Have you ever felt like you just didn't fit in? At times like that you would do just about anything to feel like one of the guys and be one of the gang. Well that was how I felt. And this is what happened.

At the age of 21 it seemed that things were finally starting to go my way. I had landed a pretty good job at the lumber company and I now had my own house. It wasn't anything fancy but it was mine. Or I should say it was ours. That was the big thing that had gone my way, I had met and married my 19 year old wife Carol 9 months ago and I still had to pinch myself to be sure it wasn't just a dream.

I was never a popular guy in school. I never dated the prom queens or the cheerleaders. I was kind a wild kid if you know what I mean. Not that I would do anything really crazy but I drank my share of beer and drove too fast, all the things that guys do at that age. All that changed when I met my Carol.

Carol's ****** lived in the same town where I grew up but she went to a private girls school so none of us guys had ever met her till after we all graduated. That is probably the reason I ended up with her to tell you the truth. If the other guys in my school had ever seen her there would have been too much competition for me to have ended up with someone like her.

My wife is, to put it simply, beautiful. The thing is though, because of her strict religious upbringing and sheltered education, a lot of guys didn't notice at first just how pretty she was. Her clothes were always very conservative, loose fitting full length skirts and blouses buttoned to the top of her throat. In spite of the fact that she had a spectacular body, no one could tell because of the way she covered every inch of it. She is only 5'3" tall with a great ass and legs and big round 36DD-cup tits. In her baggy clothes she almost looked like a chubby girl because her loose dresses hung out over her big tits and you don't see her narrow waist or her long sexy legs.

I owe a big thanks to her old man even if he is kind of a strict old bastard. Years ago he read something in the Bible saying that women should never cut their hair, so Carol's hair has been growing since she was 6 years old and now hangs down almost to her knees. It's blonde and wavy and really spectacular but her Mom had always made her wear it up in a bun. I only saw it down around her shoulders once until after we were married if you can believe that. They couldn't hide her cute face or her big blue eyes but of course they never let her put on any makeup at all.

So anyway, right after she got out of the private school she came back to town. Her *** knew my Uncle and he had hired me to do some odd jobs around their place. I had seen Carol and thought she was pretty but then one day I was washing windows in the back of her ***'s house when I glanced in the bedroom window and there she was, just getting dressed after a shower.

I couldn't help but look and I about shit my pants when she pulled off the shower cap and about three feet of blonde hair fell down her back. Then she slipped her robe off and I almost fell off the ladder. When I saw that body I knew what I had to do. Before any of the other guys in town got a look at her, I made my move and the next thing I knew we were married.

Trouble was that our sex life was kind of tame in spite of her hot body. She thought it was sinful for me to see her naked so she turned off the lights each night before she climbed into bed and the only sex she would consider was straight missionary position. It drove me nuts to know that her incredible body was being wasted and I have to admit I wished that some of my old friends could have seen what a babe my wife was. I kept working on her to loosen up and wear some sexier clothes but she would have none of it.

One day a truck pulled up to deliver a television we had ordered from a local store. The driver turned out to be Buck Miller, one of the coolest guys from my old school. He was polite enough but he didn't really seem to care much about seeing me again. After we carried the TV in he asked if there was somewhere he could wash his hands so I directed him to the bathroom.

I was checking out the new set and he took a wrong turn and walked into our bedroom by mistake. Carol had been changing her clothes and was standing with her back to the door in her bra and panties when he opened the door and walked in. I heard a scream and when I ran in there Carol was standing there with her dress held in front of her body and Buck was staring with his mouth wide open. "OOPS! Sorry about that!" he said and back pedaled out of the room.

"Wow man," he said nervously when we got back in the den, "I hope you're not mad, that was an accident." I told him I understood and we talked a little more and then he said, "Hey listen Jimmy, I hope you won't take this wrong but your wife is a total babe! I don't know why I never noticed her before. She's got a set of tits like something out of a centerfold and what an ass! I guess you must be a lot cooler guy than I ever realized for you to have a hot looking woman like that for a wife. You need to get her to loosen up and show that fucking hot body of hers off a little bit man!"

I was a little uncomfortable with him talking about my wife like that but I had always wanted to be part of his circle of friends so I decided to just be cool and not make a big deal out of it. I thanked him for the compliment and told him about how I had tried to get her to act more sexy but she wouldn't do it. I guess I got a little carried away because I even described to him what her body looked like without her bra and panties including the fact that she was a natural blonde all over.

