Sunday we woke up late. We busied ourselves with breakfast not speaking , just feeling the good vibes from last night. Across the breakfast table we smiled at each other still keeping silent. I looked at her big brown eyes. The laugh wrinkles, the arched eyebrows, the high cheek bones, she was beautiful. I was happy just to admire her, her curiosity won out though and she asked first.

"Last night was the most exciting thing that ever happened to me" she said. It was a straightforward statement. "For me too, it was like something from a dream." I replied. "Why didn't you say anything before, we have been together a few years now, yet you never mentioned anything about your fantasies." "Neither have you, it is a very risky thing, I always thought you might think something funny about me, or that you might be turned off so I kept my mouth shut." I said quietly. "I know what you mean, I felt like that many times, I guess I always expected you to take the lead and tell first, it's kind of childish of me " she smiled like a naughty little girl. I smiled back. "Well now we can be totally open about things, its feels so good to know that." She was right, it was good to know that, it was a relief . We sat there over coffee talking about our respective fantasies and about sex.

Having gone through a list of admissions, that we both jerked off, that we both sometimes lusted after others, that we both had wild fantasies she got closer to what really fascinated her, my fantasy of her being fucked by someone else, that had really gotten to her.

It fascinated her and I could perceive some doubt in her excitement, some disbelief. "What I don't understand is how you can have a fantasy in which you don't participate . When you see all those magazines they show naked women, I always thought that men fantasize about making it with someone who is their ideal woman, then last night your fantasy surprised me." She said, looking alternatively from me to her plate and toying with crumbs.

"I know it is strange, but what makes it exciting is you, seeing you display sexual prowess that makes it exciting. I thought about it too, many times, wondering if it is wrong, then one day I decided not to let it bother me and just enjoy the excitement it brings." I looked at her, the darkening of her eyes told me that she was beginning to heat up. So was I. I continued. "When the fantasy first came I would try to push out of my mind. I tried not to think of you being fucked by someone else. The more I did that the more it came back to me. I imagined you in all kinds of situations, with one man, with two, sometimes more...." As I spoke I saw her squirm. Her robe fell open and here breasts and waist were open to my view. I let my eyes travel over her body, she liked my looking at her. "Then one day I happened on a book, written by a lady about men's fantasies and in that book there is a whole chapter about this particular fantasy, dozens of guys who wrote how they would like to see their wives get fucked by someone else while they watched or joined in.

Then I read letters in some magazines about the same thing. I realized I was not alone and that it is a common theme." I had in fact read about the subject, both because it was exciting to read about and because I was curious. "Did reading about other men having the same fantasy excite you?" Nora asked, she was visibly excited now but forcing herself to keep in control. I liked the whole teasing situation. "Yes. Almost every single letter had something I had thought about, yet something new, I found the whole thing exciting." I told her, looking at her and her robe which now fell more uncovering her thighs and some of her dark pubic hair. "Of all of the fantasies you read which one excited you most?" She asked, her eyes reflecting eagerness. I thought for a while, which one had stayed in my mind....then it came it was the story of the "listener."

It was a letter written by someone to a magazine and it detailed how the man enjoyed listening to his wife make love with someone else, and being told the details about it later. It was written well, giving the right amount of detail to make it interesting but not so much as to make it an exaggerated and unbelievable story. I told her with as much detail as I could recall.

Nora brushed her nipples with her fingers as I spoke, by the time I got the end of the story she was openly massaging her cunt through her panties. I looked and enjoyed the sight. "Would you enjoy me telling you about someone making love with me?" She asked hoarsely. My heart skipped a beat. Had she made love with someone else, while we were married? In my turmoil I could not forget that I was also as stiff as a poker. I was torn between excitement and a strange cold fear of what I might hear, it was a delicious balance between the two. I could not speak but I did nod "yes". "Do you remember that trip to Rome I took with Anne and Robert?" Of course I remembered, it had happened two years previously, Nora had gone with our two friends, a married couple, to Rome for four days. It had been an unplanned trip, the ticket was made available for free and we all thought it a great opportunity. I had not gone.

