Welcome kind readers, we are your humble Author and Narrator. We hope you will be kind as this is our first attempt at a narrative form but even more important, it is your humble Narrator’s first attempt to guide and give voice to a tale such as this! A tale of tragedy and sorrow for our heroes, yet, a tale of such debauchery and evil betrayals that... But, I am getting ahead of our story, let’s begin.

Our Main Characters.

The Narrator, me, I will tell the story, you know like that play… 'Our Town' but with hot white wives, big black cocks, and wimpy defeated white-boi, husbands! So, no one tell Thornton Wilder our humble author stole his literary device for moving the story forward when he gets stuck! I don’t think he would like it and I would hate to be forced out before my job is done!

The 'Reverend Martin Whytfolk' is our hero, a man of faith, a humble servant of his congregation. He is a clear-eyed, middle-aged happily married ****** man in relatively good shape for your average middle-aged male. He has blonde hair, thinning but his 46-year-old face is still smooth, with no worry lines... yet. Our hero believes himself to be truly blessed having never had a real problem, all his major life decisions: career, spouse, and children behind him without a bump or complaint. He feels safe and settled based on his past and present he reasons that all will continue as it always has been with the Lord’s peaceful blessings!

Mrs. Angie Whytfolk our heroine is our hero's loyal and loving spouse. She is an exceptional beauty whose 41 years and the gentle life of a good wife and mother have only enhanced all her attempts at respectable haircuts. Her doubter soccer mom outfits cannot hide her voluptuous form, large firm breasts, and the roundness of her backside. She is 5’10", 130 pounds of long-legged physical perfection. Her dark black hair pulled back reveals her pale, clear skin, delicate neck, high cheekbones, smallish nose, and sultry green eyes. Yes, our hero is a lucky man indeed! Lucky because up until our tale unfolds she is all he believes her to be deeply in love with her husband, at peace with the lord and the simple life he and Martin provide.

Devon Terrell “The Bull” Blackmon our villain is an NFL running back. He is 6’2”, 210 pounds of black alpha male perfection. The official story of the bull’s nickname is explained in the press as “Since his college playing days any defender Stupid enough to step in front of this powerful and gifted bull of a runner would get the horns,” our hero is about to find out that anyone who gets in between Dev and his goal “GETS THE HORNS” so to speak. He is all that the villain of a tale like ours must be a superior representation of his black race powerful, muscled, ripped, very well endowed (as we shall see) charismatic, he is also a proud, driven man. A man who gets what he wants can be amazingly crafty in his determination to close a deal, a trickster. He is a man who believes not only in his physical superiority but the superiority of his race in general, especially sexual superiority! A message he spreads with great effect on those around him!

Eve, the new neighbor, is the MILF baby mama of our villain. She has recently moved across the street from our hero. The strange activity at her home has aroused the curiosity and concern of our innocent hero and is her perceived situation that drives our tragic tale. Eve and Dee Jr. have moved out of her home separating from but not leaving her poor husband and their child and into a new home provided by her man, Dev.

Adam the husband to the new neighbor, every man. A football fan who thought it was the day of his life when D. Terrell “The Bull” moved into the big house next door to him. His sad fate has left him nothing of his old life, he moves through our story like a specter, an unheeded warning to our hero!

The children Oh stop. We are fully aware children have no place in a tale like this. Nevertheless, our characters are grown married people and grown married people do tend to have children. So, for the sake of good references, Dee Jr. is the illegitimate son of Dev and Eve, Annabel is the 8-year-old ******** of Adam and Eve, and Angelica is Martin and Angie's 20-year-old recently married ********. Only the adult child, Angelica’s presence in our story, while sparse, may be uncomfortable, we shall see!

The Onyx Club Staff: Jamal, Tre, Mal, and of course, Big Joey!

The setting and a little background on the lives of our heroes? Our tale unfolds in a predominately white upper-middle-class Midwestern Town, as it should. Our couple resides in the home provided to the Reverend and his ****** by his congregation just to the side of his Church. Our hero inherited a large safe congregation from his late father who retired and proudly turned over his congregation to his son and beautiful 19-year-old wife on the day he graduated from Seminary College. His flock immediately accepted him and has faithfully served them and the Lord for over twenty-one years. As you may have guessed, Angie quit her community college and left her ****** home to be with and help the man she loved to build a life in the lord’s service. Soon, Angelica arrived and life went on as expected for the next 21 years 4 months, and several days, until…

“Honey,” Angie called out to her husband as she watched the moving men sitting on the bench in front of the small bay window in their modest living room, “I think someone is moving into the monstrosity house across the street.”

“Really,” came her Husband’s muffled reply from deep within their house, the surprise genuine, they always felt the large, overly modern home a blight on their lovely neighborhood and thought it would never be occupied.

“I think we have a new mom,” Angie continued as she watched a lovely young woman holding a large baby heavily bundled in her arms as she followed the movers in and out of the house.

“How nice,” said Martin as he stepped up to his wife’s side, “We should invite them over, as soon as they are settled.”

“Them, I haven’t seen a husband?”

“Even more reason to wait a bit.”

“Martin, I swear, sometimes you can be so old-fashioned!”

“Ha, I guess you’re right, OK, Husband or not let’s put a welcome basket together and welcome our new neighbor after the movers leave.”

Several hours passed and our happy couple had readied themselves to meet the new neighbor with a prepared welcome basket of Angie’s baked goods, flowers, canned goods, and necessities for every home. The latter was provided by the Church bought in advance, using the Church’s New Neighbor Welcome Fund that is kept in the Church basement. However, had they stayed at their window a little longer, they might have seen an older model minivan pull up just before the movers left and seen a slumped, sad, and tired-looking man get out with a lovely little blonde-haired girl and pensively make their way into the house and thought better of heading over but they didn’t and so there they were smiling standing on the front porch of a house Martin holding the basket, Angie ringing her new neighbor bell… Surprise!

“Yes,” the lovely blond said as she opened the door, a look of surprise and apprehension.

“Hi, yes... we are your neighbors from across the street.” Angie started using her arms to draw the woman’s attention to their little home just to the side of their church, “I’m Angie and the man holding the basket is my husband, Martin… he is the Minister to our Church and we wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood!”

“Oh… well how nice,” the blonde nervously replied for a tense moment they all stood staring, “Well, come in… yes… come in, goodness, my manners!” The three entered a small luxurious hallway turned from a grand stairway and into the oversized great room. They all stopped abruptly as the sad man and the little girl stepped out. Surprised, but, undeterred, Martin placed the basket on a nearby table, “Err…Hi, I’m Martin,” he held out his hand to the man, who quietly shook it, “This is my wife, Angie…”

“That is my husband Adam, and our little Annabel, Oh my, yes and I’m Eve. how silly, Adam bring some lemonade for my new neighbors,” and with that, weakly smiling Adam retreated to the kitchen.

“So... where’s the newest member of your ******, where is the baby? We saw you with him on the porch while the movers were here,” Angie exclaimed in the way all women do when speaking of babies.

“Oh! How did you know that he, was a he, I mean?” Eve asked as she gently took Angie’s hand walking her to another part of the ridiculously large room.

“Just a lucky guess.”

“Here he is, Dee Jr.,” Angie stopped in her tracks, looking up at her was a beautiful black baby boy, smiling and bouncing at the sight of his mommy and her new friend.

“Oh, he is a gorgeous little man, Angie gushed more to cover the shock that she knew was on her face.

“Yup!” Eve said enjoying the game she was playing with her new neighbors, it always excited the naughty women, her sexy face flushing, and she could feel her puffy nipples becoming visible revealing the shapeliness of her large breasts, under her baggy shirt, “Gorgeous, just like his father!”

“His father,” Angie asked as Martin entered with a shocked expression still lingering on his face. Adam holding a drink tray with a pitcher and some glasses entered from the other side of the room, “Did you adopt,” Eve was smiling, staring directly into the eyes of her husband.

She seemed to chuckle before answering, “Adopt, no, no, I’m Dee’s Mommy, he is mine and Dev’s… Dev is Dee Jr.’s Daddy. Dev bought us this house and Dev is my man.” Adam placed the tray on an end table and retreated from the room, Eve’s eyes never left him until he was gone. Martin was sure there was a look of complete satisfaction on her lovely young face.

“Your Man?” asked Angie caught like a butterfly in a web.

“That’s right, my man, he likes to say he wanted me so he simply took me. Ha... ha, can you believe that? I guess he is sort of right, I mean… here I am but it wasn’t like that… it was my choice. I love Adam and he loves me but Dev… he came into our lives… and well, this is the way it is now. I really can’t explain it any better, Dev could, but I really can’t,” Eve turned her blue eyes directly into Angie’s green ones, “It’s something you must experience to understand!”

So, now you know how our tragedy begins.

After some time Adam returned and while Eve held Dee Jr. and Annabel played they all laughed and talked, it seemed for a short time it was all normal enough.

Soon, Angie and Martin were home, Martin declaring he would pray for guidance in the morning. They ate and held each other a little closer as they watched television and went to an untroubled sleep. They missed the sad man and his ******** leaving in their minivan early the next morning. They did hear the loud thumping base as a gaudy black Cadillac Escalade with shiny rims pulled into Eve’s driveway and the large black man opened her door and entered her house shutting the door behind him, Dev was home.

‘What is going on over there?’ Martin was pondering as he stood drinking his coffee looking out the same bay window. Loud music pulsed and thumped its way through the closed windows of Eve’s home and he could hear the loud groans and screams of a woman. Angie had retreated to the back of the house, a look of horror and disgust on her face as the strange noises disturbed their morning routine but he couldn’t be sure what was happening as he had never heard a woman make those noises.

Of course, we know what was happening don’t we good readers? Now, let’s jump ahead a few hours, Eve’s home is now quiet and it is approaching dinner time in the Whytfolk’s neighborhood, it was at that moment the Reverend’s home phone rang, “Hello?” Martin said and suddenly an anxious and troubled countenance drew Angie’s attention and she watched her husband try to squirm his way out of this very unwanted call, “Yes, well I don’t know if we can. Well, that is good of him still it is short notice... what? No, no I do err… we do… it’s just… well, I guess what time? Okay, in one hour see you then.”

“Who on earth was that?”


“How did she get our number?”

“The gift basket, we always put my card in... remember?”

“What did she want?”

“She invited us to dinner, she says Dev wants to meet us, he wants to thank us for making his babies feel so welcome to their new neighborhood.”

“I can’t, I won’t, not after this morning, It’s disgusting!”

“Now love, we must be strong. Always remember, our love and the good lord will see us through!”

"Martin, do you think we should? I mean meet this Dev, won’t that mean we are condoning what Eve is doing to Adam and little Annabel?”

“I can’t see how hiding will fix anything, I think it is more important to be a good example for Eve! Maybe, our good example will show her the way back to her ******. Yes… I think the lord wants us to face this man. I think he wants us to teach this evil man a lesson with our love and our example.”

“If you’re sure, I will go get ready.”

Someone should remind our hero that the good lord helps those who help themselves and even more importantly, pride goeth before a fall. Let us move to Eve’s home where the introductions have been made and much to their surprise the Whytfolks are having a good time. It turns out Dev is quite the charmer, both Angie and Martin’s apprehension seems to have vanished and their fear of this brutish black man has changed into for Martin at least, admiration. Dinner is done, and our couples sit, drinking wine, and talking as soft music plays through some hidden sound system. Martin and Dev challenge each other as their ladies sit by their side and here is where it gets interesting…

“You can say it,” Dev’s deep voice boomed out to the whole room, “You think what we did was wrong.”

“You can’t think it was right?” Martin countered.

And it was on!

“Yes, of course, it was right, it happened 'cause that’s what's supposed to happen.”

“What does that even mean? Pardon me, Eve,” Martin said looking at Eve and taking her in again he still could not get over the difference between the lovely but conservative woman he met with her husband yesterday and the woman before him. She was wearing yoga pants and a tight blouse showing off her figure, her hair blown out and her makeup done to express the wantonness of her mouth and eyes, “That it was fine to take this woman from her husband and child?”

“Martin!” Angie objected.

“That’s okay, Angie it doesn’t bother us,” Dev said as he gently touched Angie’s knee with his enormous hand silencing her while looking into her eyes causing her to visibly shiver, “I didn’t take her Adam can see her anytime he wants,” Dev smirked, “It’s that I’m a better man and it’s only right that woman would choose the better man, isn’t that right, babe?”

“Damn right and you certainly are the better man, Dev!” Eve joined in rubbing her hand up and down the huge black man’s chest.

“The better men.”

“Now, what does that mean?”

“Why, black men,” Dev was in his element now, “You see, Martin, women, all women instinctively want the best possible man for breeding and those men have always been black men. We are the strongest and most well-endowed men on the planet, therefore women will always take the opportunity to breed with a black man, no matter what their relationships may be and every black man must breed as many women as possible. So, Eve did what was in her nature and I did the same. If people got hurt, blame nature, blame god, not us!”

“You can’t believe that’s true,” Angie said in a shocked whisper.

“Of course, it’s true,” Dev laughed, “Ask her,” he said pointing at Eve.

“I’m afraid Dev’s right, I can’t resist and Adam understands that!”

“Well, I guess it’s up to me to prove you wrong, Dev, and the proof is so simple it’s us, Angie and me, our love and our faith prove you are wrong. To coin a biblical phrase, 'We cleave only unto each other,' always have and always will.”

“Well, I guess you have me there, Martin,” Dev said his dark eyes boring into Angie, “You two certainly have been proving me wrong, until now,” as Martin sat back in triumph, Angie felt a wave of dread wash over her, ‘Oh Martin, what did you do to us?’

The rest of the evening returned to normal, sort of, let’s say Angie was never so happy to be once again safe at home. That night’s sleep was not so restful but at least it couldn’t get any weirder.

Then the next day…

“Angie! Come here, please,” Martin was once again standing in front of their bay window, this time watching.

"Hey Hon, what’s up,” Angie asked entering the room.

“Okay, Dev left, you should go over and speak to Eve,” Martin said still staring out the window.

“WHAT! Are you crazy, Martin,” Angie stood stunned by her husband’s request.

“No Angie, Dev is gone and Adam isn’t there either, I don’t think she would be open to me if I tried to talk to her,” he took his wife’s hand. “I can’t…we can’t help her if we don’t know what’s going on, so it has to be you, you will have to go over and talk to her.”

“If you’re sure that’s what we should do?

“I am.”

Angie picked up the phone hit the last number received button and when Eve picked up our faithful wife invited herself over. Martin told her he would keep busy while she was gone Angie changed and left. Martin sat down on the bay window bench and watched his wife enter the monstrosity of a house and never move until a very shaken Angie exited the house. He then jumped up and sat down on the couch just as his wife came through the door,
“Well,” Martin asked his wife as she entered the living room. Angie didn’t seem to hear or even see him and then noticed him all of a sudden, “Angie, are you all right? You look…”

“Huh, yeah… I need some time to myself, I need a moment, we’ll talk after I shower,” Angie said bounding up the stairs like a deer.

“Angie,” Martin whined as his wife fled upstairs to the shower. ‘What the hell just happened?’ Martin slumped down facing the TV but had no interest in watching as he listened to the shower water run.

After about 45 minutes the water stopped, he heard the bathroom door open and Angie’s light footsteps moving across the floor, “Martin, can you come up here?”

He got to the top of the stairs as quickly as he could, “Angie, babe are you in here,” he entered their bedroom. His wife was in a towel lying on their freshly made bed, her back to him looking out the window. He was nervous as he sat on the bed.

Angie had never behaved this way ever, “It’s all true, Martin. She’s trapped, she can’t get away from him, she won’t even try and her husband is useless!” Angie’s breathing was becoming ragged.

“We’ll help her, hon. We’ll find a way!”

Angie turned into Martin’s chest clutching at her husband as she continued, “He took her, Martin. He took her right in front of him. He made her his right in front of him, right in their living room!” Angie was pulling at her towel now, tossing it away.


