I'm not sure if my life story (so far!) is of interest or indeed worth recounting but looking back on my upbringing and the way things seemed to have gone full-circle, I suppose it was inevitable that I should become a cuckold, albeit in the most unusual circumstances. To explain.

I had no idea my upbringing was anything but normal. I was the only child to my parents leading a charmed life, the son of an ex-Pat living in a big house in the African outback. I didn't know it at the time, but my father was the de-facto owner of a farm, a coffee growing plantation, and he ran the place like it was his own personal fiefdom We wanted for nothing, were cared for by black servants and domestic staff who seemed to be devoted to him and my mother and they showed no resentments (as far as I was aware) toward us and it was a really happy place. As I grew, my parents did nothing to discourage me from adopting African attitudes and therefore it was considered normal to be in the company of others in a state of undress and for me to see the features that make male and female so different.

As was the custom for the children of ex-pats, when I reached an age whereby I had learned to tie my own shoe-laces, I was sent off to a boys-only boarding school in England to receive my education. It was the way things were done in those days and I would only return to my African home twice yearly, at Christmas for a few weeks and then in the summer for a longer period.

My school mates in England were intrigued by my tales and descriptions of my friends, both male and female, back in Africa and the thoughts of being in the company of half-naked dusky chums had some of them openly confessing to wanking at the idea. What I never did tell them though was that I had often witnessed both my mother and father taking greater advantage of their black attendants and that most afternoons when the sun was at its highest and the temperature outside making life uncomfortable, that Mother would be entertaining our black gardener in her bedroom and that Daddy would be doing much the same in the servants’ quarters with one of the kitchen girls.

As I say, such behaviour was considered by me to be nothing untoward in those days and I certainly accepted it as being the way things were done in that part of the world. Likewise, the gatherings and parties and behaviour that went on between the ex-pat community was also of little interest to me and I had no idea that the swapping of wives might be considered unacceptable in less liberal-minded company.

However, as I grew and puberty kicked in, such matters did become more of an interest although I was sensible enough by then not to reveal too much detail to my boarding school friends whenever I returned to school after my vacations.

It was the summer following my first teenage birthday that I really started to take an interest in the causes of those troublesome erections that constantly interrupted any other of my youthful activities. The boys back at school had introduced me to the delights of masturbation and there was nothing I enjoyed more than to encourage my stubby little cock to stiffen and to stroke myself to what was a glorious climax. In those early days amongst us boys, there were little or no ejaculations, we just enjoyed looking and comparing each other’s 'assets' as we wanked in our dormitory and allowed the overwhelming sense of pleasure that momentarily made us incapable of doing anything other than try to prolong the sensation for as long as possible. What a wonderful beginning to my voyage of sexual discoveries.

However, it was when I returned home that my sexual education really began to broaden for I knew very little of the details of such matters and I was soon to experience a sense of awe and envy of the size of black boys' cocks, an admiration that has stayed with me for all my life.

Close by was a village where most of the farm workers lived and the friends who grew up with me came from; me, a white boy with black friends. The African boys were older and bigger than me but despite the differences in our cultural upbringing we still had pretty much the same ideas when it came to boyhood games so from morning until night 'our gang' (me, Abeo, Obi and Amari)explored and played together on the vast farm and beyond. I was the youngest, just into my teens, and the others I guessed were just a few years ahead of me. Growing up among them I spoke their language fluently and they in turn liked to practise their English so our conversations were usually a curious mix of both tongues!

Our games usually involved play-acting at tracking and hunting which was encouraged by their Elders as being preparation for manhood and, boy, under the African sun it was hot work! One day after a morning of successful ‘hunting’ we headed for the river to cool off under the shade of the willow trees that grew on the banks. Abeo, who was well-versed in the habits of the wildlife and game, said that this particular stretch of the river up in the highlands was safe from crocodiles and hippos and I felt safe hearing his advice.

Soon our shirts were off and again I was treated to the sight of the well-developed muscular upper torsos of my black friends. Someone found a muddy pool and with the advice of Abeo that this was a fine way to cool off we were soon smearing the mud on our bodies to cool down. They teased me and said that now with the mud I looked like an African boy, just like them. I said that my blonde hair and lack of muscles made that difficult to believe!

The mud as it dried turned a white-ish colour and I also found that it made my skin tingle, a not unpleasant sensation. It soon dried and we decided to jump in the pool in the river to wash it off to swim and then literally just chill in the midday sun.

