An open letter to a cuckolded husband:

Dear Chad,

If you are reading this you must have found out so there is no reason you should not read about what we have been doing behind your back. At least you'll know the truth.

You know Chad, I should never have married that crazy bitch Laura. Jackie is a far better fuck, for one thing. Still, when Laura got pregnant and she wouldn't get rid of it, what could I do? That's the way we did things back then.

Women are funny things aren't they. You treat them like goddesses and they treat you like shit. You treat them like shit and they treat you like a god. If there is a god, he sure has a funny sense of humor. That's what has kept running through my mind these past few years.

Well, I guess I'd better get to the point. You know when Jackie and I met up again a while back? Well, I thought you might like to know what happened. With the Internet available, Jackie and I have written the story, as a mutual effort.

I'm sending the address of Literotica, where I began publishing our chapters over the years. The first one is the one Jackie wrote as a letter to me, and I converted it into a chapter. It really is a very erotic story as I read it over and over, but it can't compare with how hot the real thing has been.

So here goes, you lucky bastard. I mean lucky because I now know exactly how right I was in wanting her when we were teens.

Chapter 1: Reunion


"You can't go, Jackie. You're a married woman! George is a married man! You have to get over this, the two of you. You know better than go and meet him!"

"I know, I know. I know all that, Mom, but it won't do any harm. We both know we are married, God, do we both know that. He found out from your son that I was home, you know!" My brother Bill still lives in town and he keeps telling me that my old boyfriend George keeps asking about me, even though he has been married for 15 years and I have been married for ten years! It was one of those first loves after puberty things. I suppose that's why it hurt so much when he got Lorna pregnant, dating her behind my back, and then had to marry her. That's what people did back then, you know.

"Mom, you know I am going. You will take care of the kids, won't you. I'll just be around the corner in the car park by the mall. OK?"

She disapproved, but, she couldn't very well leave the kids, could she? And so I met George, sitting in his car in front of the drug store.

"You look just like you did back then, Jackie. Still beautiful. Maybe better. Still big up front." He laughed at that.

He still looked like a hunk to me too. He behaved himself for a few minutes while we sat staring at each other, each tripping over remembered things.

"Remember your old man wouldn't let us go out? And you would tell him you were staying at Judy's house? And then you'd go out and neck with me?" He turned toward me and pointed his knee across the seat at me.

"Yes, and the windows steamed up, just like they are now." I laughed. God, I was how old? I think only 15 when you taught me to kiss. I mean really kiss, French kisses. It was so exciting, do you remember?"

"Yes, you had the longest tongue I ever tasted, Jack, you were a quick learner. I couldn't find out who was teaching who. And your nipples would almost bore holes in my shirt?"

"George! That's a lie!" I laughed anyway, it was probably true. "And going to the drive in for hamburgers? My *** didn't want me going there either!"

"The necking was my favorite, though. And yours too, if you weren't would tell the truth. God you were a great necker! Remember, we'd go way in the back of the park where it was dark. You'd snuggle up in my arms and my hands would be under your blouse in about ten seconds. God those were the most thrilling breasts I ever.."

"Yes, those were the days! Remember Tom Jones would be singing 'I'll Never Fall In Love Again' and you'd sing the words along with him? I was crazy for Tom Jones!"

"right, and then Aquarius would come on and you'd want to get out of the car and dance? I had such a hard on I couldn't stand up, let alone dance. I'd just stand there and watch your sweet virginal body swing and sway in the moonlight." He laughed out loud at that.

"And then the beetles would come on. I loved them and you hated them. Remember?"

"Goddam bunch of twinks!" he smiled, remembering exactly how he would try to put them down to me.

I remembered the other stuff too. My virginal body pressed close to the hard body of the town football hero.

"My *** would have killed you, you know."

"Yeah, that's what he told me. Told my ***, too. Said if I touched you he was going to break every bone in my body. You wouldn't believe it but we are friends now. I see him every so often. Still as big and loud as ever, though."

George reached for my hand. I thought that was OK. So we sat holding hands. After all, Chad frequently wanted me to talk about my necking with George. It turned him on. He would approve of holding hands, probably, I told myself. He would even say we should do it just once, to get each other out of our systems. He's crazy that way.

"George, I have to get going soon, Mom's got the kids, and I can't stay long. How are your kids? And Laura, how's Laura?"

"Oh, we're OK, I guess. Yeah the three boys are fine. Hear you have three too?"

"Why did you do it George? Why did you go and get her pregnant and screw things up?" We might have had something good, you know. You rat, why did you do that? I'm just teasing you, you know? We have both moved on and have families. No use crying over spilled milk. But I was sure mad at you then."

George looked away, and didn't answer right away. "It was a mistake. But maybe it wouldn't have worked out anyway, Jack, you know."

"The good father told you not to do things like that, you know." I laughed. "But could you keep it in your pants? Noooooooooo!" We were smiling ruefully together now.

"And who sent me home from every date with lover's balls, miss goody two shoes."

"Well, I might have been going to be a nun! Instead of having a flock of kids, I mean." I countered. "Besides, that was no excuse."

"Laura didn't have your will power, Jack?" he smiled that crooked, winning smile, and then pulled me toward him. Our lips were inches apart.

"George, you know we can't."

"Where have I heard that line before?" he grinned. "Just one? No tongue?"

"Where did I hear that line before?" I laughed, and pecked his lips in a kiss. "And, I was always willing for kissing, and a little more. What was wrong with that?

"Yes, you were wonderful, right up until I wanted to the real thing. That's true. God but we were good. Remember the first time I made you touch it?"

He had my blouse open and his hand inside my bra at the time. He had pulled me over until I was half lying on the seat, and he put my arm on his leg. "I slipped, I said." I knew my face reddened a bit even now.

