HillBilly Cuckold: Back To Orlando Part 3

If you’re wondering, we did not bring anyone into our life the next day. Park days were for me and Hillary. To enjoy ourselves and for Hillary to unwind and decompress. She was already a little burnt out. We both blamed Jarrod. He wasn’t supposed to be there.
So the next day my wife and I got up and went to gym. The gym is outside the golf area, so many carts passed by. I noticed quite a few stopped to gaze at my wife in her yoga pants. Older men.

We got ready and my wife put on a white top she tied around her waist and her camouflage biker shorts. She looked good, but she wasn’t REALLY trying. We made our way to our FAVORITE park. We will say Islands of Adventure but we LOVE Epcot. Adult fun.

We have a plan of attack going around the world. We always eat at the Italian place and get the most AMAZING pizza on the planet. Also, we hit up the drinks in most of the countries. We love those frozen drinks. There is a Coca-Cola one, a wine one near Frozen, a German one that’s my wife’s favorite and the Japanese from Kirin which I recommend. We joke that Epcot is like the most expensive bar to enter and then you STILL pay for drinks. There are enough rides to keep us entertained, but DO NOT do that Space one after drinking. A ride with a literal puking area is a BAD idea.

If you’re wondering, yes, we do look for potential partners for Hillary. She always goes with older men. It’s her thing. Problem is, COVID kind of changed that, as there were limited people that could be in certain spaces. Everyone just seems afraid and going up to someone and saying “you wanna fuck my wife” during a pandemic is hard. People don’t do strangers in this COVID world.

Again…this is not an invitation to DM about fucking my wife. It’s never worked meeting people from these sites. Being a “bull” doesn’t mean being unnecessarily mean and aggressive.

That said, we did meet a couple at the pizza place. That place usually sits people close to get them communicating in some sort of open European like vibe. Normally, my wife and I ask to be alone. This time we threw the dice for a gamble. We still got seated AWAY from people. Oh well. We did get to meet a couple at the table to our right. It was a REALLY fit couple. I know the guys name, but like the young punk its sort of unique. I just call him “tall guy” or “fit guy” because he was tall and fit and had shorter hair than even me, sort of military. My wife inquired what they do and where they are from. I chimed in and so did ‘fit guy’s’ wife, but it seemed the fit guy was talking to my wife, and I have to say, even though his wife was rather fit and skinny and pretty, the dude checked my wife out. Hillary has those tits and that ass. Tough to ignore.

He said his name and introduced his wife, which my wife responded with “I’m Hillary and this is my husband CE!” Yes, she started what would be this trips ‘running joke’ so to speak.

I responded with my real name and that ‘no one call me CE’.

“Everyone calls you that,” Hillary laughed. “Or they will now.”

He asked my wife what was good, and we gave them a lesson on the place. “What do you recommend for Pizza CE?” The guy asked which got a really good laughing rise out of my lovely young wife. Get the white pizza, just cheese and then finish with Sambuca for desert we both told them. Just like us, they didn’t get it, but apparently in Italy a double shot of Sambuca with chocolate is considered desert?

My wife got the plate of meats, cheeses and breads for us all. She actually offered a piece of bread to the guy and leaned over to legit feed him right there. He HAD to taste it with sauce and oil. This is where body language is big, because my wife’s body language showed she was moving her entire form fit guy’s way. The ‘feeding’ caused visible tension from his wife.

By the time the Sambuca came out, my wife’s body was TOTALLY turned towards this new fit guy’s. Legs crossed towards him, her whole frame pointed his way. Strangely, his whole body language was towards my wife. Sorry fit girl, when my wife WANTS someone she gets them. The two toasted their shots and didn’t really offer a toast to us beyond moving their glasses towards us. They clinked their own and drank. I’m used to my wife phasing me out of conversations, but the fit guy’s fit wife was noticeably irked about being phased out of conversation with her own husband.

So with our new best friends in tow we got more frozen drinks from the German place my wife loves and insists on going to. Then we chatted more light-heartedly and made our way to Japan for the frozen beers. We each bought one, and the fit guy, naturally loved it. His wife (or maybe girlfriend) was getting more and more antsy and seemingly annoyed. Fit guy and myself watched my wife sort of exaggeratingly lick frozen foam from her lip with her tongue. That seemed to do it for fit wife. She wanted to head in the opposite direction. So they left. The guy said it was good to meet Hillary and I, and used the name “CE” once more. In fact, he used it the whole time to refer to me.

