>>all persons are 18+ years old or more. The story is for adult entertainment only and is pure fiction with xxx themes. Only read if you enjoy such material<<


This should be a whiteboy's first experience of anything sexual, he should be naked with his mother who will humiliate him for his ridiculous little whiteboy pee pee. The whiteboy will be confused because he'll want his mother sexually but she'll keep mocking his ridiculous white babydick & rejecting him calling him a weak, pathetic faggot until he understands that his white shrimpdick is completely embarrassing, useless, & disgusting and he's a sexually undesirable weakling. He'll learn he can't possibly please a woman with his ridiculous tiny white pee pee and shouldn't even try. His mother should make sure he is spending most of the time not wearing any pants that way he'll have to confront the reality that his dick is ridiculously small. If he is wearing pants or even panties at this stage he can avoid having to think about the tiny white toothpick between his legs. Many whiteboys get stuck at this stage because they distract themselves so they don't have to think about their white babydick. This is where white mothers can get negligent and slack off with humiliating and taunting her white s o n.

Then the next stage, he'll get angry and depressed about his pathetic white shrimpdick. He'll be annoying and overly emotional like the feminine faggot he is as he whines about how he wished he wasn't white so he could have a real penis instead of his useless disgusting whiteboy clitty. He'll whine that it's not fair that whiteboys have such puny baby-sized dicks that look so small and pathetic compared to big black cocks. As a moth.er to a white so.n who is going through the confusion & distress of trying to accept and love his pathetic white babydick you will have a strong impulse to laugh hysterically at your loser whiteboy s o n, you'll also be getting annoyed and want to bitch-slap him so he will shut up. While it's always good to bitch-slap your faggot whiteboy don't pass up the opportunity to agree with him that his little whiteboy pee pee is a pathetic joke especially compared to a real penis, a black cock. So as he continues to wrestle with the distressing emotions of being a shrimpdicked faggot whiteboy just know this is part of his healthy development, this is a crucial stage for whiteboy development. The whiteboy is now moody, confused with his distressing emotions centered around his whiteboy clitty because his white babydick is the center of his world right now. As his white babydick continues to cause him to feel wave after wave of anger, bitterness, hopelessness, confusion and sadness he'll start to say things like, "I might as well be a girl since my dick is so small," or "It's like I don't even have a penis," or "My puny white pee pee looks more like a girl's vagina than a penis". This is a crucial stage for his moth.er to praise him for realizing he's more of a girl and that his white male genitals ARE feminine and SHOULD be thought of as being very similar to a girl's pussy. His mother should validate his associating his white babydick with a girl's vagina. This can be a beautiful moment of bonding for white moth.ers and their whiteboy s o ns as they talk about all the ways whiteboys are similar to girls. And as they are discussing how whiteboys are faggots and so similar to girls, the moth.er should keep gently reminding her s o n about how useless, disgusting, and utterly ridiculous his white shrimpdick is. A mother of a whiteboy must never forget how dumb whiteboys are which means she'll have to keep repeating herself. Also at this stage of whiteboy development the whiteboy will be more open to hearing his mother tell him what a completely worthless loser he is as she keeps harping on and devaluing his embarrassing little whiteboy pee pee. Now this can help the whiteboy slide into the understanding that girls don't see him as sexual in any way and see him as like them, as a girl or at least as some weird feminine freak. White moms sometimes drop the ball at this point when the whiteboy's weak mind tries one final psychological resistance to the reality that he is an inferior feminine pathetic loser. The mother must realize that her white s o n is no different from any other white male and his inherent weakness, selfishness, and stupidity will start to take over and he'll try to compensate for his small white babydick by trying to assert himself as a real man.

2 things the mother can use to get her white son back on track at this point:

1. If he's still walking around pantless (as he should be if she's a good mother) she can just make fun of & laugh at his pathetic white shrimpdick whenever he tries asserting himself as a man. Once he gets slapped down to reality about the fact that he has more of a pussy than a penis between his legs he'll stop pretending to be a man. Again, as long as his ridiculous white shrimpdick is out in the open for all to see he won't be able maintain any sense of confidence for long. A whiteboy can’t pretend to be a man while his 2-inch pee pee is there for everyone to see. And the more ridiculed and mocking of his tiny white dick the better. This is why it helps to get his sis.ters involved in degrading his "manhood".

