The Beginning

My name is Tomek (Tom for Americans) I'm thirty seven years old and I live with my ****** in the suburbs of Detroit. Together with my wife Paulina (we are peers) we are proud members of the Legion of White Servants to the Black Community (BC). What is BC? In short, it is an organization oriented at helping unprivileged and poor Black Americans by recruiting young, white marriages who voluntarily become servants to them. They donate, help, work and serve in many ways (also sexually) Blacks. Based on the rules of racial and economic justice, BC recruits willing couples all around world, but mostly in Europe and US who want to dedicate themselves to this idea. We, for example, are Poles who moved to the US eight years ago, right after we signed our membership declaration agreeing to become servants under 15-years long contract.

Our journey from being a normal, married Polish couple, to our current life in which we serve Black people is just hell of the story.
Me and Paulina met at the Warsaw University. I studied history, while her field was anthropology. It happened so that we shared interdisciplinary lectures and workshops. She dragged my attention the first time I saw her. Tall (172 cm, around 5,7 ft), very pretty blonde, with ponytail hair, she looked fresh and exuded this type of girlish charm which I loved since the beginning. Her body was just perfectly proportionate and really sexy. I admired her medium-sized, C cup breast, nice hips and long legs. I loved all of her; she was completely my type of girl: not a baby-doll model, but pretty and charming girl next door which I could love forever.

Of course she was a star of the whole faculty and an object of dreams of many students around me. It took time until I managed to approach her, but gradually we started to build our relations. She was absolutely lovely girl which I admired and loved with all my heart. After couple of months of mild and irregular meetings we started to date officially to my great proud and pleasure. We managed to build deep connection between us, based on similar sense of humor, common interests and true bond, before we even started to bring our relationship to the bedroom.

However, sex was not great and since the beginning, Paulina didn't seem to be much interested in doing things with me. Besides, due to some health issues she couldn't go on pill, which forced us to be really cautious. We used condoms of course, but I didn't like them so much, but there was not much we could do, since her periods were not hundred percent regular and during our studies we obviously were not prepared to start ******. Even though our sex life was not much exciting, we were totally in love in each other and after two years I proposed to her and we got married soon after.

As both our parents were doing well, we were able to rent a small apartment to live together, and by working part-time jobs and we managed to live off even during studies. After obtaining bachelor's degrees' we mutually decided to give up master's and went to work full-time to start normal living as soon as possible.
The lack of passion in our sex life didn't bother me so much since I was always a fan of internet porn. I enjoyed discovering new themes and kinks in that field, and soon enough started to be particularly interested in cuckold fantasies, starting from the mild ones, like to ****** your wife to others to the most crazy and wild stories about letting your spouse to be fucked by other men with a possible impregnation risk. Interracial flavor, so popular in the Internet seemed to be ultimate taboo, especially in the country like Poland which is not only ethnically homogenous country, but also more conservative and religious than many others in Western Europe. Even though it is under constant change towards being more open, tolerant and multi-ethnic, conducting any type of open cuckold relations seemed to be unthinkable, not to mentioned those which would involve Arabs or Blacks. I could not have imagined the reaction neither of my parents, nor of my friends.

Anyway, those days I was sure that such things would stay forever in my dreams, not only because they were fantasies and I was not sure if I had guts to go through them in real life, but also because I could not imagine my wife Paulina to be interested in it, since her abstinence in bed were taken by me as a sign of the lack of will and interest in sex in general.

Our future adventures proved me wrong far more, than I could have ever imagined.


As usual, it takes coincidence to move things forward. One day I was set with my friend for a beer after work, but after we met and grabbed something to eat, it turned out that had to come back home for whatever reason it was. The result was that I reached home at least one hour earlier that I planned to. After I entered the apartment, I couldn't see or hear Paulina, although it was obvious that she was home.

“Honey!?” I said out loud “I'm home. Are you there?!" I exclaimed and started to head to our bedroom. It was the only place she could have been. Paulina never took naps during the day, but still there was nothing suspicious in being there, for whatever reason it would be. As the bedroom door were only ajar, I knocked and came in.