Abeo was the first to remove his shorts and jump in the water. He was followed by Obi, Amari then me. As teenage boys we all frolicked nude in the clear river water removing the mud and letting the water cool our overheated bodies. It wasn't long before the horseplay started, grabbing and ducking, and making attempts to grope the other boys’ cocks under the water. As a group we were getting each other very aroused.

Amari was the first to get out and lie on his back on the grass in the sun.

We followed suit and soon the entire 'gang' was lying in the sun drying off. I was in the middle with Abeo on one side of me and Obi on the other side; I felt like I was part of a Choc-ice, black on the outside, white in the middle! The warmth of the sun induced daydreaming and dosing off, four naked teen boys lying in the sun on the banks of an African river.

The drowsiness and warm sun seemingly had an erotic impact on the group. Half-opening my eyes I was confronted by the sight of their black cocks swelling and growing in this relaxed environment. I was fascinated. They all lay with their eyes shut and I guessed they must be thinking lustful thoughts as I watched their black cocks slowly twitch and change from flaccid to semi erect.

As is the African culture, no boy is circumcised until about the age of 18, so the three had pronounced foreskins that were gradually retreating as their erections were becoming harder with a little help from their stroking fingers. I was transfixed by the sight and my little white circumcised cock was also getting very stiff, growing to about 3 inches long at full erection and a little thicker than a thumb. By comparison these three black cocks were huge, twice, if not three times the size of mine. It was the first time I had seen my friends' cocks like this, fully erect in such a flagrant and erotic display. I was aroused to the point of oozing pre-cum from the tip of my cock and could not help myself by following their example and slowly hand wanking my tiny white cock.

The big black boys were still half asleep in their lustful stupor. Their black fingers were curled around their hardening shafts. It became obvious to me that they did this often and I had just become witness to their secret wanking club. I had to sit up to get a better view of these three big black cocks glistening in the African sun as they continued to grow assisted by hand stimulation. The movement of my sitting up must have woken them and Abeo smiled when he saw me staring at their actions and was amused to see me playing with my small white cock. He woke his wanking mates and pointed to my small erect white cock.

"Have you ever seen such a small erect cock on a boy?” he asked his friends.

"I have never seen a white cock before, let alone such a small one." Obi laughed.

"Not much to see," Amari said teasingly. They continued to tug on their massive black cocks bringing them to full erection.

"Is that it, are you fully erect?” Obi asked.

"Yes," I whispered ashamedly.

"That's unbelievable. Come here and let’s compare each other’s cocks. I’ll put mine next to yours."

I moved over so that I was kneeling next to him and his 8-inchhard cock shadowed my small 4 inch white offering and contrasted, his black to my pale insipid white.

Amari joined us and was next to make a comparison with his huge tool rubbing his tip against mine. He said he had never seen a circumcised white cock on someone so young and he offered the theory that my early circumcision could have affected my growth and size development.

Abeo was last and with his thick long cock, the biggest of the bunch. He held his cock out, hardly being able to get his fingers around the hardened shaft. Needless to add, his black cock was very much thicker than mine. I found it fascinating that we could be so different.

"Can I touch your cock?" I asked.

He didn't answer, he just smiled and let me wrap my hand around his massive manhood.

They all giggled like girls to witness my fascination and Amari and Obi were insistent that I should also handle them like I was doing with Abeo. They had no need to ask, I willingly did so when they presented their erections for me to feel and fondle. My cock was in constant arousal and as hard as I had ever felt it and I swear I was close to cumming as I handled these three big black cocks of my African friends, such a contrast in every way to the fumbling that went on back in my boarding school.

They must have then taken sympathy on my small white cock and they suggested it was the lack of exercise in my formative years that was the reason for my diminutive size. They then went into detail as to how in their upbringing they had been made to make their fledging penises bigger. With excitement they kept interrupting each other as they remembered the tribal ritual that had been used to enhance cock size.

When quite young, the process starts and bearing in mind that as African boys they went around naked all the time, their cocks were always on show for the whole tribe to witness. A white oily clay (similar, I guessed to that which we had just smeared on ourselves) found near the waterhole was used to apply to their cocks. This had a threefold function: as a lubricant, as one was expected to masturbate ones cock constantly; secondly, the oily clay also had some property, a stimulation effect that resulted in keeping a cock in a constant state of arousal to allow continuous masturbation; and finally, the evidence of the white clay on the young naked black cock told the elders, grandparent, uncles and aunts and nubile black girls of the village that the transformation from boyhood to manhood had begun.

