DISCLAIMER: the following is a work of fiction, contains VERY Mature themes like snuff, racial violence etc, any similarities to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. If you are easily put off by mature stories please stop now. If not, then please enjoy.

This WAS supposed to be shorter, but it just evolved into this...hope you all enjoy.

In the new world of the BNWO, there were many ways the inferior race was ‘taken care of’.

The VWD centres, the WRD’s, BNWO propaganda but the perhaps the most sensual of all were the creation of the Blacked Widows.

An elite military unit comprised of non-black women loyal to the BNWO. Women of exceptional beauty, conquered and reprogrammed by the BNWO.

The Blacked Widows were trained from birth, taken before the BNWO had rose to power simply a few hundred ‘missing’ white girls. Trained to despise their race with a burning passion, to see the white race rendered extinct and the black race to rule supreme.

Practically programmed from birth, Blacked Widows would associate white males as scum, needing to be exterminated without mercy. Whilst they saw Black men and women as gods walking the earth, that needed to be served, obeyed, protected, and sexually satisfied at all costs.

The Blacked Widows were trained in the best hand to hand combat techniques, weapons training, assassination, and human anatomy. They were the perfect killing machines, with lithe, athletic bodies made for stamina. Perfect for dealing death to the white man and pleasuring the superior race.

The Widows were also trained in state-of-the-art pleasure tactics, knew every sexual position known to man and dedicated years of their life to perfecting the sexual arts. Most Blacked Widows could make an inferior white man cum in his pants with a single look, of course black men took more effort and often left the Widows a babbling mess.

The training involved in turning a white girl into a Blacked Widow was rigorous and involved copious amounts of indoctrination and brainwashing, their minds had been moulded by BNWO scientists to make them completely subservient to the Black race and to make their mind iron fortresses against any efforts made by the white race to undo it.

Blacked Widows were the pinnacle of white beauty, came in all shapes from lithe to buxom, from black haired to blonde. Most Blacked Widows were better actresses than the best of Hollywood, able to deceive their fellow whites that they were on their side.

Blacked Widows in the early days of the BNWO takeover were sent to take out high priority targets by any means necessary. They would move into neighbourhoods, under the guise of hot, single white girls and would worm their way into the families of their targets.

They would seduce the sons of high priority targets over long terms, and upon the first night over their target’s house, they would execute and dispose of all white males with maximum efficiency. Capturing the white females for BNWO indoctrination.

Many white boys met their end at the hands of a well-trained Blacked Widow.

Often, many of the little sisters and ********* of these high priority targets would be taken in and trained to be Blacked Widows themselves.

Assassination was not their only strong suit, Blacked Widows specialised in converting white bitches to go Black or at least plant the curiosity in their heads. Many Blacked Widows would go undercover as Therapists, Marriage counsellors or Gynaecologists to better spread the word of the BNWO.

Blacked Widows were infamous for infiltrating maternity wards, stealing the white female offspring for training and turning off the life support for the white boys.

When young Blacked Widows were ready to dedicate their life to the BNWO cause, they would be required to say their vows, vows that would one day be said by ever last white girl on the planet. The Vows of Black Allegiance:

“I pledge myself to the Black Race, I pledge my body, my mind and my soul to the glory of the BNWO.

My Black Masters are my gods, my goddesses, the White Race is a disease, a pestilence that must be eradicated.

Black Power is supreme, Black Power is forever, this world belongs to the Black Race, the time of the white race is at an end.

I will fight, I will live, and I will die for the supremacy of the Black Race. God is Black, and I am his worthless whore, hungry for the cock and pussy of the superior race.

They own my ass, my tits, my mouth and my pussy, my womb was made to carry black babies and I will earn the rite of impregnation with my service.

Glory to the Black Race, death to the White Scum”

- Vow of Black Allegiance

The Vow is taken by the Widow when completely nude, kneeling in front of two black masters, one male and one female. The ceremony is brought to a climax when the Widow is fucked hard by her masters. At this time, the Widow hasn’t earned the privilege of being impregnated by the superior race, so the Black master sprays his load in her ass.

With their vows and pledges cemented by orgasm at the hands of the Black race, the Widows are then ready to be sent into the world to fulfil their duty. Each Widow having a pair of handlers, the Black Couple they first orgasm to, these handlers make sure the Widows perform their duty and stay loyal to the BNWO.

