Author: BLACKED_boi


All was well in the life of young Austin Ivory.

Austin had just turned twelve years old and he was eagerly waiting for his first year of high school to begin.

You see, Austin, like his fellow white boy peers, had all grown up together, isolated from the rest of the world. The white boys had been taught from a young age that each race and gender of children were raised separately, from birth until puberty, in boarding schools closed off from the rest of society. They weren’t allowed access to the internet, and their literature, video games, and shows were all heavily moderated so as to not give them any hints about how the outside world operated.

White boys would be raised in one such community, white girls would be raised in another. Black boys would be raised in their location, and black girls in another, and so on.

It was explained to them that this system was put in place so that every child could experience a calm, wholesome upbringing amongst other kids just like them. And that when they reached puberty, the WHOLE world and all of its secrets would fully open up to them.

To someone from the past, it would have sounded like segregation. To those who had grown up in this world, it was simply the way things were. You grew up peacefully among other white boys like yourself, and then one day, when you were old enough, you’d get to meet these other ‘races’ of people you’d always heard so much about.

Ironically, in a world where you begin your life so divided, racism was practically non-existent. The curriculum in such institutions preached the virtues of diversity and open-mindedness from the moment you could talk. These schools weren’t so much about keeping children of different races from interacting, but rather about priming their youth with basic education and getting them excited about meeting these new races, as opposed to fearing them.

It was all the young white boys gossiped about - what black people might be like, or what Asian people might be like. Hell, they hadn’t even met females their age, only their mothers and their teachers. So young girls and colored folk were spoken of as if they were mythological - something to be discovered.

Austin Ivory was one such white boy. He stood about four foot seven, had messy brown hair, green eyes, and a blindingly sweet smile, framed by dimpled cheeks which were smattered with faded freckles.

All the teachers claimed he was a real cutie, which felt nice.

And for as long as he could remember, Austin wondered and dreamt about what it would be like when he was allowed to integrate with the rest of the world, and what it would be like to meet a white female his age.

All in all, Austin was a very happy little boy and was well-liked by his classmates and the faculty. He had no real complaints save perhaps one…

Austin was pretty sure that he had a very, very tiny penis.

It was hard to tell because all the other white boys were similarly secretive when it came to their genitalia. None of them ever brought it up and they had an unspoken agreement to pointedly avoid looking when changing clothes in their rooms. When you’ve never even SEEN a penis other than your own, it’s hard to tell how you measure up because you have no point of reference.

And for whatever reason, the teachers at Austin’s school were suspiciously reluctant to discuss such matters. Whenever anything regarding sex was brought up, the staff would wave their hands dismissively and say that they would learn all about that in high school.

Austin stood nude in front of the full-length mirror of his bedroom, using his thumb and index finger to examine his dainty white penis.

He had never really gone out of his way to properly measure it, perhaps out of fear of confirming how small it was, but if he had to guess, it looked like it was a mere two inches long…

He sighs to himself. ‘No, that can’t be right. It HAS to be bigger than that…’

Just as he turned to his side to see how his little wiener looked from his profile, his dormitory door shot open and Austin’s mother, Tilda Ivory, barged inside without looking.

“Hey, sweetie! I know you’re starting high school tomorrow, so I wanted to come with you—“ Tilda’s eyes widened as she took in the sight of her naked white son, blushing furiously and looking mortified.

“Mom!” Austin whined. “I told you to knock before coming in!”

Once the surprise wore off, her eyes brimmed with barely concealed mirth. “Pfft! S-Sorry, honey,” Tilda choked back a snort, looking at her son’s micropenis. “Mommy prom—hahaha! Mommy promises to be more careful from now on!”

“Well…thank you,” Austin pouted, moving to cover his privates.

Before he could manage to do so, Austin’s mother batted his hands away playfully. “Oh, it’s nothing I haven’t seen before, baby!” Tilda knelt to eye-level with Austin’s penis and began making cooing noises.

“Well, hello there! It’s been so long since Mommy has seen the little white worm!”

The freckled boy flushed pink and looked to the side. Ever since he could remember, his mommy had called his penis ‘her little white worm.’ Austin hated it, but it seemed to make his mommy happy so he put up with it.

While he was thinking about his past embarrassments, Austin had just barely noticed that his mother had taken out her cell phonecell phone before he heard the telltale sound of the camera clicking.

He swiped at the phone to try and snatch it but Tilda held it just out of his reach.

“Moooom! What are you taking pictures of my thing for? C’mon, delete it!” Austin pleaded.

“Baby,” Tilda placated, soothingly. “I’m only taking a photo so that I can keep track of your growth. I promise I won’t show it to anyone else, m’kay?”

Despite himself, Austin was touched by his mother’s concern with his physical development. “Well, I suppose that’s alright,” he smiled.

“Yep! Just let me save it real quick…” Under the pretense of saving the photo, Tilda posted the image of her son’s tiny white dick to her social media, where she had over one-million followers due to her line of work. Her caption read; My twelve y/o son’s “penis…” LMAO He’s so cute! #BNWO #babydick #typical #swc #whiteboi

Once she was done with her bit of harmless mischief, she sat down on her sons’ bed and patted the spot next to her. Austin obligingly sat beside her.

“So, are you excited about tomorrow?” Tilda inquired.

Her son noticeably perked up. “I sure am! I can’t wait to meet people with different skin colors! And girls! And I can finally learn what the outside world is really like! And—!”

His mother cut him off with a chuckle. “Settle down, now. I’m glad you’re looking forward to it, hun. I just…It’s going to be a very…interesting time in your life.”

She grabbed him gently by his bare shoulders. “I want you to know that no matter what you learn about yourself, I will always love you. Okay?”

Austin, too naive to pick up on the ominous subtext merely grinned and nodded.

Tilda smiled fondly in response and ruffled his soft brunet hair.

“Good luck, Austin,” she paused for effect before teasingly wagging her finger down at his prick. “And you stay out of trouble, little worm!”

Austin blushed bright red and covered himself up. “Yeah, yeah…”

His mother laughed brightly and blew him a kiss as she took her leave. “Bye-bye, hun.”

Once she was gone, Austin let out a deep sigh and gave his penis one last side glance in the mirror, pondering what mysteries the following day might bring.


All the white boys woke up bright and early the following morning, packing their bags and chattering excitedly.

“What do you think the black boys will be like?!”

“They’ll probably look like us, just…brown? I guess? And less cool.”

“Uh-huh, and way shorter too!”

“Yeah, haha!

“Oh man, I can’t wait to finally meet some girls! I bet you I’ll kiss one in the first month!”

“No way!”


“I feel kinda bad for the black boys…there’s no way any girls will wanna smooch them once they see us, right?”

The confident group of white boys collectively sighed at their soon-to-be classmates misfortune.

“Maybe we can help them kiss a few girls? That’ll be a good way to become friends with them!”

They all agreed that was a wonderful idea. Their enthusiasm was cut short once one of them unwrapped their new high school uniform and saw what they were meant to change into. “Uh, guys?”

The other boys examined their uniforms and shared a similar reaction.

They were expected to wear thigh-high socks, a button-up lilac shirt that was shortened to ****** their tummies, a short black pleated skirt, and a whisper-thin pair of white cotton panties.

They called in their teacher to inform her that there had been a mistake with their uniforms, but the teacher assured them that this was, in fact, their new uniform.

One time Austin had heard about something called a kilt on television…They were skirts that were still considered masculine. Maybe these skirts were something like that?

Austin slipped the panties up his smooth legs and grimaced when he looked down at them. They were so tight on him that he could even see the slightest little bulge where his tiny pale cocklet rested, and no matter how many times he adjusted them, the panties always ended up wedged up his buttcrack, ******** his plump, rosy bum cheeks.

For his sake, he hoped the skirt covered everything…

“Well…” Austin finished putting them on. “It won’t be so bad if the black boys are wearing them too, right?”

His friends nodded apprehensively, feeling their first hint of unease at their new life.

It was a bittersweet affair as the group of white boys piled onto their school buses and bid farewell to the only home they had ever known. But after a few somber moments, the excitement built back up and they all eagerly rode towards adulthood together.

Having never been beyond the perimeters of the Whiteboy Elementary grounds, the whole bus drank in the brand-new sights of the countryside with childlike wonder.

However, just as they could start to see the tip of the city’s skyline crest over the edge of the road, the windows all tinted pure black, blocking their view of the outside. Lights turned on overhead so that the bus could stay illuminated.

“Hey, what gives?” Austin asked the bus driver. “We’ve waited our whole lives to see the city!”

A chorus of agreement joined him, and the attractive blonde driver shouted back at them.

