Fiona had been to too many fertility clinics over the years and spent tens of thousands of Euros. The doctors who had taken this money wore cold white coats and had cold white machines. The results of their efforts had always been the same: disappointment, frustration, and high bills. These doctors had all agreed, that there was nothing wrong with Fiona's eggs and nothing wrong with her husband, Daniel’s sperm But try as they might they couldn’t get the two to combine into a fetus.

The couple's relationship was strained to the limit. They had lost a lot of money, and a lot of time. The inability to have a baby caused insecurity and doubt. Each secretly blamed the other. Now, as a last resort, they were trying something different.

Doctor Ambrosia’s waiting room was quite different from any fertility clinic Fiona or Daniel had ever seen. Rather than sterile white walls and generic magazines, there were couches arranged around a large fireplace in which a log fire was happily crackling. On the walls were black and white pictures of pregnant women. All of the women were nude, white, and young. Above the mantlepiece was a larger black-and-white photo of a very dark-skinned black man. He was completely naked except for the necklace around his neck made of bones and teeth of various wild animals. He was squatting and rubbing his erect penis. Fiona could not help noticing that all the pregnant women were facing this man.

They sat down on the couches. Every couch could seat two people, albeit tightly. Instead, they chose to sit separately. From one of the doors emerged a young couple. The woman was slender with freckles and long red hair she was probably in her mid-20s. She walked hand in hand with a tall muscular black man. It struck Fiona that the man was wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. The woman was wearing street clothes. This couple walked to the exit door hand in hand. There they held one another in tight embrace. Their kiss was deep and powerful. Simply watching it gave Fiona twangs of jealousy. She wanted a kiss like that as well. Finally, the couple managed to pull apart. As the woman left and stepped through the doorway, she turned back and waved at the man. The dark man went back into the side door from which he had come.

Fiona glanced over at Daniel, but Daniel hadn't noticed anything. He was deeply engrossed in a candy game on his smartphone. Fiona began imagining she was being kissed by that black man. In her imagination he was dominating her and impregnating her. She felt the blood rush to her clitoris. She wanted to reach down and touch it but she was in a doctor’s waiting room.

Another door opened and a petite brunette woman with large round spectacles and a sweet smile emerged. She was wearing a silken dressing gown and probably nothing underneath as her nipples were visible, as was her round tummy. She was pregnant.

“Fiona Burton?”

“Yes, that’s me,”

“You must be her husband, Daniel?”


“I am Doctor Ambrosia, the owner of this clinic,”

Fiona was taken aback for a moment, all the doctors she had consulted so far had worn white overcoats. Why was Doctor Ambrosia wearing a silken dressing gown and nothing underneath?

“Daniel,” said Doctor Ambrosia softly, “I would like you to wait here, I would like to consult Fiona privately.”

“Er, OK.”

“Yes, Daniel, my colleague, Doctor Snipping will be here to see you shortly. He will have a discussion, man to man, with you, men talk, meanwhile, your lovely Fiona and I will discuss the lady side.”


Doctor Ambrosia took Fiona by the hand and led her into her office.

Again Fiona was taken by surprise. All the doctors she had consulted had an office with a desk, a computer, and a gynecologist’s chair. Doctor Ambrosia’s office had a four-poster bed with deep red drapes. There were several stools and chairs and gilded furniture. The room was lit by candles. On top of the mantlepiece was a tribal African statue of black wood crudely formed and the most obvious feature was the figure’s huge penis which was erect and larger than the rest of the statue. Fiona reached out instinctively, running her fingers along the shaft of the penis which curved upwards ever so slightly. It grew wider towards the tip, where her fingers ran along its huge round head. Suddenly she realized what she was doing and withdrew her arm. Looking at the statue she could now see the penis was more shiny than the rest of the state and the wood not quite as black, "Every woman who had ever walked into this room must have touched it."

“It’s OK Fiona, don’t be ashamed to touch it, follow your feelings," Doctor Ambrosia beckoned to Fiona to sit next to her on the bed and began speaking in a soft voice, “You may be wondering why this place is so different to any other fertility clinic you have been to and why my success rates are so high?”

“Indeed, yes, I had.”

“My dear child, what is different here is that everything is natural.”

“How do you mean?”

“For millions of years, women have been getting pregnant without help from doctors. If we want to help women get pregnant again as they used to we need to restore that naturalness.”

“How do you do that?”

“For a start let us talk to one another naturally, I would like you to take off your clothes,”

Fiona was a little surprised. Taking off certain clothes was a normal thing to do in a gynecological treatment, but taking off all clothes was not something she had been asked to do before.

Doctor Ambrosia set an example by slipping out of her red gown she was indeed completely naked underneath. Her round belly was beautiful. Fiona had often felt intimidated by pregnant women. They filled her with a deep sense of jealousy, but Doctor Ambrosia was different. She felt an instant trust. She knew she could be pregnant like the doctor. She began to strip without shame.

The two women stood naked in front of a gilded mirror. The doctor was a little shorter than Fiona and a little older. Fiona reached over and touched the doctor’s round tummy, The doctor smiled.

“You are so fortunate,” gasped Fiona.

“Not fortunate my child, I followed nature, I never wanted to have a ****** of my own or to be pregnant. This happened to me while I was doing research in Africa.”

“Africa... yes, that makes sense with all these images of African men, this statue.”

