1. Chris and Megan

    Megan had been with Chris since they were 14, they'd been friends a lot longer. Because both were awkward, nerdy kids interested in science and video games they gravitated together at a young age and then when the first blooms of puberty began it seemed only natural that it turn into something more.

    So now at the age of 18, in their last year of high school, they were practically an old married couple which suited Chris, he wasn't bad looking per se, but he was still the same small skinny awkward kid he'd always been standing barely 5'6" and built like he's made of pipe cleaners.

    Megan in her thick glasses and unfashionable shoulders length brown bob hairstyle was still the nerdy girl he'd grown close to as a kid but she had filled out at 5"5 with shapely legs, hips, a gorgeous peachy little ass, and boobs that had filled out way more than Chris had expected.

    he knew if it wasn't for the long-held bond they had Megan would be way out of his league with her shy expressions Megan was cute as hell. Looking at her green-brown eyes, button nose, and soft mouth deep down Chris often thought how glad he was that Megan hadn't noticed just how much she was punching down being with him.

    They had been sexually active for about two years, Chris had initiated it and Megan was happy to go along, she loved Chris, but for her, the sex felt somewhat like a part of the gig. Not that it was horrible, but Chris was very tender and attentive, he would go down on her for days but didn't achieve much, but then it was the thought that counted. Megan would reciprocate but not too often, the main reason she didn't do it all the time was that Chris could not last that long, she knew Chris loved blow jobs but also that the moment she wrapped her lips around his cock he was ready to blow. The first few times they'd done it she'd swallowed him balls deep, it wasn't particularly hard for her, Chris was a decent 4.5", maybe slightly under, but much like the rest of his frame he wasn't particularly thick so taking him to the back of her throat was easy.

    To Chris, though this was miraculous, the first time she'd done it he'd instantly shot his load down her throat, which made her gag, but she also kinda liked it, it made her feel attractive to be able to make her man cum so easily and afterward Chris would look at her like she was the second coming. The downside of this was that after an age of foreplay with Chris's tongue trying its best on her pussy and his hands fumbling all over her body penetration was the closest she had gotten to getting off, she thought she might have gotten off a couple of times? Chris's size wasn't the issue though she did think from time to time that a little more girth might be nice, and had on occasion slipped a couple of her fingers in while they did it but he was about average so she couldn't see that being the issue. No, the main problem was Chris was just too… tender. He would make love to Megan, crawling on top and slowly grinding on her, kissing her neck, whispering how much he loves her in her ear, it was sweet but it didn't make her cum. When she got on top, slid a couple of her fingers into her small pussy, and rode him she would get close but sadly so would Chris causing her to slow it down so he would last.

    Dirty talk was out of the question, Megan found it hot and had semi-tried to introduce it a couple of times but Chris seemed uncomfortable. She didn't know if he didn't like it or just wasn't good at it, but either way chances of him pulling her hair and telling her to 'take this dick' was slim to none, let alone calling her a slut. So she did her best riding him as much as she could while fingering herself and rubbing her clit, but not fast and not for too long… edging herself until either she got the mildest of shudders down her spine or more often than not Chris filled the condom then profess his love, Megan would reciprocate and they would fall asleep in each other's arms, it was sweet.

    2. The new kid

    Megan would often stay at Chris's house (she was allowed as they'd been together so long, and Chris was such a nice boy) and then they'd walk to school together. Megan didn't mind school everyone was relatively nice to her and she was very smart, so she had no real problems. Chris had a harder time, he'd often get bullied because of his size, nothing too severe, mean comments, the occasional shove into the lockers, the worst of them was a transfer student from the bad part of town, a black kid named Jamal. Megan was not a fan of Jamal, he was rude, carried himself like he owned the school, and seemed to enjoy picking on Chris. Jamal was bigger… 6"2' easy, and very muscular… he was handsome Megan had thought (if you were into the bad boy thug look), and walked with an exaggerated swag that rubbed her the wrong way.

    She'd never been around black people before, coming from a very white suburb, but it struck her that he acted exactly like 'those people' she'd seen in rap videos and films about the inner city. Today was boys' gym class and Meg went to meet Chris after. Her lesson got out about 10 minutes before so she hung around and watched... it was basketball. Chris was not good at it, or any other sports for that matter, but particularly basketball not at his height. Jamal, (predictably Megan thought) was excellent (he probably spent his youth playing pick-up games on some grimy outdoor court, Megan mused.) As the class came to an end Chris was under the hoop, Jamal, who'd been showboating the whole time made a drive, jumped up, and dunked it, his groin essentially hitting Chris in the face knocking him down.

    Megan was relieved to see Chris wasn't hurt just looked a little embarrassed as he started to get up quickly while Jamal for his part didn't try and help, he carried on showboating taking his jersey off and throwing it on the ground. Megan had to admit as much as she disliked him… he was built and almost against her own will, she found herself staring at his large pecks, she discovered, in tattoos, his 6-pack abs, and admiring his sweat-glistened dark skin looking up she caught him smirking at her or so she thought and looked sharply away. The whistle blew and the boys went into the locker room to change Chris threw up a hand signal to let her know he'd be out in five.

    Megan sat by the exit waiting, she could hear a couple of popular girls, cheerleaders, talking a few yards away, they didn't register that she existed, as was standard, and after a few minutes, she realized they were talking about what had happened at the end of the game, "Little dude was lucky that thing didn't knock him out," one of them chuckled, His ex-girl Tasha told Becky, "It's like he's got an extra fist in his shorts," Both girls began to giggle.

    "I heard that, why do you think he wears those baggy shorts, not the little short shorts the other boys have on, The boy is slinging meat." The girls continued to chuckle and gossip as Megan listened.

    The first girl replied…"Yeah, he tried to hook up with me at Chad's last party, and don't get me wrong, I was tempted, but Tasha said he fucks like a monster, and I don't wanna end up in a wheelchair," Both girls almost in hysterics now continued to talk as they walk out of the gym, "I'll leave that shit for the black girls for now… I ain't ready for that."

    Megan couldn't help but be intrigued, she never cared about stuff like that Chris was the love of her life, she reminded herself but she'd be lying if she didn't admit the image of Jamal's glistening black body didn't enter her mind, and she found herself beginning to imagine what else might lie beneath those shorts… as her mind wandered Chris called her name snapping her out of it. With thoughts of Jamal removed from her mind, they filled each other in on the details of their days as Chris walked her home.

    3. A quiet night in

    It was a standard night at home for Megan, she hung out with her parents, did her homework (and a little extra), got into her pajamas, and went upstairs to watch YouTube in bed. She watched the usual, cute videos of small dogs being groomed, a makeup tutorial, and a live streamer she liked playing some JRPG she was into. After an hour or so of aimless scrolling, she decided to watch some music videos. She liked fairly standard pop music but as she looked she found herself uncharacteristically looking through the rap, she didn't hate rap, she knew nothing about it.

    She wasn't sure why she was scrolling through the rap, she was not looking for anything in particular until she found it. A video of a young black rapper, Megan wasn't racist, she was fully aware the rapper didn't look exactly like Jamal, but he was about the same age and size, and he was covered in tattoos. But most importantly he was known to have the same annoying no fucks given thug boi attitude. Megan clicked the video, it was the standard rap stuff, money, girls dancing, and expensive cars, all not her thing but as she watched, the image of Jamal jumping about shirtless, shouting, and posturing, his thick arms, his dark tattoos on his dark skin, the sweat dripping down his defined abs, and that hungry smirk he shot her when he saw her looking entered her mind.

