AmandaConv.pngUpdated 18th July 2024:

Amanda had recently arrived at Browne University from the Middle East. She wanted to major in biology. She was 19, conservative, and dating an Arabic boy back home named Omar. It was a long-distance relationship, and her main goal in America was to expand her knowledge about the human body and, ideally, get a great job at a biotech company after graduating. Their plan was for him to join her once he finished his mandatory military service at home. Although she had only dated him for a little over a year, their relationship was deep and one of strong emotional connection. They had not consummated it, however, and Amanda remained a virgin. Amanda is naturally curvaceous with large breasts but hasn't received much male attention, certainly not from non-middle-eastern men. For the first few weeks, as she oriented herself around the campus, she struggled to make a meaningful circle of friends. The concept of house and frat parties was rather alien back home, so she instead busied herself in academia. The little time she did get, she would speak regularly to Omar or speak to her parents back home.

Over the months, down the hall in her dormitory, Jacinda, an African-American sorority girl, had made her presence known. With her vivacious personality and "girls just wanna have fun" attitude toward life, she used to eye Amanda in a peculiar manner each time they would pass. Although she and Amanda did chat at times, they came from different worlds. Both were high achievers back in high school, but Jacinda had made it known she wanted to spread her wings and create a strong network of fellow freshmen to see her through over the four years that lay ahead. It wasn't all about academics for her. Amanda, however, was very academically inclined.

Fast forward to today; it's Friday, the 13th, and Jacinda happens to be part of an African-American sorority that is holding a party at the Quad, a campus bar and cafeteria. She invites Amanda casually at the lifts to the'meet and greet' freshmen event.

Although Amanda at first rejects the request, citing her wanting to catch up with Omar, Jacinda pleads, "Come on, Mandy, don't you want to show off that booty?” sneakily winking at her.

Amanda doesn't know how to respond but says she will come for a while, but not past 9 p.m. Later, as both Jacinda and Amanda arrive at the quad, they notice heavy bass and R&B tunes ripping through the room, with many players of the varsity basketball and football teams mingling. Most were black, with a few Asians and white people. Particularly, she notices how the black men seem to be grinding on quite a few women, mostly white. About 45 minutes in, Amanda and Jacinda are on the peripheries of the dance floor, holding their cocktails and observing. Amanda is drinking a virgin pina colada, and Jacinda is having sex on the beach. Jacinda tells Amanda that she will be right back and enters the dance floor with some of her other sorority girl friends who gesture to her. Amanda feels a little nervous to be left alone, so she nervously smiles and starts to gaze around the room.

"WHAP"... Out of the blue, Amanda notices a strong, clenched hand on her right buttocks. She instinctively lunges forward to free herself.

"Jacinda, my, oh my, I didn't know you had such lovely foxes in your pack," shouts a large black man in a baritone voice behind Amanda.

Amanda turns around, finding herself staring at the chest of a 6ft 4 tall quarterback with thick vascular arms and a large chest. He isn't particularly attractive, but he is built like brick. Jacinda walks back over in Amanda's direction and quickly introduces Amanda to Jamal. Amanda looks up at Jamal but remains stoic in her expression, almost as if stricken with fear and disgust at his shameful act of groping her.

She follows up coyly, saying “Oh, hello," but ends the conversation there, excusing herself to go to the lavatory. Jamal reaches out and grabs Amanda’s right hand as she leaves, arresting her progress towards the loo. She looks back at him in disgust and yanks her hand out of his grip in disapproval. As she walks over to the restroom, she notices how sweaty his hand is and wipes it against her jeans.

In the women's lavatory she enters a cubicle and quickly locks the door, nervous, still trying to process what happened on the dance floor. She then proceeds to rummage through her purse to see if she can find her phone and call Omar. Noticing there is no connectivity, she sighs in frustration and squats down to relieve herself. As the droplets of her pee hit and the now very loud bass of the hip hop tune permeates through the bathroom, Amanda hears some clicking noises and a door shutting. Not thinking much of it, she gets up, flushes and exits the cubicle only to notice Jamal standing less than a foot away from her.

Amanda gasps, looking up saying "Wha....what do you want and why are you..."

"Just a taste girl' he interrupts as he steps in, too close for comfort.

"I think you got a very wrong impression. I am not into men like you and I have a boyfriend in the UAE" she retorts as she forcefully tries to swing past him towards the main door.

He catches her arm and this time tightens his grip very hard making her eke out a "oomph stop it, please do you want me to scream?!"

