First I would like to apologize, this is my first attempt at writing a story. It has been through many rewrites and if I don't publish it I will be forever rewriting it, so if you do spot any mistakes please let me know and I will make the corrections, I may also make changes at some points, hopefully to improve the story as I write more chapters.

This is the type of Cuckold story I prefer, one where the partner/husband seems blind to what is going on, clueless even or doesn’t want to see what is happening, and the girlfriend/wife doesn’t want to cheat, at least not at the start, enjoy and comment if you like.

It was a Friday, and Tim was driving to meet his Fiancée Jennifer at their local pub a normal Friday routine for the pair, meet at the pub, chat about their week, have something to eat, and maybe one alcohol drink sitting in their usual booth. Tim parked in his usual spot on time and walked up to the pub's front doors, passing people drinking at the outside table and the smokers.

Entering the bar Tim noticed a group of six lads all twenty-five years old like him. Tim knew them as friends of his high school bully John. This wasn't their usual pub, he avoided the pubs where they drank and now it looked like Tim and Jenn would have to find a new Friday pub. Tim took an unusual path to the booths at the back of the bar, avoiding them. As he got closer to their booth he noticed a man leaning on the table talking to whoever was seated at it. Tim recognized the Man, it was John, he hadn’t changed, he was well built in high school and now he was an older version of that high school bully. Even from this distance seeing only the side of his face he knew John was the same smug, cocky, and confident person. Tim sat at the nearest empty table, he needed a moment before walking up to the booth he could feel all those feelings coming back, anxiety, sickness, and depression but he told himself he wasn't the same person, he was a late bloomer, he wasn't 5ft 5 anymore he was 6ft 2 and looked just as good as John. He’s made a name for himself, his boss, started his own business, and was making good money. His Fiancée Jenn was great looking but more than that Jenn and he had a great friendship that underpinned their relationship with that pep talk Tim got up and walked over to the Booth, “John is that you,” Tim asked trying to sound confident, “long time no see, what are you doing here,” the only thing Tim knew about John was that after university he had found a job in the city.

“Timmy is that you, look at you, you’re taller and you’ve put on a lot of muscle, you're looking good, it’s so nice to see you,” John said sounding genuine, "Jenny here said that she was engaged to a Tim I didn't think it could be my Timmy but here you are. Look I'm sorry for what I put you through in school, I sincerely am and I hope you can forgive me, I will understand if you can't," John held out his hand.

Tim was shocked, he didn't know what to think about all this but thought forgiving John would be what Jenn would want him to do and in a way, if it wasn't for what John had done in school he would not be the man he is today and be with the women he's with. Tim shook John's hand and John pulled him into a hug. Looking into the booth he saw his fiancée, Jenn seated in her usual spot with a large white wine half full. The lipstick marks on the rim told him she had finished half the glass already this struck him as funny since Jenn only drinks with her meal. "Hi, Jenn,” Tim said and scooted into the booth opposite her leaning across the table Jenn met him halfway and they kissed. Jenn was wearing a midi dress in green that buttoned down the front, the buttons started just above her cleavage and ended mid-thigh through the dress continuing to around mid-shin so it flared open when she moved it brought out the green in Jenn's eyes and showed off her 32D breast nicely.

“How was work,” Jenn asked.

"It was good, things are moving along nicely."

John slid into the booth next to Jenn, “Timmy, Jenny was telling me you own a gym?"

"Yes, a gym and wellness center, we are currently looking to expand into the nearest towns."

"So being the boss you get to finish early on the Friday?"

"No, I work later on Wednesday so I can finish earlier on Friday."

"That’s great, Jenny was also saying you are putting the final touches to your wedding plans for a couple of months from now?"

"You told him,” John said looking at Jenn who nodded at him.

“Congratulations,” John said sounding genuine. Tim didn’t like that he was calling Jenn, Jenny, she told him she didn’t like being called Jenny.

"Yes, we are looking forward to it, hopefully, she won't change her mind about marrying me," smiling across at Jenn, showing her crossed fingers.

Jenn was sipping her wine, "Don’t be silly Tim, I’m not going to change my mind, I love you."

“So John are you visiting?”

“No I’ve got a new job at the local hospital, Governance Lead, nothing frontline but important patient safety stuff, I’m back for good,” John said turning to face Jenn and smiling at her.

Jenn returned the smile, seeing John and Jenn seated together smiling at each other Tim was reminded of John's past in high school, he always seemed to have a way with the girls, he never did have a regular girlfriend, though he always had a girl on his arm. John also had a thing Tim remembered for girls who already had boyfriends, he thought John liked the challenge of getting them to cheat and then would dump them once the boyfriend found out.

