Jess was so excited to begin her new life with Ryan. Recently married, against the advice of her parents, she was determined to show them she made the right decision. They liked Ryan, they just thought they should wait a while longer, with her just turning 18, and Ryan being only 21.

Ryan worked at a lumber supply store, helping to unload incoming supplies, and assisting customers with loading the items they had purchased. Jess was going to school in the hopes of one day becoming a nurse. Money was tight, but so far they were getting by, which was all that Jess wanted. The idea of asking her parents for any help was unthinkable. Her *** was already paying for her college, and
anything more would give them the right to say I told you so.

“Hey Baby”. Ryan greeted coming into the apartment. “There’s my handsome man”. Jess welcomed warmly. “How was work today”? Jess enquired. “Just fine”. Ryan told her, not wanting to worry her with the rumors of possible layoffs.

Ryan didn’t want to let her down. He considered himself the luckiest man alive, having the sweetest, most stunning hottie on the planet as his wife. Jess was the girl in school that turned every head, and caused open stares of palpable lust, on the faces of every boy and man, and some women. At 5’2” tall, and 110 pounds of tan and toned perfection, and a sweet caring disposition, she was simply the best girl a guy could hope to win.

Jess felt his hands on her bottom as they embraced. She knew it would be all she could do to keep him from dragging her into the bedroom before they even had dinner. Her husband couldn’t keep his hands off of her. She loved the attention, but he would just have to wait. Jess' Mom and *** were supposed to be here any minute for dinner, and she needed to finish up some last minute items.

Mia and Henry Beck were still a young couple at 36 and 37 respectively, and it struck Mia as strange to have a grown up ******** at her age, already married and living on her own. It was true she was only 18 when she had Jess, but it seemed so recent that she was kissing away her booboos, and rocking her to

“Hi Sweetheart”. Mia said, kissing her ******** on the cheek. “Hi Mom, hi ***”. Jess returned. “Ryan”. Henry greeted, shaking Ryan’s hand. Ryan hugged his Mother in law, noting that if he were blindfolded, he couldn’t tell Mia and Jess apart. Mia was a stunning women just like Jess, and could pass for her older
sister. She still had the firm toned body that his wife had, and it was easy to see where Jess got her beauty.

Ryan and Henry enjoyed dinner with the beautiful brunettes, loving the sound of their musical giggles, and the way they joked with each other playfully. As with Jess, Ryan told her parents that everything was great at work, and had no reason to think that wouldn’t continue to be the case. He hoped fervently that it would turn out that way. He knew his position on the seniority list would put him second to be let go, if there was a lay off.

As the older couple said their farewells, there were hugs all around, and promises to get together again soon, before the door finally closed, and Ryan picked up his giggling wife, put her over his shoulder, and started for the bedroom.

Jess pretended to struggle against her horny husband, giggling as she rolled over as if to sleep. “Not this time Baby”. Ryan vowed, jumping on Jess, and pinning her still giggling, on her back. Ryan and Jess feverishly removed their clothes, and went together as man and wife.

It had been two weeks since any talk about a lay off had been heard, and Ryan began to relax about his job security, when he was called to the Manager’s office. Ryan walked in to find not only himself, but the guy right ahead of him in seniority waiting for his boss Mr. George to explain why he wanted to see them.

Ryan listened as Mr. George explained that orders had been slow, and that they were going to have to cut back on man power temporarily. He assured both of them that both men were doing a good job, and he hoped to bring them back in a few months.

Ryan knew he and Jess had only a few hundred dollars in savings, and with him not working, things were looking pretty dire.

After Ryan had told Jess the news of his lay off, the young couple began to try and come up with ideas for making enough money to hold on until he was put back to work. They didn’t have many options that they could think of, and Jess suggested they look at the classifieds to see if there was something for either of them to do temporarily. Jess was not due back in nursing school for another month and a half
and could pitch in until then.

Ryan found a position right away with an apprentice job at an auto repair business. The money wasn’t going to cover the precipitous drop in income they suffered, but every little bit helped.

Jess poured through countless offers, finding that she didn’t meet the qualifications, or the scheduling was logistically impossible. Some sounded good, but the pay and the commute made them not worth doing. She was about to take a break looking for a while, when she noticed an interesting add asking for
ladies to model clothing lines from several different manufacturers.