"You're at Browne. You're smarter than that. What do you mean by "men like me?" I can give you what no white or Arab could. Look at me" he says in his deep baritone voice. He next pushes her back into the cubicle and follows her in. Amanda is now trembling with fear starring up at him, their eyes locked.

"If you do anything to me, I will report you to the Dean. Now LET ME GO!" she raises her voice and as she does this he clasps his large right hand on her mouth, forcing her to only eke out muffled cries. He moves in on Amanda, decisively and splits her legs apart with his large left quads.

"Nooo bloody fucker...!" Amanda tries to resist. He immediately thrusts his hand down her pant, through her underwear. She hits him with both hands against his large chest. He pushes in closer to Amanda and starts to rub his large index finger up and down Amandas now, rather ******* clit. She shudders and screams "NO I DONT WANT THIS GET OFF OF ME!!"

Jamal continues to probe and tease her clit with his finger but is unable to probe it. "Shit Mandy you is a virgin. I'm going to enjoy this! he says in a sinister manner as he continues to try and incite some kind of bodily response in her.

"I'm going to take my hand off of your fucking mouth you hear me? If you scream, you won't be able to even file any report after I am done with you. Now shut the fuck up and let me show you something." he commands Amanda.

"I just STOP this oomph you fucking black psycho..I won't tell anyone just let me..." she pleads.

Jamal interrupts her mid sentence by taking his hand from her mouth and now cusps her breasts through her blouse. He starts to squeeze them and pinch her left nipple as he retorts "That's right you Arab conservative bitch. Let that inner racist out!".

"Please not his is not" Amanda whimpers as Jamal continues to manhandle her private parts.

"See bitch your nipple already be hard" he laughs. Amanda looks down and can see her left nipple has indeed responded to his overtures and is very sore and hard. She covers it up in shame immediately with her hand.

His phone buzzes, he looks down, temporarily stopping his rubbing of Amanda's clit (which is now red). He quickly puts his phone back and tells Amanda "clean up, we aren't done." and exits the lavatory.

Amanda kneels down on the cubicle floor and shuts the door, breaking down crying.

Around thirty minutes pass. Amanda collects herself and exits the lavatory and walks toward the bar. She gestures over to Jacinda and asks if she can leave. Jacinda smiles almost cheekily, and they leave together. As they do, Amanda notices Jamal starring her down, smiling. He surrounded by two other black men, who keep laughing and peering over at her as well. Jacinda, on the way back to the dorm, apologizes for Jamal's forward behavior. Amanda excuses herself, enters her dorm room, and breaks down in tears. She felt objectified and taken advantage of, and the only other men in her life who had had physical contact with her, heretofore, were her father and Omar.

*Something happened between now and the next chapter, 'The Fateful Evening' below, that you can read about in a never before published chapter called "Amanda gets broken in" here Amanda gets broken in (Hidden Chapter) | Amanda's Conversion

The Fateful Evening

After forcibly getting a taste of Amanda a few days ago, Jamal develops a particular obsession for Amanda over the weeks and repeatedly questions Jacinda about whether she will bring her again to another gathering. At the common laundromat in their dorm, Jacinda asks Amanda why she doesn't give it another shot, attempting to excuse Jamal for his forwardness.

She urges Amanda, "Amanda, listen, apparently he told Tyrone and Wesley, his wing men that night, that although you stopped the advance in the Quad that evening, he had, mistakingly, noticed how you held his hand sensually instead of slapping it away!"

Amanda retorts "This is how women from the Arab world are taught to treat the opposite sex: gentle but firm, "no means no," Jacinda! What did you want me to do? Slap him?" "Do you know what Jamal did to me in the toilet?!?! Or what he did to me later that night in YOUR room?!!"

It was part of their culture to not be abrasive. Jamal claims he had only approached her because she had eyed him a few times that night. In Amanda's mind, black guys were so different from where she came from, so it was genuine curiosity, not lust.

Jacinda says "I get that. I think you are closing your self out to opportunities by being this way Mandy. I'm one of their PPPs and its opened many doors for me."

Amanda questions "What is a PPP?!!" somewhat concerned.

Jacinda chuckles "A private, pleasure...pussy. I do them certain favours. They take care of my needs. Simple."

Amanda now shocked, retorts "That's good for you. I don't intend on being anyones prostitue on campus or having casual sex!"

Jacinda chuckles again "Call it what you want but you did get a taste of what I get pretty regularly. Tell me you didn't like it? I would be wise to reserve judgement. We have a saying here in America; once you go black you dont go back."

