Becoming Sherry's man, Sherry goes black, and so do I Chapter five

Carla seemed completely at ease, whereas my anxiety was beginning to overwhelm me. She recognized it and touched my arm it felt so soft and soothing, "Listen, girl, I know this is happening at warp speed and you're scared out of your mind. You have to have a ton of questions and that's what I'm here for, to help your transformation in every faucet but you must face it, this is a done deal and I will do everything I can to make it easier for you and I'll be there for Sherry too. Now, let's get those clothes off and start getting rid of that nasty man hair."

As I began stripping I started to ask questions, from the first word out of Carla's mouth it had been obvious that she wasn't born a girl. So I inquired about her high-pitched effeminate, yet male voice and sheepishly asked if her dick was small also. Her cheeks flushed and I hurriedly apologized, but Carla cut me off, "No, no. It's perfectly fine," she said, "I get aroused from humiliation and that's part of being a sissy girl. Now to answer your questions, let me explain a couple of things," she said as she began to rub cream all over my chest and under my arms, "The Masters are hell-bent on destroying white men, not eliminate them because they enjoy humiliating them, dominating them by degrading them physically, mentally and their favorite sexually," Carla continued as she began rubbing the cream on my legs, "You are lucky since you are already broken and you have already accepted your fate they shouldn't need to beat you down physically or mentally as long as you don't give them a reason to. Your sex training will be brutal though, it always is," she went on, "Robert is the Master over the girls, he is often violent and when punishing one of his bitches, he can be vicious and extremely sadistic. He just got paroled and is required to have a legitimate job so he's only there on nights and weekends," Carla grabbed some clippers and started sheering my beard away. The phone began ringing and Carla told me to finish trimming and jump in the shower, "We're going to use the razor to finish," and left to get the phone.

When I stepped out of the tub and began to towel off, I was shocked at how sensual the feeling was as I rubbed the towel over my smooth chest, "That was Marcus checking on us, Sherry needs your tongue. He wants us to speed it up," Carla said as she sat down on the floor and began to shave my pubic area while I began to shave the stubble off my face. I was getting nervous as Carla worked the razor effortlessly, yet way faster than I was comfortable with in my most sensitive spots. As her hand was expertly maneuvering my boy parts I felt that all too familiar stirring, "That is so erotic isn't it," Carla cooed, "I appreciate you being turned on babe, but we only get to play with each other if we have permission," she slid around behind me, got on her knees and began shaving my crack and around my hole, good thing I was finished with my face because I was starting to shake. Carla did a quick inspection and after a few touch-ups, she was satisfied and turned the shower back on. I hopped in and rinsed off. Carla opened the curtain a little and I saw that she had removed her shirt and was wearing a very sexy pink satin bra, she had a nice set of natural breasts that I complimented her on and she blushed as she thanked me. She instructed me to turn around and bend forward, I saw that she had a douche bottle so I knew what was coming but I just wasn't prepared for it when she inserted the tip inside me and I felt a warm rush fill my insides I let out an involuntary moan and when she removed it the fluid flooded out my anus and I started cumming but once again nothing was coming out. After cleaning my ass and rinsing my legs Carla turned the water off. Carla noticed that I was still orgasm and she noticed that nothing was escaping my foreskin, "Awesome," she said, "You're miles ahead. It was a couple of weeks before I started having sissy girl orgasms."

We went to the bedroom and sat down on the bed, she took out the butt plug and stuck it in her mouth to get it wet and looked at me seductively, "I can see what Sherry sees in you, you are cute, especially without that beard. Now stick this in your ass while I get to work on your makeup and then put this on," she handed me the butt plug and the cockring. I inserted the plug and then turned the cockring over and over trying to figure out how it goes, Carla opened the makeup case and took out the item she needed for me, "Like this," she said putting the metal ring over my penis, it fell off, it was too large, "Well, that's the extra small, they don't make one any smaller," she handed me a bottle of lotion and told me to use plenty and began working on my makeup. As I was rubbing the lotion over my tits it felt so luxurious the phone rang and scared the hell out of me causing Carla to have to stifle her giggles before answering, "Yes sir, we are getting close," she told the caller, "But the cockring won't fit, sir. Her sissy clit is too small, there's not enough sticking out for the ring to hang on," now her giggles burst forth, "Yes sir, if I can find any," she said, "Yes sir, I will do my best to have him ready," she hung up the phone, "Ok, we have to hurry that was Robert he is going to bring some duct tape to cover it up. He should be here in about 20 minutes and he wants you ready."

I grabbed a pair of panties and pulled them on as Carla was flying across my face with her brush, then she grabbed a pad and started wiping something on my face. I was able to get the training bra on and pulled some shorts from the suitcase, "There's no way my ass is going to fit in these," I said as I held up a tiny pair of powder blue shortie shorts.

"Believe me, they will stretch," Carla said with another blush, I pulled them up and was surprised that I did get them on. They were so sheer and clung to me so tightly that I looked down and to my utter amazement it appeared that I had a camel toe, I suddenly felt so feminine that I began to spasm as I regained my senses, I felt my camel toe and my shorts were barely damp, no wet spot at all. Carla finished my makeup and was applying lipstick to my quivering lips when there was a knock on the door. She got up and went to the door looked back and asked if I was ready, I nodded and she opened the door.

