Author's note: I was messing around with some AI-generated stories and this one just sort of popped out. I've never done a cuck story, but here it is and I've got a couple more that are coming along.

"Are you ready, honey? Looks like the driver is already here with the car" said Hana as she looked down from the flat widow and seen as the big, strong black guy walking out of the car and waving to her.

Andy, stepping out of the bedroom, hugged her tightly. He could feel how stiff and cold her body was against his own. Despite knowing the circumstances, he couldn't help but hope that everything would work out alright. They had been together for nearly a year, through thick and thin, good times and bad – he believed their bond was unbreakable. As he tied his tie, he couldn't help but think of how they got here...Andy knew Hana was a porn actress when he met her. The gorgeous brunette Hana Rodes - perfect ass and tits, amazing eyes, and the best lips in the industry. She was doing lesbian porn when they met, and Andy was fine with that. She was very tender, loving, and caring before she signed that stupid contract! Hana got a very big exclusive offer from BLAX Studios and agreed to it. Andy had naively thought it would be interracial girl-on-girl videos, but it wasn't. And now he was having to deal with the consequences because Hana had already signed before he knew what was in it. Andy wanted her to back out but it turned out that if Hana cancels the contract she'll have to pay a massive amount of money to the studio. The contract with BLAX requires Hana to not have sex with white males on screen and off. She is also required to promote things like the BNWO lifestyle, and 'Black Only' in her social networks. BLAX requires that Hana meet, hang out and have sex with her BLAX porn partners even off-screen, so that on-screen they will look more natural... And now the day was here. Andy and Hana were going to their first BLAX party to welcome all of the fresh new faces like Hana. Andy was proud of Hana and deeply wanted to support her in this big break, but he was very nervous about what it would mean for their relationship.

The driver opened the door for them, and they were on their way. While sitting next to each other in the back seat, Hana started talking nonchalantly about her plans for the upcoming shoot while looking out the window and admiring the city's views. However, Andy noticed something different about his beloved girlfriend —an excitement hidden under a calm demeanor that made him nervous. Maybe it wasn’t just another job after all?
After a few minutes of driving silence broken by occasional comments regarding the view; suddenly conversation changed direction entirely...

"I think," she began haltingly, choosing her words carefully, "that we both need to accept certain sacrifices if we want our relationship to survive." She paused again, searching for reassurance in his expression. But instead, she saw doubt clouding his features. "Andy, don't you remember? We discussed this when I first told you about the offer."

He shook his head slowly from side to side, uncertainty etched across his face. "Yeah...but I thought it was gonna be interracial lesbian stuff," he replied hesitantly. "Not know. This."

Hana sighed heavily, feeling a wave of frustration wash over her. They'd had this conversation a hundred times. She knew that he must be confused and hurt by the news, but she needed him to understand why things were changing.

"Look, Andy," she said sternly, trying to keep the anger at bay. "This isn't a decision I took lightly. We talked about how important our careers were when we first got together, remember?" His eyes dropped to the floor as he nodded hesitantly. "Well, this is my chance at something bigger than anything I've ever done before. Don't you see that?"

She paused for a moment, taking a deep breath to steady herself. "And yes," she continued forcefully, "there will be black men involved. But that doesn't mean I don't love you anymore. I just…need this from my life right now."

As she finished speaking, tears welled up in her eyes, threatening to spill over onto her cheeks. She looked away quickly, busying herself with fiddling with a loose strand of hair.

Andy nods and tries to smile. "Yep. You're right. I remember. We said we'd make sacrifices and I always want the best for you, baby. "

Hana glanced back at him, relief flooding through her body like warm water. "Thank you, Andy. That means so much to me." She reached out tentatively, placing her hand on top of his where it rested on his knee.

For a moment, they sat in silence once again, lost in their thoughts as the luxury car drove them closer to their destination. Outside the windows, buildings gave way to parks and eventually, the bustle of downtown disappeared altogether. The night began to fall rapidly, casting shadows along the road ahead.

Breaking the silence again, Hana cleared her throat awkwardly. "So uhm.. How do you feel about meeting some of my coworkers tonight?" She asked nervously, hoping he wouldn't get upset or jealous seeing her interact with other men – especially not ones as attractive (and well-hung) as those from BLAX Studios.

Andy laughs uncomfortably, "Well you know this whole celebrity scene. It's always awkward for me."