Jess noticed that the advertisement said that the models were paid daily for their work, but while indicating that the pay was generally very good, didn’t come out and say what kind of figures they were talking about. Jess knew she was an attractive girl, and since the address for the studio was close, she could see no reason not to at least check into it.

Jess called the number enquiring about the modeling position, when the woman on the other line explained that she would need to schedule an interview so that the agency could determine if she was the kind of girl they were looking for. Jess asked the obvious questions about what to expect, and what she would be modeling if they accepted her, and was assured that they were a reputable agency, and that all apparel she modeled would be entirely up to her. Heather, the name of the agency lady, Jess learned, told her that different apparel payed different amounts. She said it was all up to the model to figure out what she was comfortable doing.

Arrangements were made for Jess to be at the studio to meet with a Mr. Greer at 9:00 am the following Wednesday.

Arriving 15 minutes early, Jess went into the waiting area where a beautiful woman that must have been around her Mother’s age, greeted her warmly. “Good morning Sweet heart”, the woman invited informally. “You must be Jess”, she guessed. “And you must be the lady I talked to on the phone, Heather, was it”? Jess responded.

Heather complimented the dark haired beauty on her pretty face, and toned athletic figure, and said that she would be very surprised if she wasn’t signed immediately. “We need to go over some preliminary paperwork, and then I will take you into the studio area to meet Nate”. She explained. “Would that be Mr. Greer”? Jess asked. “First of all Sweetie, you will find that we aren’t too big on
formality around here”. Heather explained. “And yes dear, that’s Mr. Greer”.

Jess was guided into a studio down the hall where she was introduced to a black man, she guessed to be around 50. She noted that he was handsome, and in what she would consider fantastic shape.

“Hello”, Nate greeted the girl. “Hi”, said Jess, feeling a little nervous about his close inspection of her. “How we proceed is pretty straight forward”, Nate explained. “I can see that you are obviously very pretty, but I need to get an idea of what kind of clothes you are comfortable modeling, so we know how much of your body we need to see for those outfits”. He spelled out.

‘Let me explain what we do here”. Nate went on. “What we do is put our models on a website where customers pay to view the videos of the girls wearing the outfits. “This can generate a good income, with more daring girls making the most”. He elucidated. “We cover everything from dresses and typical skirts and tops, to swimwear and lingerie”. He concluded. “Obviously the bulk of our customers are men that want to see pretty girls wearing skimpy clothes”. Nate went on. “Not all of our girls decide to go that route, but that is the source of most of our company revenue, and where our ladies can make the most money”. He pointed out.

Jess was conflicted. On the one hand, they did need the money, but on the other hand, what would Ryan think about all this? She wondered. Would he completely freak out about her wearing a bikini for strange men to see, even if it was only on video? Did she just want to call the whole thing off, and go to her parents for the money? No, that wasn’t an option.

Jess politely explained that she would have to talk to her husband before she committed to anything like this. “I understand completely”. Nate encouraged, with a smiling Heather nodding her head. “Maybe we should have you model something for us in case he says yes” Nate ventured. “That way we can begin right away, if you decide to come back” He said.

Jess was nervous, but the idea made sense. “It will only be you two seeing me, and nothing on video”? Jess asked hesitantly. “Of course”. Nate assured. “And I’m going to give you 100 dollars today for considering our studio”. He promised. Jess decided to model something for them, and waited while Nate went into the adjoining room.

Nate handed her a tiny black bikini that seemed like it could be concealed in one hand. Jess turned bright red looking at the tiny garment, as Nate motioned toward a blind she could change behind. Jess went behind the blind as Nate and Heather talked about how beautiful they believed Jess to be, in what may have been intended to relax her.

Jess quickly changed, thinking to just get it over with as soon as possible. After she put on the tiny bikini, she realized it was as close to being naked as you could be while still wearing clothes. Her medium size breasts bulged seductively from every side of the little triangles supposedly covering them. The bottom was a micro thong that had the narrowest tiny strip covering her vagina, and barely a string around her waist and between the cheeks of her bottom. Jess was glad she always kept herself completely bare down there, or this interview would be even more embarrassing than it already was. You couldn’t even hide a wisp of hair under this bottom.

Finally working up the courage to step from behind the blind, Jess blushing brightly, and avoiding eye contact, stepped out to present herself to Nate and Heather.

Nate looked at the teenager with obvious lust, mirrored by the lust in Heather’s eyes. The stunning beauty of the young girl was almost expected, because of how cute she looked in her regular clothes, but having this much of the young wife ******* confirmed in spades that they found their perfect model.

