Hello, Race Traitors! ;)

Be sure to support my work by checking out my catalog and buying one of my deviant tales. ;) Try my newest story Refugee Blacks a Conservative ****** (Part 1), Refugee Blacks a Conservative ****** (Part 2), Blacking the White Resistance I, or Blacking the White Resistance II.

I'm sad to say Amazon and I are having issues. I'll be moving my catalog to SmashWords and B&N, but I won't be putting new content on Amazon for now.


Bestseller Pack - Blacked Hypnosis I, II, III, & IV
Bestseller Pack - White Boy Disposal Center I, II, & III
Bestseller Pack - Amelia Blacks Her ****** I & II

Amazon Store
Nook Store
Smashwords Store

Keep sending me your evil thoughts~ They fuel me.




Honeymoon at Ebon Island

Robert Reed and the new Mrs. Ivory Reed has arrived at Ebon Island, a seeming tropical paradise that hid a dark secret. The resort was a clever front from the black supremacist cult - The Zulu Brotherhood. The island’s purpose? To corrupt and indoctrinate white women for breeding while disposing of white men. Their wedding was a large gathering of both families that included Robert’s little sister, a recently converted Queen of Spades, offering them the vacation as a wedding gift. In truth, it was a sacrifice to her ebony gods to prove herself as an obedient race traitor.

Arrival at the tropical paradise was eventful, but quiet. The scenery was gorgeous and tropical without a cloud in the sky and a gentle breeze coming from the perfectly clear ocean. Their small plane landed and handsome black porters began moving the dozen white couples’ bags to the nearby hotel.

At check-in the couples were all invited to sit in a cool sitting room and offered fresh water and ice tea… Little did that know that their drinks were spiked with two concoctions. For men, the sterilization cocktail which rendered the white men sterile and unable to achieve an erection ever again. For the white women? Strong aphrodisiacs and fertility drugs. The male and female staff grinned from ear to ear as they drank.

That evening, the Reeds’ drank a couple glasses of champagne and attempted to make love. It did not go well…

Robert whined softly, stroking his little white cock to no avail... He couldn't get hard to consummate their marriage. Seeing his gorgeous bride naked or her attempt at oral sex tried to rouse him, but he couldn't get an erection to save his life!

For some reason, his poor wife only grew more and more wanton. After three orgasms with Robert using his mouth she wasn't even slightly fulfilled. Frustrated, her husband told her he'd take a walk on the beach to clear his head and see if he could get peace of mind to continue - his tongue almost at muscle failure. As he left the room she would turn on the TV to find only interracial scenes in shows, movies, and numerous channels containing black on white pornography.

A knock came out the door, the young women still in her white lingerie. “Room service.” A deep masculine voice called out. With a large black-horde on white teen scene on the screen, Ivory had been masturbating unashamedly on the bed staring at the hotel TV as her pathetic white husband was out. She was so horny she couldn't believe it - more than normal, more than she'd ever been, and Robert seemed even less up for anything than ever. As the knock on her door came, she yanked her lacy white panties back over her soaking cunt, drips of juices down the insides of her legs, leaving the interracial scene on the television as she opened the door with nothing but a lacy negligee over her top half, blonde hair hanging down over bone white shoulders, bright blue eyes highlighted in her cute face. Ivory’s body was curvy with a big firm ass and heavy white tits with pink nipples that were perky and stiff as she opened the door for room service.

"Can I help you?" She asked softly, intoxicated by lust and the drugs administered to her by the evil staff. The poor white girl was incredibly lightheaded, almost unable to tell where she was.

Standing there was a tall, built, and handsome black waiter. In truth, Mobuto was one of their primary breeders... Eagerly sending white wives, *********, and sisters back home with a black baby inside of them and forever addicted to black cock. Wearing black dress pants, a solid black bellboy vest, he stood there carrying a large bottle of more drugged wine. Grinning impishly at her, he had to have been 2' taller than her meek white husband. "We wanted to ensure you were happy with your stay, Ma'am..." He said, his islander accent very subdued. "We work very hard to ensure our guests are happy."

Ivory smiled - almost stupidly, her perfect white teeth peeking behind pale pink lips as she stepped to one side, allowing him to enter the large front room of the hotel room - the sounds of the porn film audible from the bedroom with their hypnotic undertone only heard by white girls and women, speaking to their inner, primal instincts and drilling into them the images of big, black, monster cocks using poor little snowbunnies. "I'm sure you get very hard... work... keeping us happy..." Ivory giggled as the bellboy walked into the room with the chilled wine, closing - and locking, pointedly - the door behind him. After all, Robert wasn't due back for a while...