    Much to her surprise, Megan was wet, She wasn't a big masturbater, she had done it from time to time, thinking about a boy from a band she liked or some character in a supernatural TV show, but it wasn't a regular thing and she wasn't usually this damp from her fantasy. She reached tentatively down to her privates feeling the warmth, and couldn't help but to gently start rubbing over the top of her pajama shorts as she did her mind wandered back to the conversation she overheard, "Extra fist in his shorts, fucked like a monster, end up in a wheelchair,"... she was now dripping, Jesus Christ Megan thought! She'd never watched any porn, aside from a few softcore things on TV late at night, and the dicks were always flaccid when you did see them (Larger than Chis admittedly, but nothing crazy). Porn wasn't her thing, so the only hard dick she'd ever seen was Chris's. Oblivious she knew they come in all shapes and sizes, and she'd heard the stereotypes about black guys, but she couldn't imagine one that big, with one hand Megan navigated off YouTube and clumsily typed pornhub into her browser unsure what to search for at first she found herself hurriedly typing "Big black cock" into the search bar and getting thousands of results she began to scroll through, unsure what she was looking for, as she did her hand made its way under the waistband of her shorts, under the elastic of her panties, and over the small tuft of brown pubic hair to her pussy and coming to rest on her clit.

    After a few videos, something grabbed her attention, a screenshot of what looked like the defined torso of a young black man in tight white pants with a hint of tattoos at the top of the frame, her mind immediately jumped to Jamal, "YOUNG BLACK COCK SOLO" was the title, she clicked it.

    The video started with the unidentified young man rubbing his dick over his tight white pants, Megan was stunned at the size 8", twice as thick as Chris, she started rubbing her clit as the man in the video rubbed up and down the shaft a few times before reaching his hand inside and pulling it out. Megan gasped, it was huge! Considerably longer than Chris and two times the thickness, especially the head which mushroomed out thick and purple, the man ran his hand slowly up and down the long black shaft.

    Megan couldn't contain herself, she moved her hand down to her dripping hole and hurriedly inserted 2 fingers moving them in and out faster and faster in rhythm with the man in the video, admiring the thick veins on his smooth ebony shaft. She imagined it inside her, and as she did she unconsciously drove 2 more fingers into her tight wet pussy stretching herself and biting down on her blanket as she watched. She thought about Jamal, his body, his attitude… she thought about her poor boyfriend Chirs getting slapped in the face with that…"Extra fist," was this what they meant, was Jamal packing like this guy?

    Megan stifled a moan, she thought about the way Jamal looked at her when he caught her checking out his thick hard body, the disrespect, and hunger in that look, the man in the video groaned in her ear, "Oh fuck, I'm boutta bust!" he grunted, his balls hanging huge and dark off the base of his massive throbbing black cock. Megan's whole body was electric, her toes curled, and her back arched, her fingers as deep as she could push them, slamming them into herself as in the video, the man let out a deep guttural groan as he stroked the biggest load Megan had ever seen out of the full length of his cock. In Megan's mind was Jamal's pecs, abs, his sweat…"Fucks like a monster." Megan imagined the thick purple head of that long black cock stretching her tight white lips causing her to be rocked by an orgasm like she had never felt before! Megan moaned loudly into her pillow to stifle the noise of her orgasm, she was sweating and shaking, juices flowed over her hand, soaking her shorts and bedsheet and her pussy clamped down hard on the four fingers she'd pushed three knuckles deep, she dropped her phone and collapsed spent on the bed before passing out.

    3. A New Assignment

    A few days later at school, Megan got called to see the principal, she had not done anything wrong, she was part of a program at the school where exceptional students tutored others who were struggling. For the last few months, she'd been helping out a nice girl named Sarah with her math, and she'd had quite excellent results, so good in fact that she was surprised when the principal told her she'd no longer be working with Sarah, "You've done an amazing job, Megan. The truth is Sarah doesn't need your help anymore, she's right where she needs to be."

    "That's great sir, I'm so happy I could help," Mega beamed.

    "Given how much of an impact you've made, I can see there are students at the school who could use your help far more than Sarah right now."

    "Well, obviously I'm happy to help anyone, sir."

    "Excellent!" The principal grabbed a file from his desk, "Do you know Jamal?" Megan sat up, and thoughts of her late-night fantasies suddenly flooded uncomfortably back into her head.

    "J-Jamal sir?"

    "Yes, our newest student, he's proved himself exceptional in athletics and is poised to receive a basketball scholarship but his grades in science are holding him back and we think a little one-on-one tutoring might be in order."

    Megan didn't know what to say, messy thoughts in her head. Despite the other evening, she didn't like Jamal, he was rude arrogant, and horrible to Chris, but still, a part of her quivered with excitement at the prospect, "I suppose, but why me sir?"

    "Well, you are top of your class in biology which is the main area that requires work… and Jamal requested you."

    "WHAT? I mean, when, Why?"

    "I had a meeting with him yesterday where I explained the program and he requested you specifically, not by name but he gave a fairly detailed description and I thought it was a great idea, you could be just what he needs."

    "I'd be happy to help, sir."

    "Great," the principal went over the necessary details while Megan sat contemplating her situation. Why her, why would he ask for her specifically? Her head was swimming and to make matters worse now she had to go and talk to him.

    Outside the principal's office, Chris was waiting with a kiss on the cheek. Megan explained the situation, and Chris was not happy about it, why would he be, his girlfriend having to spend time helping his bully, he didn't say anything though, not being one for confrontation.

    As they walked the halls before the next class they saw Jamal standing by his locker almost waiting for their approach. "Hey little man," he shouted at Chris, "Sorry about dunkin' on you in front of your girl yesterday, you know how it is."

    "D-don't worry about it, man."

    "Who's worried?" He scolded.

    "Uhhh, I gotta get to class," Chris looked at Megan

    "Run on then little bro, me and yo girl got things to talk about."

    Megan assured Chris it was okay, that he should go to his lesson while she discussed the tutoring with Jamal, Chris left awkwardly.

    "So Jamal, I understand we need to go over some biology."

    Jamal moved so that Meg was now standing with her back to the lockers and he was in front of her. He placed his arm on the locker above her, towering over her small frame. Megan couldn't help but admire his thick arms and the musky aroma he gave off.

    "Yeah, I reckon there are a few things we can teach each other."

    "I'm, umm, top of the class."

    "That you might be, but I bet there are still some things you could learn about the body"

    Megan blushed and looked away trying to ignore his comment.

    "I'll need to grab a few textbooks from home, but we could start tutoring tomorrow after school in the library if that works?"

    "Nah, that ain't work for me, the library bitch banned me when she caught me and Tasha in the history section."

    "Caught you what?" Megan enquired.

    "Shiiiiit, well, we weren't reading so what do you think?" Megan didn't want to think, "She was giving me a hand job and shit."

