So! Not that it is critical or a major contributing factor to this event but let me tell you a little about me. My name is Sarah, I am now in my late fifties, I’m five feet seven tall and although I have put on a little, post menopause, weight I carry it well, mostly due to the fact I was a competitive swimmer for many years and have a broad back and shoulders plus very long legs so in the right clothing people don’t really notice the bit of tummy fat I carry or that my legs are a little thicker than they used to be. One main difference in my body now compared to pre menopause days is that my breasts have swelled from B cup to a very full C cup, in fact I could probably easily fill a D cup but haven’t need to purchase any bra’s that size as yet. I’m pretty much a dark blonde, going a little grey and have a very fair skin colour.

I have been married to my husband Ted for about 15 years. We have a great life together and we also have various pursuits and hobbies which we follow alone, which often means one or the other of us is away from home. We are both very comfortable with this and it causes no issues between us. This particular weekend was one such occasion when Ted had gone away on a golfing weekend with friends. I had planned to catch up with a couple of girlfriends but another very good friend of mine, Maxine, asked me if I would give her a hand at the local homeless shelter, something I have done a few l times in the past, as a couple of the regular helpers were on holiday.

So I spent the day, from late morning working at the shelter, although it could be described as more of a daytime soup kitchen, and having a good chat with a few of the regulars whom I have seen on other occasions when I have worked there. The shelter isn’t very big and in total only about thirty or forty people come in for the day where they enjoy a breakfast, have use of some very good shower facilities, can get a free haircut, play some board games get some fresh clothes and blankets, donated by the public and a few local businesses, and finally get a good hearty meal, before we close the shelter down at 6PM.

After closing Maxine asked me to join her for a quick drink in a local bar as a thank you. I accepted and just had the one glass of wine as I had to drive home, however we did chat quite a bit, mostly about her and her new man, whom she had been seeing for several weeks. She revealed that he was in fact a black man and most of the chat was about his insatiable sexual appetite and the size of his manhood. “So basically you're telling me that it’s true what they say about black men?” Was my basic response to most of what she told me. As we bid farewell Maxine thanked me for my help and told me I was very popular with the regular visitors. She also asked me if I might consider volunteering on a regular basis. I told her I would think about it and we said good night.

When we left the bar it had gotten dark so I was relieved that I had decided to park my car in the basement parking garage of my place of work which was literally a couple of hundred yards from the shelter, which is pretty much how I came to know about the place. I made my way to my car and when I pressed the key fob to unlock it nothing happened, assuming the battery in the fob wasn’t working I opened the door with the key however when turned the key in the ignition there was nothing more than a complete silence, not even a click or whirring noise, just nothing. Additionally none of the lights on the dashboard lit up. I knew I hadn’t left the lights on and the battery wasn’t very old so I was at a loss.

I got out of the car and had a look around but as I feared, the car park was empty as it is only for use by people working in my building and it was unlikely anyone would be in work at about 8PM on a Saturday. My husband was out of town so I had a choice, call a friend, most of whom would probably be out enjoying themselves, for a ride, or call a tow truck and potentially have a long wait in a cold garage. I started rifling through the glove box to dig out the car manual in which we keep the numbers for local garages when I was disturbed by a knock on the window, which nearly made me jump out of my skin as I hadn’t heard any cars drive up.

When I looked out of the window I was faced by a man I recognised immediately, despite the fact he was wearing a wooly hat. His name was Ben and he was a regular from the shelter. He was in his early sixties and was a huge man, everyone used to refer to him as Big Ben as he was well over six feet tall and build like an american football linebacker. He was a very friendly man and I had spoken to him several times over the months I had helped out. So feeling a little relieved I opened the car door as the electric windows didn’t work and Ben immediately asked me if everything was ok.

I explained to him what the situation was and he told me he had been a mechanic in his Army days so told me to pop the hood and he would take a look. Even though it was quite chilly I got out of the car and stood next to him whilst he tinkered around, more out of politeness than having any idea that I knew what to look at. Thankfully Ben had fished a torch out of a bag in his shopping cart, he seemed to have his whole life in.

