The early morning sun streamed through the balcony doors onto Michael's muscular thighs and legs. His head buried beneath a pillow, he slept soundly. Kate stood naked on the balcony, the ocean breeze caressing her naked body like a million tiny feathers tickling her. Glancing down to sand below her she spotted a cat playing with mouse, toying with it, deciding its fate. Kate smiled and felt a surge of eroticism go through her body. She turned and looked at the scene in the bedroom, Michael laying there in all his naked glory, and stretched out sleeping on the floor naked save for a chastity device the key to which hung from her anklet was her cuckold husband. Kate caught a glimpse of her gorgeous figure in the plate glass window of the full length doors. She was rich, gorgeous, and a sexual animal that controlled everyone she came in contact with. The cat batted the mouse around between its two paws and Kate thought for a brief moment she saw the cat smile; and she knew the joy the feline was now feeling.

Michael stirred from his restful sleep, pulling the pillow off his head and reaching down to scratch the itch on his balls. Coming awake, he thought of the hot two hour sex session he and Kate had shared last night. It was possible he thought that he took her in every position available. And those weren't counting the position her little cuckold husband was involved in. Michael thought of himself as a straight guy. He was all man, a pro athlete that was drafted and then sidelined due to an injury he was no limp wristed sissy and when Kate first told him that she wanted her husband to participate in their affair he was turned off. However, once Kate introduced him and he saw that the little wimp was a) no threat to him b) quite a bit older, and c) lived to serve he and Kate and make them happy he came around slowly to the idea of their lifestyle. He had to admit that he didn't quite get why a guy would want to subject himself to such humiliation and degradations at the hands of his wife and her lover, but hey who was he to question the ways of love? He spotted Kate out on the balcony drinking a coffee in all her nakedness and couldn't believe how beautiful she had become over the years. Her body had matured with an elegance and grace that come with time and she was more beautiful than ever. As he scratched his balls he could feel his big flaccid cock start to grow as he looked at Kate. ?Wake up Barbie; I need a mouth on my cock now!?

He heard the sound of Michael's voice bellowing above him from the bed above him and he jumped from his dream. In the dream, he was a ?normal? guy with a ?normal? wife and a ?normal? life. He worked 9-5 and came home to the suburbs to live and die. The dream, actually to him it was a nightmare, was one he'd had often it was the other side of the rainbow dream as he liked to call it. This dream where their lives were hopelessly normal and blasé. A dream that he was happy to wake up from knowing his station in life and his love for Kate that would go on forever. 99% of the people, guys especially would never be able to understand why he loved and was fascinated by the lifestyle. Analysts and therapists would have a field day and could make a career out of him on their couches. In reality, it didn't matter as long as he and Kate were happy, then fuck everyone else. Jumping to his knees, he heard the lock on his chastity device clicking against the plastic cage. He scrambled to the side of the bed and took Michael's hug flaccid cock in his mouth and sucked as Kate watched from the balcony.

Kate watched the scene with utter amusement from the balcony. Her amusement rose as she watched Barbie's head bob up and down on Michael's cock. She felt a stirring in her loins as the ocean breeze continued to blow at her back. In many ways she was the luckiest woman in the world she had the quintessential you can have your cake and eat it too lifestyle. A husband who professed his undying love to her and who was willing to support her and virtually do anything she ordered, and a lover who was tall, dominant, handsome and had a magnificent cock and with whom she felt a connection. She loved them both in different ways. A subject to which her closest friends to which she confided her deepest secrets had trouble understanding. As close as she could explain it to them, she was reminded of an article she had read when she was younger about cats and their mating rituals and thought how relevant it was to her:

Once a female cat reaches puberty, she becomes a queen, and estrus cycles will start. In domestic cats' heat cycles run generally from January through August, depending on location and climate. Until she mates or is spayed, these estrus cycles will repeat as often as every two or three weeks, causing distress to both the queen and her human companions. During these cycles, Queenie's entire focus will be on escaping the house to mate, or to mate with a male companion, if you are careless enough to have whole male cats in the same household. She will be single-minded in her need to mate, will loudly vocalize (call), and lurk near doors, just waiting for the chance to meet up with one of the noisy feline Romeos who will cluster near your house, fighting for the privilege of impregnating your queen.

How perfectly that described her. The ultimate feline, looking to mate; not for impregnation, but for fun and men had crawled like alley cats for the privilege of mating with this queen. She watched as both men in her life enjoyed a moment together as she watched. Michael, laying on his back, buck naked, staring out at Kate standing spread eagled on the balcony as Barbie's head bobbed up and down on Michael's magnificent cock. She was getting wetter by the moment and needed to have that cock inside her. She strutted in and pushed Barbie aside and mounted Michael's cock sliding that glorious flesh pole up inside her.