Ricky walked in with Sherry behind him, my heart lept into my throat when I saw her. She was a mess, her hair was a disaster she was wearing only a T-shirt, not her panties. The shirt was ripped in multiple places and her left breast kept slipping out and she was covered in cum, it was in her hair, all over her face, there were wet spots on the shirt where it had soaked through. Sperm was running down her legs, she looked like a crack whore that had just been gang-banged. They had brought her from the store to the motel like that and she had a look of bliss in her eyes and she started smiling at me, she looked stunning!

Then another black man entered behind her and he brought me back to reality, "Hello boss or should I say bitch," I turned toward the familiar voice and realized who Robert was my eyes dropped as he stepped up to me. Robert was the "interim" foreman who was passed over in favor of me. He had spent time in prison for running a prostitution ring and was on parole. I had been warned that he was a bad character and didn't like white men. It had been said that he had it out for me, but he had never said nor done anything that was out of the way. Now, I had a feeling that was going to change. He reached down and ripped Sherry's brand new cum soaked panties off her, she almost lost her balance from the force and he looked at me with hatred in his eyes that made me terrified, "She said you like to eat cum, ThThat'srue," and smeared her sticky panties all my face, "White boy that likes to think he's better than the bruthas and boss em around is a sissy bitch, is that right?"

"Yes Robert, but I don't treat..." my words died as I lost my ability to breathe Robert slammed his fist into my stomach and knocked every bit of air out of my body,
I fell to my knees doubled over in excruciating pain, he then punched me in the face, and I twisted and fell face down on the floor with a sickening thud!

"DON'T YOU EVER CALL ME ROBERT AGAIN YOU MOTHAFUCKA, I'M A BLACK MASTER GAWD DAMMIT, A MEMBER OF THE COMMISSION," he was screaming as he began kicking me. I was crying and screaming while trying to pull myself into a fetal position, I faintly heard Sherry (she sounded so very far away) yell for him to stop and then let out a scream of her own before falling on the floor beside me from the slap he had given her, He fell to his hands and knees and got in her face, "You don't ever speak to a black Master like that ho," he hissed at her and grabbed her by the hair and glared at her, "You want me to fuck you up too, bitch," Sherry likes it rough but she wants control I could see the terror in her eyes and I was devastated, she knew now that this was going all wrong.

Ricky grabbed Robert by the arm, "Enough, back off, Marcus will be pissed!"

Robert raised to his knees, grabbed my hair, and shoved my face between Sherry's legs. I started to lick up the black baby seed until he jerked my head up and said, "I don't think so bitch," and shoved his smelly cock right in my face, "Wanna taste her pussy, you can taste it on my dick. Open your fuckin mouth," and proceeded to force it into my mouth. He kept pushing it deeper and I started to not only gag, but chock, he grabbed Sherry's hair again and yanked her face up against mine, and started berating her, "This is what you wanted to see ain't it ho, ain't that what you said at the store, take a good look, bitch!"

By now I felt like I was going to lose consciousness because his cockhead was filling my throat, I was choking out. Ricky picked up the phone called Marcus and told him that Robert was going crazy and was going to seriously hurt Sherry and was trying to kill me, this infuriated Robert who pulled his monster from my throat and shoved me back on the floor, I collapsed and was gasping for air. The world was spinning and everything was a blur, I felt my legs being lifted then he got on his knees and spread them wide, he ripped the plug out and impaled my ass, no lube, no stretching it a little at a time he drove it home dry my ass immediately was on fire and I began screaming and begging him to stop. He let out an angry painful growl and punched me right in the mouth. He was blaming me for his dick hurting because I wasn't wet! I could taste the blood in my mouth as he continued to **** me. He started pounding in and out of my ass rapidly the pain was so intense that I passed out.

Someone was pounding on the door when I returned to reality as Robert started to cum in my sissy pussy. My ass was hurting so bad that I couldn't tell when his cock was removed as Marcus drug him off of me, "Are you trying to kill the bitch you stupid mothafucka," boomed Marcus, "Get your ass back to the store, I'll deal with chu later." Robert gathered himself and left, Marcus was picking up Sherry and asking if she was right. She assured him that she was but that I might need to go to the hospital. Marcus told Carla to take her and bath her as playtime was over for tonight.

Marcus helped me sit up and asked how badly I was hurt. I was having trouble breathing so therefore I couldn't speak very well. I looked around and there was blood everywhere. My face was bleeding, my ass was bleeding, I didn't know if I was bleeding internally. Marcus helped me to the bed and I lay down. He brought me a dirty towel and I put it under me, "Listen, Carla's going to be staying here with you girls for a few days to help you, I got a doctor friend that I'm going to call and get him over here, He'll check you both out and report to me. Meanwhile, I got to get back to the store, I got a problem I got to address, I'll be by in the morning."

Despite everything, I thanked him profusely and promised that I would do better, He replied, "You two are special, I'm gonna take care of you both, I got big plans for y'all"