"I'll never forget the night after the dance at the youth center and you let me get my hand under your dress. Your panties were so wet, I couldn't believe it. You see, you would have been a great lay, you always got so wet. It was unbelievable! Jack, it would have slipped in so easily, you would hardly have noticed losing it!"

He whispered the last in my ear, sending a shiver down my back.

"George, cut it out. We can't do that. I suppose you would have married me too, if I had let you, right?"

"Yes, I guarantee it!" he laughed.


I allowed him to pull me closer so we were sitting close, and he slipped his arm around my shoulders. He turned my head and kissed me. It was such a nice kiss, just like I remembered. We were soon wrapped in each other's arms. His tongue slipped into my mouth and I left it there just for a moment.

"OK. It has been nice, George, very nice seeing you. But I have to go and besides, we shouldn't even have done this much.

His hand was on my breast and I pulled it very slowly lower so that it was on my waist instead.

"We both have to go and you know it, George."

We took one last kiss and George slipped his hand back to my breast one last time. I reached for the door handle and heard the lock unlatch.

"Just like old time, Jackie. You're going to leave me sitting in my car with lover's balls!" He leered at me. "Sure you won't take pity on me and help me with this?"

I looked down at his pants and saw that his cock was hard and prominent along his leg under his tight jeans. In spite of everything, it pleased me that I had such an effect on him.

"That looks familiar, George. I think you might just find help in the same place you did when you were trying to despoil me!"

We laughed at that and as I leaned over to kiss his cheek, I touched his cock with one quick caress. I backed away from the kiss, smiled and said: "Oops, I slipped!"

It was a month or two later when the phone rang back in Michigan. The kids were making all the racket in the world in my little kitchen.

"Hello," I said, "just a minute please. Kids, get down off that table! What are you doing?" I screamed at them and then turned back to the phone.

"Sorry, hello who is it?

"It's me." The voice said. "I'm in town for a couple days. Thought we might get together.."

"Eeek! What are you doing here, George? Good grief."

"Working for a couple days. Then I'll be going back." "Just thought we might have a cup of coffee for old times sake? Or a drink, maybe?"

I can't do that, George, you know I can't! You shouldn't either, by the way. What about poor Lorna?"

"Oh, the hell with Lorna. Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that really."

But we did meet. And that is how it started.


I took Jackie for a drink at a bar. Turned a few heads I can tell you. We only had a couple of drinks and I told her I had to find somewhere for me to stay for the night. She agreed to come with me. Things were going better than I expected. We drove until I found a motel. It was a cheap place but good enough for what I had in mind. She might have deserved better but what the fuck eh.

She came with me to the room. You know what women are like. They can't resist having a look round places.

I let her in first and, true to her womanly instincts, she made straight for the mirror. Her high heels echoed slightly as she stepped across the tiled entryway. The silky blue dress draped nicely over full hips and stopped just above her knee. Her legs were nicely curvaceous and I stared at the stockings tented across twin indentations at the back of her knees. She leaned forward to get close to the mirror and her thighs dented against the dresser.

I let the heavy door clunk closed, and hung up my jacket while idly admiring her. Jackie's breasts slope opulently from broad straight shoulders, and the catenary shaped under-curve gave shape to the clinging dress. I walked up behind her and put my hands on her shoulders. I pressed close behind her, pushing her against the work surface. Our eyes met in the mirror. I could see it in her eyes. She quickly looked away and made out that she was checking her make-up.

The dress was a crossover design coming to a Vee that let the beginning of round breasts and a deep cleavage just visible. They looked inviting.

Her look told me we both knew why we were here. I tilted my head and placed a gentle kiss in the nape of her neck. I recognized the floral scent perfume that seemed to rise warm and succulent from the valley between her breasts. I felt her shiver. Another kiss and she tilted her head back slightly, nuzzling against my cheek.

"Hey you. What are you up to?" she asked, not in an alarmed way, more mildly surprised. It was a soft, knowing rebuke between good friends.

"Nothing," I lied.

"You have a beautiful neck." I nuzzled. "It deserves to be kissed." I repeated the kiss.

She squirmed at my advances but was unable to move, being sandwiched between me and the dresser. I put my hands on her wonderful hips and then let my fingers explore her tummy. She laughed softly, and moved her cheek against mine in a feline caress.

Feeling things were going well, I moved my hand upward, slowly slipping it under her breast and feeling the soft curve. The silk on silk whisper of dress on bra was thrilling. She really does have lovely full breasts, doesn't she? I love the way they fill my hand and the weight of them.

"Hey! I'm a married woman! You haven't forgotten?" She protested, but she didn't stop me, Chad. On the contrary, she seemed to lean back comfortably against me. Now her dark brown eyes were on me, at once questioning and yet inviting.

Waiting for me to do the gentlemanly thing and stop? I think not.

I sucked the lobe of her ear between exploring lips and gently played with it between my teeth. My tongue traced into her ear enough to moisten a path. I blew lightly on the wet canal, smiling into the brown eyes in the mirror.

She squirmed sinuously against me. It may have distracted her from what my hand was doing, too. My fingertips brushed lightly over the nipple that I could feel hardening under my touch.

"You know I've always loved you, don't you." They like that sort of stuff, don't they? And, in truth I really meant it.

"I should never have married her," I continued, obvious disgust in my voice. I stopped short of saying "You are the only one for me." There was no need.

"Oh George!" she moaned with a hint of regret.

Still toying with her earlobe, I moved my hand to the clip that held the lapel of the dress together. This would be a telling point.

"George, you mustn't!" she breathed, but again she didn't do much to stop me.