My wife stood there, by the wardrobe, dressed in her nighty and she was about to tighten up her bathrobe. It was 7 pm., a little bit early to get ready to bed, but still it was nothing wrong in that. Our laptop laid on the bed, closed, and Paulina had a strange flush on her face.

“Hey Tomek! Are you back already? Something wrong?” she said in casual tone, although I had impression that it didn't come naturally even though she was trying hard to sound like that. Her breath seemed to be just a little bit faster than normal.

“No... nothing wrong. Pawel had to leave the meeting early, so I just came back,” I said. “Are you OK Paulina?” asked her with a little bit confused tone.

“Yes, yes,” – responded my wife impatiently. “I was just watching something on Youtube, and got scared and surprised a little bit when I heard that the door opened” – added she.

“Uhm, ok.” I murmured looking at her a little bit suspiciously. I said nothing though, passing through to normal chit-chat with my wife. I took a shower then we ate a little something together, talking, and I quickly forgot about this awkward moment.


The next day I recalled this situation and gave it some thinking during my day at work. I decided to have a glimpse to the laptop, and the occasion came fast as she left apartment at 6 pm for a meeting with her friend Ania. The laptop was laying on a bedside table. I grabbed it quickly to check Internet history. I had a moment of doubt since it was nothing particular which worried me. She was always honest and faithful, and I had no reason to doubt it. However, it was more like curiosity which drove me to check it.

After I opened the computer, I went to the browser. It was our common laptop, but I preferred to use my PC much more often, so in the fact she treated it like her device which we also used sometimes to watch something together. After some hesitation I decided to check the history. To my surprise, the history was not fully available which meant that she was cleaning it periodically, but I was able to see the list of web pages visited in last 3 days.

This list made my heart beat faster, as I saw that 90 percent of her internet activity was related to porn, and to be more specific – to interracial porn. At first my intention was to open the links, but I realized shortly that afterwards I would have to manually clean this activity. At that moment I didn't want to notify her about what I saw. Instead, I took the laptop to my desk, turned the PC on and started to check the web pages. The pages were mostly devoted to porn in which white girls were fucked by big Black cocks. I was astonished by the fact, that we share common interests. But the best was to come: she frequently visited a specific cuckold forum, in which she most likely had an account. I quickly registered there and based on her internet history only, I managed to find her profile. She didn't use neither her real picture, nor her name. After digging I discovered that she is also active in most extreme sections of the forum, in which people discussed interracial pregnancy, slavery to Blacks, taking over the white couples by Black bulls and so on. She made numerous filthy comments in that area, expressing her interest (fake or real) in such activities.

I simply didn't know what to think about it, but I was more thrilled and excited, than terrified.

By exploring my fantasies about cuckold lifestyle I could have never dreamt that such crazy idea would even occur to my young and beautiful wife. Now, I had proof that Paulina's reservations in bed may have very good and exciting reasons. On one hand, I felt a pang of jealousy harming my men's and husband's pride, but the lust and excitement quickly prevailed. Going through the sections of this forum in which people described and presented their fantasies I became so aroused that I started to massage my cock and wank it soon after. In such state of arousal it took only two or three seconds until my cock exploded and my orgasm was more intense than ever before.

After taking couple deep breaths I cleaned the signs of my overexcitement, closed the laptop, put it back and went to the bathroom to take a shower. My thoughts were battering me and my imagination was getting busy in creating scenarios, images and scenes portraying Paulina with other man of a different color skin, doing things which she never did with me.

Next couple days proved to be difficult both at work and at home. In contacts with my wife I had to force myself to behave normally, while my thought were wandering in very strange and dark zones. When I saw her coming out of the shower, the vision of her naked body being touched by strong Black made me nearly explode. I knew that I have to raise the subject with her, since the tension in my head was disturbing my daily routine and eating me alive.

The problem was that I couldn't even ease my sexual tensions in bed with her. First, lately Paulina seemed to be even less interested in sex then before, but second – and far more important and intense – I already started to play true cuckold fantasy in my head, in which forced denial of sex with my wife played central role. I discovered that scenarios in which I'm not allowed to touch Paulina's breast, to kiss her deeply with my tongue, not to mention putting my cock inside her pussy drove me to the edge, so I started to act accordingly. My imagination was working at full capacity producing restrictions and rules of being a good cuckold. I was living a fantasy in which my role of white husband is being limited to take good care of my wife, but not to spoil her body with my sexual actions to keep her fresh and pure for other man.

