White male in a fam ily of booty shorts gets a job offer

Mr. Jackson had sent the new cage it was smaller, sturdier, and had a variety of tech embedded into its small size. He had been in chastity for eleven days now and as Micheal held the key to his cage he decided it would be harmless to rub out a quick one. As he unlocked his current cage he got hard instantly, even before going on his computer to Caroline and Mr. Jackson's videos. Fifteen seconds later Micheal was feeling the sensation to cum and that was when Caroline burst into the room. Micheal was able to close the tab in time but didn’t have time to hide his erection, “Are you seriously disobeying, Marquez,” she slapped Micheal in the face and ball-slapped him, “Get soft now and put the new cage on,” she demanded as she stood tall over him. As his penis shrunk from the pain he attached the new electronic cage. Caroline holding her phone connected the device to her account and locked the cage from her phone before delivering a solid shock causing Micheal to cringe in pain and as the shocks intensified the cringe became a groan and then Micheal fell out of the chair at Caroline’s feet cowering in pain, “Caroline Jeez, I’m sorry!”

“Shut up!”

"Please! Please!”

“Micheal be quiet!”

He stopped talking but whimpered and began to tear up as the shocks continued until she finally turned it off, “Thank y...”

“Shhh,” Caroline said reaching for her phone. Micheal looked back down at her feet. Caroline shoved his head with one foot down into the other expecting him to lick. Micheal sniffed her foot, ripe from the gym before cleaning it grateful the shocks had stopped he licked away using his educated tongue from Marquezs’ cum. It was rare that Caroline called Mr. Jackson by his first name something Micheal would never do. Then he imagined Caroline Jackson which she was bound to become one day especially if Marquez had become her default name for him. Micheal had licked her feet clean before she spoke, “Thanks, Mikey,” and left the room. As Micheal inspected his red inflamed genitals from the zapping. He returned to his porn defeated and entered the blacked porn trance that felt so familiar. The new cage worked well, it was tighter, more secure, and technologically blessed.

In the morning before Micheal was set for therapy, his mom called him with urgency, “Micheal, Micheal, come here and meet my new boss.” Micheal turned off his monitor and pulled up his pants.

As he entered the living with his cage jiggling, “Nice to meet you,” Micheal said timidly to the tall black man in front of him, “I’m Micheal.”

“Nice to meet you Micheal, I’m Trey.”

Rachel, his mother, was way too close to this Trey guy but Micheal’s blacked addiction made him feel like they weren’t close enough. In fact, they wouldn’t be close enough until one of Rachel’s holes was being filled.

“Your mother was telling me that you are in need of a job?”

“Yes sir, for a while now.”

“I see... well, since I know your mother, I suppose I could get you a job as well.”

“I would truly appreciate that, sir. Honestly, regardless of what the job is.”

“I see,” Trey then sat back, “You could start by bringing us drinks,” he laughed as Rachel sat down next to Trey and started pseudo-snuggling as Micheal poured two hefty glasses of whiskey, “As I’m sure you know, Micheal, our company works in alternative fashion, things that normal men tend to overlook. Feminine, progressive, revealing clothes, that men traditionally refuse to look at, Rachel told me you have a history of this?”

“Well, I used to let Caroline dress me up,” Micheal laughed.

“Is that a yes, we need a model like you?”

Micheal’s heart sank, realizing this didn’t mean a normal job, but a modeling job. It was too late to refuse, and who was Micheal to refuse such an offer, “Yes sir, I will do it especially if others can’t.”

“Great, we’ll have you starting at $30 an hour, but 25 of that 30 will go to Rachel, as she is a better financial planner.”

Micheal wanted to pout at the idea of $5 an hour but figured his mom would save the rest of what he was making, “Sounds good to me.”

“Excellent, we will expect you tomorrow then!”

Just then, Caroline entered the room to summon Micheal for therapy. As the two of them left the house Caroline set his cage to gentle vibes and left it until they reached the clinic, by this time Micheal was horny, something Micheal thought Caroline wanted.