    "What?" Megan started, "Don't say things like that…"

    "Yo, chill," he interrupted, "You asked. So nah, the library won't work. My place is fine. Come over tomorrow after school and we can do some teachin' I'm at…" Jamal gave his address, didn't give Megan any time to respond, and walked away. The way he spoke to her made her feel like she almost didn't have a choice. She was going to go to his place, tomorrow and that was that. It was all so matter-of-fact. and to her horror, the way he told her what to do, and the thought of spending time one on one, made her legs tremble.

    4. A Frustrated evening

    That evening Meg was over at Chris's place hanging out, Chris was playing some game on the PC and Megan was watching YouTube, the usual stuff, tonight she was watching clips of some medical drama she liked, in the new episode, the main character was on a date with a new love interest, a tall handsome black guy and once again Megan's mind started to wander, Megan found this disturbing not understanding what was happening to her, A few weeks ago she never had these thoughts, and now here she was sitting on her boyfriend's bed getting wet watching some actress in a shitty TV show make out with a black dude, it was like something had awoken in her and familiar thoughts of Jamal's tight physique, his smell, and what he might be hiding in those baggy Jean's filled her mind. It was no good, she needed to fuck!

    She dropped the phone and turned to Chris, "Hey babe, you wanna fool around?"

    Chris was startled, Megan rarely instigated sex, Wha, yea, let me finish this match real quick."

    Megan was not in the mood to wait, she pulled off her jeans and peeled her sodden panties off her tight round ass and laid on the bed, legs splayed, and started rubbing her wetness, "CHRIS NOW!" Chris couldn't believe what he saw, Megan had never been this forceful, he dutifully rushed over and started climbing onto Megan to kiss her, but was surprised when instead she grabbed his hair and pushed his face down between her legs.

    "Holy shit baby, you're so wet!" he started kissing her thighs. Chris's sweetness and pleasantries weren't what she needed right now though. She shushed him and pushed his face into her clit, not relying on his usual unsure aim she started grinding his face with her hips, forcing him to hit the right spots. Megan started moaning and as she did she imagined the 6' 2" black man she'd be tutoring tomorrow towering over her, his muscular black arms, that thick body, she could smell her sex in the air and it reminded her of his musk, which drew her mind to the cock she'd seen on pornhub the other evening… long, thick and dark.

    Chris could hardly breathe, he was fighting for air as Megan mashed her pussy into his face. Suddenly she pushed him off and rolled over, showing him her gorgeous tight ass, "Eat my ass, Chris!" Chris couldn't believe this was not like Megan, in 2 years since their first time together she'd never once asked anything like this, but Chris dutifully did as he was told and shoved his face between her cheeks, to start lapping at her little star-shaped hole.

    As he did Megan reached under herself and shoved her fingers into her tight plump pussy. She started grinding on them and reached back with her other hand to hold Chris's face in place with his tongue in her ass. She imagined the throbbing veins on that beautiful black dick from pornhub and Jamal's face smirking down at her, the words "fucks like a monster," ran over and over in her head, it was all too much. She ground Chris's tongue deep into her asshole before pushing him off and pulling his head out of her ass, "Fuck me from behind," she demanded.

    "Uhhh, yeah, yeah okay," they'd never done it doggy Chris didn't find it very intimate, but he knew he had to comply, "Let me grab a condom," Chris fumbled to open the foil and roll the baggy condom onto his thin 4.5 inches

    Megan was impatient, "Jesus Chris fuck me already! "

    "Okay, I'm ready." Chris slowly inserted himself into Megan's soaking hole it was underwhelming… as expected, but it would do. Chris gently started pushing into her and Megan immediately started furiously bucking back, her small pussy easily swallowing the full length of his cock. Chris tried to slow down as he could feel himself getting close, but Megan reached back and grabbed his flat pale ass to stop him.

    "Don't stop, fuck me hard!"

    Chris had never heard her talk like this and he was immediately ready to blow, he pumped his small frame as hard as he could at her, burying his little cock in her hungry cunt. Megan reached under herself and rubbed her clit furiously as she did she imagined Jamal's big strong hands roughly grabbing her ample tits and sharply slapping her ass, calling her a bitch or a whore. She thought about the fat purple head of the cock she'd seen online rubbing up and down her small white pussy, probing her hole, and shoved three fingers as deep as she could while imagining the cock pushing into her moaning loudly, and feeling Chris shuddering behind her he made a few more half-hearted thrusts then limply slid out of her.

    The frustration Megan felt was immeasurable. It was as close as she had gotten with Chris but once again he'd checked out early. She collapsed disappointed onto the bed. Chris followed, spooning her tenderly from behind. He kissed her neck, told her she was amazing, and that he loved her.

    Megan mumbled "Love you too," and went to sleep.

    5. The Fight.

    The next day was the day she was to begin tutoring. Megan and Chris walked to school together as usual, when they arrived there was some kind of commotion going on outside. A crowd had gathered around a fight taking place, Megan pushed through the circle to see what was happening. In the middle was Chad Evans, the quarterback of the school's football team. Chad was beautiful, all the girls agreed, chiseled jaw, blonde hair, and blue eyes, the perfect all-American boy and a massive asshole. Squaring up opposite him was Jamal another asshole, typically shouting and gesticulating, full of bravado. Chad was tall but Jamal was slightly bigger and considerably more cut, "Say it again white boy, I fucking dare you to say it again." Chase looked uncomfortable and scared, Megan hadn't seen him look scared before, She enjoyed it, "WHAT YOU AINT GOT NUFFIN TO SAY NOW BITCH?" Jamal was screaming in his face, pushing his forehead against Chad's the crowd was restless and excited forming a circle around them. Suddenly he reared back and swung, cracked Chad on the jaw, and sent him to the floor, unconscious, "CALL ME A NIGGA NOW, CALL ME A NIGGA NOW!" Jamal punched Chad again and spat on him, two of his friends had to pull him off, "BITCH ASS NIGGA!"

    Megan watched amazed she hated violence and thought it primitive but she couldn't help being mesmerized by Jamal's power and fury. She watched the muscles in his thick arms flex as he swung, she was once again admiring his body in his tight T-shirt, showing off every ripple and she noted again his baggy pants, hanging off his waist, imagining what may be within.

    Her wandering mind was abruptly returned to her as Jamal stood before her. Megan didn't know what to say or what he wanted. behind him, Chad was starting to come to, and his friends were helping him up. Jamal who moments ago was screaming with rage and laying out the most popular guy in school was now casually standing over her, "Yo imma bounce, lessons are still on though, you got the address, be there by five," and without waiting for a reply he left, intentionally shouldering past Chris as he did.

    Chris turned to Megan, as Jamal strutted out of the school gates, "What the fuck, that guy is an animal!" Chris exclaimed, "You're not going to try and tutor that thug." Megan was too distracted watching Jamal leave to respond, "Meg, Megan?"

    "Huh, what?"

    "You're not going to tutor him are you?"

    "Yeah, why, do you think he's going to beat me up?"

    Chris looked startled by Megan's lack of concern, "I dunno, maybe, didn't you see what he did?"