After couple days I started to worry a little bit, since I was barely able to concentrate at work, but fortunately, such state of total arousal didn't last long. After my mind settled down a little bit, I started to think more clearly how to play this fantasy for real.

As I mentioned, Paulina was not only my wife, but above all my friend. In fact, a friend in first place rather. Our relations were always great and the level of common understanding and unity always helped us in the times we had to solve any issues. To be honest, we have never experienced true problems or fights. I think that our friendship, openness and common thinking played decisive role in our long and exciting journey from fantasies to our extreme cuckold lifestyle which we conduct now.

But back then I was really searching the way to touch upon this issue to make things move forward. Living independently, with no responsibility for kids created space to spice things up, and to go a little bit crazy. If I hadn't seen what I did in the laptop, it would have been much more difficult to approach Paulina with my dirty ideas. But as I knew that she shares this kink with me emboldened me to check to what are the options to play these fantasies in real life.

Couple weeks later I decided to open up the discussion. We used to have supper with wine once in a while and this seemed to be a perfect opportunity. After having a little bit of alcohol even more crazy ideas seem to be more acceptable, right?

After we ordered food from our favorite restaurant we opened a bottle of wine and started to chat. We really liked those moments during which we could discuss some issues or just enjoy our company. Finally I decided to go full speed.

“Paulina,” I started and stopped for a second with last drop of hesitation.


“There is.... There are.... Listen...” even if I prepared for this conversation it seemed to be more difficult than I thought.

“Is there anything wrong, Tomek?” she looked at me a little bit concerned.

“Paulina... I want to talk about our sex life.” I finally managed to start.

“What about it?” she smiled pleasantly.

'Does she know?' flashed through my mind. 'Is it so?' All of a sudden I felt stupid. The only way to do it is just do it. What happens, happens.

“Paulina, for some time I'm fantasizing about cuckold lifestyle. It can't get out of my head. I wouldn't say anything but our sex is so mild and rare recently and, sorry to say, I checked Internet history in the computer and I know that you share that kink and... and I want to ask whether we... whether there is a will, a chance to try it out.” I still sounded awkward but at least I finally did it.

My wife looked surprised but not angry. Good sign, even though she stared at me and said nothing.

After a pause I started to apologize: “Paulina, I'm sorry...”

“Don't be sorry Tomek,” – she interrupted. “Don't!” she shook her head and looked at me with sad look. “I'm glad that you stepped up, otherwise I would have do it.” she added. “There is something I should tell you about, but first you may give me just a little bit more of wine, please."

I looked at her confused. I was expecting anger, I was expecting disbelief, I was expecting other things, but her reaction made me feel strange. Nevertheless I poured her wine.

“Your reaction scares me a little bit, Paulina.” I said and swallowed loud. My wife took the glass in her hand and took a sip. Then she started to talk.

“Tomek... You need to know that I love you very much and I don't want to hurt you ever. I'm so glad to have a husband like you. I think we are having great time together and I hope you will stay my husband forever. The problem is... The problem is that I'm really fucked up when it comes to sexual needs and desires, Tomek."

She sighed, looked up like she was trying to think it through for the last time and then continued to talk.

“I'm not much interested in normal sex, and you probably noticed it, right? It's boring to me, Tomek. And it has nothing to do with you. It's about me and my sick imagination, which doesn't allow me to enjoy sleeping with you. I was really preoccupied with this, and I still am. I need to know whether you really want to spice things up, because it will be a real commitment, you know? Because once we start it, the things will go crazy, I think.” she looked at me uncertainly.

Ten minutes before I was wondering how should I start this subject, while now I was simply speechless. This conversation was going in a very strange direction. I felt a little bit like a poor swimmer who wanted to use a jacuzzi and – instead – has been thrown to a deep swimming pool. I lost control on this before I even managed to explain my ideas. Surprisingly, instead of feeling uncertain, I was leaning towards submission and acceptance.