Angie’s face came up to his, her green eyes were wild, “He took her, Martin! He came into their home and he… he fucked her, fucked her right in front of him… HE FUCKED HER AND HE MADE HER HIS. MARTIN, OH GOD FUCK ME, FUCK ME MARTIN, I NEED IT, I WANT IT, I WANT IT, DADDY… MARTIN NOW PLEASE! Martin now fully caught up and more excited than he had ever been before pulled off his pants and pushed his very average 4” very familiar penis into his wife. "YESSS… FUCK ME HARDER and for the first time, the Reverend Whytfolk, heard a woman make noises like that. After it was over Angie returned to the shower this time for a longer period. Martin made a light dinner neither spoke about what had passed between them, except for Martin’s errand comment that they should both seek private counsel with the Lord.

Now you would think our hero would finally see that giant, red, flashing warning sign in his wife’s green eyes but alas no. Our hero blatantly ignores his relationship to focus on Adam and Eve. He grandly decides that they were weak, that Dev exploited them and it was his and Angie’s Christian duty, it was their WHITE Christian duty to drive this evil black man away, to shame him by proving his outrageous beliefs were disgusting lies.

That is how despite Angie’s wariness of Eve’s motives we find Eve and Dev sitting on the Whytfolk’s patio sipping wine, Dev in rapt conversation with his host sitting opposite him.

Eve and Angie were returning to the patio after placing the dinner dishes into the dishwasher when they saw their men once again beginning the conversation about Dev’s beliefs. It was a cool spring evening but Angie felt perspiration trickling down her spine and a sheen forming on her forehead while her nipples tightened. She also felt the now familiar throb of her pussy and finally, she realized she was sitting not with Martin, but with Dev and Eve. Dev was seated between them. She finds herself looking into the earnest face of her husband as he makes the same argument of his and Angie’s faithful and unbreakable love proofing all of Dev’s lies, once again. But this time, rather than admitting defeat, Dev smiled his broad perfectly, white toothy smile, and gently placed his hand on Angie’s Knee, as he turned to her. His touch in the growing darkness, goes unnoticed by Martin. “So, what you are saying is, if I can get you and Angie to willingly experience what Adam and Eve have experienced, you will admit I’m right,” Dev said calmly ignoring the tension in the air directly to Angie.

“Certainly, that is not what I am saying,” Martin said loudly enough to draw Dev’s attention back to him. Angie looking across to Eve hoping for help saw her new friend leering at her as she pressed herself sensuously in Dev’s powerful arm. Angie dropped her eyes to the ground her breathing heavy, she couldn’t admit to herself the effect this conversation was having on her. “You are not saying you are superior, you are saying your race is superior, right,” Martin continued trying to regain the upper hand.

“That’s right.”

“Well, not that I think you could but even if you did seduce Angie and get me to somehow accept it that would only prove that you are the superior man not that yours is the superior race.” Martin sat back unable to hide his self-satisfied smile from the group. With one well-placed point, he had not only shut down this absurd argument but he had taken away any attempt Dev might have to use this nonsense to seduce his wife.

It was then that Eve said as if on cue, “Excuse me, I’m afraid I’m off to the little girl’s room,” and up she rose her tight clothes clinging to her voluptuous form and with an exaggerated wiggling walk she re-entered the house.

“Well,” Dev started up again, “I guess you got me again, Martin. Man, you are a hard man in a fight,” but Dev did not sound like a man acknowledging defeat, “Hey didn’t you say that you guys were going to Nevada for some type of convention?”

“Why yes, we are going to our three-day annual ecumenical convention, in Paradise Nevada.”

“How far is that from Vegas?”

“Only a few miles, why?”

“Well, I think we can settle this after all,” Dev said once again grinning like the Cheshire cat in the darkness. Angie now looking on desperately wanting her poor husband to shut up, Dev’s hand still on her knee. “Your point is well taken, Martin so I propose a little wager.”

“What? What kind of wager?”

“Well, you are going to be finished with your convention by Monday, right?"


“There is a special club in Vegas it’s run by some folks I know, you know, believe what I believe and all that.”

“Wait a minute, what kind of setup is this?”

“Setup? No this isn’t any kind of setup. I won’t even be there, I won’t even tell them I sent you. Here is what I propose, I will Pay for you and Angie to stay at a nice Hotel and your car rental so you guys can get around and I’ll pay your entrance fees to get into the Onyx Club and…”

“Onyx Club? What on earth is that, I’m not taking my wife into some nightclub to have men grind on her while we go deaf from the music!”

“No, no it’s not like that It’s a sort of Cabaret for nice white married couples like you guys... look, it will be completely fair if I won’t be there. I’ll pay the entrance fee but once you're inside everything on the menu is ala carte and the only person who can buy off the menu is you, Martin. So, no tricks, You guys have to play along with entry rules to get in and watch the show anything else that might or might not happen will be up to you and nothing will happen unless you pay for it first so there is no way for it to be anybody else’s choice but yours and Angie’s and believe me what’s on the menu ain’t going to be cheap!”

“So, we go watch this show and when nothing happens we get what exactly?”

“You mean besides a free week in Vegas?” Dev said, pretending to think things over, “How… about Eve? I will give her back to Adam and leave them alone.”

“You would do that, leave her… I mean, them alone?”

“Sure, why not, I can always find another woman.”

“What do you want from us?”

“Ha… you mean when you lose?”

“Yes, that.”

“Well… let me think… just this… you both have to tell me I was right, right about everything then…” Dev turned to Angie again, “I want her… I want Angie to tell me everything that happened to her and I want her to tell me how she felt while it was happening!”

“You’re a disgusting pervert,” Martin said through gritted teeth, Angie said nothing.

“Hey, take it easy, it’s not like it’s going to happen, right? It’s not like you can lose, I mean what’s the worst that can happen here you have one weird night then you get to hang by a nice big pool and get room service to forget all about it. You come home and I’m gone, Hell I’ll even let Eve keep the house. She’s been a good girl and I want my son to grow up nice, What’s to worry about?”

“You think we won’t take your bet is that it? You think we doubt our love for each other, our marriage, our faith?”

“I don’t know, do you... Do we have a BET?”

“Martin nooo!” Angie cried out jumping away from Dev’s hand and finally finding her voice.

“It will be fine, Angie,” Martin stood turning her to face him, “He doesn’t know it yet but he can’t win. We have each other and our love and our faith to see us through, whatever vile thing he shows us it won’t change that. More importantly, we have to see it through for Adam and Eve’s sake and because he must be proved wrong!” Martin said directing his last comment to Dev.

“Well said, Martin. So, do we have a bet?”


“Angie, we have a bet?”

“Yes…” came the weak reply, and then Angie bit her lip as another wave of sexual pleasure jolted through her loins.

“So, what did I miss?” Eve said sitting back down next to Dev.

Well, that didn’t take long, into Dev’s trap our hapless happy couple strolls. It is now Wednesday night, three days after the end of the good Reverend’s Convention our hero, Rev. Martin Whytfolk sits in his Tux looking dapper while his beautiful wife, Angie fresh from her salon makeover has retired to the bathroom to change into her costume for their night out a gift from their new neighbor graciously received?

On Monday, when they checked into the room Dev paid for there was an envelope waiting with a note informing them that their appointment at the Onyx Club was for 8 p.m. Wednesday and that a car would arrive at 4:30 to pick up Mrs. Whytfolk for her prepaid salon and makeover appointment at 7 pm outfits for the evening would arrive. They must not alter or change Mrs. Whytefolk’s makeup, hairstyle, or outfits for that night, any alterations would deny them entry to the club. Finally, they would be notified when the limousine was ready to take them to the club.

"So, gentle reader Wednesday at 7:30 pm, we find our hero sitting and pondering his fate."

‘How did we get here? Yes, it is our Christian duty to help save Eve, and Dev challenged our relationship, he goaded me, it was an obvious ploy so why are we going along with this? Angie must feel it too I’ve seen it in her eyes, the excitement, dangerous, sexual excitement. Oh, what am I thinking there isn’t a better more loyal, loving woman in the world than Angie. We raised our ******** to be a young married woman staying true to our beliefs and have always loved and satisfied each other in every way. Sorry, Dev tonight you will be disappointed!’

"Poor Martin, he might be even less confident if he could hear what the beautiful Angie was thinking right now!"


‘God help me, what was I thinking? Look at me, I look like a wonton slut, and feel so naughty. Damn it, Martin, what are we doing?’ The woman, staring at herself in a form-fitting black micro-mini dress, her hair blown out so wildly different from her normal sedate hairdo, her makeup heavy but sensual. She looked and felt like a different wife, ‘Damn you Devon Terrell Blackmon why did you have to come into our lives, and damn you Eve, you and your nasty sad story. Lord, help me, why am I letting this go on? Martin is such a good man but he can be stubborn. I could see him looking to me to stop this, so why don’t I?’

"It is a fair question and the answer will probably surprise our hero. So, let us go back to only a week and a half ago inside Eve’s new home Angie has been there about an hour, you will recall that Martin had sent her over after watching the strange comings and goings at their new neighbor’s home. You will also recall, that upon her return to her husband, she immediately excused herself saying “I need some time to myself, I need a moment, we will discuss it after I take a shower,” and fled her stunned husband and later her even stranger behavior in their bedroom, let’s find out why…

"I was surprised you came over here,” Eve said walking with baby Dee to the changing table Angie close behind.

“Why on earth would you think that,” Angie asked as she watched Eve change his diaper.

“Well, you know my… err… new lifestyle, you know moving here with Dee Jr. and splitting time with my husband and ******** and Dev.”

“Oh, that."

"Yes, that,” Eve responded a smile forming as she said it.

“Well, how you choose to live is not our business, as long as you're happy… are you?”

“Am I what?”


“Well...” Eve began.

“Oh my,” Angie said surprised, “Your son is truly beautiful!”

“Oh, thank you!” Eve said not disguising the pride in her voice as both women stared down at the baby kicking and wiggling, “He is perfect, like his daddy. Well, time for his lunch,” Angie watched as Eve picked up her son and walked into the ****** room. Seated she lifted her top and pressed Dee Jr. to her beautiful heavy swollen pale breast as a look of such bliss passed over Eve’s face. Angie felt she should go until Eve began to speak and she took a seat and listened in stunned silence.

“Happy… no I am not happy, but I won’t stop, I don’t want to ever stop. Adam and I were very happy… our home, ******, and sex life were all very good and it felt like paradise. It changed after Annabel more routine and less amorous but we were both very satisfied, I guess? Then, Dev moved in next door Adam was so happy! Devon Terrell “The Bull” Blackmon star NFL Running Back was our neighbor! Adam was like a little boy and rushed to meet our new neighbor. I knew, I don’t know how but I knew Dev was going to change everything."

"He was in his yard, he had just finished working out and looked so powerful, so dangerous. When he looked at me I couldn’t see his eyes. I felt so naughty and then I saw It. He was wearing basketball shorts and something huge was pressed against the entire length of his right thigh, I remember thinking, 'That can’t be real,' but I can assure you it was!

I don’t know how he did it but soon Dev was in our home filling both our heads with tales of black sexual superiority and was pressing us until one day right in front of me he got Adam to admit he felt inferior, not just to the Athlete in our living room but to all black men. It was so strange once I heard Adam admit it I felt aroused, and the more Dev emasculated the man I loved the hotter I became. Soon he had me joining in, and I admitted to Adam that I wanted Dev. I told Adam how much his confession made me hot and how his humiliation made me want Dev to bring me upstairs to our marriage bed and take me. Then Adam said it, he never should have but with sadness and arousal in his voice, Adam said, “So, why don’t you?” Then it got out of control.

Dev smiled at me and removed his shirt, ‘OH, god this happening?’ I thought as I watched Dev undo his belt, I couldn’t control my breathing and groaned, “Is that what you want, Adam? Do you want your wife to fuck this man… this big black man because if you don’t stop this that’s what is going to happen!”

Dev said, “It’s going to happen, baby girl and Your little whiteboi husband ain’t gonna' do shit and you know it. He knows you want my big black cock despite your protests and he knows he can’t stop it. I think he wants you too and has for a while, I bet he is hard knowing you’re going to get it from a real man," and then he let his shorts drop and I could see it, his cock was huge, 15 inches, hard, beautiful, and pointing straight at me bobbing with each beat of his black heart. It took everything I had, all the love and loyalty for my ****** not to drop to my knees and crawl to it like a bitch and suck it deep into my mouth But, I could not stop staring and I couldn’t stop my hands from moving to my breasts and between my thighs, I was barely hanging on.

I needed my husband to get control of this before it was too late but then Dev reached down and started stroking it, “Yeah, that’s it snowflake show your new daddy how bad you want a real man’s cock. Now ask him, ask your husband if he’s hard, ask him if he wants you to Fuck me, go on.”

Suddenly, I heard myself, “Well, Adam are you going to stop this? There is a giant cocked Nigga jerking off in our living room are you going to stop this or are you hard at the thought of your wife submitting to him?” while I was chastising my husband I knew I was giving in to Dev and I was frightened by how much I liked it... no, I loved it and began to undress, I wanted my new daddy to see me naked and I wanted to play with my pussy for him, to show him my holes and I did. With Dev’s powerful gaze, we jerked off together in front of my husband who I turned toward not believing the man in front of me was the man I loved, the man I married, he was completely defeated and then I saw Adam rubbing the front of his pants and smiled as my shame and guilt faded away he was jerking off to his wife offering herself to another man, a Black Man, “You want him to fuck me, don’t you?"

It was like something broke inside him he squeaked out, “Yes, I want you to fuck him,” and he ran out of the room. I turned back to Dev, “PLEASE, NOW PLEASE!”

“Please, what baby girl? Tell your man what you need.”


“That's my baby girl,” and he stepped behind me and pushed his big purple head into my pussy, “Now, work your tight pussy down on it, take it bitch!"

All the while I was working his black cock deeper inside me and I loved it, I wanted it to own me, to take my pussy and all my holes!”

“YEAH, now that you have bottomed out on my dick snowflake, you know the truth don't you? Admit it black cock is the best cock and you will never go back to your husband's weak white cock.”

“NO, never again please fuck me, Daddy, everything you taught us was true, never stop fucking me.”

“Do you remember what I said about black cum, are you on birth control? Do you want me to seed you to put a baby in you, my black baby?"

“I shouldn't but I need to, I need to feel you coming, coating my walls but if I do everyone will know I'm having your baby. Daddy, I’m so close, Daddy, I’m not on anything you should pull out or everyone will know.”

“Everyone will know what, baby girl, go on say it."

“That I'm a slut for black cock, Daddy, fuck me harder so our neighbors will know, harder Daddy so our friends will know, harder please, harder so our families will know. Daddy, ram it into me I’m coming, do it Daddy cum in me. Show them, show them all that I am an owned slut for you. Show everyone that you took me from my weak husband. I want them to know, I want them to see. OH FUCK, I can't stop cumming!”

“Baby girl, I own you now, you are my baby Mama,” and he came. I never felt cum so strong it stung and gave me another orgasm. We lay next to each other on the floor catching our breath, kissing, tasting each other’s body to restoking our lust. Then Dev got to his feet through me over his shoulder and carried me to Adam and my bedroom and took me over and over on our bed. I took his cock in all my holes, drank his cum, and begged to be knocked up over and over!


After Dev left I found Adam in the basement with his pants around his knees sobbing. Going forward we tried to act like it wasn’t happening but when Dev called for me I went to him despite seeing the sad look on Adam’s face. My pussy would get wetter and wetter as I told him, "Take care of Annabel or I will be very angry and tell my Daddy." I would almost cum from the fear on Adam’s face.

Eve was smiling as she finished her tale, “No, I’m not happy, I’m a slut, A black cock slut who can’t stop and now Dev wants me to "meet" his friends. He wants Adam to watch Dee Jr. while I "party" with his friends and I know I will, I know because I get so hot thinking about it. No Angie, I’m not happy, I’m completely out of control and there is nothing I can do or want to do about it.”

“Maybe Martin and I can help?”

“Dev wouldn't like that, Dev will like you, Angie be careful, Dev would love to make you and Martin like Adam and I. Truth is I might like it too, you are very pretty, and having a sister to serve Dev and his friends with is something I have thought about many times someone to have some girl/girl closeness with and I bet you are a sexy pregnant lady.”