Jess listened as they complimented her on her excellent body and gorgeous face, both of them beaming and circling her slowly. Both of them agreed that Jess was flawless in her appearance, and promised her videos, should she decide to model for them in similar attire, would be quite lucrative.

Jess jumped slightly as she felt Nate’s hand brush over her perfect little back side, while nonchalantly praising her firm body. After what seemed like an extensive up close inspection, Jess was finally led by Heather back behind the blind to change.

“One more thing Sweetie”. Heather said as they went behind the blind. “I need to see your privates”. She explained. Jess was puzzled. “Why would you need to do that”? Jess wondered. “I thought I would always be wearing something”. She pointed out. “There are some videos where we do nude models together, mostly for nudists who insist upon everyone being completely naked”. “They are nowhere near as sexy as the bikini you wore today, just think about it like going to the doctor”. Heather advised.

Jess slowly pulled the tiny bottoms down slowly ******** her sexy thin slit, while the older woman went down on her knees to inspect her closely. Heather gently brushed her thumb along Jess’ moistening vaginal lips as Jess closed her eyes and endured her examination. “You are simply perfect girl” Heather confirmed, rising to her feet.

After Jess left the studio, Nate turned to Heather. “God damn, that little bitch is perfect”! He declared. “And wait until you see her perfect little pussy”. Heather added. “It was all I could do to keep from sucking it right there behind the blind” She went on. “Oh Nate, she is the perfect girl for your new project idea”. Heather surmised. “I’ll start working on the husband part of things right away”.
“She will be the perfect black cock slut, on video for the whole world to see”. Heather went on excitedly.

“Yes” Nate confirmed. “She’s a sure enough black cock slut, she just doesn’t know it yet”.
“Before you start with the husband, that little bitch gave me a problem I need your help with”. Nate said, unbuckling his pants. “Come here and suck my cock”. Nate demanded, as Heather was already going to her knees before him. “Anytime Daddy”, she purred, as she took his huge black cock between her lips.

Ryan had mixed emotions. Like Jess, he knew they needed the money, but wasn’t sure he wanted his wife filming videos in skimpy clothes, while who knows what perverts out there were seeing them. Imagining other men seeing her almost naked, instinctively pushed him away from the idea, but he had to admit that the thought of guys getting hard looking at his sexy wife, and maybe even jerking off, also had a strange appeal.

In the end, the young couple agreed to try it, pointing out to each other that they could quit anytime if they chose to do so, and they really did need the money.

Heather took her car to the Avery Auto Clinic explaining that she was taking a trip, and would like someone to check all of her engine fluid levels, tire pressure, belts and hoses, and whatever else could possibly cause issues on a trip. She knew this was the type of project typically assigned to an apprentice, and was rewarded as Jess’ husband Ryan walked over to her car.

Ryan was pleasantly surprised to see a smoking hot woman smiling as he approached. She had the same size and figure of his wife, and reminded him of a blond version of Mia, Jess’ Mom. Like would happen to him with Jess and Mia, he couldn’t help but stare appreciatively at the beautiful woman.

After he greeted her, and was lined out on what she needed done, he performed the requested inspection, finding only a tire needing a couple pounds of air, and the windshield washing fluid reservoir needing to be topped off.

They talked as Ryan looked her car over, and Heather knowing the financial situation the couple were in, even though Ryan didn’t know she knew Jess, casually asked if Ryan knew any guys around his age that would be interested in some odd jobs around her house. She said it would be 100.00 dollars for a couple hours work, expecting Ryan to volunteer himself. She wasn’t disappointed as Ryan jumped at the opportunity to make some extra money. Heather gave him her address and smiled as she drove away.

Jess called Heather who was back at the agency, her having no real plans to travel, and informed her she wanted to work for the studio. Ryan would be at her house this Saturday, so the plan would work if Jess started the Monday after that. “Come in this Monday, and we will get started”. Heather instructed.

Ryan continued to knock on Heather’s door, wondering for a minute if she forgot he was coming today. He was relieved when a disheveled Heather, obviously just out of bed, opened the door in a little nighty her cute little body was practically spilling out of. He tried not to stare as way more of her body than should be appropriate to show, was sexily ******* to him.