“You aren’t ready yet, dears. High school is all about slowly introducing you to the way the world works. If you can see the advertisements on the street, the people, the buildings, it’ll all ruin the surprise and overwhelm you!” She chided. “You’ll gradually learn all about the world in school, and only then will you be prepared to experience it for yourself.”

The white boys, excited, impatient, and full of curiosity continued complaining regardless.

The driver winked back at them in the rear-view mirror. “You’ll learn all about the city soon enough. You should learn to enjoy the anticipation.”

Though frustrated, the boys understood her reasoning and saw that there was no point in arguing so they went back to chatting amongst themselves.

Austin privately ruminated on just how crazy the world must be if just sneaking a peek at the city would be too much for them to handle.

The bus finally pulled in at their destination some fifty minutes later and everyone was practically vibrating with excitement.

The driver wished them well with a strange glint in her eyes as they all stormed off the bus and laid their eyes on their new school for the first time.

“Whoa!” Austin stared up at the towering structure in awe.

The building was easily three times the size of their whiteboy elementary school. And with the beautiful brickwork, black marble pillars, and gold-accents, it practically looked like a palace straight out of a storybook!

The only blemish on the otherwise opulent grounds was an ornate bronze fence dividing the high school straight down the middle.

Austin was only able to ponder the function of the fence for a moment before a second bus pulled up on the other side.

The group of white boys all ran to press their faces against the fence, watching the bus door with bated breath.

And they were soon rewarded.

One by one, another group of white children exited the bus. Austin thought they might be other white boys at first until he noticed their long hair and the budding breasts under their blouses.

He struggled to form words, choking on air in his excitement. One of his fellows beat him to it and shouted, “Girls! Girls! No way!”

That seemed to set the whole group off, and all the young boys began hollering, trying to catch the white girl's attention.

The noise startled them and they all glanced over at the ruckus. Once they saw the white boys their eyes widened like saucers and they pranced over with matching eagerness to greet each other.

Once they all stood face to face through the chainlink fence, both the white boys and girls were momentarily shocked into silence as they examined one another before they all began rapidly firing off questions and observations.

“What’s it like to have boobs? Does it hurt?” A white boy asked.

“I always thought they’d be taller…” One girl whispers to her friend.

Another boy pipes up. “Can I touch your hair? Please?”

The girl being addressed tittered and tossed her hair over her shoulder. “They’re so cute! Like puppy dogs!”

The sheer chaos of their first contact had rendered Austin mute until he spotted the most beautiful girl with shoulder-length brunette hair standing in front of him.

“I-I’m Austin!” He stammered, fiddling with his thumbs.

The girl blushed faintly and responded in turn. “Nancy.”

Before the two groups could continue their many conversations a sharp whistle sounded and they all immediately turned to face it.

A stern-looking platinum-blonde bombshell of a woman wearing a black-leather skirt suit, an officer’s cap, and black aviators loomed over them from the front steps. She had a silver whistle hanging from her neck and a riding crop tightly grasped in her gloved hands.

It appeared as if she was about to tell them all off before sighing and urging them apart with a motion of her arms.

“I understand that you’re all excited, but the boys and girls are only permitted to interact during predetermined periods. You are to distance yourselves from each other unless interaction is first approved,” she firmly stated.

Both groups deflated slightly, knowing that their meetings would be less substantial than they had hoped for, but just that little taste was more than worth it in their eyes.

“My name is Olga Snow. I will be your new headmistress. You are to address me exclusively as Headmistress Snow,” she stated, looking specifically at the white boys.

The boys all stood to attention and nodded obediently. The girls giggled quietly at their beta behavior.

Headmistress Snow continued. “For future reference – boys and girls may only interact during recess, and only through this fence. You will attend separate classes, sleep in separate dormitories, and generally live separate lives.”

Some students, mostly the boys, groaned at their get-togethers being so infrequent. But they all quickly shut up once Snow glared at them and pointedly smacked her riding crop against her palm.

“As I said,” she grits through clenched teeth. “You will be permitted to speak through the fence during recess. That’s fifteen minutes, twice a day and you should be grateful for it.”

The girl who Austin had briefly met, named Nancy, asked the headmistress, “Will that be the only time we get to hang out with the boys?”

Snow’s eye twitched in annoyance and Austin marveled that none of the girls appear intimidated by her! They seemed so brave!

The headmistresses stared down at Nancy before grudgingly admitting, “…You will also have extended interactions in person during holidays, and special school events and on rare occasions, you will share classes when the subject matter calls for it.”

All together, the boys cheered at the prospect of getting to eventually be in the same room as some cute girls!

Snow, irritated by the boy’s outburst, shouted something truly shocking. “But you white boys had better be on your best behavior during these events! That means keeping your tiny little weewees in your skirts!”

There was a heavy pause where all the white students were left dumbfounded and slack-jawed by Snow’s mockery.

The awkward tension in the air broke when a white girl had to stifle a giggle.

Two more shushed her but sounded as if they were holding back laughter themselves.

A sporty looking blonde couldn’t hold it in any longer and burst out in full-on belly laughter. Her laughter was contagious and all the girls started laughing so hard that they had tears streaming down their flawless faces.

“T-Tiny weewees! Write that down, write that down!”

“Hehehe! Do white boys have small ones or is she just teasing them?”


“—might be true! One time I overheard my mom say that they look like scared turtles, whatever that means…I think—“

“Aww, I hope it’s not true! That would be so sad for them…”

Headmistress Snow threw one final sneer in the boy's direction for good measure before turning her attention to the still-snickering girls and hiding a motherly smile behind her hand.

Meanwhile, the white boys were all left beet-red and quivering with embarrassment, whispering to each other worriedly.

“Did-Did she just call our dicks small or did I hear her wrong?”

“Is that…Do we have small…?

“She’s just giving us a hard time. I’m sure…”

Unbeknownst to everyone else, Austin was on the verge of having a panic attack. He had been stressing out over his little pink nub of a penis forever, and the Headmistresses’ words had struck a nerve in him.

He took several calming breaths. Even if he was small, he was only twelve years old! He’d have plenty of time to develop physically.

Once everyone had calmed back down, Snow gestured towards two sets of double doors. “You will now attend your respective orientations. Head straight down the main corridor, the auditorium is at the very end.”

Without further adieu, Headmistress Snow marched back into the building. The boys and girls shared a quick goodbye and headed inside the school.

As the girls entered their half of the building, the boys could hear a fresh round of laughter break out just before the doors shut. None of the boys acknowledged it, hoping to preserve some of their dignity.

Austin couldn’t help but feel as if they had already lost something significant. First impressions are important and he felt nervous about the way the girls looked at them after the penis comment.

Brushing those thoughts aside for now, Austin and the boys walked to the auditorium with renewed purpose. Maybe they could turn this around and end their first day of high school on a high note!

Yet when they opened the doors to the auditorium they were immediately confronted with the curious stares of a hundred black boys.


For the second time in less than fifteen minutes, the impressionable young white boys were confronted with a brand new type of person they’d never seen before.

And Austin was very intimidated.

His first impression of black boys was that they were very physically imposing. In pretty much every way.

Despite being only twelve years old, they looked as if they were fifteen or sixteen. The black boys each had to have been at least one full head taller than even the tallest white boy in their grade.

And whereas the fair-skinned children had retained much of their boyish features and baby fat, the black boys appeared to be built sturdily, with lithe frames and wiry muscle starting to show even through their shirts.

Which was another strange thing — the black kids had completely different uniforms than them! For some reason, they all got to wear standard slacks, tucked-in button-ups, and cardigans.

Austin instinctively tried to pull the hem of his skirt down further to cover more of his creamy, smooth thighs but it was no use. He may as well have been wearing booty shorts!

And if the whites were staring at the blacks in growing insecurity, the dark-skinned boys seemed to be sizing their new classmates up with the lazy scrutiny with which one might observe a new species at the zoo — they were interested, but not at all nervous. Like they had nothing at all to be afraid of.

Austin felt like the ground was going to swallow him whole…Why weren’t they warned growing up that black males were so effortlessly masculine?

The black students exchanged a few quizzical looks, wondering why the little pale boys seemed like they’d seen a ghost.

Hoping to break the ice, one of the more athletic black boys approached them. Austin was still frozen in place and didn’t see the rest of his peers step back, unwittingly placing him front and center.

So, it didn’t register that the black boy had approached him until he was right in front of Austin with his hand outstretched in greeting.

“Sup? I’m Terry.”

After a moment passed with no reaction, Terry bemusedly waved his hand in front of Austin’s face. “You good, bro?”

Realizing he was being addressed, Austin eeped and grasped Terry’s palm with both of his hands, shaking it timidly.

Terry chuckled at the nervous behavior, but didn’t draw attention to it. “You got soft hands, man.”

Austin wasn’t sure whether that was an insult or a compliment. He wasn’t sure of anything anymore. This whole morning had turned his worldview on its head. He mentally scrambled to think of something, anything, to say back.