"So Tim what are you drinking, I got Jenny here a wine while she was waiting, I’ll get you a drink as well, what's your poison," John offered.

'So John had gotten Jenn the drink,' time thought, "Just water for me, I’m driving.”

John, turned to Jenn, “Your boyfriend is a cheap date,” and with that, John went to the bar.

"Did he get you a large wine, Jenn?"

"Yes, he wouldn't take no for an answer."

"Well be careful the only thing you've told me about you and alcohol is that if you have a few drinks, the next day you don't remember anything that happened the night before.”

"I know, I don't want you to think any less of me, the stories of me drinking at Uni, the few times I did are so embarrassing."

"You know I wouldn't feel any less for you, you are allowed to do silly things at Uni, plus it's all in the past, I'll love you no matter what."

Jenn gave Tim a loving smile, “I know, I'll tell you one day.”

It was then that Tim saw John making his way back and noticed not only did he have water and a lager but also another large glass of wine, "Jenn, just a heads up John has got you another large wine."

"It will be fine, I'll just have these two we'll eat and leave.”

"Agreed,” Tim replied.

"Here we go, a water for the designated driver, lager for me and Jenny I got you another wine so we can all toast to our new friendship, my new job, and your upcoming marriage, cheers."

"Cheers," Jenn and Tim replied and they all clinked glasses.

Jenn finished off her first wine, John moved it to the edge of the table, then John sat next to Tim, "Jenny, take a photo of Timmy and me," Jenn held up her phone,

"Say cheese."

John then moved over to sit next to Jenn, this time sitting closer to Jenn, their arms touching, his arm then went around Jenn's shoulders, "Jenny hand your phone over to Timmy so he can take one of us," Jenn handed the phone over and Tim told them to say cheese which they did then handed the phone back to Jenn.

"Could you send me the photos, Jenny?"

"Sure John," Tim was wondering why Jenn didn’t mind John calling her Jenny, he had done it a few times now and she hadn’t said anything.

John then told Jenn his number and she proceeded to send the two photos to John, "Thanks for that Jenny," John said and then it looked like John patted Jenn's left thigh.

This was confirmed when Jenn jumped slightly and said "Oh," and it looked like John's hand remained on Jenn’s thigh but Tim was not sure he thought he must be wrong because Jenn would have brushed it off, Tim and Jenn both took a few sips of their drinks. John was busy on his phone tapping the screen using his left hand his right was still under the table. Leaving John to it Tim asked Jenn what she wanted to eat while he looked at the menu, Jenn was in the middle of taking a drink and told Tim she would have her usual pasta dish. Tim said, "I don't know why I look at the menu, I know it by heart, plus I always have the same thing."

Jenn laughed, "We both do, so it’s a curry for you then?"

"Of course."

Tim was talking about his day at work when Jenn had a sudden coughing fit and showered Tim in wine, "Jenny, are you ok?" John asked patting her on her back with his right hand while his left was now under the table Tim noticed as he wiped his face and brushed the front of his shirt.

"Are you ok, Jenn?" Tim asked once he cleaned off the wine.

"Yes," she coughed, "Just taken by surprise," Jenn wiped her mouth and chin.

“What did you say you were having, Timmy?” John asked cutting him off as he was going to ask Jenn what made her have a coughing fit.

“I’m having a Madras curry, John,”

“Go on then Timmy make that two,” he then turned to Jenn checking if she was alright.

When Tim got up he noticed John was rubbing Jenn's back and his left arm was moving slowly under the table, 'He must be patting her leg to calm her down,' Tim thought and left Jenn and John chatting and drinking.

Tim was a while at the bar it had filled up with customers ready to start their weekend. He kept looking back to the booth to check if Jenn was better but could only see John's back who seemed to still be rubbing Jenn's back and leg. While he was watching John he heard, “Anyone waiting?”

Tim turned just in time to hear someone shout, "Here mate," Tim cursed himself for not paying attention.

It was another five minutes before he got the attention of one of the bar staff and while ordering he heard an "Ooh," it sounded female and came from behind him, but Tim was ordering their food and couldn't look around this was followed soon after by an "Aah." Tim was worried Jenn was ill after nearly choking on her drink and having someone she didn’t know to rely on while he was ordering food, it didn’t seem right. But due to the longer wait at the bar and having downed his pint of water before leaving the table, which looked to have gone straight through him, he needed the toilet and couldn’t be there for Jenn. Tim's bladder wasn't the biggest, he couldn't hold any drink for long. Looking back at the booth as he walked to the toilet John was still gesticulating with his left hand and heard an "Aaaaahh," as he entered the toilet.