“Too bad,” I laughed when they were far enough away, “I think we could have swung with them.”

I recall my wife stopping in her tracks and laughing with white foam on her upper lip from the frozen beer (she hates beer unless its frozen?). “You think that girl would fuck YOU?” She kept laughing licking the foam with her tongue in that exaggerated way. Maybe it wasn’t exaggeration, but it looked to be so. She rubbed my arm. “Oh hon.”
“Too bad we didn’t get their information, maybe he’d be into you.” I told her looking back at the now distant couple.

Hillary was still laughing. “Tall guy wants to fuck my brains out hon.” She added using her term for him. Then she showed me her phone. It was his personal training website. But the guy was from middle America, so it would be hard, my wife said. While we waited for the frozen German beers (I think it was Germany but I feel I might be wrong where those dark frozen drinks my wife likes are) he informed her he was a personal trainer. I hadn’t even heard this. I must have gone piss. My wife said she wanted to do workouts but the gym was close. He had told her how to contact him for personal training and that he’d help her do online or via skype or teams or whatever. “She was pissed about that..” She said as we walked.

“Why?” I said. Sort of knowing my own answer.

Hillary shook her head. “Hon, we’re probably gonna end up just getting naked and jerking off each other. Like Jarrod.” She said moving to another kiosk for more drinks. “You know how this works.” She explained that she wasn’t just cuckolding me, she was cuckolding Jarrod’s wife, Punk Guy’s fat girlfriend, and even the girl she was hooking Bill up with. We weren’t REALLY sure if woman were supposed to be called cuckolds or if there was another name.

“He just wants to fuck me.” She said confidently, even though the fit guy’s wife was TECHNICALLY hotter. I was shocked. But she told me his girl was obviously “no fun”. That everyone could see that. “I’m fun,” Hillary said. We made our way back to the frozen wine place (Epcot is a lot of walking in the sun). She explained that the girl was ‘too skinny’ and fit guys like him wanted thicker girls to grope, grab and pick up. Which I don’t ‘really think is true but I didn’t correct her. She stated, “that girl can’t suck cock even if she wanted to, which she doesn’t.” My wife kept going. “He knows I’m fun, and I’ll suck and fuck him so good he’d leave her in a heartbeat.” My wife did a little dance. “Dat MAGIC pussy. I got dat UNICORN.” She joked. “Just like I know he got dat big dick. All tall guys do.”

“How does he know any of that?” I asked.

My wife sighed. “He does. Trust me. We practically said it to each other in the Italian pizza place.” She laughed. “It could not have BEEN more obvious we wanted to fuck.” She smiled. She saw my confusion and rubbed my arm. “How have you EVER gotten pussy hon?” It’s all body language she informed me. Which I kind of already knew. In fact, she actually ‘followed’ him on some of his social media already somehow.

We were pretty wasted and it was pretty hot as balls. Still early though. It’s hard to keep drinking at EPCOT. You got to dig in, my wife and I say. But we were getting burnt and tired. So we made our way back to the resort. In the UBER ride, I was shocked to see that Hillary and “fit guy” were already following each other on Instagram and friends on Facebook. Sort of, since my wife thinks his account was ‘fucking fake as hell’.

We sat at the bar nearest our suite. Hillary did NOT want to see Jarrod. We were going to dinner, just the two of us. As we slowly sipped our drinks preparing to nap by the pool my wife showed me the fit dude was ALREADY liking old pictures of my wife when she did a ‘lipstick try-on haul’ of green, maroon, blue, gold and black. You want to see old dudes, co-workers, friends and ****** members creep out on your wife on social media have her do a try on haul.

A guy came up to offer my wife a drink, and she refused it. I asked why, and she told me there were ‘too many cooks in the kitchen’ already, and the guy wasn’t her type. I was shocked how brazen the guy was, but Hillary remarked, “they know I’m down to fuck and you’re a lame lil duck,” she joked grabbing my…well…hard cock.