All the while they were telling me these stories all three of them were playing with their very erect big black cocks. As I was getting both oral and visual stimulation listening to their stories and watching three black teen boys wanking their handsome cocks, I added manual stimulation to the equation and wanked on my white cock, albeit small in comparison to my companions.

Abeo, who was a great story-teller, told me that as young boys they plaited grass to make ropes and how they wrapped the dried plaited grass around the base of their young cocks slowly and tightly twisting it around to the head of the cock where they tied it. A long piece of plaited grass was left hanging from the end of their cocks.

They used the dangling rope end to tie on a heavy rock and this would permanently stretch and lengthen their black cocks. Before letting the rock hang the plaited grass around the cock was doused with water. They then lay in the sun and as the grass dried it shrunk tightening the grass noose and causing the knob beneath their foreskins to swell so that it became more pronounced.

The young boys would all walk around for months with rocks hanging from the end of their penises. As they got used to the weight and stretching action of the rock, so the rock weight was increased. They told me that some tribal boys had cocks that hung down to between their knees due to this rock weight stretching exercise during the formative years.

I was a little sceptical as to whether they were telling me the truth for I knew from past experience that they were imaginative storytellers so I asked, “Really, did all three of you do this?” I asked.

“Yes,” they replied in unison, and with sincerity and, heck, I could see the amazing results, so I chose to believe them.

“Do you want us to do it for your small white cock?” they offered laughing.

I laughed back and said that I thought it was too late for me to do that.

They all continued to stare at my little stiff erection before Obi said, "You have touched our cocks so now can we each wank your small white cock, as we have never touched a white cock before?”

I said nothing but I stood up and let it be known that I had no objection. Very gently they took turns in using only their thumb and index finger to give my little cock a few strokes each and I must say it was most enjoyable to be fondled by three teen black boys who were each sporting a massive hard-on.

Abeo then suggested that he give me a foreskin fuck. I had no idea what he was talking about and asked him what that was as I did not know what a foreskin was as I didn't have one. They all laughed at my ignorance, and it was obvious that they all knew and had practiced this rite before.

"Come I will show you," he said. “It will be easy with your small white uncircumcised cock." With that he approached me and putting his cock tip to tip with mine, thick black to thin white he unrolled his extra foreskin down my erect cock. It covered it completely like a thick chocolate condom. Then holding his foreskin in place over my cock with two fingers and grasping his thick cock with his other hand he slowly started to wank both cocks.

His pre-cum lubricated the engulfing foreskin and slowly at first increasing in tempo he masturbated us both. The sensation of having my cock inside the warm wet black foreskin of my African friend was too much for me and I soon came releasing my humble load of cum. This triggered Obi who also came and I felt his hot spunk fill the tightly held foreskin in volumes. I could feel his cock jerk as he orgasmed and it was amazing to see his foreskin almost covering my entire 3 inch cock from tip to ball base.

All the time both Obi and Amari had stood watching and had been wanking their ebony boners and when Abeo released his hold and my small, deflated cock slid easily from its slimy enclosure they both spurted their own ejaculations to add to the puddles on the rocks on which we standing.

They said my small white cock had bought them a lot of amusement and arousal and they made a promise that if I let them play with my cock again, they would let me wank their really big black cocks. I readily agreed and looked forward to our next riverside wanking session.

(They also promised not to tell the black girls in the village how small my white cock was, a promise that was later forgotten, but that is another story!)


Thereafter when I returned to school to begin a new term, I was able to regale my school friends with accounts of my latest adventures in my adopted homeland, albeit that they were as sceptical as I had been when Abeo had been telling me things about the development of African penises. They were not so sceptical though when I showed off pictures I had taken of the village and my focus on the bare-chested girls with their delightful budding breasts and those of their mothers who shamelessly displayed their fully formed tits. The pictures were shared around in the dormitory at night and one can only imagine what thoughts were being enjoyed as young white cocks spurted their emissions under the bedsheets.

(As an aside, I had taken up the hobby of photography, and was able to process my film and prints in the privacy of the school’s darkroom without having any of the unpleasantness that would have ensued had I tried to have my films developed at the local chemists. Indeed, given the laws of the land at that time, such content would have been regarded as illegal.)

And so, my school years passed in a pattern of bouncing back and forth between my school in England (where ******** sexual activity, especially between boys, was regarded with some distaste and had to be conducted surreptitiously) and my beloved African homeland (where in contrast things that were illegal at school were regarded as normal behaviour and even encouraged!) It was a confusing time to be growing up but, by golly, did I enjoy my journey through puberty.

