Cheryl Takes the Plunge

009 (5).JPG “I’m going to do it this time,” Cheryl said aloud in the car. This was the third time. The third time she’d been parked in this lot. The third time the urges had become so strong that she was compelled to give in to them. The third time she had bathed and primped and dressed herself in one of the sexiest outfits she owned.

Unfortunately, it was also the third time that her nerve was betraying her. The last two times she had been here, she was too apprehensive to go through with it. She ended up going home to masturbate furiously and rehash her daydream fantasies.

“I’m going to do it this time.” She repeated, steeling herself for the exit from the car. She had parked in the back corner of the lot, away from the other cars, and as far from the street as she could get. One of her fears was being recognized here by someone she knew. How would she explain it? What would her dear ******, friends, and acquaintances think of her if they knew her little fantasy? How would they treat her if they knew she dreamt night and day of coming to this place, of doing nasty things, doing those nasty things with strangers, behind her husband’s back?

“I’m gonna do it!” She hissed to herself. She checked her hair and make-up one last time in the rearview mirror. Gathering her courage, she opened the door of the car and swung her legs out. Her black skirt had ridden up during the drive, and it wasn’t too long to begin with. She smoothed it down her tan thighs and stood up. Her breasts wobbled under the white camisole top. Her nipples were hardening with the anticipation of finally taking the next step on her path to fulfillment.

The door seemed five miles away. She swayed a little with the rush of blood to her head. She steadied herself, shut the door, and began the long journey across the lot. The sign over the door read “18 or older! No minors allowed! We ID!” She reached the door, and taking a deep breath, pulled the handle. A muted bell toned, startling her as she crossed the threshold. The first thing she noticed were the racks and racks of magazines marching across the room. Their glossy covers were plastered with every manner of obscene image the mind could conceive. Then she noticed the smell. It was an odd combination of newsprint, latex, and a subtle hint of some musky odor.

“Help ya ma’am?” The deep voice from her right made her jump, and she barely stifled a squeal. She turned quickly to see a large black man several feet away, watching her with a small grin on his face.

“Uhh, um….I…I’m uh just looking.” She stammered out. The suddenness of his appearance had destroyed her composure, and it showed in her voice.

“Well, I work here Miss, maybe I could help you find what you…need?”

“Th…thank you, but I’m…I’m OK for now.” She managed.

“Whatever you say, pretty lady, if you need any help you just holler now.” He said as his eyes took in her camisole. “My name’s Tim, and I’m available for anythin’ ya might need.”

“Thank you… Tim.” Cheryl said. “I’m just a little nervous. It’s my first time…in a place like this.” She added with a nervous laugh.

“Now don’t you be all embarrassed?” Tim said. “You’d be surprised how many pretty little gals like yourself we get in here.” He added. “Why don’t ya look around some, I’ll be over there at the counter, if you decide you need anything…” he said with a wink, pointing to the front of the room.

Tim turned and strode away as Cheryl watched him go. Her heart was pounding in her chest. She looked down and noticed how hard her nipples were. “No wonder Tim was staring at my chest,” she thought. She was used to it though, as any girl with DD-size breasts eventually becomes. She wondered if he could tell she hadn’t worn a bra. “He’d have to be blind or gay not to.” She snickered under her breath.

Cheryl turned back to the racks of magazines in front of her. She could feel her pussy tingling. She had never gone this far, and the thrill of it was intoxicating. She felt a little dizzy, and all the colors seemed brighter to her eyes. She glanced at some of the titles on the shelf in front of her. “Asian Whores!” “Tiny Twat, Huge Cock!” “Ass Blasters” The pictures on the covers were every bit as lewd as the titles. This was far from the likes of the Playboy or Penthouse magazines she had occasionally seen over the years.

She wandered down the aisle, past rack after rack of similar offerings. They seemed to blend into one writhing mass of sucking and fucking bodies, all on display and eager for pleasure. Cheryl felt her arousal increasing. Just being here was having a strong effect on her. She continued down the aisles toward the far wall. On it were hung all manner of “adult” toys. As she neared she saw hundreds of dildoes, vibrators, strap-ons, and other gadgets and playthings.

As she neared the wall she heard voices. She looked over toward the counter, where Tim was leaning in close toward another black man, talking in a low tone. He saw her glance his way, and he winked again. It made her shiver a little. She turned back to the wall and heard both men laugh, as if over a private joke. Cheryl knew they must be talking about her. She could see no one else in the store. She let it go for now and continued browsing the wall of toys.

She had a few toys of her own at home. Things her husband had bought her over the years, but the selection here was mind-boggling. There were toys here that were far beyond her little plastic vibrator or 6” jelly dong. Some were a joke. There was one dildo that must have been nearly two feet long, and as big around as a beer can. No way could any woman take ‘that’ thing, she laughed to herself.