Heather feigned embarrassment as she explained that she over slept. She told him to help himself with a cold drink from the fridge, while she went to get dressed. Ryan couldn’t stop himself from staring at her perfect little ass as she walked back toward her bedroom. He was intimately familiar with that ass, his wife and mother in law had one just like it.

Heather planned to simply tease the young man until he couldn’t control himself, and then let him fuck her. She would have to do a little acting naturally, to fake an orgasm after Nate had so brutally ruined her pussy for white dick, but it was a small, no pun intended, she thought, price to pay, to have him witness firsthand the hard breeding of his wife by black cock on film. It was very important to a select, and well paying customer, to have the husband present during his wife’s violation.

Heather returned to the kitchen wearing day clothes that were nearly as revealing as her bed clothes. Her sexy flat tummy displayed, with a diamond bejeweled belly button, her long firm tan legs, and her short little skirt that barely covered her panties. If she was wearing panties Ryan thought.

Heather had promised it would be easy money, and when she explained what she wanted Ryan to do, basically just provide an opinion from a male perspective, he was glad to proceed.

Heather told him that she had performed in a couple of pornographic films, and that she wanted to get out of the business, but had a rare opportunity to make a film for a client that would pay nearly two times the amount she made in the other films altogether. She knew she was indeed on film fucking her daddy Nate, and many of his friends, but was not payed. Nate took care of her as long as she helped him get new girls, but she really stayed for the intoxicating feeling of black cock. Her cuckold husband, originally set up just like she planned to set up Ryan, loved watching his hot wife get fucked.

A disbelieving Ryan took all this in, listening as Heather explained that what she wanted was for him to watch a few of her videos, and tell her which ones she should submit for her audition.

“What about your husband?” Ryan asked. “Oh he’s out of town, don’t worry about him”. She explained cheerfully.

Ryan couldn’t believe his good luck. First an extra 100 bucks, but even better, the chance to see Heather, not just naked, but fucking. He swallowed audibly, and nodded his head excitedly.

Heather had him relax on the couch and sat close to him, as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Ryan realized her closeness immediately, and excepted it. Maybe all movie reviews were done this way he thought.

All of the movies were similarly themed with Heather being a hot wife fucked in front of her cuckold husband, by none other than black guys, sporting what had to be fake dicks. They were too big to be real. God, she was so hot acting like a little whore on film, begging to be fucked. Ryan’s cock throbbed uncomfortably in his pants.

Ryan noticed that Heather’s panties, she was wearing them after all, were ******* down between her legs, and that her hand had dropped down to her pussy where she absentmindedly stroked herself. It was clear that the movies were having an effect on her too.

When Heather slipped her hand inside her panties to rub her pussy directly, Ryan looked to see the sexy sight, while a smiling Heather suggested he take out his cock and do the same, reasoning that there was no sense in being uncomfortable.

Ryan unzipped and pulled his achingly hard cock out, as Heather shifted and removed her panties altogether. Both of them switched back and forth from watching the movie to each other. Ryan loving the hot show, both live and on the screen.

He suddenly tensed up as Heather leaned over and took his hard cock in her mouth. He knew he should protest, he was married, and to a girl every bit as beautiful as Heather, But he was too fucking turned on.

He leaned back closing his eyes while moving his hand to Heather’s pussy and passionately rubbing her sexy slit, like he wanted to do since she took her panties off.

Heather licked and sucked Ryan’s pulsing member, cupping his balls as she slurped. She was so accustomed to sucking Nate’s huge cock, easily twice as long and way thicker, that she could deep throat Ryan without effort. Heather knew the excited way he groped at her pussy, insured his cooperation in the plan to breed his hot wife.

Heather brought her head off of Ryan’s turgid cock, as a now crazed Ryan pushed her back on the couch.

Heather spread her pretty legs invitingly, and Ryan wasted no time before he had every inch of his cock buried in the sexy older women’s smoldering pussy.

“Oh Baby” Heather moaned. “Do you like fucking another woman”? She cooed, knowing the answer. “My husband is gone and you’re fucking my married pussy”. She accused. “Do you think it’s okay for you to fuck me Baby, or should we stop”? She purred. “I have to cum”! He declared. “Is it okay for a man to fuck a married girl just because he needs to cum”? She asked, leading him on.

“But what about the videos”? Ryan almost pleaded. “That was work, this is different”. Heather said, still pushing her sexy hips up to meet his fevered thrusts. “Is it okay for any man to fuck, and cum in, any married woman, just because he needs to cum”? She lured.

