Black Enforcement Detail Part 4

The debut of the BED, it’s “order” of “No girls for white boys,” the inflammatory accusations of racial violence and the purported beating of a white student created a furor in the high school and even in the community.

Although the BED and the school’s African American administrator emphatically denied the allegations, they pointed to the well known, extensively documented historic excesses of White Toxic Masculinity (WTM) and urged the need for “understanding.”

Among his many pronouncements was the following:

“The historic vulnerability of young girls of all races is undisputed and if a group of strong, wholesome young Black men are sensitive to young girls is this a bad thing? Is insistence of respectful treatment of young girls, whether white or any other color, a cause for alarm? I exhort all young men to treat all young girls with respect and stress the need to be protective of the most vulnerable among us, no matter who they are.

“The rumored beating of a young white man is just that. Rumor. Not a single credible, unbiased witness ever came forward. I personally investigated and this allegation was unsupported by any facts. Moreover, the purported victim no longer attends the school and no law suit has been filed. This was a non-event.

“We will not dignify allegations that white students do not receive equal treatment at this school. We will not dignify allegations that white boys are routinely beaten for fraternizing with white girls.

“I encourage everyone to get back to the work of education which is the purpose of this fine school.”

The much feared “investigation” by law enforcement never happened and the rumored civil rights lawsuit by the white student against the school was never filed.

The BED and it’s black constituency, overwhelmingly black male constituency, at the school, had temporarily stood down, held its breath and patiently waited for the initial reaction to their “enforcement” to die. They knew it would. It always did. The BED leadership knew it would have a free hand soon enough, and could afford to bide its time. Time was on its side.

The message had been sent and received. Nervous young white boys kept their distance from white girls. The high school, teen aged grapevine did its job and was more reliable than ghost written press releases from the administration. Everyone knew the administration lied about everything, anyway. Trusted adults in positions of power were fond of exhorting youth to tell the truth, but relied heavily on lying themselves.

BED leaders used the hiatus to plan an ambitious campaign of “enforcement” and propaganda. Although the “no girls for white boys” (NGFWB) order would be a top priority, other themes would be promoted as well.

One theme was protecting white girls from toxic white masculinity, which went beyond separation of white boys from white girls. Interracial dating would be promoted under the slogan, the watchword, the premise of “No Racism.”

What exactly was “racism”? Well, “racism” was anything the BED said it was. Anything. Obviously, only whites could be racist. Racism, was a white girl’s refusing to date interracially, refusing to dance with a black boy. If a white girl did date interracially, it was “racism” to refuse to make out or to suck her black date’s dick. Any denial of sexual favors by white girls to young black men was “racism.”

The BED and the school administration “refused to dignify” allegations that the cry of “racism” was being used to pressure white girls for sex.

There were other forms of racism. Silence was violence. Indifference was hate.

The BED and the school administration “refused to dignify” allegations that “racism” was used to smear white people and to crush free speech on certain issues.

Isolated from white boys, white girls would be “encouraged” to fraternize with black boys instead. The idea was that nature would take its course. The idea was that the biological preference of young women for strong young men, rather than weak ones, would prevail. It did.

Not only did interracial dating, defined as black boys and white girls, increase, but incidents of on campus fraternization increased as well. The rumor, the legend, that “Black boys have bigger dicks” took on new significance as more white girls learned, from personal experience, that it was true. Not only were black dicks bigger, they were harder and lasted longer than smaller, white ones.

More than that, the visual impact of black dicks on uninitiated white girls was undeniable. Widened eyes. Gasps. Mouths dropping open. Hearts pounding.

The natural attraction of white girls for bigger, more sensual black dicks was not just teenage prurient interest, not just cheap physical gratification. It was more. It was... it was RESPECT.


The BED advisors, experts in propaganda and psy ops, immediately realized the importance of that word and popularized its use in connection with interracial sex, especially on campus oral sex. They created and distributed tee shirts, and buttons, with the single word, “RESPECT.” Of course everyone knew it mean white girls showing respect by sucking black dicks on demand. The word, however, was sexually neutral and any sexual connotation could be plausibly denied.

It worked. “RESPECT” tee shirts, buttons and other paraphenalia appeared. It was spray painted on walls, chalked on the sidewalk and even the school newspaper dedicated several square inches with nothing but the word "RESPECT" in type set in bold letters. Frequently students and teachers were greeted in their morning classes with the word RESPECT scrawled by some anonymous author on the class black board.

It was everywhere and it’s message was clear.