I watched as the Vee of the dress opened under my hands. The fresh, clean white lace of her bra came into breathtaking view. Between her breasts I could see the sturdy band below the cups looking firm and strong, bearing the load. My god, the memories I have of those breasts glistening slightly with perspiration on a hot summer night!

"What about Chad?" she added. [Like I gave a fuck about you.]

"Chad's not here." I answered. "He'll never know what we had."

And that was it. The gateway to her bra! Still, she did look lovely standing there facing the mirror, head tossed back, eyes closed, lost in the moment. There is a very sensual woman locked in there, Chad. The lacy bra looked vulnerable, captured in my big hands. I squeezed them gently and went back to nibbling and waiting for her eyes to come back and find me. They blinked open when I lifted her breasts and weighed them in my hands. I think she remembered how I used to do that. Her bright red lips slowly slipped into a relaxed smile.

I learned the knack at an early age. With just finger and thumb I can undo a bra strap through three layers of clothing. Comes in handy when you have another man's wife in your arms. Jackie gave a little gasp as it snapped free and my fingers ventured under the thin lace edging and over the small bumps of her aureole and on towards the hardened tip of her nipple.

Very hard Chad! Almost as hard as my cock was at that moment. There are noises women make in moments of passion that defy being written down. You know those sounds, don't you Chad? Those breathless little moans and half-gasped sighs that are different for each woman. I bet you've heard those sounds. I bet you know the ones I mean. "George, we shouldn't be doing this." Jackie breathed. Did you notice that Chad? - 'we shouldn't' - not 'you shouldn't'.

Freeing my hand from the warmth of her breast, I eased the dress and bra off her shoulders. The garments hung limply, the bra cups seductively clinging to her breasts. They would soon be free. I snatched glimpses of her beautiful tits as I kissed along the side of her neck. An observer would have said she was in a trance. I wondered how much of that was a mask against her desire for what was about to happen.

Are you a latent 'wife watcher' Chad? - suggesting she take another man's cock in those fantasy moments in the bedroom? Almost sure that she never would - but half wanting her to try? I think your fantasy might have taken root somewhere deep in her psyche.

I loved those breasts Chad. I missed them so much for years and then there they were for me to explore once again; open to my gaze at long last. I think she liked it Chad. I think she liked having her breasts bared to a man that was not her husband. A man who had been her lover and was now forbidden. She arched her back as my hands fondled them, forcing herself against my rock-hard cock. Is that what she wanted to feel? The cock that she remembered from long ago? MY cock? The one they all thought was so big? Is that what she wanted to feel again?

"God. You're beautiful." I whispered into her ear.

I wanted to kiss them - to take those nipples between my teeth - to make her desperate for what was coming, but I had her where I wanted her, at least for the time being.

I slid one hand down to the waistband of her dress. Now where was that catch? I reached across her tummy, under the wrap-around to find another loop and eye over her hip. My hand caressed the warm curve of her body. I slipped the loop and felt the dress fall away at our feet. You know, she even breathed in to help me get the catch undone? Can you imagine that Chad? Your wife being stripped off in some cheap motel out on the edge of town? Baring her body to a former lover? Does that get you hard Chad?

I kicked the dress to one side. Jackie caught the loose cups of the bra and held them across her nipples. Her big brown eyes looked into mine in the mirror. It was delicious. Slowly, very slowly, she let one cup slip away and used that hand to press my cheek deeper against her neck. I nibbled sweet kisses into the scent of her body.

My hand slid down her side and my cock jumped at the pleasure of finding a garter belt. I toyed with the clip bumping out her stockings. I bet she doesn't wear them often, does she Chad? Stockings and garter belt are for 'special' occasions, aren't they, Chad? But, then, I think she felt that this was one of those 'special' occasions.

I couldn't wait any longer. My fingers slid under the waistband of her panties. I'm no expert but I'd say they were satin - or possibly silk. Very nice, soft panties, covering a thick but well trimmed bush of pubic hair. Hot. She was very hot there and . . yes . . as I slid my finger into those soft folds, I found that she was very wet there too.

"Ohh!" she moaned, as my finger slipped into the tight slit. It penetrated the softness of her pussy, bathing my finger in copious amounts of her juice. She couldn't hide that from me. That she was ready for me. Her excitement was obvious.

Now we were looking intensely at each other, drowning in each other's eyes in the mirror. Jackie dropped the bra completely, letting the cup fall away and ****** the beauty of both breasts. She leaned back, raising them slightly for my view, as her hands slipped back to touch my cock. She laid both hands flat along my length. I think we were both thinking of our days necking in my old car, when she would lie in my arms with her arm pressed along the full hot length of my cock. Did she tell you about that Chad?

She even parted her legs for me Chad! She spread them to make it easier for my fingers to slip into her. You know . . . . the fingers I had in your wife's cunt! I wanted her to taste it. I wanted her to lick her juices from my finger. To show her how wet she had got, how wet I had made her. I, had made her.

No, that could wait. Softly I moved my fingers in and out of her cunt, up and over the pearl of her clitoris. I spread her moisture all over those soft folds, ensuring that when the moment came, my cock would slip into her like a knife into butter. And I was sure that time was coming, Chad. That time was coming very soon. Would you want to see that Chad? Your wife bent over with my cock sliding into her from behind; my cock glistening with your wife's pussy juice . . . knowing that any moment I'd be spurting my spunk into her, . . flooding her with life-giving sperm . . . invading those soft walls. Would you like to hear those special noises that she makes as she orgasms on my cock?. . . helpless against the spasms raking her body? . . . a receptacle for another mans ejaculate? . . . invading and filling her sacred places. Would you Chad? Would you have liked to see that happening to Jackie?

