Charles and Susan had been friends of ours for several years. We had partied with them many times, with our clothes on. We had all been pretty blitzed several times but nothing ever happened. Now, one of the things the women had always giggled about was that Charles was hung more adequately than most men were. In his jeans it was easy to tell me was carrying more of a load than most do.

We had planned on throwing a Halloween party for our friends and had invited 7 or couples and a couple of singles friends of ours. Susan had admitted to my wife that when they were younger and stupid that they had done a 3 some with one of his friends a few times but nothing like that for years. We had never even considered it during our marriage. Stacy is one of the traditional old fashion kind of girls and I was possessive enough that I could not consider the thought of another man fucking my wife.

The four of us had decided to go in together on the party and share the hosting responsibilities. Then came the matter of costumes. Susan is a larger woman, not fat but hefty. Stacy on the other hand is very trim and slender. Stacy is tall, making her thin built look even thinner. Charles it very athletic looking with a tight body. I am a little pudgy but not really fat. The body descriptions come into play because my wife wanted to dress as a ballerina and Charles said he could be a male counterpart for the dancer. The final costume decision was for my wife and Charles to dress as a ballet dancing team and Susan would wear a nun's robe and I would dress as a monk.

Damn my wife looked hot in her little costume. She wore white tights and a pink leotard with a big pink tutu. I love her ass and it looked overly righteous. Some of her hair showed when she first put on the costume so she took the scissors and went into the bathroom to repair it. Susan and Charles arrived early to help finish getting the place ready for the guest while she was still trimming her bush. He was wearing the skin tight dance costume and if there had been any doubt of his over endowment them all doubts were put to rest that night. Her nun's outfit was nasty looking. The front was open low showing off her giggly boobs instead of the traditional conservative look and the skirt part of it was slit up both sides showing off garter belt and stockings. I on the other hand felt like I was wearing a huge dress. Late in the night my wife snagged the tights on a table and tore a hole in them. She excused herself and returned to the party a few minutes late minus the tights under the leotard. Normally would not have been so bold but for some reason the returned with just the thin strip of nylon covering her pussy. I wasn't sure how much she had trimmed but the suit was pulling up into her pussy slit causing a very horny site for all there. She had on that damn tutu so she could not see the show she was giving the rest of us.

My wife spent most of the night with her costume counter part as I did with Susan. With out the tights on under the costume Stacy had the problem of creep, her suit would continually creep up into her ass crack. I was glad I had on the robe to hid the boner I would get watching her. Charles, on the other hand, had no way of hiding the effects her costume had on him in his skintight body suit.

I was getting turned on seeing her parade around with hardly anything hiding her body. Surprisingly, I even was being turned on by other men looking at her. I had assumed that I would find it distasteful or angering for men to lust after my wife. Charles and Stacy danced together in the den and when they separated I saw that he was at almost full erection. He had to walk behind her so that her tutu helped conceal his bulging problem. I could tell that she didn't seem overly concerned about him getting excited over her.

Susan on the other side of the room was having a blast. She giggled her boobs like a bar maid and relished the attention when she slipped her leg past the slit of her skirt and showed off her stocking and garter. The more she had to drink the louder and more blatant her show. I sat back and tended the bar so that my erection was hidden by the bar and the frock I was wearing. I was glad I wore underwear or my cock would have been standing straight out.

It was getting late and the lights had been lowered another notch. Several of the couples had left the party and it was down to a small select group. Susan had taken up with one of the single men and she and her husband had begun a competition to see who could make the other more jealous. I think it was partly in fun and partly very serious between them. They were all on the dance floor, Susan with the young man's face buried in her ample breast as they slow danced and Charles holding my wife extremely close. Several dances later I could see that Stacy was grinding against her dance partner to feel the full effect of his hard cock. His hands had pulled her tutu out of the way and were planted on her round ass. The leotard had ridden high in her crack so he was mostly holding her ass and little of it was covered.

The song stopped and they went to one of the easy chairs. He sat down then pulled her down on his lap. Her ass was just about bare, his cock was hard and she sat firmly down on it. Her nipples were trying to bust through the thin top of the leotard, they looked so hard. All I could see in my mind was her sitting down on his cock with it sliding up in her pretty wet pussy. The thought that I knew would be revolting turned out to make me so excited. I had always imagined my self beating the hell out of any man that made a pass at my wife and there I stood hiding my erection while wishing she would let him fuck her. Then I looked in the direction that my wife and Charles were looking. His wife was in the middle of the room slow dancing and the man she was with had is hand in side of the slit of her costume on her butt.