We slept on two lawn chairs by the pool. I watched guys walk by and stare at my wife’s tits and then ass when she rolled over. She didn’t USUALLY get that much attention but I guess she isn’t always in a revealing bikini. She was getting pretty dark too with her tan.
After the nap, we made our way back to the suite, for a tub, and another nap. Before getting in, my wife began jerking me off, and slipping her mouth over my cock. “I want you to lie down CE.” She teased looking up at me. I shook my head. “Then no blowjob.” She said and sort of swam away in the large tub. “You’re not getting off unless its in your face and in your mouth.” She was adamant.
I really really don’t want that. I can’t explain that enough. But I was scared…no one says no to my wife.

We napped. Then it was time to get ready to go for pizza, wings and beers (or mixed drinks/seltzers) which is our favorite. It’s not all cuckolding. Still, my wife go sexy in her ‘boob’ window shirt, tight jeans and dark maroon lipstick. While she got ready, she decided to fuck with Jarrod. She sent him a pic with a banana between her tits and her black polka-dotted bra.

Jarrod texted back that she needed to “STOP”.

Then she upped the ante by taking a video of her sucking the banana down pretty much all the way. She sent it.

Jarrod now responded simply, “Good GOD! DAMN YOU HELLCAT!”

We went out to our favorite place Giordano’s. First, yes, I know it’s a chain, and I know we ate pizza earlier, but seriously, we could eat pizza all day everyday. It’s a vacation. And wings.

Again, if you’re in Orlando between September and March and want the ride of your life, find one of the Giordano’s. If there is a girl in tight jeans, a tight top that shows off her cleavage and wedge heels, buy her a drink. It might not be my wife, but if it is, you got a pretty good shot at getting laid and feeling that magic pussy cum on your cock.
While we ate, I watched her text. Tall guy was already messaging her, but largely harmless and work out related. My wife, ever the shit starter, sent pics and a video of her doing squats taken by a friend. She asked about her form.

“Amazing form. You have a good lower core. You’ve done training before” He responded.
“He likes my ass.” My wife joked.

She was actually texting Jarrod. I could see that she wasn’t really that into the young punk. I get it, he seemed all over the place and immature. Hillary remarked she’d be ‘fucking fit guy’ if it wasn’t for the young punk. She can’t do ‘two big dicks’. Plus, my wife added, I would have to run interference with ‘fit wife’ and my wife was certain that woman wouldn’t give me the time of day.
“Add something to the itinerary, CE.” She added double teasing me now. Which I sort of loved, being relegated to merely the itinerary guy and called CE. As I opened my ‘notes’ app where I kept the ACTUAL itinerary, she informed me that Jarrod was stopping by during his golf outing in the morning….early.

I asked why he wanted to stop by.

“Beers and recruitment,” she chuckled. She showed me his text. He had investors playing with him in his business. He wanted to show them the ‘young tits and ass’ (his EXACT words) you can get by jumping on board with him.

“You’re going to be exhausted again,” I reminded her. She had a party with Young Punk, a Halloween party an hour away. Young punk hadn’t even taken his gifts. I wasn’t invited. In fact, it was recommended by Young Punk that I ‘not come’. My wife was going to be sleeping at his place with all the animals. It was sort of dangerous, but my wife no longer feared her boyfriends.

“Can’t you call him and reschedule for the next night,” my wife jested. Of course this wouldn’t work. He wouldn’t respond to me. Hillary had already informed me I was a ‘freak’ to these guys. Hillary told them that me not going was fine, since she’d leave used panties and I’d sniff, fuck and jerk off with them all night. She wasn’t lying. “Damn, we never see eye to eye on shit.” She remarked.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

Hillary sipped her drink. “I like Jarrod. He’s safe, has a decent cock that he can use and he’s fun.” She pointed to me. “But you’re a cuckold so you want a big dicked dude to have me all…” my wife made the ‘ahe-gao’ face with eyes rolled in her head and the tongue out. I told her that wasn’t true, but she said all cuckolds want their significant others to get ‘wrecked’ by a huge cock. “You’re so weird.” She looked at me. “You claim to not like CE but you do it. You claim you don’t want to watch but you CERTAINLY like to.” She spoke real low. “Every guy in this place would pay to be you, sitting on the couch, getting their cock sucked BY ME while watching someone like Jarrod fucked me.” She sighed. “You’re the worst cuckold I know.” She smiled. “I’m gonna break you down.” She finished.

We ate, and the bartender was all over my wife. But she didn’t quite like him. She certainly has a type. I won’t lie. Older men, married, confident, high energy and sort of fit/*** bod. Almost a certain look.
After dinner we returned to our suite. Once again, we got naked and went into the large tub. We spend a lot of time in that tub. My erection wasn’t exactly inconspicuous. I was horny as all hell and falling down a path to something I didn’t want to do.