My fingers circled round the bud of her clitoris, whipping her excitement higher. Perhaps I had forgotten the signs. Perhaps she was more ready than I had anticipated. Because, suddenly she was thrusting her pelvis forward against my fingers, her eyes screwed up as she bit her lip and her legs began to tremble.

She was cumming damn it! . . . . I hadn't even got it in her and she was cumming!

"Ohh God! Uhh! Uhh!" she almost screamed as I finished her off with my fingers.

My entire hand was covered in her juices as shudders rippled through her body. She slumped forward onto the dresser.

As Jackie regained her breath, I eased my zipper down and released my cock. Just as I was guiding it to her cunt, she stood bolt upright.

I slipped my cock between her legs and thrust forward. It was just like when we were teens. She would let me rub it against her panties and I would go ballistic. It felt good and I loved the way her ass felt round and soft against me. I stood holding her, letting her recover. Her hands were on the dresser and she leaned close to the mirror, letting me fondle her panty gusset with my cock. Of course, I wanted more than this, and began working her panties down over her hips.

"NO! George, . . . we can't. . . I shouldn't have let you do that. I'm sorry."

"But . . " I said, dumbfounded.

"I'm sorry. I just can't . . . it isn't right. We are both married people now."

"But look how ready I am. You can't leave me like this. Can't you at least . . do something." I pleaded.

Surely a wank wasn't out of the question.

"I have to go. Chad will be expecting me. I'm sorry. Really, I'm very sorry."

This was like a replay of our earlier years. Damned Roman Catholicism! How many times had I got her to the point of giving in, only to be fobbed off with that religious crap. It was happening again as she picked up her dress and wrapped it around her beautiful body. I can still remember looking at her body, clad in white panties, bra and warm brown stockings. But it disappeared as she reached around to snap the dress in place. All that was left was the lithe long leg glowing in nylon, framed by the slit in the skirt.

I knew there was no point in fighting her. I wanted her to come willingly; but it wasn't going to be, not this time. She had been the only girl I dated who could control me and make me accept it. I always respected Jackie in comparison to the others even though the others gave me what I wanted.

She smiled as she reached up to give me a kiss on the lips. She looked into my eyes for a long moment, then closed her eyes, shook her head sorrowfully and turned away. I watched the sway of her hips as she made for the door.

"Will, I see you again? I'll be here tomorrow, too . . . if you're passing?" I felt pathetic. Cheated. "Or dinner?.." It was no use, but I tried.

The afternoon sun slanted in through the open door, casting her in a soft orange glow. It was so bright, her face was completely in shadow and I couldn't read her expression as she answered.

"I'm not sure . . . I don't think so, . . .maybe." she answered as her heels clicked out of the door. I was plunged into darkness as t closed with a thud behind her.

I flopped backwards onto the bed. So near . . and yet so far! I reached for my cock.

"Fuck!" I cursed. And then I laughed out loud.

"How does she do it? How does she keep me wanting her?"

There was a smile on my face in spite of the ache in my balls, just like in the old days. I closed my eyes and thought of the thrill of seeing Jackie's breasts in those tight bras. I thought of the thrill then .. and the thrill even to this day, years older. Still smiling, I began stroking into her imagined wet pussy. I could almost feel the way her pussy would have cushioned my cock as I pressed between her legs.

"I blew it!" I thought, "She isn't going to come back."

Chapter two.


I rushed home stricken with guilt. I had left my children and gone to a cheap hotel with a teenage boyfriend who had jilted me because I wouldn't let him have me. It was insane, on the face of it. Leave out all the morale issues, such as sneaking around cheating on my husband. But more than that, here I was being attracted to a man who had already demonstrated he was not to be trusted.

Waiting impatiently for the light to change, I looked around and found no other traffic. I slipped my hand under my skirt and felt my panties. They were just drenched with my juices, just like in the past. I felt defeated. When would I learn?

Fortunately I arrived home a few minutes before Chad and managed to get the sitter away before he came in. He found me at the stove, starting dinner and put his arms around me. I had a flashback immediately; it was just the way George had done in the motel. I felt his cock press against me in just the same way as George had done. His hand slipped into the overlapped part of my dress in the same way, too.

"Wow, what's on today? God I love it when you dress like this. Why can't you do it more often? It pleases me so much?"

He nuzzled my ear, nibbling almost the same way George had done. My pulse went up just as it had with George. Ruefully, I realized that my panties were already wet, so that wouldn't get any worse. I didn't really have a story why I was dressed in Chad's favorite style, silky dress, silk panties, bra, garter belt and hose! And so, I pretended that it had been for him. I told myself that it was not that bad a white lie. After all, Chad was forever begging me to dress this way. He thinks I can go around all day in garter belt and hose!

"I know what you like!" I murmured, and leaned back into his arms.

Again it bothered me that I had done the same thing with George just two hours ago. I felt a little like a tramp, but turned my lips to accept Chad's tongue between my lips. His hands felt bigger on my breasts than George's had. Chad was good with my breasts too, just as George had been. It was just that George had been my first. There is something about that a girl just doesn't forget.

Chad's hand slipped down inside my panties immediately. I started slightly, afraid of him finding me cooking dinner with my pussy already very wet, indeed. I thought that would strike him as very strange. But, men are willing to believe that it is only they who have that effect on their wife, I guess. He seemed pleased that I was already so wet, with just his hand on my breast and a hand stuck down the front of my panties, twiddling the top of my slit. I realized that I was home free.

It shouldn't be this easy, I told myself. Chad went to change clothes, leaving me kissed and slightly aroused, finishing our dinner. I shook my head in wonder, gazing through the steam.