As Ben poked around and pull at various cables I decided to ask him why he was in the garage in the first place, not that I assumed he had followed me as I had been in the bar for over an hour, but thought I’d find out why he was there. He told me that he knew the building security guard, who, like Ben, was a military veteran and had spent some time living on the streets before finding a job. He often let Ben sleep in a small storage room on the basement level on a weekend as the building was un occupied so nobody would see him. He had been on his way to the room when he had seen me.

After several minutes Ben went back to his shopping cart and pulled out a pair of grips and a screwdriver. He did a little more tinkering and asked me to jump into the car and try starting it. To my surprise and relief the car started straight away. Ben lowered the hood and looked at me with a broad smile showing through his shaggy beard. He through his tools and torch back into his shopping cart and told me that one of the cables, connected to the battery was loose and the vehicle had an automatic cut out on it in the event of a loose cable which could cause a short circuit and maybe even a fire.

Although I was certain Ben had fixed the problem with the car I wanted to be sure it wouldn’t pack in as soon as I headed off. I could see Ben’s hands were a little dirty from the dirt under the hood and I had some hand wipes in the car so I asked him to jump in and at least get warm and clean up his hands. As Ben cleaned his hands and the heater warmed up we chatted a little and he told me a little more about his Military days and his life on the streets. As best as I could tell he seemed quite happy and didn’t really want to go to a more normal life.

I asked him if he had ever been married and he told me he had never married but loved female company and that was probably the only downside to living on the streets. “That’s why we love it when you help out at the shelter.” He said. When I asked what he meant by that comment he told me that he and all the other men he spoke to all thought I was a very sexy lady. “I won’t tell you what they say about you.” he added looking a little bashful.

I told him I felt flattered but really I was quite plain. Then a moment of devilishness came over me and I asked him to tell me what the men said and assured him I wasn’t bashful and wouldn’t get annoyed. He told me that mostly it was comments about how nice I was and how they lingered at the hot plate when I had a thin blouse or low cut top on so they could get a nice view of my cleavage. I have to say now I felt very flattered, especially as some of the men he was talking about were some ten or even twenty years younger than me. “And what do you think of me Ben?” I asked him, smiling.

“Well I have to say ma’am. You sure do have a nice pair of titties!” He told me, looking a little bashful himself. It was at this point the devil inside me reared its head with real purpose.

“Well perhaps as a reward and thank you for helping me I might let you have a better look than anyone could possibly have standing at the hot plate in the shelter. Would you like that Ben?” I asked, giving him a seductive look with my eyes and cocking my head slightly to one side.

“For real?” Ben exclaimed. “That would be awesome.” he answered me, with a hint of suspicion, as if I were setting him up, so, sensing this, I immediately slipped off my coat and began to slowly undo the buttons on my blouse. Ben’s eyes widened as he stared at me, realising I was serious and he was about to see more of my flesh than anyone else at the shelter ever had. As I opened my loosened blouse and ******* the bare white flesh of my cleavage Ben’s mouth dropped open. I looked down at my own cleavage and was a little disappointed that I had only worn a plain white and full cupped bra, which I didn’t expect to be seen by anyone, so it didn’t really show too much, although it was a little tight fitting so my breasts looked very full and round with the flesh bulging out a little.

The look on Ben’s face was a picture, he was staring and, probably subconsciously, licking his lips, I guessed he was imagining doing more than just looking at them. I could tell he was aroused and the affect my body was having on this man who I barely knew was also arousing me. I mulled things over in my mind a little and thought to myself how little pleasure this homeless man had in his life. After a day of eating nice food and hot water a little piece of female flesh would make him feel like he was in paradise.

Without speaking I reached up behind my back and unclipped my bra strap. My breasts hung loose once free of their support but the fabric of my bra clung to my flesh. “Here, help yourself.” I said to Ben with a smile. Ben needed no second invitation and he slowly raised his huge hands to my breasts, sliding his fingers up underneath the material. As soon as his finger tips touched my skin my nipples hardened and began to tingle. Ben’s touch was amazing. His hands were so strong and rough yes so tender and gentle as he softly caressed my soft fleshy breasts.