Hana smiled reassuringly at him, trying to ease his discomfort. "I know it can be tough sometimes, but try not to worry too much," she said softly. "We're here for each other, remember? No matter what happens."

As they pulled up outside a grand mansion nestled amongst perfectly manicured gardens, Hana felt her heart race in anticipation. This was it – the beginning of a new chapter in her life, Whether Andy understood or approved of it remained to be seen.

Stepping out of the car, she smoothed down her fitted dress self-consciously, adjusting her posture to exude confidence despite the butterflies in her stomach. Taking a deep breath, she turned to walk towards the entrance, expecting Andy to follow suit. Instead, he stayed behind for a moment longer, his fingers tracing patterns on his thighs as he contemplated what lay ahead.

With reluctance etched into every step, Andy finally joined Hana at the front door. Hand in hand, they walked into the lavish foyer, where waiters offered champagne flutes filled with sparkling wine. Music drifted through the airwaves, mixing with excited chatter from various couples milling about.

Hana led Andy deeper into the mansion, past crystal chandeliers and priceless works of art adorning every wall. The sound of clinking glasses grew louder as they made their way further into the party until finally, they arrived at a secluded corner overlooking a breathtaking garden illuminated by soft fairy lights.

A table stood nearby, laden with fine spirits and delicious hors d'oeuvres created by some of the most renowned chefs in town. Against one wall, a DJ played RNB music that echoed throughout the room, filling everyone present with an energy that was both electric and sensual.

As they approached their designated spot, Hana grabbed two drinks from the table before turning back to face Andy. "Alright, let's mingle," she said with a forced cheerfulness, taking a sip of her drink. "Who knows? Maybe you'll find someone interesting!"

Her tone held an edge of desperation masked by bravado – she hoped that somehow this night would go according to plan without causing too much harm to their relationship...but she also knew deep down that it might already be too late for that.

Soon, Andy found himself standing alone near the edge of the dancefloor, sipping at his drink nervously. Everywhere he looked couples were dancing close together, bodies moving in sync to the rhythm of the music. He tried to imagine what it would be like to share a dance with Hana, but the thought brought only pain to his heart.

Suddenly, a voice broke through his inner monologue. Turning around, he saw one of Hana's colleagues approaching him with a charming smile. "Hi there! My name's Jada," she introduced herself, extending her hand for a shake. "I don't believe we've met before."

Andy forced a halfhearted grin, struggling to hide his discomfort. "No, we haven't," he managed to respond. "I'm Andy." He took her proffered hand, marveling at how small it felt compared to his own.

Jada laughed lightly, pulling away gracefully. "Don't worry, I won't bite," she teased, flashing him a wink. "So, how do you know Hana?"

At that moment, Andy's heart sank. He nodded, trying to act casual. "Oh I'm her…umm..her boyfriend."

Jada raised an eyebrow playfully. "Oh really? Her _boyfriend_, huh?" She leaned in conspiratorially, lowering her voice dramatically. "Just between you and me, sweetie, did you know that Hana signed a contract stating she can't date white men anymore? Not even for fun, you hear?" She giggled girlishly, clearly enjoying the power trip.

Andy felt his stomach drop to his feet. Of course, he hadn't known about that part of the contract – nobody warned him what was coming. Suddenly, the entire situation seemed surreal and terrifying all at once. He wanted nothing more than to leave this place right now and never come back.

But then he remembered the promise he made to Hana – the promise to support her dreams no matter what happened. And so, with one last ragged breath of courage, he forced a brave smile onto his face and nodded determinedly. "Yes," he lied through his teeth, "of course I knew." Smirking sheepishly, "We all have to make sacrifices for the ones we love, right?"

Jada studied Andy closely, searching for signs of deceit or weakness. However, she couldn't detect anything amiss. His resolve seemed almost impressive to her – perhaps this wasn't as easy for him as it appeared.

With a final smile, she clapped him on the shoulder affectionately. "Good luck with that, sweetie," she whispered before walking away to find another potential conquest among the guests.

Left alone once again, Andy found himself wandering through the party. He caught glimpses of Hana laughing and flirting with various members of the cast and crew, their bodies entangled in suggestive dance moves that sent shockwaves of jealousy coursing through his veins.

As the hours wore on, Andy became increasingly aware of the fact that he was the odd one out there. Everyone else seemed to belong – either professionally or socially – whereas he was merely tagging along for the ride. And suddenly, he realized just how much he truly stood to lose if things went south tonight. As the party wound down Andy started looking for Hana

Eventually, he located Hana near the dessert buffet, surrounded by several tuxedoed Black men. Their conversations were peppered with inside jokes and references to future projects that Andy couldn't possibly comprehend.