As she browsed the toys, Cheryl could feel herself becoming wet. The tiny thong covering her pussy was getting moist. Her nipples were beginning to ache a little from being hard for so long. She couldn’t remember ever being this sexually excited with her clothes on. “This is even better than I dreamed.” She thought to herself. Time to take the next step, before her courage evaporated. She searched the racks until she found what she was looking for, and pulled it off the hook. It was a large black dildo, with realistic veins, and a little set of latex balls on the bottom. It looked so real, well, she assumed it did, since she had never actually seen a black man’s cock before. She carried her selection to the front of the store and approached the counter. Her stomach was full of butterflies, but she plunged ahead.

“Excuse me, Tim was it?” She feigned trying to remember his name, with a wide-eyed look of innocence.

“What can I do for ya darling?” He asked with a sly little smile, eyes roaming down to her chest again.

“How much is this?” She asked, placing the big black cock on the countertop.

Tim’s eyes widened at the sight of it, and he shot a glance at his companion, who was watching the exchange with more than a little interest. “That all depends,” Tim replied.

“Depends on what?” Cheryl asked.

“Depends on what you’re buying it for,” Tim answered. “If it’s a gift, it’s $29.95…if it’s for you; we might be able to arrange a little—discount.”

“It’s for me,” Cheryl admitted with a blush. It was becoming slightly difficult to catch her breath now that she was getting so close to fulfilling her fantasy. “Wha…what do you mean by…a little discount? She stammered.

“Well, we have a policy about making sure the customer is always satisfied,” Tim said. “We‘d like to make sure you’re happy with your selection, so you don’t have to come back here and return if it isn’t quite what you were looking for.” He added.

“How would we, er, how would you do that?” Cheryl asked

Tim couldn’t believe how well this was going. He decided to push his luck a little, and told her “Well, we’d like you to try it out, before you buy it, make sure it’s going to…satisfy you.” He added with a grin.

Cheryl’s panties were soaked by now. The blood was pounding in her ears and she felt the blush creeping up her neck and over her face. Wha...where would I t…try it out?” She asked. She couldn’t believe it was happening to her after all the times she’d played various scenarios in her head. She never actually expected she would be able to go this far. It was so out of character.

“I’ve got a little office out back; it ought to do just fine. I’ve got a sofa in there for you to relax on, so you’ll be nice and comfy.” He answered.

Cheryl realized this was probably her last chance to back out of this with her virtue intact. The next step was the big one; there would be no turning back if she took it. Surprisingly, it didn’t take her long to reach her decision. “Can you show me where this sofa is…please.”

“It would be my pleasure…sorry, I didn’t catch your name?” Tim replied.

“Oh, I’m…Crystal.” She answered. Cheryl wasn’t sure what caused her to not use her real name. Probably the last reflexive action of the conservative housewife she was two hours ago she thought.

“It sure is nice to meet you, Crystal.” Tim reached out and took her hand off the counter and enfolded it in his own much larger hand. “I’m awfully glad you chose a day I was working to come in here and get what you need.”

Cheryl’s blush deepened. Her breath was so short, that she was afraid to speak, so she just gave Tim her biggest smile as he continued to hold her hand. “This here is my friend Gary,” Tim added, finally releasing her hand. Cheryl turned toward Gary, getting her first good look at him. He wasn’t as tall as Tim, or as broad, but he still towered over Cheryl.

“Pleasure to meet you, Crystal,” Gary said in a soft voice. He reached out and took her slack hand, still warm from Tim’s grasp. Her nervousness made it tremble, and Gary squeezed a little tighter. “Don’t be afraid sweetie, nobody is going to hurt you.”

“Th…thank you. It’s a pleasure to meet you t…too.” She managed.

Tim came around the counter as Gary continued staring into Cheryl’s eyes. As Tim neared them, Gary let her hand drop. “ Gary, why don’t you get the door?” Tim asked. Gary nodded and Cheryl’s eyes followed him as he walked to the door, and locked it. “We usually close up for our lunch hour about now, so nobody will be bothering us anytime soon,” Tim said. “Why don’t we go out back, and I’ll show you that sofa?” He added.

Cheryl nodded, as Tim put his huge arm over her shoulders and turned her toward the back of the store. Gary caught up as they neared a door marked “Employees Only!” Gary knocked three times, and a moment later the door opened from the inside. Standing in the opening was a Latino man. Cheryl gave a small gasp of surprise as she saw him.

“It’s OK honey. This is Jorge. He works here too, and you don’t need to worry about him.” Tim assured her.
Jorge’s eyes roamed up and down Cheryl. A grin formed on his face. “`Hola Tim, que pasa?” He asked.

“ Crystal here is interested in making a purchase. We offered to let her try it out, guarantee her satisfaction.” Tim answered. “We’re going back to the office, so she can be comfortable.”

Jorge pulled the door back and stepped aside. “Right this way chica.”