“Lie down,” my wife insisted. I did as told nervously. She put lotion on her hand and began stroking me. I kept my mouth shut. My wife pulled up her phone and scrolled up her messages with Jarrod to the blowjob video. She pressed play and began to jerk me off to cuckold porn she’d created with another man. “You love this video,” she told me. Note: I’d never told my wife why I like that video. But she knew and its why I love her. She wasn’t wasting time on jerking me off. “Look how fast I get that cock in my mouth.” We both watched her fish his cock out and gobble it down in under a second. As the video progressed and he panned to my wife’s ass, she giggled. “How much you wanna bet his golf buddies are watching this very video right now. Jerking off to YOUR wife sucking cock”. She licked my ear and pumped my cock. “You like that he uses me as his little slutty recruitment assistant.” She taunted. I did. She knew it. “I’m going to show all those guys my young tits tomo….”

That was it. I was cumming. It is almost instinct to fall back, and groan loudly. My head dropping back and my mouth opening. I got a little help from Hill sort of pushing me down with her free hand. The first blast hit my chin, and I thought I was alright, but then the gush came and landed all over my face and some in my mouth. My wife put a finger on my chin and closed my mouth softly. I just complied. I didn’t fight it. That would ruin the greatness of an orgasm. She brought her fingers to my Adams apple and rubbed it sort of encouraging my swallowing. I didn’t really swallow. She kept pumping me until it merely bubbled.

Hillary quickly grabbed the beer behind my head and all but shoved it in my mouth. I did swallow as she tipped it up. I had to. Instinct.
“CUM EATER!” She jested.

“That doesn’t count,” I coughed in defiance.
Hillary sipped my beer. “How does that NOT count. You legit ate it. Dude….you’re nuts with this holier than thou bullshit.” She laughed. She then brought her cum covered hand up. “My little CE,” she jokingly moved her hand to my face and tried to shove it in my mouth. I fought her, but she got it all over my face. Not that I wasn’t already covered. She then called me a baby, and proceeded to lick her fingers and my face clean with her big flat tongue. She nuzzled into my chest. “Cum eater.” She joked again kissing my chest.

I have to say, despite how gross it was. I was having a great time.

We went to bed rather early that night. Hillary didn’t want anyone touching her after the day before. The reality is, she still felt sore but said she was going to “endure”.

Then my wife upped the ante again when, before bed, she pulled out one of the more painful cock cages we have. The “cock asylum” with the brace plate and the screws. We had went on a cage buying spree recently. Hillary thought the one I had was TOO easy and slightly enjoyable for me. Serves me right for opening my mouth. These new ones added pain. Again, she insisted I liked pain, that all cucks do….but I don’t. She put it on me, with my help. I allowed her to screw the bolts in to a moderate level NOT touching my cock...unless I get hard.

If you’re wondering how we got it on the plane without it being noticed, we checked it with our bags. I don’t think if you separated the pieces people even understand what it is. She wanted to put it in our carry-on. I have to stop her from going TOO overboard with being open about this shit.

Anyone who deals in long term cock caging knows that sleep is a MASSIVE issue. Your body involuntarily yearns to get hard all night. You will NOT sleep. It is painful enough to wake you RIGHT the fuck up. With my older cage I could get used to the feeling. Not this one, with the screws. It sucks. My wife locked me in and literally left the room with the key.
Then she came back and put on a tight sports bra which pushed her tits up. She got in panties and jumped into bed. I was naked. “You’re going to have a shitty night, and tomorrow,” she laughed putting her large muscular legs on my crotch and curling up on me. “If I’m gonna be in pain…so are you.” She chuckled.

To be honest, I can move my dick around in the cock cage just the right way to make me cum. A vibrating egg is good for that too. The old cage wasn’t so bad. And that had to change for Hillary. This one…no cumming.
And then my wife passed the fuck out. Snoring, deep sleep, her body on top of me. Her legs constantly rubbing my caged prick causing pain.

If you’re thinking I was in for a cage filled week, you’re dead wrong. Sorry, again where reality meets fantasy isn’t always so fun. I kept waking the fuck up. Moaning and waking Hillary up. It was really early in the morning, about one when she sighed and unlocked me.