"My god, what a day!" I said to myself.

"What's that?" Chad called from the top of the stairs.

"Nothing, nothing at all. Just talking to myself."

"It's only dangerous when you start answering yourself!" he called. I heard his laugh as he walked down the hall out of earshot.

"That may be my next thing! I can't take the life of a slut!" I whispered to the asparagus. There was no answer, thank heaven.

I continued thinking about the astonishing events of the day as we watched a movie after dinner. And then it was time for bed.

"I'm off to bed. It's been a long day and I need to get out of these clothes" I said with a long yawn.

Chad followed close behind me, turning out lights and checking doors as he went. He startled me a little as he walked into our bedroom.

"Oh Jackie, leave them on! Leave them on! I love you like that."

I had unsnapped one stocking and stood with it hanging half down my leg in the best tradition of 'bag ladies' on a New York street. Dutifully, I put my foot on the bed and fastened the garters once again, posing for my husband.

He stood behind me once again, his hand on my stomach and another cupping my breast.

"Oh, god, you look so hot this way!"

He fondled me and cuddled me and nuzzled me, making me feel good all over. My ear was wet where his tongue had kissed it and then his whispering breath sent a shiver of pleasure all the way to my clitoris.

"What would you say to a little game-playing, sweetheart? Tell me more about your first love, what was his name? George? Yes, George. Let's play-act how he took your cherry, sweetheart."

I stiffened at first, but then realized that it was accidental that Chad should bring this scenario up once again on this of all days. This had been a fairly frequent request for years. I never quite understood why.

"When the lord wants to show you that you are wrong, he sure gives it to you!" I thought to myself.

"Chad, you know that he didn't do that! Why do you always want to hear me tell you that all over again?" I groaned. Inside, my stomach was clenched tight with guilty tension.

"I know, but it is fun to think about it. You know what a pervert I am and how you drive me wild with passion, don't you?" he said hoarsely into my ear, between the gentle little bites.

"Come on, let's play!"

I let him lead the way to our car in the dark garage and we began kissing and fondling, just like George and I had done years before. My dress was soon off my shoulders and his lips nibbling my nipples as I sat on my knees next to him.

"He would lift them in his hands.." I said, tentatively.

Chad lifted both breasts out of the cups and pushed my Maidenform bra down. His hands lifted both of my breasts and his lips were wet on the nipples. I felt the stirrings of pleasure all through my rather large breasts.

"Like this?"

"Yes.. mmmmmm." I said.

"What was his name again?"


Was he good with these? Did he make you moan?"


"Did he make your little white panties wet?"

"No, he liked me to wear pink." I said, giggling. Now why had it occurred to me to correct him on such a tiny detail? I had no idea; no idea at all.

"Oh? So, did he make your little pink panties wet, Jackie?" he whispered tensely into my ear. It made me shiver.

".. Yes." I mumbled, after a time.

"And what did you say to him?"

"I said, "no......... George . . . we can't. . . I shouldn't have let you do that. I'm sorry."" I said quietly.

I was suddenly remembering realistically too. But I was also recalling saying something like that again today.

"And did he put his finger in my darling's pussy, then?" Chad's finger was between my legs, pulling the panties away, feeling how the wetness had saturated my entire pussy. My panties were sodden against the back of his hand. He slipped easily along the slippery folds and then slipped two big fingers easily into me.

"George. Don't put it in me! Please George, please! Not inside me.."

I heard myself saying the same words as this afternoon.

The fingers probed and found wonderful nerve endings, nerve endings that were connected directly to my nipples, my clitoris, even my toes which curled up tight with pleasure.

Chad had laid me across the seat and was between my legs. His hand struggled with his zipper. I helped him unzip and eased his cock out.

"No, no, George, we can't! ,, ,. George. Don't put it in me! Please George, please! Not inside me.." I repeated the same phrase.

Chad was a wild man now, eagerly spreading my legs and yanking my panties aside.

"NO George, NO! We can't!" I struggled against his strength. I watched helplessly as his cock bobbed menacingly. My mind was completely in playback mode now. I wanted that cock inside me in the worst way, but I was back in George's car fighting him off like a tiger.

"George! No! Just put it against me!" I said urgently. "Please don't put it in me! Please, George, I like you to rub it against me. Just rub it between my legs. I love the way it feels. It's so big and hot. I don't want to get pregnant. Just press it between my legs. Please George?"

And he did. He fell against me. His cock was hot. I could feel every vein through the thin fabric of my panties. It felt hot pressing against the length of my pussy lips. Just like heaven. He thrust and thrust and I humped back against that big cock and dreamed how it was going to feel someday, sliding into my pussy for the first time.

"Ohh God! Uhh! Uhh! GEORGE!" My voice sounded loud, screaming over his shoulder and echoing on the walls of our garage. I had once again saved my virginity.

I felt his cum spurt on to the front of my panties and another great dollop between my breasts. Again and again he humped me, again and again I felt the warmth of his sperm. And then he sagged against me, completely spent.

"Oh, George, that was nice. You feel so good like that!" I was trying to make up for not letting him open my virginal pussy once more.

"God, Jackie, that was thrilling. My god you made me so hot, I covered you with it. You were great, dear."

In a way, it surprised me to find that it was Chad kissing my neck, Chad soothing me down from my orgasm, Chad worrying that he had got his cum all over my panties. I thought about the wonder of that moment all night long.

The next morning, the thought of that strange turn of events pestered me once again. I realized that in the throes of passion last night, I had really been calling George. I recalled with a sick feeling that in our car last night, in our own garage, safe and sound, I had wanted nothing more in the world than for old boy friend to shove that big long cock into my virginal cunt, even if it split me wide open! I had hungered to feel him shove it into me, to find that hymen and to slam his body through that taut membrane, to impale me on that huge manly organ until I truly screamed with orgasm.