“Oh, wow,” Angie moaned softly before jumping nervously to her feet, “I should go, I should talk to Martin about all this, he’ll know what to do. We will pray and find a way to help,” with that she fled to the safety of her home.

Well now that you know exactly what Angie found out I bet you can guess why she needed some alone time. Let’s say for the first time since the Reverend installed the detachable massage shower head Angie felt the need to take it down and see what pulse action was all about, it was the first time but over the coming weeks, not the last time!

Back to the present Angie took one last look in the bathroom mirror at her backside looking round and sexy, and gave herself a naughty wink before stepping out to share her new hotwife persona with our hero!

“You look amazing! Angie, I’ve never seen you looking so…”

“Yes, well that was Dev’s plan don’t you think? You don’t look so bad yourself that tux suits you. So, shall we go the Onyx Club awaits.”

“Angie,” Martin stepped in front of her blocking her way with worry and deep concern in his sad blue eyes, “Do you think we should, I mean…”

Could this be it, gentle reader our hero has given his loyal and loving wife the opportunity she claims she has been looking for. The opportunity to stop this, to walk away from whatever evil fate Dev “The Bull” had planned for them.

Angie was surprised, she hadn’t expected Martin to have doubts, she was sure that once the lord had given him the direction he would fight with all his heart to win. Still, she could see his worry, his doubt, his weakness and thought, 'I bet Dev never had any doubts as he goated Martin and arranged this. Men like Dev make things happen, they get results, they win and get what they want... us, me’

Angie looked past her husband into the mirror on the wall at the sultry and beautiful hotwife staring back at her as her thoughts turned to “The Bull” ‘He is hundreds of miles away and he still has us right where he wants us. I’m dressed like a slut and my poor husband looks like my servant,' she turned back to Martin, “I will do whatever you think is best but if we quit now won’t Dev think we weren’t strong, we weren't confident of our love, our beliefs and try something else?” Martin took hold of her shoulders, it seemed he had something significant to say but then he pulled back shrugged, and turned away from her as her gaze returned to her slutty reflection.

“I guess and we have to help Eve.”

An image of a naked Eve breastfeeding a naked Dee Jr. flashed through Angie’s mind, “Yes, let’s not forget Eve, she is counting on this too!”

So, as the room phone rings our hero accepts his fate.

Angie picks up the phone, "The car to take us to the club is downstairs."

Angie seems to be having a change of heart about her role in our story, this becomes clearer as…

“Hey,” Martian said as he stood holding Angie’s purse as she hung up the phone and turned back to her… man? “Didn’t Dev say once we got inside everything at the Onyx Club was ala carte, that we would have to pay for everything ourselves?”

“Yes, I believe that’s what he said, whatever that means?” Angie coldly replied as she took her purse from her pathetically weak-looking and ever more desperately sounding husband.

“Then why don’t we leave our wallets here then even if we were tempted by this place there would be no way to pay,” Martin explained excitedly, as though this would assure victory.

“That would be cheating, you said our love and faith would see us through?”

“You're right…” Martin conceded defeat without another word and slipped into a deep melancholy as he put his arm around Angie holding onto her as they headed down to the Limo.

It seems Angie is determined to see Dev’s game to the end! She also seems to have found new respect for their Antagonist, while losing some for our hero. This is a dangerous time for those kinds of doubts for our innocents are right at this very moment entering the Onyx Club…

“Yes, the Reverend and Mrs. Whytfolk, the pale thin man at the door said expressionlessly, “We will need two forms of credit before you can enter.”

“Our entrance was pre-paid!” Martin complained.

“Yes, but we need to know that you can pay, should you and the Mrs. decide to participate, it is only a formality.”

“Fine,” Martin said handing over both their debit card and the Church debit card. He saw Angie giving him a self-serving smirk as he was handing over the cards.

The man was gone for about a minute and returned with a thin grin on his face, “Very Good Sir, welcome to the Onyx Club!” and with that, a lovely black woman dressed as a showgirl escorted them inside a set of double doors into the club. As they entered what appeared to be nothing more than a dimly lit dinner with a cabaret theater.

The hostess explained the rules in a southern accent, “All the drinks come with your entrance fee but if you want anything on the stage menu the male has to order and pay up front. You only need to raise your card in the air and I will come over and give you the purchase amount, run your card and the service will be provided. Remember, only the man can order and pay and only the lovely lady plays, ya’all understand?” They nodded as they sat down and both began looking around at the tables surrounding the stage as they slowly filled up with other white couples dressed much the same as they were. One noted difference was none of the other women seemed to hold a candle to Angie, they were proactively dressed to accentuate themselves and they all looked excited the same look of excitement that Martin saw in Angie’s eyes and admittedly for the first time Martin saw sexual excitement. He suddenly realized just how hard he was breathing and how hard his dick was. He then admitted to himself, 'If the worst things did happen and Dev was right about us, about Angie he would not be able to stop it. ‘Oh, god help me, I’m starting to realize I don’t want to stop it and that’s not what I want.'

Little did Martin understand that his excitement and loss of determination were caused by the scent in the club, coming from the women around him. Their sexual arousal in anticipation, their sexual scent filled the club and was having the same effect on all the males at all the tables it is an aphrodisiac to members of the opposite sex.

Drinks were placed on their table Angie raised her glass in a toast “Here is to the winner, may he get his reward!” Martin raised his glass in response but couldn’t help feeling she didn’t mean him as he watched her eyes flash as she downed the entire drink only to have it immediately replaced. A wave of sadness and arousal washed over him as the lights fell and the MC took the stage, “Sexy Ladies turn from your boring white-bois and let the games begin!!”

Hello! I bet you weren’t expecting me right now but I’m afraid it is time to leave this den of iniquity and move forward in time, to the hotel, the flight home, and the first day of their new relationship a full 48 hours after the as-yet undisclosed events at the Onyx Club. Hey! No need for such harsh language our Author simply wants Angie to tell you what happened to her and our hero. She will do far better justice than our humble Author whose skills have proven themselves not up to the task so far, rather he will apply his skills to the aftermath…

Angie and Martin sat on the plane holding hands in silence. It had been a long couple of days starting when Martin somehow got his unconscious wife back to the room, gently removed her tattered garments, and washed away the copious fluids that seemed to be covering and leaking from all over her abused holes until he couldn’t stand it anymore and rolled away from her into the fetal position weeping and jerking his painfully erect penis to climax and passing out himself.


The next afternoon, our couple woke to their new reality and the horror of it all came back. After Angie’s initial emotional explosion had subsided Angie sat in shocked silence, her body sore and her eyes red from weeping, her voice hoarse from begging for forgiveness and swearing to never again succumb to temptation or to ever have anything to do with Dev and Eve, “Angie, please forgive me,” a tearful Martin began, “This was all my fault, it was my pride, my inability to protect you from Dev and his evil ideas please forgive me, Angie I promise I will never let them near you again!”

“Oh Martin, I love you so much, of course, I forgive you but what are we going to do?”

“We will pray and we will go home face our troubles, and with our love and the Lord's help we will heal and put all this behind us.”

“What about Dev and the bet, what do we...”

“I will handle Dev and this awful thing he did, I won’t let you down again.”

“Oh Martin, are you sure you can do that?”

“I am, with your help, now let’s pray.”

So, having made a tense peace with each other and themselves, First, an uncomfortable trip to the Drug Store and Plan B. Then off to the Airport, they fly back to what they hoped was the rebuilding of their old life and the safety and love of their home. Well, not quite yet. You see despite everything that was said and all the promises made as the chastened Reverend and his reformed woman entered their home they sat listless jumping at the slightest noise outside as they waited for our villain to come and claim his prize. There was something else, something in the air, something Martin was not expecting and certainly was not ready for. As night came with no sign of Dev. Martin headed to bed and that is when Angie put her plan into action, Poor Martin…

Angie was now standing in her bathroom applying light makeup and Martin’s favorite perfume with a look of deep concern on her lovely face. She knew what she was about to do was dangerous but she knew it had to be done. Despite all her promises and prayers, Angie still felt lost. That night had taken her away from her man and now she needed him to take her back, he had to, he simply had to win her back tonight! She pulled one of her sexier nighties over her naked body and saw the same lovely wife who had gone into her bedroom countless times to make love to her husband without a care. But not tonight, tonight their private life, their sexual life was on the line if Martin couldn’t do this she knew she was lost and it would only be a matter of time before temptation would pull her away from her husband and her faith, again, ‘Please God, please forgive me, forgive us. Please give him the strength to do this for both of our sakes and the sake of our ******** and for the sake of the life and community we serve, Amen!’

She slowly stepped into their bedroom to find that Martin had not turned off the light, he was waiting for her. The past few days had made him feel so confused and weak, he was tired and longed for sleep and had started to drift off when Angie entered the room. He saw her, his lovely wife looking as she had always looked sweet and innocent as she moved in an accentuated walk toward their marital bed. She was wearing a nightie and when the light was behind her he could tell she was naked underneath. Despite his weariness and a deep need to sleep, he felt himself becoming aroused. “Martin,” Angie said in her soft sultry voice, “Martin, I need you, I need you to make love to me.”

“I don’t know, Angie. I’m tired maybe tomorrow.”

“NO!” Angie said so sternly she surprised herself, “We have to do this, it's our first night here in our home, in our bed.”

“Why, we have all the time in the world to be together.”

“Because…” Angie regained her composure and began to speak in a softer sultrier tone. She was also starting to feel the rush of desire, she was taking control of the situation just like before, just like she did that shameful night but this time it was for the right reason, this time it was to fix what that night had broken! “I need it, Martin,” she mewled, “I was so naughty Martin so wicked I need you to take me, take your woman, take her Marty, and make her yours again,” and with that she pulled her nighty off revealing her curvy body, her nipples painfully stiff and her sex visibly swollen and wet. Martin was wide awake now his heart beating hard as she approached her pink tongue moistening her pouty lips, here was his woman and he wanted her and he would take her. He would take his naughty wife and he would show her who her man is. He stood pulling off his shirt and yanking down his pajama pants his penis springing up painfully hard and begging for release. The loving man, the good husband vanished in a haze of hormones and desire.

Martin Whytfolk was going to fuck his wife, “You need it, do you,” he grabbed her and pushed her down on the bed as she stood over her then taking her legs he climbed onto the bed and placed them over his shoulders as he rubbed himself over her wet labia through her manicured pubic hair.

“YES! I need it, please give it to me, Marty, give it to your wife, ARGH,” she groaned out as Martin pushed himself into her as far and hard as he could. Her eyes opened wide in all the years of their marriage he had never entered her like this and she was further surprised when he began to thrust with all his might. He was doing it, he was taking her, he was taking her back! “YES, LIKE THAT, TAKE ME!"


“YES, DO IT, OWN ME, I’M SO CLOSE MARTY. FUCK ME, FUCK ME! Angie was banging back into her husband now twisting and rutting with him but just as she was on the verge of her orgasm, just as she thought it was going to happen that he was going to reclaim her body, she could feel his rhythm breaking he was wheezing and gasping he was losing control. She knew he could cum any second but she couldn’t slow down now, she wanted to fuck, she wanted to cum! It was hard enough to cum on her husband’s subpar dick and now she was so close, “NO, NOOOO! FUCK ME DAMN IT! FUCK ME MARTIN, MAKE ME CUM. I NEED TO CUM, MAKE ME CUM YOU TINY DICKED MOTHERFUCKER!

“AARRRRGUH, ANGIE! I’M SORRY, I NEED TO CUM! SO GOOD, I FUCKED YOuu…so good…” Martin's moans faded as he passed out.

“NO MARTIN, NO PLEASE I NEED IT," was the last thing Martin heard before sweet dreamless sleep overtook him.

Martin felt himself drifting in and out of sleep, he couldn’t understand why the room was so bright, why was he on the floor? What was that noise, was that Angie’s voice? He lifted himself to see his wife in the bright bedroom light. Her perfect naked ass high in the air, as she lay doggie style, her big tits pressed into the mattress as three fingers on one hand were ramming in and out of her pussy while her thumb pressed hard into her swollen clit! On her other hand, two fingers were doing the same to her asshole, her face a mask of lust, “YES, fuck me, Daddies, give me your big black cocks. So, fucking good, never so good, Daddies, make me cum Daddies, make me... Cumming Daddies, more Daddies, more black cock!” A confused Martin was unable to stop himself from drifting back to sleep. He slumped back onto the floor passing out never hearing the last thing his sex-crazed wife said before cumming so hard she passed out herself, “More big black cock, Devie, I need you Dev, fuck me, fuck your woman!”
Well, that went very badly for poor Martin. So, let’s go across the street to Eve’s master bedroom and see how a real man handles his business…

Dev is standing naked in front of a large picture window looking across and down onto the reverend’s small home, “When are you going to go over there and claim your prize, Daddy,” Eve asked between slurps of Dev’s enormous ebony cock, she was on her knees coaxing Dev’s cock hard.

“Soon girl, soon,” Dev said as he started to fuck Eve’s face hard.

Coughing she backed off from her man’s perfect cock, “But, you won, Daddy, you know you won, she’s all yours, take her Daddy, please take her.” Eve begged as she swallowed Dev’s cock deep into her throat until her eyes teared up.

Dev groaned and started pumping her throat, “Plenty of time for that,” Dev smirked as he pictured Angie in Eve’s place, “You know Reverend Marty’s not going to make it easy for me to get to her, I am going to need to figure out a way. Yeah, baby girl suck that cock it helps me think.” Dev began to brutally fuck Eve’s face again, “FUCK, I’M GONNA GET HIM TO ADMIT I WON, GONNA MAKE HIS BITCH MINE AND GONNA CUM DOWN YOUR NASTY THROAT!” The room filled with Dev’s moans as Eve happily slurped all of Dev’s cum.

Now our Villain had a plan, He knew what he would do every step of the way but for now, he had to stay out of sight. He wasn’t going to force this, that was no fun. He knew that the Reverend would try to welch on his bet and hide his little white wifey from him. So, Dev would wait for a special Saturday and then begin the second part of his plan by taking his prize and making that whiteboi pay. Angie, his precious Angie would make him admit that everything Dev told him was the absolute truth right before he bred her in their bed!


A few weeks later Dev needed to talk to Eve, “Baby girl, this is the last Saturday in the month isn’t it?” Dev calmly asked his naked baby mama was breastfeeding a naked Dee Jr. while he flipped through the TV channels.

"Yes, babe it is, why?"

“Damn it Eve, why is my son always naked when he is suckin’ on your tits?”

“Because he looks so beautiful naked just like his Daddy.”

“Ha… Ha, you’re a crazy Mama. Anyway, I have something for you to do tonight have Adam drop the girl at your Mama’s and be here by 8 to watch Dee Jr.”

“Oh, are we going to the hotel to be with your teammates, again?”

“Nah,” Dev grunted, “I know you want more of that though. We’ll do that again real soon, just for you I’ll invite a few extra guys if you do this job right.”

“OH, what am I doing tonight?”

“Tonight, you are going over to see your good friend Angie,” Eve’s eyes widened in surprise, “That’s right, babe tonight you’re going to help me collect my prize.”

“How, even if I could get past Martin she will never talk to me.”

“You think I don’t know what I’m doing? Listen, Martin won’t be there cause this is the last weekend in May and on the last Saturday in May the good Reverend takes his adult male bible study group to an overnight retreat, it’s on the church calendar. He won’t be back until Monday morning and that’s more than enough time!”

“Okay, but how do I get her to see me?”

“That’s the best part, you're gonna tell her Martin sent you to talk to her!”

“She’ll never believe that!”

“Probably not but she’s been cooped up in that house for two weeks now and that’s a long time not to scratch that itch I gave her. I think she will take any excuse we give her, see what I’m saying?”

“Yes… I’m getting it, but what do I talk to her about?”

“You can be a dumb bitch, sometimes!” Dev snarled making Eve shutter, “You get her to tell you her troubles, get her to tell you all about what happened in Vegas. When you get her to tell you that you're gonna have a hell of a lot of fun! You're gonna meet an Angie you never met before!”

“You think so, Daddy?” Eve said liking the thought of bringing the naughty girl out of the Reverend’s good girl wife.

“Oh yes, maybe you should bring that present I made for you, you know for when I can’t come around, keep it out of sight, you’ll know when to show it to her!”