“Tomek,” she continued to talk “...a year ago I met a guy who accidently helped me to understand what I want. He is German, he is Black and he cooperates with our company. I want to assure you that nothing happened... yet” – she smiled lustfully and accentuated the last word – “but something may happen if we agree on that."

I moved on my chair and my dick started to harden in uncontrolled manner.

“This men approached me softly couple times and made me wet, Tomek. He is well built, strong Black men, and he made me so wet, as I have never ever been before, you understand?”

I understood and I felt a twinge of jealousy, a surge of lust and discomfort in my pants at the same time.

“I resisted in the sake of our relationship, my dear, but all the wild side of my body and soul was demanding that I surrender to this monster and give my body to his needs and orders. And I will surrender to him and others if we agree on this. I want to be used and fucked by Blacks, Arabs, Latinos and I want you to accept it, support it and get along with all consequences, Tomek. And it's is not the wine, which triggered this, if you wonder whether it is just ***** talking. It was you, who encouraged me to say what I had in mind for years, not even months."

I looked at Paulina. She blushed, probably both because of the wine she drank, and because of the excitement and boldness of her statement. This time I was the one who needed another glass of wine. It was like a blow. I realized that our life, no matter what we do with this conversation, will never be the same. She was right – we were a great couple and I couldn't afford to lose her. I was afraid but also very excited about what I heard.

The silence was broken by Paulina again.

“Tomek, I need to know whether you are onboard. And I need you to prove it."

'Oh...' I thought... 'I need to prove it. That sounds interesting.'

“Paulina... I love you very much and I'm hundred percent with you, no matter what happens."

And the Chamber of Secrets has been opened.

“Are you, Tomek?” she demanded my confirmation.

“Yes, Paulina. No matter how dirty we will go, I'm with you. I can't lose you and I will support everything until you let me be part of it, please” – the last 'please' sounded kind of meeky and pathetic. Was I already playing my cucky role?

“Good to know.” she was visibly relieved but also excited about it. I haven't seen my beautiful spouse in such arousal for a long time. “Clean the table then and wait until I call you to the bedroom” she ordered.

After couple minutes I heard the invitation to our bedroom. As I went in I saw Paulina in her lingerie sitting on the bed, with her long legs resting on it and her head and back leaned against the headboard. She was so beautiful that I wanted to fuck her desperately, given also the sexual tension that was built already during our conversation. I was not sure what she had in mind, but I didn't expect to be let to do what I wanted to do.

“Come closer and undress!” she said sharply.

I obeyed more easily than I should.

“Closer” she repeated. “Kneel by my feet.”

I did, swallowing hard.

She moved one of her beautiful foot towards my balls and cock and started to poke it gently, playing with it and causing some discomfort and pleasure at the same time.

“Tomek, I need you to take good care of my feet. They feel tired and dirty. Use your tongue and mouth, please.” she smiled and took her phone.

I couldn't recognize my previously modest wife. I definitely have let the genie out of the bottle.

Obediently I gently caressed her left foot with my hands and sniffed her toes and sole. I liked the smell and started to kiss her foot and lick it with my tongue. At the same time Paulina turned her phone presenting an ugly (at least to me), apish Black face.

'This is Samuel, the man I told you about, Tomek. The one who makes me wet, you know?' she teased me while I was busy with her feet. “We will meet him soon, I promise. It's going to be fun my dear.” Paulina was getting more and more excited. “But you know what? I assume his cock is much bigger than yours, Tomek. I think I should be prepared for that, since your small, white dick never satisfied me.”

Yes, she inevitably had to mention my dick in first ten minutes of our long and crazy cuckold relationship... in fact my penis was really small and was always a reason of my complexes. And it will become an object of mocking from numerous bulls and strangers we met afterwards.

“How you want to get prepared, Paulina?” I asked.

“Well, I have something which I use for long time, and I have never shown to you, Tomek. You remember that evening you came back earlier? I barely managed to take it out and hide it, before you entered the bedroom. Please go to my wardrobe and bring me the green bag, the big one, would you?”