However, as they say, all good things must come to an end, and I graduated from my Boarding school to then go on to a red-brick university and higher education. . It was my father’s wish that I should become qualified and eventually take over the running of the plantation when he eventually retired so I took courses in land-management and, in pursuit of my passion for photography, photojournalism. He had no quibble with that plan as he knew how much I enjoyed the 'graphic arts' and to have a second-string to my bow, so to speak, was a sensible thing to do.

At college I met all manner of interesting people, both male and female and it must be admitted that I ‘swung’ both ways. However, convention won out and I met a wonderful girl who shared my love and sense of adventure and, curiously, my passion for photography. We not only became ‘an item’ but, coincident with our graduation, we did that most conventional thing of all, we got married.

Her name was (is!) Lisa, a glorious package of 5 and half feet tall with long brown hair that cascades down to her gorgeous tits, firm globes that need no support. Like myself, she’s an outdoor person, very athletic and a sun-lover who is permanently tanned year around. She soon made me aware that she loves sex, is broad minded and is very demanding, about which I have no complaint. Indeed, with our shared attitudes to life it was obvious we were a match made in heaven!

I took my newlywed wife back to Africa as it was part of a greater agreed plan that we would set up home there and integrate ourselves into life on my father’s farm. My parents, who had been unable to travel to England for the wedding, welcomed her with open arms and I had little doubt as to what might have been going through my father’s mind when he first met Lisa and gave her a welcoming hug.

However, his generosity and intentions on that first meeting was limited to an insistence that Lisa and I took ourselves off for a few days to enjoy a honeymoon in the cabin that he had built a few years previously in the far reaches of the plantation. It had been built as a holiday home, a retreat in the cooler mountainous area which had streams and rivers that cascade over rapids and waterfalls as they flow through the woodland to the warmer Lowlands. It was an area I knew from my childhood games with the African boys and, for all the right reasons, had a special significance to me.

It was an offer we could not refuse, an isolated cabin in a scenic woodland setting in midsummer, up where the temperature was a comfortable relief from the heat and humidity in the valley where the farmhouse was located.

“A perfect setting for a honeymoon”, said my new wife prophetically.

The old gardener (the one who used to keep my mother company) transported us in one the off-road plantation trucks so that we arrived at the cabin late in the morning to find everything just as father had described; a cottage tucked away between huge granite boulders, surrounded by endless pine forests, very isolated, with only the village of my boyhood friends being some miles distant for company. From the veranda of the cottage, we could look down to the major river that flows through this area.

The gardener carried our few items of luggage into the cottage dumping them on the double bed in the front room while I went back to the truck to get the groceries and drinks which Lisa then packed away in the solar-powered refrigerator and kitchen cupboards.

We waved the gardener away and with him gone we settled down to have ourselves a few days of uninterrupted sexual bliss … or so I thought.

That idea was quickly dispelled when Lisa asked, “Shall we unpack our bags now, or should we go and explore?”

There being no hint of sex in her question gave little room for discussion, so I elected to take the more exciting choice, “Explore”, I replied grabbing a bottle of water and our hiking backpack which contained my camera.

A grass path led from the cottage between boulders and the odd pine tree down a slope to the banks of the river. Lisa walked ahead of me. She was wearing a thin pale blue cotton blouse, almost see through, that she had tied in a knot at her tummy, showing off a bit of midriff. With cut off blue denim shorts the outfit accentuated her long tanned legs and her tits pushed that thin cotton blouse out in a most provocative fashion. I was getting hornier with every step I took with my wife’s cute butt swaying this way and that as she strode down the path.

Being midsummer there wasn’t a cloud in the sky, no risk of afternoon thundershowers and the temperature was into the 30’s Centigrade. We were both feeling the pace as well as the heat. Lisa would stop every now and then and take pictures using my camera of things that caught her eye like back towards the cottage, the mountains, the huge pine trees as well as the view towards the river where we were heading. At one of these photostops she asked and answered her own question, “There’s nobody around for miles is there?”

“No,” I replied.

With that she handed me the camera, undid the knot on her blouse and slid the cotton garment over her head.

“Here put this in the backpack,” she said handing me her discarded blouse. Lisa stood defiantly in front of me only wearing her cut off denim shorts, topless, with her tits pushing out to say, “How do like that? I thought it would be nice to ‘go native’!”

She had on three long strings of wooden beads, each string a different length, that hung elegantly between her tits enhancing her magnificent cleavage. The setting, the bare tits proudly ******* and the wooden bead necklaces gave her an African maiden aura in this very African setting.