“This is my fifth pregnancy. All of them black. I never wanted children of my own but fortunately, this clinic makes me a lot of money and I can afford a nanny to look after my children. Each child was conceived by a different man on a different research trip to Africa. Only after I have had a baby from a man can I recommend him to other women in good faith. I brought the fathers of my first four children over here after their children were born and now they work for me here in this clinic. The fifth will join them if I am satisfied with my child and then I will go back to Africa to seek out the next man. These men help me spread the magical gift of fertility to women like you, I pay them well and I don’t allow them to do any other work. It might degrade their sperm.”

“So, I… so you… so I… so I will get pregnant by an African man?”

“Indeed, did you know that of all the possible combinations a pure race white woman and pure race black man is the most pleasurable and you are most likely to conceive a new life naturally?”

“So my baby will be black?”

“Yes, my love.”

“But my husband is white. He would not like that.”

“Yes, we will need to give him a vasectomy,. As long as his live sperm can enter your vagina there is a risk he could father a child and your body will not want to get pregnant.”

“He will not accept such an operation.”

“He will accept, All men this clinic treated have accepted so far. My colleague Doctor Snipping is right now talking him into it. He will tell him a story about fresh sperm being a threat to your fertility. He will believe we will be impregnating you with specially prepared sperm that we harvested before the vasectomy.”

“But he will notice when the baby is black.”

“We will tell him we mixed up the sperm samples, it happens sometimes you know. Only you will know the truth.”

“But you are denying him his child using a lie."

“Indeed, but it’s not a big deal anymore. These days lots of white women are having black children.”

Fiona thought about her friend Lisa who was married to a white man, They had tried for a long time and without success to have a child and now she had a black baby. Rebecca, the same. Both friends had recommended her to come to Doctor Ambrosia. They had never explained why their children were black. Now it all made sense.

Doctor Ambrosia beckoned to Fiona to come and lie next to her on the bed. She held her hand as they spoke, “The reason you never got pregnant with Daniel is not a biological or medical issue. Your body knew deep down that it didn’t want his baby. You secretly desire a black baby and your body will resist his sperm because it’s not what it wants.”

“That is true, I sometimes fantasize about black men when I masturbate.”

“Soon you won’t need to fantasize.”

“I will have sex with one of your black men?”

“You will have sex with all of them if you want and as often as you need. I will introduce you to all of them. Many of my patients keep coming back for sex even after getting pregnant, it’s a natural desire, be proud of it and think of all the money you are saving by not doing fertility treatments. Of course, you can afford sex with one of my men when the fancy takes you.”

The doctor reached over and gently stroked Fiona’s breasts. Fiona had never felt any lesbian desires, but this touch was setting her on fire.

“These beautiful nipples will feed the child of a black man, a child of the same man who is also the father of one of my children.”

“Yes, I want that.”

The doctor now lay over her and gently rubbed Fiona’s breasts with her own, the two women began kissing their tongues exploring each other's mouth. Fiona felt flashes of heat through her body as her vagina moistened. Fiona’s fingers found the doctor’s breasts swollen from pregnancy and knew they would soon begin producing milk. Her fingers went down and explored the doctor’s moist crotch. The doctor’s fingers entered Fiona’s moist vagina, “

Hmm, your vagina is tight, your husband must have a small penis, I will instruct my babymaker to be very careful.”

“Oh yes, please do.”

The doctor moved down and gave Fiona oral sex, her tongue working her clitoris as her fingers carefully moved in and out of her. Fiona began panting as she felt an orgasm coming on. Fiona had orgasms before but only when masturbating. Never with Daniel. With him she had only been pretending. Now the doctor skillfully showed her the way. She felt her muscles tightening and contracting as the doctor guided her body toward its pleasure.

Then it happened: a sudden spasm as every muscle in her body twitched as a scream ripped through the building. She felt like a real woman.

She now felt the doctor guiding something large and warm into her. It felt good. She thought it might be a penis of some sort but no penis could possibly be that big, Maybe a dildo of some sort? She looked up and saw the black man she had seen previously. He was leaning over her and carefully pressing his huge organ into her. She heard the doctor whisper into the black man’s ear that her husband had a small penis and he needed to be careful, He replied that he understood.

Bit by bit he pushed deeper, her vagina was now moist and soft. Nothing this size had ever been inside her before, and nothing had gone in this deep. Every time she thought he must be all the way in, he managed to push a little deeper. She was screaming with joy when the black man began kissed her. They were prickly, powerful kisses, tasting of the spice of Africa. They made her wild. Now he was carefully moving his huge phallus in and out. She felt another orgasm that exploded. It was totally outside her control. The initial orgasm was followed by another and then a wave of more, each stronger than the last.

The black man began to groan. Normally he could last a long time, but Fiona’s tight vagina was exciting him more than he was used to. She sensed he was coming and lockied her legs around him to push him into her with all her might. She felt his muscles and hers contracting at the same time. They screamed in orgasm at the same time. She felt his hot seed gush into her body.

Ten minutes later Fiona and Doctor Ambrosia were downstairs in the basement where Doctor Snippings had his surgery. Daniel was still asleep from the anesthetic. Doctor Snippings looked on with a smile. He was pleased with his work, There were still bloodstains on his overall.

“He agreed to a full vasectomy,” said Doctor Snippings, “and before I operated we collected a sperm sample so we could get his lovely wife pregnant after preparing it in our lab,”.

The doctor had an evil twinkle in his eye, "Daniel here jacked it out himself while I watched, and I promised him we would take good care of it and that his wife would be pregnant soon."

Doctor Ambrosia took the plastic container with Daniel’s last sperm and emptied It into the sink, “We won’t be needing that.”