I quickly fetched it and handed it to her. My wife opened it and started to take out black, penis-shaped dildos, one by one. When she was done, I could see a really impressive collection of them. The small ones looked pretty normal, having the width of 2,5-5 centimeters (1-2 inches) but the biggest ones – to my surprise – must have had a diameter of 8 or even 10 centimeters (4 inches). My jaw dropped a little bit.

“Don't tell me you manage to put this monster to your pussy. It's impossible!”

“Impossible doesn't exist.” she joked, but added quickly: “No, I'm not able to take it. I bought a whole set thinking about the future. I can easily use the one which has 6 cm (2,5 inches) in diameter but if I am relaxed, my vagina accommodates also 7,5 cm (3 inches), but it causes a bit of pain. I'm working on it.” she smiled. “You know Tomek, I have been using them since couple months, and – to be honest – they really gave me a lot of joy. And that is also why I was reluctant to have sex with you. You could have been lost in my loosened love tunnel, honey!” she said and burst out laughing.

I looked down to my penis, and even though it was hardened, it looked even more pathetic in comparison to those silicone monsters. Like she was reading in my mind Paulina took the 3-incher in her hand and put it close to my dick.

“See? No contest, honey."

It was no contest indeed.

“And now I want you to go to the bathroom and wank yourself. I think you finally deserved it, good boy. Leave the door open. One condition though: you have one minute from now on to blow you spunk straight to the toilet, where it belongs. Otherwise you will wait until morning. Then you can take a shower. Time starts!” she said with a smile and false politeness.

I jumped out of the bed and rushed to the bathroom like a dog sent to fetch a ball. It was pathetic, but my balls ached and I really needed that relieve. I started to wank desperately to finish before the time runs out.

“20 seconds Tomek! I can't hear your moans!” I heard her shout.

“I'm coming” I responded with difficulty, and in fact soon after I released a laud squeak out of my throat and my useless (from now on) sperm started to land inside the toilet. The orgasm was so intense that I couldn't catch my breath for a long moment. After that I sighed with relief and turned my head back only to see Paulina standing at the door and looking at me with compassion.

“I think you liked it Tomek. I think you really liked it, and I'm glad about it, because I also liked it. But I see some of your cum on the floor. Clean it, because I don't want your sperm on my floor, honey. Clean it, take a shower and come to bed because I want to show you my orgasm while I use real size cock and not a chopstick like your dick. Hurry up!”


Next morning was a bit of strange, as neither of us mentioned anything about last night, like it never happened. But next evening, and again next evening Paulina repeated all the ritual. Finally, 3 days after our “initiation”, while sitting on the couch and chatting on her phone, she made an announcement:

“We will meet Samuel tomorrow night. He picked nice restaurant, I told him that you will be pleased to be a host and pay the bill, honey. I think you should.” she smiled and not waiting for the answer turned back to chat.

I couldn't concentrate much on my work on Friday in anticipation of the meeting. As it was a hot day, Paulina decided to wear a summer dress with some buttons in front of it. She was quite conservative as it comes to clothes, so the were buttoned high, without showing any cleavage. We left home early enough to be couple minutes in advance, so when we arrived there, we were the first to take a seat. We got a table in the corner, in a dim light, very cozy and comfortable. Two of the seats were to be on sofa corner, while on of us were to be seated on the chair. Paulina took a seat on a coach while indicating the chair for me.

She looked beautiful and girly fresh, with her smile on the face and ponytailed blond hair. She put nice pair of sandals, matching perfectly the summer dress. She was visibly excited and in great mood, talking and chatting. I would have fallen in love with her immediately, if this was to be our first date.

My thoughts were interrupted when I saw a big Black man approaching our table. Paulina stood up and - to my surprise – kissed him gently right to his puffy lips. Given the fact that she was tall, she looked surprisingly tiny in comparison to this monster, who – to my judgment – was easily 190-195 cm high (6,5 inches) but also well built. He hugged her and I saw his huge hands when he placed one of them on her back.

