Terrified Teacher - VII

Story Content: (m/f, i/r, n/c)

by Black Demon

In early November, Leon got another assignment, this time to a brand new elementary school. The head janitor had to take a leave to aid his ill mother and thus took a leave of absence. He had been to this new school for only a week and he had already set his sights on his next unfortunate victim.

One beauty had caught his attention immediately. A second grade teacher named Mrs. Terri Simmons, who's beauty just glowed. Light brown hair, milk white skin, petite in stature, and always looking elegant dressed in either a white dress or a combination white and pastel color. Her lovely trim legs accented with her 3" white heels. What a beauty to defile, so innocent and naive.

Leon's problem was to even get near this lovely young beauty. He learned by listening in the lounge area to learn Terri was a happily married mother of two. Her husband, Matt, a banker and children now at the middle school. She was in her mid-thirties but looked much younger. Each time Leon tried to get near the lovely teacher, she politely answered any questions he had asked her and eased off to be with other teacher. It was obvious to Leon that his black presence scared her and made her very uncomfortable. All the better to satisfy Leon's lustful desires. But getting into her panties would be quite difficult.

On Wednesday, just after school ended for the Thanksgiving vacation, Leon was doing general clean up as he neared the beautiful teacher's classroom. He glanced in to observe her, with her back to him. She was reaching up to remove the turkey day decorations, ******** her long trim white legs. Leon's cock twitched in his pants. He moved quietly up behind the unsuspecting beauty.

When he was just behind the beautiful teacher, her could smell her intoxicating perfume. "Let me help you with that!" he spoke in his deep voice. Terri gasped in surprise and fell back against him in surprise. She was frozen for a moment, the large black hands held her shoulders to keep her from falling. She was having trouble breathing as she felt the growing movement against her tight buttocks.

Terri finally recovered enough to stand on her own. Leon stepped forward a bit just so his throbbing cock could be felt by his lovely victim. Terri gasped and shook in fear. Finally gathering her thoughts. "T-T-hank you! Excuse me but I've got to take care of some paperwork in the school's office right now". Leon smiled as the shaken beauty quickly exited the classroom. He knew that he was the real reason she was going to the office. Leon obseved the open can of Coke that she had just started to drink. Leon felt it was still full and cold. He quickly added his little packet of crystal meth, finished removing the decorations and left the room.

Going to the front of the office, Leon leaned in "Oh, Mrs. Simmons, I've removed all the Thanksgiving decorations from the wall." "Th-Thank you" she replied. Terri watched as the black tormentor walked to the classrooms across the small grass area, parallel to where her room was located.

Terri made a bee-line back to her room, closing the door and bolting it shut. She began to clean her desk and do a little paper work before headed home. "Thank goodness that awful black is out of here. God, I couldn't move when he put his big black paws on me. That damned black actually had the nerve to rub his cock against me" she thought as she drank her coke. Unknown to Terri, her tormentor was in an empty classroom, away from the windows, smiling in triumph as he watched her consuming the can of coke.

Fifteen minutes later, Terri grabbed her purse some books to head home to prepare dinner for her loving husband and children. Suddenly she began feeling uneasy and light headed. Never had she felt this way before. She slowly walked to the door thinking she had better get home and rest. She gasped loudly after she unbolted the door and opened it. There stood the black janitor, blocking the doorway. She stumbled back, dropping her books and purse.

Leon stepped into the classroom quickly closing the door behind him and bolted the door. "No....no....please....you must leave!" stammered the beautiful teacher. Terri had her hands up in defense, slowly moving backwards while Leon grinned and moved in to possess this beauty. Leon loved her pained expression of fear. Suddenly, Terri's back met the blackboard.

Her lovely hands and manicured fingers, held in front of her, met the sweaty shirt worn by Leon. She whimpered as she felt the hard steel chest moving forward. Leon's right hand moved quickly and grasped the front of Terri's thin white dress, tearing it down the middle. Terri was too shocked to scream and only gasped in her shock. Leon grabbed her outstretched hands and brought them down to his 12" tool. Terri gasped as her hands made contact with the throbbing cock, covered only by his thin trousers. Leon's manhood threatened to break through the material as the dainty hands touched him.

The drug was doing its job. Terri closed her eyes from this horror. Her dainty hands shook in fear, but acted against her own will, squeezing and stroking the massive covered weapon. Leon's hands moved to the front of her thin bra and it quickly tore apart from strength of the black fingers. Leon leaned forward and Terri moaned as her senitive pink nipples were ******* and being suckled by this hungry black.