Ryan was desperate to fill Heather’s sexy hot cunt with cum and agreed. “YES...YES...ANY...MAN...SHOULD FUCK ANY MARRIED WHORE LIKE HE OWNS HER IF HE NEEDS TO CUUUMMMMM!” He bellowed, as he pumped his load into Heather’s wet embrace.

After they had sat back up on the couch, Heather still snuggling close to Ryan, and talking in a soothing voice, asked him if he liked watching married women getting fucked. Ryan felt another pulse of his cock thinking of Heather in the videos. How she shuddered and came. “Yes it was a huge turn on”. He admitted. “What if it was Jess”? She questioned softly, stroking his cock again.

Ryan’s eyes focused on her carefully, not answering right away. “How do you know my wife’s name”? He questioned. “Because I work at the agency she plans to model for”. She explained. “When we first met Jess, we knew her career could be far more lucrative for the agency, and for her, if she made movies of a more intimate nature”. She informed him. “You need the money, and from the look of your dick, it seems like you’re not opposed to the idea”. She accused, as she playfully squeezed his once again throbbing cock.

Ryan and Heather fucked two more times before Ryan tentatively asked the question he thought he already knew the answer to. “What kind of movies are we talking about”? He finally asked. “Just like the ones we were watching silly”. She explained.

There it was, Ryan thought. He had never considered the idea of Jess being with another man, let alone a black man on video, but the thought of it had his cock so hard again, that it ached painfully.

“But what about Jess”? “She will never go for that”. He was sure. “You let me, and Nate take care of that” She told him confidently.

“Those black guys in the films, are their dicks really that size”? He asked doubtfully. “Yes Baby, they are”. She assured him. “That is one thing you will have to be ready for, Jess will only be satisfied by huge cocks after her first shoot”. She warned. “My husband doesn’t satisfy me anymore either, but he gets so turned
on watching me used by black men, he says our sex life has never been better”. She promised.

Jess walked into the studio, a little nervous about what assignment she may get. She was greeted warmly by Heather, who came around to hug the girl. “I know you must be nervous”. Heather assumed. “But don’t worry, Nate is excellent at what he does, and soon coming here will be something you enjoy very much”. Heather promised aloud, while thinking to herself cumming here was more accurate.

Heather led the young bride back into the studio where Nate waited. The room was furnished with only a bed in front of the camera, and a monitor and some chairs behind it. Nate hugged the gorgeous girl, letting his hand stroke slowly down her shapely backside.

The outfit Nate had her model was a sexy secretary skirt and top. Wearing it the way it was meant to be worn would have been sexy enough, but Nate had her unbutton enough buttons on the top to ****** her sexy cleavage, the two mouthwatering orbs pushed up and together to delicious effect.

At first Nate would ask for certain poses that showed off her sexy curves and ******* skin in ways designed to tantalize, but soon he began to gently move her legs or other body parts by hand.

Facing the camera, Jess had her legs spread just far enough to get a naughty look up her skirt to her sexy panties. Nate went to her and taking her legs, pushed them farther apart creating a lewd view of the tiny band of white barely covering her vagina.

This went on, and Jess began to relax, even becoming accustomed to Nate stroking her legs apart, and his hands lingering high on her thighs. Nate talked in a low relaxing tone, telling her what a sexy girl she was, and how good she was doing.

So smooth was Nate at making Jess comfortable, that she didn’t resist when he began to unbutton even more of the buttons on her top, causing her delightful breasts to nearly fall out of the top altogether. At one point, Nate had Jess slide forward on the bed, and he went behind her reaching around both sides of her waist, putting his hands high on her inner thighs, and spreading her legs obscenely.

Nate kept up a soothing monologue, telling her how beautiful she was, and how she seemed like a natural at modeling, and giving instructions.

“Jess let me call Heather in here to help with our session”. He suggested. “Come in here Heather”. He said to the room. Obviously she could hear them from whatever part of the studio she was in, Jess thought.

That some other part of the studio was an adjacent room, where Heather watched the entire session on camera with Ryan. Jess was completely ******* that Ryan was viewing her.

Heather continued to stroke Ryan’s hard cock, as he watched his wife pose so lewdly for Nate. Spreading her legs obscenely on demand. Ryan wondered if his hot little wife would go any further, conflicted as to whether he wanted her to, or not.