When the great Race war of 2080 commenced, over 80% of White women had fully embraced the BNWO and surrendered themselves fully to the Black race. When the Race war began, the Blacked Widows founded the infamous ‘Race Traitor Corps’ a military wing of white women, trained to hunt down their own race and bring about the white extinction they desperately craved.

The Race Traitor Corps was a stroke of genius, White Women turned against their own men, trained to cut them down without remorse before offering up their genetic heritage to their dark-skinned masters.

Everything about the Corps was made to bring about their own race’s extinction in the sexiest way possible.

‘Eliminate the Mongrel White Race, in the sexiest way possible’ was one of the many phrases associated with the corps.

“We, the white women of the Race Traitor Corps, we submit to the Superior Black Race. The twilight of the white race is at hand, the future is black, and our purpose is to submit to it. To fight against nature and evolution is a sin and should be punished. To our foolish white men, we pity and despise you, your pathetic struggling against the blackness is in vain and will only lead to your eradication.

Our only purpose is eradication, the only thing left for the white race is to be consumed by the Blackness. Our wombs will be home to black babies, our lives belong to the Black Race, our existence is forfeit.

The future we reach for is a Darker future, where whiteness is a myth, were the last sound our race makes is a pleasurable moan before being destroyed. We crave the future where we are nothing but meat, to be bred and our bloodlines consumed by the Black Race.

The white race is doomed, the future is Black, and we, the white women of the Race Traitor Corps, will only speed up the inevitable.

All hail the Black Race, all hail the BNWO”

- Public Announcement of the Race Traitor Corps, as said by Melissa Ryan, Commander of the Race Traitor Corps

When the Race Traitor Corps was brought into battle, the kill counts were astounding. The fields filled with sexy, barely dressed white women, angels of death, their bodies a lure for sex starved white men to poke their heads out of trenches only to be blown off by well-placed rounds.

White Men didn’t have the balls to kill their own women, especially when with every day, Blacked Widow agents continued to infiltrate White Resistance cells and convert the remaining 20% of white women.

During the period of the Race War, the Race Traitor Corps began tattooing their allegiance to the BNWO onto their bodies. Queen of Spade tattoos and Black Power fists were the most common, but were followed by certain other phrases tattooed on breasts, asses and above vaginas including:

‘Black Owned Baby Factory’

‘Death to the White Race’

‘No Rights for Whites’

‘Good Night to White Pride’

‘100% Blacked and Proud’

‘We Deserve Extinction’


‘Breed Black, Wipe out White’

‘Never Going Back’

‘Black Conquered Cunt’

These markings were worn with pride by white women both in and out of the Race Traitor Corps as all the range.

It was also discovered that many white women fighting on the side of the White Resistance secretly had these tattoos and would secretly masturbate to thoughts of their inevitable defeat. These white women would self-convert and sabotage their own forces to bring White death counts to a maximum and Black death counts to nil.

“The whole time I was in the resistance I wanted to believe I was fighting for my race. My daddy raised me to be proud of my skin and my heritage, that America was our country. But every time I saw one of those ‘Race Traitor Corps’ ads or any piece of BNWO Media, I felt my insides get wet, I wanted those strong Black Men to pull my hair, call me a bitch and fuck me until I couldn’t stand.

I went out one day, before the war broke out, to secretly get one of those hot tattoos. I remember biting my lip in the parlour before it my turn. My god there were so many white women there, all getting Black Only or Black Owned tattoos, they looked so hot and satisfied when they got them.

I got ‘Fuck the White out of me’ Tattooed just above my vulva. God, it looked so good, I masturbated so hard that day.

It really hit me during one of the base raids, there was a Black Death Squad attacking and my daddy ordered me to get more ammunition…I got him the ammunition alright, I put the box of shells down next to him and his men…along with a live proximity mine inside, when he pulled the lid off…boom.

Sorry daddy…But I’m Black Owned now”

- Confession from Female White Resistance member.

When Black death squads took over the White Resistance bases, these women were found in their quarters, stark naked with their legs spread, screaming that they surrendered at the attacking black forces, begging to have a Black baby put in them, to be rendered an incubator for the BNWO.