I realized all those things. And I knew just as surely, that they were wrong desires. They were things I shouldn't be wanting. They represented all the things I thought were sins for a married woman to want. And yet, here I sat, a married woman. I knew suddenly that desire like that doesn't go away. It exists in married women just as it does to young virgins yearning to give up their hymen.

I sat staring out the window, wondering what I was going to do. Not what I should do, but what I was going to do. Could I actually let this end? This friendship and this lust; could I really just walk away? My panties were already wet thinking about it. I still had a baby-doll nightie on and my finger was pressing into the wet puddle between my legs as I thought. I looked at the phone and then out the window again.

My marriage was reasonably good, my sex life with Chad was reasonably active and for the most part, I thought good for both of us. He found role-playing and sexy undies more stimulating than I was willing to admit, but I allowed myself to be talked into it to satisfy him fairly frequently.

"Maybe we can continue just having a really good friendship! George must want that too, or he wouldn't be here." I reasoned out loud.

It was rationalization in the most blatant form, but I ignored that little voice on my shoulder.

"Maybe just friends.. with no actual sex .. we won't actually fuck .. just friends.. I think we can ..

I was shocked to find the bright yellow telephone I was toying with fall off the hook and into my hand. My heart pounded nearly out of my chest as each button yielded under my finger. Finally the last number, an 8. My finger was poised over the button..

"George, it's me. Are you still mad at me?" I tried to suppress my nervousness with a little giggle.



The following day I was sorting through my dirty clothes when the phone rang. It threw me a bit because I hadn't given anyone the number.

"George, it's me. Are you still mad at me?" she giggled.

I sighed, pretending to be angry.

"Oh, Jackie, I can never stay mad, you know that. No, I'm glad to hear your voice. Thought you might be mad at me, though. I was just tying to figure out why I still liked such a devastating prick-teaser!"

I was relieved to hear her laugh, just as I remembered from years ago. So, I thought with pride, I still have the old charm. At least where Jackie is concerned.

"You rat! You say the meanest things to me," she giggled. Look, I do want to talk to you. It was really nice seeing you yesterday. If I come for a drink, can you behave?"

"Sure. Heck. Kid, you know me." I found myself tense, hoping I didn't scare her off.

"I'll be there at two. Is that OK."

"Yeh, that's fine." I was trying to think of something to add that might win some favor with her, but too late, she had put the phone down.

Just after two o'clock there was a knock on the door. She looked a little disturbed.

"Is everything alright?" I asked as I let her in.

"Yes. . . . sort of." she answered uncertainly.

"Sounds like a 'no' to me. Come and sit down on the bed with me . . the room's a bit short on furniture."

We sat side by side on the bed. I put an arm around her.

"Now tell me what's the matter."

"Its . . I don't know . . . it's partly what happened yesterday and it's partly . . well, its Chad." She hung her head obviously upset about something.

"Look Jackie, you have nothing to be ashamed of about yesterday. I was out of order. I guess I wanted to relive those times we had . . remember, in my old Chevy? It was wrong of me and I'm sorry." Of course, I wasn't in the slightest bit sorry. I just wanted to get into her pants. But then I thought this approach might get some results.

"Its not just that. It's Chad. He's not been giving me much attention lately. What with his work and golf and that damned computer. I'm just not feeling important; I don't feel good about myself. Yesterday, I felt, well, . . .wanted."

She turned up her head to look at me. I looked into her lovely brown eyes and kissed her. It was just a brief kiss to test her response. As I broke away she remained eyes closed and mouth parted. Seems it had ended too soon.

"That's because you were wanted yesterday! Wanted even more urgently today!" I said, trying to reassure her.

I kissed her again. Longer this time. My tongue explored her mouth and do you know what, Chad? She loved every minute of it. Her tongue searched to find my tongue and they entwined, teasing each other. I wasn't going to make the same mistake as yesterday. This time I was going to fuck her. I was going to fuck your wife, Chad. I was going to send her home full of my spunk. Like the thought of that Chad? Another man's cock flooding your lovely wife's cunt.

As we broke the kiss, I said "God you're driving me crazy. You're just too gorgeous."

"Yesterday, I realized how important you are as a friend. I know that it is not right; both of us are married. But, on the other hand, if it is so important.. .. is there a way to have some part of it? Or can you stand.. .. you know, the limits? Oh George. . I'm so sorry about yesterday . . . . I'm sorry I left you . . er . . unsatisfied."

Then her face hardened into a mock frown.

"But, you deserved it. You snuck around with Laura behind my back, you know!" she dug her fingernail into my side.

Christ Chad! I wasn't expecting that! She guided me back so that we were lying on the bed, our feet still on the floor. Now she had an impish look on her face, as she leaned over me and kissed me heavily. One leg slipped over mine so that her thigh lay between my legs.

"Do you remember the night you guys crashed our pajama party at Judy's house?" Her face had a relaxed look of remembered happiness.

"Oh god, yes!"

I laughed and pushed my tongue into her mouth, blotting out her words. Jackie sucked on my tongue as her hand undid the clasp of my trousers. I thought back to the first time she did this in Judy's parents' bedroom amongst the coats and scarves of all the visitors. She was a long time convincing but it was worth it. Hope you appreciate what I taught her Chad.

Zip undone, I lifted a little so she could ease my pants down. She must have meant business; she pulled them right off, struggling to get them off over my shoes. Ahh, that glorious feeling of a woman's hand on your cock, eh Chad?

