This is a story consisting of total fantasy. Any descriptions of ****** taboo are strictly fictional, and between consenting adults.
A ****** of 4 consisting of Husband, Wife, and 2 ********* decide to hire a live in laborer. The laborer, a strongly built black man, soon takes a fancy to the women of the house, and proceeds to make his way through them. The husband is included in this take over, whether he wants to be or not.

Jim needed help. With the ever increasing tasks he had to complete around the ranch, it was all he could do to keep up. Bringing it up with his wife Melanie, he pointed out that if they could hire someone, and offer room and board, they should be able to pay a wage that would attract a good hand.

“The basement room would work perfect for a lodger” Melanie suggested. “We have an extra bathroom down there, and with a little paint, and a new bed, anyone would be quite comfortable.” She guessed.

“Well, I’ll start checking around for a new hand.” Jim decided. He already had an idea where to start, his neighbor Frank Barlow had just downsized his ranch in anticipation of retirement, and had some experienced ranch hands freshly out of work.

After talking with Frank, he learned that of the 4 men he let go, the only one he knew of still available, was a man named Karl Mead. He went on to say Karl was a good worker, and skilled tradesman, but sometimes seemed to forget who was in charge. “He may be the best guy around, and his work is good, it’s just that with me he seemed to think he was in charge, instead of the other way around.” Frank
informed him. “Well I need a good hand, and I plan to ask if he’s interested.” Jim said. “You think he’d be interested?” He asked. “One way to find out, here’s his number.” Frank answered, handing Jim a slip of paper.

Jim talked to Karl later that day, and found him to be friendly and knowledgeable about all around ranch work. He didn’t see why Frank seemed to have reservations. Karl agreed that the compensation, with room and board was fair, and thought he would actually do better financially, not having to keep an
apartment or even buy groceries.

Since Karl would be living in the house, Jim thought that he should introduce him to the rest of the ******, and invited him to dinner the following Sunday.
Jim and Melanie explained their new living arrangement to their *********, explaining that it was necessary so that their father could get some much needed help around the property.

Melanie had just went back into the kitchen to check on her roast when Jim heard the knock on the door. Opening the door he was met by a large athletically built black man. “Karl?” Jim asked holding out his hand. “That’s me.” Karl responded, shaking Jim’s hand. “Come in, come in.” Jim welcomed, ushering him inside.

“Melanie.” Jim called out. Melanie came back from the kitchen smiling at Karl, seeing that he was maybe forty, and noting how handsome and fit he looked. “Hi, I’m Melanie.” She said in greeting, also taking Karl’s hand, both of them giving a gentle squeeze rather than a shake. “Nice to meet you.” Karl smiled,
appreciating the looks of the gorgeous woman.

“Where are the girls?” Jim asked Melanie. “They should be back any minute, they went to pick up some things I wanted for desert.” She informed him. “Good, good. Would you like a drink Karl?” Jim asked, motioning Karl to a chair. “Sure, that sounds pretty good.” He told him, taking the offered seat. “I got beer, I got whiskey, what would you like?” Jim enquired. “A cold beer sounds pretty good.” Karl said.

Just then 2 cute giggling girls, their similarities marking them as sisters, burst into the house carrying bags from the grocery store. Both of them looked at Karl and smiled brightly, showing their perfect white teeth. Karl couldn’t believe how beautiful these women were. Damn, he thought to himself, they all look like
little cheerleaders. Petite firm little bodies, all within an inch of what had to be around 5’ 4”, and between 118 to 120 pounds. The feature that capped it all off was there stunning faces. The mom and the oldest ******** were brunette, while the youngest had more of a darker blond hair color, all of them hot enough to be models. Working around here is gonna suit me just fine, he thought.

At dinner, Karl was introduced to Allison, the oldest ******** at 21, and Rylee, who was 19. Both attended a nearby college, and to help their parents more easily handle their tuition, decided to stay in the house they grew up in rather than share an apartment, which was the original plan.

Karl looked at the beautiful women, wondering how their mother could possibly have kids that age considering how young she looked. She had to be in her later 30’s, but looked like she could pass for an older sister.

After dinner Karl was given a tour of his room, and shown where he could store his things. It was explained to him that he was welcome to eat his meals with the ******, and use the kitchen like it was his own. “Just help yourself to whatever snacks or drinks you want.” Jim invited, leaving Karl to get comfortable. “We’ll start after breakfast, need to make a couple changes in the barn”. Jim informed him, climbing the stairs.