The man carried the bottle of wine to the table, turning to sneer at her and the interracial porn on TV. Hearing a teen in the video scream to be knocked up was too delightful to be missed. "You have good taste... Interracial is hot." The large black man said, uncorking the bottom and pouring her a tall glass. A couple more days of the wine and the effect would be permanent, her brain re-wired to always be hot and needy. Her husband's effects were already permanent... No matter how turned on his cock would never harden again, even with drugs to assist. She would never, ever have a child with his infertile seed. "I saw your husband leave... I trust he is making sure you have a pleasurable honeymoon...?" Mobuto asked, his tone casual as he feigned sincerity. Turning to her he offered her the glass, standing tall and looking down at her as he insisted she had a sip of the bright red wine. They had not even exchanged names and the black man's hand went to her hip, his lustful brown eyes staring down at her lecherously. "If not, we have another service I can offer..." He said with a grin, kneading at her hip with that large powerful ebony hand.

"It really is hot... something about watching dark cock sliding into her little brutalized white body is so... Fucking hot..." Ivory giggled, barely believing she was talking to this complete stranger like an intimate lover - taking the cool wine and drinking down the entire glass! The bellboy poured another glass, the scent of the wine triggering her addicted instincts, able to sense the drug lacing it, even if she didn't realize what it was. "No, he isn't. He hasn't fucked me, he hasn't cum in me, or made me cum with his little dick... He rarely ever does. " Ivory smiled, even more intoxicated as his hand stroked across her bare, firm white skin. "I need to… Hic…! ...Be consummated. My body rewarded for giving in and marrying him. And he won't do it... He just won't fuck my little cunt..." Ivory groaned, her hand sliding between her legs and rubbing her swollen sex underneath her panties shamelessly in front of the man.

Mobuto cooed softly to her, treating her like a poor helpless little thing. His large black hand moved to her cute firm ass, groping her as his other grasped her chin and tilted her head up. "I suppose I can help you...Just, one thing... You have to kneel and take me out to see if you approve..." The man said with an evil smirk. The muscular black man leaned down to nip at her white earlobe, kneading at her full bottom through her lingerie as he whispered hotly to her. "Kneel down and take out my big black cock... Tell me if your white husband's is as big, little snow bunny..." The wicked man told her.

His hands stroked her body like a piece of meat, the drugs making her more wanton and hotter, the noises from the porn shooting through her mind as her hips pressed into his big, hot black hands... Nibbling at her ear, stroking her full ass... She dropped to her knees in a heartbeat, her hands reaching up to his groin as she squatted on her heels, legs spread wide with her soaking cunt wetting the front of her panties. Ivory felt his black godcock through the pants before she pulled it out. It was as long as her arm! The corrupted white wife wasn't disappointed when she yanked it out, the giant, semi hard length, as thick as her wrist, dripping sticky, strongly scented precum. "It’s... Perfect... So much... More... I love it..." She gasped, her mouth salivating at she craved to worship it.

The sadistic black breeder stared down, watching her comparison of his throbbing member with her elbow to her hand. Grasping the back of her blonde head of hair he locked eyes with her. "All black men are like this... No white guy will ever match it... Do you need to taste it...? Have it inside of you, snow bunny...? If you do you will never... Ever go white again. Promise you will never take a white cock again and I will give you all the pleasure you can handle, slut..." Mobuto promised her, unbuttoning his vest and sliding it off with his white undershirt. His black body was toned and slightly glistening from sweat.

She leaned down and licked against the tip of his shaft, letting the bead of cum drip down her tongue and throat - she could almost feel how alive his cum was, fertile and ready to breed, totally opposite to her limp-cocked white husband. "I wanna fucking taste it... Have it in me... Never want white cock... I will never fuck white dick... Suck white dick... Touch white dick…" She swore, almost desperate. Ivory groaned, drooling heavily as she stared up at him needlingly, her drug addled mind collapsing to his will as she stared at his pitch-black skin dripping with sweat, groaning and licking his muscular abs, licking and cleaning the sweat off his superior African form.

Her ebony lover sneered. Grunting as she stroked and licked obediently, he was pleased by her words. After a few days in the room, she would be fully indoctrinated and bred. Hubby was already being drugged at the bar and was going to be imprisoned until the end of their honeymoon. Robert would never touch her sexually again.