“I want to feel liberated and be just like those black ladies back at your house. Anyway,” she added with a justified giggle as she walked on unabashed, “… my tits could do with a bit of sun”.

This made me feel hornier than ever, having my wife walk topless ahead of me, her beautiful breasts on display for anyone to see, but given there was no one around for miles to appreciate the sight, it was my private show. I reacted by reaching down into my shorts to adjust my swelling erection.

We reached the banks of the river and followed the path to walk upstream. Soon we came to a spot that I quickly recognised from my childhood, it was the rock pool area where I had been treated to my first sight of black cocks and the subsequent mutual wanking with my black friends. I didn’t admit that experience to Lisa.

The boulders and banks were covered in moss, the water was crystal clear as it meandered and tumbled between stones and fallen trees. Ahead we could hear a waterfall but as there was no clear path, we had to scramble along the river to find the source of the noise. Lisa, by now, in her topless state had gone totally native and didn’t mind the odd scratch or mud on her legs or upper body. To me she looked like Jane in a Tarzan movie.

Arriving at the waterfall, where the river fell about 20 feet over a ledge into a deep crystal pool surrounded with tree covered cliffs, we decided to stop for a swimming break. Taking the camera from Lisa I insisted on getting some ‘jungle’ pictures of her in her topless state, with hair in disarray, scratches on her legs and arms and mud-spattered body. With her shoes off she stood calf-deep in the water facing me, her long brown hair hanging to her prominent nipples, her tits covered with a sheen of perspiration. She made for a perfect picture, in my mind she had become ‘Jane, Tarzan’s sex slut’!


I clicked away zooming in on her breasts, getting close-up pictures of her dark brown nipples, I mused that my boarding school friends back in the day would have wanked themselves silly to have seen such pictures. Then it got better.

“Enough, wait a minute,” she said as she undid her denim shorts, making sure that I had the camera pointing her way. She then provocatively, slowly slid them down her thighs and my first shot caught the fuzz of her pubic hair coming into view quickly followed by a second that captured a fine picture of the puffy lips of her hair-fringed pussy. She then blatantly opened her legs ******** pink labia of her tender cunt and I clicked the camera again to get the perfect portrait of my sexy wife standing before me masturbating with the waterfall pool as her background.

My eye was glued to the camera viewfinder as I continued to take pictures of my naked wife in this erotic setting. She could see by the tent that my cock had made of my shorts that she had me in an aroused state so she began to play to the camera posing like a model in the most provocative ways; cupping her breasts and pushing them up making them look twice as big; opening her legs and pushing her fingers into her pussy to display the insides of her wet cunt; turning to show off the gorgeous swell of her bum. She was driving me crazy with lust.

She got bored with the play-acting and waded naked into the river pool and called for me to join her. I found it difficult to put the camera down but even more difficult was to get my shorts down as I had to ‘untangle’ my hard-on from my underwear but untangle I did and with an unencumbered stiff cock I went and joined her in the water so that we became a naked white couple playing in a river pool, in a country of black Africans.

The waterfall thundered nearby continually topping up the pool with cool water. We swam a little, cuddled a little in the water, kissed (a lot) which soon led to me fondling Lisa’s tits which, because of the cool water, had made her dark brown nipples stand out like stiff buttons. They were more than a handful, but she said she enjoyed my uninhibited fondling adding that my efforts had made her feel very moist ‘down below’ and it was not the wetness caused by the water. I reciprocated and told her how my fondling had caused me to have ‘this massive hard-on’.

She responded to that remark by teasing, “It can't be a massive hard-on, not with your little cock,” and to emphasise her point she reached down under the water to grab me.

I was so taken aback by her remark that together with the effect of the cold water, my erection (or semi erection) reduced to a stubby lump on my groin with very little protruding.

“My case in point,” she said as she pinched the end of my circumcised cock and tried to elongate my pathetic penis.

“When you said you were well-endowed before we got married I assumed that you had a large cock, not a large ****** estate“, she teased.

She stepped naked and dripping wet out of the pool, her stiff nipples pointing the way to the mossy bank. She turned to me saying, “You've still managed to make me feel randy as hell and now I need a good fucking. Bring your little cock up here and let’s see if we can do anything with it. Come!”

I followed her out of the water to join her on the sunny bank, a soft mattress deep with accumulated golden pine needles. She lay nude and randy with her legs wide apart fingering the pink inner folds of her pussy. I grabbed the photo opportunity and took a few more pictures, Lisa playing to the camera and exaggerating her finger movements as she masturbated her randy cunt.