The next thing I knew Buck was coming over all the time to watch TV and just to hang out. One night after Carol had gone to bed we got to talking again about what a waste it was that no one ever got to really admire her hot body. "You know Jimmy," he said, "You are just about my best buddy now and maybe I can help you out. If you wait too long Carol will be just another middle aged housewife and it would be a damn shame if you never got the pleasure of showing some of the guys in this town what a hot babe you married. Think how their tongues would be hanging out if they could see her in a bikini or a tight dress. They would all want your wife and you would be the envy of every man in town. Maybe since we are such good friends I could help you out and show you how to loosen her up a little."

It felt great to have a best friend and especially one who cared so much about what the other guys thought of me. He went on to explain his plan to me about getting Carol to loosen up and we decided to try it the next weekend. We decided he should get to watch since the whole thing was his idea and besides I did owe him one and I really wanted to show her off a little bit to him.

That weekend Buck came over as usual and the three of us sat down to watch TV. He brought a thermos filled with what he told us was his "Special Fruit Punch." What we neglected to tell my innocent wife was that it had a lot of vodka in it. She drank several glasses and before she knew what was going on she was pretty ***** since she had never had booze in her life. She was barely awake and very relaxed. Buck made a big show out of leaving but he really just went to the door, slammed it and then snuck back in the house.

I went over to Carol and began to touch her tits through her blouse. She was too ***** to object so I got bolder and started to unbutton her blouse and pulled it down over her shoulders. She had never let me touch her anywhere but in the bedroom before and here we were in the livingroom with the lights still on. Buck hid behind a big chair on the other side of the room where he could see everything. I took her blouse completely off and then pulled her skirt down over her long legs. There she sat in her bra and panties, almost passed out and she looked amazing let me tell you.

She started to stir a little bit and said, "What are you doing Jimmy? Why do I feel so funny?"

"SSSHHHH Honey," Your husband is just helping you get ready for bed that's all," I told her. I pulled the hair pins out of her long blonde and it fell down past her waist, shimmering in the flickering light of the TV. Then I leaned her forward and undid her bra, pulling it off of her fabulous DD-Cup tits. For the first time a man other than me was seeing my wife's gorgeous boobs.

I pulled her panties down her legs and exposed her blonde pussy hair to Buck's eyes. When I looked over his way I noticed he had his cock out and was jerking off while staring at my sexy wife. It made me a little jealous but also I was really proud that he wanted her so bad and she was mine.

I pulled my clothes off and climbed between her satiny thighs. I rubbed my cock on her clit just like Buck had told me to do and she moaned in pleasure. My cock slid into her tight little cunt and I began to push it in and out of her while I played with her big tits and sucked her nipples. I was shocked to see that Buck had crawled across the floor and was right beside the couch on his knees. "What are you doing?" I whispered, "You'll wake her up and ruin it."

"She's almost out, she isn't going to notice," he whispered back, "I just had to get a better view buddy and anyway it's real important that this first time has to be really good for her or she won't let you do it again. I'm just gonna help you a little bit, just trust me."

Then as I continued to fuck my wife, Buck reached down between her legs and began to rub and massage her clit. She began to moan louder and I could feel her cunt getting wetter as he played with her. Seeing Buck's hand on my wife's cunt was more than I could take and I began to shoot my wad into her pussy. Just then she seemed to wake up a little and she saw Buck beside her and realized she was naked. "Oh no," she cried, "What is going on Jimmy?, Why am I naked in front of Buck? MMMMMMMMMMM What's happening? This isn't right but it feels so good!"

My hard on had gone down and Buck said to me, "She has to cum man or she'll never let you do this again, move out of the way." Then he pulled her naked legs over the front of the couch and put his head between her legs. While still rubbing her clit he started to lick her pussy and she just about went up the wall.

"Oh yes," she whimpered, "This isn't right, but please don't stop, SOMETHING IS HAPPENING!" and then she screamed as she had a shattering orgasm, the first in her life.

After she came, she passed out on the couch and Buck looked at me and said, "I had to do something man, you got off way too soon and if she hadn't cum she wouldn't have ever let you do it again." I told him I understood but that I didn't want him to touch her like that again, I just wasn't comfortable with it. He assured me that he understood but showed me his stiff cock and said, "I gotta get some relief buddy, can I just beat off while I look at her body? Come on man I did this all for you Buddy." I was uncomfortable but he had done me a favor so I said yes.