Jim and Melanie lay in bed discussing their opinions of Karl so far. “Well he certainly looks strong enough to do the job.” Melanie noted, remembering his bulging muscles. “He does look strong enough I would think.” Jim agreed, turning off the light and pulling his wife to him. He appreciatively stroked her tight ass
through her panties, as she reached down taking his hardening cock in her hand. They quickly, and spontaneously made love, with Jim thrusting into her urgently, flooding his wife’s pussy with his cum before she could reach an orgasm. “Sorry.” Jim said regretfully. Melanie assured him it was alright, even though she felt frustrated. Soon they fell asleep in each other’s arms.

“Good morning Karl.” Jim called from the table as Karl walked up to take a seat. “Morning,” Karl replied, sitting down. “Let’s get breakfast out of the way and get started.” Said Karl. “We have a lot to do around here.” Jim was a little surprised by Karl acting as if Jim was the ranch hand, and he was the boss. The sideward glance Melanie shot his way indicated that she too was taken aback by his boldness in talking to her husband that way.

Frank had warned him that Karl didn’t conduct himself like an underling, but reasoned that he needed help, and regardless of how Karl may act, at least they would get the work done.

Over the next few weeks the men worked around the property, doing typical repairs and attending animals as if they had worked together for years. Karl took it upon himself to set the day’s agenda, but the work load was split equitably and Jim didn’t have a problem with it.

In the evenings Karl joined the ******, watching television, or listening to music. Most of the time it was only Jim and Melanie with him, but a lot of times they would be joined by one or both of the girls. They must have been comfortable with Karl, because they were usually dressed in something that revealed a lot of sexy skin he thought. Karl loved having the women around to look at, and never passed up an opportunity to flirt with them.

Tonight it was Rylee and her parents at home, while Allison was out with her boyfriend. Rylee wore shorts that hugged her body like a coat of paint, and showed the bottom of her sexy ass cheeks whenever she stood up. Melanie lounged beside her husband wearing a pullover top that didn’t require
bottoms, but ******* a lot of tan sexy legs. He eyed the girls hungrily, while Jim watched a show oblivious to Karl’s lustful looks at his wife and ********.

Karl considered himself a pretty good judge of character, and thought that the way Jim let himself be basically bossed around on his own ranch, and made no attempt to have his wife or ********* cover themselves more completely, that he needed to step into the role of Man of the house. He decided to set about assuming that role.

“So no class today?” Karl asked the girls at breakfast. “Allison does, but I don’t.” Replied Rylee. “Good I need help in the barn, and your *** has to work on that fence on the back pasture.” He informed her.

Rylee looked at her Father as if to confirm that that was what he wanted. He just sheepishly informed her that it wouldn’t hurt her to help around the place sometimes, and stood up to head out.

Rylee pouted as she entered the barn, obviously not happy being pressed into service around the farm. From the look of her choice of clothes she didn’t expect to do much, wearing a short skirt and, a top that accentuated her firm breasts showing lots of cleavage, and her bare flat midriff.

“You don’t look like you came here to work.” Karl accused, pointing to her outfit. “I don’t have to.” She retorted haughtily. “Girl I told you, you were coming out here to work, are you disrespecting me?” Karl questioned menacingly.

Rylee looked down realizing she underestimated how serious he was. “Get your
ass over here girl!” Karl demanded, grabbing Rylee’s arm and pulling her to him forcefully. “Girls that are bad get punished, and you’ve been bad!” He said as he plopped onto a bench and put her over his lap.

“Just a spoiled little bitch that always gets her way, is that it?” Karl asked, flipping up her short skirt to reveal her perfect little ass split by the string of her thong. Rylee squirmed, trying to get away, but he held her firmly as the first stinging slap came down on her backside. “OW THAT HURTS!” Rylee cried out, as Karl’s big strong hand rained stinging slaps down on her. “Good that means I’m doing it right.” He snarled, swatting her again.

Karl continued spanking the girl through all her pleading and begging, and finally crying. Both of her tight little ass cheeks were bright red where he struck her.

“Look, those panties are so small I didn’t know you were wearing any.” Karl lied. “Girls get spanked bare assed, take them off!” He ordered. “Please not that.” She begged sniffling. “NOW!” He demanded, as she reluctantly hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her thong and pulled them off her shapely ass.

Karl rubbed Rylee’s stinging ass cheeks while she sobbed. “Gonna teach you some respect.” He threatened, slapping her ass hard, Rylee squirmed in his lap feeling an increasing bulge under her as Karl spanked her bottom. Karl alternated between slapping the girl’s stinging butt cheeks, and rubbing them gently while she moaned. He then rubbed the edge of his hand over her pussy feeling instantly how wet she had become while being punished.