    "Yeah, it seems like Chad called him a nasty word and he got knocked out for it. I'm not going to call him that, so I think I'll be fine, besides, the principal specifically asked me to help tutor him," and with that Meg changed the subject, making it quite clear that her decision was made up and she would go about her day as normal or at least she tried to go about her day, she was distracted to no end. She couldn't stop herself from thinking back on the past few days, and the new fantasies that had infected her mind, Rippling muscles, dark skin beaded with sweat, thick full lips, the swagger, the aggression, her mind was swimming at lunch, she walked past Tasha, the only other black student in the school and Jamal's ex. a gorgeous and curvy girl. The site of Tasha made her think back again to the cheerleaders outside the locker room, to what she overheard, Tasha's report of Jamal "slinging meat" and fucking her like a monster. She pictured Tashed face down, big ass up biting her pillow, and getting railed hard from behind, the mental image, the thought drove her crazy. By the final period, Megan was in a state where her panties were so wet she could smell her sex, she couldn't concentrate and spent most of the lesson watching the clock.

    Chris texted her, asking if she wanted him to walk her home to get her textbooks, but she refused, she needed time alone to get her head straight and she was worried Chris would smell the dampness on her. The bell rang and Megan rushed home, she grabbed her books, changed her panties to some fresh white ones, and put on a cute little dress she'd picked up that hugged her at the tits and showed off her hips… this wasn't a conscious decision but a part of Megan wanted to show off what she had for Jamal and with that she gathered her stuff and left for her session.

    6. The tutoring - Anatomy

    Jamal's house was nice, not that Megan didn't expect that, he may have moved from the shitty side of town but he didn't live there now. Megan had heard that he lived with his Mom who had put herself through law school and got a decent job with a local firm. She knocked on the door, after a few moments and some sounds of commotion, Jamal opened the door, shirtless in his baggy ball shorts. Megan was taken aback, "Sorry, am I early?"

    "Nah was working out, come in." Jamal stepped aside, but only slightly, forcing Megan to push her small body against his sweat-beaded torso to get in. She couldn't help but smell that familiar musk as she did, thicker than before and she noticed the hardness of his abs on her arm.

    Megan looked around made her way to the kitchen table and began taking out her textbooks. Jamal ignored her and started walking off down a corridor. Megan watched him, she noticed his back was just as muscled as his front, he was built, "Did you want to grab your laptop, or a notepad and pens?"

    "We ain't doin' it in here."

    "Huh, what was that?"

    Jamal stopped briefly, and turned to look at her, "I said we ain't studying there, we can go to my room, come on." The last two words felt like a command and Megan couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement as she reluctantly agreed and followed Jamal to his room.

    Inside the room was covered with posters, mainly of women, in various states of undress, there was some basketball memorabilia, some light drug paraphernalia, and various piles of clothes scattered about. It looked about as she expected and smelled like it as well, the smell of sweat, weed, and musk intertwining. Jamal sat on the only chair at a messy desk, still topless, and his legs spread wide, "Sit."

    He motioned for Megan to sit on his bed just a step away. She clumsily moved a few items of clothing out of the way and perched awkwardly on the edge. She felt Jamal's hungry eyes moving over her small body as she did, "So… where do you want to begin, Cell division or Evolution?"

    "Anatomy, let's start there."

    "Ummm, yeah… okay we can do anatomy if that's where you feel you need help."

    Jamal smirked, "I'm pretty confident in it, just wanna start with what I know."

    "Uhhhhhh, okay… yeah okay, we can do that, we should start with the main muscle groups," Megan reached down into her bag of books and after a little rummaging pulled out a thick textbook. She began flipping through when Jamal suddenly leaned over and took it from her hands, he eyed a few of the pages and tossed them. "What are you doing, I thought you wanted to go over anatomy?"

    "I do, I ain't much of a reader though… show me." Jamal grabbed Megan's small hand in his and commandingly pulled her to him, Megan quickly pulled back but didn't break contact. Jamal slowly pulled her hand across and lay in on his arm. Megan was overwhelmed by the sheer thickness of it, his black skin was soft but underneath was pure muscle. She could feel that familiar warmth growing between her legs. Jamal's arms were thicker than Chris' legs she thought, Jesus, he could toss her around like a doll, "What's dis one?"

    "That, that's your bicep." Megan stuttered.

    Jamal slowly moved her small hand around his arm, flexing and allowing her to feel every curve. His hand was three times the size of hers, and controlled every movement, Megan squeezed his arm and muttered, "This is your tricep."


    "Huh, what yeah, It's very nice."

    Jamal traced Megan's hand up onto his broad shoulders and thick neck, "These are your traps."

    Megan felt hard muscle pulsing beneath her hand, Jamal slowly led her hand lower, resting her hand on his tattooed pecs, making sure to flex them as he did. They were as hard as she had imagined, and beads of sweat still clung to his torso now transferred to her palm. She could smell his musk stronger than ever, he smelt as powerful as he felt, Megan was sweating herself now, her mind racing, wondering how far she would allow this to go.

    "And these?"


    "Describe them?"

    "They're, they're big, you're in great shape."

    "Your little boyfriend not working out."

    Usually, Megan would leap to defend Chris, but what would be the point, it was obvious.

    "No, he doesn't, no he is more of a nerd."

    Jamal leaned back in his chair and released her hand, she didn't remove it instead she slowly inched it lower, first over his sides, "Dorasl muscles." Then slowly she began to rub her hand over his abs. Holy shit they felt good, smooth as silk and hard as a rock. It felt to Megan like touching a man rather than a boy, she shifted uncomfortably as she felt her involuntary wetness dripping down her inner thigh.

    "A-Abs… abdominal muscles." She was practically biting her lip as she moved her small hand further and further down his glistening abs and closer and closer to the v-shaped definition at the waist of his shorts. Suddenly Jamal snatched her hand, breaking the spell she was under just an inch above his shorts.

    "Aight, I'll show you what I know now."

    7. The Tutoring - Examination

    Jamal stood up and pulled Megan to her feet, Jamal towered a full foot above her and looked down at her with that same hungry look in his eyes. Dropping Megan's hand to her side, she didn't move even when he reached down and undid the top button on her summer dress, Then the second, and the third. Megan's breathing increased, and her palms began to sweat, The cleavage of her newly ample white tits was now on display. She knew she should stop this, that it wasn't fair to Chris whom she loved, and knew if he could see this display it would break his heart. Despite this, every fiber of her being wanted it to continue, Megan desperately wanted to feel Jamal's hands on her, so she gave no resistance even as Jamal unbuttoned the final two buttons and slid the dress off her shoulders allowing it to fall to the floor. She now stood before him ******* in only her white cotton bra and panties. She was breathing heavily and could feel beads of sweat on her brow. Jamal gently ran one of his large fingers up the length of Megan's arm and onto her shoulder blade sliding it under the strap of her bra and snapping it, "Lose the bra," Megan hesitated briefly but not long enough for the command to be repeated. Sheepishly she reached back and unhooked it. Letting it drop to the floor as she covered her ******* breasts with her arms, "Arms by your sides," Jamal licked his lips as Megan revealed her perky tits, soft and supple looking her up and down like she was a meal he casually motioned toward her underwear, "Panties too."

    Megan shyly pushed her hair back behind her ear and glasses. Suddenly very aware of just how ******* she now was, "Ummm, I don't know."

    "Lose 'em, this is a learning experience."