Tim steered Cheryl through the door and into a storeroom area, piled high with boxes and stacks and stacks of magazines and videotape cases. At the far end of the room, another door stood open, obviously the office. As Tim guided her toward the door, Gary and Jorge followed. Cheryl heard the storeroom door close with a thud. Deep down inside her, she felt a tiny voice expressing fear. She was now behind several doors, in an Adult Bookstore, with three strangers. No one else on Earth knew where she was, or would know where to even start looking for her. It was pretty obvious where this situation was headed. She squashed the little voice. She was far too worked up to walk away now, and she wasn’t even sure the men would let her go if she wanted to. No, she had waited and planned for a very long time, just to get to this point. No way was she backing out now. And she had to be honest with herself. The spark of danger added a definite spice to the situation.

The office was about fifteen feet square. It contained a scarred steel desk, two chairs, and the aforementioned sofa. It was old and sagging, but relatively clean. Cheryl walked toward the sofa, as the three men entered the room behind her. She heard the last door shut, and in her mind, it sealed her fate and steadied her nerve. Now that she had reached the point of no return, she felt less nervous. She slowly turned around to face the men. Gary and Jorge had taken the chairs on either side of the desk, and Gary sat on the desk itself. In his hand, he held the black dildo. She hadn’t seen him take it from the counter; she had been too preoccupied to notice. He held it out to her and she moved toward him and took it from his hand.

She walked back to the sofa and bent at the waist to set it on the cushion. She bent farther than was necessary and held it for longer than required. She knew her tiny skirt would pull up and give the boys their first quick peek at what lay beneath. She straightened up and turned to face them. All three stared at her with open-mouthed anticipation. She suddenly felt very powerful. She knew they wanted her, and this knowledge gave her control over them.

“I guess I should get a little more comfortable.” She said in a low voice. Three heads nodded in unison. She grasped her camisole at the waist and slowly lifted it over her large breasts. The material caught on her nipples as she pulled it up, making her breasts shake.

“Damn!” said Gary.

“Holy shit, those are some fine tits!” Tim exclaimed. “I knew they would be.” He added.

Cheryl grinned at the compliments. She unzipped her little skirt and began shimmying it down her hips, ******** her tiny white thong. The skirt dropped in a puddle around her feet, and she kicked it aside. The thong was soaked, and her juices were running down her thighs. She took the waistband of the thong in her fingers and looked directly into Tim’s eyes as she pushed it down her hips. She let it fall to the floor. She stepped out with one leg and caught the thong on the toe of her other foot. She flipped them in the air, to land in Tim’s lap. “Keep an eye on that for me?” She asked. Gary immediately put the sheer material to his face and inhaled deeply.

“This must be what Heaven smells like!” He moaned.

Cheryl laughed and eased herself down on the couch. She put her feet on the cushion, to either side of her ass, and let her legs fall open. Giving the men their first good look at her dripping wet cunt. She reached down and ran her fingers through her lips, spreading the moisture. She was bald except for a small rectangular patch above her clit.

“Let’s see how this thing fits.” She said, reaching for the black dildo.

She grasped it just below the fat head and began rubbing it slowly up and down her slit. “Ummmm, oh yeah. That’s good.” She said. She slowly rubbed it up and down from her clit to her asshole. Smearing herself with her fluids and coating the dildo’s head. She pushed it down and centered it in her pussy. Using both hands, she began pushing it into herself, the fat head stretching her hole. It burned a little, but the sting was more erotic than painful. She was going to give these guys a show.

“Oooooh!” She squealed as the head popped in. “It’s so big!” She paused for a moment, adjusting to the intrusion. She’d never had anything this large in her pussy before, but the feeling was electric. Adding to the excitement was the fact that she had an audience. An audience comprised of three sexy men, who were devouring her with their eyes. Three strangers. Three colored men. It was so naughty, so taboo. She was on fire. This was the culmination of years of fantasies. After a few moments, her pussy had stretched enough to relieve the slight discomfort. She pushed again, taking another couple of inches of the dildo inside her.

“Mmmm…that feels nice.” She said. She pulled the dildo back a little, and then slowly thrust it in, going further this time. She now had about six inches inside her. She paused again, to savor the feeling of fullness. Sweat was beginning to form on her brow. She began to slowly work it in and out of her sopping pussy, taking a little bit more each time. For several minutes, the only sounds in the room were Cheryl’s heavy breathing and the liquid sounds of the dildo sloshing back and forth in her pussy. Her pace gradually increased, and she started moaning softly with each thrust.

“Oooooh…..mmmmm….. yes…..sooo good” She removed one hand from the dildo and began rubbing circles around her clit. She could feel the orgasm building; feel the knot forming in her belly. She suddenly remembered her audience and tore her eyes away from the dildo assaulting her pussy to look up at them. All three men had their cocks out of their pants and were stroking in time with her thrusts. Their eyes focused on her cunt, mouths hanging open. A wave of lust crashed over her, and her orgasm hit her like a freight train. The spasms of her cunt pushed the dildo out of her and she lost her grip on it, sending it tumbling to land wetly on the floor.