Mobuto throbbed in her grip, her fingers unable to completely fit around just a bit. The large ebony domed head called to her, the dark flesh shining. As she licked at his rock hard abs he grinned down at her. "Alright, snowbunny..." He began, releasing her head. "Take me into your throat... Show me you want it... Then I will take you." He promised, his giant black balls hanging there swollen with virile black seed for her fertile womb.

Ivory whimpered happily as the giant black man sneered over her, not knowing that she'd be spending the next few days in here, naked, being fucked and bred over and over in front of that television being hypnotized. Her life’s purpose would not be helping to exterminate her own race.

And, she'd love it.

Her hands struggled to handle the giant thick cock as she moved it towards her throat, opening her mouth wide, long pink tongue sliding to the underside of his cock as in her lust and need she slid the entire fucking thing into her mouth, six inches sliding straight in without a hitch, sweat drooling over her face as she sucked the giant, perfect black dick into her snowy white mouth

Mobuto grinned down at her, the wicked black man grunting hotly as she pushed 6" of the turgid black length into her mouth and down her throat. Grasping the back of his head, he stared into her electric blue eyes knowing she would be the last in her ****** to ever have them. Pressing down firmly on the back of her head he fed more and more down her throat until at the 12" hilt of the giant black cock her little white nose rested in his nearly trimmed bush of public hair.

She didn't realize what his agenda was, but her body did, and it responded hungrily, conditioned and controlled by the hypnosis and drugs... It knew what was coming, knew her baby would be dark skinned and dark eyed, but it LOVED it as the giant ebony shaft slid down her throat, burying her nose in his sweaty groin as she indulged in his scent, loving it, addicted to him already.

Staring down at her with his dominant dark chocolate eyes, he was pleased with her. "Good snowbunny... Aaah... Heh... Time to consummate your marriage." He growled out, pulling her back to let all of the hot drool fall free lewdly... Dripping down her chin and creamy white chest. The giant African cock was soaked, her tongue still joined to it by a single bead of precum. "On the bed on your back... You need to watch." The man insisted.

Drooling heavily as he pulled back out she climbed up and onto the bed, on her back, legs spread as she drooled over her chin and breasts, groaning hungrily. "Fuck me. I need your big black cock in my white snowbunny cunt... Fuck me, please...!" She groaned, those bright blue eyes dull with lust as she stared hungrily at his godly member.

Climbing onto the bed, Mobuto put a pillow under her cute white ass to ensure she took every inch within her tiny body. Putting her dainty ankles onto his shoulders he rubbed the giant domed black tip up and down he needy swollen pink pussy. "Black is better. Say it... Chant it..." He ordered, his dark eyes narrowed. Suddenly, he thrust those powerful African hips forward and impaled her with the giant member. Now a dishonest woman, he rammed into her making her take just over a third of him before he hit against her cervix. There wasn't even a suggestion at a condom, something her husband had to wear since she was allergic to the pill.

Her ass bunched slightly into the air by the pillow, she watched as the giant black god spread her legs, resting her slender pale feet on his dark shoulders and stroking her cunt with that giant cock. "Black is better. Black is better. Black is better" Over and over, chanting, like a mantra, a prayer as that perfect shaft slid into her, stretching her like no white man ever had. She groaned and cried out as it slid into her - screaming "BLACK IS BETTER! FUCK MY WHITE CUNT WITH BLACK DICK! BLACK IS BETTER!" She screamed, hips bouncing back and forth as she was fucked over and over, his cock slamming into her womb past her cervix as her overly fertile womb burned with need for breeding.

The breeder pushed passed her cervix and into her fertile womb with ease! Groaning deeply, the large black male crashed down into her each thrust.

Suddenly, their hips met. Freezing a moment, he let her stare down at such a glorious sight... His giant black member was buried all the way to the hilt, throbbing within her. His tip kissed against the wall of her womb, his large swollen balls resting against her ready to knock her up. "Aaah... Good white girl... Mmn... Now... You don't want to have kids with hubby... Pathetic..." He began to say, his hips beginning to grind again as he stared down at her beautiful face. "...Inferior... Aaah... White. You want a black baby, don't you...? Aaah... Beg me to breed you, snowbunny... Your womb belongs to niggers now, doesn't it...?" The evil black man said, grinning down at her as he growled in pleasure.