A few minutes later, Terri was carried a few feet with Leon licking the sensitive nipples and her hands still squeezing his now damp trousers. With one sweep of the hand, the desk was cleared. Terri was gently laid down upon it. Her eyes closed tightly, she sobbed in shame and humiliation, pleading "Please don't, please leave.! I'm married ..please,..I-I-I've always been true to my husband ..!" she stammered.

Leon removed her white heels and rolled down her nylon panty hose to reveal her trim milky white legs. He brought her dainty white feet up to his grubby black face and inhaled the beautiful fragance and licked every inch of each dainty foot. Terri's panties were torn to shreds in no time at all. Terri was stripped bare, sobbing on the very desk that she instructed her students. She opened her eyes when she heard a zipper. She gasped in fright as she was witness to the largest and blackest penis ever. Fear set in "Oh, please .....please don't **** me...please ... you're way too big... you'll kill me with that ...!" Terri had good reason to be afraid, her husband was only half the size, in both length and girth.

Terri groaned and her eyes rolled as Leon set out to suck the honey out of her. "Please no...please, that's so dirty ...!" she pleaded, never before having had the pleasure of having her pussy sucked and licked. Suddenly she arched up into Leon's face, her body shaking in uncontrolled spasms as she orgasmed and fed her tormentor with a flow of thick honey.

Leon moved up onto the desk, holding himself just above the sobbing beauty, his thick cock head greasing itself in her slick groove. Terri reached with her hands to push him away "Please no, .....please no, ...don't **** me...please...you'll get me pregnant. Please don't, ..I'm not on the pill!" This made Leon grin in triumph as he thought of impregnating his beautiful teacher with his black cock.

"Ohhhhhh, pleaseeeeeeee ... nooooo..." Terri pleaded as the huge black cockhead inserted itself in her wet slit. "Oh, please .. please, ..you don't have a condom on!" she begged. She sobbed when she heard the response "Baby, I'm going to knock you up good and plant a little black baby in your sweet tummy".

With one arm around her trim waist, Leon cover her mouth as her reared back a little and slammed his black cock in. "Ahhhhhhhhgggggggggg............" Terri screamed. Leon was glad he covered her mouth or the scream would have had everyone in the office down to the classroom in no time. Only half his cock had sunk in. Boy, was she tight, tight like a virgin. He reared back and this time slammed home the entire black salami. "Ahhhhhhhhhggggggg....." came the muffled scream again.

Leon let his cock settle in, knowing he was definitely exploring virgin territory. Then he began small stroking motions and lengthened the strokes each time. Terri's sobbing continued and then turned to mewling sounds, as unwanted pleasure began to effect her lovely drugged body. Suddenly, Terri's trim arms went around his black neck and her milky white legs lifted themselves and crossed over the humping black butt.

Leon loved the changed expression of the beautiful drugged teacher. She was in another world with the fuck pleasure he was giving her with each stroke and withdrawal. Suddenly her arms and legs tightened and she moaned "Ohhhhhh, I'm cumming.........". As her orgasmed waned while Leon remained perfectly still, a slap to her face brought her back to a shocking reality. She looked up to see Leon's black grinning face. She groaned as he deliberately twitched his massive cock in her tight channel. Leon began to hammer away "Here cums my hot baby juice Mrs. Simmons!" Terri squirmed, trying desparately to get away "Please... pull it out! Please! You'll get me pregnant!" she pleaded.

Leon responded by grabbing her by the waist and slamming forward, burying the full twelve inches. "Oh, Mrs. Simmons, here I cum.........." he groaned as he erupted his quart load of hot boiling gism. "Ohhhhhhhhhh...." Terri groaned in despair but the sensation of his hot boiling cum cause her trim white legs to again cross over his spasming black butt. Her arms crossed over his thick neck as he shot his gooey load deep into her womb. "Happy Thanksgiving, stuffed like a turkey, huh, Mrs. Simmons!" he whispered in her ear, as his softening cock continued to twitch out is's slimy goo. As his heavy black body lay upon the sobbing beauty, Leon continued to twitch his oozing cock and tormented the innocent young teacher "Feel my gooey baby juice teach? It's going to puff up your little white belly in a couple of months!" Leon loved to torment his victims and watch them sob in their humiliation, knowing his twitching black cock added to their misery.