“He is rising to the occasion,” she said pointing at my hardening cock. “Come now and lie on your back. I want to fuck that little cock of yours.”

I laid down on the pine needles, my head facing the river, my 4-inch hard-on pointing at the sky (I had grown an inch since school!). Lisa mounted me cowgirl style. knowing from experience that this position gave her the most satisfaction once she had ‘found me’ and could grind her cunt onto my cock. She was very moist and slid around trying to find my hard-on and with the help of her hand my cock found the entrance to her wet cunt. As always, it was never tight in there and I just seemed to slop around.

I let her do all the moving and I just lay there as she did all the humping, her perfect tits dangling inches away from my face, the three strings of beads swaying in time to her fucking motions. With the tall pine trees silhouetted against a blue sky above us and the waterfall providing a pleasing sound effect, Lisa started groaning as her orgasm began to rise. This is always a trigger for me and, as always, hearing her uninhibited moans and sighs my cock jerked and convulsed inside her and I shot my humble load of cum into her hungry cunt.

“Damn,” she said, obviously I had not been able to satisfy her … again.

She continued with added gusto to grind her cunt against my pelvic bone trying to get herself to orgasm but my cock had totally retreated, shrivelled and sticky. To compensate for my inadequacy, I played with her tits, tweaked her nipples as she continued to grind.

“Rougher,” she grunted so I pulled on her nipples and squeezed her tits upwards, her brow was all furrowed in determination to orgasm. She pushed up to a proper seating position and began riding me as if she was trotting a horse, up and down, up and down, pressing me into the pine needles.

I felt that I must be doing something right for suddenly Lisa smiled, her face lightened up. I thought she must just about going to come but, to my surprise, she took her attention off me, looked up and waved and beckoned a ‘come hither’ sign.

“What is it,” I asked in surprise, “there’s nobody around for miles in these woods.”

“Look,” she said, “over there on the other side of the river, there’s three black boys.”

I turned to see not three black boys but three black men, warriors, I guessed, from the village, they were all well-chiselled, bare black chests with only a thin string of colourful glass beads hanging around their necks. Around their waists were the traditional cotton tanga wraps in black, red and white colours. The tanga wraps were parted and from between the cotton folds stuck three very erect, very large black cocks which they continued to fondle as they made their way across the river to us.

“They must have watched us fucking,” I said.

“We seem to have given them a good show by the looks of it,” Lisa said, still with a broad smile across her face.

As they approached, Lisa clambered off my prone body and got to her feet, her naked white female body glistening with sweat. Her tits stood out firm, nipples fully erect, wearing just three strings of wooden beads hanging provocatively in her well-endowed cleavage.

I, by contrast when I stood up, could only display a depleted dripping penis, retracted after exertion; a pathetic example of ‘manhood’.

Seeing how lustful and receptive this naked white woman was, the three black men untied and dropped their tangas leaving them clad only with a string of traditional beads and displaying very impressive erections! They lowly picked their way across the river on the stepping stones to reach the green grass, focusing their attention all the while on Lisa. It was a slow-motion moment, their semi-erect black cocks swung in slow unison. They seemingly ignored my presence, as did Lisa who fell on her knees on the pine needles, her hands clasped at her mouth as if in prayer. I didn’t have to guess what she might be thinking, was this the answer to her fantasy prayers of having a ‘proper’ cock?

It was a most sensual scene worthy of recording. I grabbed the camera.


They greeted us in English as they got near, left hand up, right hand still firmly clasping and fondling those large black circumcised cocks. The one with the largest cock was in the middle, flanked by his two well-endowed warrior companions. It was almost like a religious ritual, presenting not a golden challis, but a bronzed phallus. I knew from my upbringing that these people could be very formal when meeting strangers for the first time and I was not surprised by their behaviour.

Lisa was transfixed. I think it was the first time she had ever seen a black cock in the flesh, and here were three fine specimens in front of her to lust her eyes on.

It was when they got stopped to greet us that I had the next embarrassment for I recognised that they were the very three teenage boys whom I used to play with all those years ago. If they recognised me, they didn’t admit it, but then again, back in the day, they had always joked that one white man looked the same as every other to them!

Looking at them I could only speculate that they must have made the successful transition of ‘boy to warrior’ and gone through their tribal rituals; the circumcised cocks were evidence!

By now the trio of black cocks were fully erect and on full view and my wife was window-shopping. Abeo’s was long and thin, more than twice the length and thickness of mine. He approached us, his right hand gripping his erect cock. Apart from a hard-on, the only thing he had on his black body was a string of glass beads around his neck and a smile.