Swallowing hard, he approached his girlfriend from behind, careful not to disturb the group dynamic. When he finally worked up the nerve to speak, his voice came out hoarse and strained. "Hey, babe," he said softly, placing a hand lightly on her bare shoulder. "It's getting kinda late."

To his surprise, Hana jumped slightly at his touch, sending a ripple of awareness through the men standing nearby. They shared knowing looks and subtle nods, making Andy feel even more unwelcome.

"I know, love," Hana replied distractedly, her focus still locked on the men surrounding her. "But we're having such a great time! Why don't you stay for a bit longer?" Before he could protest further, she turned back to the group, giving him a reassuring smile that faltered slightly when their eyes met.

Feeling defeated and rejected, Andy excused himself from the gathering, opting instead to retreat to a quiet corner of the mansion where he could collect his thoughts and wait for Hana. He browsed his phone, trying hard not to think of how sexy Hana looked with the men she was talking to

Meanwhile, Hana continued to charm the men around her, ******* of the turmoil brewing within Andy. She moved effortlessly from one conversation to the next, discussing project ideas and potential collaborations with equal enthusiasm. Occasionally, she would glance around for Andy, unable to resist the urge to check on him.

Eventually, after what felt like hours, the party began to wind down. Groups dispersed, and couples disappeared into dimly lit corners, leaving behind only a sense of anticipation for tomorrow's shoot. As Hana prepared to say goodbye to her newfound friends, she found herself drawn back towards Andy. Despite everything that was happening between them tonight, she couldn't bring herself to completely ignore him.

Moving steadily towards her boyfriend, Hana fought against the urge to run far away from this unfamiliar world she had stepped into. In that moment, she wished more than anything that Andy could understand why she had to do this – why she felt compelled to push boundaries and explore new horizons when it meant risking the stability of their relationship.

On the ride home, Andy tried to make the best of things. "Honey, I realized tonight that this is good for you and your career. It's a big step and you're so beautiful and have worked so hard. You've earned this."

Hana listened quietly doing her best to remain calm and understanding. Deep down, however, she felt a twinge of guilt for putting him in this position. She knew that she loved him, but she also knew that this opportunity was too important to pass up.

"I appreciate your support, Andy," she murmured, reaching over to squeeze his hand reassuringly. "I do. And I promise, I'll make sure everything stays professional between us on set. It's just...this is a chance for me to prove myself, okay? To show the world what I'm capable of."

Despite her words, Hana couldn't shake the sense of unease settling over her. She wondered how Andy would react when he saw the footage from tomorrow's shoot – when he saw her intimately engaged with men who weren't him. Would he still stand by her side then? Or would he conclude that maybe they weren't meant to be together after all?

The next morning, groggy from lack of sleep, Andy followed Hana to the set of her film. As he waited for her outside the trailer door, he noticed several crew members exchanging curious glances in his direction. One of them even snickered under their breath as they walked past him.

When Hana finally emerged from the trailer, she smiled brightly at him before leaning in closer to whisper something excitedly. 'They posted pictures from last night's party online,' Then, her eyes darting anxiously towards the other actors gathered nearby. 'I need you to behave normally today, okay? Just pretend like you're a supportive friend.'

Shaken but determined, Andy nodded silently, wondering how he could maintain this facade amidst all the chaos swirling around them. As they entered the shooting location, he felt a wave of heat wash over him; every glance, every whisper directed their way seemed loaded with hidden meaning and subtext. For the first time, Andy felt truly unwelcome — as though his presence meant nothing to anyone involved.

Hana led Andy through the crowded set, navigating past cameras and equipment with practiced ease. Despite his growing unease, Andy tried his best to match her confident strides, hoping that nobody would notice the storm brewing inside him.

Throughout the day, Hana remained focused on her work, often disappearing into her character during takes. Andy found himself watching helplessly as she threw herself into each scene with abandon, forgetting about his existence entirely. By the time the sun began to set over the horizon, he felt drained emotionally and physically, exhausted from playing the role of silent spectator.

Finally, as evening descended upon them, production wrapped for the day. Weary beyond measure, Andy trudged alongside Hana towards their waiting vehicle.