Rylee felt Karl rub her pussy, and moaned. “Oh my god” she thought, stiffening as he pushed a fat thumb into her weeping pussy. “You little slut, you like me spanking your ass.” Karl accused. “You’re wet as hell.”

“I guess it’s time to give you what you have been needing for a long time, running around half naked, making a man think all kinds of bad thoughts.” Karl proclaimed, as he picked her up and placed her on a bed of straw.

Rylee looked at her tormentor in fear as she reluctantly followed his orders and began to strip. When Karl dropped his pants, she let out a startled squeak as his massive penis came into view. She gawked at Karl’s huge throbbing cock as if sighting the Loch Ness Monster, her mouth agape and a shocked expression on her face. It had to be a foot long, and she didn’t think she could get her hand half way
around it.

Karl moved to the trembling girl, taking her head in one hand and guiding his heavy throbbing cock to her lips with the other. “Suck that cock girl.” He commanded, pushing part of the head into her warm mouth.

Rylee struggled to take Karl’s pulsing shaft into her mouth, deciding to lick it in an attempt to appease him. He took her head in both hands and forced his heavy cock into her mouth, and partially into her throat. Rylee gagged and choked when he withdrew, slobber dripping out of her mouth, and off his cock.

“Lay back and spread your legs.” Karl ordered, going to his knees between the girl’s splayed thighs.

“God,” Karl thought, looking at the beautiful girl’s tiny slit and rubbing his turgid member around her seeping vulva.
“OH...TOO...BIG...HUR...HURTING...ME...UHN...UHN...TOO...BIG!” Rylee shrieked as Karl pushed the head of his hard cock into the quivering girl. “KILL...KILLING...ME...UHN...FUCK...RIP...RIPPING...ME...UH...OHHH FUCK!” She wailed, as he fucked into her tight trembling cunt.

Karl pushed more of his huge veiny piston into the quivering girl’s tight gripping sheath, loving the delicious feel as her cunt massaged his fat cock.

Rylee looked between her spread legs as she panted, seeing that Karl only had about half of his giant shaft in her, yet she felt so completely stuffed with cock it was hard for her to breath.

“UHN...UHN...UHN...OH...FUCK...OH...FUCK...OH...FUUUCK...CUM...OH...FUCK...I’M...CUMMINNNNG!” She screamed, as a cascade of sweet girl cum bathed them both.

Karl took hold of Rylee’s slim hips in his big hands and holding her tightly, rammed the rest of his huge fat cock into her resistant pussy, as her eyes rolled back in her head, and her knuckles turned white gripping handfuls of the straw she lay on. He was rewarded with another fountain of her cum as it gushed from her tight stuffed hole.

“MAK...MAKING...ME...ME...CUM...SO...HAR...HARD...OH...FUCK...SO...HARD!” She wailed, as her legs shook and quivered, and she felt herself evacuate a copious flood of cum. It wasn’t like relieving your bladder, but relieving something in a hidden part of yourself that she didn’t even know needed relief.

Rylee looked at Karl in bewilderment as he power fucked her gripping cunt. God, she thought, he is so deep in me, I feel like he’s a part of me. She felt his fat heavy shaft fill every inch of her tight pussy, as he repeatedly thudded to the bottom of her womb. Quaking, and shrieking, she came hard again, the
feeling of being so completely dominated by a man, profoundly changing her very soul, rendering her forever submissive to his massive cock.

“You little whore, look at you screaming on my dick.” Karl accused, mashing his pulsing fat cock right to the balls into her tight fuck hole. She had never experienced vaginal tenting, or a cock going past her cervix and into the sensitive pocket deep inside her.

“Your little dicked boyfriend fuck you this good?” He teased, slamming
her harder than any man ever had.

“OH...UHN...CUM...CUMMINNNNG...AGAIN!” Rylee screamed convulsing, on his pistoning shaft.

“Gonna fuck this pussy every day!” Karl declared, as she thrashed uncontrollably under his brutal assault.

“This is my pussy now slut.” He proclaimed, taking ownership of her body completely. “WHO OWNS THIS PUSSY RYLEE?” He demanded, thrusting into her so hard and so deep, she literally leaked cum from her battered cunt. “WHO’S YOUR DADDY BITCH?”

Rylee clung to the edge of sanity, being so truly and completely fucked for the first time, that every idea she had about what it meant to be with a man was irrevocably altered forever.

“YOU...YOU...UHN...UHN...FUCK...OWN...MY...PUSSY...FUCK...USE...USE...YOUR...PUSSY...DADDY...PLEEEASE!” She begged, as he pummeled her tight gripping sheath.