“Oh, god! Really, wow! This is going to be so much fun! so naughty, I can’t wait!”

“One more thing. After you're done with her you tell her when Martin gets back I’m coming over. You tell her if she wants me to stay Martin’s got to be there and she’s got to make him admit he lost and everything I said was right and true, you got that?”

“Right and true, yes Daddy, I got it, Daddy,” Eve had put Dee Jr in his crib while they were talking, she was getting very worked up.

“You tell her I’m coming there a 2 o’clock and I intend to collect everything she owes me!”

“I will daddy, now please fuck me, Daddy! I’LL TELL HER DADDY! NOW FUCK ME!” Eve screamed as she lowed herself onto Dev’s giant cock and started riding him thinking of all the naughty fun she has with her Dev and all the naughty fun she was going to have with Angie. This would be the best day of Angie's life, the day she became Dev’s woman, the day she became a Black Cock Slut! “FUCK ME, DEV, FUCK ME!”

So, here we are kind reader, as promised. Our poor hero went with the other men in the church van to discuss Jesus and the problems of this weary godless world one town over in a Super 8. Our lovely Eve is ready to complete her evil mission of getting Angie to tell her all about her night at the Onyx Club! Standing on the Reverend Whytfolk’s porch, slung across her shoulder a bag containing several large bottles of white wine, a bottle of vodka, in case she resists more than expected, a delicious chocolate edible bar, and finally a plastic torpedo-shaped box that looked like an oversized coffee thermos; waiting for our poor suffering Angie to let her in…

“Oh god, what are you doing here?” Angie’s frightened voice came from inside the window to the side of the front door, “Go away, you shouldn’t be here, I can’t see you, I’m not ready to see you besides Martin isn’t here, so, go away!”

“Come on, Angie stop it and let me in,” Eve tried to keep her voice even and friendly, “I brought some wine,” she held up one of her bottles, “I want to see you, to talk and catch up it has been so long since we got together, I miss you, Angie,” Silence but she could see a shadow moving beyond the window curtain, “Okay, he didn’t want me to tell you but it was Martin that asked me to come over here.”

“What, that’s not true.”

Eve smirked, ‘Damn you Dev, you’re amazing!’ Eve quickly opened the screen door moved into the small entryway of Angie’s home and smiled, “Yes, it is, hon,” Eve was wearing a light summer dress, and even with the dim sunlight of the late spring day fading behind her she looked sultry, radiant and happy but the woman in front her looked tired, stressed, and haggard and her disheveled baggy clothes belied the beauty underneath. Angie stared at her neighbor like a frightened rabbit, so much so that Eve thought she might push past her and run screaming into the street, “Martin asked me to come over, he said you needed someone to talk to, someone who could understand and I was the only one who the both of you could trust, whatever that means…”

“Urgh! Fine come in,” Angie said turning and walking into the living room. Eve followed behind a wide sexy smile on her face. She moved like the cat who had found a mouse to play with.

Have no fear gentle reader, I’m simply here to take us forward a bit. It took some convincing, but Eve did manage to get Angie to relax into herself deception that her foolish husband sent this wicked woman to help restore her to normal despite his numerous promises to keep her safe and far away from this woman and her wonton relationship with her black man. A few hours passed and Eve playing her part with unexpected patience was the kind shoulder to lean on there were unexplained tears and stammered cryptic remarks but Eve never pushed she merely consoled. Angie had just returned from a shower her hair pulled back, still damp, dressed in her best silk pajamas, and barefoot. Eve has made a light cheese platter with wine and chocolate, let’s dip back in…

“Oh My, Eve… this is so lovely, but isn’t it getting late?”

“Well, I thought we might have a sleepover, please Angie it would be so much fun?”

“Oh, I don’t know, I mean what about Dee Jr.?”

“Oh, that’s taken care of…” Eve said pulling out her large smartphone opening an app, moving close to her friend sharing the stream of Adam sitting in a rocking chair softly rocking back and forth feeding Dee Jr. a bottle. They could hear him softly humming to the child. Eve's face took on a look of raw sexual gratification, “See, Adam is there doing what he’s told, he won’t leave that room all night!”

“Where is Annabel?”

“She is at my Mother’s. Whenever Dev and I go out with his friends Adam watches Dee Jr. he is a wonderful babysitter. I check on him all the time when we are out and he never leaves Dee Jr.’s side!”

“So, you’re going out with Dev’s friends now?” Angie felt a familiar throb return to her loins as they watched Adam on the camera.

“Yes, we go out a lot, I always have an amazing time, I don’t know why I ever resisted. Dev seems to know just what a lady needs,” Eve said nonchalantly as she slowly looked back at her friend. They both began to giggle like naughty school girls as Eve handed Angie a glass of wine. Soon they were sitting on Angie’s couch talking in naughty whispers and giggles, when Angie reached for her second piece of chocolate, “Be careful, those chocolates have high THC levels, if you know what I mean?”


“You know, marijuana, pot.”

“You mean there is POT In this,” Angie said throwing it down.

“No, the stuff in pot that gets you high, I think?” Eve responded as she laughed at her friend's shocked face.

“I’ve never, I mean, I would never, Drugs are wrong.”

“Yes, very wrong but like most things that are wrong lots of fun. Come on, Angie, Martin is gone no one will know but I, and I’ll never tell!”

“It’s been a long time since I had a friend to tell secrets to, and keep secrets with.”

“Well you have one now, Angie. You can do anything, you can tell me anything you want. I will never tell a soul,” Eve said sounding very earnest but her bright blue eyes told a different darker tale and Angie was looking right into those naughty blue eyes as she picked up that second piece of chocolate and ate it. Both women clasped hands and giggled like naughty teens.

The witching hour has passed and our heroine and her friend have retired to Martin and Angie’s bedroom quite inebriated and relaxed. It is traditionally at this time during sleepovers when the participants play naughty games like Spin the Bottle, or the classic Truth or Dare…

“Are you sure?

"I’m sure I have something you could fit into,” Angie called out to Eve who was readying herself for bed in the private bathroom. Angie lay on her martial bed, having removed her pajama bottoms she was now in her silk top and a pair of French-cut blue cotton panties sipping the last of Eve’s wine nervously waiting for Eve’s return. She found herself looking at her dresser, at Angelica and her husband in their wedding picture displayed there, ‘Angie, what are doing? You know the last person Martin would send over here to see you, well maybe the next to last person is Eve... but, she has been so helpful, I’m having fun, and I like it and...’ not wanting to finish that thought. Angie got out of bed turned her ********’s picture to the wall and hopped back into bed just as the bathroom door opened and Eve entered ready for bed. “Oh wow,” slipped out before Angie realized she had said it.

Eve was carrying a small folded bundle of clothes for her to wear in the morning they were on top of that torpedo-shaped box she placed them on Angie’s dresser. She was still holding her day’s dirty clothes, her black yoga pants, and blouse, and was about to ask where she could put them when she heard Angie’s remark. Eve was standing in the middle of the bedroom in a sheer black pushup bra that magnified the roundness of her large breasts and the tiniest black thong and as she turned sideways to put down her stuff Angie could see the muscular roundness of her butt accented by her thick firm thighs, flat round tummy, a small diamond ring piercing her belly button and her toned calves and arms. Eve was a very sexy woman her sensual form was having an unnatural effect on poor Angie. “Thank you, I have gotten so used to this stuff I can’t sleep in anything else. I wear these Yoga pants because they drive Dev crazy but then you can only wear these tiny thongs or it ruins the look and then you have to shave it all off or the thong won’t look right,” The sexy woman said pulling back the small patch of material to show her friend her bald moist pussy, Angie felt the front of her panties moisten, “Of course, Dev wants my pussy this way anyway so it all worked out, where do I put these?” holding up her dirty clothes.

“Leave them on the floor and come to bed,” came Angie’s husky reply, Eve dropped the clothes and crawled into Angie’s bed. As they lay together Eve spooning her friend they continued their talk, “I don’t know what to do, I told him it didn’t matter, that I loved him and we should forget about it and move on but he keeps looking at me with that sad face, and watching my every move like a soldier standing guard.”

“Well, I’m sure he’s doing it because he loves you and he’s worried. It sounds like whatever you did that first night back freaked him out but he’ll get past it, you both will.”

“I’m not sure I know how to, I pray and pray but things keep getting worse for both of us.”

Eve pressed her breasts into Angie’s back, bringing her mouth close to Angie’s neck and ear, and softly said, “Well, I want to help, why don’t you tell me what happened,” her warm breath raising goose bumps on Angie as she squirmed back into Eve.

“You’re my friend, right?”


“You’ll never tell, anyone not even Dev?”

“Never, swear to god,” Eve bumped Angie’s ass with her crotch after each of the last three words breaking the sexual tension. They were giggling when Angie started to tell Eve what had happened to her and Martin in Vegas!

“You had gone back into the house to use the bathroom, Dev started in again on Martin about the superior black race and how all white women…well, you know all that stuff, anyway Dev goaded him/us into this bet. He paid for an extra week in Las Vegas if we agreed to go to this show at a place called the Onyx Club. He said if we went and like Martin claimed that our love and faith were true then nothing would happen but if what Dev said was true then we would lose by our own choice because not only would we have to ask for whatever was going on but Martin would have to pay for it before it could happen!”

“What would happen,” a breathy Eve excitedly said into her ear.

“I’m getting to it,” Angie continued as she playfully bumped her panty-clad rear into her friend’s crotch, “Well to get us into this place must have cost Dev a lot of money on top of paying for our Hotel on the strip and car rental because a few hours before our reservation a car comes and picks me up and whisks me off to a full salon leaving poor Martin to sit around I guess. At the salon, I got a full message and complete makeover, a mani/pedi deep red nail polish with a sparkle acrylic finish, new wild hair doo with highlights and sparkles, and full makeup. I looked like a tart, A streetwalker and I wasn’t allowed to change a thing, I practically ran back to our room so no one would see me and when I got safely inside there was my poor husband standing in his boxers wearing the top half of what looked like an old waiter’s tux his pants still hanging on the closet door next to what I thought was a scarf accessory until I saw a pair of spiked platform black pumps on the floor and a pair of black silk thigh high stockings. 'You have to kidding,' I said to Martin as I pulled out what turned out to be a black micro-mini tube dress, with sparkles woven into the spandex fabric ‘I can’t wear this in public, I couldn’t in private!’

‘It’s just one night and no one knows us here.’ Martin whined. This whole thing had gotten way out of hand I was going to put a stop to it right then but Martin said, ‘Try it on, if you don’t like it, we won’t go,’ I thought, 'Fair enough' grabbed the pumps, stockings and went into the bathroom to change assuming I would be out five minutes later calling a halt to all this macho, racist crap but something happened in there as I started to pull on the sexy hosiery, watched my painted toes slip in, the feeling of those sexy nylons clinging to my thighs as I wriggled and pulled myself into that dress and put on those slutty shoes I was amazed as I stood looking in the bathroom mirror fixing my hair, I took a good look at myself, no bra or panties, and twirled around my breasts stuck out high and firm, my butt poked out and it looked round and tight like a peach. I looked good, no, I looked hot! I am 41 years old, a minister’s wife, and the mother to a grown married woman but I made that outfit sexy and I started to feel sexy, naughty, and on display. I had never felt that way, not even on my wedding day. Then, I started to get mad, I was mad at Dev, you, and Martin. I felt like all of you were pushing me to be something I didn’t even know I wanted to be. Then I thought about what you told me about how Dev had taken you from Adam, how Adam didn’t even try to stop him. I remembered how hot I got picturing it happening, how powerful a man like Dev must be to be able to do something like that I became furious at Martin for risking our happiness and I decided I wanted him to fight for the woman in the mirror! I was excited and I felt alive at the thought of my man, my white knight defending my honor, saving me from an evil scheming monster trying to take my honor but can you believe that when I went out there dressed and so ready to watch my white knight destroy the Monster’s evil minions and foil his evil plan to corrupt me he tried to quit, he even tried to cheat, he wanted to leave our money behind, how would the good Lord judge that? No, I made up my mind I didn’t ask for this but I was going to see this through and so was Martin.”

“We were taken in a limo to the club and the first thing they did was check our credit cards, score one for Dev. I thought the place was a dive with a musky odor that I couldn’t place. We sat and I toasted to the winner. Martin looked at me funny, he looked sad and confused. I don’t know why, but it made me feel powerful and in control."

“The show was actually, slow and boring at first, a smallish skinny black baggy pants man telling racist and sexist jokes about white people but then he introduced the other men and the tiny stage filled with beautiful black men all different but all dressed in a white leotard and they all had one thing, one big thing in common!”

“I bet they did,” Eve said not able to hold back, her arm around Angie’s waist pulling her tight into her body. Eve was sure Angie hadn't realized she had been grinding her ass into Eve’s wet pussy almost from the start of her story. Angie craned her head around to look at her friend, she smiled a sexy smile and saw the same lustful fire in Angie's eyes. She turned away from her friend and resumed her tale of that night, conscious of it or not she continued to grind her sweet sexy ass into her friend’s excited pussy!

“They took turns coming to the end of the stage lit up by a spotlight, the outlining of their bulges on display each new man that stepped into the light seemed bigger than the last. I remember saying to Martin, 'They can’t be real, their cocks would be three maybe even four times bigger than yours!" I hadn’t meant to hurt him but I could see him wince at my remark and I felt ashamed of myself but that didn’t stop me from watching. No, the show had my full attention! After the last man made his appearance, the lights dimmed and the announcer said, ‘Ladies the first stage menu item will be available during the upcoming act,’ our hostess walked over and handed me a menu card, she pointed to the first menu item called, 'Tip the Dancer,' "The price is $20 per touch She explained, ‘You will be allowed to approach the stage and touch a performer, after tipping him 20 dollars, that gets you one touch! If you want to continue touching or move to a different performer it will be $20 more dollars and so on, this is the only multi-fee item on our menu tonight, but, it is our cheapest starting cost, all the other items are a fixed one-time fee. If you check, you will see the price goes up considerably after the Second Act each item lasts strictly for the duration of the current act. The length of each act is set by the house but the house guarantees complete satisfaction, anyone not satisfied may request the lovely lady get a solo return for a substitute Item on the following night, though, I have yet to see that happen," she snickered. Now, she talked directly to me, "Girl, it’s really simple the quicker you get your man to pay, the longer you get to play,’ and returned to her spot without another word.

“I read the other four items on the menu to Martin and their crazy prices:

Naked Public Dancing - $200

Private Dance - $300

One-on-One Full Service - $2000

Orgy Room after closing, by invitation ONLY - $5000. “I was laughing as I finished but Martin didn’t see the humor, "That’s disgusting! This place is a pit of sin, everyone here is going to hell!"

Still, laughing I answered, "I guess that means us too," his eyes returned to the table as he grumbled out, "I guess it does…"

The lights went down the men came out and the music blared and the stage lights came up and they were there stripped down and oiled up their giant cocks and balls covered by a long sock that made them hang down and flop around as those sexy bodies danced and flexed their powerful muscles for all the world to see and it hit me like a jolt, a sex jolt!”

“What did honey, what hit you,” said Eve as she kissed Angie’s neck her hand now sliding up Angie’s silk top cupping her breast, and lightly rolling her rock-hard nipple through her shirt, Eve moaned, "Tell me, babe, tell me all of it, I have to know all of it?"

“Oh god, it hit me that Dev was telling the truth, that black men were better and that meant Martin was lying to me and himself. I could see women approaching the stage and men at the other tables holding up credit cards for their hostess, the hostess would then hand some lucky wife a fistful of twenty dollar bills and she would run up and crowd around the stage hooting and calling out to get one of those beautiful men to come to her with all the other women. I could see those women handing out money as those black bodies gyrated and thrust those giant cocks into their faces while they reached out and caressed them. I saw mature married women swoon like high school girls after touching the men and all the while their husbands watched and I knew Dev was right. We... white people were the weaker race and here was the proof, married women mewling and rolling their bodies like bitches in the heat for them as their husbands willingly paid the bill and watched and I knew, I wanted to be one of them. As the music thumped around us I guiltily turned to Martin hoping to see the strong moral man I loved silently chastising me with his eyes, demanding I ask god’s forgiveness for my weakness but all I saw was another enthralled white husband, I slipped my hand up his leg and found his dick was hard. Surprised, he turned to look at me his eyes sad and glazed as he looked at me whatever he saw on my face made his hard dick jump against his pants and my hand, "Martin, can I go up, too? I want to know if they are real, I want to touch a few to know and I will come right back, I promise?” I was rubbing him under the table the entire time.