Back at the hotel room, Hana closed the door behind them carefully, casting furtive glances over her shoulder as though expecting someone to catch them. She slipped out of her clothes hurriedly, revealing a sleek black lingerie set adorned with intricate patterns and lacework. Her movements were filled with an eerie mixture of desire and desperation, making Andy's heart ache even more deeply.

As she stepped towards him, Andy forced himself to meet her gaze. Despite the physical attraction still lingering between them, he couldn't deny the feelings of betrayal and hurt that threatened to consume him. "Are you ready for me to go out tonight?" She asked softly, running a finger down his chest suggestively.

Andy looked away, "As ready as I can be I guess."

Hana hesitated, taking a deep breath before speaking as she pulled her stretchy black mini-dress over her lingerie. "Look, I know this isn't easy for you," she began haltingly. "And maybe if things were different, we could have tried to make this work better somehow. But this opportunity means everything to me—my career, my future...everything depends on it."

She paused, studying his reaction carefully. "All I ask is that you give me some space," she continued quietly. "Be strong for both of us and try to understand why I have to do this." Her words hung heavy in the air, echoing with a painful honesty that left Andy feeling utterly broken inside.

Without waiting for a response, Hana pulled him close, wrapping him tightly in her arms. For a fleeting moment, there was warmth and comfort to be found in her embrace. Then she released him, stepping back once again with a look of sad determination etched across her features. "I'll see you tomorrow," she whispered before disappearing into the hotel hallway, closing the door firmly behind her.

As soon as the door clicked shut, Andy let out a bitter laugh, unable to contain his frustration anymore. He paced restlessly around the room, his stomach churning with anxious energy. Despite their initial promise to keep things professional, he couldn't help but worry about what would happen next.

Taking refuge on the bed, Andy buried his face in his pillow, trying to block out the sounds of the city outside and the memories flooding his mind. The scent of Hana's perfume lingered in the air, taunting him with reminders of their fleeting moments together. How quickly things had changed since she had signed that damn contract.

The clock ticked by slowly, each passing minute feeling like an eternity. Eventually, exhaustion got the better of him, and he drifted off into fitful sleep, haunted by nightmares of losing the woman he loved to a world he never wanted to be part of.

The next morning, a groggy Andy crawled out of bed, his mind still foggy from the turbulent events of the previous night. As he dressed, he caught sight of his reflection in the mirror, wincing at the pale, haggard image staring back at him. Feeling more alone than ever before, he dragged himself downstairs to grab breakfast.

Meanwhile, back at her hotel room, Hana lay curled up in bed, her body aching from the physical exertion of the previous night. She forced herself to ignore the guilty conscience nagging at her, focusing instead on the incredible moments of pleasure she had experienced with her co‑star. Closing her eyes, she attempted to drift back off to sleep, praying that Andy wouldn't be too upset when he discovered what had transpired.

Downstairs in the restaurant, Andy picked listlessly at his food, lost in thought as he tried to process everything that had happened. His mind kept returning to the images flashing through his head: Hana entwined with another man - a black man - their bodies moving rhythmically as they explored each other's limits. Overwhelmed by these intrusive thoughts, he pushed his plate away, unable to swallow another bite.

Andy's heart stopped midbeat as he saw a photo notification appear on his screen, capturing Hana at a restaurant locked in a passionate kiss with one of her costars. He saw that it had been taken just 8 hours before. His mouth went dry, and he struggled to maintain focus as shock waves of disbelief coursed through him. This wasn't supposed to happen—they had promised each other it would stay professional!

Fumbling for his phone, Andy took a closer look at the picture, feeling a hot fury rising within him. Suddenly, everything became clear: He had lost. He still loved her, but he had to admit there was no way for him to compete with

Andy returns to the room, finding it empty except for the suitcase lying open on the floor. He knows it's only a matter of time before Hana shows up, so he braces himself for whatever comes next. When she finally walks in, he sees the guilt written all over her face and wants to confront her about the photos on her social media. However, he remains steadfast in his love for her and decides to support her decision, knowing it's what she needs to pursue her dreams.

Andy nodded solemnly, fighting back tears as he listened to Hana's confession. Inside, he felt like his entire world was crumbling down around him, yet he couldn't bring himself to hate her. Instead, he focused on her words, trying to find some solace in the vivid descriptions of last night's encounter.

As she spoke of Marcus and how he passionately made love to her, Andy felt his arousal beginning to stir within him. It was a conflicted mix of pain and desire, like nothing he had ever experienced before. Unable to suppress his feelings any longer, he unconsciously rubbed his erection through his pants.