Karl pounded the teenager’s tight cunt for more than an hour, sending her through screaming orgasms that completely changed everything she thought she knew about being with a man sexually. She screamed her love for him, and pledged her eternal servitude as his personal whore.

“TAKE DADDY'S CUM!” Karl bellowed, as thick ropes of burning cum rocketed up his massive shaft to bathe the unprotected womb of the screaming girl. He grabbed her tight ass cheeks and yanked her cunt onto himself hard, pushing pulse after pulse of thick scalding cum into her depths.

Rylee could actually feel the heat and pressure of his release as he hosed her womb with his man cum. It was a strange sensation, and one she never experienced with her boyfriend. She only knew he was done because he climbed off of her, and she could feel a little wetness between her legs. This felt like a huge
fire hose was crammed into her pussy and turned on. She could feel it running out of her, and that she lay in a virtual puddle of cum.

Karl pulled his still throbbing cock from Rylee’s tortured fuck hole, holding it to her lips, where she began to lick and suck it gratefully, worshipping the magnificent cock that changed her life.

“Thank you Daddy, thank you, thank you.” She moaned in appreciation, doing her best to clean her Daddy’s fat cock.

“Let’s go up to the house.” Karl told her. “And leave your skirt and panties where they are, you won’t be needing those.” He informed her.

Melanie was startled, when Karl walked into the house leading her naked ******** by the hand. Rylee had a dazed look on her face, as Melanie studied her closely.

“What is going on here?” She demanded incredulously. “It’s high time you teasing little sluts got the fucking you been all but begging for around here!” Karl informed her. “Running around half dressed, and flaunting your tight little asses.” “Well this
one got the fucking she needed, now it’s your turn.” He said, taking a shocked Melanie by the arm.

‘Let go of me, your hurting me.” Melanie pleaded, as Karl unceremoniously ripped her top open, ******** her bulging breasts, and causing her to instinctively try to cover herself.

Karl hooked his thumbs into the waistband of her skirt, and pulled them off the struggling woman’s shapely ass right along with her tiny panties.

Rylee stood rooted in place, watching the violation of her mother, and knowing deep down that it was what she needed, even if she didn’t know it yet. Karl dropped his pants, letting his straining cock out of confinement, aching to punish this sweet little whore with it.

“GET ON YOUR KNEES BITCH!” Karl demanded, holding his throbbing fat cock out in front of him. “Your ********’s cum is all over my cock, and I think we should start by you getting a good taste of her!” He instructed, rubbing the fat head against Melanie’s tightly closed lips. “NOW!” He ordered, more insistently forcing his veiny cock into her resistant, but now slightly open mouth.

Finally he lost patience, ramming several inches of his huge pulsing cock into her mouth and throat as she choked and gagged.

Melanie was powerless to stop this madness. Karl was so strong and forceful, she couldn’t hope to stop him. She began to panic as her air supply was cut off. She thought she was being suffocated in front of her ******** by the most obscenely
massive cock she had ever seen. Just as she began to think she would literally pass out, Karl withdrew his hard shaft, as she sucked in desperate gulps of air, and his slobber covered horse cock dripped with her slimy fluids.

Karl picked up the stunned wife as if she didn’t weigh anything, carrying her to the Master bedroom where she was deposited on her back.

Karl admired the shapely young wife’s perfectly toned and tan body, thinking how lucky he was that every little slut in this ****** was built so perfectly. He moved
between her already splayed thighs, forcing them even farther apart, and began to push his lust swollen cock into her weeping pussy.

Melanie’s waxed smooth pussy was so enticing and sexy, Karl thought he could just eat her all day, but this little wife needed cock first, and cock she was going to get.

Melanie quivered in fear as Karl’s monster cock began to enter her tight opening. My God it was huge she thought, he will tear me apart with that thing. Against her will, she felt her undeniably aroused pussy betray her, and leak her excited juices all over the invading shaft. She was married, her sensibilities screamed at her, but her traitorous cunt wept in anticipation of Karl’s huge throbbing cock.

“You little slut, your married pussy is soaking wet for me.” Karl admonished, looking at her disapprovingly. “I bet you liked sucking your ********’s pussy juice off my cock too, didn’t you?” “DIDN’T YOU?” He demanded. “Yes.” She admitted, closing her eyes in shame. “How did she taste?” Karl teased. “Good.” She confessed, realizing that Rylee had followed them into the bedroom, and listened to her shamefully admit to Karl’s accusations.

Melanie tensed up as Karl forced the baseball sized head of his pulsing shaft into her sopping wet hole. Even as wet as she was, the stretching sensation reminded her of giving birth to her *********.