Cheryl collapsed back onto the sofa. Her legs slid weakly to the floor. Her body shook and quivered with the aftershocks of her intense orgasm. When she regained her composure, she opened her eyes to the sight of the three men standing around her, slowly stroking their hard cocks.

Out of breath, Tim asked, “So Crystal, are you satisfied?”

“I’m not sure,” Cheryl replied. “I think I should have something to compare it to.”

“What do you have in mind?” Gary asked with a smirk.

“I think I should try a live cock, or even better three cocks, so I can decide whether or not I want the rubber one. It’s only fair, don’t you think?” Cheryl said with a mischievous grin.

“Oh shit baby, this is like a wet dream come true.” Tim moaned. By now he was so excited he dropped all pretense.

“Yeah, only it’s as much my wet dream as it is yours.” She replied. “Now why don’t you boys help a lady out?”

Tim stood and walked toward Cheryl awkwardly, his pants around his knees. When he reached the sofa, Cheryl leaned forward and grasped Tim’s cock with both hands. She held it to her lips, inhaling his musky scent Cheryl smiled into his eyes, then opened her mouth and flicked the tip with her tongue. She paused for a moment as she realized this was the moment she had dreamed of for so long. Her first Black cock, and if she had her way, certainly not her last. Her tongue came out again and circled the mushroom head. The taste was a little gamier than she was used to, but not bad…not bad at all. She slid her mouth down over Tim’s cockhead, making him groan out loud with the sensation. Her tongue worked busily at the underside of his shaft as her mouth traveled slowly back and forth. Saliva leaked from the corners of her mouth, wetting his shaft. Tim’s hips began a gentle rocking motion, pistoning more and more of his shaft into her sucking mouth. She held the base with one hand, keeping him from ramming too much of it into her throat. Her other hand caressed his balls, adding to the incredible sensations. Tim could feel the load beginning in his balls, but he didn’t want to cum before he sampled that sweet pussy. He placed both hands on the sides of Cheryl’s head, and with a popping noise, pulled her off his cock.

“ Crystal, I want some of that pussy before I pop.” He told her. “You are just too damn good with that mouth for me to last long.”

“Oooh yes, I want that too.” She replied. Cheryl scooted her ass to the edge of the couch and leaned back, putting her feet up on the edge of the cushion again. She spread herself as wide as she could as Tim kneeled on the floor between her feet.

“I want you to put it in for me.” Tim told her “Show me that you want it.”

Cheryl reached down and grabbed Tim’s cock. She rubbed his crown up and down her juicy slit, brushing it over her clit, causing a shudder to run through her. She positioned the spongy head so it rested at her hole. She looked into Tim’s eyes and whispered “Fuck me.”

“What?” He said.

“Fuck me,” Cheryl repeated in a louder whisper.

“Don’t be shy honey, tell me what you want,” Tim said.

“Fuck me, fuck me now! Fuck me with that cock, give it to me!” She yelled.

Tim leaned his weight forward, causing the head of his cock to penetrate Cheryl’s wet fuck hole. Her copious lubrication allowed him to drive into the hilt. The air whooped out of Cheryl’s lungs as Tim’s hips met hers. Though the rubber cock had been bigger, she somehow felt fuller with Tim inside her.

Tim’s large hands slid beneath Cheryl, cupping her ass cheeks. His fingers dug in, his thumbs over her hips, giving a firm grasp. He withdrew half of his cock, and plunged it back in, forcing a grunt from Cheryl.

“Is this what you wanted?” He asked.

“Yes…yes…oh God yes…”She stammered.

He withdrew his cock with agonizing slowness, dragging over every nerve ending in her cunt. With just the head still in, he slammed forward driving the full length of his cock into her, his hips slapping against her pelvis. Cheryl grabbed her legs behind the knees, and pulled them back to her chest, mashing her tits. She could feel Tim’s cock settle slightly deeper inside her. Her cunt was on fire.

“Stop teasing and fuck me!” She screamed.

With a grin, Tim began to see his cock in and out of her hole with force. Their groins smacked together with a wet slap on each thrust.

“Yeah…yeah…yes…fuck me…fuck meeeeee….” She squealed.

Cheryl could feel her orgasm building. The tension coalesced in her guts, spreading through her pelvis, the wave climbing higher and higher. Tim continued to pound into her, using his grip on her ass to rock her back and forth on his cock. He could feel his balls tightening, gathering their contents for the explosion.

“Baby, I’m gonna cum…” He huffed

“Yes! Cum with me, shoot it in me, fill me up with your cum!” Cheryl cried.

“Arrrgggghhhhh…take it! Take my cum slut!” He yelled.