While in the toilet Tim saw John's friend Mike washing his hands, Mike was one of the six lads he had avoided earlier and wanted to again.

As Tim walked towards the far end sink Mike clocked him in the mirror, "It's Timmy right?"


"How are you doing?"

"Not bad Mike, yourself?"

"Night out with the lads, couldn't be happier, you should join us for one."

"No, I'm out with Jenn, I'm the designated driver."

"It's Friday Timmy, live a little. Leave the car here and have one with us."

"I don't know"

"Just the one Timmy, come on"

"Ok, just the one," as they both dried their hands Tim thought he didn’t want to join them he wanted to get back to Jenn, but she didn’t sound well.

Leaving the toilet with Mike leading the way a woman could be heard over the loud noise of the bar, “Oh, my,” Tim didn't know where this came from but it sounded like Jenn, "I'm going to check on Jenn and let her know where I am."

Mike put his arm around Tim's shoulder and guided him to the lads, "Send her a text and let her know, Tim, one drink won't take long."

Tim was about to pull his phone out when a pint was shoved in his face and all six guys started chanting, "Down it, down it," and continued until he did, he was then handed a shot, followed by another pint more chanting and a further shot and another pint but Tim was allowed to take his time with this one. Tim was having a great time with the guys and lost track of time. They all seemed friendly and were interested in his Gym, they asked about discounts, and they also talked about sports the end of the last football season the upcoming Euro finals. Throughout their conversations over the din of the bar, a constant moaning could be heard, moaning and groaning but Tim didn’t hear any of it there was also talk around them of women having a great night at the back of the bar which went over Tim's head. Every time Tim went to the toilet he was always accompanied by one of John’s friends and they always guided Tim back to the group.

Finally, Tim remembered he had ordered food, when he told the group they all laughed and told him it would be stone cold by now. Tim drunkenly walked back to his booth only to find the booth empty. He sat down and ate his cold curry, he saw a pint had been left for him on the other side of the table a half glass of wine and a full pint. Tim assumed they must have gone to the bar or toilet he finished eating and drank the pint then fell asleep leaning against the side of the booth. Tim had a wonderful dream it all felt so real, he could hear a woman who sounded like Jenn moaning, there was a squishy sound. He heard a man call this Jenn-sounding person a slut there were ohs, has, gutturally sounds and the sound of banging, a loud gasp and then it all went quiet for a moment then a sucking sound and panting. An unknown time later Tim's dream returned, it started with this Jenn-sounding person, "Oh, not again," and the squishy sound started, then the voice returned "Oh, please not again... Oh, fuck that's good."

Then a guy said, “You’re getting off aren’t you, you slut,” then more oooohs and aaaahs were back. To Tim this all sounded so real as if it was really, "Oh, god," repeated a few times then "Yes," "Oh, fuck," and then bang a long moan, and it went quiet, then panting and sucking.

Tim woke to a slushing sound and a musky smell, his head slowly raised off his chest, through blurred eyes he made out a fresh pint in front of him, he looked right and saw a blurry pint on the other side of the table and looking left an empty wine glass. He then noticed Jenn she seemed to have a light sheen on her face, her lips were moving but no words were being said that Tim could hear, he then saw the top two buttons on her summer dress were undone showing off a lot of her 32D breasts, her breast looks to be glistening. Tim couldn't be sure as everything was blurred but in his mind, he thought the position Jenn and John were sitting in was strange, Jenn was slumped in the corner her left foot flat on the seat causing her dress to gather at her waist, her right foot must still have been on the floor. John was seated nearly on top of Jenn, he was seated side-on so he must have had his right leg facing Jenn. He could hear John's low grunts and he was gesticulating with his left hand at Jenn’s crotch and that seemed to be where the slushing sound was coming from. Tim didn't know what John was doing but Jenn wasn't complaining, she was making the sounds he heard in his dreams. Tim in his blurry vision thought he saw John's right hand come up to Jenn’s chest and undo another button on her dress, this made Jenn’s dress open further freeing her nipples, John then pulled and twisted Jenn's right nipple causing her to moan out and arch her back, he heard John call Jenn a slut, a fucking hot slut, Tim felt tired and closed his eyes.