Obi’s was large but very thick almost like a beer can, brown with a pinkish brown head. Amari’s was indeed a fine African specimen, pitch black, long and thick with a large pair of testicles hanging as if to emphasise his virility.


Lisa showed no embarrassment, as if rehearsed she took Abeo’s presented penis in her mouth and partook of her first black cock. Obi and Amari moved closer, and her arms stretched out like a nude angel and her hands each found an erect black cock to grasp and wank. Unlike when she held me, she was unable to fully close her fingers around the fat shafts; so much more to grasp than my small white cock, I thought.

She was in African heaven and I’m sure that the three black warriors could not believe their luck; a beautiful brunette, white girl with a magnificent figure, naked, had come to their kingdom next to their river inviting them for sexual exploration.

I too was in an African sexual heaven. In my naked white state with my small pale cock erection, I was aroused at the prospect of having a fantasy fulfilled of seeing my wife being fucked by a black cock.

Abeo, helpfully holding his cock for Lisa’s pleasure, pointed at my proudly erect white cock and said, “No twelve-year-old boy in our tribe has a cock that small. How does he give you pleasure?

Lisa let his cock slip from her mouth and laughingly replied, “He doesn’t.”

I knew what was going to happen. Lisa knew what was going to happen and the three black warriors knew what was going to happen, she was going to be fucked and all I could contribute to the event was to make a photographic record of this erotic event.

Imagine the scene, it was like a fantasy movie; my naked wife kneeling on a blanket of pine needles in the African forest; my recently deposited cum oozing from her recently fucked cunt and dribbling down her legs, the moisture glistening in the sub-tropical sun; her bare breasts pouting outwards, her nipples still fully aroused from the recent unfulfilled fuck session and, her long brunette hair hanging to drape over her tits. Alongside her stands a white man, naked in a black man’s country, his small white cock on full view for all to see, still semi erect dripping the remains of his recent cum. Completing the cast list of actors are three naked black warriors wearing only their traditional bead necklaces, but all sporting mammoth erections, showing off their large black cocks to best advantage; I picked up my camera.

There was a silent pause, where the erotic tableaux seemed to freeze. No one spoke, then Lisa broke the moment by releasing her hold on the three and then kneeling, beckoning to the three horny men to join her.

There was no script, we all knew what was going to happen and there was sexual tension in the air as I had never experienced before. I was thrilled at the prospect and I prepared myself to play my part as I went through a mental checklist:

  • My naked white wife was willingly going to be fucked by three black warriors;
  • She was about to break the sexual taboo of black on white;
  • I was willingly going to stand naked and watch my wife being gangbanged by three well-endowed black men;
  • I was going to take as many photos of the event as the film in my camera would allow;
  • I was about to enter the realms of being a cuckold husband;
A final thought, would my wife ever be satisfied by my small white cock offering after this happening?

All three men were fully aroused with droplets of precum dribbling from their erect black cocks. I had never before seen my wife so aroused; her engorged nipples gave proof of that. In my humble fashion I showed the same emotion with my small white cock again at its full four inch erection.

Lisa reached out with her hand to grasp the nearest erect black cock and everything again went into slow motion mode which was perfect for me as I wanted to capture as many pictures as I could.


Both her mouth and cunt were drooling in anticipation. In slow motion her slender white fingers encircled the large erect black cock in front of her but failed to get right around. She contented herself by just holding the bottom of the black penis shaft so that the cock extended beyond her grip. Her other hand found another penis to hold and I squirmed with delight to see the other black cock head stand proud of her hands. It was fascinating to see the contrast in colour of her small white hands gripping these large black skinned cocks.

‘Click’ and that picture alone was almost enough to make me cum.

Wanting to join the action the third black man approached, offering his cock to Lisa’s eager hands. Lisa gave me a smile that told me she felt like a child in sweetshop as she now had a massive black cock in each of her white hands and manipulated these fine specimens giving them licks as if they were lollipops.


My wife dropped her hands and knelt forward on the blanket of the forest floor so that her nude white bum raised provocatively, a request to be thoroughly fucked if ever I saw one. Obi, he with the beer can thick cock, took the open invitation and was the first. Thereafter, time seemed to freeze as these three muscular men relentlessly fucked my wife, black on white contrasting and contradicting all colonial taboos; venturing into a new sensual realm.