He stood up over my wife's naked body and began to play with his cock while looking at her up close. Her beautiful legs were spread and her big knockers sat high on her chest with barely any sag at all. "Son of a bitch Jimmy," he panted, "Your wife is one of the hottest broads I've ever seen. Her tits and cunt are beautiful, and that hair is fabulous. This is one fucking hot broad man. I'm gonna cum all over her!" Then his big cock began shooting cum on Carols body. He shot it all over her big tits and a little splattered up on her face. As he began to stuff his cock back in his jeans he said, "Thanks man, you are the best friend I ever had."

The next day Carol didn't say much about the night before but when she got dressed she left her long blonde hair hanging down to her knees. I asked her about it and she said, "I decided maybe you have been right, perhaps I should dress a little more up with the times. If it's O.k. with you I thought I would go to the mall today and get some new clothes." I told her it was exactly what I wanted and gave her my credit card to get anything she desired.

When I got home that night I was thrilled to see my wife meet me wearing a silky green dress which barely reached mid thigh. She also had on hose and even makeup and was wearing high heels. "What do you think?" she asked.

"WOW" was all I could get out before I led her into the bedroom and we fell on the bed together.

She was like a changed woman and she seemed eager for me to take her dress off. When I pulled her dress down over her shoulders I saw why. She had on a brand new lace bra and panties set from Vicky's secret that looked fabulous on her. We fell onto the bed together and took off the rest of our clothes. I plunged my cock in my wonderful wife and in a few minutes I had a crashing orgasm and spewed my seed into her. I was totally relaxed and feeling great but when I looked over at Carol she had a funny look on her face. "What's wrong Dear?" I asked, afraid that I knew the answer.

"I don't know why but it wasn't the same as last night," she said softly, "It felt like something was starting to happen but then you got soft and it all stopped. Maybe I'm just not any good at sex and I need to go back to the way I was before. Tomorrow I'll take all these silly clothes back to the store."

I couldn't stand the thought of losing the sexy girl that she had become overnight. I explained to her about orgasms and that maybe Buck knew a few tricks that he could help us with and then she could enjoy herself like she did the night before. I told her I was sure Buck would help since we were such good pals and she asked if maybe that weekend he would come over and bring some more of his delicious punch.

Buck was very anxious to help as you can imagine. When he got there I told him about Carol's new clothes and that she was nervous to wear them in front of him since I was the only one who had seen her in anything sexy. He went over to our bedroom door and knocked. "Carol?" he said gently, "Are you in there?" She murmured behind the door and then he said, "Don't be shy Carol, a woman as special as you should celebrate how beautiful you are. Nature gave you a beautiful body so that men could enjoy looking at it, it's very natural and normal." She must have liked what he said because in a few minutes the door opened and out came my wife, looking better than ever before. She had on a white satin robe and white high heels, with her blonde hair hanging down her body and her proud breasts pointing straight forward.

"Do I look O.K.?" she asked nervously, as we both stood with our mouths hanging open.

"Are you kidding?" Buck said, "You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. You look better than the girls in Playboy or Penthouse!" My chest swelled with pride to think that my wife was the woman that Buck was so impressed with.

We sat down on the couch and started to drink some punch. Carol didn't drink near as much as before because she said she wanted to remember and enjoy whatever went on. She sat there on the couch like a vision in white. She crossed her legs and the robe parted, displaying her sheer white nylons held up by a lace garterbelt. "So Carol," asked Buck, "When do we get to see the rest of your outfit?"

My 19 year old wife smiled sweetly and said, "How about now?"

She stood up shyly and undid the sash of her satin robe. As she pulled the robe open and let it slip down to the floor I was stunned by my wife's beauty. She had on a white lace bra and panty set that matched her garter belt. The bra was a push up which accented her already huge tits and the panties were tiny little bikinis. "Oh my God," said Buck as she posed in front of us, "I didn't think women as perfect as you really existed, you are the hottest thing I've ever seen Carol!"

I got up and went over to my bride and kissed her deeply, putting my arms around her and running my hands down her smooth back till I reached her round butt. As I squeezed her ass she moaned and started rubbing her huge tits against my chest. I put my head between her breasts and started to lick her cleavage as I ground my hard cock against her pussy. I unhooked her bra and her magnificent breasts were exposed to Buck's eyes. "Please Jimmy," she whispered, "Take me in the bedroom and make love to me." I was only too glad to do as she asked and Buck of course came with us to make sure that I satisfied my wife.