The party broke up pretty quick when everyone caught each other going too far. Susan and Charles stayed to help us pick up a little before they left. Actually I could hardly wait for them to go because I had a big problem that needed some immediate attention. We sat and had one more drink before they left. It was Susan that said she felt sad for me, that I had been stuck at the bar all night and not gotten to dance or mingle all night. She suggested one last dance before they went home. I was ready for them to go home because I had a boner that needed to soaked in a warm dark place. Stacy was the one that got up and turned the music back on. Susan pulled me to my feet to dance. It was a nice slow number and her big breast felt good pressed against me. I looked over to see Charles dancing with my wife again. Actually it was more of a holding and humping than it was dancing. She expressed her displeasure of having that damn tutu attached to the leotard and being in the way. She excused her self for a minute and returned to the room in her short nylon robe to continue the dance. I had let my hand wander lower down Susan's back, I fond the garter belt then ventured lower to discover no elastic band for panties. She had been there all night with out panties, but for that matter so had my wife. Charles caught me with my hand on his wife's ass and only smiled at me. He pulled Susan tightly against his cock, which I was pretty sure would have been hard again. Then his hands went down under her robe and were gripping her bare ass. I was hard from watching my wife being groped. I had Susan's big boobs pressed against me with her letting me massage her bare ass through her costume. Then they turned around and I saw that my wife had both her hands on his ass too. Only one light in the living room was on and when Stacy got close to it she clicked it off leaving us in close to total darkness. I could hear her breathing get heavy through the music which was playing softly. My hand went under the skirt of Susan's costume. She had big fleshy ass checks, the only ones I had touched for years even before I married Susan.

The song ended and for a brief moment there was silence, except for the moaning Susan was making. I stepped over to the light switch and gave it a flick. She was turned with her back to him and he had one hand on her pussy and the other playing with her tit inside her robe. He had a hand behind her holding his hard cock. I knew my wife, her moods and sounds. I knew that another few minutes of what he was doing she they would be fucking. The four of us stood and looked at each other in bewilderment and embarrassment then Charles broke the silence by saying that I made some damn strong drinks that night. I knew none of us had too much to drink but it was an easy out for what we were doing and thinking. Something was going to happen and it had to happen right then. I was ready. I wasn't so interested in fucking Susan as I was seeing my wife being fucked by her husband big cock. I could see by the look on Stacy's face she was ready for that big cock. Susan broke it up by saying it was time they went home.

We walked them to the door to see them off. My wife's robe was about undone and almost showing off her goods. I shook Charles's hand and then went to his wife to give her a hug. Our hug lingered on as my wife was doing the same with Charles. Then I heard the smacking sound of her kissing. She had her tongue half way down his throat. Susan and I kissed but I never too my eye off of my wife. When they pulled away her robe had fallen open giving him and the rest of us a solid look at her body. I was a little shocked when I saw her pussy. I knew she had trimmed it and seen the leotard ride up in her slit, But I hadn't imagined she trimmed it that short. There was only a slight layer of stubble and that was glistening with the coating of her wet pussy juice. I commented that if she hadn't stop kissing him when she did I thought we were going to finish our good byes in bed. She shot me a nasty look for saying such a thing. I knew she knew it was true though.

There was a hesitation and for a minute there I though my wife was going to take Charles to the bed room but she pulled back and told them good night and they were gone.

We made a dash for the bed. At least I did. Stacy seemed a little reluctant. In the bedroom I pulled the monks robe off and dropped my shorts to the floor so my hard on could breath. She dropped the robe to the floor and slipped into bed. She was afraid I was mad at her for what she had been doing that night. Normally I would have been furious or at least I had assumed I would have been pissed for her doing the things she had done with another man. My hard cock took control and I started telling her how turned on I had been seeing her in nearly nothing all night in front of our friends. Then I burst her world apart when I said I thought she was going to fuck Charles in front of me and everyone else. There was no foreplay. We had both been getting so worked up all night. I rolled on top of her and slid my cock in her wet pussy.

I was pumping away at her when I asked her if she would have fucked him if they had stayed. She didn't answer right away, then asked me if I had wanted her to. I told her yes. She hooked her legs around me and mumbled out to me that she had nearly done it but chicken out then started in on one tremendous orgasm as I pumped my seed into her.