Micheal entered the office of Mr. Jackson, “So, Micheal.”

“Yes, Mr. Jackson.”

“Explain your slip-ups, bud?”

“I tried to jerk off.”

“I see, the exact opposite of what you were told.”

“I’m sorry, sir.”

“I don’t think an apology is enough. I think treatment is the best way forward.”

“What treatment,” Micheal got excited remembering the brief moment that the prostate was brought up in the last meeting.

“A testicular treatment using ultrasound,” Mr. Jackson pressed a button on his desk and escorted Micheal to another room where Micheal sat in what looked like a dentist chair with straps for his arms and legs that Mr. Jackson secured. Once trapped, a nefarious electronic device was placed over Michael's testes, and the device began radiating Michael's balls. In just 10 minutes, Micheal was permanently infertile. His testicles had been so radiated that later scar tissue formed. The treatment led to total cell death in his testicles, Micheal felt cold and wanted to ask what the device did but seeing as it was a consequence of his actions he remained silent.

“Well done Micheal, all we need now is a sperm count.”

Mr. Jackson used the vibrator function on Micheal’s new and improved Bluetooth chastity cage to make him quickly orgasm before sending the sample to the lab before releasing Micheal and returning to the office.

Micheal felt weird, his orgasm barely felt good and even now despite still being horny, his cock could not get hard and with the estrogen hormones Mr. Jackson had prescribed that were labeled as anxiety medication Micheal didn’t want to get hard. No, it was not his cock that stirred, but rather Micheal’s g-spot which had been itching for arousal. Micheal didn’t realize that there was only one humiliating solution.

Mr. Jackson continued to teach the differences between white boys and black men when the results came back, "Good news Micheal!”

“What is it, sir?”

“Your sperm counts are about 60 sperm per ml, about 0.003% of normal levels or near zero.”

“Is that good, sir?”

“Yes, but we could keep working on reaching zero. I fear that may be the only way we can permanently end your jerking-off addiction.”

“I see sir, why must it be so low?”

“So that you feel absolutely zero temptations. Unfortunately, your testosterone is also linked to this and the good news is those levels are already low.”

“But Mr. Jackson, I want testosterone, Isn’t that what makes a man manly?”

“Your testosterone levels were about 5 nanograms per deciliter, about 0.8% of normal levels, can you see how that would be a lost cause to try and increase production?”

“Sir, please, I want my testosterone to reach normal levels so my cock has a chance to get bigger.”

“Micheal, we’re not arguing this you’re out of puberty, and your cock isn’t getting any bigger and you need to choose a life path either keep going down the feminine road you’ve always known or somehow become masculine, don’t you see why that is ridiculous?”

Micheal tried to take a last stand, “No, I deserve the chance all other men have why should I be deprived of that because of arbitrary stats!”

“Arbitrary? Your sperm levels are a thousandth of legal infertility guidelines, and your testosterone levels are about a tenth of female levels at this point meaning you are even more feminine than women,” Micheal turned red, embarrassed, “I propose we get you an estrogen test and that will prove my point.”

“No... no, fine, I understand.” Micheal was scared to see what his estrogen levels would be like, so he stopped fighting, “Now, Micheal, your sister is coming tell me 5 differences between white women and white boys?”

“Uhhh, tits, dick...”

“No, Micheal not physical differences.”

“Then ummm...”

Micheal struggled, “Unmm, white women are more outgoing, more progressive...”

“Keep going, three more.”

“White women are better at being in charge.”

“Two more.”

Then Micheal went blank, between his blacked addiction, low sperm count, and low testosterone Micheal genuinely couldn’t think of any differences besides the physical differences. But even then, Micheal's breasts wouldn’t have supported this claim, nor his perky ass. Unable to name 5 differences Micheal thanked Mr. Jackson before leaving.

“Look into the prostate, Micheal.”

Caroline arrived to pick him up, Michael's prostate was itching to replace his cock.