Ex-wife wants to come back

Takes place many years ago.

My Ex and I had been divorced for about a year after a two year legal separation. I doubt that any divorce is easy and I know that ours wasn't. Even during the hardest times we knew that we loved each other but we had married too young and had a ******** before either one of us was ready for the responsibility. The trouble started when she went back to work for the added income.

Her new boss was a married man about 5 years older then we were. I don't know exactly when it happened but I do know they started having an affair. All the usual signs were there. She was coming home late from work, the housework wasn't getting done, she even started going to a laundromat to do the wash at night. She said that it was so much faster having several machines instead of just the one at home. I guess I knew about the affair long before I was willing to admit it to myself. By this time our own sex life had dropped off to nearly nothing. I think the first time that I had to admit to myself what was going on was when she went down on me during one our infrequent love making sessions. For the first time she let me come in her mouth! I knew that another man had taught her to do that. I had tried, but he had succeeded.

To make a very long story short, I started following her and eventually got enough evidence to confront her. That didn't work out like I planned. He left his wife and she left me! They moved in together with my ********. His wife kept his two kids. I think that's what finally broke them up. He missed his kids and my ******** was constantly there to remind him of them. After a year, he went back to his wife and kids and my wife wanted to come home to me!

When she told me she wanted to come home, I told her that I'd have to think about it. I'd been hurt badly and wasn't going to put myself into a position to be hurt again. I did say I'd date her. The first couple of dates were very awkward. I felt funny dating my own wife, even if we were divorced. At the end of the first couple of dates I couldn't even kiss her goodnight. I know she was getting frustrated and was trying hard to get me to spend the night. Finally I tried to spend the night with her. It just didn't work! I couldn't perform! All I could think about was the two of them together. I wanted to give up but she wanted to get back together *REAL* bad.

One night we were lying in bed together. We had tried to have sex but I couldn't do my part. She was upset and wanted to know why I was having problem now when I'd never had problems before. I told her I kept visualizing them together. The more I talked about them having sex the more I started to get aroused. I was almost hard! I made her tell me about their lovemaking. She didn't want to but she saw that I was finally getting hard and she wanted it so badly that she started talking about doing it with him. It worked! Thinking about them together I was able to make love to her for the first time since the divorce. It became a routine. The only way I could make love to her was for her to tell me about their sex life together. She was much more upset about this than I was! After we had sex she'd always ask if we could ever have a normal sex life together.

After a lot of thought, I told her there might be a way to get back to normal. She said she'd try anything! I told her that I kept visualizing them fucking. If I could really see her with another man I might be able to stop thinking about it. She said no way and threw me out of her apartment! I didn't call her for about two weeks. Finally she called me. She wanted to go out together, maybe talk about it. "No! There was nothing to talk about!" Click!

I wouldn't take her calls, even got an answering machine so that I could screen my calls. She called a lot over the next couple of weeks but I wouldn't talk to her. Finally I got a greeting card from her, one or those "I miss you" type. On the card she had written "I'll do anything to get you back."

I called her and asked if she was serious.

"Yes, I'll do anything." Did she know what that meant?

"Yes, I know you want to see me with someone else."

Would she?

"Yes, but with certain terms. It can't be anyone that we know and I want to approve of him in advance." I told her she wasn't in a position to set the terms and hung up! She called right back but I already had the answering machine on and wouldn't take the call.

I had given up. I hadn't heard from her in weeks and I was dating a real nice girl that I thought there might be a future with. Then there was a message on the machine "I'll do whatever you want, no terms, no conditions."

I waited a couple of days and then called her. Same conversation.

"You serious?"


"Do you know what that means?"


"Any conditions?"

"No, whatever you want! I love you and I'll do anything to get you back."

I made a date with her for that Friday night. I picked her up around 9:00 and started to take her back to my house.

"Aren't we going out first?"


"What are we going to do?"

"Whatever I want, remember?"


"Any problem"?


Once back at my house, I fixed her a drink and sat back to relax. She sat beside me and tried to make out but I pushed her away. "NOT YET! You have something to prove first." She started to cry, "What do I have to do to get you back?" There was a knock on the door. "You are about to find out what you have to do!"