Heaven, sheer heaven, it was. Her thumb on the ridge and then oh, what was that? That lovely warm, wet feeling . . and teeth . . . teeth gently teasing my knob. Fucking hell, Chad - she is good! Does she suck your cock like that Chad?

Her head slowly moved on me. She took me in from different angles, licking, sucking, and gently biting. I moaned appreciatively, letting her know what a great job she was doing. Then she made the mistake that many others have before. She tried to take me all the way in. Only one ever managed that Chad and she had the neck of a giraffe!

"Cuh! . . Cuh! . . Oh my God! . . . Cuh. . . .you're so long! My, I guess I had forgotten." I lifted my head a little to check if she was OK. I smiled.

She paused a moment, looking up at me, her tongue teasing the split of my cock. She returned my fond smile and slipped it into her mouth once more. Still looking deep into my eyes, she slowly pressed her bright red lips over my urgently rigid cock. She looked beautiful. More carefully, slowly, I watched her lipstick coated lips surround more and more of my cock. Her eyes opened wide, when she had all but two inches in. I felt my body tense with pleasure: the pleasure of a hot mouth surrounding a cock that was harder, more steel like than I could remember.

"My god, the thrill is still there!" I thought.

Words seemed unnecessary. That was a gorgeous sight Chad, your wife sucking on my cock like it was her favorite lollipop. I lay back again, just letting her pleasure me. It would be time to decide in a moment. To decide whether I warn her I'm about to cum or I pop my lot down her throat and apologize for it if she gets upset. What do you think I should have done Chad?

I was in such ecstasy, I laid my head back and closed my eyes, struggling to hold back the moment of cumming a little longer. I felt her ease my cock out of her mouth and then felt the cool air on my wet cock. I struggled for control.

Something else was going on down there now. She had stopped sucking on me and was just using her hand. Her right hand, I thought oddly. She was left-handed as I remembered. No problem I thought, just keep servicing my cock, baby. My god, it felt wonderful.

Then I got to find what she had been up to, Chad. That minx of a wife of yours had taken her top off . . . and her bra! I felt those two soft globes softly rubbing up the inside of my thighs.

"Jesus!" I groaned. Encouraged by the favorable response, she let those lovely big tits rest on me as she moved higher up on to me. She trailed her nipples all the way up my body. At last, my cock was sandwiched between them.

"Oooh Yehh! A titty-fuck. She just let them hang on me at first, slowly rocking back and forth. Tantalizing. Stimulating but not tight enough for me to get anywhere. But the end of my cock thrilled at the sensation of those remembered tits fondling it.

Jackie pressed them together with her hands; pushing them around me, she began sliding up and down my cock. My cock was still wet from her wonderful mouth and now felt lovely using her cleavage as a substitute for her wet pussy.

"Like that?" she said with great tension in her voice. "Fucking mommy's tits?"

I liked it, but I need to be the one doing the fucking. I pulled her up onto the bed. She laughed excitedly at my haste. She knew she'd pressed a button.

As she laid there, arms above her head I straddled her and wrapped my cock with her lovely breasts. Then, I slowly fucked between them, marveling at the size and full shape of her breasts.

"That's good." she whispered. "Fuck mommy's tits, baby. Give me that cum all over mommy's big titties. Mmm, that feels good, George, so good. I remember how hot it always was."

It did feel good Chad. You'd have liked to see that. Your Jackie splayed out as my cock plowed that great divide.

I was getting close now. Jackie moved one hand to her mouth. She wet her fingertips and encircled the end of my knob with them. It felt just great! I could just feel her nails lightly digging into my rod.

"Come on." she said. "Cum for mommy. Mommy wants your spunk all over her lovely big . . . Oooh . . . Oooh . . ohmigod, that's good. That's it baby, that's it. Shoot it all over me," she murmured soft encouragement as if I were a child. But her voice was tinged with the tension of sexual excitement. It was a huge turn on.

Christ did I shoot. She would have had a face full if her hand hadn't been in the way. As it was, it went all over her neck and under her chin, making a pool between her tits, where my cock lay surrounded by the white spunk I had shot, hot and a lot, all over her.

I looked down on her, drained of energy. She smiled up at me , and dipped a finger into the pool of sperm in the hollow at the base of her neck.

"Someone made a mess!" she laughed. Then with a foxy smile she put her finger to her lips. Only slightly parting her lips, her tongue flicked across it. "Hmmm. . . nice."

I rolled off her and lay by side, one leg draped between hers. Her nylons felt lovely and I stroked against them with my hairy leg, fondling her. I dipped my finger into the pool of white fluid, then trailed it across her breasts, ending by circling the nipples. I sucked the semen from her nipples looking into her beautiful brown eyes. Then I massaged what was left all over both tits. Like claiming territory, I guess. There was a lot of it, too. Having painted her entire chest, I put my fingers to her lips. She opened for me and I slid three fingers inside. Gently biting my fingers, I could feel her tongue circling around them searching out every drop of my spunk.

She's a game girl Chad. Now you really want to know what happened next don't you. Did she stay . . . or did she go? What else did your little honey get up to while you were out playing golf. Ha. You'll have to wait a bit before I reveal that Chad. I want you to ponder on just how faithful your Jackie really is.

We lay together for some time. My hand caressed her naked body, memorizing every inch of her flesh. My hand moved lower, I loved the feel of those silk panties and the feel of the springy curls that lay beneath. My fingers paused on the rise of her mound, feeling her warmth permeate through the thin material. Her legs parted as my fingers found their way to the crease between her legs. Its a lovely feeling, don't you think Chad, running your fingers over silk panties when underneath is a inviting wet pussy. Even through her panties I could feel she was wet . . wet and ready.