All that came out of his mouth was, “B-Big…”

Terry cocked a brow and grinned at that. If nothing else, at least these whiteboys were endearing.

He was about to ask for Austin’s name when the thump of someone’s finger tapping against a microphone echoed throughout the auditorium.

All the boys present turned their attention to the center stage. A kind-looking lady wearing a nurse’s outfit and sporting a high ponytail smiled back at them all.

“Hello, everyone! It’s so very nice to meet you all! My name is Nurse Bleach and I am the school’s doctor. Welcome to ‘Building & Bridging Cultures High School’ or ‘BBC High’ for short!” Nurse Bleach clapped excitedly. “Oh, you’re all going to love it so much here! I can’t wait to get to know you all! Please, be seated.”

As is human nature, the two different groups remained separated, with the one-hundred black boys all seated on one side of the room, while the white boys sat across from them. To their credit, the black students tried to put the poor white boys at ease by waving half-heartedly as they left to hopefully show them that they wanted to be friendly.

Once everyone was seated and watching her attentively, the bubbly young nurse resumed her speech.

“Now, you all must have so many burning questions about the world and your place in it. So, do you want the good news first…or the even BETTER news?” Nurse Bleach teased.

“How about the good news first?” Terry confidently shouted back.

“Ooh! Saving the best for last — I like your style, mister~” Bleach winked. “Well, the GOOD news is that many of your more pressing questions will be answered before you leave this room!”

That statement was enough to lift even Austin’s spirits so he felt brazen enough to call back, “What’s the better news, then?”

Practically bursting with excitement, Nurse Bleach dropped the bomb that would change their entire high school experience.

“After receiving a VERY generous offer from The Blacked Entertainment Network, BBC High will be the first-ever live-streamed high school reality show!” Bleach dramatically threw her arms apart and dozens of high-tech miniature drones swarmed out from the curtains behind her.

The drones were each about the size of a sparrow and flitted around the room completely soundlessly. Some of the white boys screamed and swatted at them ineffectually, prompting the black boys to snicker.

One of the drones stopped dead in front of Austin’s face, no doubt capturing his bewildered doe-eyed face for however many people were watching on the other end.

A boy in the row of seats below him anxiously said, “Th-There must be some kind of mistake, Ms. Bleach! None of us agreed to be f-filmed or anything!”

Even the otherwise cool and collected black kids seemed somewhat perturbed and voiced similar concerns regarding their privacy and consent.

Nurse Bleach looked as if she couldn’t comprehend their reluctance. “I don’t think you boys understand! The Blacked Entertainment Network is the number-one streaming service in the world! Not only would we, the school faculty, get paid handsomely, but every one of you would also be paid an exorbitant salary for your participation!”

This seemed to sway the black students’ opinions slightly. “Hold up, we’d be getting paid? Just to get filmed while we go through school? That’s it?”

“That’s right,” Nurse Bleach nodded rapidly, causing her ponytail to flail around behind her.

“And you said it was a salary…We’d get paid for all five years of high school?” Terry chimed in, leaning forward in interest.

Sensing that she got some of them back on board, Nurse Bleach started a drumroll to build suspense.

“Five-hundred thousand a year. Each,” she grinned innocently.

The auditorium promptly broke out into chaos.

“A half a million each?! Shit, I’d do anything for that! Count me in!”

“How is that even possible?”

“But there are two-hundred boys here!” Austin gaped like a fish, trying to calculate the total amount in his head.

“And two-hundred girls as well, don’t you forget!” Nurse Bleach beamed, clasping her hands together.

“F-Four hundred students?! Five-hundred thousand each?! That’s! That’s like—!”

“Two-hundred million dollars a year…for five years. That’s a billion overall,” Terry whispered. “What kind of people could afford that shit?”

Nurse Bleach tittered happily. “Sometimes I forget how little you boys know before you arrive here. The Blacked Entertainment Network has been the king of media for centuries now. They’re multi-trillionaires! A billion dollars is like pocket change to them, especially for such a lucrative investment. Polls show that this is the most heavily anticipated show of all time! Billions of people will be watching you all every day! Isn’t that exciting?!”

Austin wasn’t panicked or anxious anymore. At this point, he was so overwhelmed that he could hardly feel anything at all. It felt as if he was floating through a living nightmare. It didn’t feel real.

“Billions of people? Watching us constantly?” He numbly asked.

“Yes, but that’s a good thing! Don’t you see, sweetheart? You’re all going to be graduating high school as millionaires and celebrities! If you make a good impression on the folks at home, think of the job opportunities you’ll get!” Bleach implored.

“But why?” A lanky black boy seated beside Terry asked.

“Hmm?” Nurse Bleach prompted, tilting her head.

“Why is the whole world so interested in watching us just go through high school? Won’t that be boring?” The boy continued.

Nurse Bleach sat on the edge of the stage, facing the black boys. She discreetly hiked her skirt up and spread her legs in such a way that they could catch the slightest glimpse of her shaved pussy.

The white boys weren’t afforded such a view.

While the young black boy's eyes remained transfixed between her legs, Nurse Bleach tried to seal the deal.

“People like reality TV, and they like watching cute, innocent kids grow up! They want to see us shape your young minds. And most of all, they want to see real-time footage of you all discovering the BNWO. Plus, having your education fully documented will be invaluable in helping the government see how our current system works and if there could be changes made to improve it…You boys agree to the terms, right?” She pouted, spreading her legs wider.

One by one the black boys all consented to participate in the reality show, having been swayed by Bleach’s feminine wiles. Each of them was moving their heads around, trying to get a better view of the Nurse’s pussy.

“What about us? What if we don’t agree?” One of the white boys shakily asked.

Nurse Bleach rolled her eyes fondly and fixed her skirt before turning to address the white boys. “We already have you all signed to a contract, silly! All of your mothers signed them on your behalf.”

“But that’s not fair! What if we don’t want to?” Another asked.

“Well…you’re gonna. So, get used to it,” Nurse Bleach smiled at them warmly, reaching down to pat a boy in the first row on his head.

The white boys collectively bowed their heads and slumped in their seats, knowing there was no use in arguing the point.

One of the many drones stopped directly in front of Nurse Bleach. The dozens of other cameras regularly circled through the room, getting clear shots of everyone present.

Nurse Bleach clasped her hands together and addressed her drone. “Now that the formalities are taken care of, we can finally begin the orientation! On behalf of everyone here, I’d like to thank everyone at home for tuning in! Welcome to the premiere episode of ‘Blacked: BBC High!”

For the benefit of the show, the black boys clapped to show their enthusiasm and endear themselves to the audience, whereas the white boys remained noticeably despondent.

“Now, for your orientation, I’m going to give you all a brief introduction to the history of the BNWO. After which you’ll get a quick talk about your classes and schedule. Sound good?!” She beamed at her assembled students.

Her lewd display earlier and her perky, animated attitude seemed to have put the black boys in good spirits, and they all cheered in response.

The white boys weren’t as keen on the current situation but remained eager to finally learn some world history, so they perked back up.

To everyone’s surprise, a photorealistic hologram of a city formed in the center of the stage. Sometimes the boys forgot that they lived in the twenty-sixth century, seeing as all modern technology had been kept out of their elementary schools.

As the children all observed the little moving cars and birds flying above the sprawling digital metropolis on the stage, Nurse Bleach cleared her throat.

“You should all know that the history of the BNWO is a little sad in the beginning…but don’t worry, because it has a happy ending! It’s just—It’s so inspiring…You’ll have to forgive me if I start crying,” Nurse Bleach sheepishly chuckled, already wiping at her eye with a finger.

The lights of the auditorium dimmed and all eyes focused on the hologram as Nurse Bleach commenced her lesson.

“For the first two-thousand-year of recorded human history, civilization was fraught with war and political disputes. Everyone was angry constantly. People lived unfulfilling lives, drowning in their anger, insecurity, and frustration. …”

The hologram shifted and transformed before their eyes, showing two men in suits behind podiums screaming at one another while the building burned down around them.

“One of the primary reasons for society’s tensions was the growing resentment brewing between the different races, particularly between black and white communities…”

The two screaming politicians morphed into a white man wearing a red cap and a young black man with blue braids glaring at one another from across the room.

“Black and white aggression continued to escalate exponentially and America was on edge, even amongst those who weren’t involved…”

The hologram loaded an Asian woman, a Middle Eastern man, and a Hispanic man all looking back at the angry white and black men nervously.

Austin didn’t know what to make of this story. He had always been taught that white folks have lived harmoniously with black people. When he chances a glance over at the black boys he’s heartened to see that they appear similarly distraught.

Why would people hold such resentment in their hearts just because they happen to be of different races?