"Marcus...he's amazing," Hana moaned softly, ******* of the effect her words were having on Andy. "He was so rough and demanding...but at the same time, so gentle with me. I don't think I've ever felt anything quite like it before."

Hana's eyes widened in surprise as she noticed Andy's hands busily working on the fabric of his pants. Realization dawned on her face, and she froze for a moment, unsure of how to react.

"Andy..." she began uncertainly, glancing away awkwardly. "Is this really what you want?" Her voice shook slightly, betraying her mixed emotions. On one hand, she felt ashamed for sharing intimate details about her encounter with Marcus; on the other hand, a part of her was thrilled by the idea of turning Andy on.

Slowly, she unbuttoned her shirt, revealing firm breasts underneath. Andy watched as she moved tentatively towards him, hips swaying subtly from side to side. He could feel himself getting harder, despite the pain twisting his gut.

"Do what you see?" she whispered, biting her lower lip provocatively. Before he could respond, she knelt beside him, running her fingers lightly over his bulge. "Maybe you'd rather touch yourself while thinking about me...and Marcus."

Hana smirked mischievously as she traced circles around Andy's hardened shaft through his jeans. "Come on," she purred seductively, squeezing it gently. "Let your imagination run wild. Picture me with Marcus...just like you saw in those photos." Her breath was warm against his ear, sending shivers down his spine. "Imagine how good it feels for me to be taken by a real feel his massive black cock stretching me open."

Shifting position, she leaned back against the wall, crossing her legs provocatively. "But remember," she added with a smug grin, "this is something that only we can share...something unique between us." She raised an eyebrow challengingly, inviting him to continue pleasuring himself while visualizing her with another man. A real man. A black man.

His orgasm hit him suddenly, powerful waves of pleasure rolling through his body as he came forcefully against his hand. Hana watched impassively, her expression a mix of satisfaction and curiosity.

As Andy finished cumming, he slumped backward weakly, panting heavily from the intensity of the experience. Through glazed eyes, he met Hana's gaze defiantly, silently daring her to say something about what had just happened.

To his surprise, however, Hana simply smiled thinly. "Well," she said softly, standing up to straighten her clothes. "I hope you enjoyed that little show." With one last look back at him, she turned around and walked away, leaving him alone to deal with the aftermath of their twisted encounter.

As days passed, the routine between Hana and Andy became more defined. In the mornings, he would wait for her at the hotel, anxiously checking his phone for updates while she was gone. Sometimes she'd return early, flushed and satisfied from her encounters. Other times, hours would pass without a word until she would finally stumble in exhausted but eager to reunite with him.

Despite the pain it caused him, Andy found himself growing increasingly aroused by the explicit stories and photos Hana shared with him. They discussed various positions and fantasies, finding solace in their mutual obsession for all things interracial porn.

Yet amidst the sexual fireworks, a sense of unease continued to simmer beneath the surface. Andy couldn't shake off the feeling that something fundamental had shifted between them; that their lives had irrevocably diverged onto paths neither of them could fully comprehend. Still, he clung to Hana, determined to support her dreams no matter how much it might hurt him personally.

On social media, Hana started posting increasingly provocative content, flaunting her newfound affinity for black men and their superior physique. She shared steamy photos of herself locked in passionate embraces with Marcus and others, captioning them with cryptic messages about the joys of submitting to dominant, black men.

Her comments section soon became a breeding ground for racist remarks and hateful sentiments directed towards white men. While some expressed admiration for her courage in embracing interracial relationships, many others used derogatory language to demean anyone who identified as a 'white boi'.

Deep down, Hana was aware of the harm she was causing to Andy's self-esteem, but she rationalized it as a necessary sacrifice for her success. After all, she reasoned, they were only pretending anyway – playing roles dictated by the script demanded by BLAX producers. Yet every time she looked at Andy, she couldn't help but feel a mixture of guilt and power.

One particularly late afternoon, as Andy waited anxiously for Hana's return, Hana burst in holding an iPad.

"Good news!" she announced briskly, stepping inside the room. "My scene with Marcus is ready for review!"

Andy followed her eyes towards the wide-screen TV, already anticipating what he would see. As Hana cast the video and pressed play, he watched helplessly as his reality unfolded before him. The camera zoomed in tight on her expressions, accentuating every quiver of anticipation and fear as she prepared to accept a massive black cock.