His cock was so good… Too good… Ivory could barely believe she'd never wanted this before. Her cervix parted easily, almost willingly as her womb ached, cunt sucking his cock into her with every single thrust as her body became a temple for black dick, her mind twisting and corrupting with each thrust as pleasure paired with the drugs and hypnosis. "Yes... Good white slut for black master.... Want black kids... Want your kids... Hubby pathetic... White... White men are inferior. Black men are gods..." She groaned, staring into his eyes. "Breed my snowbunny cunt, nigger! Breed my fucking womb... It’s your womb, fucking nigger, now fucking breed it!" She screamed, wanting more, and more. The word ‘nigger’ only made it more intense, accented by her southern drawl. She’d give him anything for his seed.

Mobuto rammed violently down into her, likely to make her creamy white thighs bruised. She had a long three days ahead of her before she would see her husband again... Banging against the wall of her wanton white womb he growled and snarled in pleasure. Her body was attempting to milk at his big black cock, craving his superior lifegiving seed that would end her pure white bloodline forever. Crashing down against her again and again his shivers gave way to violent shaking. "Aaah...! Mmn... Going to cum... Aaah... Beg for it, snowbunny... Aaah... Your life is for niggers now, isn't it...? Aaaah!!"

Her white thighs grew dark with bruises as his hips rammed into her, her body preparing for its breeding ordeal, knowing what was coming even as her mind struggled to catch up. She was pressed over and over into the bed, springs struggling to resist his insistent pounding as her cunt milked him, milked, over and over until he finally began to orgasm, just on the brink of releasing inside of her. "I live to serve nigger dick, to breed niggers, to wipe out the pathetic white race! Breed me with black beauty, nigger!" She screamed in ecstasy.

The ebony god howled in pleasure as he reached his own climax. Arching his back all of his ripped muscles tightened, his throbbing black member fully hard and swollen. Shaking violently, he finally erupted, shot after shot of thick hot African seed pumping directly into her married fertile snowbunny womb bareback. Wanton of it in fact. His body poured sweat, his large balls emptying inside of the converted little white girl. Unknown to them, deep inside of her, one of his virile seeds impaled into her egg. Still, she would have a long and violent next few days to ensure she was truly bred...

Ivory stared at the Nubian Lord’s body, his muscles bracing, his entire body stretching and flexing as he pumped cum into her, over and over, dark African cum filling her body, her womb swelling with bright thick white cum which spurted right up into her, down her tubes right to her ovaries - not even giving her egg time to reach her womb as it fertilized her straight away, breeding her with a black baby in a matter of seconds as her wedding ring flew off her finger, clattering to the floor as she ripped it off. "Fuck... me... more..." She cried, the woman insatiable.

The next few days were Ivory constantly being fucked by Mobuto or one of the other African breeders as she drifted in and out of consciousness, her mind completely rewiring to serve her their superior race. Whites were becoming disgusting to her… The only thing that mattered was pleasuring black men and women while bringing more of them into the world.

The third day, the sore Ivory was prepared… A Queen of Spades tattoo over her little white cunt declaring proudly what she was. Her pink nipples studded with silver studs to keep them perpetually erect. The woman’s mind completely at peace, having discarded each and everything in her life she thought mattered. Mobuto assured her there was one final test for her.

A dozen couples arrived at Ebon Island a few days before. Now, they were reunited at a secluded portion of the beach where a well maintained wooden gallows was kept. Each white husband, their minds having almost no clue where they were, watched as ebony gods groped their white wives and led them around on leashes. Each had a lever in front of them.

“Tell him what white women and white boys are for… Then pull it.” Her dark god whispered to her, the naked white girl becoming soaked at the thought of ending poor Robert’s life.

Ivory stared up at her husband, her dainty hand moving instinctively between her legs to rub at her swollen clit. She wanted this… She craved this. White people were a virus to her now. The white couples’ eyes connected, his new wife speaking to him with no hesitation.

“Robert… White women are for breeding… White boys for snuffing.” She hissed, pulling the lever so hard she worried she may break it. Within an instant he was hanging there, his blood and oxygen deprived brain observing one last sight... His beloved Ivory being mounted by Mobuto from behind, fucking the broken white bride as she watched his demise.

On the flight home, she was dressed in her regular clothes with a bright smile. All the white wives on the plane were returning home, official documents from the island reporting their husbands were lost in a fishing boat lost at sea.

Each of their suitcases contained sterilization cocktail… Their jobs to sterilize as many white men as possible as they swelled with their new black offspring.

For the first time in her life, Ivory was truly happy.