Nurse Bleach walks the stage, idly flipping through the scenes on her holo-display from her wristwatch.

“Everything changed in 2023 when a German scientist by the name of Werner Kleinerschwanz made a brilliant discovery…”

The holograms on stage all swirled into one meek-looking blond man in a lab coat who was bent over a table of vials, notes, and bubbling flasks.

“…He had invented what would later be referred to as The Black Pill…” Nurse Bleach said proudly.

Werner held a small black pill in his palms, gazing down at his creation reverently.

“You see, Werner was a white supremacist…Pfft! Hehehe! Can you imagine? Sorry…S-Sorry!” Nurse Bleach reined in her giggling and cleared her throat to help compose herself. “As I was saying, Werner was a white supremacist and believed that white people were biologically superior to all other races…”

The scene shifted before them once more to a still image of Werner glaring at a black man walking by his laboratory window with disgust plain on his features.

“Werner went to the United Nations to present his invention. He revealed that he had created a medicine that would force all races of humans to fully evolve and reach their true potential! This meant that if a white man took the pill, within days he would transform into the genetically ultimate white man, whereas a black man who took the pill would evolve into something completely different, due to their physiological differences…”

Nurse Bleach briefly presented several diagrams showing that even back before the Black Pill, black people were still generally more physically impressive than white people.

Austin squirmed in embarrassment. The diagram stated it so matter-of-factly…

“The UN was impressed with his discovery, but weren’t sure what Werner wanted them to do with it…”

The image changed to Werner eagerly presenting the black pill to an assembly of world leaders as they gazed down at him with intrigue in their eyes.

“This was the day when Werner offered humanity a proposal; to force everyone on earth to take the black pill. Then, once all the races had evolved completely, there would be no denying which was the superior race. It would put an end to all war and political disagreements, as the dominant race would have earned the right to inherit control of the entire world as the true master race…”

The World Leaders on stage looked at each other worriedly.

“The UN felt that it was too large of a decision for one room full of people to make, regardless of their status, and wisely put it to a vote! A global poll was put in place, asking whether or not the black pill ought to be made mandatory for the world’s population…”

Several recordings flashed through in quick succession; talking heads on news stations debating the merits of the black pill, a celebrity on a talk show cracking jokes about it while the host reeled back in laughter, and several ladies of varying races discussing it over tea on the Women’s Network.

“In the end, 69% of the world voted in favor of taking the black pill. Historians claim that at the time, most of the people who voted to take the pill were certain that their race would come out on top, and considered the pill a calculated risk…”

The people on stage transform into a black man and a white man grinning at each other daringly while playing a game of chess.

“It was decided that the black pill would be delivered to all households on January first, 2024. The reasoning is that the new year would usher in a new age for humanity. As the date drew closer, society became more and more anxious. But it was too late to back out by then…”

A happy white ****** is shown eating Christmas dinner together with their heads bowed in grace. It would be a picture-perfect Hallmark moment if it weren’t for the father looking nervously over his shoulder at the front door, as if he was dreading the pill’s arrival.

Perhaps he knew in his heart that he was experiencing his final ‘white Christmas…’

The hologram abruptly shuts off along with all the other lights in the room save for one lone spotlight shining directly down on Nurse Bleach. All the students watch with rapt attention, some leaning forward in their seats for the big reveal.

Bleach’s voice quiets, barely a whisper now. “As promised, on New Year's Day everyone on Earth was delivered a black pill. As one, humanity took the gamble for true superiority, and all that was left was to wait for their evolution to occur…”

Austin looks over at the group of strapping young black boys then back at himself and his wimpy friends. Despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, he’s still praying that his white ancestors had somehow come out on top.

Anticipation builds, thick and heavy in the auditorium as Nurse Bleach speaks. “Initially, it was estimated that the transformation would take at least a week to complete after ingesting the pill, but the U.N. had since improved on Werner’s original formula and, miraculously, the change took place overnight as people slept. Just one night after taking the pill, the human race woke up to a new world…”

“And it was a BLACKED New World!”

Many of the whiteboys let out distressed and heartbroken sounds, as Ms Bleach confirmed what Austin had suspected. When they grew up wanting to know more about their history, they didn’t exactly have this in mind!

Austin could barely register his friend's displeasure as he was too busy dealing with his private devastation. Everyone took the pill and black people ended up being the dominant race? How could that be? He had always assumed that white people like him were the heroes of the story…

The black boys seemed pleased, but upon looking at the whiteboys sadness, they didn’t celebrate too openly — not wanting to be cruel and rub salt in the wound by gloating. Nobody likes a sore winner.

The lights all turned back on, brighter than before as inspirational music started playing.

“All over the world, everyone woke up more intelligent, more healthy, and, as they would later discover, with greatly increased lifespans! However, if you were to look at most races you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. The Asian, Hispanic, and Middle Eastern populations greatly benefited from the black pill, but their physiology remained mostly the same. There were, however, extreme mutations in both white people and black people…”

Nurse Bleach slid her finger across her holo-display and pulled up medical photos of what appeared to be two black adults. Except, they were…


Many of the white boys gasped at the sight, jaws dropped and eyes wide.

“N-No, that has to be fake! That can’t be real!” One white boy loudly whispered.

Austin’s face blushed a deep tomato red as he took in the two naked black holograms on stage. The black woman was gorgeous, with an hourglass figure, perfectly shaped breasts, and dusky brown nipples.

One might think that Austin would be transfixed on her after spending his whole life fantasizing about seeing a nude female, but instead his eyes were glued to the black man on her left.

He was the picture of masculinity as if he were carved out of obsidian by the gods themselves. Despite the hologram listing the man as six foot five, he remained muscular and perfectly sculpted, with a handsome face and a charming smile.

But what Austin was truly laser-focused on was the thick black python that hung heavily past the man’s knees.

Austin had only started experiencing erections in the past few weeks. When he had popped his first little stiffy he had panicked and rushed to his homeroom teacher, fearing something was wrong with him. After bursting into her office he had immediately pulled his shorts down to his ankles and pulled his shirt up high so that she could get a clear look at his hard penis.

His teacher had burst out laughing and explained that it was perfectly natural and that he would learn more about ‘how his little twig worked’ in high school.

Even fully hard, Austin’s dick was so tiny that he could only fiddle with it with his thumb and index finger. Eventually, he discovered that it was easier to just flick it with one finger. It felt good, it felt like something great was going to happen whenever he did, but the feeling always went away, and got limp again in the end.

But now, in this crowded auditorium, with his little wiener constricted in his tight panties, staring at the gigantic black cock on stage, the special feeling in his groin was building again… and this time it wasn’t going down!

“With the help of the pill, the black race evolved to reach the peak of humanity overnight, their dominant genes so immediately apparent that nobody even bothered to contest the decision,” Nurse Bleach said. “Black men in particular were blessed with increased athleticism, intelligence, height, and, obviously, enormous genitalia. Their penises were now easily the biggest in the world by a wide margin.”

‘All black men are like that? "God, please, no…” Austin thought to himself. “There’s no way I’d ever be able to compete with that!”

Austin shifted in his seat and crossed his legs as another jolt of shameful pleasure jolted through his tummy. His tiny pink nub was twitching and pulsing madly in his panties. He didn’t know why this was happening or how to make it stop!

Beside him, Austin’s best friend, Kyle, a slim boy with curly shoulder-length red hair, nudged him with his elbow. He was just as flushed and embarrassed as Austin but it was more from the embarrassment and not arousal like him.

“Dude, are you alright? You’re sweating and panting like crazy…” Will fixed Austin with a concerned look.

“I-I’m fine,” Austin stammered. “Just forget it.”

Kyle nodded uncertainly and slowly turned back to listen to Nurse Bleach.

“You’ll learn more specifics in your classes later on, but essentially, black people physically dominated every other race and it came with some scary consequences.” Nurse Bleach pulled up graphs from the year 2024 showing that shortly after taking the black pill, all non-black pregnancies dropped to zero.

“You see, as females also reached their peak form, their vaginas evolved to only accept semen from black penises because all other semen was so comparatively weak…”

Austin felt an especially strong twitch from his dick and was so worried about the way his body was malfunctioning that he discreetly pulled up his skirt to take a look at it. Despite having a raging erection, there was still only the tiniest bump visible in his undies. To his horror, however, there was a damp spot steadily growing from his penis! Was he peeing? This had never happened before! And the panties were so thin that the wetness caused them to become almost completely see-through, letting anyone who may have cared to look a perfect view of his small pink nub.

Austin decided he couldn’t worry about this at the moment. He would just ride out this weird feeling and change his wet panties later. He pointedly pushed all thoughts of his penis from his mind and attempted to focus on the nurse.

