My name is Ty short for Tyrone, back in 1992 I went to jail for something I did not do, and it took a long time for me to get out after 24 years, I was released after new evidence proved my innocence. During my time in jail, a young pastor named Thomas Andrews and his wife, Lisa would often come to the prison, at the time I was incarcerated neither Thomas nor Lisa were even born Thomas being 22 and Lisa 21.

When I got out of prison I was 42, a 42-year-old black man that had spent 24 years in prison. The day I walked out Thomas and Lisa were there to pick me up, as I got into the car I asked, "Where are we going?"

Thomas replied, "You are going to live in a basement apartment at our home and we have arranged for you to have a job doing odd jobs, repairs for the church and around the small town that the church was in. Thomas was a good-looking boy, an average American but good-looking. His wife, Lisa blonde hair, and blue eyes could’ve been a model, she looked like a hot high school cheerleader would look in her 20s.

When we arrived at the house, I got my bags from the car and had a look at my basement apartment, they were a lot better digs than any other place I had ever been, and set about settling in and getting to know the town. Then about three weeks later I was at the house when Lisa asked me if I could fix the shower in the master bathroom. when I went in to fix it I saw Lisa, naked, I watched her change into her bathing suit to go swimming in the pool out back and my 14-inch black cock stiffened, but I knew better, after all, it was a lie about my black cock that got me in jail. (That’s a story for another day, though.)

After two months, one night Lisa and I were waiting for Tom to come home for dinner when the telephone rang. Lisa answered, “Hello... Oh, my God when?“ After hanging up the phone, Lisa looked at me with tears and said, "Tom has been in a car accident and is in the hospital," I drove Lisa to the hospital.

After a short wait, the doctor came out and told us that Tom was in bad shape but he would live, he said they were keeping him sedated so he won’t feel much pain. So after visiting for a few minutes Lisa and I went back home, she was so upset I walked her to her bedroom where she sat on the bed crying so I put my arm around her to try and comfort her.

She turned her head and looked at me, “Thank you, Ty.“

“That’s what I’m here for,“ that’s when her blue eyes, met my brown eyes, and the next thing I knew my pastor, friends, and hot blonde wife was kissing me, “I’m sorry.”

“I understand, I’ll go back downstairs to my apartment.“ As I started to walk out she grabbed my arm, when I turned around, we ended up not just kissing but our tongues tangled with one another. As we kissed I took off my shirt and took off her top, within a matter of minutes, we were both completely naked. She took her hands and started moving them up and down my hard 14-inch black cock.

“It’s so big never seen one that big before, how big are you?“

I looked at this young, beautiful, blonde, white woman, and answered, “14 inches,“ the next thing I knew she was giving me the best blow job ever, then I gently picked her up and laid her on the bed before eating her pussy and then moving back up, I began kissing her and started rubbing my 14 inches on the outside of her opening.

“Be gentle, I’ve never had anything that big inside of me,“ I assured her I was going to do my best not to hurt her, but I couldn’t promises, “One more thing pull out before you cum, I’m not on the pill, Tom and I have been trying to have a baby.“ As I slowly entered her with my 14 inches the tighter her pussy felt around my cock the deeper I went, once I was all the way in, I started picking up speed and she started fucking me back, “Yeeeeessss!” She exclaimed.

My balls were about to explode, "It's time to pull out."

“Please keep fucking me, cum in me, I want to feel you explode!“ Without holding back every bit of what was built up inside me exploded into her.

After she drifted off to sleep and I went down to my apartment. The following day at breakfast, she apologized to me for what happened, she said, "Last night was because of my grief over Tom, not knowing what is going to happen with him," it was a moment of weakness that she had given into, a fantasy, being with a black man.

I too apologized and told her, "I should’ve left and gone to my apartment," We didn’t say anything about that night until about a month later I came home from doing repairs in the church, and Lisa was sitting at the kitchen table with tears in her eyes, “Something happened to Tom?“

She shook her head no and pulled out a positive pregnancy test. She said, "I went to the doctor's after taking this test and it is confirmed that I am at least one month pregnant according to the doctor's test. This means that within that timeframe there is no way Tom could be the father."

There is more to the story to come.