I stood up as well to shake hands, but he ignored this and took the place besides Paulina on the couch and gave me a quick look saying: “Hello Tomek, I heard a lot of good things about you, my man." This remark was ambiguous, however I politely (of course) responded. After that they started to talk to each other not paying much attention to me, looking through the menus and chatting like they were best friends.

When we ordered, Samuel obviously decided to start the game we all expected to be played.

”Tomek” he started “I have to say that Paulina is just a wonderful woman I met about year ago. As you may know, my work implies constant travels around Europe. Let me be straightforward, my brother. All I look for is to have good company for the time I'm visiting cities like Warsaw, Amsterdam, Lisbon and others. I want your beautiful wife to become my company when I visit Poland, and it happens quite often. And I'm convinced that you are indeed a good husband and you will gladly share your lady with me, is that correct?."

This guy was not much to a foreplay, I assumed.

As I remained silenced, Paulina responded for me: “Samuel, we both want to be your company. And Tomek is very generous and open for sharing, right?."

“Well... yes, I think so.” I murmured.

Samuel presented his big smile and a row of white teeth.

“Good to know.” he said, and after a short while Paulina's face changed a bit, and she gasped silently, covering her face with her palm. I looked at her confused, not knowing what was going on.

“I checked your wife's readiness to be my company, and I assume she likes this idea, my friend. You may want to have a glimpse under the table.” he said with false kindness.

“I'll pass that.” I responded politely.

His smile disappeared quickly.

“It was not a suggestion, Tomek. It was an order.” he said with the tone you need to obey to.

Looking at them, I slowly pushed my chair back and looked under the table. I saw Paulina's legs wide open, and his hungry palm massaging her crotch. His finger was pushing side of her panties only to check her pussy. Over the table I heard another gasp. This sight was inflicting both pain, jealousy and incredible arousal at the same time. I couldn't stay like this forever so I reassumed the position and said.

“Paulina is enjoying your company, Samuel, and so am I."

He withdrew his hand from her panties, and showed me deliberately his glistening finger coated with her juices.

“First, I would prefer that you call me Sir. That would be more appropriate for our relations. Second, next time don't hesitate to do what I tell you to do. Paulina knows the drill, and you should also oblige to this rule. I don't want to harm you, I don't want anybody to get hurt."

I nodded my head with resignation, seeing also great eagerness in my wife's behavior. After a while he leaned towards her ear, whispered something which made her giggle and she visibly agreed to what she heard and left he table.

“I will be back soon.” she said and headed towards bathroom. Samuel watched her go, staring hungrily at her swaying hips. I couldn't blame him, because Paulina looked particularly sexy and fresh today and smelled like a meadow. The vision in which this huge Black gorilla would posses her body was bringing me to the edge of arousal. My tiny cock ached in anticipation to watch this act of depravity.

“Well, Tomek. I have to admit that your wife looks like a piece of finest cake." Then looking directly in my eyes and closing his apish face towards mine he drawled: “I'm sure she tastes like one too and I want you to be a waiter who serves it to me."

“Yes Sir, I will serve her to you.” I agreed like a pathetic wimp.

“Good boy,” he smiled. “white husbands should be generous to their wives and let them try real men's cock. I have to tell you that she was ready to try my big cock months ago, but in fact I prefer to do it this way. It tastes better knowing that her husband agrees on that. The feeling while I fuck a young, beautiful white wife in her bedroom in the presence of the wimp, pathetic white husband is the best."

He stopped for a second while waiter was serving the food. Meanwhile Paulina came back, sat down and smiled to me satisfied.

“Paulina, darling. Why don't you show your husband the reason of your visit to the bathroom?” said Samuel, probing the finest (and most expensive) steak he ordered. 'Boy, every pleasure comes with a price' occurred to my mind.

“I can, of course.” she said, but nothing happened.

“Well?” I asked confused. “What am I looking at?”

“I think you should check below the table, again.” explained Samuel.

I did, this time without hesitation. Again, I saw Paulina spreading her legs much more eagerly that I would expect knowing her modesty and given the fact that we were in a restaurant, luckily not much crowded tonight. This time however I could see her glistening pussy, with her labia open. I noticed as well that she is shaved totally.