He finally reached under the table and placed his hand on mine stopping me his hand was cold and his voice was tight, "How much?"

"I don’t know… mmm… maybe 200?"

"God Angie, are you sure, that’s a lot of money!"

"Don’t you want me to find out if those big things are real? You can watch me, you can watch me touch them," I pressed down on his crotch and then it happened, I saw him take out our debit card and hold it in the air!

Our hostess stepped up and Martin handed her the card, "How much sugar?"

His voice was scratchy and dry, "Two hundred, please." She ran the card and handed me my fistful of twenties and I ran to the stage waving my first bill. A lean dark black man came over to me, I slid my twenty into his G-string with all the others as he thrust it at me. I remember thinking it had to be 10 inches long and it was not even hard. As I shakily reached out for the cock I had paid for the women around me were cheering me on, "Grab it, girlfriend... you don’t get meat like that at home… I bet your husband wishes he had half as much!" I was touching it and it was real I felt it move when I squeezed it and I felt his huge balls tighten when I caressed them. Still holding him I turned to see Martin but I couldn’t see any of the men at the tables behind us. I then started to move my body in rhythm with the other women and shook my ass as I called out for more big fucking black cocks as I waved my money.

"OH GOD, Eve what are you doing to me, you're making me cum!” While Angie lost herself once more recounting her night at the Onyx Club. Eve was pushing all her buttons kissing and fondling Angie. She had unbuttoned Angie’s top and was squeezing both her breasts and pulling on her nipples roughly her own needs making her wild as she worked her other hand over Angie’s wet panties. Now as Angie is realizing what is happening Eve’s hand moved inside her panties stretching them out as she furiously worked Angie’s clit.

Angie opens her eyes to see herself splayed out one leg draped over Eve’s body her manicured hand rubbing her pussy as fast as she can, “EVE HOW,” Angie cried out as both women's eyes traveled down Angie’s ******* body to see Eve’s hand rubbing her wet pussy.

“Enjoy it,” Eve said as Angie began thrusting up to meet he friend's hand. Angie turned her head passionately kissing Eve, her tongue entering Eve’s mouth at the same time Eve’s fingers found their way into Angie’s pussy. Another powerful orgasm made Angie break the kiss, “OH YESSSS! Fuck me Eve I want to cum make me cum!"

Eve pushed Angie off her, flipping her over and removing Angie’s panties tossing them on the floor, positioning herself on her knees over her, her hand wedged between them rubbing Angie’s wet throbbing clit from the back she uses her free hand to pull Angie’s hair, “OH, I am going to fuck, I am going to make you cum but not as they did, right Angie? No one can make us cum like they can, right Angie, Say it, Angie!” Eve jammed two fingers into her, “Say it, tell me, Angie, tell me and I'll eat your horny pussy for you!"

“No one can make me cum like them!"

“Who's bitch are you, say it!”

“BLACK MEN! GOD DAMNIT! Black men with big black cocks! Now eat me as you promised," Eve slid back diving into Angie’s pussy licking deep inside her and then down to her swollen clit and back up to her ass licking and nibbling her sexy cheeks finally working her tongue into the horny wife’s asshole as deep as she could and then back down to her pussy until Angie screamed with pleasure and collapsed in heap.

“Eve,” a still horny Angie turned to her friend, “Oh Eve, you look so beautiful,” Her friend caught up in their heat was sitting one arm behind her, her bra torn away, nipples like two pink spikes pointing at Angie, legs wide as she balanced herself in a crouch fucking her fingers into herself. Eve's head lay back, face shiny with Angie’s pussy juice her tongue flicking out like it was still licking Angie’s pussy, “I’ll help you, babe, Momma's right here,” Angie said as she moved to take Eve into her arms her mouth latching onto her tit, the same big tit she had been dying to suck on for weeks. Angie worked Eve below her and started kissing down her body until she reached and gently kissed Eve’s pussy getting her first taste of a women’s sex and gave in to the new sin with gusto as she ate her friend with a selfish need. Eve calling out to god, begging her to never stop came so hard she passed out.

When she woke Angie was cradling her. She smiled up at her and Angie smiled back, they kissed softly, “Are you ready, babe, I have lots more to tell you!” Eve nodded her head as she felt her sore pussy getting wet again.

The two women faced each other their hands openly caressing the other's naked body. Angie shamelessly filled with lust gazed into her friend’s eyes as she continued her story, “I ran out of money quickly I lingered with my new hotwife friends laughing and cheering them on to play with those giant cocks until the house lights came on and I returned to Martin. He was seething but I could tell he was aroused at his naughty wife’s behavior, ‘Did you have fun?’ he growled as I sat down and returned my hand to what I now realized was my hubby’s tiny, hard dick, harder than I had ever felt it just as Dev said it would be. ‘Didn’t you see me, Angie? I don’t like this place, I don’t like what it’s doing to us, we need to go!’

‘You know it’s too late for that, Martin, and despite what you are saying I can feel that you are enjoying this.’

He tried to twist away from my hand, ‘That’s not true, what is happening to you?’

‘I’m having a good time and I’m learning a few things about the differences between men that maybe you didn’t want me to know... is that what’s got you so upset? Your good little wife might be finding out what a real man is and that's frightening or is it that I might like what I’m finding,’ he turned away from me and looked like he was going to storm out, I didn’t want that so I quickly said, 'Martin, can’t you see how much I love you for bringing me here,’ he turned back surprised as I continued, ‘For the first time we are challenging ourselves, our relationship. I know what Dev did to get us here was wrong but, we are here so there must have been some part of us that wanted to be here.’

‘I get that Angie but, these feelings are confusing and wrong!’

‘I know,’ I took his hand and tried to match his serious demeanor, ‘But we are exploring this… let’s stay a bit longer and see where this goes.’

Before he could answer the lights went down and the announcer said, ‘Get ready ladies! Now the fun begins! Whitebois, get your money out the shit is getting real!’

I could hear the women around us cheering as the stage lights came up and the men returned to the stage to the collective gasp of everyone in the room. There they stood proud African warriors, their weapons unsheathed and ready for action. The thumping beat began again and the dancers started but they were not dancing they were performing an African mating ritual thrusting those big cocks at us, calling to us, calling to me!! I sat there wide-eyed, my tongue moving slowly around my lips as my body prepared for something I wasn’t ready to admit. I was turned on and enjoying the sexual power I had over my husband but I never intended to cross the line. I was a good church woman and women like me did not break our sacred wedding vows not just to our husbands but to god. Breaking those vows no matter how much I wanted to meant I was not only losing my husband but, my faith something I thought I would never risk for any man.

‘Angie… Angie, you're hurting my hand,’ Martin shouted pulling his hand from mine. I was going to turn and apologize but, I could not tear myself away from the spectacle, I was panting with lust!

The announcer came on again, ‘All right ladies it’s time! Whitebois, you may now buy our second item on the menu!’ No sooner had the announcement finished I saw women rushing to the stage and being let on to the stage. The women seemed stunned at first, but as they got pulled into the melee of big black men and enormous hard cocks they began to grind and whirl as the men pulled them into their cocks bending and twisting the wives into pornographic positions for the audience.

‘I suppose you want to go up there?’ I turned toward my husband, shocked at what he had said. I couldn’t believe he would put this kind of temptation out there for me. I thought my white Knight was here to slay Dev’s evil minions, instead, he was helping them, the fear and desire in his voice was defeat and he was helping them!

I knew this could mean another step toward our fall but, I felt my desire creeping in, ‘If you want me to,’ I left it hanging there, I had not refused, but I had not said yes.

‘It is only another 200 .'

‘Only 200! We only have a few thousand in our savings!’ I turned back to the stage, ‘You're right it’s not your fault that your work doesn’t pay enough for luxuries,’ I felt him push back into his seat.

‘fine,’ and his arm went up.”

As I stood waiting my turn on stage I saw him. He was beautiful, a bald adonis with a powerful athletic build shiny from oil and sweat, his coal-black skin smooth my eyes drifted down to his muscled thighs and perfect black cock that stood out a good foot from his body it was as thick as my arm with thick veins straining as it pointed straight up, the ******* head looked like an inverted black and purple Valentine heart just for me. Then I realized he was looking at me his dark eyes warm and friendly but dangerous. When I stepped on stage, I was pulled into the middle of two men their hands roaming freely over my body. I felt powerless as my hands started touching their muscled arms and chests while they pumped their big black cocks teasing me. I was finally with them, these beautiful black men and it was wrong, taboo. I felt myself letting go and my hands followed my eyes and soon I had their big black cocks in my hands I could see my diamond wedding rings sparkle in the stage lights as for the first time in my life I held a cock other than my husband's, two of them and they looked huge in my hands, hard and powerful, I bit my lip to keep from begging them to strip me. Then at that moment, he stepped up behind me, I knew it was him. His hands… his hands slid up my slutty dress wrapped around my breasts as he placed that perfect cock on my backside over my dress and pushed into me, ‘You like these Big Black Cocks, girl?’ I almost came hearing his deep voice in my ear, I couldn’t speak but managed to nod my head. I wondered what I must look like to poor Martin sitting out there in the dark watching three Back men molest his wife on stage. I wasn't even trying to hide my desire and lust I was grinding back on the most perfect cock I had ever seen while jacking off two other almost as impressive Black Cocks and I was loving it! ‘I think this Bitch wants to cum gentlemen, shall we send her back to her husband leaving a trail of pussy juice behind her,’ he raised my head to him and started kissing my neck and ear as the other two stepped closer both reaching between my legs and openly rubbing my pussy through my dress!

‘Nooo, please I mustn’t…’ I hissed as I felt the back of my dress lift ******** my ass. I could feel that giant cock pressing into the crack of my ass and because of the oil already on his cock and my pussy juice he was easily sawing that amazing black cock back and forth through my naked ass crack. I closed my eyes and pushed against him as hard as I could, ‘YESSSSS' I screamed as I came for those powerful black men, I think I may have fainted?

When I opened my eyes the house lights were on, the back of my dress was back where it should be and I was leaning on the man behind me. As I tried standing up without assistance the men on stage were not leaving and the wives had not returned to their seats. Instead, hostesses stepped out handing each man a plain white bath towel the men wrapped the towels around their waists as the announcer said, ‘Our third menu item will be available in the private booths in the back of the house while we prepare our stage for the final act of the night but first, for our lovely wives still on stage a bonus treat. You may ask any man on the stage to return to your table and have a drink with you and your whiteboi,’ my heart pounded as I turned to face him.


‘Jamal,’ he said, I could see he was older than I thought maybe the same age as Martin and he still had that friendly glint in his eyes but there was also desire in those eyes, Jamal wanted me!

I was playing with fire when I asked him back to our table for a drink, he smiled at me, ‘Do you think your man will mind?’

He was testing me, ‘Does it matter,’ that pleased him.

‘No it does not,’ he said and I took his hand to guide him back to our table.

As I walked up, still holding Jamal’s hand I saw a third chair and three fresh drinks had been placed at our table. Martin sat rigid, sad, and sour-faced at our arrival. I chose to ignore him, and said as bubbly and relaxed as I felt, ‘Martin this is Jamal, Jamal this is Martin, my… uhh … husband,’ As we sat, I picked up my drink and gulped it down, it was cold, sugary with lots of alcohol and it tasted wonderful! I watched stagehands drag out large mats and hook them together on stage. ‘What are they doing?’

Jamal was only sipping his drink, ‘Getting ready for the final Act,’ a shiver ran down my spine as I looked from him back to the stage and back to him.

‘Angie, Can I ask why is he here?’ Martin complained, not touching his drink.

‘Because I asked him here, now be nice.’

‘This isn’t right you shouldn’t have brought him here!’

‘Hey! If it’s a problem…’ Jamal said starting to rise. I grabbed his arm to keep him seated.

‘Don’t be silly there is no problem,’ turning to Martin, ‘Apologize to Jamal, Martin. Ask him to stay, I want him to STAY!’

‘Fine, I’m sorry Jamal, please stay,’ Martin said his head downcast.

Jamal chose to ignore him as well, ‘Cool, I guess I’ll stay,’ and he turned his attention back to me.

‘Don’t let Martin fool you, he is enjoying this a lot more than he lets on,' I once again was sliding my hand over his still hard dick under the table as I gave him a loving smile to keep him happy. Martin was looking up at me when Jamal took hold of my other hand and put it on his cock. My look suddenly changed to one of shock as I was able to mentally compare the two. Martin felt so small, like I was touching a boy and suddenly I understood what the announcer meant, it was like getting a joke days after you hear it. Whiteboi=boy dick and I started laughing right in the perplexed Martin’s face and removed my hand from his dick to turn my full attention to Jamal running my hand over the entire length of his black cock, this was a real man’s cock!

The MC announced that the third menu Item was for sale. Arms went up and cards were slid then one of the towel-clad dancers would take the wife’s hand and lead her to a booth. ‘What happens in those booths,’ I asked seductively to Jamal.

He turned to me and began playing with my hair, spreading his legs wider and giving me better access to his cock, ‘Another kind of dance but more personal,' he looked over at Martin who was red-faced with rage and winked, I couldn’t believe it he winked and Martin did nothing. ‘I think I’d like to try that.’

‘Angie no, it’s three hundred dollars!’

‘I know how much it costs, Martin, I want to try it,’ Jamal and I were looking into each other’s eyes and I was sure Martin could see my arm moving and where my hand was.

I heard Martin reply to our hostess, ‘$300,’ she slid our card.

'Jamal, booth 5,' Jamal took my hand.'

The private booth was tiny and smelled of pussy and semen there was a cushioned bench on one side, it was quiet, with no music only the muffled sounds of the people outside the closed door. Jamal told me to sit, I waited for the music to start thinking he was going to dance for me again instead he stepped in front of me placed his back against the opposite wall, and spread his legs. His cock was at eye level as it started to rise under the towel, I watched it grow and without realizing it I started fingering my pussy while my other hand reached out to rub him through that flimsy towel. I looked up and he was smiling that warm friendly smile, 'Take it out, girl,' I reached over to where he had joined the towel together and pulled it free then leaned back against my wall rubbing my clit as the magnificent cock shot straight up before my eyes! It was just like I had first seen it only now it was so close I could reach out and touch it, I could smell it and it smelt like wicked pleasure, 'Pull down that top of that dress and show Jamal those big sweet titties, women,' I stopped masturbating, sat upright using both hands I pulled my dress down showing him my tits my eyes never left that big cock as I cupped my tits together holding them up to him pinching and rolling my painfully hard pink nipples between my fingers, "Now jerk me off, come get my dick," I reached out with both hands stroking and caressing every inch of him, I was entranced with this cock it felt smooth the heaviness and size of his balls shocked me, I was falling in love with the big black cock and then as I was sliding my hand up the under part of his long shaft I saw a bead of pre-cum form on the head and started to drool, 'Yeah, you’re a horny little wife aren’t you, look at you panting for my cock,' then he pulled it away.

'NO,' I moaned reaching out to take it back he twisted away from me, 'Give it back, Give it back, please!'

He smiled at me say, 'Please… Daddy,' I must have looked confused so he went on, "A good Black Cock Slut calls her black man Daddy. Now be a good slut, and say it," I had never been called a slut I don’t know why but my clit throbbed so hard it hurt when he said it and it felt like I wet myself. I was pulling my nipples so hard I bruised them,


He didn’t return it right away, first, he said, ‘Okay girl, but you got to promise to kiss it for me.’

I softly said, ‘I promise,’ I knew this was another line I was about to cross and I was glad Martin couldn’t see, ‘I don’t know, you don’t sound like you mean it.’