When we got in the bedroom Buck asked her, "Does it bother you Carol that I am here and seeing you naked?"

"Not at all," she responded, "it excites me to know that I turn you on so much." Then she looked down at the huge bulge in his pants and giggled. Next she bent over at the waist and started to roll her nylons down her perfect legs, her big tits hanging and jiggling as she did it.

She crawled up on the bed and started to lay on her back and he told her, "No Carol, Turn around and get on your hands and knees. That's right, now take off your panties." My blonde wife reached up behind herself and slowly started to roll her white lace panties down over her ass. I couldn't take it anymore and I climbed up behind her and started to put my cock in my wife's warm body.

"Wait Jimmy," Buck said, "Carol should ask you nicely when she wants to be fucked. Say please Carol and let your husband know that you want him."

She hesitated for a moment but then Buck reached between her legs and brushed his fingers across her clit and she said, "Please put it in me and make love to me Jimmy."

"No Jimmy," he said as I started to put my cock in my wife, "That's not good enough Carol, if he makes love to you you won't cum. You need to tell him to fuck you, fuck you hard in your cunt and make you cum. Now do it Carol!"

Buck touched her clit again and my sweet, religious little wife screamed, "Oh My God, please fuck me, Please fuck my cunt and make me cum!" I couldn't take anymore and I plunged my dick into her tight blonde pussy and fucked as hard as I could. Buck reached under her and began to roughly pinch her big nipples with one hand and stroke her clit with the other one. "Keep fucking me!" she said, I'm going to cum soon." The sight of my wife's naked body and Buck's hands all over her was more than I could take and I began to spurt my seed into her cunt. I was exhausted and my dick got soft and it was all I could do not to fall over right there.

"I didn't cum Jimmy," she said frantically, "You have to fuck me again, please!"

"Don't worry Buddy," Buck said, "I'll play with her clit and make sure she gets off. Why don't you go get us some cool drinks?"

I went into the kitchen and got some drinks but when I got back the bedroom door was shut and locked. I could hear Buck's voice saying, "If you want to get fucked you have to beg bitch, tell me exactly what you want me to do!"

"I want you to fuck my cunt! I want you to put your big cock in me and show me how a real man fucks a woman. Please fuck me and make me cum!"

In a panic I searched the top of the door trim to find the spare key to the bedroom. I knew unless I got in there fast Buck would have his cock shoved in my wife and would shoot his sperm into her tight pussy.

I could hear the bedsprings squeaking and the headboard slapping against the wall. I finally found the key and opened the door. There was my innocent wife lying on her back with her legs wrapped tightly around Buck's naked ass as he shoved his 9 inch cock in and out of her cunt. Before I could do anything I heard her scream, "I'm cumming, Please don't stop fucking me, your cock is so much bigger than Jimmy's and it's making me cum!"

"Here's what you want bitch," Buck said as he plunged his cock all the way in my wife's cunt and began to spray her womb with his sperm. Then he rolled off of her and I watched as his cum dribbled down between my wife's legs, making a wet spot on our bed.

"What the hell are you doing?" I screamed, "I never said you could fuck my wife!"

"Calm down Jimmy," he replied, "I was doing you a favor that's all, this hot little pussy is too much for one man to handle that's all. You brought me here to make sure that she got her rocks off and I just finished the job for you that's all Buddy."

"Don't be mad Jimmy," Carol said softly, "I just couldn't help it. You got off and then I was left high and dry. That's not fair is it? And Buck is our best buddy and you always said you would do anything for a friend, remember?"

I calmed down and decided that maybe I was better off than I had been. I was sharing my wife's hot body with Buck but he was my best friend and it was still better than before when I hardly ever got to see her with the lights on, let alone in her sexy new clothes. Also I have to admit my cock got really hard thinking about how hot my wife looked with Buck's big cock shoved in her.

The next weekend Carol announced that Buck was coming over as usual. When he got there he said, "Hey guys I've got a surprise for you tonight. It's time that we fulfilled one of Jimmy's fantasies for him Carol. We're going out tonight and I'm going to pick out some really hot clothes for you to wear to please him. Remember how you fantasized about showing off your hot wife to other guys Jimmy? This is your chance and you're gonna love it Buddy."