He was so eager to avoid thinking about his predicament that he completely forgot to pull his skirt back down. Nobody else in the auditorium had noticed yet, because it was so dark but unbeknownst to Austin, several drones zoomed in on his micropenis, ******** it to billions worldwide.

From multiple angles!

“Thankfully, the BNWO had a plan to save everyone!” Bleach praised. “While it was now impossible to create non-black babies through conventional intercourse, they discovered that women could still be impregnated through artificial insemination!”

“Excuse me, Ms? What’s artificial insemination?” A black boy asked with his hands raised.

“Artificial insemination is the practice with which doctors collect weak, non-black sperm and use it to impregnate women in a lab! Through careful breeding the BNWO has effectively saved every other race, seeing as they would have died out otherwise. Sort of like the way we might save an endangered species of animal.” Nurse Bleach solemnly looked over all the students.

“Initially, people were terrified. They thought that the BNWO would use everyone else’s infertility to wipe us out. But that has simply never been the case! The BNWO has never been about hatred or violence! It’s about the superior black race guiding us to a better future together!” Nurse Bleach smiled, with tears in her eyes. “Saving everyone through the breeding program fostered a lot of goodwill among the other races, and people got on board very quickly after that.”

Terry raised his hand and Nurse Bleach gestured at him to speak.

“Uh…breeding program?” He asked.

“Yes, the breeding program is the system with which the BNWO helps grow and stabilize the population — to help things stay even and fair,” she replied, pulling up more charts and graphs to show them.

“Every race is permitted an equal amount of pregnancies per year. It’s important to keep the world population in check, otherwise, it would be overflowing with black babies! Haha!” Nurse Bleach giggled, pointing towards some charts comparing black sperm count to other races. There was a staggering difference.

“Then, the babies are made to grow up in a peaceful traditional environment. You already know that part, naturally.” Nurse Bleach takes a moment to think, holding a finger to her chin. “…I’m pretty sure that’s everything. You’ll learn the rest in class…”

Austin let out a huge sigh of relief, unsure how much longer he could prevent his spasming penis from doing…whatever it was about to do.

“Uh…I have one more question,” Kyle cautiously said.

‘No!’ Austin thought. ‘God, be quiet, Kyle! I have to get out of here!’

He tried pressing his palm against his little package to make it stop but the pressure only made his pleasure grow, so he quickly pulled his hands back and squeezed his eyes shut. He couldn’t take much more!

Several more drones had gathered around Austin now. His panties were so soaked with pre that they might as well have been invisible!

“What is it, honey?” Bleach cooed at Kyle.

Kyle fiddled nervously with his thumbs. “Uh, you mentioned that most races stayed the same, except for black people and white people? But you haven’t told us how we white people changed…”

Nurse Bleach smacked her palm against her forehead. “I knew I was forgetting something! Oh, thank you so much, sweetie! You’re such a good boy!”

Kyle shifted awkwardly but looked the slightest bit pleased with the praise despite himself.

“In nature, things always find a way to balance themselves out — to adapt. So, when black people evolved to be humanity’s dominant race…”

Nurse Bleach displayed two holographs of standard white adults.

“White people became the submissives of the earth.”

The black boys let out a few surprised laughs before politely holding them back. The white boys were shocked into complete silence.

The white girl was just as beautiful as the black woman, with a slim frame, perky breasts, and flaxen hair.

It was the rotating hologram of the white “man” that was the real attention-catcher.

Despite being listed as thirty years old, he looked no older than sixteen. He had a feminine curve to his spine, pushing out his pert bubble butt. He had his arms clasped behind his back, openly displaying his flat hairless chest and soft pink nipples.

And there was a pathetically small penis dangling between his legs. Even more humiliatingly, Austin recognized that the man’s prick was bigger than his, which meant his dick was even shorter than the two inches he had previously assumed it to be!

The embarrassment made his heat pool low in Austin’s belly. Without realizing it, he subconsciously spread his legs wide and started humping the air. Many of the drones were now focused on him, with some zoomed in on his jiggling little peepee as he gradually lost control of himself.

“Upon consuming the black pill, white ‘men’ became what we now know as white boys — that’s ‘bois,’ spelled with an ‘I’ by the way, remember that because it’s what everyone is going to refer to you as from now on.” Nurse Bleach swiped away the hologram of the white woman.

She then enlarged the hologram of the whiteboi and typed in a command which made him squat down on stage with his legs spread wide, while flashing double peace signs with his fingers.

Nurse Bleach gestured towards the whitebois penis. “Two inches is the standard length of a white penis. Well,” she scoffs. “We’re not supposed to refer to white genitalia as ‘penises’ because it’s scientifically inaccurate. You’re encouraged to instead use more appropriate, diminutive terms. For example; peepee, weewee, willy, clitty, nub, baby dick… etcetera, etcetera.”

Each of the whiteboi students was now looking down between their legs, stricken. What the nurse was saying rang true, based on their reactions.

‘God, this is so depressing! Why did I have to be born a whiteboi? I want a big cock like the black guy! This isn’t fair! And why does learning all this make my body feel so hot?!’ Austin screamed on the inside.

“Wait!” A slender blond boy behind him shouted desperately. “The average is two inches for an adult whiteboi, right? So if I’m only twelve years old now and my peepee is already two inches, it’ll get way bigger by the time I’m older!”

Most of the other whitebois heads jerked up at that, filled with hope once more.

An amused giggle came from the nurse as she held a hand over her mouth. “Sorry, Mister Two-Inches,” she laughed, waving her pinky at him. “Whitebois reach penile maturity just a few short weeks after puberty hits. So, the little shrimpies you all have are as big as they’re ever going to get, I’m afraid. Whatever you’ve got now — that’s what you’re stuck with forever.”


Each of the whitebois looked heartbroken as the full extent of their inferiority set in. Many were sniffling, looking down in shame. One had even rested his head on his arms on the seat in front of him, weeping quietly.

Nurse Bleach appeared distraught and guilty at the sight of the saddened whitebois. “No, no, no! Aww, sweethearts, don’t cry! Think of it like this — All whitebois have tiny, useless clitties! Do you know what that means? That means it’s normal! And if it’s normal, then you have nothing to be ashamed of, right?”

Austin was beside himself with humiliation and arousal. He needed this orientation to end ASAP. Precum was leaking from his tiny dicklet so steadily that it was seeping through his wet panties and pooling on the seat beneath him.

The nurse displayed a bar graph showing the range of white peepee sizes.

“If you look here, you’ll notice that all white pricks are not only small, but they’re surprisingly uniform.” Bleach used a laser pointer to compare the different sizes. “You see the large majority of whitebois fall near the two-inch range. A very small portion of luckier ones gets three inches. The longest white clit in the world currently is a MASSIVE four and a half inches, but that’s extremely rare and get this, despite there being hundreds of millions of whitebois who go as low as one point five inches, there has NEVER been a white cocklet in recorded history that was smaller than one point five! Isn’t that neat?”

“Wh-Why are you telling us this?” The crying boy whimpered.

Nurse Bleach sends him a warm, comforting smile. “Because, sweetie, I’m trying to show you that your tiny pink peckers are normal! There’s no reason for you to be sad, hun. And because all white willies are somewhere between one point five and three inches, it means no matter what, your dick will never be that much smaller than any other whiteboi. The differences between your lengths are so negligible that they don’t even matter. White dicks don’t matter, so you should stop stressing over them, okay?”

Some of the whitebois seemed to feel better after that! Austin couldn’t believe it! Couldn’t they see how pitiful this all was?

And Austin connected the dots in his head! If his dick was smaller than the two-inch hologram on stage, and the smallest white dicks could get was one point five inches, then that meant HE had a one-point five-inch dick. And if white dicks were the smallest on Earth, and he had the smallest of the white dicks, then that means he statistically had the smallest wiener humanly possible! The fact that millions of other whitebois shared his misfortune did nothing to comfort him.

But no matter how upset his brain was, his “little white worm” had other ideas because it was now straining so hard that he felt like he’d explode if he so much as moved.

The whitebois had been so concerned with their inner turmoil that they had almost forgotten that there were a hundred black boys also present. Black boys who had thick black baseball bats smuggled in their trousers. They pointedly avoided eye contact with the black boys, not wanting to be ridiculed more than they already were.

They were forcefully reminded of their presence however when Terry chimed in once more. “I, uh, don’t mean to offend or anything. I’m just curious — if white boys are…smaller…How do they…you know?”

The whitebois groaned. At this point, they didn’t even want to hear more but they had no choice.

“That’s a great question,” Bleach smiled. “There is a wide variety of ways for whitebois to lead fulfilling sex lives!”

“R-Really?” Another white student hopefully asked, too naïve to recognize another trap for what it was.