2. The mother can and should affirm and bring out the natural feminine qualities of her white s o n. Remember, whiteboys are closer to being girls than real men. He's probably still being emotional, dramatic and sensitive about his white babydick so make fun of him for that (you and your daugh.ters). Then, as his mother & sis.ters keep ridiculing and mocking him for being so emotional & sensitive about his little whiteboy pee pee (affirming his femininity) he'll whine and say something like, "That's NOT funny, I'm serious, it's not funny, you should be more concerned & sensitive about my little whiteboy pee pee. Do you know how upsetting it is to have a dick so ridiculously small and weak it's completely useless? It's so small everyone makes fun of it! I'll never know what it's like to have sex with a girl. It's like I don't even have a penis, I have a vagina!" As he starts crying emotionally this is when you switch gears and again affirm and praise him for realizing his white male genitals are more of a woman’s vagina than a penis and agree with him that his puny whiteboy pee pee is ridiculously small, completely embarrassing, and essentially useless, That he is correct in that he has no chance of having sex with a girl. As you do this you'll also be reinforcing his natural femininity, weakness, and inability to function as anything other than a completely pathetic sissy faggot loser.

You are getting your white son closer and closer to becoming a real whiteboy but you'll need to support your whiteboy at this stage, it is a very sensitive time for the whiteboy as he is very vulnerable and weak as he is coming to finally embrace that his white dick is a disgusting tiny shriveled-up pink worm that is repulsive to girls and that he's a dumb, worthless loser who has absolutely no value to society. It will seem odd to you as you wonder how it's even possible for anyone to be so pathetic and then remind yourself that he's a whiteboy. Also you are understandably fed up at this point with the frustration of having to keep dealing with a dumb annoying whiteboy who won't stop whining about his stupid babydick that no one cares about anyway. But if you don't follow through you might get stuck with a dumb annoying whiteboy who doesn't know his place so keep going.

Now, to lighten the atmosphere his mother can help him realize that his pathetic white shrimpdick does have a use to girls, it can be used to make girls laugh. Again, have his sis.ters join in on this activity as you and your daugh.ters come up with various jokes about his pathetic whiteboy shrimpdick. The more women are laughing at and making fun of his pathetic white shrimpdick the better. This will help the whiteboy get comfortable with women and girls mocking and laughing at his disgusting little pink worm. As you and your daugh.ters are sharing demeaning jokes about his ridulous whiteboy pee pee and cruelly devaluing his pathetic "manhood" he'll be naked or at least not wearing any pants this whole time. So that will be beneficial as he'll be able to look down at his puny white worm that everyone's making fun of and laughing at and he'll internalize and take to heart all the jokes about his tiny white pee pee and begin to join in on the jokes because he's now passed the stage of whiteboy resistance. Now get ready for all your hard work & patience of putting up with your dumb, faggoty annoying whiteboy to pay off! As he'll start to embrace his identity as a whiteboy - a pathetic, weak, shrimpdicked, useless faggot that nobody likes. This is the stage where a whiteboy finally starts to take pride & appreciation in his little whiteboy pee pee. A whiteboy will now appreciate seeing just how unique a white dick is - something so almost freakishly tiny, pitiful & weak looking that it's really it's own weird type of thing - some strange form of feminine clitty-like genitalia that only whiteboys have! He'll probably try doing some girly dance moves at this time and actually want to "show off" his whiteboy clitty. He now feels more comfortable in realizing he's nothing close to and never will be a real man but is a whiteboy. This is a time to congratulate and celebrate with the now jubilant whiteboy as he's finally relieved of the confusion and the pressure of pretending to be a man. He can now embrace his true identity as a sissy faggot and he finally realizes who he is as a whiteboy, he's a pathetic shrimpdicked disgusting loser who is worthless to society. He's a faggot with a dick so small it's completely useless that only serves as something for girls and women to laugh at and is ultimately closer to a woman's clitoris than an actual penis. Now be careful, celebrate that the whiteboy is no longer annoying you or any other women in the house by pretending to be a man or asserting himself but you'll need to go back to bitchslapping him daily and treating him like the useless piece of shit he is but at least now he won't resist anymore.