    Megan reached south and awkwardly pulled down her panties, she peeled them off being soaked through as they were they fell in a wet clump to the floor. Jamal stepped forward reaching out causing Megan to flinch slightly and placed his huge hand over her breast. Even with her ample tits Jamal's hand cupped the whole thing, he squeezed and caressed one to the other, "Good titties," pinching Megan's small pink nipples causing her to stand even more upright, "Umm, cute little nipples, you got some nice titties here," running his hand down over her soft stomach, moving closer his hard black body now pressed against her's, his hands moving around Megan's sides before coming to rest on her peach-shaped ass, moving his other hand to her ass Jamal squeezed roughly and then spreading her cheeks he let them slap back together causing Megan to gasp and half moaned, "Nice little ass for a white girl."

    He continued to explore her freely, his hand pulling and squeezing doing as he pleased, his fingers occasionally slipping deep between her cheeks as Megan's face rested against his hard chest, his sweat dampening her cheek, He slapped her ass hard with both hands, then released her, "Yeah, definitely going to talk with that cracker of yours, I know he ain't handling this business right."

    Megan couldn't speak. She was practically shaking and could feel juices freely dripping down her leg. Jamal noticed as well, he moved his hand round to her legs and traced his finger back up her milky inner thigh collecting her wetness on the tip. He looked down at the small brown Bush above her pussy and then pushed her back to a seated position on the bed now towering over her his crotch inches from her face, "Aight, I think we can move on to summon more advanced."

    Megan looked up at him, "What's that?"

    "Reproductive system."

    "Uhhhh, I'm not sure I should be doing this… Chris…"

    "Who the fuck is Chris? I see that baby boy in the shower, he ain't got no part of this lesson. Imma be teachin' this one." Megan didn't protest. Her eyes moved slowly down from Jamal's smirking face, over his hard body, to his crotch before her, "Right lesson one, you know the difference between a dick and a nigga dick?"


    "You heard"

    "N... no, I don't?"

    "Wanna see the difference?" Megan didn't break eye contact with his waistline and slowly nodded, Jamal placed a finger under her chin and forced her to look up at him, "Say it."

    "I… I wanna see the difference."

    "Between what?"

    "Between a d-dic and a…" Megan hesitated, Jamal kept his finger under her chin, "And a nigga dick."

    "Good lil white girl," he released her chin, "Go on take it out." Megan could barely breathe as she cautiously wrapped her fingers under Jamal's waistband and slowly pulled down his shorts. There was no underwear below, just the well-defined V of musculature below his abs, a small mat of curly black pubic hairs, and then the base of his cock. Megan trembled, it was THICK like a Coke can. She thought back to the video she saw the other night, which was twice the thickness of her boyfriend, but this was something else entirely, her mouth hung open as she slowly pulled the shorts lower 3", 4, 5 and the thickness continued down the length of his dark black shaft, 6, 7, 8 inches and still not done. Megan was beside herself it was enormous, breathing in the strong masculine aroma from the thick cock and huge heavy balls inches from her face and then the head like a huge black mushroom, thicker than her arm at the bottom and tapering perfectly to the top. Precum, already glistening from the tip.

    10" Maybe 11, this is a fucking monster, Megan thought when the final inch was freed from his shorts and It nearly hit her in the face. The image of poor Chris getting this smashed into him as Jamal dunked on him flashed in Megan's mind causing her pussy to twitch with excitement. Megan let the shorts fall to the floor as Jamal stood there in his full glory, ripped and rock-hard, "What do you think, do you see a difference?"

    Megan looked up astounded, "It's huge… it's unbelievably huge!"

    Jamal inched closer so he could feel Megan's breath on his shaft, "Like it?"

    "It's… amazing," she looked up at him, her big brown eyes looking over the rim of her glasses with a deer in the headlights look, "I can't believe lon… I mean, it's so thi… it's incredible!"

    "Look better than a white dick?"

    She admired the perfect dark skin of his shaft, not a single imperfection, smooth ebony skin with thick veins pulsating beneath the surface, Megan was salivating, practically drooling, "So much better… it's beautiful."

    "Aight, anatomy, show me the difference between a baby, little white dick… and a nigga cock?"

    "Wha-how do you mean?"

    "What's ya man working with, I saw his shit soft, all inch of it?" Jamal chuckled, "But maybe homies a grower… show me?" Megan raised her hand and estimated his size at about 4" in length. Jamal grabbed her hand and placed it at the base of his dick, The difference was already quite evident, but the clarity of the comparison was shocking. Megan stared at her fingers measuring barely a third of Jamal's manhood realizing Chris was tiny next to the length of the cock before her and Jamal was smiling, "Bit bigger than you used to then?"

    Megan nodded, "I've never seen anything like it," Megan was transfixed, "The thickness, Chris is not much thicker than his thumb, but this…" Her hand tentatively moved over it.

    "Gone wrap your fingers around dat?"

    She cautiously complied her small hand barely reaching halfway around his girth, "I… I can't get my hand around it."

    "Yeah, this ain't no white boy dick."

    "It's like a coke can."

    "Go ahead and examine it, I told you I'd teach you summin' bout anatomy."

    Slowly Megan slid her hand down the long shaft of his cock admiring the contrast between her small, delicate, alabaster white hands, and the pitch-black, hard dick she was now slowly stroking.

    As she reached the base of his thick cock head she found herself gently squeezing. Admiring the softness of it. Diamond hard from base to tip but with enough give in that she couldn't help but imagine it slowly pushing into her.

    She lifted it as Jamal stood tall and still, legs spread proudly. His massive frame loomed over her naked body. As she raised it she was struck by the weight of it. It felt powerful and heavy in her hand. She wondered how Jamal was able to walk around with this all day, and wondered if this was why he was always walking like he had a limp.

    "Gosh, it's so heavy"

    "That's how a real dick should feel. Why don't you go on and stroke it a little"

    Megan slowly moved her hand up and down the lower half of the shaft. It was quickly clear that this would not suffice and added her second hand to the motion.

    She recalled how Chris would completely disappear inside her palm when she gave him a hand job, the tip barely poking out the end of her closed tight fist.

    And now here she sat two hands both open wide stroking slowly up and down 11 inches of thick black meat. Her hands looked tiny in comparison.

    The smell of him filled her nostrils, that familiar sweet musk emanating from two huge balls that hung proudly beneath the shaft.

    Jamal groaned as she stroked him. Megan was dripping, she knew for certain that if she stood there would be a wet patch below her on the bed.

    "Fuck yeah…stroke that nigga dick girl. Damn"

    Megan increased her motion. Adding a twist as she covered the length of him. The thick veins of his dick pulsed under her fingers. She couldn't help but imagine the feeling of those same veins pulsing within her.

    Precum gathered at the tip, less than an inch from her mouth.

    Jamal took himself in hand, pushing Meg off, "Touch yourself."

    Megan didn't hesitate. Her hand immediately darted down to her eager pussy and she began furiously rubbing her clit.

    Jamal stroked his dick, long and slow. Christ she thought, it even looks fat in his huge hands.

    "You like that"

    "Y-yeah", Meg was shaking.

    Jamal suddenly swung his massive cock and slapped it playfully on the side of her face. A trail of precum dangled from her cheek to his tip as he pulled it back.

    "I said, do you like that?"

    "Oh god yes" Megan's rubbing intensified, "I love it"

    Jamal taking his queue began slapping his monster dick all over her face like he was marking his territory. The thick black mushroom of his tip bounced off her slightly chubby white cheeks. He then placed the full length alongside her head, covering half her face.