They were wishes that were granted very quickly.

The Turncoats within the White Resistance were charged with crimes of high treason against the BNWO, as punishment they were to be used as breeding stock, fucked over and over again without rest until impregnated. While pregnant they would be used anally and orally by Black men and women until they gave birth, then the cycle would begin all over again.

It was a sentence these women submitted to with glee.

The male members of the White Resistance were put through a worse fate. A simple execution wasn’t good enough for this subhuman scum, they would be put in their place, an example to be made of to the other inferior races whose time would come.

The White soldiers of the White Resistance would be made to watch their women bred in front of them, to see their future Blacked before their very eyes, to hear their women scream for their race’s extinction.

The men would be stripped naked, forced to watch the depravity their women had fallen to, to watch the abortions of white pregnancies, to watch WRD units go to work on white women pregnant with white offspring.

Their minds would be broken before their bodies.

These men would be bent over, put in stockades with their arms and legs locked in place. Gay Black Men would be allowed to do whatever they liked to them, to whip and flog them, talk dirty to the defeated white boys. To abuse their assholes as much as they wanted, Black Women would don strap-ons and fuck their asses until they came to their everlasting shame.

“Poor white Boi! Cumming from getting railed by a real woman!? Better enjoy it while it lasts, because you are falling down a rabbit hole you ain’t getting out of”

- A quote from a Black Mistress to the Former captain of a White Resistance group.

The claims were true, as soon these men would be subjected to drugs designed to sterilize them, to render their seed more worthless than before. Many would be subjected to forced feminization, their white cocks reduced to clits and their frames turned waifish and feminine. Repeatedly these men would be subjected to sexual torture, many times from the hands of the Blacked Widows themselves.

Balls were crushed, asses were *****, throats were fucked, and tattoos were applied.

Before their torture at the hands of the BNWO, these men were adorned with tattoos signifying their white pride. These tattoos were erased and replaced with more fitting markings:

‘White Scum’

‘I deserve to be erased’

‘Worthless White Boi’

‘Conquer my land, fuck my Women’

These were just some of the humiliating brands that were applied to the high-ranking officers of the White Resistance when captured. Over the course of years these white men were sexually tortured and broken-down bit by bit.

No matter how much they screamed to be disposed of, they weren’t, a quick death was too good for these traitors to the BNWO.

When they were executed, they would be craving it as much as a white whore craving an ebony godcock. Weeks of torture turned to months, which turned to years, after 5 long years of sexual torture and brainwashing, having their minds pumped with drugs and BNWO propaganda, the General of the White Resistance and his many high officers were carted out in front of the world.

It was time to send the message:

“Our deaths are deserved; we are worthless scum that will gladly fade into the dark. Our race deserves the worst hell in our deaths, but whites do not have souls, we will go into oblivion proudly, proudly destroyed, proudly exterminated. Our women belong to the true gods of this world, to be used to breed their future, to be used for their sexual pleasure.

We descend into the Black, to be erased from history, gladly and proudly forgotten. May the future be as Black as what awaits us.

All hail the Black Race, All hail the BNWO, death to the white race!”

- Last words of General ‘Who gives a fuck’, leader of the last White Resistance, moments before his execution.

The General along with his now mind-broken, feminized officers were bound naked, their assholes gaping and raw from Black cocks and butt-plugs, their bodies reassembling white trash sissies as opposed to proud white men. Slowly, with their mouths wide open, were lowered into pools of black tar.

It was a symbolic execution, as the once proud white men were lowered into the blackness, voluntarily drowning themselves in the colour of the new owners of their world. Black liquid darkness filling their gaping assess and slipping down their nasal passages and their open gasping mouths.

Not one black cock was soft, and no pussy was dry, the viewing party devolving into an interracial orgy right then and there.

The event was televised worldwide, Black couples fucked to the sight of it, Black masters impregnated white wombs, white slaves masturbated hard, and whites in other countries while acting to be disgusted…craved the despair of their race being annihilated and touched themselves.

The USA now belonged to the BNWO.

And what pray tell happened to the whites left behind? Well…that’s a story for a different time.

Well? what did you think? let me know and don't be afraid to let me know what you want to see next.
Next Time, I may be tackling White Marriage in the BNWO...probably get more in depth if you know what I mean.