His balls drew up, and Cheryl could feel his cock swell. Her orgasm peaked, and the walls of her cunt clamped down on Tim’s cock. Milking the cum from him. She could feel the hot spurts hit the walls of her cunt. Her body shook with the intensity of her orgasm as Tim slowed his thrusting.

Tim gently pumped her with his softening cock while she rode out her orgasm. When she finally stopped shaking, Tim slid his semi-hard cock from her cunt. A trail of milky semen immediately began to trickle from her gaping hole.

“That was the best fuck I’ve ever had,” Cheryl told him.

“We just getting’ started baby.” Said Tim. “I hope you’re up for more.”

“I’m so damn hot right now, I’m up for almost anything.” She replied.

“Then why don’t you clean my cock while Gary tries out that sweet pussy?”

“Mmmm, give it to me lover.”

Tim moved onto the couch and offered Cheryl his slimy cock. She guided it to her mouth as she watched Gary slide his pants off. As the mingled flavors of her cunt and Tim’s cum hit her taste buds, Gary approached her, his huge cock bouncing as he walked. She noticed with a thrill that it was considerably larger than Tim’s equipment. It looked to be even bigger than the dildo that was now lying nearly forgotten on the floor. A shiver of lust ran through her. This was becoming even better than her fantasies.

Gary placed his knees on the edge of the couch, next to her hips. His magnificent cock lay on top of her gaping slit, protruding nearly to her belly button. “You think you’re ready for this my little slut?” He asked.

Cheryl pulled her mouth off of Tim’s cock just long enough to say “Yes! Give me that huge cock! Fuck my brains out!” As she again slid her mouth onto Tim, Gary drew back, dragging his cock along her cunt lips. It trailed along her clit, sending ripples of pleasure through her crotch. He lined the fat head up at her hole, nestling it in the folds of her wet cunt.

“Here it comes slut, you’re about to get the best fuck you’ve ever had.” Gary pushed forward, stretching Cheryl’s cunt with his fat cock head. He met resistance, and doubled his efforts, pushing harder and using his large hand to keep his cock from bowing. Cheryl’s cunt gave way to the assault, and the head popped in, driving an “MMF” from her full mouth and causing her eyes to pop wide open. Thank God she’d stretched herself with the dildo and Tim’s cock before trying this monster. He paused for a moment to allow her to adjust to his size, a problem he was all too familiar with.

“How’s that feel Sugar?” He asked.

Cheryl pulled the cock from her mouth to answer “It feels like a baseball bat, but I fucking LOVE it!” She exclaimed.

“Ol’ Gary gonna treat you right baby. When I’m done with your pussy you gonna be addicted to my cock.”

The sheer nastiness of the situation gave Cheryl such a rush. Here she was on a filthy couch in the back room of an adult bookstore. The semen of one black man was pooled in her womb, and his slimy cock was in her mouth. Another black man was about to impale her on the biggest cock she’d ever seen, and Jorge had yet to join in the fun. What would her husband think of her? What kind of Pandora’s Box had she opened? Could she ever go back to being just a simple housewife, or had she cast herself on a new path? Regardless, those were questions for another day. Her train of thought was shattered when Gary began plowing more of his huge tool into her cunt. She could feel herself stretching. There was some pain, but it was masked by the intense feeling of fullness and her overwhelming lust.

Gary slowly eased more of his cock into her, pausing at intervals and allowing her to adjust to the intrusion. He’d learned over the years how to use his tool to the full effect. Not many women could take his monster right off. They needed patience and tenderness in the beginning, but he knew once this hot little slut got accustomed to him he could pound her like a jackhammer and she’d beg for more.

Cheryl gently suckled on Tim’s deflated cock, cleaning his dark meat of every trace of their mingled juices and coating it with her saliva. With expert technique and infinite patience, Gary worked his cock until she felt his balls brush her ass cheeks. She had never in her life felt anything like this. She was being touched in places she didn’t know existed. She looked down and saw Gary’s thick pubic bush pressed tight to her mound. She was shocked to see that he had fit it all inside of her.

“Uh, yeah baby…How’s that?” Gary grunted.

Cheryl pulled her mouth off of Tim’s cock to answer. “Oooh, I love it. It feels so full. I can’t believe you got it all inside me.”

“The best is yet to come my little slut.” Gary replied with an evil grin.

Tim eased away from Cheryl’s head. “ Crystal baby…I’m feeling a little guilty leaving my homey out of the festivities.” He said with a nod toward Jorge. “How ‘bout you give him a sample of what that fine cocksucking mouth of yours can do?”

“Mmmmm, I’d love to.” She answered. Tim scooted back off the couch to make room for Jorge, who was pulling off his jeans while trying to hobble toward the couch. When his shorts followed the jeans to the floor, Cheryl got her first good look at his cock. It was longer than Tim’s, but not as thick, and a beautiful cinnamon color. Mmm, they come in all flavors here, she thought to herself with a giggle. Jorge waved it toward her face as he knelt on the couch next to her head.