Amanda was speechless.

Nonetheless, she decided to let bygones be bygones and accompany Jacinda another time to a freshmen event, this time for Halloween. She makes it clear to Jacinda, however, that she has no interest in other men and is in love with Omar, her boyfriend back home. If anything similar happens again, she will have no choice but to get Student Affairs and the Dean involved.

Later that evening, around 9 p.m., Amanda and Jacinda are sitting with some freshmen around the main lounge area in the house where the frat party is taking place. Amanda can see from the corner of her eye that Jamal and his boys are there as well. She catches them casually glancing at her now and then. Although Jamal is intently trying to catch Amanda's gaze, the other two men, Wesley and Tyrone, keep staring at her ******* feet, legs, and directly at her breasts. Tyrone has even developed a very visible bulge but Amanda intently pretends to not notice it, out of sheer fear.

“These boys are literally undressing me with their eyes. Pathetic,” she thinks to herself.

She knows that staring back may lead them on, so she immediately stops and strictly focuses her attention on Jacinda and some of the Asian boys around the table.

Jamal unashamedly walks over and offers to fill Jacinda's now nearly empty cup.

Amanda sighs, "Not again..." and doesn't make eye contact as she doesn't want to lead him on.

He notices this and slowly kneels on one knee, meeting her at eye level. The look is stern. She slowly moves her gaze from his shoes up to his legs and to his eyes. Both have stoic expressions. He takes and holds Amanda's hand out with her cup and forcibly pours her some cocktail from a glass that Wesley hands him. In disapproval, Amanda puts the cup with alcohol to her side. Jamal moves closer to Amanda and says,

"Somethings are inevitable. We have unfinished business."

He then gets up and leaves with his boys, Wesley and Tyrone. Both turn around and smirk, looking at Amanda. She feels visibly unnerved and shaken. Minutes later, Amanda feels slightly uneasy and starts to get very tired. She feels a rush of adrenaline, and the room around her starts to fade into a blur. She can see some of the Asian boys and Jacinda gesturing to her, asking if she's okay, and then everything goes dark. Amanda passes out on the red couch. Jacinda doesn't seem alarmed and just smiles, winking at some men in the distance. A few hours pass.

The Ordeal

The next thing Amanda notices is a blur with some dark figures laughing above her. She slowly comes to and can feel tingling in her arms and breasts, some pain in her legs and groin area, and looks at the wall light attached to the ceiling. She's now totally present and notices the wall light moving up and down. In reality, it is she who is being pushed and pulled violently as she lays on what seems to be a wooden table. She glances down and can see her stomach covered with pools of a white, gooey substance. She witnesses both her breasts flopping up and down and to the left and right. Her nipples are erect to the extent that they feel sore, and one of them is being sucked on by Wesley and the other is being groped by Tyrone. She notices how big these boys are now that they are all naked. Their black, glistening bodies pose a stark contrast to her olive, slightly colored one. Her attention quickly turns to her aching groin, and she now understands the cause. Jamal's big, black, glistening 11-inch penis is thrusting into her vagina, which he is holding open using his two hands. The strokes are slow but firm, and each time he thrusts into her, she feels a pang of pain.

She starts to scream as the reality of what is happening dawns on her: "Noooaahh, god, noooaaahhh, plea."

This desperate cry excites Jamal, and he speeds up his thrusts, causing Amanda's breasts to whap and slosh around even faster. Jamal's large quadriceps muscles keep slapping Amanda's hamstrings as her legs are being held up by his large arms and hands. "Whap, whap, whap, whap."

With each thrust, she gets pushed back and gasps. He next takes one of her feet and tries to shove it in his large mouth. His lips are large and engorged. He viciously starts sucking her toes and biting them.

He bites down hard, causing Amanda to wince and moan, "Uhn. Uhn, no, please, this hurts."

She looks to the drawer in the distance behind Jamal, and her wet pants with with stains lie lifeless along with her stiletto shoes.

She rolls her eyes back in disgust, sadness, and humiliation but notices how Jamal's black cock, which is thrusting in and out of her violently, is now covered in a white, creamy substance. It's different from the now-colorless goo on her stomach she had noticed earlier. That must have been their ejaculate, and this is her own jizz. Amanda had never masturbated before, let alone experienced any orgasm. What is happening to her is unfathomable! She intently stares at the giant black dick throbbing in and out of her vagina in pure horror.