“OH...MY...GOD...YOU’RE...TOO...BIG...OH...TOO...BIG...TOO...BIG!” She screamed out as Karl pounded the first 6 extremely thick inches into her tight gripping pussy.

Rylee instinctively went to the bed taking the hand of her writhing mother, and stroking her fevered brow to comfort her as best she could. “It only hurts at first.” Rylee promised, stroking her gently.

“Mom it will be like heaven.” She assured, as Karl insistently ground his heavy cudgel into the trembling wife.

“HURTS...CUM...OH...FUCK...MAK...MAKING...ME...CUMMMMM!” Melanie screeched, as she felt Karl reaching places in her stuffed cunt that had never been reached before. Her knuckles were white as she gripped Rylee with one hand, and the bedsheets with the other, and her toes curled, as she shuddered and sprayed gushes of her hot cum all over Karl’s fat heavy dick.

Squirting cum was something Melanie had never done before, and she marveled at the sensation of relief, like holding back a wall of water you finally got to let go of. She spread her legs farther apart welcoming Karl’s brutal assault.

“That’s it Mom.” Rylee encouraged, as Karl began to pound her squirming mother with his amazing cock.

“Relax Mom, let him use your pussy like only a real man can.” She advised, actually pushing the bunched muscles of Karl’s tight ass as he fucked into her mom ever deeper.

Karl kissed the moaning wife passionately, thrusting his tongue into her sweet mouth, as she threw her arms around him holding him urgently. Melanie was completely ******* that a man could make her feel these life changing sensations, sending her to blissful heights she had never scaled before, and
effortlessly forcing her cum out of her repeatedly.

“FUCK...ME...OH...GOD...FUCK...FUCKING...ME...SO...HARD!” “CUMMING...AGAIN!” Melanie cried out, squeezing Rylee’s hand.

Karl thudded hard to the bottom of Melanie’s womb, causing the quivering wife and mother to shake uncontrollably as she came. Rylee was only slightly surprised to see the unmistakable look of love and worship on her mother’s face as she was roughly used by the handsome black stud.

Karl fucked the adulteress wife through countless orgasms, as she, like her ******** pledged her undying love for him.

Karl enjoyed hearing married women tell him they had never been fucked this good by their husbands, but he needed to flood her cunt with his potent seed, and only needed one question answered.

“WHO OWNS YOUR PUSSY SLUT?” He bellowed, slamming hard into her tight gripping cunt. “WHO CAN FUCK THIS PUSSY ANY TIME HE WANTS?” “WHO CAN FUCK THIS PUSSY RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR HUSBAND?” He insisted, as she convulsed and came.

‘YOU...YOU...YOU...OWN...MY...PUSSY...I...I’M...A...SLAVE...TO...YOUR...COCK!” She pledged breathlessly, writhing in ecstasy she had never felt before. She felt a stab of guilt, but knew she would spread her legs in her marriage bed with her husband right beside her if Karl told her to. Her pussy was Karl’s from that
day, to her dying day.

Karl gripped her slim shapely hips loving the way her tiny toned body milked his cock so deliciously. He pounded her at an impossible pace, feeling his scalding cum race up his fat shaft and erupt in her unprotected married cunt. Pulse after pulse of hot thick cum jetted into her wet feverish pussy, as it clung to, and massaged his fat heavy cock.

Melanie, like her ******** before her, experienced the feeling of forceful insemination. She didn’t take birth control because Jim had a vasectomy, and she now realized she could have just been knocked up by her black Master. Try as she might, she just didn’t care.

Karl pulled his still throbbing beast out of the young panting wife, as she groaned at his absence. He pointed his cum covered cock at Rylee, who eagerly took his fat shaft in her mouth, loving the taste of her mother’s sweet girl cum, and Karl’s thicker salty globs of man cum.

“I’ll be in my room.” Karl informed them, after Rylee had sufficiently cleaned his cum covered cock. “When Allison gets home, send her to my room after dinner.” He ordered, turning to head toward the basement.

Both women nodded their heads silently, knowing what awaited Allison. Rylee looked at her mother still laying on the bed with her legs spread lewdly, a puddle of cum pooled up at her pussy hole. She went to her knees and lowered her open mouth to her Mother’s cum filled pussy and began to suck, and lick it out. Her mother started to protest, but fuck she thought, it feels too damn good. She closed her eyes, and breathing a moan of contentment, enjoyed the loving ministrations of her ********.