"Yes I remember". I said with hesitation. "Well we stayed at a small hotel, it had less than twenty rooms. One night we went out for dinner and Anne and Robert were going on to the opera. I can't stand opera so I walked back to the hotel. A couple of blocks from the front door I saw another fellow guest, an Austrian guy, he was about 28-30, good looking. We were both walking back and just started chatting." The suspense was killing me. I openly touched my prick through my pants. Nora looked at me. She too was rubbing herself. "Well, he was easy to talk to, he made me laugh with his peculiar English and by the time we reached the hotel we were like buddies. We got our keys at the counter and started walking up the stairs. There was no one about and he just put his arm around me.

I felt horny. He kissed me and I felt so nervous and scared, but at the same time I was getting hot. We stayed on the staircase kissing and petting. All the while I was responding to him, my cunt was getting wet and opening up, you know the way my cunt opens up when I am horny" I did, I could see her cunt in my minds eye, her lips opening ******** her inner wet folds. I unzipped my pants and took my prick out. "He began to feel me up under my skirt and I touched his prick through his pants, I was amazed at his size, it was fat and long....and so hard. We were both so hot to fuck, I could have done it right there on the stairs.."

She was still speaking in that low even tone, looking at me and at the reaction her confession was eliciting from me. Without ever taking her eyes off me she removed her panties. "Did he fuck you?" "Would you like it if he did?" She answered my question with a teasing question of her own. "Yes." I answered plainly. My eyes were riveted on her cunt that she was ******** to me, she was open. "But he didn't. Someone came along and turned on the lights of the stairs, we had to straighten out and pretend nothing was happening. It only took a second but long enough to break the mood and start us thinking. We were leaving the next day." I felt relief and disappointment. We were now sitting facing one another openly masturbating. "Have you ever fucked anyone since we have been married" I asked her openly and matter of factly. "No. My Austrian was the closest I came to fucking anyone as a married lady" she said and added "if I knew it could lead to this I might have " she laughed briefly, I laughed too. "When we were together before we married?" I asked her. Her eyes went serious. She just nodded. "Who?" I asked excited and dreading that it might have been someone I knew, a friend of mine, I wished it were a stranger. But I so much wanted to hear what more than who. But now it was too late to pull back whatever the reply was to be.

I looked at her, she leaned back, she threw her head back in sheer lust and unashamedly fingered herself deeply, she moaned her excitement, her cunt was slavering. I had to let go of my prick, I was so excited I was afraid I might come, and right then I did not want to come, I wanted to stay as horny as possible to listen to her tell.

She recovered and looked at me with eyes flooding with lust. She focused on my erect cock, evidence incontrovertible that I wanted to hear her tell. It was Peter Robson. She said almost inaudibly. At first I could not place the face then I did. He was a colleague of sorts, when I worked in a corporation he was stationed at one of our overseas offices, he came for meetings which entailed the regulation cocktail party. I looked at her saying nothing waiting for more details. "It was at the annual company reception six months before we got married, you were buttonholed by some jerk and I was on the veranda of the hotel. We started talking and I found him interesting. Then you had to go on with those out of town guests, you remember?

I did, I had to take out some jerks from our overseas offices, it was a long night. I handed her the car keys because we would be driven in hired limos. I had not thought anything of that night, it had been a boring night for me, entertaining the jerks in several inane clubs. "Well Peter was leaving at the same time, I offered to drop him off at his hotel. He asked me for a drink and we ended up in his room. " She fingered herself again. "He was a good fuck." she said matter of factly and my blood surged through my veins almost audibly. "He undressed me slowly and ran his hands every where, he fingered my cunt a lot. He did not seem to be interested in tits, but he was very keen on my legs and my cunt, and my ass. Then he licked me, he was good, I remember coming quite a lot when he licked me.

He had me opened out on the bed and was licking me for ages. I relaxed so much, I let go completely and just allowed him to do as he wanted. Then he became a real fucking bastard. After he had me in his power he pulled me up and made me go down on him, kneeling in front of him, as if I were begging to suck his prick. He then pushed me back on the bed and pulled my legs apart, I thought he was trying to tear me apart the bastard. But I liked it, being treated roughly, like a whore." She looked at me and at my excitement, she was getting off on getting me so worked up. I was worked up, I was leaning forward hanging from her every word. "He was big and cut, I remember his prick so well, it was thick and the head was so large in comparison to his shaft, and he was such a small guy it seemed much bigger on him. I liked the feel of him being circumcised, it was an unreal sensation. He lasted a long time and made me come and come. Then the fucker made me put on a show for him. He made me use a bottle to fuck myself while he watched, then he stopped me and fucked me some more. It was a strange time, really sexual and cruel yet I liked it.