In the background, Marcus loomed large, his muscular frame glistening with sweat. "You're gonna love this," Hana murmured huskily in Andy's ear, unable to tear her eyes away from the monitor. "Even though he was so huge, I practically came instantly..." She trailed off, visibly shaken by the memory.

Andy swallowed hard, struggling to maintain his composure as he watched his girlfriend get thoroughly dominated by another man.

Watching the scene unfold on the television screen, Andy couldn't deny the intense physical reaction stirring within him. Despite the pain and humiliation radiating from every frame, he found himself oddly captivated by the raw eroticism on display.

As if sensing his arousal, Hana paused the video and slowly turned towards him. Her eyes gleamed with a hint of mischief as she ran her tongue suggestively across her bottom lip. "It's a shame you weren't there to witness it firsthand," she purred, leaning into him purposefully. "The things Marcus did to was unlike anything I've ever experienced."

She reached out and trailed her finger teasingly along the outline of his hard penis, eliciting a groan of need from him. "And here you are," she continued softly, letting her fingertip dip inside his boxer briefs to rub against his sensitive skin. "Still so willing to please me, despite knowing what I'm capable of doing with someone else."

As the video resumed playing, Hana whispered in Andy's ear, her breath tickling the sensitive flesh behind his earlobe. "I had to fight so hard not to cum," she admitted quietly, voice barely above a whisper. "Marcus was hitting all the right spots, making me beg for more...but the director wanted me to save it for later scenes." She shuddered involuntarily, obviously reliving the intense emotions of the moment.

Andy squirmed uncomfortably under her touch, torn between desire and revulsion. Part of him craved the release she offered so freely, while another part recoiled at the thought of sharing her with another man. He closed his eyes tightly, trying desperately to regain control over his racing thoughts and pounding heart.

Through it all, Hana remained by his side, her fingers exploring his body despite the obvious tension building between them. "I know this hurts you," she murmured sympathetically, leaning in close enough for him to feel her warm breath against his neck. "But I also know that this is something we both need."

They decided to head out to dinner to celebrate her latest accomplishment. As they stepped out into the cool night air, Andy struggled to hide his discomfort at seeing Hana get recognized by fans and admirers. He knew this wasn't her fault—after all, she had become famous for featuring in these types of scenes—but it still stung nonetheless.

Over dinner, Hana seemed preoccupied with her phone, constantly checking notifications and likes on social media. Every once in a while, she would glance up at Andy apologetically before returning to her device. He tried to engage her in conversation, asking about potential storylines or upcoming projects, but she seemed distracted by something else entirely.

Finally, as they were finishing dessert, Hana set down her phone with a sigh. "I'm sorry," she said quietly, reaching across the table to place her hand over his. "I know this isn't easy for you." Her voice trembled slightly as she met his gaze, full of remorse and regret. "But we made it this far together...and I promise you, we'll make it through anything that comes our way."

As they left the restaurant, Hana's usually calm demeanor seemed strained. Andy couldn't shake the feeling that something was seriously wrong. Suddenly, her phone buzzed, and she glanced nervously at the message on the screen. Her face blanched instantly, and she quickly typed out a response before pocketing her phone once again.

"What is it?" Andy asked warily, noticing the sudden change in her behavior.

"Nothing," she replied too quickly, forcing a smile. "Just some stuff from work. Let's go back to the hotel and relax, okay? We've had quite the day today."

Back in their room, Andy helped Hana undress before climbing into bed next to her. Hana lay back on the bed, wincing as she stretched out her sore muscles. "I'm sorry," she murmured apologetically, gesturing towards her swollen pussy. "Marcus was…well, let's just say he worked me over." Andy nodded understandingly, his heart aching at the sight of her discomfort. Gently, he moved down and began kissing and caressing her thighs before finally making his way upwards towards her core. As he started licking and suckling at her clit, Hana moaned softly as she tried to forget what she would have to tell him in the morning.

Despite himself, Andy found himself growing aroused by the taste of her juices on his tongue; a mix of sweetness and bitterness that only served to heighten his desire. He continued pleasuring her until she cried out in soft whimpers above him. As she drifted off Andy slipped beside her. Sleep seemed impossible under the weight of everything that was going on, but exhaustion eventually took over, sending him drifting off into fitful slumber.