    "It's bigger than my head"

    Jamal moved it back down and guided the tip to her lips. Megan pulled back slightly, feeling she was about to cross some imaginary line.

    "I don't know if I should?"

    Jamal ignored her, instead rubbing the tip over her small red lips and smearing them with his warm precum.

    Megan allowed it in. She never liked the taste of cum, but there was something different about this, the saltiness coated her small mouth and she wanted more.

    "Open your mouth"

    Megan looked up at Jamal with innocent eyes, taking in again his muscular form.

    "I don't know if it will fit"

    "It'll fit…open"

    Megan dutifully spread her lips allowing Jamal to push the tip of his huge cock against her tongue. She looked out at a shaft that seemed to go on forever as she slowly slid her tongue over him, darting it over his urethra, allowing the salty drops of semen to coat her warm tongue.

    Jamal pushed himself forward.


    He was barely an inch inside and Meg's mouth was stretched to capacity. She loved it though. Instinctually she moved from rubbing her engorged clit to inserting her fingers. Burying them deep within herself, attempting to imitate the stretching of her mouth.

    Jamal reached out and grabbed the back of her head. Pulling her mousy brown hair and yanking her head forward on his cock.

    She gagged and moaned slightly as the thickest part of his head popped past her red lips, leaving a practically air-tight seal inside her small mouth.

    "That's it. Suck that black dick"

    Meg moaned and pushed her fingers inside herself deeper. As her mouth began to acclimatize to the girth she found herself able to allow the head of his dick to slide in and out of her mouth with less resistance.

    She moved one hand back and wrapped it as far as possible around the dark shaft. Then commenced jerking the massive length of his black cock as he thrust his powerful hips back and forth, shoving his head down her throat.

    He groaned. "Das it. Dats a good white bitch. Suck that nigga dick"

    A mix of spit and precum dripped from Megan's soft lips as she gagged on the monstrous cock. She gathered it with her hand and used it to lubricate the other 8 inches.

    "I know you ain't never had nuffin like dat before"

    She thought of Chris and how he would already be long finished by now. Ropes of cum weakly spurted into her mouth. She thought of how effortlessly she could take him, like sucking a thumb, as Jamal tightly gripped her hair and forced her to gag on 1 third of his manhood.

    Suddenly he released her, and in one motion shoved her back on his bed.

    8. The tutoring - Reproductive System

    Jamal stood before she continued to stroke himself, Meg's spit causing his cock to glisten just like his chest and abs, ropes of spittle dangling from the tip.

    "Spread your legs"

    Meg hesitantly complied. Raising her feet so her ankles sat on the edge of the bed and sheepishly spreading her soft thighs. ******** herself completely. Her small pink pussy glistened.

    "Damn that some good-looking little white pussy"

    And it was, small, compact, Megan still had a little puppy fat from her quickly developed curves and her whole pussy was contained within small pink puffy lips. The only hair, a small tuft of brown above.

    Jamal got on his knees licking his lips as he looked her eye to eye and placed his hand on her inner thigh, immediately feeling the dampness.

    He ran his hand slowly up towards her most private areas, collecting the increasing wetness on his fingers. Then as he was achingly close to touching her pulled back and put his fingers in his mouth.

    "Ummm, that's some tasty white pussy. This nigga dick got you wet as fuck."

    Megan nodded coyly.

    Jamal moved his hand back to the top of her inner thigh, feeling it tremble as he did. Then slowly traced up the side of pussy her lips with two fingers.

    Megan moaned instinctively.

    Jamal took one of his large fingers and slowly pressed it between her puffy white pussy lips. Megan, looking down, was suddenly aware that Jamal's finger was about the same size as her boyfriend's dick. She watched open-mouthed, spit still dripping from her chin as Jamal moved his dark finger up and down between the curtain of her lips. Every movement excited her more than she had ever felt before. Her hips involuntarily pushed towards him, grinding her clit against his digit.

    "You sure you have been fucked before?"


    Jamal kissed his teeth as he moved his finger down and pressed it against her opening. Megan groaned audibly as he slowly pushed his dark finger into her. His finger was the same size as Chris, but the sensation was so much more.

    "Nah, this shit tight as hell, I don't think you have ever been fucked"

    He pushed deeper.

    "Not by a real dick"

    Megan gasped as he slid the rest of his finger inside her. And allowed her hips to push against it.

    "But don't worry girl you gonna get fucked tonight."

    Jamal looked her dead in the eyes. The same hungry look she'd seen a few days back.

    "You wanna get fucked girl? You wanna get stretched by a real nigga?"

    Megan nodded sheepishly. Jamal leaned forward and groped her soft tits roughly with his free hand. Megan's head fell back, ******** her chest to his touch.

    "You want me to stretch this little white pussy."

    Megan ground her hips against the finger deep inside her.


    Jamal's hand went from her tits up to her neck, wrapping his dark fingers around and lightly squeezing as she writhed against him.

    "Say it."

    "I want you to stretch me."

    "Look at me!"

    She raised her head back up to meet his gaze, he whispered "Say it."

    "I want you to st-stretch my white pussy…with your big ni-nigga cock"

    Jamal smiled and pulled his finger out of her, a trail of juices following it. He reared up and placed his massive dick on her soft stomach. Began re-lubricating it with the wetness from her pussy.

    Seeing the length of it running from her crotch to the top of her stomach suddenly filled her with a sense of fear. The overheard words of the cheerleaders from the other day in her mind again, "end up in a wheelchair", obviously an exaggeration, but not by much. This thing could rearrange her insides, and that was only if the girth of it didn't rip her open first.

    Jamal began pulling it back off her stomach. She quickly grabbed it with both hands holding him in place.

    "You have to be gentle, I'm small"

    He smirked, "I'll only give you what you can handle…and when you ready for more. You'll get more"

    She nodded in agreement.

    Jamal placed his head against her pussy, it covered it. He rubbed the tip up and down, pushing just between her lips and against her clit, moving it between there and the small entrance below.

    Megan moaned with pleasure. Lubrication was certainly not an issue as her juices dripped down to form a puddle beneath her ass.

    Suddenly it occurred to her, that Jamal didn't have a condom. She was always so safe but In the excitement, it had completely slipped her mind.

    "What about protection?"

    Jamal barely reacted, "I ain't got non to hand… and the scrawny white boy ones ain't gonna do the job."

    He pushed himself against her, and for the first time, she felt her pussy dilate as he probed for entry, "Besides, you wanna take your first nigga dick wrapped up in plastic? Or you wanna feel it raw?"

    All caution and self-restraint went Megan mouthed back, "I want to feel it raw"

    And with that Jamal grabbed both of Megan's squishy hips in his hands and pushed himself slowly forward with powerful hips. The first inch of his thick cock spread her pussy.

    "Oh, holy fuck!" Megan shouted, "Go slow"

    Jamal started slowly grinding. Only the very tip of his 11-inch cock inside her. His grip on her hips tightened as he pulled her towards him. Soon 2 inches deep, all but the thickest part of his head. Megan's head was thrown back and sweat started forming on the gape of her neck. She was starting to doubt she could handle it.

    "Jesus Christ, I've never been stretched like that, go easy, please."

