guess." Then they both laughed.

"So, do you come here often?" Jen asked, but then she immediately put her head in her hands in embarrassment. "Oh god, I'm sorry, that's such a cliché." Why was she so nervous, she was acting like an idiot.

"That's okay," Darius said, laughing. "Yeah, my friends and I come here every couple of weeks. It has a reputation for being a meat market, but we like the music."

Jen eyed Darius skeptically. "Soooooo, you're not here to pick up girls?"

Darius smiled mischievously. "That all depends on the girl. Like you, for instance."

"Not so fast, cowboy," Jen said, laughing and shaking her head. She couldn't believe how forward this guy was, but she guessed that's how it was nowadays. "First of all, I'm way older than you. What are you, 24?"

"Twenty-five," Darius corrected. "And I prefer older women. I told you how good you look. You're the best looking girl in here."

"Yeah, well, whatever," Jen said with a dismissive brush of her hand, but inside she was beaming from the compliment. "Second, I'm a married girl." Jen held up her left hand, showing him her wedding ring. "See?"

Darius frowned. Then, looking serious, he waved his hand around the world. "Look around here, Jen. Most of the girls are married. And I can tell you, the guys they're with aren't their husbands. This is how things are now. 9-11 could happen again tomorrow, or next week. We're all living on borrowed time. Life is too short to be limited by old-fashioned boundaries like marriage. We all need to embrace every second of our lives."

Jen eyed Darius. Then she frowned. Then she started to laugh. "Oh my god, that has got to be the worst pick-up line I've ever heard!"