“Of course!” Bleach began counting with her fingers, as she rattled off different methods. “Starting basic, there’s whiteboi sex. That’s when you jerk your little cocktail weenies with your fingers. If you want to ‘have sex’ with a girl she could always peg you. That’s when a lady fucks your cute tushies with a strap-on. And then there’s the most common method which is cuckolding!”

“What’s cuckolding?” A black boy asked.

“It’s pronounced ‘cuckolding,’ dear. Cuckolding is when whitebois derive secondhand pleasure from watching their loved ones get fucked by big black cocks right in front of them! Some practice whiteboi sex and cuckolding at the same time, but most simply climax hands-free multiple times, just from watching their partners get drilled by black monster cocks!”

At this point, Austin couldn’t contain his noises or his actions. He let out quiet gasps and mewls as gyrated his slim hips and humped the air with wild abandon.

His wanton display caught the attention of Kyle who promptly freaked out, assuming something was wrong with Austin.

“Nurse! Nurse!” Kyle stood and waved both arms. Nurse Bleach turned to the worried boy with worry. “I think my friend is sick! You have to help him! Please!”

The nurse looked panicked for a moment, fearing something serious had happened. But when she rushed off the stage to approach Austin she soon realized what was going on.

She was stunned and silent at first, mouth agape as she took in the sight of the writhing whiteboi with his wet panties out in plain view.

Her surprise quickly turned to happiness and then unabashed pride.

She leaned down and gently pulled Austin to his feet. “I am so impressed with you, angel! I’ve never seen this happen so soon before! Come up on stage with me, m’kay?”

Somewhere in the lust-filled daze of his mind, Austin recognized that he very much did not want to go on the stage and weakly pulled away. “N-No…Please…”

Nurse Bleach ran her fingers soothingly through his downy soft brown hair. “It’s okay, sweetie. This is a very good thing! Come.”

Her tone of voice was gentle, yet commanding. With the embarrassment and the strange feeling in his dick already clouding his mind he was powerless to refuse further.

As he stood up, his shaky baby deer-like legs caused him to stumble forward. The nurse quickly caught him, but Austin’s skirt caught on his armrest as he fell, ripping it beyond repair!

Left only in his sheer precum-soaked panties, Austin tried to reach for the torn skirt to at least cover some of his shame, but Nurse Bleach was already tugging him down the aisle to the stage.

Austin was a great deal shorter than the nurse and his dainty legs made it difficult to keep up. His awkward stumbling caused his wet panties to bunch up around his hips and into his crack, effectively leaving him in a transparent g-string.

His little pink dinky and blueberry-sized balls jiggled as he trudged along. The only thing preserving any of his modesty was the cotton materials covering his bits, and even that was semi-visible.

Knowing that everyone was watching this happen made Austin’s blush deepen and travel halfway down his chest. Precum was now leaking steadily from his panties like a thin strand of spiderweb.

Austin still didn’t know what was happening to him. His dick felt like it was on fire…but in a good way…but it also frightened him!

As the nurse guided him up the steps to the stage, each step upward caused his rosy bum to jiggle and he heard what sounded like several appreciative noises from the black boys…but that couldn’t be right!

‘They’re probably making fun of me,” Austin thought, lip quivering as he tried to cover his ******* butt with his hands.

Nurse Bleach took advantage of this, holding his arms behind his back by his slim wrists as she turned him around to face everybody.

When he looked out into the crowd he saw that the other whitebois looked at him with pity but also a relief. Relieved perhaps that it wasn’t them that got pulled on stage.

Conversely, the black guys were studying his form with intense scrutiny, eyes all trained on his wet little bulge.

He couldn’t take the stares anymore and stared at the floor, trying his best to dissociate and pretend this wasn’t happening.

Austin felt the nurse’s plush lips graze against him as she breathily whispered in his ear, making him shiver and gasp. “I know it’s scary, but just trust me. I know you’re going to love this, sugar.”

Nurse Bleach turned her microphone back on to address the students once more, holding Austin before her in the centre of the stage.

“There is one more way for whitebois to have sex! And luckily enough, we’ve been given the perfect opportunity to show you, because of this little cutie!” Bleach cooed, pinching Austin’s bottom.

Austin yelped, and his dick gave a hard twitch, shooting a thin spurt of precum out of his panties.

“You see,” Bleach purred. “Austin here is a sissy. He just doesn’t know it yet.”

A black boy eagerly raised his hand and the nurse motioned for him to speak. “What’s a sissy, Ms Bleach?”

“I will answer that for you,” a stern voice echoed throughout the auditorium.

Austin’s face paled when Headmistress Snow marched into his field of vision, standing beside him imperiously.

“Your orientation was running long. I came to see what the hold-up was. Imagine my surprise…” Snow sneered down at Austin. “Thank you, Nurse Bleach. I will finish it up for you. You may stay on stage if you like.”

“Of course, I will, hehe! This is a very special moment!” The nurse’s chipper town lowered so that she could whisper to the headmistress. “Go easy on the poor boi, okay?”

“Hmph.” Was Olga’s only response.

“To answer your question, young man,” Snow said. “A sissy is when a whiteboi is sexually aroused by humiliation. As soon as our dear nurse began talking about big black cocks, and cuckolding, and the genetic inferiority of the white race, Little Austin here immediately began leaking in his panties.”

Without warning, the headmistress tore off Austin’s top as well, leaving him in nothing but his panties.

He was so torn between covering his little rosy nipples and his panties that his arms froze in place and he ended up covering nothing at all.

“This is the purest form of sex for whitebois. To achieve orgasm simply through being made aware how weak they are.” Olga gave his bum a swat with her riding crop, making Austin yelp.

Another spurt of precum dribbled from his panties.

Then came an onslaught of humiliating teasing from the headmistress, all while being fondled and molested in front of all the boys in school.

“Austin was born to be cucked.” She pinched his nipples.

“Such a lewd boy. Do you have no shame?” She grabbed a handful of his plush ass.

“His weak little pre-cummies let us see a glimpse of the pathetic twelve-year-old babydick underneath! How sad…” She gently slapped the end of her riding crop against his privates, making them jiggle and bounce.

“Actually,” she hummed. “Maybe we should all get a better look!”

Austin tried his best to stop her. He did. But she was just too strong.

Headmistress Snow tore off Austin’s panties completely, leaving him completely nude in front of everyone.

There was a brief moment of baffled silence. You could hear a pin drop.

Of all people, it was the headmistress who broke first. It was the first time any of them had seen her openly smile, let alone laugh. “Pfft-hohoho! My word, it’s like a little pink acorn…”

The black boys, kind as they seemed to be, tried to fight it but they inevitably succumbed to their laughter as well.

“She’s right! It does look like a pink acorn!”

“I can’t even see his shaft, bruh. It’s just a tiny head…”

“Does it even work?” One whispered loudly.

“C’mon, guys. Leave him alone! It’s bad enough he got a baby dick, he doesn’t need you making fun of him for it!” Terry defended.

Perhaps the most humiliating thing happened next.

Even the other whitebois were laughing at him! The only thing worse than being a wimp was being a wimp who was so wimpy that other wimps laughed at you! The betrayal burned deep in Austin’s gut. They were supposed to be his friends!

“Phew…I thought I was going to be the smallest one in school. Thank god for Austin.”

“Did he seriously get off after all that embarrassing stuff they said about us? How could he…”

“Looking at Austin up there, it’s kinda hard to deny any of it…”

“They couldn’t have brought up someone more impressive to represent us? This is the worst!”

Austin desperately looked to Kyle for some comfort, and his eyes welled up with tears when he saw his friend hiding his face behind his hands, his shoulders shaking under the weight of his giggling.

The abject humiliation came back at him with the strength of a Mack truck. His body was shaking so much that his little “acorn dick” was wagging back and forth like a stubby dog’s tail.

Every other second, a spurt of crystal clear watery precum pulsed out of his pathetic white cocklet, forming a small puddle in front of him.

As if things couldn’t get any worse, he finally saw that every single drone in the auditorium was zoomed in on his sissy performance.

Billions of people worldwide were watching this! How long would it go on for? When would the headmistress let him off the stage to lick his wounds?

One of the drones flew directly in front of him, getting a high-res close-up of his leaking clitty.

Headmistress Snow looked thoughtful all of a sudden, gazing down at Austin’s peepee as if she was seeing it for the first time.

She began moving his cocklet this way and that with her riding crop, as if she were inspecting it.

“No…It can’t be…”

“What is it, headmistress?” Nurse Bleach inquired from over her shoulder.

“…Would you happen to have your tape measure on you, Nurse?” Olga asked quietly.

“Always! Why?”

“Do me a favor and measure young Austin’s little button for me, would you? I suspect something miraculous has happened. I’d measure it myself but you know I detest coming into direct contact with white clits…”

“Okie dokie, ma’am!” The nurse immediately knelt and grabbed Austin’s dick between her finger and her thumb to hold it steady as she measured it.