It wasn't until morning that Hana revealed the source of her worry from the night before. Apparently, during their evening out, a fan had taken a picture and posted it. Word had spread among some of the BLAX crew members about Hana and Andy's secret relationship. This put her in serious violation of her contract with BLAX Studios. To avoid any further complications, they needed to strictly adhere to the stipulations moving forward.

Andy listened to Hana trying to explain, panic rising in his throat. "Wait, what do you mean?" he stammered, backing away from her slowly. "A cock cage!! Seriously?? You can' won' wouldn't do that, would you?"

Hana hesitated, her brow furrowed, "Would let me?" she asked carefully as if testing the waters. "Because if it means keeping us together, then maybe we should consider it."

Heart pounding in his chest, Andy felt himself teetering on the edge of despair. He had read the clause about white boyfriends needing to be caged in the contract so he should have known this was coming, but he didn't think they'd enforce it. Hearing it confirmed out loud felt like a sucker punch to the gut. And yet, he couldn't bring himself to reject the idea outright—not when it meant potentially salvaging whatever was left of their relationship.

Andy felt his heart sink as he processed this information. "'re saying we have to do this?" he asked numbly, struggling to wrap his head around the idea of having a metal cage permanently attached to his genitals.

Hana nodded reluctantly, her expression filled with conflicted emotions. "We don't have a choice," she explained softly. "This is what they want, and we've committed ourselves to this lifestyle." She reached out tentatively, placing a hand on his knee. "If we want to stay with each other, we have to play by their rules."

"Fine," he managed through gritted teeth. "If that's what you want, then let's get it over with," accepting the harsh truth of the situation. After all, he should have known what he was signing up for when he started down this path with Hana. All he could do now was brace himself for whatever lay ahead.

That Saturday, feeling incredibly *******, Andy followed Hana silently into the brightly lit adult store. Their appearance attracted curious glances from customers and staff alike, further amplifying the surreal nature of the experience.

Awaiting them near the counter was a film crew — directors, sound engineers, and lighting technicians. As Hana and Andy approached, they began discussing plans for their upcoming shoot, detailing specific angles and movements that would best capture Andy's transformation from free man to cuckold slave.

Despite his initial resistance, Andy found himself caught up in the excitement of the moment. There was something undeniably thrilling about being at the center of such an intimate yet taboo spectacle. However, he couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that this was merely another step down a dark road leading nowhere good.

After stripping down to nothing in the private changing room, a makeup artist came in and shaved Andy's pubic hair completely smooth. Andy stood trembling as Hana walked up to him, a seductive smirk playing on her lips. It felt like an eternity passed before she finally spoke.

"Are you ready?" Her voice was hushed, almost reverential.

He forced a shaky nod, unable to meet her eyes. Outside the confines of their private world, the reality of their situation hit him like a ton of bricks. Here he was, preparing to stand naked and vulnerable in front of strangers, bound to this woman who was slowly but surely breaking his heart.

Suddenly, the director called "Action!" and Hana pulled him out onto the sales floor, leading him by a leash clipped to a collar around his neck. Cameras flashed and whirred as they stopped in front of a glass case containing rows upon rows of various sizes and shapes of cock cages. Without warning, Hana asked the clerk to give her the smallest one available and he handed it over to the waiting Hana.

With deft fingers, she secured the device firmly around Andy's erect member, leaving just enough space for breathing but completely encasing it within cold, unforgiving steel.

As the lock clicked shut around his throbbing shaft, Andy let out a low moan of despair. The tiny space seemed impossibly restrictive, a constant reminder of his newfound status as little more than a living sex toy to her and her friends.

Hana smiled triumphantly, holding up the key proudly for the cameras. "And this," she declared dramatically, "is where white boys belong." With that, she gave Marcus a deep, passionate kiss right before Andy's eyes, using him as a prop to emphasize her point.

Her words echoed ominously in his head as he stood there, naked and caged, the length of his leash held tightly by his former lover. This was the price he paid for wanting to share his life with a porn star; this was the cost of falling in love.

After several rounds of pictures, Hana led Andy into the privacy of the changing room. He watched helplessly as she slipped back into her clothes, his once familiar scent filling his nostrils. Glancing down at the cage, "Can we just...take this off later?" His voice trembled with emotion, fear, and sadness tangible in every syllable.

Hana smiled softly, running her hands over his chest. "I'm afraid not, my love," she purred, using the pet name she once reserved exclusively for him. "This is our new normal now. BLAX holds on to the key." She leaned in close, pressing her body against him teasingly.

