Disclaimer: This is a fantasy, no one in their right mind should participate in the activities the characters in this story do. If you don't like cuckold stories don't read this.


hot Wife – Sita

Bull- Yusuf

Cuckold- Ravi

What does a cuckold feel when he sees his wife undressed? What kinds of thoughts go through his mind? What words does he read in her eyes when they are looking back at him strong and confident? Strange questions perhaps but they are prompted by something unusual that happened today when a gift from my wife's lover came in the mail.

Sita and Yusuf were on a vacation in Goa. Sita made me use my vacation time to stay at home with the baby. Like many cuckolded men I started this ball rolling so I have no one but me to blame. Sita and I had a good life and from all indications, she was comfortable with our sex life but I let the seeds of a fantasy grow and was too thoughtless to think of the ramifications. The pain and disappointment I caused Sita is a story for another time but the reality that unfolded for me was not the same as my fantasy. First of all my wife fell in love with Yusuf, her lover, not lust, but love. Like wanting to spend all of her time with him. Like going on trips with him without me. Like insisting that he would be the father of her child and worst of all shutting me out of the bedroom. They all but banished me from the cuckold's major consolation, watching their lovemaking. I will never forget what my wife said as she closed the door on me, "Yusuf said he is not interested in your sexual proclivities and does not intend to waste the time he spends with me humoring you," That was typical of Yusuf sometimes the men who take our women are sadistic toward us and sometimes they are friendly but the man who took my woman seemed to ignore me completely. I was relegated to listening outside the door and only when her lover had left was I allowed inside to clean Sita's pussy with my tongue. He always communicated what he wanted through Sita and she seemed to have nothing but pleasing him on her mind so it was a surprise to see a letter with Yusuf's writing addressed to me. I opened it with great fear that he may be writing to say that he was taking Sita away from me for good, instead, there was a note and a picture:

“Dear cucky, hope you enjoy the picture, she is beautiful, isn't she?


It was a picture of Sita on a bed in an expensive hotel room naked on her hands and knees. Her bottom, invitingly facing the camera. I always told her she had a beautiful bottom it is a sensual round, firm bottom. She always said it was too fat would never have allowed me to take a picture of her in that position and would never let me see her from the back with the lights on. Yet here she was showing her ass proudly to the camera, her lover had built up her confidence. She is looking toward the camera her eyes seem to be saying, 'It took a real man to teach me about my body,' there was something about the position she was in, in those photos that brought back good memories, memories of a long time ago in another time it used to be our favorite position. I felt my hands on her hips many times as I moved inside her. She used to say she could feel me more deeply though she never came until when I lick her pussy, I remember her looking back contentedly when we made love. If I had only kept my fantasies to Myself and not pushed things I might be thrusting inside of her right now instead of trying to recall that increasingly distant pleasure. Thinking back on it maybe it was the fact that her look was content that fueled my cuckold thoughts. It seemed to me a woman being fucked should be in the mad throws of pleasure but her eyes seemed to be saying, 'This is nice and comfortable, I am glad you are enjoying yourself' and that led to my destruction.

She was a virgin when we married. I always wondered if someone else with more than four and a half inches would have opened more pleasure in those eyes and since she was a nurse I worried that sooner or later she would discover the truth. I couldn't let go of all these thoughts, especially since they turned me on.

I was still looking at the picture and couldn’t help but wonder why Yusuf sent it. Maybe to show me how much more confidence he had instilled in her about her body, a confidence she never had with me but there was something else, something about her eyes, something... I’ve seen that look before... Ah, another memory It was the one time that I was allowed to watch her with her lover. Yusuf and Sita had been together constantly for two weeks and it had been two weeks of dashed hopes for me, I was shut out of the bedroom and the experience that every cuckold dreams of.