"Come on in Russ. You remember Jane don't you?" Russ was my closest friend in high school and was a good friend of ours when we were married. He was single and never turned down an opportunity! Jane just looked at me. "My God" she whispered, "Not Russ!"

We visited for quite a while. I was as nervous as she was! Finally she offered to get Russ and me another beer. As she stood up to get the beer, I stopped her. "Jane, you don't need your blouse to get us a beer. Why don't you give it to Russ"? She knew it was starting and she knew there was nothing she could do about it.

"Please no, not like this!"

"Give your blouse to Russ or I'll take you home." It seemed as if it took forever but Russ was holding her blouse and Jane was standing there in a lacy bra. For some reason Russ and I drank that beer faster than usual. "Get us another beer Hon." She hesitated to get up, she knew what was coming! "You don't need those slacks to get us a beer. Why don't you let Russ hold them for you?" The tears started rolling down her cheeks but she knew better than to say anything. Slowly the slacks came off and we were both looking at her in her under ware!

As I said I had been having a hard time getting an erection with her, but not now! I was as hard as a rock! I wanted this to last, so when she went to the laddies' room I asked Russ to drink this beer slowly! Finally, the inevitable happened. We were out of beer! She wasn't going to volunteer so I had to ask. "Jane, get us another beer." Slowly she got up. "You don't need that bra to get us a beer. Give it to Russ." It wasn't a request anymore and she knew it. I'll never forget the look on her face as her breasts were slowly ******* to us! She looked as if she wanted to run away but she didn't. She was almost funny for the next half hour, trying to cover up her breasts without seeming too obvious! Russ and I didn't make it any easier for her because all the small talk ended and we just stared at her and drank our beer!

I don't usually drink this much beer and I'm starting to get a big time buzz. But that didn't stop me from wanting another one! "Get us another beer, Jane." All she had left was her panties. "You don't need those to get us a beer. Give them to Russ!" She came over to me and whispered in my ear, "If I do this, will we get back together?" "Not yet. You haven't proved anything yet! Now! Give him your panties"! Sobbing loudly, she let her panties fall to the floor. Russ could see her naked! She went to the kitchen and got our beer. She gave them to us quickly and tried to sit beside me on the couch. "Don't sit down! Stand there in front of us and let us look at you! Not there, I can see you but he can't. Stand right by the coffee table so we can both see you!"

This couldn't last long! Neither Russ or I wanted that last beer. I finally took Jane by the hand and led her to the bedroom. I helped her lie on the bed. I kissed her. Then I told Russ to take her! She wouldn't let go of me. She kept whispering in my ear over and over, "I'm proving my love for you!" I've never felt anything like it. I could feel her tense up as his rock hard dick came into contact with her pussy! She grabbed me and kissed me as he entered her! I could almost feel him penetrating her. She finally relaxed after he was all the way in and just lay there as he stroked in and out of her. I pulled away from her. I went to the bottom of the bed and watched his dick plowing in and out of her! It was obvious that he was going to cum very soon. She called my name. She cried out that she wanted to kiss me while he came!

I laid back down beside them and kissed her deeply. Then Russ pulled almost all the way out of her and slammed back into her as hard as he could. A load groan escaped Russ and he was cumming into my wife! I could actually feel each pulse of his violent eruption in my wife's kiss. Russ fell to the side and I took his place. I had never felt a pussy so hot, so wet. I climaxed almost immediately, adding my massive load to his. I hadn't cum so much in years! When I pulled out of her she was so full of our cum that she couldn't hold it all and it was running freely down her legs.

We all fell asleep. By the time Russ and I woke up the next morning, Jane had already gone downstairs and fixed breakfast. She was obviously embarrassed about what had happened because she couldn't look at Russ without blushing. When it was time for him to go, I told Jane to kiss him goodby. She tried for a quick peck on the cheek but he took hold of her and gave her a serious goodby kiss. Again, she blushed!

Then we were alone and she asked the question that we both knew was coming. "I proved my love. Can we get back together now?" "Yes, Jane, we can give our marriage another try, as long as you understand one thing. This was not a one time deal. If we do get back together, you'll do this as often as I want and with any guy that I want! Any problem?" "I guess I don't have a choice."