“C-Can we p-please do this somewhere else? Everyone is w-watching,” Austin begged, as his precum instantly coated the Nurse’s hand and tape measure.

Bleach laughed fondly in response. “What’s the point, hun? Everyone’s already seen—“

The nurse abruptly stops speaking as her eyes go as wide as saucers when she looks at the tape measure. She slowly turns her head up to look at the headmistress.

“Is it as I suspected?” Snow’s eyes are similarly wide with excitement.

“I…ye-yes! I…can’t believe it. This is remarkable!” The nurse looks as if she’s just won the lottery. A faint glimmer of hope reignites in Austin’s heart. They think his penis is remarkable!

“What…What do we even do about this?” The nurse huddles close to her boss to discuss the matter.

“Can’t you see what a boon this is, my dear? We’re streaming our very first episode of BBC High. Think of the ratings! We should make the announcement now. It can be officially confirmed at a later date.” Headmistress Snow is hyping this up, from what Austin can hear. This must be a good thing! He might have a chance to redeem himself in the eyes of the other students!

“Oh, that’s genius, headmistress! What should I do?” Bleach asks, fidgeting in place.

Snow rests a hand on the nurse’s shoulder, guiding her to the stage stairs. “Would you please hurry to my office and contact the officials? They’ll want to hear from us immediately after this, I’d wager. Best to get ahead of it. I’ll wrap things up here.”

Without further question, the Nurse rushed down the aisle and out of the auditorium.

Austin, now feeling quite chuffed with himself and his ‘remarkable’ dick, stood proudly and waited for the headmistress to speak.

That’s why he was surprised when he felt cold steel wrap around his wrists. The headmistress had cuffed his hands behind his back!

She bent down so that she was nose to nose with Austin. Her lips were so close that her wintery-mint breath intermingled with his own, causing another little spurt of pre to shoot out of him. “I restrained you in case you got any foolish ideas about covering yourself…” She hummed and stood back up, peering at him from down her nose.

“The sad thing is…you’ll probably enjoy this.”


The headmistress ignored Austin, as she turned to face the assembled students.

“Boys. You’ll all recall a short while ago when Nurse Bleach informed you that the smallest clitties were merely one and a half inches…”

As the boys all voiced that, yes, they did remember that, the gears in Austin’s head finally clicked into place.


‘No! No! No! No!”

Austin burst forward, attempting to flee the stage, but the headmistress caught him by his elbow and pulled him back into place effortlessly.

“Well, I was looking at Austin’s little acorn here and something seemed abnormal to me…” Snow drawled with a cruel smirk.

Austin’s body began acting on its own. He knew what was coming and it reignited the blazing inferno building in his loins. Austin’s hips shallowly humped the air rapidly, making his flushed boyclit bounce as it spurted out shots of pre like a sissy machine gun. He couldn’t keep his strangled moans from escaping his pouty lips.

“I had Nurse Bleach measure his rigid little thimble and it sized up to…” Snow paused for dramatic effect as the whole auditorium watched with anticipation.

“One inch.”

Austin’s whole body went completely still. His eyes were wide, staring straight forward into nothing. Even his dick stopped twitching. Something was brewing inside his lower abdomen.

“We have no official records remaining of the size of genitals before the BNWO, so seeing as Austin here has the tiniest clitty of the past five-hundred years…It’s official. Austin Ivory has the smallest peepee in human history!”

It was like a pressure valve burst in Austin’s privates and a nuclear reactor went off in his brain.

His eyes rolled back in his head, his heart started thumping like a hummingbird and his legs buckled outward, his naturally flexible body making him land in a perfect split with his legs shot out to either side of him.

Even though his little ball sack was resting against the cold floor of the stage, it did nothing to cool the raging heat coming from inside. It felt like liquid a thunderstorm was raging in his smooth coin purse.

His clitty, the smallest clitty ever, became impossible hard, angling up at a forty-five-degree angle.

Then the dam burst.

Precum fired out of his record-breaking weenie like a railgun, spraying up three feet in the air in an uninterrupted thin stream.

Precum was shooting out of him in such a hard, steady stream that it almost looked like he was pissing into the air, but no, it was all precum!

Austin still didn’t understand the concepts of precum and cumming but he instinctively knew something even bigger was coming, and that this was only the beginning. It was like whatever was going to come out of him was so big that it clogged up the works.

Headmistress Snow knelt beside Austin with one hand behind her back. “The first orgasm is always tricky. I assumed that you might need some assistance.”

She brought her hand forward, revealing a sleek futuristic cellphone. With his hands cuffed behind his back and his legs spread in the splits, Austin could do nothing to stop the headmistress as she pressed the phone next to his flushed face.
“Hey, baby…” Austin’s mother breathed over the phone.

“M-Mommy?!” Austin could barely understand what was happening anymore. This was all starting to seem like some strange fever dream.

“I’m watching you online, baby. I’m so proud of you!” Tilda praised. Austin didn’t know it yet, but their conversation was also being played on the stream so that everyone could hear their conversation.

“W-Why didn’t you warn me? Why did you sign the contract without asking me first? You said you’d always love me,” Austin wept.

“Oh, baby. I do love you! More than anything…” Tilda said, sincerely. “This is just a necessary stage in every whitebois life. Remember when you used to be afraid of getting your hair cut?”

“N-No,” Austin squirmed, trying to make his little button stop spraying, to no avail.

“Ah, you were too young to remember, I guess,” Tilda chuckles fondly. “Well, you were convinced that getting your hair cut would hurt. Nothing I said would convince you otherwise. Until one day when you just…got over it. Out of nowhere. You pulled on the hem of my dress and asked me to cut your hair because your bangs were getting in your eyes and it was bothering you.”

“W-What does that have to do with anything? Mommy, the whole world can see my wiener! This sucks!” Austin panted into the phone, grinding against the floor.

“Don’t you see, baby? It’s the same thing! Right now the idea of being a physically inferior white sissy scares you, but it’s just the way the world works! You’ll get used to it. You’ll even come to love it! Look at you, sweetheart. You were born to be a little cuckold sissy!” His mommy sounded so sincere and happy. That somehow made it worse for Austin who simply couldn’t accept his situation.

“M’not a sissy, mommy…” Austin pouted.

“Oh yeah?” She was using her stern mommy voice now. The one she’d always used when he’d been naughty. “Then why are you squirting your runny boi juice everywhere?”

Austin gasped, thrusting his hips with renewed fervor. From behind it almost looked like he was twerking against the floor.

His mother was pleased by his reaction as she watched him on the livestream. “That’s right, baby…You know, the thing about whitebois is that their cum is weak and watery but they can also cum a LOT. That was one of the evolutionary effects of the black pill. You haven’t even orgasmed yet and you’re still peeing out precum like a little cherub in a water fountain…It’s a wonder that you’re not dehydrated yet. Make sure to drink lots of water after this, baby. You’ll need to refill your sissy reserves!”

“M’NOT A SISSY!” Austin shouted as tears began streaming down his face. Why was his mommy bullying him in front of everyone? She should be helping him!

“Austin Ivory!” Tilda scolded, unamused by her son’s bratty outburst. “Don’t you dare talk back to me like that! Of course, you’re a sissy! How could you ever be anything but a sissy? You have the smallest peepee in history!”

His mommy’s frank statement of the facts made him keen and his precum briefly shot two feet higher in the air before easing back down.

“What did your headmistress call it?” Tilda hummed, making the phone’s speaker vibrate against Austin’s cheek. “That’s right! She called it a little pink acorn! That made Mommy laugh, baby. It’s so accurate!”

It was happening. The feeling.

Austin began breathing heavily as his dick began twitching so violently that it was practically vibrating. His little penis felt like a red-hot volcano, ready to erupt. But something was holding him back. It almost felt as if his weenie was waiting for permission or a signal.

“But even though the acorn comment made Mommy laugh, you know what?” Tilda rasped over the phone, closing in for the kill. She knew exactly what would send Austin over the edge because she’d been planting the seed in his head for years.

“W-What?” Austin asked, his whole boy tensed as if bracing for a blow.

“No matter how many other names people think up for your teeny pecker…

“It’ll always be mommy’s little white worm…”

Austin’s eyes shot wide open at the familiar endearment. Looking back, he finally realized that his mommy was mocking his privates for as long as he could remember.

It was as if all the humiliation turned to raw energy and struck his clitty like a bolt of lightning. The tip of his willy flushed bright, bright red and his stream of precum receded completely.

Austin grits his teeth and flexed his whole body tight, trying to fight the white-hot fire burning between his thighs.

But it was too late.


Like a sawed-off shotgun, Austin’s dick began firing off deceptively powerful blasts for a tool that was so tiny.