I still had a massive and now red spotted erection. I managed to get to sleep. I should have jerked off, but I didn’t. I don’t remember my dreams, just waking up with an erection that hurt. Plus, it was REALLY early. My wife was already up in tight black yoga pants, the ones that make her legs and ass look REALLY good. She also had on her blue under armor workout bra/top. I call it the ‘electric blue’ workout bra because the design looks like lightening. Further, she had on her tan with orange lined Yeezy’s (again if you’re in Orlando at a park, look for tight yoga pants, big tits, a loud cute girl wearing Yeezy’s…might be her…buy her a drink). She likes her high-fashion. It dawned on me that Hillary had put makeup on and done her hair early, seemingly for the gym.

I asked, “What’s going on?”

She looked at me, and grabbed her stuff, “Going to the gym…are you coming?”

My wife seemed on a mission. She got to the car before I was even ready, and seemed quite annoyed to the point where she honked the horn. We got to the gym at like 710 AM, which for us on a vacation is a big FEAT. She drove like a banshee to get there. She started with squats, facing her ass where golfers drive by. There was something REALLY REALLY wrong with the picture. My wife, of all people is the one to call out girls who get dressed up for the gym. She hates the small gym top, tight shorts/yoga pants and makeup gym girl crowd. And here she was all decked out, with her hair done to boot. Further, these black yoga pants are shiny and tight in a way to accentuate her leg and ass muscles. They are NOT for working out.

But about five minutes into her routine, I watched a group of dudes in two carts role up across the parking lot and step out and walk towards the gym windows. The pro-shop and store wasn’t too far. A group of four men walked up. Two stopped about fifty feet from the window and watched my wife. I got the sneaking suspicion my wife specifically there for these men. They were all older.
As I rode the Elliptical I watched. I know she noticed them since she glanced to the large mirrored wall. She then proceeded to dip REALLY REALLY low. She was doing a circuit of squats and lunges. Normally we work out together, but I wasn’t even asked this time.
Sure as shit, Jarrod of all people appears with the other two men. He was smiling and looked into the gym. He was smiling ear to ear when he saw Hillary, and I shit you not, he pulled his phone out and showed two of the men (the younger of the four) something. I counted and it HAD to be the video of her blowing him. HAD to be. The two dudes kept looking into the gym and then down at his phone in utter disbelief. One of them shook his head and kept walking.

The group went by and went to the pro-shop. Hillary finished suddenly. “Let’s go. We have an hour.” I didn’t understand. There was clearly a plan in place here. One that I was nor privy to. But, again, my wife was on some mission. We raced home, and to be honest we weren’t at that gym long at all. Just long enough for her to do squats and get seen by Jarrod and his golf partners.

We made our way back to our time share suite which looks like a gated community. It surrounds the golf courses, if which there are several. My wife began shaving her legs, and then straitening her hair, as if we were going out to dinner or for drinks. This was 0730 in the morning.

My wife pulled on short Jean shorts that had those designed tears with the inner white pockets hanging low beyond the rip of the shorts. She rarely wore these because she didn’t like her ass in them. But they looked good then, with the bottom or her ass cheeks now on display. My hot wife then pulled on a tight black top, and undid the buttons to ****** her huge cleavage. She wasn’t finished.

I was shocked when my bride began to do her eyebrows dark and thick, and then apply full makeup. She pursed her lips and put dark maroon lipstick on. “Get my wedges!” She ordered seeming rushed. I did as told and watched her put them on. I helped her to her feet.

For this early, we started drinking. My wife crushed two seltzers. Quickly. And a shot of vodka. Then we puffed on a joint. My sexy wife looked like a stripped in the short shorts, tight top and heels with full makeup. She looked in her early twenties again. She seemed nervous and was texting. Her eyes watched out the mesh netted deck towards the course. She suddenly shot up after reading her phone. She clicked her fingers at me. “Get in the guest room and don’t you fucking DARE make a noise or come out.” This was a command and the look of seriousness in my wife’s eyes was shocking.
I did as told. I kept the door open a crack and then I pulled the dark semi-blackout shades closed so the room was dark. I watched the mirror on the wall that showed the living room.

My wife was in the kitchen preparing something. She rushed to the bedroom and passed my view. I could see the master bedroom. She came out with a pack of cigars she’d bought. With my money. Expensive cigars.