The school administration “refused to dignify” rumors of frequent almost daily incidents of improper interracial sexual encounters, the inflammatory allegation that black boys were intimidating white girls to perform oral sex.

The students knew better. Of course school administrators could plausibly deny sanctioning "improper interracial sexual encounters.” By definition, there was no such thing as an “improper” sexual encounter between black boys and white girls. All interracial sex between black boys and girls was, by definition, “proper.”

White girl resistance to interracial dating and widespread on campus sex melted. White girls experienced, first hand, the power and the splendor of the magnificent black dicks. Unofficial school policy was to ignore interracial sex, except when too flagrant or scandalous to be ignored. Students reacted accordingly. There were well known “No Go zones” for uninterrupted interracial dick sucking by white girls. The administration took a permissive “hands off” policy to strict ban of sex acts. This became a joke among black boys who said, “Hands off! Sucking only.”

Of course white girls used their hands as well as their mouths anyway and of course euphoric black boys let them. Students’ social media exploded with blow jobs by white girls on black boys. Interracial sex occurred not only in hidden nooks and crannies of the school, but sometimes quite openly in hallways, bathrooms, the parking lot in cars.

One black student, a popular black athlete, produced a cell phone video featuring a cute white girl down on her knees, her head bobbing rhythmically up and down as she expertly sucked his cock. The lighting was good, the close ups were perfect. She moved slowly, skillfully, passionately. Her enthusiasm, her passion, her skill...were all electrifying. Her half closed eyes, her strokes, slow and measured, made clear she was totally absorbed and oblivious to everything. Fully as absorbed in her own pleasure as in his, she looked up at the camera and smiled, obviously aware she was being recorded. Then she went back with a breathtaking plunge down the full length of his huge cock, fully aware everyone would see it when it was posted on line. More than passion, more than enthusiasm, more than pleasure, she exuded PRIDE, pride in what she did and pride in everyone knowing what she did. It was mesmerizing.

Almost as shocking as that, however was that a couple of times during the video, which went on for almost five minutes, the black boy raised his cell phone and swept the room. To everyone’s shock this explicit interracial encounter occurred was during a class with a teacher present. Everyone in class was watching the whole thing as the teacher pretended not to notice. The white girl’s shirt was emblazoned with the word, “RESPECT,” in big bold letters. This was an additional source of amusement. That video went viral and the interracial couple became an overnight sensations.

So called "Toxic White masculinity" now existed only as a talking point. White boys cowered and avoided white girls, even in classes. White boy enrollment in the school declined, as white parents pulled their white boys. A few white girls were pulled out too by racist white parents who were jolted by graphic social media images of white teens openly sucking black dicks at school.

The school administration “refused to dignify” rumors that white girls were being pressured to perform sex acts.

Of course everyone knew it was a lie and that white girls sucking black dicks had became a rite of passage, a widely accepted almost daily ritual at school.

The school administration also “refused to dignify” allegations that school policy was to “look the other way” and even to encourage interracial sex on campus.

Over the months that followed, a number of other positive social indicators were observed. Interracial dating was on the rise as were interracial pregnancies. Abortions were down. Interracial abortions that is. White girls, pregnant with black babies, were taught that that “life was sacred” and counseled to have their babies. Day care was set up at school so their interracial babies would be cared for while white mothers continued their schooling. Of course White abortions declined too. White boys and girls weren’t dating or having sex and white pregnancies were, when they happened, a matter of strict disapproval. A white girl who delivered a white baby instead of aborting it knew better than to bring her white baby to the school day care center.

The school administration “refused to dignify” inflammatory racist rumors that white children were beaten and otherwise abused by black attendants at the school day care center.

Also up were white suicides, white use of anti-depressants, and white psychological disorders. White male cross dressing, white boys wearing girls clothing and displaying feminine behavior, was previously unknown, but now was becoming more prevalent. A psychological counseling unit was established at the school. Naturally counselors were all African American, who, as members of an oppressed minority, could provide the “sensitivity” needed.

School administrators “refused to dignify” allegations that counselors were having sex with feminized white boys.

The BED operations were part of an experimental pilot program at this school. After six months its success was recognized and government grants were being made available to establish BED programs at other schools. The ultimate goal was a national BED program and government funded BED chapters at every public high school.

Millions of white parents and white boys shivered collectively as a chill came over them. Was it the end of the beginning or the beginning of the end? Historians would argue about that, but for now, there was important work to be done and the courageous forward looking young black men of the BED were going to do it.