    Jamal ground into her, "Fuck this pussy is tight, girl."

    Slowly he pushed the thickest part of his mushroom-like tip inside, her pussy, just like her mouth, making a vacuum seal around it, holding it inside, "There you go, just the tip."

    Megan raised herself onto her elbows, sweat now sticking her bangs to her face. She looked down in astonishment, "Jesus" she breathed heavily, "How is that only the tip? Holy shit you're splitting me into two."

    "It feels good though, doesn't it?"

    She gazed at the remaining 9 inches of thick black monster cock still waiting to enter her tight white hole. The pain of being stretched further than ever before mixed with a pleasure like she had never experienced, never imagined. Her hands gripped Jamals, squeezing them tighter into her soft hips as she began to move them in a circular motion, allowing her body to adjust to the enormous head of his dick, "Yes, it feels good."

    "That's it, grind on it girl…take what you need."

    Meg could feel herself getting close, "Oh, fuck it feels amazing."

    "You like that shit"

    Meg ground harder against it, allowing an extra inch to slide inside her, "Fuck…fuck… it's so thick!"

    Jamal began slowly fucking her back, allowing her to control the depth while sliding in and out the portion she had already taken. Occasionally he'd pull out just past the head of his dick, allowing her to feel her hole expand and contract as it pushed in and out. Megan was moaning freely, her hands dug into Jamal, and she looked up into his eyes. Then slowly down over his hard body and eventually down further to the thick base of his cock, only about 6 inches remained. Jamal increased the rhythm, "I've never been fucked this deep…holy shit…holy fuck."

    "You like that black dick?"

    "I love it... I fucking love that black dick!"

    Megan watched her stomach rise and fall as he pushed himself into her. The sight of it thrilled her and sent her head back onto the pile of clothes strewn on the bed. The feeling of that black cock pushing into parts of her that her small white boyfriend could never reach, sent her eyes rolling back in her head, and the thought of how much she still had to take sent her into spasm, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck… I'm cuming!"

    Jamal moved one hand to grope her tit, the other dug deep into her hips, as he commenced thrusting harder, pushing past her barrier, seven then 8 inches deep, "That's it, cum on that black dick, I wanna feel it."

    "Uhhhhhhhhhhh," a low guttural moan escaped from her lips "I'M CUMMING! FUCK I'M CUMMING!!!" Wave after wave racked her body, pleasure as she had never felt. She collapsed back onto the bed with her head swimming.

    Jamal pulled himself out, an extra shudder shooting down her spine as his head squeezed out, he slapped his meat on her stomach, "Not bad girl, almost took it all."

    Megan tried to raise her head but it lolled back onto the bed, "Almost? That wasn't all?"

    Jamal laughed, "Nah that was just a taste, you got a few inches to go and you ain't even been fucked yet."

    Megan raised herself, glasses steamed up, and hair a mess, "What was that then?"

    "That was all you baby, I was letting you get used to a real man, we ain't done yet."

    Megan's pussy twitched, how could anything compare to what she had just felt, "Oh yeah, So… what's next?"

    Jamal stood up and lay on the bed. Meg had to shuffle out of the way to make room. He lay there with his head on the pillows and looked down at Meg sitting looking back shyly from the end of the bed, still instinctively covering her body with her arms. Jamal reached down and started stroking his cock. It looked even more intimidating standing 11 inches tall and glistening with her juices, Meg couldn't believe it had just been inside her, "Next you clean it off." Megan slowly crawled up between his thick muscular legs until her face was level with his cock. He slowly stroked it in front of her moving forward to lick the head but he pulled it away, "Start with the balls." Megan lowered her head to the base and admired the huge full balls before her. The intoxicating musk was now mixed with sweat and the smell of her sex. She dutifully parted her lips and licked, taking the saltiness into her mouth. Swapping between them allowing them to fill her mouth and rub again her face, "That's a good slut, clean them nigga balls," he groaned, "Now the shaft."

    Megan, her tongue hanging from her mouth, slowly moved up the full length of his wet cock savoring every inch. Moving her head from side to side cleaning every part, taking her time to clean the monster as instructed. Once she reached the head she gripped the shaft at its thick base and greedily probed his urethra with her tongue. Lapping at the salty precum that continued to accumulate, "Good girl," her tongue darted around the head, savoring the taste.

    "Aight, now gonna' sit on it. I wanna watch you ride on that black dick again before I fuck you." Her pussy already as wet as possible she clambered forward and onto his crotch. Her hands rubbed on his hard pecs. She scooched her peachy ass into the air high enough to allow the tip to rest at her entrance, then slowly pushed down onto him, it went in easier than the first time but still shocked her with its girth.

    "Holy fuck… I can't believe I can fit this thing." Slowly she rested her hips on his and leaned forward with about 6 inches inside her and 5 inches still outside her now gaping pussy, "God I can feel it in my stomach. It's so fucking big."

    "Your boyfriend gonna notice this girl. That Iil dick ain't gonna touch the sides."

    Megan had to admit it was true, how couldn't it be? His dick didn't even stretch her, she had to use her fingers, and now here she was with a god damm 11-inch Coke can opening her up, he had to notice, Jamal roughly grabbed her ass and pulled her down further onto his dick, "Ah!" Jamal gripped her ass tight, spreading it wide. Megan could feel he was leaving marks on her pale skin, but she loved the way he manhandled her.

    "Now grind on my shit until you take it all."

    Megan slowly bore down, rotating her hips and gyrating to make space inside herself, moaning loudly as she did. Jamal pawed at her his strong hands had free reign over her hips and ass, pulling her down as he pushed up.

    9 inches were now buried deep in Megan's small supple body. With one final hard thrust Jamal entered her fully, "Uhnhhhhhhhuhhhhhhhhh Fuuuuuccckkkkk!!!!" Megan screamed as she felt his pelvis slap against her ass. Jamal held her tightly in place, not allowing her an inch of wiggly room.

    "Now you've taken it all bitch."

    "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," Megan couldn't form words. The final shove had hurt just like the first one, in that way where pleasure and pain were indistinguishable. Her hips instinctively ground on Jamal's pelvis as her tiny body tried to process the hard, thick black cock that now stretched her to her deepest points.

    "How's that feel girl?" She couldn't respond, her eyes were rolling. Jamal released one hand, the other being easily strong enough to hold her small frame in place. He grabbed her roughly by the hair and pulled her face toward him, "How does it feel?"


    "What kinda dick is that, tell me?"

    Megan's eyes moved to meet Jamal's. She shook and shuddered against him as he gripped her soaked hair, beads of sweat dripped onto his bulging pecs, "It's a nigga dick."

    "You wanna ride it? You wanna feel it deep?"


    "Tell me what you want and I'll let you go?"

    "I want to ride it."


    "THIS NIGGA DICK, I WANT TO FEEL THIS NIGGA DICK STRETCH MY LITTLE WHITE HOLE," Megan screamed desperately, her body shivering.

    "I want you to ride this nigga dick until your little white pussy is good and ready, but you don't cum, you DO NOT cum, understand?"

    She nodded

    "You cum I'm throwing you off… I want you to ride this thick, black dick until you can't take more… and then I'm gonna fuck you." Drool was now dripping from Megan's mouth as she tried as hard as she could to buck against the pole buried almost a foot deep inside her, "Understand?"