At dinner that night Jim thought that something wasn’t quite right with his wife and his youngest ********. He couldn’t put a finger on it, but knew they weren’t acting like normal. He wondered if they had some kind of an argument, and were just not talking much. Oh well he reasoned, they will work it out.

Melanie and Rylee had been instructed to tell Allison that Karl wanted to see her in his room when she got home. They were to wait 15 minutes after she entered Karl’s room, then both were to come in after her. Allison was supposed to be home around 10:30, which Melanie hoped would be late enough for Jim to be fast asleep.

“Why does he want to see me?” Allison questioned her mother, a look of curiosity on her pretty face. “He just does Baby Girl.” Her mother told her.

Melanie relaxed in bed listening for the deep relaxed breathing of her husband, which would indicate he was asleep. It had been about 15 minutes since Allison went to Karl’s room, and she quietly stood up from the bed.

Going to the head of the stairs she found Rylee waiting for her so they could go into Karl’s room together. They heard a muffled thump, and a little gasp from the room below, and looked at each other knowingly.

Allison knocked softly on the door to Karl’s room, and heard him tell her to come in. She stepped into his room only partially closing the door, to find the large black man stretched out on the bed naked. She jumped a little, and gasped at the sight of him. His penis was a knotty fat black shaft, bigger than anything she had ever seen before, slightly pulsing down his legs. She instantly turned to go, thinking this had to be some kind of mistake, when she heard him say “STOP!” In a tone of voice that brooked no argument.

As she stopped and slowly turned Karl was there, towering over her petite frame. She looked up into his smoldering eyes fearfully, wondering what he wanted, and afraid that she already knew.

“I’m gonna fuck your teasing little cunt!” He informed her, taking her by the arms. “Just like I fucked your mom and sister.” He enlightened a shocked Allison. “TAKE OFF YOUR CLOTHES.” He ordered the cringing girl.

Allison was in a state of shock. “Just like I fucked your mom and sister.” Going through her head, as she realized it was her mother that sent her down here. She slowly unbuttoned her blouse and removed it, showing the lacy bra beneath. Karl assumed she was just like her mom and sister, and the bra was unnecessary as their perfect tits had no sag whatsoever. As she removed her bra, he could clearly see he was right.

Allison stood wearing tiny short shorts. She had removed her top but hesitated to continue. “ALL OF THEM.” Karl demanded, watching her impatiently. Allison unbuttoned the buttons on her shorts, slowly pulling them over the swell of her cute little ass, and then whisked her skimpy panties down her long tan legs to reveal that she too was completely devoid of pubic hair.

Karl took in the stunning sight, his cock giving a lurch as he imagined what he was going to do to the girl.

Allison was terrified of this big man with his massive cock. He had to be 3 times the length of her boyfriend, and so thick she wondered if he could fit the head of his penis in a measuring cup.

“I I’m sor...sorry...did...didn’t mean to tease you.” She stuttered, looking at the massive horse cock as it bobbed obscenely in front of her. “Too late for that slut!” He informed her, as he picked her up and threw her trembling body on his bed to have her land on her back with her sexy legs spread. He always liked to look them right in the eye when he fucked them the first time, so he could watch their eyes
switch from fear, to bewilderment, and finally to a state of catatonic worship.

Melanie and Rylee entered the room to find a visibly shaken Allison trembling on the bed. Melanie’s motherly instincts kicked in, and she went to the bed to comfort her obviously terrified ********.

“Oh Baby Girl.” She soothed. “It’s gonna be alright.” she promised, stroking her ********’s temples gently as Rylee had done for her.

“Mom, why don’t you get that pussy nice and wet?” Karl suggested, leaving no doubt that it wasn’t a question, but an order. Allison looked in wonder as her mother immediately went to her tight little slit and began to lick her lovingly. Melanie noticed that like her, and she guessed Rylee before her, she was
already wet, her sweet little pussy gushing lubricant.

Rylee, also in an effort to relax her sister, leaned down and kissed her deeply, pushing her tongue deep into her mouth. They sometimes kissed like this, though their parents never knew about it, and it had been a long time. Both girls enjoyed the sweet taste of each other’s mouths, and made a mental note that they should do it more often.

Karl laid his hand on Melanie’s shoulder gently pulling her off her older ********, and moved up to rub his fat heavy cock head around Allison’s wet quivering vulva.

Rylee kissed her sister deeply, feeling her relax slightly. Melanie tilted her head and watched her ********* kiss, feeling a tingle in her pussy at the naughty sight.

Allison’s eyes shot open, and she screamed into her sister’s mouth, as Karl pushed the head of his massive cock into the trembling girl. “Oh Baby, you’re okay.” “It will be better soon.” Her mom soothed, rubbing her brow.