Michael watched his gorgeous lover observing him and her husband from the balcony. Her long, lustrous legs gleamed in the early morning sun, her erect nipples stood out like pencil erasers and he could taste them from the bed. Her wimpy, balding, overweight, husband his tiny cock locked away in his chastity device sucked hard on Michael's cock. He allowed Barbie, or piglet as she sometimes referred to him to suck on his cock and assist in their sexual activities as an indulgence to Kate. It seemed to him that she enjoyed toying with her husband, much like a cat toys with a mouse before killing it, but she never killed the cat, and she merely kept toying with it. That was fine with him as long as he got the lion's share of her loving and the sex was incredible. The fact that her husband was always there to cater to their every beck and call and provided for them financially made the whole situation that much more acceptable. Michael thought of how easy it was to humiliate the poor sap sucking his cock right now. It was no more than what he and his jock buddies did to the weak wimps in high school and college. He remembered once in high school when a group of his football jock buddies had noticed this tiny, wimpy kid lurking around after gym class waiting for the showers to empty out. They mistakenly thought he was gay and looking to steal a peek at their cocks, when in reality he was ashamed of how small his cock was and didn't want to be seen naked in the shower. They had all laughed as they stripped off his clothes and held him under a cold shower making his tiny cock shrink even tinier. That's all this was; life imitating high school. He knew that it probably wasn't that simple, on some psychological level but what the hell did he care about psychology, all he wanted was his dick sucked.

?Move over there piglet and let a real woman get in there!? He felt her hand push him off Michael's cock and he tumbled to the floor as she mounted his magnificent shaft, rolled her head back and began to ride it up and down. Watching the two of them move in unison as lovers who move as one do, he was in awe of their regal presence. They were his king and queen, the lord and lady of the manor. He could never hope to be that beautiful or that well endowed or that sexual. And so here he was the serf that was relegated to serving. Everyone had a station in life and some rose above it, but most didn't, they just accepted it and dealt with it. For a cuckold husband, it was the ultimate compliment to be allowed to serve and be present when your wife and lover mated. Of course it was humiliating, degrading, embarrassing, and those were just a few of the emotions one felt. There was the jealousy and heartbreak you felt knowing the woman wearing the diamond ring you gave her and who you have devoted your entire life to making happy was now in bed with another man. A man you could never hope to be, a man you could only feel lucky to have in your lives because he makes your wife happy and satisfied.

His cock is incredible when it's inside of me thrusting away. It drives me wild when he moves his hips while pulling on my nipples. I spread my ass cheeks and piglet knows what to do without the aid of a verbal command. In a second he is in place alternately licking my ass and Michael's balls. It is another torment I like to put him through. Knowing my husband adores me more than anything in the world, is almost as much of a turn on and erotic as having Michael's cock inside me. This was in my world, where I belonged and furthermore what I deserved. It was after all his fault, or his bitch wife's fault for the dissolution of my first marriage. But I have to admit in my wildest dreams in my first marriage I never could've imagined a lifestyle like the one I'm living now. Michael's fingers tickle my sides as he caresses up and down my body. The feeling of having a huge cock inside you, two hands roaming and exploring your body, and a tongue buried deep in your asshole licking away with the express goal of pleasing you is a turn on most woman will never feel but definitely should, oh well shame on them!

Her pussy is tight and wet and I can feel her contract her muscles as she rides me while Barbie licks my balls and her ass with each stroke. I have no feelings for her husband either way. He is a means to an end for me. A cash cow, someone to do what I want when I want, a little bitch who loves humiliation and to serve and who am I to stand in his way. It's not that I'm into or not into this whole cuckolding lifestyle, I rather look at it this way; I get to fuck an incredibly hot woman, spend a ton of time doing things with her, while her husband has the distinct honor of serving and providing for us. I don't want her to be my wife and I don't want to be her husband; she has one of those and I wouldn't want that life for anything. I'm not a mouse that likes to be played with, but rather a lion who likes to fuck!

The two of them explode into orgasm, their gorgeous bodies rocking in unison at the heights of sexual intimacy. She whimpers, he screams, and then silence. I keep my place kneeling on the bed waiting for them to uncouple. I've learned never to move in moments like this unless they're ready for me to do so or it could result in standing naked outside in the freezing cold snow watching through the door as they fuck. She falls back on the bed and lets out a deeply erotic sigh and drapes her hand dreamily over his thick, hairy chest telling him what an incredible lover he is and how incredible he makes her feel. No words of encouragement, adulation, or even acknowledgement for me. She simply spreads her legs and snuggles closer to him and I know that's my signal to begin cleaning her out. I lap at her pussy like a puppy attacking a bowl of milk. Her pussy lips are red and swollen, covered in the mixture of their juices. I dart my tongue out and gently lick her puffy lips and hear her moan, knowing that I will never receive the praise that Michael gets when he makes her moan like this. Once I've brought her to orgasm, she pushes me towards Michael who is flipping channels on the television telling her he's getting hungry. I lick and clean Michael giving him a tongue bath on his cock and balls, cleaning him and attempting to get him hard and aroused again for her.

For her, because in the end it's all about her and what makes her happy. Michael and I even though we play very different roles in our strange little lifestyle are merely toys to be played with by Kate. A feline vixen with a penchant for living life and exploring sexual boundaries and limits beyond most people's wildest imaginations she will forever be the queen of the jungle and of our marriage. The two lovers snuggle above me, cuddling together and drifting in an out of slumber in their post coital bliss, Michael murmurs he's hungry and without having to be told, I get up, get dressed, my tiny cock raging against my chastity device and head out to get them lunch.