Heather turned to Ryan, and explained that this was where things were going to get hot. She told him to take out his dick and enjoy the show, just like he enjoyed her videos. She gave a final squeeze to his turgid member, kissed him, and left the room.

Heather entered the film area smiling. “Yes Nate”? She enquired. “I think Jess here is ready to take it to the next level”. He explained. “Would you please show her what I mean”? He asked. “Of course”. She agreed at once, approaching the curious wife.

Heather abruptly slid her skirt, and then panties down her shapely legs. Jess was jolted by the realization that she was ******** her naked pussy to Nate and herself with no inhibitions whatsoever.

“Let’s get you out of some of those clothes dear”. She instructed, unbuttoning the remaining buttons of Jess’ top. Jess started to protest, but weakly, as she submitted to the older woman’s undressing of her. “Come on Sweetheart, we have seen this before”. She urged.

Jess modestly held her arms over her now fully ******* breasts as Heather began tugging at the hem of the short skirt, leaving her with only the barely there white panties.

“I know how to help you relax Baby”. She cooed, pushing Jess’ shoulders gently so that she lay on her back. Heather moved between Jess’ sexy legs, and put her mouth down on the damp panties, as Jess stiffened.

“I’ve never been with a woman before”. Jess moaned, feeling Heather take the waist band of her panties in both hands, and pull them off her shapely ass. “Oh Sweetheart, you’re going to love it, and you're going to love being with Nate”. She promised, as she began to vigorously lick the slit and the clit of the trembling girl.

Jess opened her eyes slightly when Heather said, “and being with Nate”, and noticed that Nate had taken off his pants ******** what had to be the biggest penis on earth.

Nate took a succulent tit in his mouth, rubbing her other boob forcefully, as Heather tongued the squirming young wife. Heather knew that Jess was very turned on before she started eating her, because of how wet the girl’s pussy was. She recognized the approach of Jess’ impending orgasm, as she hunched her hips up into the assault from the older woman’s expert tongue.

Ryan had a front row seat, watching as the plundering of his wife’s delectable charms took place. He was surprised how easy her surrender had been, but had to admit it was a massive turn on. Watching Heather in her videos was at one level of hot, but this was in the stratosphere.

“We have a surprise for you Jess”. Nate informed her. “You are here to be bred by black cock on film”. He stated matter of factly. “And we have another surprise, your husband is going to watch”. He went on.

“Ryan come in here”. Nate ordered. Jess was shocked as Ryan walked into the room almost shame faced. He had trouble meeting her gaze, and watched closely as Heather licked his wife’s pussy.

Nate told Heather to get him ready for the breeding, and Heather quickly dropped to her knees in front of him. Jess looked First at Ryan questioningly, and then at Heather as she miraculously managed to take half of Nate’s monster cock into her mouth. She was hypnotized by the length and girth of Nate’s huge pulsing black cock. She remembered seeing a horse on a farm with what her and her friend called it’s thingy, hanging half way to the ground, and Nate seemed to have a cock just as big.

Heather slurped noisily on the giant throbbing member, as Jess, her pussy already soaked from the naughty modeling and Heather’s licking of her, lay apprehensive of what seemed to lay ahead. She was just supposed to model some sexy clothes, and somehow it turned into this. She was very shaken to learn that her husband was somehow involved in this, and she recognized the look of lust he had in his
eyes watching Heather, and the pleading look of apology when he looked at her.

Nate told Ryan to take his clothes off. “I don’t want Jess to think he isn’t excited by this”. He reasoned.

Jess watched as Ryan dropped his pants to reveal his very hard cock. Comically small compared to Nate, but hard just the same.

Nate looked at Ryan and told him he was going to fuck his wife. He said she would be scared at first, but would beg him to fuck her later. He went on to say he would own her married pussy after today, and that she would be used by many well hung black studs on film.

“You ready Cuck”? Nate teased, as he moved to Jess’ splayed thighs, and began to rub the huge fat head of his fat heavy cock around her weeping vulva.

Ryan spoke with a cracked voice as he said “yes”. “Yes what Cuck”? Nate demanded. In a voice so cracked with emotion he could barely be understood Ryan said, “use my wife sir”.

Jess quivered under the large black man, sure that he couldn’t fit his giant penis into her tiny slit. “My God” she thought, he’ll kill me with that monster.