My cock was standing at attention at the thought of taking Carol out in public in some of her sexy new clothes. Buck seemed to be able to get her to do anything he wanted. I know she would never have done it unless he was here to talk her into it so I decided to go along with it. He grabbed my wife's hand and led her into the bedroom to pick out her outfit and dress her. The door slammed shut behind them.

From the other side of the door I could hear the sounds of zippers coming down and clothes coming off. Then I heard Buck say, "Take it right in your mouth Carol, oh yea that's it keep sucking, now play with my balls, oh fuck yes I'm gonna cum in your mouth you sexy cocksucker! Now lick it all clean Baby, that's a good girl." I pulled out my cock and jerked off while I listened to my wife sucking my best friends dick and swallowing his cum. Then I heard him zip up his pants and open the closet door to choose her outfit.

When they came out I couldn't believe my eyes. There was my conservative, sweet wife dressed in the sexiest outfit I had ever seen. She was wearing a tiny little blue jumper. It was the kind with suspenders and a bib front that little girls wear with a shirt underneath. The difference was that my 19 year old, 5'3," DD-cup wife was no little girl, and she had nothing on underneath it except panties. The skirt was super short barely covering her firm ass and her baby blue panties were bikini style and covered with delicate lace. Her makeup was very lightly applied so that it accented her features without losing the innocent little girl look that her big blue eyes and button nose gave her. The bib and suspenders barely covered her big tits and they bulged out on both sides of the bib, making my cock hard instantly. If you stood to the side, her big tits were almost completely exposed and when she walked in her high heels they jiggled for everyone to see. In fact if she turned a certain way you could see her entire breast including her hard nipple. The crowning glory was her blonde hair which was in two pigtails that hung down almost to her knees.

"Is this what you wanted Jimmy? Do I look sexy enough to make you proud of me?" she asked as she walked up and rubbed my stiff cock through my pants. It was all I could do to nod my head yes.

Buck laughed and said,"Well Buddy this is your big night so let's get this show on the road."

In the car Carol sat between us in the front seat while Buck drove. I couldn't resist and put my hand in the side of her jumper and started to pinch her big nipple. She leaned back on the seat and as I continued to play with her bare tits, Buck reached up with his free hand and pulled aside her panties and put his finger in her cunt. She moaned with pleasure and actually had an orgasm before we got to our destination.

I was surprised when we pulled up outside of a run down bar in the middle of nowhere called "The Tap." It had a reputation as a really rough place and was frequented mostly by black gangsters. "I don't know about this Buck, this place is wild.," I said.

"Calm down Jimmy," he said, "Nobody is gonna bother us with two of us taking care of Carol, just have some fun Buddy!"

The bar was pulsing with rock music and a rather bored looking girl was dancing in a G-string and pasties up on the stage. Thank God there were a few other white guys in the room and even a few guys with dates. I looked at the bar and saw a sign that said "Wet T Shirt Contest one night only" and realized why some of the guys had brought their dates with them.

By now every man in the room had noticed Carol and they couldn't take their eyes off of her as we walked to a table and sat down. When she sat down her bib top gaped open on the sides revealing her tits, including her nipples. Hardly anyone was watching the stripper anymore, they were watching my wife instead. I was so proud of her and her effect on them that I got a little more bold and slipped my hand in the side of her dress and began to stroke her nipple again. Buck noticed what I was doing and put his finger back in her panties and massaged her cunt. The waitress came over to get our order and said, "You must be here for the Wet T Shirt Contest. The way you're built these other girls don't have a chance."

"Oh Heavens," Carol replied, "I could never get up on stage in front of all these men."

After the waitress left Buck looked at Carol and said, "Well I guess I was wrong about you, I thought you had grown up and become a real woman, not some little girl who is afraid to show how sexy she is. I'm going to take you home and then I'll go out and find a real woman to turn me on. Ready to go?"

"Wait Buck," she said, " I don't want you to go to some other girl, I'll do it, I'll enter the contest."

He replied, "Just entering isn't good enough bitch, me and my buddy Jimmy don't want second best. You get up there and give it everything and win or I'm not going to make you cum anymore tonight or next week either." Then he pulled his finger out of her panties and turned away.

"I'll win Buck, just promise that I will get to cum when we get home, Please Buck?" she begged.

They announced the contest was about to start and would the girls please come backstage for instructions. They told them that they had to keep their T-shirts on because local laws required either some sort of top or Pasties. Also under no circumstances were they to take off their panties for fear the bar would be shut down.