My camera took close-ups of these black cocks plunging into my wife’s mouth, pumping the depths of her pink cunt, going deep where no white cock has been before. I witnessed her cunt and mind being stretched to new limits. Knowing how things have been during my childhood, I figured that this probably wasn’t their first time fucking a white woman and they demonstrated their appreciation by being perpetually erect in honour of her beautiful, naked and randy body.

The ebony cocks glistened in the African sun, well-polished by their precum and my wife’s cunt juices. I could see them jerking in spasm as each of their cocks gave a final muscular moment before releasing their copious cum into Lisa’s mouth and cunt. Creamy translucent cum filled my wife’s mouth, ran down her chin to drip slowly onto her naked breasts. I shuddered with pleasure to see a drop of cum nestle neatly on her erect nipple. It hung translucent in the sun, and I trembled as I focussed to get a close up picture of her tanned tit, brown engorged nipple with this droplet of ‘black’ cum.


Likewise, her pubic mound, inner thighs and lower stomach were smothered in fresh cum from these three black sources. It shone in the sun and ran in slow goblets from her body to the ground. Even after cumming the naked black boys confirmed their warrior status by maintaining their erections, ready for the next fucking and sucking foray. I was impressed for whenever I cum my small white cock goes into hibernation, withdrawing like a tortoise head into its shell.

And so it proved for at the end of a most erotic afternoon when each black cock had cum at least twice in Lisa’s mouth and now well-stretched cunt, I, on the other hand (excuse the pun) had cum but once in my right hand palm and my penis was just a soft sticky protrusion from my hairy groin.

Although they had used my wife in an almost animalistic fashion the three warriors then enacted a touching ritual as a form of salute, I'm guessing, to my wife for her sexual prowess. Each warrior reached for the tribal beaded necklace around their necks and in turn presented them to Lisa as a thank-you gift. (I'm guessing this was the reason as experience with these people had taught me that significant moments in their culture required such events to be commemorated in some fashion!)

Abeo said something to her that I couldn't hear and once again I had to make an assumption that he was making some kind of chant that 'sealed the deal'.

Lisa, who was a quick learner, reciprocated and symbolically removed the three strings of wooden beads around her neck and returned the favour by presenting them with a string each. She then put the three tribal beaded necklaces around her neck which would become a reminder to us both that they had not only exchanged bodily fluids in a most intense and intimate way, but had exchanged their precious necklaces as a memento of this erotic interracial experience.

A 'Kodak moment' indeed.


Then, as quietly as they had arrived, the three of them said their farewells and disappeared into the trees behind us, going back to their village I assumed.

Lisa lay in the afterglow of having enjoyed a most gorgeous interracial gangbang, slowly smoothing the drying sperm over her breasts and stomach as if it was some special body cream (which it was!). She rose naked, and in the perfect light, her body looked varnished, glazed, in creamy cum.

'Click' 'Click'.

“Do you want to bathe in the river before we head back to the cottage?” I asked.

“No, I want to stay here a while and savour the memory of a most a fantastic fucking afternoon. Thank you for letting those three black boys give me such a thorough fucking while you stood taking pictures of your wife. I shall always remember today and look forward to seeing the photos of me being fucked.”

Then she giggled.

“What do you find so amusing?” I asked.

“Your little white cock. I mean even when it’s fully erect it's really tiny compared to those three big black cocks. Will I ever be able to feel you inside me again after this afternoon?”

I had to agree that it might prove difficult but I also added that I didn't mind, I would do whatever it took to keep her happy.

“Oh, good, because that big black fellow asked if they could do it again sometime so I've invited them to come to the cabin tonight. He asked if they could bring some of their friends and I said I looked forward to meeting them. It'll be fun, you can serve the beers, naked of course, and carry on taking your pictures and I’m sure they will all be amused seeing you running around with your pathetic little willy.”

Wearing only the three trophy beaded necklaces on her body we wandered back up the path to the cabin, Lisa in a naked, post-fuck stupor, me in awe of her accomplishment and hoping that I had bought along enough film to cover what I hoped was going to be a fabulous event.


This was the first time that I saw my wife being fucked by big black cocks; it was a fine start to both our marriage and for our life together in what was to become her (our) new African home.

It was the first time she had been gangbanged by well endowed cocks and she was pleased that I wasn't offended to witness the event. I was more pleased when she assured me she wanted to do it again.

Likewise, I was gratified when she had no qualms about throwing herself into the social scene that we ex-pats enjoy in this idyllic land. My father was much amused when I told him that my only concerns was whether, with all that was going on and the new management responsibilities that the plantation demanded, I would find the time to develop and print the pictures!

What a lovely life; I'm so grateful that my father has a farm.