Nate began to work his massive piston into the young wife, hearing her whimpering cries as he pushed more and more cock into her yielding hole. Jess shook uncontrollably as her little pussy was stretched so obscenely by the massive penis, that she thought she would pass out. Just the head finally working into her resistant vagina caused sensations of penetration Ryan had never made her feel.

Heather went to Ryan, and urged him to watch. “Take a seat and jack your dick”. She advised. “Watch what it looks like when a real man fucks your wife”. She urged sitting next to him and helping him stroke his cock.

“OH...MY...GOD”! Jess shrieked, as Nate relentlessly fed her starving little cunt the thing she needed most. “TOO...BIG...UHN...UHN...OH...FUCK...TOO...BIG”. Jess wailed. “HUR...HURTING...ME...”!

Nate ignored her protests, knowing the married little bitch would soon be begging for it.

From his vantage point Ryan could see between Nate’s legs right up to his wife’s totally dilated pussy, so completely stretched beyond what he even thought possible, that the sight was obscenity itself.

He watched as Nate rammed a couple of inches of massive cock into Jess’ clinching fuck hole, pulling back only to pound 4 inches on his next thrust, slowly, but forcefully filling his wife with more cock than he thought possible.

Jess felt the steady advance of the black pile driver as Nate pistoned into her soaked pussy, in a forceful way that she had never experienced. She feverishly realized he still had nearly half of his massive black shaft to go.

Jess never knew the feeling of being so completely stuffed by cock. She tossed her head excitedly as she realized Heather was stroking her brow. “You’re doing good Baby Girl”. She coached. “Soon Nate will be all the way in, and you will be in love with a real man” Heather promised, bending down to stifle her screams with a passionate kiss, knowing Nate was going to pound his fat cock the rest of the way into the screeching girl.

Nate crammed his lust engorged cock into the married little whore to the balls, and began to properly punish her tortured pussy. Jess’ cunt felt like a tight velvet vice, smooth and slick, but gripping his shaft very hard.

Jess shuddered and came hard on Nate’s monster cock as it pounded with a thud to the bottom of her womb, spraying an almost clear cascade of sweet girl cum that liberally covered his cock and her vagina alike.

Jess glanced at Ryan briefly, almost as if in apology for cumming with another man, noticing his excited state as he stroked his dick.


Nate rammed his huge black member hard into the trembling girl’s cunt, loving how tightly it gripped him, as if trying to hold him deep in her forever. He stroked into her forcefully, demonstrating his total ownership of the pretty little bride.

“GON...GONNA CUM AGAIN”! Jess declared, as she writhed uncontrollably under his assault. The feeling of being so completely stuffed with Nate’s huge cock was otherworldly. The act itself transcending any sexual experience she ever had before. With Ryan sex felt like it was an act of intimacy, that made them close, but this went well beyond that. This was, she realized, what it felt like to literally become one with a man. A feeling so natural and profound, she knew every woman had to experience it. This was how it was meant to be. To have a man so deeply inside her, that she had nothing left of her body to surrender.

Ryan looked on as Nate continued to hammer his wife’s tight pussy, watching her cum repeatedly and coating his monster cock with her female secretions, now whipped into a frothy expression of her love for his giant cock. He felt a combination of jealousy and intense lust, as he watched Nate make her squirt and shake. He had never been able to make her do either of those things.

“UHN...UHN...FUCK...FUCKING...ME SO DEEP, CUMMING AGAIN”! Jess panted, as she breathlessly experienced the fifth in a series of orgasms more prolonged and intense than anything she had experienced before. Her tight married cunt gripping Nate’s big hurtful cock as he pounded into her very soul.

Heather moved to Ryan, urging him to witness the taking of his bride. “She loves him now you know”. She declared, as a crestfallen Ryan slowed the stroking of his cock realizing that it was true. “She will fuck other hung black studs, but he will always be her first”. She explained. “She will fuck and suck him or anyone he wants her to be with, even if she has to leave your marriage bed in the middle of the night to do it”. Heather continued.

As if to punctuate her declaration, Nate began to increase the speed and force of his thrusts into Jess’ quivering hole, as Ryan heard the question. “DOES YOUR HUSBAND FUCK YOU THIS GOOD”? Nate demanded, viciously slamming to the bottom of Jess’ womb, and being rewarded with another gush of her cum. “TELL ME, WHORE”! He insisted.