‘Show me baby, girl, show your Daddy how you want to kiss my big ol’ Cock,' and he gave it back to me stepping up and putting it right in my face. I couldn’t stop myself, my first light kiss became several all up and down his cock from his balls to the tip and then my kisses became licks and his cock tasted so good. Then I tasted his pre-cum it was salty and wicked and I started to suck as much of him into my mouth as I could while smashing my tits into him holding onto his tight muscular ass fucking that Black cock with my face.

Angie turned to Eve looked her in the eyes and said, "I was lost, I was a slut, his big black cock slut who wanted to drink his cum."

Eve hugged her, "It felt as good as admitting to someone finally, doesn't it?"

He started fucking me back, ‘You're going to go out there and get your husband to pay for me. You're going to be my one on one woman on stage, I'm going to take you right in front of him and suck on those big titties then I’m going to eat your pussy and play with sexy ass. Then I’m going to fuck you, I'm going to put my big black cock deeper inside than any cock has ever been and listen to you scream that my cock is the best, that black cock is the best!

I stopped sucking him long enough to say, 'Yes Daddy, take me, Daddy.'

"Show me that my black cock is the best and make me cum for you.'

'Daddy, cum for me Daddy, cum in my mouth I want to swallow it and show you it is the best cock,' I shoved him back into my mouth just as he exploded. I drank as much of his cum as I could until my orgasm hit me so hard I withered around on that dirty bench until wave after wave of pleasure passed. Jamal, fell back against his wall the last of his cum landing on my face and tits. We found ourselves still wanting more. He handed me the towel to wipe up as much of his fluids as possible and returned it to him. He rewrapped it around himself as I pulled my dress up and tried to fix myself up but, I was in a hurry to see, Martin I had something important to ask him!

I must have looked like a wild woman as I made my way back to our table with Jamal slowly walking behind me. I could feel my wetness, I was ready for a real man. I looked at Martin. He stared at me with disgust, ‘What happened in there? you were gone a long time?'

Jamal stepped up next to me, ‘Why, what do you think happened?’ I sneered back at him as Jamal said it, he was angry and jealous but I could still see he was excited and when he stood to stare me down, I could see a tiny hard lump in the front of his pants.

‘I don’t know, I don’t care, let’s get out of here.’

‘No, we are not leaving, Martin. I learned something in there, something I wish I had learned 20 years ago. Dev is right, everything he said was true, everything we believe is wrong, everything we believe is a lie!’

‘Angie, you’re out of your head, let me take you back to the hotel, we can talk.'

‘You’re not hearing me, Martin. Dev won, he won, look at me, do I look like I want to talk? No Martin, I want a real man to take me, I want to stay here. Jamal come closer, Please.’ Jamal stepped closer and I turned his face to mine and kissed him passionately right in front of Martin then turned to my husband and said, ‘Pay for him!’


‘You heard me, pay for him!’

‘Angie, it’s $2000, it’s all or just about all the money we have!’

‘I DON’T CARE, MARTIN! Pay for him, I want this.’ I pulled Jamal’s towel away and grabbed his perfect cock holding it up for my husband to see. ‘DEV WAS RIGHT, YOU LOST, I WANT THIS INSIDE ME, I WANT IT MORE THAN YOU, GOD, ANYTHING, OR ANYONE! Now pay for him to fuck your wife. Pay so he can bring me up there with those other sluts and fuck me while you watch. I know you want to see it, I know because Dev was right and WE FUCKING LOST! SAY IT! SAY IT NOW!’


‘Good boi, Martin now pay for him!’ Martin fell back into his chair reached into his jacket, and held up the card.

Slightly stunned our hostess came over and took the card, ‘How much?’ she asked but she was watching Jamal and me. Jamal was standing behind me now I reached up with both arms to hold his head. We kissed our tongues in each other’s mouths he pulled my dress down freeing my tits and held them in his hands as I arched my back rubbing my barely covered ass on his perfect cock!

‘$2000’ came the tearful reply from my husband. Jamal and I stopped and watched the woman slide the card.

'Lord, Lord, Lord, I have never seen the like.' She waited for one more beat, and looked up from her screen, ‘Well what are you waiting for, take her to the Stage!’ Jamal took my hand and proudly walked naked to the stage pulling me with him, my tits still out for anyone to see.

Before stepping into the footlights he whispered, ‘Don’t think this is it, I’m giving you my card after I break you in, I am going to see to it that you get a proper black cock education!’

I didn’t know what he was talking about but it sounded nasty, I whispered, ‘Yes Daddy, teach me all about big black cocks!’ Jamal’s nostrils flared, he kissed me hard, reached down grabbed the hem of my dress and pulled it off me in one smooth motion, and tossed it to a stagehand before stepping onto the stage avoiding the eight or nine other couples deep in their worlds fucking with abandon. He dropped to his knees and held those beautiful strong black arms out for me to come to him and I did naked except for my sexy black stockings and slutty silver pumps.

I still couldn’t believe this was happening, I thought I was a loyal wife, a good mother, and an example to our congregation and for 20 years I was. I didn’t know places like this, people like this existed. If I had I would have condemned them, I would have been afraid of them, I would have asked God to send them to hell. Now, here I was strutting to my black lover in the middle of an interracial sex party right in front of my husband and all those other weak white men behind those lights. I thought of Martin, watching, his tiny dick straining in his pants while he watched his wife giving herself over to sin. It made me tingle, I was standing over Jamal shaking with lust ogling his perfect cock, and listening to the rutting around me, grunting men, and the satisfied moans of my fellow white wives. The lights were bright and hot and I was breathing sweat and sex, ‘Come on girl and get this!’ Jamal said and made his cock bounce as he said it. I looked into his smooth beautiful black face and we laughed as I slipped into his powerful arms. We went after each other’s bodies, desperate. Sex had never felt like this, Martin, and my sex was an act of love. I was giving myself to Jamal and he gave himself to me it was real sex, selfish, hedonistic lust! I was taking what I wanted and so was Jamal, his thick lips sucking my tits as I drove his big cock into my clit humping down on it looking for another climax, ‘Damn it, woman are you ready to get this cock? Are you ready for your first black cock experience?’


‘YEAH, HERE WE GO,’ Jamal pushed me off him, ‘How do you want to take it, how do you want me to resize that pussy?’

I twisted onto my hands and knees facing the audience, facing my husband. I arched my back presenting myself like a bitch for breeding, ‘Like this so he can see me. I want him to know, I want it and that I love your big black cock,’ I felt Jamal get behind me and slid his cock between my thighs to my wet pussy.

‘This ain’t your white husband's dick, this is a real man’s cock, I got to oil it up so I can make it fit,’ his repeated sawing of his cock sending new pleasures through me as I humped and bucked back into him and then he slid his cock back and between the cheeks of my ass, I could feel the head of his cock press against my anus causing my lust to rise as I realized I still had virginity to give Jamal! ‘Here it comes,’ I felt him push that spongy head into me. I howled with joy as my beautiful Jamal worked his perfect black cock slowly, patiently inch by inch stretch me. The pain and pleasure of being filled fired nerves inside my pussy I didn’t know I had.

I don’t have any idea how long it took but I did finally feel Jamal’s waist and full balls press against me. He held himself fully inside me, ‘Damn, baby girl, your pussy is tight. Well, we’re going to change that ain’t we,’ and he started to fuck me at first he moved slowly pulling out until just his head was inside me then he would push back each time a little harder and a little faster until all the pain was gone and I found myself pushing back into him harder trying to keep his big black cock inside me, ‘Oh yeah, you're ready now aren’t ‘cha, time to fuck!’ I then felt him pound his cock into me and I FUCKING LOVED IT!!

‘OH GOD, OH, YES, YES FUCK ME!’ I was lost in my world of Black Cock lust! My eyes were closed I was Cumming non-stop as I Fucked back as hard as I could hearing myself making noises I had never made. I felt like I was outside myself watching, I could see my head was down, I was on my knees and elbows, my tits splayed out and my fingers clawed at the dirty mats. I could see the shine of sweat on our bodies as I followed my body down to see Jamal’s big black hands holding my broad hips and pounding that big beautiful black cock into my wet newly resized pussy.

Jamal’s powerful body strained as he took me, the veins in his thick neck bulged, his face tight as he gritted his teeth and I thought, ‘Thank you, Dev thank you for showing me the truth,' and then suddenly I heard a smack and FELT a stinging pain on my ass. I was back inside myself, my eyes wide open in surprise as I looked wide-eyed into the crowded darkness. Jamal was leaning into me pulling my hair, spanking me, and fucking me hard.

‘It's time now baby girl time to tell your husband, time to tell all of these white bois whose cock fucks best!'

‘Your… CO... Cock, Your cock fucks best!’

‘No baby, tell them whose cock fucks best!'


‘Now, tell your husband, tell him what you are."

‘OH, please Martin, I can't believe it. I’m sorry honey but, I love it! He was right I need to have them inside me! OH, so good, I love black cock! Martin, I'm a black cock slut... I'm cumming, Jamal, I'm cumming! Cum inside me, Jamal give me your black cum, I need it, I need to feel it inside me, cum for me Daddy!’

‘HERE I GO BABY GIRL!’ I felt his cum shoot deep inside me and I screamed for joy as the stage lights went out. I felt Jamal reluctantly pull out of me, he stood me up hugged me, and gave me a chaste kiss in the dark, and thanked me.'

The house lights came back on and he walked off stage with the rest of the dancers, someone handed me my dress and I was escorted with the other women off the stage to the cheers of some of the seated men.

In walked naked holding my dress to cover myself in a trance, the guilt and horror of my actions coming back to me as my lust-fogged brain started to clear. What had I done to my marriage, Martin, and myself, what had I become? I found out quickly when I sat down at our table and tried to tug my dress on to cover myself so we could leave, ‘Leave it off,’ Martin shouted his anger finally and very belatedly showing itself when there were no other real men around to protect me.


‘Your nothing, a slut now, leave it off! That’s what slut’s do, So act like the SLUT you are!’

I looked into his face, shocked at the hatred and disgust I saw there, and broke down, my shame overwhelming me. He grabbed his drink and walked away toward the bathrooms. I dropped my dress and reached for him, ‘Martin… please,’ he did not turn, kept his back to me as he went.”

“AWWW, Angie,” Eve hugged her friend’s naked body to her they had been grinding on each other. Eve was recovering from her orgasm fantasy of Dev taking her on those dirty mats while all of Adam’s ****** watched. When she realized Angie had stopped talking and grinding into her, when she checked Angie was crying, “How could he be such an asshole? He was just as caught up in it as you were,” Eve said, comforting, her friend.

“But… but that’s not all that happened.”


“But we… need to stop, Eve. This isn’t right, I shouldn’t be doing this I promised Martin,” Angie sat up and wiped away her tears, “I promised and now I’m doing it again.”

Angie turned to get up, Eve said, “ANNgie… don’t be like that, trust me! Martin will never know any of this.”

“No… you should go.”

Eve stood up and walked over to Angie’s dresser, “Okay, I’ll go if you let me show you something first.”

“What? No, I don’t think I should.”

“Please, Angie I think you’ll like it, Dev made it for me.” Angie was watching Eve’s sexy ass as Eve began opening the torpedo-shaped box, “Oh, why is this picture facing the wrong way,” Eve stopped what she was doing and held up Angelica’s wedding picture, “Oh, she is lovely, is this your ********?”

“Y… yes, that’s Angelica.”

“Did you not want her to see her Mother being naughty, you are a bad girl Angie not letting your little girl know how much fun life can be,” Eve sat the picture down, Angie’s ********’s face once again able to see Angie’s marital bed.

“Martin didn’t ask you to come here, did he?”

“You know who asked me to come here, Angie,” and held out a black silicone dildo fifteen inches long and at least 5 inches around, very life-like, thick and veiny with a bulbous flaring head and enormous round scrotum base, “He also sent this!”

“Oh God, what is that,” Angie scrambled back on her bed until her back was against the headboard in the middle of the bed her legs splayed open, her pussy visible to her friend once again. It started to throb as she stared at that big fake black cock.

"It’s Dev, he had a mold made of his cock and had this made for me to play with when I get lonely, it's nowhere as good as the real one but, it still feels good,” Eve giggled. She brought it to her mouth and flicked the head with her tongue, causing Angie to sigh her hand drifting to her throbbing pussy as she watched Eve join her on the bed.

“Wait...Wait,” Angie held her hand up to prevent Eve from coming any closer, “Put the picture back the way it was, first!”

“Oh no, not this time,” Eve said leering at her friend, “Your ******** is old enough to know what a slut her Mommy is, let her Watch!”

Angie’s eyes went wide as she looked into the eyes of her ******** and rubbed herself harder, “Ooh Eve, you’re so bad,” Eve sat facing her friend licking and kissing the replica cock for her excited friend, “Is Dev really that big,” Angie asked her voice thick with desire as she watched her friend nibble and lick the giant fake black cock.

“Uh Huh, do you want to hold it,” Eve leaned into Angie pushing it at her, “Wasn’t Jamal’s Cock this big?”

“No… it wasn’t,” feeling her lust and need taking over Angie took it in her hand.

“Why don’t you kiss it, Angie,” Eve teased. Angie knew she was lost this was the black cock she needed, and wanted all along and now she was going to take it with a naughty smile. She held the phallus with both hands up to her equally horny friend and began to kiss and lick around the head inviting Eve to join her with her eyes. Eve immediately joined her friend, the two women played and worshipped it rubbing it over their ample tits as they took turns shoving it deep into their mouths when they weren’t sucking on each other’s tongues, the heat in their pussies growing, “Do you want it, Angie, do you want me to put Dev inside you," Angie nodded her head vigorously while biting her lower lip to keep from mewling out all her slutty thoughts. Eve slid Dev down Angie’s body, she looked over to Angelica’s wedding picture, “Are ready to see this baby girl, are you ready to see your horny mom get black fucked?”

Angie felt Eve begin to push Dev’s cock inside her, “OH, OH GOD! EVE, DO... DON’T UNHH… AHHHHH… so fucking big!

Eve was now fucking about half of Dev into Angie’s pussy, “Oh, you know you want her to see,” Angie was clutching her sheets grunting and thrusting her pussy up to meet Eve’s hands as Eve teased her blocking her from bottoming out on the big black toy! “You want the rest inside you, don’t you, your horny cunt wants the rest of Dev’s big black cock, doesn’t it?”

“Yes, give it to me you bitch!"

“Ha, Ha, Ha, I already know you want it. You know who you have to tell if you want me to put the rest of Dev inside you!”

“NOO! Please, Eve don’t make me do that, not that! please put it in me I need it, I fucking want it, it's so big! Please Eve resize me, make me so stretched out that I will never want my husband!”

“What, never again, you don’t want to love your husband anymore,” Eve said slipping Dev a little deeper, “Why Angie? Shouldn’t you tell your ********?”

“ARUGGGGH…YES!” the wild-eyed woman now looking directly into the innocent married face of her ********, “I’m so sorry baby but Mommy found someone she loves more than Daddy, something she needs more than Daddy!”

“That's it, Angie, tell her, tell her, tell your baby girl!” and pushed about three-quarters of Dev into Angie’s hungry-soaked pussy, “Tell your ******** she needs to hear the truth!”

“Mommy is a big black cock slut, they are huge and perfect. Mommy loves them more than Daddy and more than you!”

Eve was wild now she bottomed Dev deep inside her bucking friend! Angie screamed and bucked but she never stopped looking at her ********’s picture, “OH, Angie, I'm going to fuck you so hard,” and Eve’s hand became a blur as she pounded Dev into Angie's pussy stretching it to its limit!

“YES, so deep, Dev is so deep. I love you, Dev, I want you! You won, take me, take your prize, I need a real man. Baby needs a new black Daddy! DEV, I’m cumming, watch Mommy cum for her man, watch Mommy cum… for your new black Daddy!

Exhausted. Angie reached for the water bottle she kept on the nightstand took a gulp, and handed the bottle to Eve. “Oh Eve, I hope you’re not mad about what I said, You know, when I came, about Dev… I mean?”