He squealed in pleasure as long volleys of watery white cum erupted from his dick like a Super Soaker. For thirty seconds he shouted and gyrated his hips wildly as he finally released his pent-up orgasm.

Somewhere in the back of his mind where coherent thought still existed he thought that this would at least all be over soon.

Unfortunately for him, the orgasm only seemed to grow stronger as he went on! He was shooting his cum past the stage and into the front row. His weak, runny cum accidentally covered five disgusted whitebois before they all hastened to stand up and moved away from the splash zone.

And all the while, both his mother and the headmistress continued to tease and humiliate him. The phone was pressed to one ear as snow whispered in the other.

“That’s it, baby. Push out all those naughty white cummies. You’ll feel so much better afterward!”

“The Blacked Entertainment Network will be pleased with this development. You’re about to become quite the star, Mr. Ivory…”

“Whiteboi cum is like tears. Sometimes you need to have a good cry, baby. Even if it’s embarrassing…You can’t hold this stuff in! It isn’t healthy!”

“This will bring so much attention to our school…And think of the endorsements! We own your likeness, thanks to your mother — we could even sell merchandise!”

“Look at how much fun your little white worm is having! Mommy wishes she could be there to tickle him!”

Austin inadvertently began thrusting forward so roughly that it finally helped him break free from his splits. But his legs were so numb from being in that position for so long that he couldn’t even attempt to stand! He flopped back onto his back with his legs spread wide open.

As he fell backward, his cum shot behind him in a wide arc, before landing and splattering all over himself.

Many people in the auditorium were laughing and Austin could pick up some of the louder comments people were making.

“How can whitebois be so bad at getting girls pregnant if they can cum that much?”

“If their cum doesn’t have a lot of sperm in it, I guess it doesn’t matter how much they can shoot out? Zero multiplied by a hundred is still zero…”

“I-It looks like it feels good though. Can all whitebois do that? M-Maybe I should try it once I can get some privacy…”

“Damn, dude. It looks like my baby toe…Should someone help him? He looks like he’s gonna pass out.”

The humiliating conversations and laughter may have made Austin want to cry, but his dick responded like an excited puppy. Now that he was laying on his back, as he thrust his pelvis into the air, the whole audience and all the drones were afforded a clear view of his jiggling buttcheeks and the way his tiny dick and balls bounced around like jingle bells.

Headmistress Snow dropped her phone down next to his head and looked down at him with amusement.

“-ear me? Baby, can you hear me? Austin?” Tilda’s voice could barely be heard from the phone as it was several inches away.

For his mommy to hear him, Austin needed to shout, but his sissygasm was melting his brain and making him slur his words.

“Mommy! Pweashe! You hafta h-hewp me! I can’t shtop! It fews so gooooood! Hnnn~” Austin’s cocklet continued to plaster his tummy, chest, and face in his useless watery cummies. Some of it was shooting so far that ropes of fluid were landing as far as four feet behind his head, staining the hardwood floor of the stage.

“Okay, honey. I have an idea. Just ask me for permission,” Tilda urged, beginning to worry for her son’s wellbeing as he continued to fall deeper into his unending orgasm.

“Ashk permission for what?” Austin slurred, as some of his cum shot directly into his open mouth and eyes.

“Sissies sometimes need helping coming down from their orgasms. Whitebois need a dominant partner to help them cool down. Normally that would be done with a romantic partner but I don’t mind helping you, baby,” Tilda’s soothing maternal nature helped Austin calm down slightly, even as he moved his head from side to side, trying to stop his cum from shooting into his mouth as he spoke. His words were barely intelligible through the slurring and the slight gargle of his cum in his mouth.

“What do I hafta do?” A bubble of cum slips down Austin’s chin and bursts.

“The idea is that your body needs to understand that I’m in charge of it for the moment. That means you need to do whatever I say to assert my dominance over you, and once that’s done you simply need to politely ask mommy to allow you to stop cumming. Are you ready?” Tilda spoke eloquently and concisely as if she had taught this lesson hundreds of times before. “I said are you ready, baby?”

“Yesh…” Austin quickly acquiesced. His current predicament was far from ideal, but this seemed like the only way to stop it.

“Good. Now, face away from the stage and lay down flat on your tummy.”

Austin was grateful for this command as it meant his shameful penis would finally be hidden from his captive audience.

His gratitude was short-lived. “Now, keep your chest and face pressed against the floor, but spread your legs and raise your ass as high as you can.”

Austin balked at her order, immediately stammering out protests. “No, Mommy! Pwease! Everyone will be able to shee everyfing! They’ll shee my penis and my butthole!”

“You do not call it that, Mister! You know very well that you have a clitty, not a penis. If you call your little worm a penis again, mommy is going to just hang up on you!” Tilda warned.

“No!” Austin panicked and did as she asked, aiming his rear at the students and raising his bum high in the air. Everyone in the auditorium, and the fans watching from home, were given a perfect view of his pink little hole and dangling privates. “Pwease don’ go, mommy! I shtill need your hewp!”

Unending spurts of semen shot downward from his new position, drenching his abdomen and pooling beneath his body. A wide puddle of Austin’s cum was pooled all around him, and it cause him to almost slip and lose his balance several times.

“It’s okay, honey. We’re almost there. You’re doing so good,” Tilda praised. The comforting words grounded him, and it was as if everything else in the whole world disappeared. It was like it was just him and his mommy again, like the good old times.

“I want you to grip your little white worm with your thumb and your pointer finger,” Tilda said.

Austin obliged gladly, reaching under his raised tummy to daintily grip his dick.

“Your clitty is too small to stroke properly, so I want you to try and just fiddle with it to the best of your ability,” Tilda said in an almost detached, clinical fashion. “And then you have to repeat everything mommy says back to her. This is the last step so be a good boi and don’t misbehave!”

“Yesh, mommy! Fank you!” Austin used his fingers to shake his dick around, the closest approximation of hands he could accomplish with his diminutive equipment.

“I’m an inferior whiteboi.”

“I’m an infewiow whiteboi!”

“My little white worm could never please a woman.”

“My wittle white wowm could neva’ pwease a woman!”

“I could never compare to big. Black. Cocks.”

“I could neva’ compared to big! Bwack. Cocksh!”

“Good. Good! You did so well, sweetheart,” Tilda sounded so gentle and proud of her son. “All you have to do now is ask Mommy if you can stop cumming.”

“Pwease, Mommy! Can I pwease shtop cumming? I’m going cwazy!” Austin desperately shouted as he wiggled his clitty with his fingers.

“You may,” Tilda said graciously.

Austin’s eyes bulged wide open as he felt an even bigger pressure quickly build up inside him.

Once the feeling reached its apex it was like a rubber band snapped inside him. His ass shot far higher in the air on instinct, inadvertently making his torso rise as well. His upper body was now completely upside down, with the top of his head resting against the floor. His tiny dick was pointed directly down at his face as he intensely climaxed.

Austin’s pink acorn shot a stream of cum directly down into his gaping mouth with the strength of a pressure washer.

So much of his cum was flooding his mouth that Austin felt like he needed to gulp it all down to avoid drowning.

Austin moaned rapturously, “Ah! Uhn! Uhhn! Mmm! Hahn!” as he climaxed onto his face. The pleasure was so divine that for a brief moment, he thought that all the humiliation had been worth it.

His sissygasm slowly began slowing down and his legs gave out from underneath him, the awkward angle he had been in made the twelve-year-old boy somersault forward, landing on his back once more.

His cummies were still shooting out like a geyser, but the stream was gradually losing power and receding, like turning off the valve on a garden hose.

Initially, it was shooting past his head, then the arc of the stream lowered, covering his face, his neck, and his chest until all that was left was a string-thin stream of cum that was weakly spattering into his belly button.

Finally, blissfully, the orgasm was over, with only a small stream of cum dribbling down his shrinking cocklet and in between his buttcheeks.

The embarrassment, the orgasm, and the sheer amount of ejaculation his body forced out finally caught up with him as the twelve-year-old boy drifted into unconsciousness on stage, naked and laying in a pool of his cummies for the whole world to see.

The last words his brain registered before he passed out from exhaustion were those of Headmistress Snow.

“Your name is Kyle, correct?” She addressed Austin’s friend. “I believe you asked earlier how the black pill made white people evolve. Well, Mister Ivory here is a perfect example.” Austin vaguely registered the headmistress teasingly rubbing her high-heeled boots against his privates as his glazed-over eyes slowly closed shut.

“Whitebois evolved to be cucked and humiliated,” Snow proclaimed.

Austin’s baby dick spurted out one last pitiful dollop of cum at her words and the world went black.

His final thought before falling into his cum-induced slumber?

‘If this was only the orientation, how am I going to last five years in this place?’