Tim woke leaning back in the booth with the table pushed up against him, trapping him in his seat, “You back with us, Timmy," John panted looking down. John looked to be sitting on the edge of his seat both hands in front of him and both arms moving in sync backward and forward, Tim looked for Jenn but she wasn't there.

"Timmy, I see you noticed Jenny's missing, good girl," John grunted out, "She dropped her phone and is looking for it under the table, fuck,"

"Does she need any help," Tim slurred back.

"No, she needs no help, good god," John was breathing heavier now, "I think she is doing a great job on her own."

"Alright," Tim replied and closed his eyes.

“Timmy, you have one hell of a hot slut, you know that,” John looked up and saw Tim with his eyes closed “Timmy, Timmy,” he snapped his fingers.


"Not too soon, hey, greedy little thing aren’t you, I told you to stop," John said to no one his hands stopped moving John then moved and helped Jenn from under the table, she had spit dribbling down her chin, her hair was a mess and it looked like more buttons had been undone as her nipples were on show and her eyes looked red.

John sat Jenn back in the corner, "breasts," Tim slurred.

"Quite right Timmy," John pulled and twisted her nipples causing Jenn to moan and groan before he buttoned up a few buttons so Jenn's nipples were barely covered.

John looked at his watch, "Look at the time, it's nearly closing. We don’t have time for what I want to do next so let's take this party back to mine, what do you say?"

“Yeah, party,” Jenn replied, she sounded *****.

“Come on then, Jenn up you go,” John fumbled with the front of his pants, gabbing his phone off the table and tapping his screen, “Let’s go the Uber is only a few minutes away," John grabbed Jenn’s phone off the table and pocketed it, 'Wasn’t Jenn looking for that under the table and it was on the table the whole time, John must have played a joke on her,' Tim thought. John then interrupted Tim’s thought “Come on, Timmy,” John moved the table and stepped into the booth to drag Tim up to his feet, “Out you come, you have put on some muscle haven’t you, You a lot heavier,”

John was then helped by two of his mates to carry Tim to the Uber while they walked John looked back at Jenn and John, with his blurred vision he thought Jenn’s dress was flapping about more than it should have, there seemed to be buttons undone from the bottom of the dress, maybe unbutton to her crotch.

Tim was placed in the front seat, the driver was told he would get extra if Tim was sick. John and Jenn were in the back. Within minutes Tim could hear slurping coming from the back, he noticed the driver alter his rearview mirror and was smiling. Tim heard words of encouragement come from John, “That’s good,” “Sweet,” “God that’s good stuff,” and a few ah and oh. Tim thought these were strange things to say to the driver, the drive eventually caused Tim to fall asleep. Tim woke to banging, he opened his eyes and the room was spinning, he closed them again but the spinning continued. He slowly sat up to find he was sleeping on a sofa when he opened his eyes again the room had stopped spinning. This time there was a pint of water in front of him, he looked round but didn’t recognize the room picking up the pint he drank half of it coughing and spatting it wasn’t water but vodka, 'Who would leave straight vodka in a pint glass on a table he thought?' He lay back down and closed his eyes, the banging was still going it was repetitive there may have been additional sounds, but Tim didn’t register them and soon fell asleep.

Tim woke again in another room, he was laying in bed alone there was half a pint of water on the bedside table he sat up and down it, it was vodka straight vodka again he coughed and spat again and had to lie back down the room had started spinning when he closed his eyes it was then he noticed the repetitive banging, this time they where accompanied by moans and grunts that went on and on until he fell asleep again.

Tim woke again, this time he had an arm on his chest and a leg over one of his, his head was banging, and the sunlight streaming in wasn’t helping his eyes or headache. He looked to his right to see Jenn in bed with him but whose bed? Jenn looked serene, the smile on her face melted his heart, he didn’t want to get up and disturb her but his bladder was bursting so as carefully as he could he disentangled himself from Jenn and got out of bed noticing that he was naked, he didn’t remember undressing, he needed the toilet urgently, why, he naked would have to wait, he stepped outside on to the landing slowly looking around and at the first door he checked he found the toilet.

Pissing was almost orgasmic, it was also long very long, and satisfying. When Tim finished he washed his hands and face then checked the cabinet for drugs and found some ibuprofen and took two with water from the tap before going back into the bedroom picked up the pint glass and returning to the bathroom. He rinsed out the glass a few times and drank two pints of water before returning to the bedroom with a full glass. He cuddled back up to Jenn unable to remember a thing about last night or where he was but he had Jenn safe and sound in his arms he didn’t care and fell asleep happy.

To be continued