I liked his texture too, the rough feel of his prick and his balls in my hands. I wanted so much to give him a good fuck and I did everything he asked, all the positions, on my back, sideways, on my knees, that is when he came, when he fucked me on my knees doggy style." She closed her eyes as she recalled her night with Robson and she worked furiously on her cunt moaning as she came right in front of me, thinking of that night. I was angry and horny, jealous and eager to hear more. As I looked at her I realized how much of a sexual animal she was and how the familiarity that had grown between us over the years had shielded that much from my eyes. I imagined her being used and dominated by Robson, being made to perform lewdly for his pleasure and I realized that he had perceived this animal, free of all the other trappings of personality that we hang on each other. The thought tempered the twinges of jealousy that I felt and my passion for her increased. In a strange way I was proud she had let herself go and became an animal for one night. I was soaring in horniness.

"He came a lot. After he finished pumping into me he seemed to lose all interest in me. It pissed me off. I just put on my clothes and left without a word. I hated him after that. The funny thing is that you came home soon after I got there and started feeling me, I felt horny again and I remember fucking in our bed coming and thinking that you came in me right after he had, I had the sperm of you both in my cunt and I found that so debauched and exciting." I listened incredulously. It was true,I came back and we had fucked that night, I had fucked her right after Peter Robson had, indeed our sperm mingled inside her. Again my jealousy emerged along with anger that she had done this and not told me. It was an unreasonable thought, I was more angry at her keeping it quiet than in doing it. We looked into each others face a long time. I felt my jealousy subside, replaced by passion. She looked serious, serious and alluring, her dark face flushed, her eyes darkened focusing on mine. "I am glad I could tell you about that night." she said matter of factly. "I am too, I said knowing that I was not being all that communicative. "Are you angry?" She looked resigned to hear the bad news. "And angry and horny, I knew that I now had to tell my reactions openly and truly, angry that you did secretly, jealous that he saw a side of you I had not, horny that you did something sexy." I looked at her. Her robe now fell over her shoulders she was totally naked in her chair.

"Yes it was sexy, letting him fuck me, being so animal like, it was a special trip...Until last night I did not think I could ever be like that with you, I thought you could be like that only with people that you did not know, it is funny how hangup can distort things." I nodded my understanding as I looked at her struggling to express herself. I knew what she meant, it was easier to some things with strangers, that is why men go to whores, I had. I thought that Robson would never do anything like that with his wife and the thought made me laugh. She looked at me curiously. I told her and she started to laugh to. The laughter lightened the mood until she began to consider the situation and sobered up a little.

"Do you think that he perceived something whorish about me?" she asked worried. "Some signal that told him he could have you, he must have, otherwise things would have been different" I told her. She was curious about the man side of this situation , she wanted my help to understand it. "It is not that you look like a whore or anything like that. Now that I can be frank I must admit that what attracted me to you, what still attracts me and turns me on is a certain air of sexuality that you exude. It is your expression, your movements, the way you look at people, it is a look that says that you have the knowledge of these things, I don't think that you contrive it, it is just there." It was true, her face had that look, the I am no innocent look. It was a look I found sexy.

"And you think that this air about me is what he saw and moved in?" "Yes. You know some women inspire men's protective instinct, some remind them of their mothers, some of their sisters, you do something else" I told her looking at her. "You like that, that men see me and want to fuck me?" She asked me with genuine interest in her voice. "I like looking at you and being turned on, if others get the same message then it is OK too." I responded. "You know there is lot to learn about things, will you help me learn?" She surprised me with her question. I was also confused. "Learn what Nora?" I asked. "Learn about this kind of thing, I never thought of myself as sexual, yet you think I am, so did Robson and the Austrian. I would like to explore it, to learn more about me, and about you, I want to be free to talk about it, I am afraid in case we close up again and don't talk about sex." She was sincere, she was curious and I wanted her.