I heard a commotion from the deck. An electric sound. I heard a voice, “anyone home.”

“Heeyyyy,” my wife called and walked through the hall, through the living room and then disappeared on the deck.

It was Jarrod and his golf partners. My wife had gotten dressed up for then. To be his arm candy. His recruitment whore. Like she’d mentioned the night before. Showing them her tits, she remarked. It made sense now. There were introductions.

Someone, sounding younger than the others asked, “you must be Jarrod’s friend Hillary!”
My wife, for some unknown reason, answered in a Southern accent. “Friends?” she questioned, “Why, I hope you boys, if you’re his friends, don’t do the things Jarrod and I do together.” That got a huge laugh. I even chuckled. She joked about sex with him. Right away.

Still in a strange southern accent, she asked, “ya’ll need a drink? You look thirsty.” It was a weird thing to do, but in the top, shorts and heels in the South I guess looking back it made sense.

My wife went back to the kitchen, picked up the tray that room service and ice came in, and walked back to the deck holding it like a waitress. She had four beers, and cigars. One of the guys asked about whiskey. Hillary responded, “of course, we got Scotch, do you take it neat or on the rocks?” The twang still there. A little overboard actually.
“Neat…I’m not an animal, and I’d prefer Bourbon but Scotch will work,” the clearly elderly guy spoke. Not only was he insulting what I drank, and how I drank whiskey but he was going to drink MY whiskey. Everyone laughed, including my wife.

The smell of cigar smoke filled my nose. The conversation was light, and more quite. I couldn’t hear much except the laughs from jokes. From what my wife says, they talked about how great it was down here in Orlando. Jarrod and his partners kept yelling for people to “play through”. My wife, who I couldn’t see was apparently right in Jarrod’s lap, sharing a cigar.

I kept having to push back, because people kept using the guest bathroom that was in the hall next to the door I was behind. They didn’t need to come into the guest room. But that bathroom was so close I could hear the guys pissing. All of them.

At some point, my wife said something that I couldn’t hear. She told me later the guys were making fun of Jarrod for sucking, after talking a big game. My wife said to the groups, according to her, “Let’s see if I can get him to focus.”

That’s when I watched my wife pulling her elderly lover by the hand past my view and into the bedroom. The door closed.
One of the guys, who sounded like on of the older ones, commented how great the eleventh hole ‘watering hole’ was. I heard this because he said it loudly wanting laughs, which he got. Note: our suite is by hole 11 of one of the courses. Don’t ask me, cause I don’t know which course. There are three I think. Maybe less.

One of the younger guys (I think), said “and a hot waitress to boot.” Which got more laughs. Then they debated my wife versus the beer cart. My wife’s tits were apparently far better. And my wife was hotter in the face. Not as skinny or young though as the bar cart wench. This is what guys discuss if you wonder. But one did remark that my wife was great “spank bank” material. And that she looked like “She could suck and fuck with the best of em”.

As if on cue, my wife moaned from the master bedroom. “Uhhhhhhhh,” she mewled loud enough for the neighbors to hear. The sound of slapping bodies picked up. Jarrod had apparently bent my wife over, and pulled her shorts down. They were fucking hard and fast.

Laughter and hoots arose from the deck.

“I’m cumming. I’m cumming!” My wife shouted. “Oohhhh baby!” She was cooing like a pornstar with that whine.

Again, laughter and some applause, no fooling applause. They were quite impressed apparently that Jarrod was banging the girl.
The bedroom door opened and Jarrod and my wife were walking out, whispering. My wife was apparently telling him to wait to ‘zip up’. I would learn that this was all a game by my wife and Jarrod to make him look like a stud. Zipping his fly as he walked onto the deck and my wife buttoning her shirt were all part of the game. An emphasis on the implications that Jarrod had fucked the young big titted girl. Which he had.
Before leaving my wife brought the case of Budlight out and gave it to them. So if you’re counting, they got my cigars, the rest of my beer and ample views of my wife’s cleavage.

My wife and Jarrod’s plan apparently worked well. The elderly man would have new partners or investors or whatever.

When I heard them drive off I came out.

“That was awesome,” my wife giggled. She looked at me. “You better not have jerked off!”

I assured her I hadn’t.

She nodded, “Good cause if I gotta suffer with this young punks cock…you’re suffering too. You’re going in your cage.”