Ben lifted the material of my bra and fully ******* my breasts which were rising and falling as I breathed with excitement. I looked around to make sure nobody else was close to the car. I felt like a slut, getting felt up by a homeless man in my car in the parking garage of my work building and hoped nobody would see me. Despite fearing being seen I didn’t want it to stop as I was so excited and aroused. In fact I wanted it to go further. I asked Ben if he was getting turned on touching me. He nodded his head and smiled.I took a deep breath before I looked at him and said “Show me.”

Ben fidgeted in his seat before pulling at the tattered leather belt holding up his trousers. Once it was loosened he pulled his trousers down around his thighs, quickly followed by his boxer shorts to reveal his huge thick cock with a big purple head. I had noticed his boxer shorts were brand new and I also knew he had showered that day so my mind was made up. I couldn’t help myself. I wanted that cock in my mouth so I lowered my head and wrapped my lips around his big purple head.

Ben let out a huge sigh and sank back into his seat as I gently sucked on the head of his cock. I could feel it throbbing and growing in my mouth and I could feel his piss hole opening up as I darted my tongue in and out go it. I lowered my head and started to take more of Ben’s throbbing shaft into my mouth. He was now fully hard and although he was no longer than my husbands seven inches he felt so much bigger due to the thickness of his cock and the size of his head. I pulled my mouth backwards towards the tip and sucked hard. I felt a huge throb in his shaft and his piss hole released a dribble of sweet tasting pre cum into my mouth. It trickled over my tongue like honey, teasing my taste buds until I swallowed it.

I repeated this movement several more times, each time I sucked I was rewarded with another spoonful of the sweet tasting liquid. I could hear Ben breathing harder and he was pushing his pelvis upwards, forcing more of his cock into my mouth. I guessed he maybe hadn’t had sex for sometime and he may not last too long but I didn’t want to stop. I quickly sat up and looked at him, I wanted him to know just what I wanted. “I want you to cum in my mouth.” I told him in a firm yet seductive tone.

Ben smiled, “God you're fucking hot!” He boomed as he put a hand on the back of my head and gently pushed me back down, spearing my mouth with his throbbing cock. He gripped my head in his huge hand, as if he were wrapping it around a basketball and began to bob my head up and down, almost fucking my mouth. He was firm, yet gentle, not wanting to scare or hurt me as he pushed me down a little further each time until finally his whole cock was entering my mouth, the tip, hitting the back of my throat and my lips being rasped by his course pubic hair.

Ben fucked my mouth quicker and quicker and one of my hands found his huge balls. They throbbed as I cupped them in my hand, feeling full and heavy. His thrusting got quicker and I could feel my own saliva dribbling from my mouth, running down his balls onto my hand. I used the sticky fluid to massage his balls a little harder and quicker. Ben suddenly held my head so just the head of his cock was in my mouth, clamped between my lips and he grunted as he began to tremble.

I knew what was coming and I squeezed Ben’s balls a little harder as I sucked hard on the head of his cock, so hard my cheeks sunk in. Ben growled loudly and his cock erupted in my mouth. Hot spunk spurting from his piss hole, splashing the inside of my cheeks and covering my tongue. My mouth quickly filled to the brim and I swallowed hard. The hot sticky, tasty liquid, which had now sank down my throat, warming my stomach was quickly replaced by another wave of his cum. I swallowed three times before the gushes of cum turned to a dribble and I continued to milk every drop of cum from Ben’s cock and balls until I could feel it softening and finally I let it slip from my mouth.

I sat up, and caught my breath. Ben was still panting, lay back in his seat, gently morning, “Oh fuck that was hot.”

“That was hot or I was hot?” I asked him.

“Oh fuck lady, you are hot.” He sad smiling.

“How hot.” I asked.

“Hot enough to fuck.” Ben said with an air of authority. I’d love to fuck your white pussy.”

My heart raced and I could feel my pussy juice leaking into my panties. I’m not being fucked in my car in my workplace parking garage, even on a weekend.” I told him.

Ben looked at me, his eyes boring into mine. “Come with me to the store room, it’s cosy and private.” he said in an almost gentile and seductive way.

My body trembled and my mind raced. “I wouldn’t! Would I?” I asked myself. Suddenly, through my quivering lips, I nervously said “OK Ben, take me to your room and fuck me!”

To be continued.........