Andy felt his anger rising at her callous dismissal of their shared history. Deep down, he knew this was probably for the best – for both of them. But hearing it spoken aloud like it was some kind of business transaction cut deeper than any verbal jab could ever hope to achieve.

As if reading his mind, Hana added, "There is some good news though. Now that you're properly caged, we can be seen together without raising any eyebrows." She grinned wickedly, clearly reveling in the power dynamic shift between them. "I think it'll be quite refreshing with this out of the savor every moment," she said, pointing to his caged member.

Andy felt his stomach churn at the implication of her words. He knew damn well that 'slow' for Hana meant dragging out the torture for as long as possible. Still, he couldn't deny the arousal stirring within him despite the circumstances. It was twisted, perverse...but somehow also irresistible.

As Andy sat alone in their hotel room once again, anxiously anticipating Hana's return, he couldn't help but dwell on the image of her wrapped around another man's flesh. Although he had known that this was part of the deal since they first became involved in this lifestyle, it still hurt knowing that someone else was experiencing what he once had with her.

When she finally walked through the door, exhausted but satisfied, she collapsed onto the bed beside him, curling up against his side. "God, I missed you," she murmured sleepily into his ear. For a brief moment, he allowed himself to believe that maybe things weren't so bad after all.

That was until she continued speaking. "Today was intense," she whispered, tracing lazy circles along his skin. "Spent most of the day on my knees before Marcus' cock and balls...for promo shots" Her voice trailed off dreamily as images of her submissive pose danced through his brain.

As Hana recounted her experiences with Marcus, Andy could feel his cock twitching helplessly inside its confining prison. Despite his best efforts to remain detached, her words carried a potency that threatened to overwhelm him. He clenched his fists tightly, willing away the shameful stirrings growing within him.

She giggled softly, rolling over to face him. "Don't tell me you're jealous?" She raised an eyebrow mockingly, running a finger along the edge of his cage. "Come on, baby...we both knew this was coming."

Andy was indeed jealous – envious of anyone who got to taste even a fraction of what used to be his alone. The bitter taste of betrayal mixed with the lingering traces of desire, created a toxic brew that left him reeling.

As promised now that Andy was caged, they were invited to attend a small release party celebrating Hana's latest video release. Held at an upscale club popular amongst BLAX stars and aficionados alike, Andy couldn't help but feel out of place amidst the sea of bare skin and ostentatious displays of wealth.

To his dismay, much of the evening focused on showcasing Hana's submission to Marcus – snippets from the video played on a loop throughout the night, accompanied by applause and whistles from the crowd. Each time he saw her pleading eyes locked onto Marcus' cock, Andy felt as though a knife were twisting in his gut.

As they made their way through the crowded club, Andy couldn't help but notice how different this party was compared to the one he had attended in the past. Whereas before he had been left largely ignored or treated with suspicion due to his association with Hana, this time around people seemed genuinely interested in talking to him—even going so far as offering congratulations on their 'amazing chemistry'.

It wasn't until they were talking to the director that Andy truly understood just how much things had changed. As he found himself standing between Hana and Marcus, he realized with a sickening certainty that this was indeed where he belonged.

As the music throbbed around him, drowning out everything else except for the rhythmic sway of hips and thrusts of pelvises, Andy closed his eyes and surrendered entirely to the moment. In these fleeting moments of blissful submission, he forgot all about his past, present, and future concerns. All that mattered was the here and now—and accepting whatever fate awaited him next.

As Andy watched Hana interact with other stars, discussing future projects and expressing her enthusiasm for working with them, he couldn't help but feel a strange mix of pride and resignation. On one hand, he was genuinely pleased that she had found a sense of belonging in this community filled with like minds. On the other hand, the knowledge that he would forevermore be relegated to watching from the sidelines stung deeply.

However, as he observed the way she flirted shamelessly with Marcus, something inside of him shifted. It was as if a veil had been lifted from his eyes, revealing the truth about their relationship in stark relief. Despite everything they had been through together – the laughter, tears, joy, and pain – Hana had never really needed him. And now that she had moved on to bigger and better things, there was little reason for her to stay by his side.

But as he thought about the cage still encasing his cock, Andy couldn't help but feel a surprising sense of gratitude. Despite all its challenges and setbacks, this journey had brought him to where he was today – standing in support of the woman he loved, despite knowing full well that she no longer belonged to him.