Now you can take your whiteboy shopping for some brand new whiteboy panties and cute little pink chastity cages for his little whiteboy clitty. This is a very special rite of passage for whiteboys when their moth.ers finally take them shopping for panties, stockings and high heels. So appreciate this milestone in your s o n s life. Your whiteboy will now want to decorate and adorn his special little whiteboy clitty with feminine lingerie. White m o m s are usually gushing with pride at seeing what complete feminine sissy faggots their white s o n s have become, finally embracing their identity as pathetic shrimpdicked losers so enjoy this special moment with your whiteboy. Some white m o m s, as a special treat let their newly defeated & feminized whiteboy son.s watch as black men ruthlessly pound their slutty white holes in an hours-long live gang-bang interracial orgy. But you can do your own special thing if you want. Your dumb whiteboy won't be resisting or asserting himself against women or people of color anymore! And he'll be so happy to finally not feel the pressure to be a man anymore.

And now, m o m, you (and your daught.ers) can spend more time getting your white pussy & butthole stretched & pounded by big black cocks and sucking black cock all day like the dumb disgusting white sluts you are! And you have a new faggot whiteboy to do your chores & help you lick up all that thick black cum!
Below are a few more general pointers for white moms to defeat their faggot whiteboy s o ns, so white mothers can get back to fucking & sucking as much black cock as possible!

1 Get the whiteboy addicted to interracial porn and all he'll want to do is rub his little whiteboy clitty to all the white women and black men having sex.

2 A white mother does a good job by teaching her white s o n that he's nothing more than a worthless annoying shrimpdicked loser, early in life. She should make him wear panties and high heels every now & then but most importantly - She should CONSTANTLY be mocking him for his ridiculously small white pee pee. She could make him pull his pants down and mockingly tell him to rub it to see how big it gets then laugh at him & make fun of his tiny white dick because even hard it's still so tiny & puny & pathetic looking.

3 The white mom could get naked in front of her whiteboy s o n and watch him jerk off to her. This will lead him to internalize what a pathetic pervert he is because he's too pathetic to have a girl and all he can do is jerk off to his mother. He'll feel so disgusting for masturbating to his naked mother but will realize he won't have sex with a girl so this is all he can do - thus reinforcing for him that he is disgusting AND pathetic. And he'll realize this is all a central part of being a whiteboy. And he'll probably say out loud what a loser he is and how he hates being white and he hates his pathetic useless white shrimpdick and he's just a dumb worthless faggot whiteboy. So as he is still jerking off to his naked mother, she should affirm everything he's saying - that he IS a worthless faggot & he is correct - nobody likes dumb annoying whiteboys and he IS a shrimpdicked loser.

4 She could make jokes about him trying to penetrate and please a girl with his puny little white worm. And using education like showing how a white dick starts tiny and barely grows leaving white men with embarrassingly small babydicks their whole life. White mothers should also regularly remind their white s on s of the comparison of white cocks to black cocks and reinforce how a white dick is like a girl's finger compared to a black cock which is like an anaconda.

5 White moms should regularly be having sex with black men - and openly for their white s o n s to see - so the white s o n sees how even his own dear mother is a disgusting slut for black cock.

So whiteboys will learn early on how pathetic they are and how pointless it is trying to compete with real men. Eventually white males will just become obsessed with their white shrimpdicks and rub themselves to what pathetic losers they are as they are continually rejected & humiliated by women. And it will save them the frustration of trying to compete with black men for white women or trying anything sexual with women. White women will be saved from frustrating, unfulfilling sex with white males. White women can then just have sex with black men. Women & people of color will be much happier. So white mothers - do your job!