“Well... your panties are gone and you are shaved.” I said trying not to sound too excited. Looking at her I noticed as well that her bra was also gone. There she was, sitting by this Black gentlemen, who placed his hand behind her back comfortably being covered only in her dress and being totally naked below. I thought I could just explode right here at the public table.

“Samuel told me to shave yesterday. He says that my pussy needs to be totally bald and ******* as a sign of my readiness and openness to serve him and other men he asked me to serve.” said Paulina.

Her dedication to her new Master was astonishing.

“Yes, *******.” confirmed Samuel. “Paulina is forbidden to wear underwear during the days I'm in town or any other day I tell her to. She will be given tasks which she needs to oblige to without doubts or hesitation. Anything I say, goes without objection. We have a small group on Whatsapp now. You are included but you are not allowed to make any comments. Just to keep you informed about the schedule and tasks."

I kept silenced. Finally, I got what I asked for, maybe sooner and in more radical version that I wished, but in fact I was excited about the idea and was anticipating the follow-up.

“Let's eat guys and celebrate our new relationship with a glass of good wine. Of course not you Tomek, since you have to drive. Maybe cool yourself down with a glass of water, my friend. But before we start,” he turned to Paulina “undo two buttons of you dress my dear. Let us all enjoy your cleavage a little bit."

Looking around, trying to be discreet she slowly and nervously unbuttoned her dress. The sides of it fell apart ******** upper part of her breast. Sexy but not obscene. Nevertheless As I glimpsed to the right I saw two older guys having dinner and showed some interest on what was going at our table. The one I could see was looking more often and more greedily on Paulina. I couldn't blame him. My beautiful wife was just tremendously sexy now.

After two minutes Samuel whispered something in her ear and Paulina started to maneuver around her third button. In a second her cleavage expanded dangerously.

“I like to tempt people with something they can't get.” commented Samuel.

To me this situation was extremely sexy, especially that those two old guys started to openly stare at my wife, pleasing their eyes with her exposure. Should she open another one, her tits would be almost full visible. I enjoyed both the sensation of sharing her feminine charms to other men and also the fact that it was up to Samuel to give her orders.

“Tomek, take spoon and throw it on the floor on the side of our table in the direction of those two gentleman.” he ordered. At the same time he gave silent instructions to Paulina. I was thrilled guessing what he had in mind.

My wife turned towards those two men and very slowly bent over to the floor to pick up the spoon. From my chair I couldn't see that but from the reaction of those two men I assumed that they had a fantastic view on my young wife's tits. She deliberately did everything slowly and even smiled to them.

Once she resumed the position, Samuel encouraged her to go further. She looked at me and took a deep breath but obeyed and undid another button. She was almost totally ******* now, with the sides of her dress barely covering her soft nipples. What a view. Our company on the right was just enjoying the show as well.

I understood that Samuel was just conducting a training in obedience, and I liked it. As the waiter came with our coffees and bill to be paid he looked at her cleavage hungrily, but of course said nothing. Our Master decided to make a final step ordering her to unbutton one more. As she did, her beautiful tits went out for us to enjoy. Looking at those two guys Samuel lowered his mouth and took her right nipple in his mouth. I almost came in my pants. It was a quick but totally intense feeling. After a moment though she was allowed to adjust her dress and we left.


We reached the car. As I was the driver, they both took the back seat.

“I'm staying for night and breakfast at your place. Then you will drive me to the Airport.” he commanded.

Soon he started to kiss Paulina deeply with his tongue, while massaging her body. It was really difficult for me to concentrate on driving seeing this in the rear mirror and listening to the sounds of passion. She undid her dress again and Samuel unceremoniously opened the skirt of her dress ******** her tits and then started to maul them and kiss and suck her nipples with his puffy lips and strong hands.

“Suck my dick, Paulina.” he ordered and leaned back comfortably.

She obeyed quickly and opened his trousers to reveal his fantastic, black as coal cock. Its size was difficult to evaluate but definitely it was the biggest one I have ever seen alive. My small dick felt even smaller now. Paulina never sucked me so it was painful to see how much she desired to take good care of her Black Master. Following her instinct rather than experience she gently licked his head taking slowly bigger and bigger part of his shaft into her precious mouth. I observed it with great arousal in the mirror, adjusting it so to see the action behind me rather than the streets which (fortunately) were not busy in that moment. It was incredibly sexy to see my modest and beautiful wife sucking a Black stranger on a back seat.