At that moment I wanted to rip her panties off and slide my cock up that juicy tunnel, but I knew I risked her running off again, leaving me only partly satisfied. No, I'd have to go slower if I wanted to win her over. I moved lower down the bed until I slid off the end and was knelt between her legs. She looked wonderful like that, legs parted so invitingly, so willingly open to me. The silk of her panties clung to her giving only a hint of what lay beneath. That was so erotic Chad. The bushy curls of her pubic hair were just visible.

I slid my hands slowly up the insides of her thighs, over the nylon of her stockings, up across the bare flesh at the top of her thigh and then over the mound of curls. I was tempted to tug them down to ****** her cunt. But I wanted to delay that pleasure, at least for a while. I looked intently at the picture before me, wanting somehow to record it forever. While one hand moved up and down the path I had trailed, the other rested on her mound, my thumb brushing across her clitoris. Jackie gave a low moan of enjoyment.

The circle my thumb was making enlarged to reach the divide between leg and pussy, then I slipped it under the leg of her panties and I was feeling the hair on those soft lips. Her wetness had spread all over those lips, Chad, and as I found her secret entrance the wetness increased, almost as if I'd already cum in her. I moved my thumb along the crease of her pussy, delighting in how wet she was. Jackie arched her back in pleasure and pushing her pussy higher and at a more advantageous angle for me to enter her. It felt gorgeous as my thumb slid into her. She felt so ready, Chad. With my thumb buried deep into her, my other hand pulled her panties to one side. There before me was the sight that I had missed for so long. Jackie's wet pussy open and ready. My thumb was so wet, Chad.

"Mmmm, I like that," She murmured hoarsely.

Eager to please, I replaced my thumb with my finger, and let my well-lubricated thumb rub firmly over her clit.

"Oooh, .. .. that's goooood," she moaned.

It was a little awkward with her panties still on, but I wanted to relive another experience from our youth. My finger slid in and out of her while my thumb circled her bud.

"Oooooh, Don't stop."

"You like?" I asked.

"Ohh, yeah. Finger-fuck me, George. Finger-fuck me good." She sighed, long and deep.

With that, I pushed my finger all the way into her. I felt the soft, wet walls of her pussy opening for me. I curved my finger and found her G-spot, and rubbed hard against it.

"Oohh, that's so good. Fuck me deep, . . . long and deep."

With the hand that was pulling her panties aside I teased her clit with my thumb, circling its wet bud as my finger continued massaging the thick spot on the upper part of her cunt.

That's when I realized it, Chad. I didn't want to just fuck her, . . . I wanted her to beg for me to fuck her. Now that would be worth waiting for. Could you handle that Chad, knowing that your lovely wife had begged me to fuck her; telling me to put my cock in and fuck her deep?

It was clear that she was getting close to cumming. My finger and hand were covered in her honey juice. I wanted to taste her pussy so bad, but there was something that I wanted to do even more. Something we used to do all those years ago. My cock was standing proud and ready for action. Standing up, I pressed my cock against her cunt, only that thin membrane of silk separating us. I rubbed my cock head against the silky groove as I moved up to suckle her breast. Any minute I was sure she would beg me to put it in her or, better still, she would just guide my cock into her hot pussy. But it was too much for both of us, Chad. As her orgasm spasmed through her body, my spunk shot from my cock, covering her tummy.

"Oooh, fuck me . . . fuck me . . .please fuck me!" she chanted . . . but it was too late, I had unloaded my swollen balls all over her panties and tummy. I slumped on top of her, relieved, yet disappointed once more.

Some moments later, I needed the bathroom. I rolled off Jackie, looking down at the deposit of my sperm covering her panties and made my way to the bathroom. It was a while coming, but eventually the stream flowed. I washed my cock in readiness for the next onslaught and returned to the room. Jackie stood in front of the dresser fully clothed and adjusting her make-up. Seems that I was going to get no further on this occasion.

"I'm sorry George, but I really must be going." She said, turning as I entered.

"Must you?" I asked, knowing what the answer would be.

"Yes, I shouldn't even be here, now should I? We both know that?"

"Same time tomorrow? I go back the day after."

"I can't. I really can't."

"Will you ring me then? Just a phone call to say good bye?"

"Should I? I don't know."

I shrugged and smiled.

I tumbled into bed early that night, relaxed and a bit worn-out by the excitement of being with Jackie. I turned out the light and my mind went over the events of the day with tired pleasure, leaving a smile on my face. I slipped my hand under my pillow and felt something silky. Pleasantly surprised, I pulled her panties out from hiding and pressed them to my nose. The scent of her pussy, her perfume, and my sperm were all mixed together. My smile became a grin.

I couldn't avoid it. My cock began expanding. My mind created a picture as I recalled how her dark hair had barely shown through the thin nylon, and then how it had felt as my fingers played over that luscious pool of her juices under the nylon. Slipping my hand down, I pressed the soft, silken reminder of darling Jackie against my cock and rolled on top of it. I knew she had left it for me for just this moment. She always told me she was afraid to put her panties in the laundry after being with me. She worried what her mother thought of them being so wet. Once in awhile she had let me keep her panties, but it was always after a lot of persuasion.

Now all these years later, she tucked them under my pillow. Slowly, I began jacking myself against my own hand mimicking Jackie's slit behind those panties. Once again, Jackie's panties were flooded with my hot sperm, spewed excitedly from my highly exited cock.

I lay staring into the dark. I was pleased with myself. One day back together and I had finger-fucked her and held those big tits. She had come back to let me titty-fuck her. We hadn't fucked yet, but we were right back to where we had left off in the back of my car. With a long sigh of satisfaction, I began sinking into a deep and happy sleep, confident that I would at last get to fuck Jackie. Not today, but soon.