“You want some o’ dis,” He asked with a leer.

Cheryl opened her mouth and reached her tongue for his cock, but he pulled it back out of reach.

“I asked you…you want some o’ dis puta?” Jorge and Gary shared a look. Gary was making tiny movements with his cock, still allowing Cheryl’s cunt to become used to him.

Cheryl suddenly understood his game. If she wanted his cock, she would have to say so. She was beginning to relish the role of the slut. It was becoming easier, maybe too easy, for her to act like the nasty fuck toy these men seemed to want her to be. It was also giving her some serious thrills. How many times had she fantasized about being used by strangers for sex? The reality was better than the dream.

She licked her full lips, “Oooh Jorge…please let me suck on that beautiful cock. I want it in my mouth, I want it sooooo bad. Please give it to me, give me your cock. Let me suck you while this big fucker screws me silly. I’ll do anything for your cock…” Finishing with her mouth open and tongue out.

“We’ll see about that puta,” Jorge replied with a smirk, moving closer and placing the head of his cock on her outstretched tongue. Cheryl swirled it around his glans, savoring the musky flavor of the second cock in her mouth today. While her mouth coated his cock with saliva, her hand snaked around to cup his ass. She pulled him closer, feeding more of his cock into her mouth.

Gary chose that moment to begin withdrawing his cock. As it slid, the lips of her cunt were pulled out with it. His cock was hitting every nerve ending in her cunt as he removed all but the head. His huge tool glistened with her copious fluids.

Cheryl sucked harder on Jorge’s cock, caving in her cheeks, as Gary fed it back into her. He went a little faster this time, but the pain was nearly absent, reduced to a slight tingle of stretched flesh. When his balls hit her ass, he reversed direction, easing out again. Cheryl’s head began to bob on Jorge’s cock as Gary slid slowly in and out of her. She could already feel the telltale signs of her impending orgasm. Her hand on Jorge’s ass became more insistent, pumping more and more of his cock into her mouth as Gary’s pace increased. There was now a dull slap of flesh as his groin impacted her mound on each thrust, jarring her body and causing her tits to wobble on her chest. Jorge reached down and caught a nipple between thumb and forefinger, squeezing it, and sending sparks shooting through her.

The pace increased as the men continued to pound away at her from both ends. Wet squelching noises came from her overheated cunt as Gary’s huge cock forced the juices out of her. Saliva ran down her chin as Jorge’s cock battered her mouth, fully two-thirds of it shining with her spit after each stroke. She pulled it from her mouth and screamed.

“Yes! Fuck me…fuck meeeeeee! I’, gonna cummmmmm!”

She slammed her mouth down onto Jorge’s cock as the orgasm hit her. Her frantic moans were muffled by his thrusting, but there was no doubt in anyone’s mind that she was experiencing a tremendous climax. Cheryl saw stars explode behind her closed eyelids as the waves of orgasm kept crashing over her. Gary continued to pound away and her orgasm continued to crest, leaving her breathless and dizzy. She finally pulled her mouth from Jorge’s tool and tried to catch her breaths in big heaving gasps. A string of her saliva trailed from the head of his cock to her lip, dipping toward her breasts.

Gary’s pace finally slowed as he realized her condition. He seated himself fully inside her and made grinding and bumping motions with his hips, setting off sparks of pleasure in her groin while she tried to regain her composure.

Jorge climbed off the couch and stood next to Tim. “I think it’s time to see if she meant what she said about doing anything for my cock.” Tim and Gary both laughed at his declaration.

“I think she’s about ready bro,” Gary added. “C’mere sugar…it’s time for round three.” He said to Cheryl as his hands slid under her back. He lifted her from the sofa, still sunk balls deep in her overheated cunt. The change in angle caused Cheryl to moan aloud. With one hand around her back, and one cupping her ass, Gary stood with Cheryl on his pole. He made a half turn and lowered his ass to the couch, seating her on his lap, her knees on the couch to either side of his legs. He leaned back into the cushions, pulling her down and beginning to nip at her breasts.

“Tim, you got any of that lube in here man?” Jorge asked.

With that, Cheryl had a good idea of where round three was going to take her. She wasn’t normally anxious to have anything that large in her ass, but this was a unique situation. Not to mention she had never been as hot for cock as she was right now. She was fully willing to let them do whatever they wanted, as long as they gave her what she needed.

“Here ya go,” Tim said as he tossed a bottle of lube to Jorge.

“Yeah…that’s what I’m talkin’ ‘bout!” Jorge exclaimed. “Gonna get me some white ass today!”