We watched as one after another the girls came out and did their best to turn the guys on. Some of the girls were very pretty but nothing compared to my precious wife. Finally it was her turn to come out and I couldn't get over how excited I was at the thought of all these strange men seeing her big tits and wishing they got to fuck her like I did.

When Carol came out she had on nothing but her little blue panties and a mens underwear shirt that was cut off right under her huge tits. The men howled and whistled as she stood in the spotlight and the emcee began to pour cold water over her body. When they got wet her little cut off shirt and panties may as well have disappeared. She looked directly into Buck's eyes and mouthed the words, "I'll win for you Buck." Then she started to dance to the pulsing music as all the men watched her every move.

Her nipples almost pierced the thin fabric as she danced and her tits bounced up and down. Then she slid down to the floor and rolled onto her stomach, slowly rising until her ass was up in the air with her long legs spread. Then my sweet little wife took her finger and pulled the elastic crotch away from her pussy so that the men closest to the stage got to look right up her cunt. She rolled over onto her back and raised her gorgeous legs and slowly spread them apart, her wet panties doing nothing to keep the men from seeing her blonde pussy. Next she jumped back up and began to shake her huge tits, flinging water on the men who sat at the edge of the stage. Her hands went to her breasts and she began to cup them, squeezing them and pinching her nipples so that they got even harder.

The men were going crazy, howling and screaming. One guy yelled out, "Take it off baby, we want to see those tits!"

A black guy called out, "I'd like to grab a hold of those pigtails and fuck you in the ass schoolgirl!"

Carol walked over to the edge of the stage and not more than a foot from the men sitting there, she grabbed her thin shirt and ripped it two, baring her glorious breasts. Then she shook them in the face of a man sitting there and before she could react he grabbed her and had her big pink nipple in his mouth. She stood up and turned her back to the men, bent over at the waist and slipped her wet panties down over her round ass cheeks and kicked them away. The bar went nuts when she reached back and spread the cheeks of her perfect ass, giving all the men at the edge of the stage a perfect view of her cunt and asshole.

All at once two of the bars bouncers came out and picked her up and carried her off the stage. As they carried her past the howling men several of them grabbed at her tits and ass and one actually stuck his finger in her cunt. She was roughly carried over to our table where they put her down. They quickly pulled her jumper over her head but her panties were still lying on the stage. The manager came over and was mad as hell.

"I told you slut to keep your shirt and panties on and there you are bare ass nude letting those guys feel you up. I could get shut down for that you ignorant whore!" he fumed.

"Did I win," she asked desperately, looking at Buck.

"Oh yes," he chuckled, "You won baby, there isn't a man in this place that doesn't want to fuck your sweet little cunt now."

"Get this slut out of here before we have a riot on our hands." said the manager, "and don't bring her back till she learns to keep her cunt covered up." We went out to the parking lot and started down the road toward home. That was when we saw a car following us. They came up beside us and forced Buck off to the side of the road.

The car was filled with four big black dudes from the bar, each one at least 6'2" or taller. They pulled us out of the car and said, "We want this little school girl for a private party and we aren't taking no for an answer. Do either one of you two want to argue or do you just want to let us have the slut?"

I started to try to talk with them but Buck just said, "Hey I've already fucked her and got my cock sucked so if you want the bitch you can have her guys. Oh and by the way she likes it when you treat her rough and talk dirty to her!" With that, my best friend jumped back in his car and left my wife and I to take care of ourselves. The black guys grabbed us and threw us in the car and drove to an abandoned house a little ways down the road.

When we got inside, they made me sit down in one corner and they tied my hands and feet. Then they stood in a circle around my tiny wife and started grabbing at her body. Two of them held her by her arms while the other two started squeezing her big tits and fingering her pussy. "Make the slut do a little dance for us like she did at the bar." said a big guy named Hal.

"Yea let's see the schoolgirl dance again!" said another black named Fred.

The leader was a big dude named Marv and he said, "start dancing for us bitch or we'll have to get rough."

"You don't have to force me to dance for you," she said, "Just promise that after I dance for you that you'll fuck me real good and make me cum. I need to be fucked so bad."

The last guy, whose name was Devon, put some music on an old boom box he had in the car and Carol began to move to the beat. She moved like she was in a dream, swaying her hips to the rhythm and rubbing up against the crotches of her audience. She grabbed one of her huge tits and pulled it out the side of the jumper and held it up to her own lips and kissed the nipple. Then she pulled the other one out so that both of her tits were exposed to their stares, and pinched her nipples till they were as hard as diamonds.