Ryan, completely ******* that a smiling Heather watched him begin to stroke his dick again, couldn’t believe how much a pussy could be stretched. The lips of his wife’s little pussy seemed to be only a thin red circle outlining the massive girth of Nate’s cock, as he so brutally claimed her.

“TELL ME”! Nate ordered.

“NO...NO...NEV...NEVER...BEEN FUCKED THIS GOOOOD”! Jess admitted, shuddering on his massive cock.


Even as Jess stole a quick fevered glance at Ryan, she admitted what Heather had predicted. “YOU DO DADDY”! Jess breathlessly pledged, reveling in the feeling of total submission to a real man’s cock. “YOU OWN MY PUSSY! USE IT DADDY! FUCK YOUR PUSSY DADDY! FILL IT WITH YOUR CUM! She begged as her tight sheath clung to, and massaged, his magnificent hurtful shaft.

“Isn’t it beautiful”? Heather breathed, as she furiously rubbed her weeping hot pussy.

Nate never tired of breaking these wives in. They all started out protesting, and moved to unsure but partly willing, and finally to his personal cum dump, begging to be used by him. How many had he turned out now? He pondered. 8 or 10 he figured, and Jess would be the latest addition to his stable, making interracial breeding videos, and selling her body to be used by his customers.

He felt Jess’ burning tight cunt grip him hard as he thrust into her, furiously. “GONNA CUM SLUT”! He bellowed, punching his heavy weapon to the hilt and feeling his balls throb, as he pumped his potent seed into Jess’ unprotected little cunt. Rope after rope of burning cum flooded her married pussy, as she cried and came hard, repeating over and over again that she loved him.

Ryan and Heather both came watching Jess’ total surrender. Her proclamation of love, and her pledges to be available for her Daddy whenever he wanted her, sent them both over the edge.

Nate’s hot bubbly cum had nowhere to go as the girl was so completely stuffed. After completely painting her young womb, it gushed down his shaft, mixing with Jess’ foamy secretions in an expression of their new and unbreakable union. A pact between servant and Master.

Nate pulled his still pulsing cock slowly out of Jess’ battered fuck hole. The massive member was dripping with her girl cum and his thicker man cum.

Ryan looked at his wife’s spread pussy, the lips tender and puffy from the savage fucking she had just received, a pool of sticky cum welling up at her tiny opening.

Seeing her Daddy’s cum, it was all Heather could do not to go lick it up from the love struck young wife, but she knew she had one more job to do to make her Daddy’s bond with the young couple complete.

“Ryan”, Heather spoke breaking the silence. “You need to clean her out Baby”. She instructed. “You know you want to”. She stated. “My husband always cleans me out after Nate uses me”. She informed him.

Ryan looked at her, comprehension dawning on his face. First he allowed a man to dominate and take ownership of his wife, and now he was expected to suffer the humiliation of cleaning that same man’s cum out of her pussy. Or, no, now it was Nate’s pussy. She declared right in front of Ryan that her pussy was Nate’s forever, even before it was her own.

“Go on Ryan”. Heather persisted. “Lick her clean”. “Show her you love, and support her”. She went on softly. Heather noticed a throb in Ryan’s cock as he shame facedly knelt between the legs of his wife.

Jess looked at Ryan as he came to her, not quite believing what he seemed like he was about to do. His face was red in embarrassed shame, but incredibly his dick was hard again as he pressed his lips to the sticky cum, and lapped at her tender vagina lovingly.

Jess closed her eyes and quietly enjoyed the tender ministrations of her husband. His mouth felt so soothing on her sore little pussy, that her tears went unnoticed as she felt his true love and support for her expressed by his willingness to participate in her pleasure, even if it meant licking the hot cum of a real man from her now adulteress pussy.

Ryan had barely finished his loving task before Nate announced the arrival of two new men to continue Jess’ black cock experience. Both men were big and handsome with the same size massive cocks as Nate, and both eager to take their turn breeding the young wife.

Nate told Jess her first film looked great. He promised she would make a lot of money, and that the way she begged for her first black cock, would have every man in America jerking off to her sexy little pussy. “And a lot of women too”. Heather chimed in.

Nate went on to explain that she was to fuck the new black studs, and let them breed her young married pussy.

“You understand me”? He asked expectantly. “Yes Daddy”. She agreed obediently. “Heather here is going to help”. He stated. “She needs her daily dose of black cock too”. He explained.

Heather looked at her Daddy smiling, and gave him a big wink.