Jorge moved behind Cheryl as Gary pulled her down to his chest. His lips met hers, and his long tongue probed into her mouth. She met his advance with obvious desire, their tongues dueling in her mouth. She felt another tongue, this one belonging to Jorge, lick around the crinkled rosebud of her tight little ass. Meanwhile, he was liberally applying the lube to his cock. She felt his warm saliva bathing her asshole, sending ripples of pleasure through her crotch. Gary began a gentle bouncing motion with his hips. Her cunt only moved a fraction of an inch on his cock, but her clit was bumping his pelvic bone. The combination of sensations had her nearly delirious with need.

Jorge could feel her anus relaxing as he continued to rim her. He backed off and pressed a lubed finger against her hole. Applying firm pressure, he slid it into her ass to the second knuckle, feeling her muscles clamp down on it. He knew this was going to be one fine tight ass. He began to rotate his finger, loosening up her sphincter. As she relaxed he added a second finger. When he could move them easily, he began to see them in and out. He could feel Gary’s cock distending the walls of her cunt.

Cheryl was heating up. She occasionally liked to have a finger or two in her ass when she was turned on. Right now was one of those times. She and Gary continued to suck on each other’s tongues as Jorge added a third finger to her ass. She could feel the tingle as it adjusted to the unaccustomed intrusion.

Jorge was getting impatient. He pulled his fingers from her ass and positioned the head of his well-lubed cock at her rosebud. He pushed against it and his cock began to part the little ring. Cheryl’s eyes popped open, and she grunted as Jorge’s cock assaulted her ass. She felt the head pop in, and her sphincter clamped down around it.

“Oh fuck…go slow, please go slow.” She begged. Her cunt was already stretched around Gary’s cock, and it didn’t leave much room for Jorge.

“Don’t worry baby…It’s all gonna fit” Jorge said with a chuckle.

He pressed forward, sliding another inch into her tightly stretched ass. Cheryl felt discomfort, but very little pain. Her bloodstream was awash in endorphins, blocking the hurt. Her breath came in short gasps as Jorge continued to plow his way into her. She could feel the two cocks barely separated by a thin wall of flesh as she was being filled to the breaking point.

Finally, she felt his hips against her ass cheeks and knew it was all inside her. It was a sensation, unlike anything she had ever experienced. The feeling of fullness was indescribable.

“I told you it was gonna fit.” Crowd Jorge.

“You all right baby?” Gary asked from underneath her.

“Unh…yeah…oh fuck…give me a second.” She replied

Gary’s thumbs found her nipples and began to flick them, sending little jolts of pleasure straight to her cunt. She could feel the discomfort of being so stuffed diminish, and the desire to be fucked increased.

“OK, I’m ready…just…go slow.” She said.

Jorge grabbed her hips with both hands and began to slide his cock back and forth in her ass. Gary also began to gently thrust. After some fumbling and adjustments, they fell into an easier pace. Gary would pull out as Jorge thrust in. Gary, trapped at the bottom of the pile, was only able to move a couple of inches of his cock in and out of her cunt. Jorge on the other hand, was taking long thrusts, practically pulling all the way out before sliding back into the hilt.

Their rhythm was beginning to affect Cheryl. Nerves she didn’t even know she had were being stimulated and excited. Mentally the idea of being double penetrated by men of a different race was adding gasoline to her fire. Her breath once again began to come in short panting gasps.

“Yes! Yes! Yes! Fuck me…fuck me…FUCK ME! She screamed.

The men increased their pace. The sound of grunts and wet slapping flesh nearly eclipsed Cheryl’s labored breaths and guttural moans. Her body was climbing toward its peak at breakneck speed. Her ass thrust back at her impalers with frantic need. In the depths of her pleasure, she heard Jorge’s voice.

“Hey man, come on over here. Let’s make this bitch airtight!”

At first, she was confused. Her lust-addled brain could make no sense of his request. As she turned her head to try and catch Jorge’s eye, she realized he was speaking to Tim, who was at that very moment approaching the crowded sofa, slowly stroking his revived cock. Tim stepped up onto the sofa and eased one leg over Gary’s prone bulk, leaning his ass against the wall above the back of the couch. Cheryl followed his cock with her eyes, and when he had settled, it bobbed in front of her face.

She looked up and made eye contact with Tim. As he smiled down at her, she opened her mouth and felt him guide his cock into it. She sucked with fervor, trying to milk his seed through sheer effort. As Gary and Jorge resumed their rapid fucking of her bottom holes, Tim began to thrust into her mouth. She understood now what Jorge had meant by airtight. She entertained a fleeting wish for two more cocks, so her hands could be full too.

Gary began twisting her ultra-sensitive nipples in time with their pounding, sending jolts of pleasure through her body. She used her hand to jack Tim’s cock as she sucked, desperate for his cum. All rational thought left her brain. She was just mouth, cunt, tits, and asshole. Uncontrollable moans emanated from her busy mouth as the three men fucked her senseless.

“Oh shit baby, you gonna suck my cock inside out!” Tim groaned. “Keep sucking, yeah… that’s it… I’m gonna give you a little treat.”