"WHATP, OH NO STOP, WHAP, PLEASE NO, THWAP," she begs as the sounds of Jamal's things slap against her hamstrings and vagina.

His thrusts become harder, and the other men start to laugh while Amanda starts to moan but also expresses her discontent at the situation.

Jamal exclaims, "That's right, you black cock slut! I could...UGH... see it in your eyes... Amanda, at the Fresheners event...FUCK YES....UGH.. and now look at you—you're coming on my black dick bitch. That's your cream right there, in case you're wondering. Your boyfriend never made you come; heck, he didn't even fuck you. You like that pussy juice on my big black cock? I almost made you orgasm the other night when I broke you in, tonight you'll be begging us to stop making you cum!"

Amanda can't stop moaning in pain but manages to interrupt, "Noahh, please stop Jamal! I let you have a....uhhhnn...taste the other night so you wouldn't do this to me now. JUST STOP!"

Before she knows it, Tyrone, to Amanda's left, places his 10-inch curved black cock on her face and shouts, "Suck it!".

She purses her lips in disgust, shunning them away. Wesley, to her right, slaps her once, "WHAP," twice, "SLAP," and "open your mouth, Amanda.".

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She now complies with hesitation as he starts to get her lipstick all over her face and his cock. Amanda is now choking on Tyrone's curved cock, "guck guck guck," while Jamal is piston-ramming her pussy with cock cream falling over Amanda's legs and onto the table. The three black men continue to thrust their cocks into her mouth, vagina, and breasts while occasionally biting down on her hard, red nipples.

Each time they laugh or moan in excitement, she moans back, "Nooooahn, you can't do this," and clasps her hands at her breasts, trying to protect them.

She even tries to push Jamal's large quads away from her as he relentlessly keeps thrusting in her deeper and harder. Her olive-skinned, small feminine hands against his large tree trunks of legs only serve to paint a stark contrast between an animal having his way with his prey. This contrast and her pushing him away make him even more horny.

Jamal's thrusts intensify, and Amanda now grimaces in fear, "Noahhhh, please, please pull out. I have a boyfriend!"

Jamal responds breathlessly. "Fuck him; your pussy and body belong to us... take it… eayhhHHH"

Jamal briefly pulls out as he can't contain himself now, holding Amanda's legs at her ankles firmly, with her feet placed firmly against his big chest, her pussy glistening and throbbing in her cum and his cum. She glances down at his cock hovering above her vagina, throbbing and bobbing up and down in unison with his chest as he takes heavy breaths. The blood supply to his penis is very visually apparent to her. He taunts her open and very red vagina by guiding the tip of his black cock over her labia.

She knows what's going to happen next. Only this time she can't escape. Without much warning, he then thrusts his black cock back in, and Amanda moans loudly and begins to cry. He comes hard inside her, screaming, and this makes her scream in disgust. Both scream in unison. One in pleasure, the other in pain and shame.

Wesley demands, "How many times did you come, Amanda? Don't you lie to be a bitch. I saw those eyes and your legs shaking."

She responds breathless. "I didnt. I didn't come, you basta.... You are rapeing me!"

Tyrone stops sucking on her tits, which by now have small traces of lactate coming of them, and walks over to her spread-out legs that are lying lifeless after Jamal's shellacking and says, "If you didn't come then, you're going to come hard on my curved black cock. It's 14 inches measured last week, hun, and it's going to make you feel things you can't comprehend."

Amanda starts to scream as his cock looks like something out of a horror movie. Tyrone picks Amanda's lifeless legs up with her feet facing towards the ceiling. Jamal, still holding his now increasingly limp cock with cum dripping out, immediately starts to suck on her left foot's toe. Tyrone slowly places the penis head at the head of her vagina and gives a tiny thrust.

Amanda moans in disgust. "Stop it, you awful..... Nooauhh. STOP. You're going to get me pregnant!"

He repeats this motion, in and out, and she keeps moaning. "That's right, girl. Your mind may say no, but your body says yes. Look at you dripping all over my black cock!" he smugly says.

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Tyrone collects Amanda's legs and crosses them on her stomach, with her feet facing Jamal to her left and Wesley to her right. He holds her arms with just one of his hands on her stomach, pinning her in place, and plunges his thick, curved cock into her throbbing pussy. She tries to resist, but the black men are too virile and too strong for what has now become their fuck toy. This specific position exposes her G spot vulnerably for the black dicks to assault, and she instantly starts screaming—this time in pleasure—and starts gyrating her hips in unison with Tyrone's thrusts.