“Your wife is a fine cocksucker, Tomek” he mocked me smiling “How far are we?”

“We will reach our block in 4 minutes, Sir.” I responded.

“Great. Honey, leave it now. We will finish soon." He ordered her.

Paulina started to fasten her buttons but she was stopped by Samuel.

“Leave four of them open."

She hesitated for a moment but she left her buttons open. When she started to walk to the lift her breast almost fell off her dress. Samuel was embracing her while I was following them. I was praying not to meet our neighbors during our way to the apartment.

Finally we reached it and Samuel headed to our bedroom. He obviously wanted to fuck her as soon as possible.

“Wait until I call you.” he said and went inside.

After a moment he told us to come in. He was seating comfortably, all naked with his dick stiffened.

“Undress your wife for me, Tomek and then enjoy the view."

I stood behind her and pulled her dress down. There she was, my wife fully naked, horny and ready to be fucked this Black monster.

She approached him and started to suck this beautiful shaft again. I looked at her butt and pussy and I saw how wet she was. There were dribbles of moist at her thighs and even knees.

“Lay down, Paulina. I'm going to fuck you now and claim you for good. Are you ready to be mine? Do you want my Black cock inside cock inside you?”

My wife didn't even wait a second to respond.

“Yes, Master. I'm all yours. I will do everything you want without objection and hesitation. Everything. Take me, I need to be fucked now” she moaned and lay down on her back.

“Invite me more, white slut!

“Oh, Master I need your Black cock so bad!” she said opening her legs as wide as she could. Her pussy glistened in anticipation. My young, beautiful, precious blonde wife was opening her labia inviting a Black stranger to fuck her like a total slut.

Samuel monted her totally and slowly entered his shaft inside. She moaned loudly as he was penetrating her like no one did before. It was a tremendous sight to see this Black piston embraced by her pussy lips, stretched so wide. He started to move quickly and impatiently, happy to find another willing and stunning white wife for his domination. In and out he fucked her increasing the pace.

Being totally taken by this obscene sight it took me a while to realize that he entered her unprotected pussy bare. I swear... If I had touched my cock at that moment, it would have exploded in a second. My wife was being fucked by a stranger who was free to shoot his potent sperm inside her pussy. If Paulina didn't care maybe she was not fertile at this moment; that was my hope as I didn't want so say anything right then.

“I'm going to cum soon!” he announced loudly, breathing more heavily.

“Please!!!! Put your Black sperm inside me!!!” she exclaimed hysterically having such an intense orgasm, as I have never seen before. Samuel increased his pace even more, his dick attacked her pussy for last couple times until he stuck it all the way down hitting her ass with his immense balls which started to contract and send his black load deep inside her womb. They united in one combined body, one combined orgasm and wild sounds of total, pure pleasure.

Both remained in this state for some time, enjoying final culmination of that crazy day. Finally Samuel looked at me with pity and ordered me to lay down on the floor, besides of the bed. As I heard they kissed and hugged and finally I heard Samuel speaking:

“Tomek. You are a really good wimp husband. You behaved well tonight. You deserve a reward." By saying this he lowered one of his big foot and wanted to caress my cock with it, but couple seconds after he touched it my poor, small penis ejaculated in uncontrolled way as I got the most intense orgasm of my life. Streams of my cum landed on my stomach and even on my face.

“Oh... Poor boy... Go to the bathroom now, wipe your useless sperm and flush it, take a shower and go sleep to the leaving room. Tomorrow we want breakfast to the bad at 8:30. Dismissed.” ordered Samuel.

As I stood up, feeling my own cum on my face I looked at the bed on which Paulina was sucking Samuel's dick cleaning it from their combined fluids. Down there, her swollen, red and obscenely open pussy was leaking his sperm. She didn't even look at me, concentrated on her Master.

I entered the bathroom, looked at the mirror and thought: 'What a day it was, indeed.'