“Ha! What... No, you can’t be jealous of a real man like Dev,” Eve said pulling herself up to cuddle and comfort her friend, kissing Angie lightly on the forehead. Eve thought, 'Well, it didn't take long to discover Dev and I have created a monster,' I am only Dev’s woman, I know real men, black men need more than one woman that’s for white men,” both girls laughed at the truth of that, “Besides, its different with Black Men, right? I mean, I will do whatever Dev wants and I mean whatever he wants,” Eve gave Angie a devilish smile, “But, that’s because I know I’m doing it for me, you know? The fact that Dev is so confident he lets me enjoy all my nasty games shows what a man he is, do you understand, Angie?”

“Yes, I think I understand, You're saying we choose and because they are real men confident and strong they are man enough to accept our choices even encourage and arrange for us to experience things. I found that out at the Onyx Club, do you want to hear the rest of what happened,” Angie asked as she picked up Dev and rubbed it on Eve’s hardening nipples.

“Yes, tell me, tell me all of it!”

“Well while I was trying to get Martin to look at me, to see how sorry I was and how bad I wanted to dress and leave the other wives and husbands were starting to file out. When our hostess touched me on my shoulder handing me a white card that said in small black lettering, 'You’re Invited, babe!' I looked at her, ‘Oh Girl dry those pretty green eyes, you just got invited to a party,'

This brought Martin back around, I asked, ‘Party?’

The woman pointed to the last item on the menu, Orgy Room by Invitation Only! ‘Oh, I can’t do that,’ I squeaked.

‘I hear you child, I have seen some things working here but, what happens in that back room over there... Hmm… that is like nothing I have ever seen! A girl should never do things like that, but, if you get a chance, how can you turn it down?’ She nodded toward an area of the room where I saw three other couples waiting and each wife held a card like mine deep in conversation with their husbands. When Jamal and 11 other dancers walked naked through the tabled room and past us without acknowledging us and into a room in the farthest corner of the club that looked like an office with a long rectangular window running from the entrance door to the end of the farthest wall a fluorescent light flicked on, I could see the men standing around. A stagehand walked over to the entry carrying four folding chairs, he was a big black man, even for the Onyx Club. When he put the chairs down he turned and faced the room in front of the door, he had a back sleeveless shirt on and before he folded his arms in front of his massive chest I saw the word ‘security’ printed on his shirt.”

“Then something else caught my attention, one of the couples was talking to their hostess, the man handed over his credit card and after the hostess ran it she stamped the white card for the wife and they started toward the back room. Martin and I watched as they walked up to the security guard and the wife handed the card to him. The guard placed one of the chairs in front of the window and the husband sat down to watch, the window was low enough on the wall that the sitting man could see inside the entire room but the people in the room could only see his head.

The woman was still at the door, waiting impatiently for the guard to return. He returned to his original spot and said something to the wife, she nodded and unzipped her dress letting it fall to the floor. Now naked, but for her shoes and stockings she stood with her back to Martin and me, the guard said something else to her she nodded again, removed her shoes, but left on her stockings and when she bent to pick up her things even from where we were sitting we could see her wetness. She stood up and handed her clothes to the guard, he took them and opened a closet door taking his time and placing her dress on a hanger and shoes on a shelf. He closed the door and turned back to the woman. He waited a few seconds before stepping to one side and allowing the shaky wife to cautiously enter.

I heard Martin gasp as three men pulled the woman into them their hands roughly fondling her body. The men started taking turns kissing her as she appeared to pump their cocks when suddenly she was pushed down out of our eye line, but not her husband's, I noticed that Jamal wasn’t one of the men!

‘Yes sir, as I said’ Our hostess continued, ‘when a girl gets a chance like this, how can she turn it down,’ another couple's card was stamped and they headed to the room. I reached down and picked up my dress, I was starting to feel something dangerous building inside me and was looking to leave when I saw something that stopped me. Martin was looking past me at the second couple going through the same ritual as the first and he had a dazed faraway look, a look I had never seen on him until that moment and I realized He was filled with lust! All the anger and jealousy seemed to have washed away and desire had replaced it.

I let the dress drop into my lap ******** my tits to him, feeling the familiar sting of my hardening nipples I reached out to and took his hand. He looked at me, I don’t think he had any idea what was happening to him, ‘Are you ready to go, sweetie,’ I asked as he looked at me and I pushed my excited tits out to him. He licked his dry lips as we gazed into each other’s eyes.

Our hostess started up again, ‘I know you are leaving but since you got the card, it’s my job to tell you about the orgy room rules. First rule: Once you and the lady agree she can enter the room, there are no rules! The man who invited her and his friends get to do whatever they want with her! Second: She can’t leave till they are done with her. Third: Her man must watch it all and don’t even think about trying to stop it or leave once it starts Big Joey gets paid a lot of money to see you don’t!'

I could see Martin looking around the room his breathing becoming irregular, ‘It’s good we don’t have any more money isn’t it Martin,’ I said not sure what I was trying to do, ‘Your wife is nothing but a slut now, a sinful slut! Let’s face it, I need to be punished?’

Martin was watching the second woman being happily manhandled, nodded his head, ‘Yes, you need to be punished!’

He was looking at me again, ‘But, you would never hurt me, would you?’ I put my hand on his thigh.

‘No, I could never hurt you, I love you!’

‘But, if I went into that room the black men are real men, Martin. They know how to punish a sinful slut like me, don’t they?'

‘Yesss Angie, they know how to punish you,’ he rasped his agreement.

I was panting with him now, ‘Oh Martin, if only we had the money, you could send me to them to be punished. I’m a slut now, Martin A big black cock slut just like Dev said. I could go in there and you could watch as they punished me. Martin, in that room there are no rules I have to do whatever they say, you know that means they will take all my holes and you will have to watch while they punish me on your behalf. You will have to watch while they take your wife's anal virginity, Martin all my holes,’ I took a breath and calmed myself, ‘We can’t ever do something like that, can we,’ I was fingering my pussy under the dress on my lap when I finished my naughty pitch. I think the damn finally broke for him when the final couple got up and went to the room. We watched them until she entered the room and disappeared below her three black men. I turned back to my husband, he was looking down at the church credit card in his hands and breathing heavily. We both knew that if he used it in a place like this for such a large sum, our lives would change forever! There would be no way to explain a $5000 charge, which would be too much for us to repay quickly! ‘Oh Martin, you mustn’t do that, we could get in so much trouble, it is not worth what will happen just to punish your slut wife in a way that you can watch is that what you want?


‘Then do it, do it, Martin, you know I want you too more than anything.’ I whispered in his ear two of my fingers in my pussy, my free hand stroking his tiny dick. I kissed his cheek and sat back panting and driving my fingers hard into my pussy.”

‘There you go darling, all stamped!’ our hostess said as she handed the card back to me with a wink, I was standing in my hose and pumps, holding my dress in my hand, ‘And here is your card back sir,’ she said to Martin who was standing next to me, he took the card and started for the room. I began to follow him when our hostess touched my arm, ‘When a girl gets a chance to do something like this, something she knows she shouldn’t. She should take her time and enjoy it because this kind of thing changes everything! Everything she thought she was when she’s done will not mean anything to her anymore!’ I felt a shiver run through me as I winked at her, turned, and took my time, a slow sexy walk to the room shaking my ass and rolling my hips. I knew, I going to a life-changing experience and wanted to remember every step I took!

We stood before big Joey, ‘Invitation?’ He grunted.

Martin took my shoulders and turned me to him, ‘Angie are you sure you can do this,’ he was still very excited, I could see his tiny manhood wriggling in his pants. He looked tearful, but I knew he couldn’t do anything to stop this. He didn’t notice me looking over his shoulder watching Jamal and his two Friends stroking themselves looking at me.

‘Yes, Martin we both know it’s too late for anything else,’

I don’t think he knew he had his hand between his legs when he said, ‘I love you, Angie, and I always will,’ I smiled back at him as I handed Big Joey the card and we started the ritual the other couples went through. I could, like my sister slut wives, feel my pussy making itself ready. Martin was seated, I handed Big Joey my dress and shoes and waited while he hung them up and then without looking back I stepped into the room.

I found myself being held by my arms that were held behind me, by Jamal as I faced the big window, ‘I told you we weren’t done, these are my boys Tre and Mal say hello baby girl,’ I nodded to them as I stared in awe of their Big Cocks. Tre was a little bigger than Jamal but not as thick, Mal was a little smaller but much wider. They were both younger, maybe in their early twenties. They were young, pretty, and full of energy.

'Jamal, my husband says I need to be punished for being a slut, becoming a slut in this den of sin. I want you and your friends to punish me for him as he watches,' Jamal nodded turning them loose and suddenly their camel-colored hands and soft thick lips roamed all over my body, ‘You're ours now girl you like that?’

‘Oh, yessss!’

‘Good, now first we are all gonna get comfortable with each other while you get to know all our cocks with your mouth, then… you ever had a cock in that sexy ass?’ I shook my head no, hearing his deep voice in my head telling me how they were going to use my body. I was so aroused I couldn’t speak, ‘Good, I’m gonna take that ass while my boys take turns filling your other holes. Wow, you like that,’ he spun me around and kissed me hard. Then he passed me to Tre who did the same and then I was in Mal’s arms kissing and jerking his fat black cock as all around me I could hear the moans and cries of women being black fucked and I could smell the sweat and pussy fluids as I sunk to my knees before my black Daddies. I was sucking one dick then the other jerking the other two and smiling as the boys shoved each other trying to get their cocks sucked and I could see Martin staring as the young black men tried to fuck my face, ‘Time to fuck this bitch!’ Jamal said and he dropped to his knees behind me and shoved his stiff Black cock into me. I wasn’t able to scream because when I opened my mouth Tre shoved his long cock into it and down my throat and I was gagging and sucking on it while he thrust in and out. Jamal and Tre were working in rhythm quickly and I hung between them the obscenity of what I was doing pushed me and I started to cum immediately.

When Tre finally pulled his cock from my mouth I gulped in the air and couldn’t believe what I said, ‘Jamal, Daddy, it’s time…Please take my ass, I want a black cock to be the first cock in my ass, Daddy!’

‘Well, you heard the lady,’ The boys backed up to watch as I felt Jamal press the fat head of his cock against my last virgin hole. I saw Martin grimace as I drifted into a fantasy of Jamal pushing Martin out of the way and taking my virgin pussy on our wedding night as the searing pain filled my ass. I gritted my teeth and tried to relax my sphincter wanting Jamal’s cock deeper inside me. Reaching down I began rubbing my clit and pushed back onto his huge cock until Jamal was in my ass.

'I want it, I’m a slut, I’m a slut, I want it,’ I chanted over and over to myself as the pain receded to a dull ache and then pleasure, ‘OH, FUCK… FUCK… That's amazing! I can't believe it, do it Daddy, punish me, Daddy, do it, Daddy,' he did, he fucked it hard without mercy a handful of my hair in one hand and repeated blows to my ass cheeks all the while telling me I was a bad girl that needed discipline and control from a strong man. He said now that I understood my out-of-control wildness was a common sign black men see with repressed white women and that I needed to be tamed by a strong black man or I would lose control. He said I was now an addict and he would prove it pointing out how far I had taken one night of sin. He then began a slow but steady increase of his abuse of my ass both hands on my hips, my mind somewhere where all I heard was Jamal telling me how my future would change, how I would change, and then he asked me as he rammed his huge cock into me, 'If I demanded it even with your husband here would you obey me, would you except me and walk away from your life to serve me as your Master?' I could not speak but did my best to nod my head yes. He then pulled me up to my knees with a handful of my hair, my body against his I could feel every muscle, smell his sweat, his musk, I felt a twinge in my pussy, and then as if a damn broke I either pissed myself or had the most powerful orgasm of my life from the feeling between my legs and then I was gone back to that place where all I heard, all I knew was Jamal's voice as he continued to fuck my ass both hands on my hips controlling my movement, controlling me. He whispered in my ear, 'Control of a strong man,' and pushed me back on all fours as he went even harder at my ass. He owned it and, I would have done anything and he knew it, it was just as he said it would be, as Dev said it would be. I wanted, no need to be broken and tamed made a good girl, a good little slut but not for God or my white husband for Jamal at that moment he was my world!

I heard myself say, I'M CUMMING JAMAL, I’M GOING TO CUM ON YOUR COCK, JAMAL,' I felt his hand in my hair again raising my head to look at Martin during my first anal orgasm. Jamal did not stop he pulled me up like a rag doll, ‘Mal, get under this bitch and fuck her pussy, she's ready for two cocks,’ the young man laid under us lined up his fat cock with my pussy and Jamal lowered his weight onto me forcing down onto Mal's cock his cock still buried deep in my ass. I was now the cream filling in an Oreo, I was double stuffed and about to be doubled fucked and I had no power over any of it I was completely out of control as those two humongous black cocks reshaped my insides for their pleasure then I heard myself speak again, ‘WHY, WHY, I CAN’T STOP, I WON’T STOP, SO GOOD, NEVER SO GOOD. MORE, I NEED MORE, PLEASE MASTER MORE BLACK COCK, PLEASE DADDDIES!!!’

‘YOU HEARD HER! TRE… SHOVE THAT COCK IN HER MOUTH AND SHUT THIS BITCH UP, LET’S MAKE HER AIR… FUCKING… TIGHT,’ and then the real fucking began and I screamed and gagged out orgasm after orgasm. When Tre shifted his body, I thought I saw Martin he was crying then I came so hard I passed out.

When I came to, I was lying on the floor. I did not move I felt my body it hurt and was cold I blinked and pushed myself into a sitting position and felt their black cum running down from my face and tits, leaking out of my pussy and ass. Jamal, Tre, and Mal their beautiful cocks finally flaccid were looking down at me, Jamal was smiling his warm smile, ‘Well baby girl, You have been properly blacked if you want you can go back to your white-boi hubby…’ I became aware of the silence in the room, when I looked out the only man left in the window was Martin and I realized I was the last woman in the room on the other side of the room ten black men were watching me their cocks stiff and ready for action and I shivered. ‘Don’t worry baby girl, you are my guest, nobody here will do anything you don’t want them to,’

My mind was starting to grasp what Jamal was saying. I heard myself say, ‘What if I want them too,’ sounding like a naughty little girl.

‘Same as before, they get to fuck you any way they want, until their done with you!’ I felt my pussy heating up, I couldn’t believe I was even considering this then I saw Big Joey standing naked and hard with the rest of the men, he had the same impassive look but his thirteen-inch cock was pointed straight at me, pulsing, calling me, I felt my heart race. Jamal asked, ‘Is that what you want,’ I started nodding my head, ‘NO, you have to say it, what do you want?’

‘I… I want to fuck them Daddy, all of them!’

‘ANGIE, NOOOO!’ Martin was standing at the window and no one paid attention to him the men crowded around me as my hands reached out for their cocks!'

“ARUGHHHHHH! ANGIE! I’m cumming, no more, please I can't cum anymore!” Eve was begging, screaming. Angie had been fucking her hard with Dev the entire time, “Oh god, I’m sorry, I got so caught up, I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“No Girl, don’t be silly. I need some sleep, you can tell me the rest some other night,” Eve giggled.

“Well, I don’t remember much more, it is all a wild blur, but I do remember Big Joey’s 13 inches in my ass,”

Both girls laughed, “Oh God, I have to make Adam take me there!”

“You’re so bad,” Angie giggled, “You’re right we should get some sleep.”

“Oh, I should give you Dev’s message…” Eve drifted off to sleep mid-sentence, but her excited friend had to rub her pussy to several more orgasms before she was able to sleep herself. The message Eve was to deliver was, "Dev, will be coming over tomorrow."

Well, good reader it is mid-day Monday, Eve has gone home after a passionate kiss to tell Dev his visit at 2 pm will be more than welcome, Angie is more than ready to pay up and fulfill all his demands. Our heroine feeling like a new woman plans her day starting with a shower, after all, she must be fresh and clean to take charge. It’s a new day and she unfortunately for our poor hero, is a new woman…

“Angie, babe I’m back, was everything OK while I was gone? I’m sorry I didn’t want to go, you know that, but we can’t neglect our duties anymore, people are starting to talk,” Martin called from the bottom of the stairs assuming his wife was still in bed even though it was past noon. He didn’t want to go but his standing watch against Dev and Eve had already started tongues wagging and with Angie refusing to leave the house people thought it odd she should be so sick and not in the hospital.