Cheryl’s body had finally reached the crescendo. As the orgasm crashed over her she began to shake. A scream burst from her mouth, muffled by Tim’s pistoning cock. Black spots filled her vision. The waves continued to crash over her threatening her consciousness.

“Here it cums baby…here it cums!” Tim yelled as he pulled his cock from her mouth. His fist flew on his spit-shiny cock as he pumped shot after shot of hot cum on Cheryl’s face. Some of it managed to find its way into her open mouth, but the majority landed on her cheeks and chin. Slowly it began to run down her face as her orgasm continued to rack her body.

Gary was next. With a cry, he grabbed her hips and slammed her down fully on his cock as he began to pump scalding spurts of semen deep into her womb. Jorge wasn’t far behind, his hips were a blur as he pounded her formerly tight ass.

“Fuck…Fuck…Fuck…take it bitch! Take it all!” He screamed.

Through the mists of her pleasure, Cheryl could feel his cock spurting in her ass. It felt incredibly hot and incredibly nasty.

Jorge’s thrusts gradually diminished as his balls emptied. Eventually, he stopped altogether, firmly planted inside her overflowing ass. The only sounds in the room were the gasping of four sets of overexerted lungs. Eventually, Jorge pulled his cock from Cheryl’s ass. It continued to gape open, and he could see his spunk lining her anal walls. Tim disengaged himself from the pile and stepped down off the couch. With a groan, Gary gently rolled Cheryl onto her back. He wanted to kiss her again, but Tim’s cum still coating her face precluded that. With surprising gentleness, he slowly eased his semi-hard cock from her stretched cunt. As he did, it was quickly followed by a stream of his semen, running out of her and down the crack of her ass.

As Cheryl slowly regained her breath and her faculties, the men stood looking down at her. “Now that’s what I call a ‘well fucked’ slut.” Gary remarked.
Cheryl grinned through the cooling spunk on her face. “If it were any better, I think it would have killed me.” She replied. She ran a finger through the cum on her cheek, and after making eye contact with each of the men, slowly sucked her finger clean. All three men groaned.

“ Crystal, you got to be the hottest bitch I’ve ever known. I have to ask you, why the Hell were you cruising the bookstore dressed like that?” Tim asked.

Cheryl paused before replying. “It’s a long story…for simplicity’s sake, let’s just say I got exactly what I came for.” With a groan, she sat up on the sofa and began scanning the floor for her clothes.

“Does that mean you gonna be back…soon?”

“Hmmmm…I have to say I don’t honestly know.” She answered. “But it’s a…possibility.” She picked up her camisole, and with a shrug, used it to partially clean herself up. She was past caring about a respectable appearance at this point and was already beginning to plan for her arrival at home.

She slipped the damp garment over her head, and adjusted it around her breasts, noting quickly that it was fairly obvious what was staining the material. The smell alone would be a dead giveaway to anyone within four feet of her. She leaned down to retrieve her skirt. The men still stood in front of her in a dazed silence, staring at her as she dressed. It occurred to her that men were much more pliable and complacent after they had emptied their balls. Ten minutes ago they were using her like a fuck doll and now that the testosterone was wearing off, they were too shy to carry on a conversation.

Cheryl slipped the skirt over her feet and stood to pull it up. She wobbled and immediately felt the stiffness and soreness of her muscles. Little wonder after that workout. Better than an hour in the gym, she thought with a giggle. She pulled the skirt over her hips and straightened it. She considered asking Tim for her thong back, but she thought better of it. It would be more effective to leave it with him. Not only would he have a reminder of their afternoon, but she could imagine him beating off while sniffing them the next time she played with herself.

She slipped on her shoes. “Would you guys want to walk me out?” She asked. The men followed her through the storeroom, and out through the store. Tim used his key to unlock the door. It was time for the awkward goodbye.

“Guys…” She said, looking at each of them in turn. “I want to thank you for this. You’ve made me very happy.”

“My pleasure.”


“It was fuckin’ great.” They answered.

“I have to get going, but I may see you again…sometime.” She said.

“You are welcome to come back here anytime you need…anything,” Tim replied with a wink. “Satisfaction guaranteed.”

Cheryl smiled at them, and turned to open the door.

“Oh, and Crystal ?” She heard Tim ask.

“Yeah?” She said as she turned.

“Don’t forget this,” Tim said as he handed her the black dildo. “And don’t forget our return policy. If you don’t like it, bring it back and you can try another one…” He added with a wink.

Cheryl laughed. “I just might do that.” She replied as she pushed open the door and walked out into the sunlight.

She realized she had become a different person in the short time she’d been in the bookstore. Here she was walking through a parking lot, carrying a black rubber cock, and wearing the semen of several men she didn’t know three hours ago on her camisole. She couldn’t wait to get home, but that…

…is another story.