“UHN...UHN...UHN...OH...GOD...TOO...BIG...OH...FUCK...TOO...BIG!” Allison panted, nearly in a panic. Karl forced his swollen heavy shaft into the girl’s quivering cunt, knowing that like her mother and sister, she would soon be begging him for it.

“Fuck her good Daddy.” Rylee encouraged, as Karl inserted more of his lust engorged cock into Allison’s obscenely stretched pussy. Allison writhed under his assault, her fists clenched tightly. She felt like a shaft as big around as a can of salt was being forced into her. “Yes fuck her good Daddy.” Melanie echoed.

“UHN...GON...GONNA...CUM...CUMMINNNNNG!” Allison shrieked, as she shook and gushed her pent up girl cum. Melanie and Rylee smiled at each other knowingly, as Allison quivered below the big man, already lost in a world of blind devotion to black cock.

Jim sat up in bed. Realizing his wife was gone, he looked around in sleep induced confusion until he heard a shriek from his ******** down stairs. Coming fully awake he got out of bed and began to make his way toward the noise.

Karl held the slim hips of the bucking girl relentlessly pushing his fat veiny shaft into her, waiting for the satisfying feeling of his cum filled balls to slap against her sweet ass.

Melanie and Rylee, both standing at Karl’s side, each stroked a cheek of his tightly muscled ass lovingly, as he pounded his big hurtful, and wonderful cock into Allison.

“SOOOO...DEEP...SO...DEEP...UHN...UHN...FUCK...SO...DEEP!” CUMMING...AG...AGAIN...MAK...MAKING...ME...CUM...SO...HARD! Allison screamed, as she shook convulsively and jetted another expression of her
love. Her pussy quivered and squeezed his cock desperately, as the dam holding back her cum was breached again and again.

Jim crept up to the door of Karl’s basement room, his heart hammering in his chest as he heard the unmistakable screams of euphoric bliss emanating from within.

Melanie and Rylee moved closer together behind their black Daddy, still stroking his ass lovingly, as each of them wished she were the girl taking Karl’s fat cock.

They tentatively brushed lips, and then gave in to the forbidden desire to share this special moment with a Sapphic kiss.

Jim peaked around the door, the sight greeting him nearly made his heart stop. His wife and ******** were locked in a passionate kiss, while his other ******** screamed her love of Karl’s big cock.

Looking between the lewdly splayed thighs of his ********, he could see her vagina was so impossibly stretched around a cock so large it didn’t seem real.

“OH...FUCK...I...LOVE...LOVE...YOU! Allison proclaimed, as Karl pistoned his heavy shaft into her gripping sheath. “FUCKING ME SO HARD, OH FUCK CUMMING AGAIN!” She wailed, as she thrashed on the bed, literally being fucked into the mattress.

Jim watched the obscene spectacle, afraid to move. What the fuck was happening to his ****** he wondered. Obviously his wife and Rylee were part of this, he reasoned. They were too familiar with what was happening to Allison not to be. It suddenly dawned on him, the implications undeniable, Karl had fucked all of them.

Melanie broke her kiss with Rylee, sensing the presence of someone else in the room. Turning her head toward the door she saw Jim standing with a stunned look on his face, his dick forming a tent in his boxer shorts.

Rylee looked where her mother was looking and also noticed her father standing there looking dazed. She too, noticed that this was exciting him.

Karl noticed that Melanie and Rylee were distracted, and turned his head to see Jim watching him fuck his ********. He smiled seeing that his hand absentmindedly brushed at his swollen dick.

“Well you’re just in time for the fun Jim.” Karl informed him. “I’m going to give all three of these sluts a good fucking, and I can see by your hard little dick you like to watch.”

“Might as well jack your dick, I was just about to fuck your little wife again.” He said, pulling his throbbing cock from his ********, as she moaned her disappointment.

Melanie shot her husband an apologetic look, but immediately went to the bed.
“GET OVER HERE CUCK!” Karl demanded, looking at a startled Jim. “NOW!” He said, as Jim made his way toward him.

“Lay on that bed and let your wife straddle your face in a sixty nine position.” He ordered, as Jim moved to comply. “Lick that pussy and get it nice and wet for my cock.” Karl instructed as Melanie lowered her weeping pussy down to her husband’s mouth.

Rylee and Allison watched their father lick and suck their mom’s overheated pussy with wonder, the taboo of seeing them together, doing something like this, causing both girls to rub their fevered little holes.

Jim licked Melanie’s soaking wet cunt like he was told, oblivious now, to having his ********’s rapt attention.