She pulled up her jumper till her pussy was exposed and then plunged her finger in her cunt and began to moan and undulate her hips. Carol then unbuttoned the suspenders and bib and her jumper fell to the dirty floor and there she stood naked as the day she was born. She danced over to the four blacks and started to rub her tits against Marv's chest while humping her cunt against his leg. "Don't you think I deserve to be fucked now, Please?" she moaned to him.

"What do you think Hubby," Marv laughed as he looked in my direction, "You want us to fuck your wife for you now?"

"Yes," I said, "I want to watch you all fuck her but please untie my hands so I can jack off while I watch." They laughed at me and untied my hands. I wasted no time getting my stiff cock out and began to stroke it.

Devon grabbed Carol and threw her down on an old couch and said, "You guys do what you want but I'm gonna fuck these big fucking tits." He ran his tongue all over my wife's beautiful boobs and then straddled her torso and stuck his big black cock between them. Each time his cock approached her mouth she opened it and sucked the head of his black 9" rod. In no time he was shooting his cum all over my wife's tits and she was begging for another cock to please.

"I need a cock in my cunt, please somebody fuck me." she begged.

Hal wasted no time in giving her what she wanted, plunging his black dick in her till his balls banged against her ass. She wrapped her legs around his ass and bucked her hips violently, having several orgasms while he pistoned in and out of her. "Oh God," she cried, "I love to be fucked. Don't ever stop fucking my cunt, please fuck me harder."

Fred had his cock up by her mouth and she eagerly licked the head of it and ran her tongue down the pulsing vein in it's center. He shoved it into her throat and at first she gagged but then got a rhythm going and sucked his cock so hard that he decided to reward her with his cum. "Open your mouth slut and keep it open," he said. Then he said, "Watch this hubby, I'll show you what your wife is good for." As I watched and stroked my cock, he shot his cum into my wife's open mouth, across her soft pink tongue and onto her perfect white teeth. There was so much cum that part of it landed on her face and she used her tongue to catch it, not wanting it to be wasted.

Meanwhile Hal was still fucking her tight cunt and sucking on her big tits. "It's up to you slut," he said, "Do you want me to pull it out or cum in your little white pussy and give you a black baby?"

"Oh please, leave it in me," she said, "I want to feel your hot cum inside me, cum in my cunt please!" As I watched in shock he sprayed the inside of my wife's white pussy with his black seed.

It was Marv's turn now and he picked her up and turned her over on her hands and knees. He stuck his cock in my wife's pussy and got it wet with cum and pussy juice and then he he began to shove it into her virgin asshole. "It hurts!" she whimpered.

"Not for long Bitch, you'll get used to it after I get the first 6 inches up your ass!" he laughed. He continued to feed his huge cock into her tight ass and then he reached around and began to play with her cunt.

"Oh yea," she groaned, It's starting to feel good, fuck my ass harder, Please."

He shoved it in to the hilt till she had all of his 9" cock in her ass. Marv grabbed her long blonde pigtails in his hands and pulled back on them as if they were reins and he was riding a horse. She began to moan and shake and screamed, "I'm cumming, Oh My, You're making me cum so good," and he began to shoot his load into her ass. At that moment I shot my cum onto the front of my pants, leaving a huge stain.

All of them including Carol laughed at me and the mess I had made. They continued to take turns fucking her cunt and before they stopped they had all shot at least one load of cum into her pussy. When they were done with her they left us there to get home the best way we could.

We walked part of the way home until a trucker picked us up and gave us a ride back to town. My wife was of course still dressed in only her jumper with no panties. She sat in the middle between us and before we had gone a mile he had his hands all over her big tits and then fingered her cunt to orgasm. I was so defeated by then that I didn't even care, not even when we got to our house and she sucked his cock in our driveway. He shot his cum in her mouth and then promised to stop in the next time he drove through town.

The next weekend I came home to find my old buddy Buck at our house. Carol was making him a drink as if nothing had ever happened. "What the hell are you doing here?" I said.

"Hi Jimmy," he laughed, "You're not still sore about last week are you? I just got a little horny and decided to stop by and fuck your wife a few times for you."

Carol looked at me with her big blue eyes and said, "From now on Jimmy I'm going to let Buck have my pussy anytime he wants to, but don't worry, we've decided to let you watch. Buck will do anything for a friend."
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