Twice more the beautiful teacher was seeded on her desk. After the third fucking, Terri lay on her desk exhausted and sobbing in shame. Then she felt Leon's large hands caressing her feet. She gasped as her dainty soles were wrapped around the throbbing and sticky black cock. She couldn't believe he was now fucking her feet. She was dragged to the edge of her desk, still lying on it, as she opened her eyes to see Leon's back to her. Her legs were spread and her feet were again wrapped around the sticky black log. After a few minutes, she heard her tormentor's grunt. Then her legs were let go to dangle from the edge of her desk.

Terri opened her startled eyes realizing she had passed out for a few moments. She looked about her room to realized she was now alone. She reached down and felt her aching slit to find it messy and gooey. She groaned realizing it was not a horrible nightmare. She had been ***** by the black janitor. To make matters worst, he had not used a condom but had shot his dirty scum deep in her womb. She looked at the large clock on the wall and panic set in. She had to hurry home before her husband and before the kids came in from playing with friends. She couldn't let them see her like this and know she had been *****. She just couldn't let anyone know she had been ***** and ruined by a black janitor.

Terri slowly got up and grabbed some paper towels to clean the scummy evidence of her **** from her desktop. She grabbed whatever tissues and paper towels that remained in her room to stop the overflow of the thick slimy jism. She sobbed as she couldn't find her panties nor bra, both obviously taken by her ******. She had to put on her torn dress, using some safety pins to keep it together. She had to hurry and get home before everyone else. She quickly stepped into her white heels and groaned in despair. Each of her dainty feet had stepped into a cold gooey puddle. She sobbed again in shame, realizing that her black ****** must have cum in her heels when he had grunted while fucking his long thick cock between her feet. With no time to spare for further clean up, Terri rushed to the parking lot. She had to get home before her ****** got there and douche before she got in the ****** way again.

Once arriving home, Terri was so relieved to see she had beaten everyone home. She would have to douche quickly and shower away the filth on and in her body. Then to get dinner started before her ****** realized something was amiss. Once in the safety of her bathroom, she set about to douche the slime from her fetile womb, praying she was in time. Then she got to the shower stall before removing her torn dress and cum soaked heels. She looked into mirror and sobbed, seeing the white splotches all over her face and hair. All evidence of dried male cum from her black ******, who had wiped his slimy cock over the unconscious beauty's face and himself clean in the silky brown hair.

Over the next month, Terri made sure she was never alone at the school. She had been to ashamed and humiliated to report the ****. She could not let her loving husband know that his precious wife had been 'ruined'. She would be too ashamed to let anyone know of her defilement. This shame built within her and over the next month, Terri felt so ashamed in even making love with her husband. But when she tried to let him cleanse her of the filth, she wrapped her trim legs around her loving husband, but this only served to bring him off prematurely. Terri was left frustrated and had to relieve herself after her husband dozed off. Going to the solitude of her bathroom, she feverishly rubbed her stiff little clit, closing her eyes to picture the black cock that had brought her to those mind-shattering climaxes.

On Christmas day, the Simmons' ****** had a fun time opening gifts. Then Terri scooted her husband and children out to McDonald's and to the park so she could prepare dinner, as the grandparents would be coming over. Soon after the car left the driveway, the doorbell rang. Terri thought that the kids had forgotten one of their toys and rushed to the door.

Terri gave a loud gasp when she opened her door. "Merry Christmas, Mrs. Simmons! I stopped by to give you a little Christmas gift! Let's go upstairs and unwrap it in hubby's bed, shall we?" smiled her black visitor.

Over the next hour, the Simmons' bed swayed and creaked as never before. Had Terri's husband returned early, he would have heard his loving faithful wife receiving a Chistmas gift "Oh, Mrs. Simmons, .....gonna cum .....gonna spunk deep in ya womb ....gonna give ya a black baby, Mrs. Simmons ...ahhhhhhhhh..Merry Christmas, Mrs. Simmons!"

That evening, Matt Simmons was given a late Christmas gift. Never had his wife been so aggressive in bed and he loved it. Loved it as his wife crawled up to him and presented her soft bush to him for the first time ever. He feasted on this opportunity, lapping at his wife's slick and oily groove, sucking at all the sweet juices that she fed him.

On New Year's eve, Terri prouldly announced that she was pregnant. Her husband was delighted and hoped it would be a baby boy this time. His wish would come true in just under eight months. It would have a baby boy alright, a healthy 8 lb black baby boy!

End of Story (Part VII).