    "YES… YES… I FUCKING UNDERSTAND," she screamed desperately.

    Jamal released her, "Then ride it." Jamal released his grip on her ass leaving a deep red handprint. He placed his hands both crossed above his head. Megan felt the pressure release from her cervix and felt like she could breathe again. Waves of deep pleasures shot upward from deep inside her, her ass lifted off then slowly pushed back down, she could feel the thick head of his cock opening and closing parts of her she didn't even know could be filled, her thighs trembled as she bared down.

    Jamal smirked as he watched the last 5 inches of his member sliding in and out of her, the plump white lips of her tiny pussy gripping and stretching around him. Thick white precum and clear juices dripped down his shaft and covered his newly cleaned ball, Megan groaned loudly, her back arching, "Don't you dare fucking cum bitch. You tell me when you can't take no more."


    "Well hold it bitch," she felt as though she might pass out, she needed to cum, and she had to.

    Jamal's dark black hands explored her tits again and her neck. Her soft body writhing and damp against his touch. He pushed up against her watching her face contort with pleasure every time his 11-inch monster bottomed out in her. He squeezed her plump tits hard and pulled him down onto her, Megan was gasping and red with sweat, "I HAVE TO COME!" I HAVE TO!"

    "You wanna get fucked by a real nigga?"


    "You want me to ruin that little white pussy?"

    She was now back to grinding down on the full length as if subconsciously making sure she was ready to feel the power of him deep inside her. "UHHHHHHHHHHHHH… I WANT YOU TO RUIN ME! I WANT YOU TO FUCKING DESTROY ME!!"

    Suddenly with one swift movement, Jamal threw her off and onto his bed, juices squirting out of her as his cock slid out. He grabbed her ankles and forcefully flipped her over onto her front briefly admiring her perky white ass, now red with hand prints, "You gonna get fucked like a real hoe now." He grabbed her hips, pulling them up into the air, ******** her now red raw swollen pussy lips. He moved behind her, one hand on his massive cock and the other he used to push her face down into his bed, once again using his immense strength to completely control her, and without hesitation, he pushed deep into her, tip to base filling her in an instant. The sensation was like a shockwave through her system she had barely got used to the sheer size and now she was feeling its power.

    She let out a loud guttural moan that bordered on a scream. Jamal didn't hesitate, all the power in his massive torso and muscular legs were now unleashed. He pulled back about 8 inches before driving his girth back into her, over and over, one hand on her head and the other on her hip. He watched as her ass rippled when his pelvis crashed into her, felt his balls slap against her clit, and admired her little hole stretching around his fist-thick cock with each thrust.

    Megan was making the kind of noises you'd only expect from an animal, wild and deep, "You like that shit bitch," he fucked her harder, "You like that nigga dick?"


    Jamal was relentless, Megan's small hands gripped the bedsheet tightly. Her eyes were in the back of her head and her mouth was agape drooling onto the bed, "You feel that bitch? You're ruined now. Ain't no white boys gonna be able to fuck this pussy again," he fucked harder, bucking wildly into her.


    Wave after wave of orgasm shot through her. Her whole body was drenched in sweat, her legs jelly, completely non-functioning. Inch after inch being driven deep and hard into her newly stretched pussy. Jamal released her head and repositioned with his hands wrapped around both hips. He pulled her up towards him like a rag doll. From this position, he could fuck her even harder, which Megan hadn't thought possible. His massive black dick jackhammered her hard and deep, his hips smashing against her ass, his heavy balls slamming onto her clit, "FUUUUUUUUCCCKKKKKKK! RUIN IT! UHHHHHHH! FUCKING RUIN ME!"


    Megan's legs were basically off the bed, his hands holding up the weight of her hips as he drove into her. The force and fury of the fucking she was receiving overwhelmed her senses. She heard him grunting behind her and felt his massive balls slapping hard and wet off her sensitive clit, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I CAN'T TAKE IT! FUUUCKKKKK! IT'S TOO MUCH"

    "Take it bitch," he grunted, between thrusts spanking her ass with his full strength, Megan barely noticed all senses were gone, her brain mush, "Gonna send you outta here in a wheelchair."

    He was like a horse in heat, a monstrous length of meat splitting her in two. Every muscle in his body taught and ripped, working to one aim, to fuck her little white cunt to within an inch of its life, "OH GOD, OH GOD, OH GOD" she shouted into the bedsheet "YOUR DICK FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD."

    Jamal could feel he was close, semen was now at the tip of his dick as Megan screamed below him, her supple body, wet and quivering, her previously tiny pink pussy now redrawn, and stretched out around him. She groaned into the pillow, "Fuck this white pussy, make me cum."

    "UHHHHHH…YES!" He was fucking her from base to tip, long stroking all 11 inches in and out, brutalizing her cervix, using her hole, his only concern was using her body for his pleasure.

    "You wanna get bred bitch, you want me to put a baby in this pussy?"


    "Uhhhhhhh… uhhhhh… uhhhhh," Jamal groaned as he brought himself to the edge.

    His strokes slowed in speed but not in power. The thrusts continued to beat her pussy up, Her lips wrapped airtight, pulled to capacity around his expanding girth. Megan grunted like a pig under him, "FILL ME UP… AHHHHHHHHH… GOD… GIVE ME THAT NIGGA SEED! I'M FUCKING YOURS!... UHHHHHHHHHHH… UUUHHHH… UHHHHHH… IT BELONGS TO YOU."

    Jamal shuddered, every bit of his strength directed through his hips and into Megan's ruined cunt. She felt his cock pulsing inside her, she could imagine the thick dark veins popping out. Jamal let out a final few animalistic grunts as he filled Megan. The feeling of rope after rope of warm cum shooting deep inside her. Not the two small spirits she was used to. It was like a pressure washer coating her guts, filling her. Megan came one final time, not that she could react, her whole body was limp and spent.

    Jamal slowly pulled himself out of her. He released her hips and watched her collapse limp on the bed. Her previously small pussy, now gaping and ruined, Megan felt ropes of warm sticky cum ooze out of her sore lips and drip down over her clit. Pooling on the bed below her. With legs still quivering she passed out where she lay.

    A few hours later Megan awoke, dazed and confused. She had to take a moment to gather her thoughts and take in her surroundings. She slowly pulled herself up in the dark to sit on the bed's edge damp, naked, hair matted to her face. Seeing Jamal's strong legs next to her, she gazed at him asleep on his back, arms over his head his muscles were still massive and bulging. his large black cock still a good 7" inches soft, laying proudly against his pelvis.

    Megan attempted to stand stumbling in the dark on legs barely functional. She felt the last few drops of Jamal's seed drip down her inner thigh. She didn't wake him, gathered her clothing, and slipped into her dress. She cautiously fingered her pussy, she knew it would feel tender for days, her lips felt raw to the touch, and she had a noticeable gap. He had said he'd ruin her and that was what he did. She felt like she had been hollowed out, Megan smiled to herself as she crept from his room.

    She left his house in the middle of the night and began her walk home. Checking her phone for the first time all night she noticed several texts and missed calls from Chris. She would apologize in the morning, and tell him she'd left it at home. Now, she wandered slowly home and collapsed in bed passing out as soon as her head hit the pillow.