I adapted as well as I could and practiced the art of listening, laying on the floor by the bedroom door I learned to listen to every nuance of their lovemaking, the rustling of clothes and working of zippers, the pleasuring thrusts registered in the squeaks of the mattress, the sounds lips make on different parts of the body, the pounding groans of the bed and floorboards, and the degree of ecstasy revealed in each breath and moan. My body was Transfixed as I lay on the floor, twice I heard her voice rise and fall over his deep groans and the rhythmic pounding of the bed then a slowing down and a few whispered words I couldn't make out. Then all of a sudden Sita called my name and invited me in after a moment of shock I got up and walked toward the bedroom. As I opened the door, I thought, 'This is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me' I turned to see the sight I dreaded and desired my wife's lover was behind her his face in a mask of pure conquest and pleasure with her looking back at him in adoration. They began to pick up their pace again she was moving back to meet his thrusts and I could see his huge tool alternately revealing its length and then plunging back inside her body. He held her rump tight and looked as if he was preparing for his second release. Her eyes opened wide with each thrust as if her body could barely contain what was happening. That was the look I never saw when I was inside her and I tell you I was so transfixed by that look so much so that I wasn’t aware that I had come in my pants and it was at that moment she turned to look my way, her gaze washed over me. I saw her eyes drop for a moment and a sense of shame washed over me, I felt like a lost little boy who had wet himself. I knew that she was comparing me with him, the cuckold and the conqueror and she looked at me squarely in the eyes and I will never forget what her look seemed to say, 'So this is what you are and what you will always will be. Look at me and see what you have lost, you will never be a man to me again.'

As I hold the picture in my hand I see that same look in her eyes, I can feel the agony and pleasure again and wonder Is this picture a gift or a punishment? Perhaps to a cuckold, a picture like this will always be both.

I looked at the picture again and it produced a final memory. I came home from work to see Yusuf's car in the driveway, it was a regular occurrence. Malathi, our neighbor asked if I had a new car? I told her, "No, our friend is visiting," Malathi looked at me with a knowing smile, she knew the score and would no longer be any use for pretense.

Inside I heard moans coming from upstairs. I followed my erection up the steps and assumed the position by the door hoping against hope that once again I would be allowed to come in and watch, to feel like I was a part of things but once again I had to rely on my acute sense of hearing. They were fucking vigorously and playfully that day stopping to laugh and converse between more violent movements. I think it was more torture than anything the fact that Sita had found someone else to share those special intimacies with. I thought I heard Sita say, "Thank you, Yusuf, for the wonderful gift," I heard Yusuf talk for a little bit and I shivered as I thought he mentioned my name and then Sita called, "Cucky, come in here."

I walked in wondering what to expect her lover was in the shower and I could smell their sex in the air. Usually, Sita would be on her back at this time, legs apart, waiting for my tongue but not this time, this time she was on her hands and knees showing me her beet-red bottom.

Since the only intimate contact I had with Sita was licking her clean after her trysts, I had become an expert on the subject of cream pies. I could tell that Yusuf had come twice much of his first explosion had been squeezed out of Sita by his large cock, then pulverized between them turning her pussy fur into a wet pungent mat. The seed from his second explosion looked like frosting dripping from her pussy in a slow white rivulet My face could feel the heat still radiating from her as I prepared to clean her with my tongue Instead she said, "Guess what cuckold, we are going to have a baby and Yusuf is happy, he said you could be inside me just this once!"

I had a hundred conflicting emotions this was truly a cuckold's dream but it was also a nightmare. Yusuf and I looked completely different so everyone looking at the baby would know it wasn't mine and I was also overjoyed because Sita was getting what she wanted most of all, I was happy that I would be inside my beautiful wife again, I remember thinking to myself 'Maybe if I do a good job, she will ask Yusuf if I can do this again' I was in bliss but I tried to focus and do a good job it felt like old times when I put my hands on her hips and the wonderful memory of times past returned but when I entered her it was a completely different experience I didn't feel anything but wetness and openness like my penis were barely brushing against her walls, her pussy had been resized for a real man. I desperately wanted her to feel me so I thrust as hard as I could. I looked up to see my wife looking back at me her eyes said what she probably wouldn't put into words, 'So this is what you feel like now, not much of anything,' she didn't look mean, or angry just completely unmoved and to make it worse, I came in about 4 strokes. As I came, Yusuf walked into the room and asked Sita where his shaving kit was Sita answered as if she hadn't been up to anything more than doing her nails my orgasm didn't warrant the least respect or attention. I will never forget the tone Sita used when she said, "Are you done, honey? Good boy." She was using her professional nursing voice kindly but without a hint of sexual interest as if she were a nurse praising a patient for a successful bowel movement.

I pulled myself out humiliated. But even then I was strangely pleased to have gotten that kind of caring. I put my face to my wife's pussy to clean the three loads of cum out of her.

Well, there it is a gift for a cuckold from his wife's lover. A picture to soothe and torture while they are away. Maybe it means he is warming up to me and will include me more in their lovemaking, I don't know, but right now I've got a date with a picture and my right hand.


To be continued.


Please send me your feedback and stay tuned for the next part.