"I agree, let us explore it, now come here. I took her hand and led her to bed. She was open and compliant, bending to my every desire, eager to suck my prick, eager to take any position I wanted. We both knew what was going on, she was showing me how Robson had fucked her and my demands were questions, unspoken questions told t hrough the body. Her every eager response was aloud yes, yes he fucked me hard, stabbing his cock inside me with strength, yes he sucked my clitoris, yes he grabbed my ass almost hurting me. Halfway through we stopped panting. We looked at each other, her face was a dark mask of lust, I loved her.

"You are curious about it, I can tell" she whispered in my ear. "Hell yes, the image of you fucking him is burning in my mind, I can't get rid of it." I squeezed her tight and kissed her full on the lips. She responded with all her body. She straddled me and sat on my lap, my prick buried in her cunt to the hilt. She did not move, she just sat there looking at me. Lust and mystery flowed into her expression. As she began to move her body now, began to question mine. Every undulation was a comment, this is how I took his cock, do you like it? It was a fantastic fuck. She stopped before we lost control. Our faces were close, we were both looking down at our coupled genitals. Then she began to talk, her words reaching deep inside my prick.

"He was big, his prick was thick and rough like a tree branch. I was very turned on by his size, not that you are not big but he was so massive, it was obscene seeing that huge prick rock hard. And circumcised, every time he pulled out I could feel that flange of the head dragging my cunt with it. She slowly move up on my cock and stayed there poised for the downward thrust."I was scared a little too, unsure if it would hurt, if I could take it all, when he saw my reaction he knew he had me in his power, so he took my hand and made me touch it, then he pulled my face close and gave it to me in the mouth, I sucked it, licked it, I loved touching it, it made me feel good that I could have it. When he laid me back to fuck me I felt afraid and curious about how it would feel. I remember keeping my head up so I could see it go in, it wasn't;t enough just to feel it with my cunt. He made me guide it in with my hands, I put it against my cunt and he pushed it in slowly and strongly, all the way in...."

She let herself slide down on my prick until it was fully in her. She shuddered and came. I waited holding myself back. Waiting for her to recover. She finally opened her eyes and looked at me. "I love you." She said simply and kissed me on the mouth, I felt her body soften against me. "How would you like it if he were to walk in here right now wanting to fuck you?" I asked her whispering in her ear. She pulled back to look into my eyes, her eyes opening with curiosity. "And what would you do?" was her instant query. Indeed what would I do if he, or any other rampant man, strutting his massive prick that reminded her of a tree branch came in right now wanting to fuck, wanting to bury his prick into my wife. It was an outrageous thought and it elicited an outrageous response, I could not deny it now in me or from her. I would withdraw and let the satyr mount her. I would eagerly watch as his massive prick would sink into her making her yield to his demands.

"I would pull out and lay you back on the bed, told her in the faintest of whispers, I would spread your legs out for him, I would go down on you, get you wet and ready and I would hold your legs open while he placed himself in between and sank his prick into you. Then I would watch while he fucked you, I would watch closely while he sawed in and out of you until you come screaming." As I talked she tensed up against me, panting with excitement at the description of the outrageous scene of her the whore being spread by me, the willing cuckold, for the rampant maleness of her lover. She clung to me , her long nails digging into my back.

"You are driving me crazy you lewd bastard" she hissed. "You like the idea of me being there watching get fucked, you whore" I hissed into her ear. "Yes, you bastard, yes, I want you to be there to see me get fucked, get that big cock in me, I want you to see it in my cunt, fucking me deep, deep, you bastard, I want to make you jealous taking a big cock like that." She was totally uninhibited now and she let out her hostility, I loved it, this show of abandon, I wanted more of it.

"I want you to suck it to, I want to see you suck his prick, stretching your lips around it too." I whispered again into her ear and she did something I did not expect. She moved her mouth on mine and licked my tongue as if it were a big prick. Then she brought a finger into her mouth and sucked on it living the experience vividly. Unconsciously her finger touched both our mouths and I licked too, soon we were both licking her finger as if it were a huge phallus moving in between our faces.

"Want to suck cock with me" She asked languidly. "With you yes, I would like to suck cock" I replied feeling free of inhibitions. "His big cock, sliding in to our mouth. Yours and mine" she hummed dreamily. The images were too vivid too wild to resist much longer we moved forcefully against each other and came in a crashing, screaming pile.