One of the bouncers, called Clive led us out of the door and followed us up a dingy stairway to an attick office. Clive was not big, only 5ft 7" but very muscular and we knew there was no way we could run for it. There were small corridors and at least 5 bouncers and no way could we hope to overpower even one of them.

We went through a door marked office. The office was about 15ft square with a chaire , and behind a tatty desk covered with papers sat a hard looking red headed man of about 30.

'So you cannae pay the bill' he said in a Scottish accent. 'Thats very unfortunate'

I tried to explain that we had been ripped off but this only made him more angry saying that we were accusing him of wrongdoing.

'I will tell you what can happen from here' he went on 'most of our patrons can pay their bill, or we can escort them to a bank cah machine to clear the debts and then there are those who can't or won't. Well for those we need to give some encouragement, we take them to a lock-up and beat the shit out of with baseball bats' He threw a couple of picture on the table showing half naked badly beaten me. ' break a few bones and then we collect the debt. We call each month, if it is not paid.. more beating.. and the debt doubles.. but do you know what that has only happend once'

'So are you going to pay'

'I will give you a cheque Karen offered' 'Dunna be silly', he replied, 'we know you have no money in the bank'

Now we were really scared, I am sure given time we could raise the money but it looked like a severe beating was in hand.

'What about my wife you waon't beat her will you?'

'Thats up to them' he carried on, 'maybe , maybe not maybe the want some fun' helaughed.

We implored for more time but he was adamant and said 'Take them away', as we turned be said 'hold it there is another option'

He told us that he was a waitress short and that Karen could work the money off in the bar.

He explained that how it wpould work is that all drinks are ?100. If Karen had a drink bought for her she would keep ?30, 7 drinks and the debt would be paid off.

'Wwhat would I wear' asked Karen. 'I think your underwear would be o.k.' 'Nothing less?' she asked.

'Not if you don't want to 'the boss Gordon said, 'Oh one last thing you pay for all spilt drinks that are not paid for'

'O.K. I will do it' she said . I was relieved , serving in underwear may be humiliating but no real damage would be done and we would get out the place alive and in one piece.

'Lets see you in your undies then'

Karen looked dead ahead as she pulled her white T shirt over her head revealing a white bra holding in her firm tits. 'Nice' Gordon sighed 'now the jeans'.

Karen slipped off her shoes and then pulled own her jeans revealing perfect formed legs and white panties through which her plack pubic hair could almost be discerned. She was a very attractive lady with a fine thin waist an a very pretty face. Clive bent down and collected her clothes and her handbag and passed them to Gordon who put them in a box.

'You can wash up behind the bar' he told me 'now off to work and I hope for your sakes that you sell those drinks' Karen turned to gp downstairs and as she left the room Clive gave her a playful pay on her backside.

Once downstairs I went behinh the bar and was introduced formally to the barman, Mick, a 30 year old man with black thinning greasy hair and a huge beer belly. There were no two other waitresses on duty Tricia and Sally. They were both in their early twenties, blonde and appeared to have feelings as hard as nails and no scuples. It was Sally who had stiched us up. It was explained that a rota system applied and that Karens first customer would be the 3rd arrivals.

Things were quiet and at least 2 soft core movies (shorts) had been shown before the first guest, a sad looking man in anorak looking confused - obviously another of the runner Mikes victims. The next arrivals were a couple of football fans and Sally went to work on these.

The third arrival was an overweight businessman, looking out of place wearing his suit. Karen went over to him and a few moments later came back. 'One Whisky please' i asked about a drink for her and she told him that he would buy her one if she showed him her tits and that she would not do that. Mick looked a little angry at this. He told her to hold her hould out and the carefullt balanced a tray and a whisky on the table. 'remember don't spill it ' he told her. After she took two steps he told her to stop and walked up behind her. 'Hold on' he said and held her left hand. 'Do not spill them her said' readching with his other hand to undo the clasp of her bra.

Karen was unable to resist without spilling the drink and he bra soon hung loos around her fine breasts.

I am sure you can convince him to buy a drink now he told her as he propelled her with a pat on the backside to her waiting client