Suddenly without warning, Karl moved his massive pulsing shaft to the place where Melanie’s Pussy, and Jim’s mouth met. Jim tried to turn his head away, as Karl’s cock pressed past his lips, and he began to work it into his wife’s tight cunt.

“DID I TELL YOU TO STOP LICKING CUCK?” Karl asked, as he suddenly pulled his fat throbbing cock back far enough to stuff the head of it into Jim’s mouth.

RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR WIFE AND *********!” He informed him, as he pushed his cock into Jim’s resistant mouth until he heard a satisfying choke.

“NOW YOU LICK AND SUCK THAT PUSSY, AND MY COCK!” He demanded, once again placing his pulsing fat shaft at Melanie’s trembling fuck hole.

The girls began rubbing their overheated pussies furiously, as they watched their father being forced to submit to Karl’s amazing black cock just like they had.

“OH KARL PLEASE FUCK ME DADDY!” Melanie wailed, as she began to feel the delicious, and now familiar, stretching of her little pussy.

Jim licked the place where Karl and his wife joined in their adulteress union, licking the cock that fucked his wife as much as he licked her pussy. Melanie’s leaking pussy coating his face in a consistent dribble of girl cum, as he frantically licked and sucked them.

“UHN...UHN...CUMMING...OH...DADDY...CUMMING AGAINNNN!” Melanie shrieked, as she gushed a cascade of hot cum on her husband’s upturned face. Karl wrapped a handful of her hair in his powerful fist, yanking her head back as he slammed her tight cunt brutally.

Melanie lost herself at the hands of her black master, not caring that her husband’s face was an inch away from her stuffed pussy, watching as another man took the pussy that was supposed to be his. Not caring that her husband watched her scream and cum from Karl’s superior Real Man’s Cock, and not caring that her bull made her husband lick his fabulous cock. Karl’s black cock was her world, nothing
else mattered.

Allison and Rylee, having had their fevered little fuck holes set on fire from all the naughty hot action, abandoned simply kissing, and were in a scorching sixty nine, passionately tongue fucking each other’s sweet cunts.

Karl pulled his still hard and throbbing cock out of Melanie’s gripping pussy, instructing Rylee to take her place. Jim again began to move when Karl made it clear, that that was where he would stay.

Jim lay still as his youngest ******** swung her sexy leg over his head, and proceeded to lower her leaking tight pussy down to her father’s face.
Karl lined up his cock to Rylee's tight fuck hole, and began to push in as Jim again, began to lick. He had to admit he loved the taste of his wife and ********, and his cock throbbed painfully as he sucked at Rylee’s clit.

Allison and Melanie stood watching the forbidden sight, as Jim’s tongue bathed both the pussy of his own ********, and the fat pulsing shaft of Daddy’s veiny cock.

Like Melanie and Allison before her, Rylee screamed, and convulsed, and came repeatedly on the fat cock, as Karl took complete ownership of every woman in the house.

“OPEN WIDE CUCK!” Karl bellowed, pulling his throbbing cock out of Rylee’s dripping cunt, covered with her foamy secretions, and putting the head to Jim’s lips before blasting rope, after rope, after rope of hot sticky cum into his mouth.

Cum first filled, then overflowed Jim’s mouth, as jet after scalding sticky jet of Karl’s salty load was pumped into him. He felt shame as he realized his wife and both ********* gawked at him in disbelief. His status in their eyes had changed forever. He went from father, and leader to what? Did his wife even love him
anymore? Did his *********? They had all screamed that they loved Karl, while he was there. They had all pledged to make their pussies available to him any time he wanted.

As these disturbing thoughts raced through his mind, like throwing a life preserver to a drowning man, the wife he adored kissed his cum filled mouth.

Things were different after that, but not necessarily worse. Sure he had to sleep in the basement now, while Karl and the women slept in the bed that was once his, but he was allowed to clean their pussies with his mouth when Karl finished using them, and sometimes Karl even let one of the girls suck him off for being a good little cuck. Even though he was forbidden to fuck any of them, even his wife, he realized that the excitement he felt at watching his women fucked so hard and so often, made his sex life better than it ever was.

This went on for around 4 months before each of the women showed that they were clearly knocked up with Karl’s black babies. This heightened their desire to a level even Karl had a hard time keeping up with, so he had taken it upon himself to have several of his equally hung black friends come over frequently to fuck the girls.

Jim wondered at the way things change. His proper ****** went from what would be considered normal, to a houseful of slaves to black cock. He didn’t have long to think about it before he heard Allison yell for him from the other room. “DADDYYY?” He knew what that meant, apparently her little pussy was full