There was that letter a meeting with the Elders all because of that night, all because they were sinful and weak. $5000.00 in church funds gone to that evil place. He kept seeing it over and over his arm slowly rising all their money drained from their savings, he had the Church card in his hand this time, "Oh god, why? Why, did I Pay for her last sinful pleasures with the Church’s money," he bent his head wiping bitter tears when Angie came in the kitchen door, “Goodness, we can’t have that, can we,” said Angie as she entered the living room. Martin was amazed it was Angie his beautiful innocent Angie looking the way she always had fresh and lovely her black hair pulled back, her face bright and shiny, her beautiful green eyes relaxed and full of mischief, “Come here, Martin sit down I need to talk to you,” her voice was calm, but Martin, thought he heard something in it, something he had heard before, and suddenly he felt very nervous as he sat next to his wife.

“Angie, what’s going on, what’s gotten into you?”

“You are going on retreat and leaving me here alone. it was the best thing that could have happened, Martin!” Angie leaned into him and he could smell his favorite perfume. Even though she was wearing one of her old cotton shirts she seemed to have forgotten to button one or two. When she brushed against his arm he could tell she was not wearing a bra, “I had some time to find out what I want to do, Martin,” she went on brightly, “After all, we can’t go on like this, now can we,” she plowed forward before he could answer, “Of course not, I have been praying and praying for guidance, Martin,” again before he could respond, “Well, while you were away I received my divine revelation and I know what we are going to do,” She stopped leaving Martin grasping.

“And that is?”

“First we are going to settle this damn bet!”

“Angie, you can’t mean it!”

“Oh! I certainly do! I have called Dev and he will be here in a little while!”

“Well, then I won’t be. I won’t humble myself before that NIG…thug! Haven’t I suffered enough because of those men?”

“Oh yes, you will be here Martin, and don’t ever let me hear you speak that way again, you will be here, you will admit we lost and you will say your part. After all, you have the easy part I’m the one who must disgrace herself before him. I’m the one who must open herself up to him not you. I’m the prize he wants, don’t forget that!”

“Angie this is crazy, I can’t let you let me..."

No Martin, you are not letting me do anything! I must do this and so must you or did you forget the Church’s $5000.00? I saw the letter, Martin, how will you ever repay the money? How will you ever avoid the scandal? There is only one person we know with that kind of money, only one man who can save us, Martin!”


“That’s right, Dev! How can we ask him to save us if I don’t give him what he wants? So here is what you are going to do… you will sit right where you are and when Dev comes in, I will hold your hand, and you will say your part, truthfully, when you are done you will excuse yourself and go into your office and pray for me until he leaves!”

“I can’t do that, I can’t leave you alone with him, I promised…”

“I know what we promised, but I don’t want you there to witness what I must say! So, you will go to your office and pray while I work things out with Dev!”

“Angie, are you sure there must be…” he never finished because the doorbell rang.

“There he is, now you behave and do what I told you to do, Martin. She jumped up excited to answer the door. It was then he noticed her pants or lack thereof, these pants were not pants, they were black yoga pants like the ones Eve wears all the time, ‘Where did she get those?’ he thought, “Hello Dev…” Angie said flirtatiously, “We’ve been expecting you...”

“I know you have, babe! Sorry to keep you waiting, but you were such a bad girl!”

“I know, and I’m soooo sorry about that. I promise to be a good girl from now on!”

“That’s what I want to hear. So where is Reverend Marty, where is my little man?”

“He’s right in here, Dev,” She said taking him by the hand and bringing him into their living room. Martin couldn’t believe this was happening, Angie was smiling, a slightly exaggerated wiggle in her walk her tight pants clinging to her body, ‘Is she wearing underwear?’ thought Martin as he felt himself slipping into a very familiar daze, ‘No this isn’t happening again, not here, not in my home…’ Dev stood before him dressed in a black sleeveless muscle tee, white belted khaki shorts that hung just past the knee, a pair of black running shoes with no socks and a thick 24 carat gold rope chain around his neck. He bulged from under his simple outfit like the Bull he was nicknamed for, Now all that power and intensity focused itself on Martin as he stood radiating his triumph in Martin’s defeat right there in Martin’s home.

“Well Marty, what you got to say to me now,” Dev snarled causing Martin to visibly wince.

Seeing that made Angie smile, “Go on… Marty,” she bent at the waist arched her back sticking her round sexy ass out for Dev’s inspection as she took her husband's hands, “Pay up, tell Dev,” she turned her head back to the huge black man behind her and saw him openly ogling her shapely behind and then both of their eyes met. The heat building between them grew a little hotter. Dev could see she wore nothing under those tight pants, he could see the bright pale flesh through her sheer pants, he could see the wet spot forming from her clean-shaven pussy, and Dev wondered, ‘I bet Marty can smell her, I sure as hell can, this is going to be good!’

“Marty! Hurry up and tell Dev what he came to hear, DO IT NOW, MARTY!” Angie raised her voice and Dev watched as she rolled her hips back and forth shaking her ass for him while she did her best to get her husband to do his part so he could leave so Dev could be alone with his prize. Confused and blurry-eyed like a zombie under a witch’s spell Martin spoke his part, “We… lost, Dev, you… won…”

“What was that little, man? I didn’t hear you.”

“Say it right, Marty. Be a good sport and say it right.” Angie chimed in her husband’s humiliation stoking her lust for the black man behind her, her pussy throbbing uncontrollably now a few more minutes, she needed to keep it under control a little longer.

“WE LOST, YOU WON!” Martin said loud and clear wanting to get away from the black beast.


“And black is the superior race, you are stronger, better, have bigger sexual endowments and all white women, and I do mean all,” he said looking at his wife, who didn’t notice as she was looking at Dev, “WANT TO BREED WITH YOU!”

“There,” Dev chuckled, “Was that so hard, you can go now.”

“Very good, honey,” Angie said as she returned her gaze to her sad little husband, “Now go to your office like we talked about and pray, while I pay my part of the bet to Dev,” leaning in to kiss him on the cheek.

“Angie, shouldn’t I stay after all…”

“NO!” Angie snapped, she was growing tired of this pathetic little man, “I told you I didn’t want you here for this part! Now if you want me to get you the help you need you will go to your Office like a good boy and pray!”

“OK FINE, IF THAT’S THE WAY YOU WANT IT!” Martin jumped up. Angie straightened up momentarily afraid she backed into Dev, who clasped his hands gently around Angie’s arms as she pressed herself into his huge frame.

“Easy, Little man,” Dev said with a frighteningly measured control, “Do what the lady says.”

Martin, felt his heart break as he saw his wife press herself into Dev his anger flared, but he realized there was nothing he could do to stop this anymore, “Fine,” he said raising his hands in surrender, “If anybody wants me, I’ll be in my office praying,” and he stormed off down a tiny hall to the room he used as his home office to pray and slammed the door behind him.

“Finally,” Angie hissed, turning to Dev reaching up to bring his face down to hers Kissing him hard, her tongue searching his mouth as Dev returned her passion. They kissed and petted, Dev’s big hands teasing her, squeezing her tits, pulling her ass cheeks wide apart as she dry-humped the incredibly huge bulge in the front of Dev’s straining shorts. Dev forced Angie to turn around grabbing her hips and forcing the hot wife to arch her back and grind her ass onto his crotch which he pushed deep in between the crack of her sexy round ass, his fingers pressing down hard as he rubbed her clit through the straining fabric. “Damn, these pants make my cock hard. Well, baby girl did you like my present, did you like the Onyx Club, was I right to send you there?”

“YES! Oh god, yes! You were so right, I never knew, never imagined!” Angie was groaning and straining trying to get Dev harder as she felt the fabric of her flimsy yoga pants tearing.

“Never knew what baby girl, tell Dev all about it? About the black cocks, About the big nasty black cocks, tell me all about them?”

“You were right, I couldn’t resist, I tried but once I started I couldn’t stop, I can’t stop. They were so beautiful, dark, and powerful, I wanted them all and I had them all of them and there was nothing Marty could do."

“I bet he didn’t even try, like now,” Dev said stepping back and removing his shirt to reveal his broad chest and ripped abs.

“Yes, just like now!” Angie said yanking off her shirt sending buttons flying. She reached up grabbing her hard nipples and pulling on them as she panted staring at Dev’s bloated crotch, “But there is one big black cock I want in particular,” her control surprising Dev, “I’ve been dreaming about it for months, rubbing my poor pussy raw waiting for you come for me, your prize.”

“Yeah, well you know what they say, the good Lord helps those that help themselves, come take what you want baby girl!”

“I... can’t, I shouldn’t,” Angie said as she shimmied out of those pants to reveal her naked body to Dev.

"Why not baby girl, why don’t you want to get the big black cock of your nasty dreams, what are you afraid of?”

“Because I know if I do…” She stood before him rubbing her now bald pussy, “I’ll give it to you, the evil thing you’re after. I won’t be able to stop myself, I almost don’t want to stop myself now, and I haven’t even seen it yet!”

“Oh, and what is it, you think I want?”

“Your real prize, to…to put a son in my belly and take me away from my husband, to make me your woman like Eve. Make me a wicked and sinful black cock whore, like Eve. Give me to your friends and let me do any wicked sinfully disgusting thing I want, like Eve.”

“That’s right, Angie. That’s exactly what I want and you know that’s exactly what you want. I knew the first time I looked into your pretty green eyes so good and pure, but I could tell I could see you wanted more, you needed more. You needed a real man, a bad man to show you what you needed so I did. Now come take it, girl!” Dev said undoing his belt sliding his shorts down and stepping out of them and kicking off his shoes standing naked before Angie who began to slowly stroke the gigantic ebony cock of her dreams and wickedest fantasies, “Now come take my cock baby girl, come take the life you want!”

“OHHHH, Dev, Daddy, YES” Angie gave in to her new man crushing her breasts into him as she kissed her way down from Dev’s chest past his stomach finally latching hold of his huge cock, she stroked it, kissed it, and licked it, worshiping every part of it before taking it deep into her mouth and throat, her fingers never once stopped rubbing her pussy as she felt Dev’s hands hold the back of her head as he began to fuck her face. Angie suddenly stopped caring about her old life, she was filled with joy at the thought of her new life, a better life filled with depravity and sin. The sin of big black men, real men. She would do anything they wanted to get them from now on. So, when Dev finally pulled his hard cock free Angie gazed up at him, “Let’s go up to my bed, Daddy! I want to ride your beautiful cock until it explodes inside my pussy, I want you to breed me Dev, I want your son, I want to be yours.” She stood up shaking and took his hand to bring him to her wedding bed.

Dev stopped her, “What about your husband, Angie? What about your ********? What about your Church?”

“Oh, Daddy,” Angie never felt so excited not even at the Onyx Club. Her pussy cream running down her legs from what she was about to say to her man, “Don’t you know? I want them ALL to know, I want them ALL to see, I want them all to know that I’m a big black cock whore. I want them all to know that my black Daddy fucked a baby into me in my husband's bed and there was nothing that pathetic, weak, tiny dicked man or his God could do to stop us." It was like a rage came over both of them after that Dev picked her up straddling her to his chest his cock pressed tightly into Angie’s labia and belly. He climbed the small staircase to her bedroom as she ground her pussy on his shaft. Outside the door to her and Martin’s room she had Dev put her down so she could bring him into this sacred space. Angie moved around the room as Dev watched her from inside the door. When she stopped once again, like the night before, and picked up her ********"s wedding photo, Dev stepped up behind her sliding his enormous pole between the cheek of Angie’s ass.

“She’s pretty.”

“My ********, her wedding picture," They both gazed down on the lovely form of the pretty young blonde with her mother’s smile and bright green eyes, smiling out at the world next to her young handsome white husband. Angie placed the picture back facing the bed.

“She's gonna watch her mommy get bred,” Dev asked Angie who was pulling the bed cover off and climbing onto the bed nodded her head vigorously too aroused and ashamed to admit she wanted her ******** to see. Just like with Eve, it gave her a wicked thrill thinking her ******** was watching her behave like a slut, “You are a nasty black cock slut aren’t you, Angie?”

“Lie down here and find out,” Dev laid flat on his back in the middle of the bed, his cock sticking 15 inches straight up in the air like a piece of black pipe, and didn’t move, he knew this was Angie’s show and what a show it was the lovely wife and mother stroked and sucked on the perfect ebony cock in her marital bed before finally lowering herself onto Dev’s face where he expertly ate her pussy, tonguing and fingered her ass to two mind-blowing orgasms. Then they both knew it was time for the main event and Angie spun herself around and started to lower herself onto Dev’s cock, they both groaned loudly.

Dev said, “Watch now, baby girl watch me put a baby in your Mamma!”

“YES!” Angie’s shouted, “Watch me, watch Momma get bred. You're getting a baby brother,” as she bottoms out on Dev’s cock, and the two-started slamming into each other but with timing like they had been doing it for years, “Daddy, fuck me," She drove herself up and down on Dev’s big black cock.

Then suddenly they stopped when they heard from the doorway, “GOD, ANGIE NO! You promised, never again, WHY?"

Angie and Dev look over in shock at the broken man crying in the doorway, “WHY,” Angie leered over at her husband pulling herself up and off ******** the giant black cock to Martin’s eyes, “THIS IS WHY! BECAUSE ITS SO BIG AND SO BLACK AND IT FEEL SO WONDERFULLY WICKED TO TAKE IT INTO MY PUSSY!”

“But you said that didn’t matter, you said you loved me, you promised,” Martin repeated himself.

Angie laughed as she worked Dev’s big black cock back inside herself, “MARTIN, I…I LIED, IT DOES MATTER! FUCK ME, DADDY! FUCK ME GOOD!" She screamed as she slammed herself up and down on Dev’s cock and Dev began to quicken the pace, "OH, Dev do it, babe, breed me, take me, give me your son in front of my husband.”

“HERE IT COMES!” Dev howled as Angie fucked his cock like a Demon, ‘A demon straight from hell!’ those were Martin’s last thoughts as he watched Dev violently explode inside his wife, the last thing he heard as he ran from his home after Cumming untouched in his pants was “YES DEV! BREED YOUR WOMAN! MAKE HER YOURS! I LOVE YOU DEV! I LOVE YOUR BLACK COCK!”

Long after her husband fled his home the two lovers were far from finished, No I’m afraid gentle reader, now that Mrs. Whytfolk has made her wicked choice and driven her husband from their home, she reveled in her moral corruption pushing her forbidden desires more and more to the forefront until she crosses that final line…

Hours later Mrs. Angie Whytfolk, the Minister’s good wife, pillar of her church, lay naked covered in sweat and cum, her lover's big black cock deep in her ass, her ********’s wedding picture on the bed in front of them, “Tell me, Daddy, tell me again,” Angie cried out as Dev pounded his cock into her ass, “After the baby is born you tell her you need her that you are all alone with the baby and when she comes, you bring her to me!"

“And you will take her, save her like you did Eve and her Mother?"

“That's right, babe!”

“And you will breed her and we will all make her a black cock slut?”

“UH HUH, and then I'll bring her into our bed and make you two play together, for me!”

“YESSSS! I want that so much, fuck my ass, Daddy, fuck us with your big black cock, I’m cumming! BABY WATCH YOUR MOMMY CUM, IT'S SO WRONG, SO WICKED. MOMMY’S CUMMING SO HARD, I WANT IT DADDY, GIVE IT TO ME, GIVE IT TO US!” The now debauched wife and mother bellowed out so loud she was heard in the quiet street as she clutched her ********’s wedding picture her eyes locked into the eyes of her ******** as Dev released himself into Angie’s horny asshole.

So, that is our tale, we hope you enjoyed it and that you will take heed to its dark and frightful message! Oh, Angie never did ask Dev for that money, no instead the good Reverend resigned his position to quite the scandal! He hasn’t had much luck finding a new congregation it seems he’s taken to the drink.

Well, it’s understandable what with the divorce and his sweet bride moving across the street to be with that fallen woman. Her pregnancy with Dev's beautiful, demonic baby (according to Martin) that all women are drawn to just like Eve's Dev JR. We are told her ******** has disowned her but, they have been talking and the child seems to be weakening, maybe she will come back after the baby is born after all, her poor screwed-up mom is all alone. Our poor hero, will his suffering never end?