Soon cream starts to line his cock too, and this time she starts to squirt uncontrollably, tilting her head down and looking at her pussy's reaction in shock and awe. She squeals, "What are you boys doing to me? Uhhhh, ohh, yeah, uhh. wow. Oh god, I can't. I can't. Im having an orga.... orca....OHH UHHH YEAHH. So hard, Tyrone. Noh, NOOOH NO NO NO NO. OH GOD. I AM GOING TO...OH GOD!"

Jamal keeps twisting her nipple to squeeze out drops of lactate and responds, "You're being converted to a black cock slut. You have what my boys and I need." Tyrone pulls out and spares Amanda an impregnation, which comes hard on her belly. The spray of his man juice is so virile and potent that it flies in her eyes, hair, and even some falls behind her head on the floor. He comes for what seems like 5 minutes straight. Amanda, at this point, has nearly passed out, and her legs and pussy have been quivering for what seems like 10 minutes.

Wesley laughs, "Bitch, we knew you were ready for this. Those Mediterranean tits and pussy need a home. But we aren't done yet, slut!".

Amanda glances over at Wesley, wondering what on earth could lie ahead.

Suddenly, however, her phone rings, and Tyrone walks over to it, glances at the display, and mutters, "Omar is calling from what seems like a foreign country.".

"Nooooah, pl... plhh, thats my," Amanda pants as she is still recovering from the quivering orgasm Tyrone gave her minutes ago.

The boys look at each other and smile. Wesley clicks 'Reiect' and activates the video mode on the camera.

He walks over to Amanda, and the other man starts cheering him on and laughing, "Jamal, you savage.".

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He starts to record Amanda as she lies there on the table with pools of cum on her feet, legs, belly, fingers, arms, and hands, some on her neck, lips, evebrows, and clumps of her hair stuck together with now-drying cum from other ejaculates from earlier.

Amanda's quivering continues. Tyrone remarks, "Get all of that on video for Omar.".

Amanda doesn't respond as she is still in the final throws of what seems like a final quivering orgasm. "Uhhhh uhhhnnnn uhhnnn my orgasm...isnt...isnt UHHn UUHnn...stopping... and you aren't even fucking me anymore," she moans in her breathy melodic voice. "Bu...but please, oh god, don't show any video of this to anyone."

"We'll do whatever the fuck we want," Wesley yells back. "Just look at your vagina and the state of you, Amanda. Your pussy belongs to us, and we didn't even get started this time with your ass. Heck, you barely even squirted.

"Noooaahh, I can't answer..." Amanda retorts as she crouches up on the table.

Her breasts are now less red from the rampage, and some drops of cum are still falling off of her nipples. "My body is mine, and this will never happen again. I hope you all understand this. I need to take a pregnancy test!" Amanda exclaims.

All the men laugh in unison and leave the room. Amanda's heart starts to sink when she thinks about what they may do with the videos they recorded. At least for now, though, she sighs in relief that her ordeal is over.

It is Darkest Before Dawn

The room was now quiet for an hour, and Amanda got up off the table; she had been fucked relentlessly for hours. As she gathered her clothes from around the table, she was also trying to locate her phone, which couldn't be found. She felt misery at the fact that she and Omar had stayed true to their father's wishes of abstaining from sexual relations before marriage. This wasn't a mere slip-up by her. Amanda had gone from a virgin to a full-blown black man's fuck toy in one of the most animalistic fuck sessions one could imagine, and this started to dawn on her quickly; so many thoughts were running through her head that she didn't know what to do or what to think. She was worried, scared, brutalized, objectified, sexualized, predated upon. Most of all, she hated the fact that she had experienced her first real orgasms this way. She had, against her will, been made to become their "PPP" - private, pleasure pussy.

She looked down at the streaks of dried cum near her pussy that had started to crust over. Some were running down her breasts onto her navel, some down her legs.

"I'll never be the same; my life may just as well be ruined. Those miserable animals had their way with me." she lamented to herself.

Once she put her shoes on, she went on all fours and crouched down to see if the phone was under the sofa or elsewhere. She was on all fours at this point. She couldn't find the phone, so she immediately thought the bastards had taken it. She started to cry uncontrollably but then collected herself, left the room quickly, and then, subsequently, entered the frat house, which was totally empty. She noticed the time as she looked over at her watch. It was 5:10 a.m. Confused, she thought to herself that it would be best to head over to the medical office once it had opened at 9 a.m. to file a formal report. She walked to her dormitory.

To be continued.