White male in a fam ily of booty shorts continues therapy.

Micheal endured the next week in chastity, it was awful. The cage chaffed and his sister and mother began wearing the booty shorts of the BLACKED brand that Micheal accidentally ordered. Micheal spent hours watching Blacked interracial porn, but couldn’t get an erection. He felt horny all the time and could not get any relief so he stare at Caroline and his mother's perfect fat asses.

One night when Caroline was out Micheal snuck into her room looking for a pair of panties with ‘discharge’ as he believed it to be. He found a pair of the Blacked brand underwear full of Mr. Jackson’s seed. (It will be funny when Micheal learns that he hadn’t been consuming his fam ily's discharge, that he had been guzzling male cum instead.) Having become addicted to the taste he wolfed it down as his cage strained. As he finished licking the cum out of the underwear, he had an urge to wear them, something innate, something instinctual so he took the underwear with him to the bathroom.

In the bathroom, he stripped and put them on and realized that he too had a pretty hefty ass and considered it a fam ily trait as he checked himself out in the mirror his ass half ******* in the underwear he enjoyed the comfort of the clothes. He couldn’t help but picture a blacked actor getting destroyed by bbc but then realized he was imagining himself as the actor and shook off the image splashing cold water on his face to snap himself back to reality. Micheal went to bed that night in the blacked underwear still damp from the sperm that had filled it earlier.

The next morning, Micheal was startled awake, “Come on, your therapy is in 10 minutes!” Micheal groaned and scrambled to get ready, ‘So fucking early,’ he thought as he threw on a pair of shorts over the blacked underwear along with a feminine shirt and ran out the door to Caroline’s car.

Caroline dropped Micheal off watching as he slowly trudged inside where he checked in at the front desk and was sent to Mr. Jackson’s office, entering the cozy, dimly lit room. Micheal did not know it yet but what was supposed to be therapy to end addiction was becoming a specialized path to full interracial addiction, "How was your week?”

“Good, but my cage has been hurting. It’s not too small it rubs against my clothes and chaffs.”

“I see, I’ll order another and have it mailed to you. What else, how was staring at mom and sis?”

“Oh, it was amazing. The only problem is I’ve been staring and peaking more and more despite not getting hard from it.”

“That’s ok, for a white boy like you, look but don’t touch, or touch yourself, or even get hard. It’s entitled.”

“I understand.”

“Now, Micheal, you may be confused about why I make a distinction between white boys and black men.”

Then he set a picture of a masculine naked black man beside a picture of a feminine naked white boy under each was a blank list 1-10, "Micheal, fill in the blanks using adjectives, whatever comes to mind,” Micheal thought this was strange, but so was everything about this novel therapy.

Under the black man’s image, Micheal listed:
1. Strong
2. Muscled
3. Large penis
4. Confident
5. Masculine
6. Athletic
7. Commanding
8. Powerful
9. Hairy
10. Stud

Then Micheal wrote under the white boy:
1. Feminine
2. Weak
3. Girly
4. Small penis
5. Nervous
6. Small
7. Emasculated
8. Hairless
9. Big ass
10. Normal

Micheal couldn’t help but realize his similarities with the image of the white boy embarrassed by that he wrote normal realizing most white boys are near copies of the image.

“Done,” he said handing it to Mr. Jackson who read aloud each one before agreeing.

“Good, now onto your next assignment,” he sat an image of a black man plowing a white woman and an image of a white man with his small cock inches from a white woman’s pussy, each had 10 blank lines under them.

“So, for the first five, I want you to write what comes to mind and for the second 5 I want you to write what you think the woman is feeling.”

“Got it,” Micheal said as he looked at the images. Looking at the white boy gave him no reaction, but seeing the bbc in the white woman made him compress in his cage.

Under the interracial sex, he wrote what the scene made him think of:
1. Arousing
2. Progressive
3. Impressive
4. Relevant
5. Modern
Then he wrote what the woman was feeling:
1. Euphoria
2. Satisfaction
3. Hope
4. Amazement
5. Orgasm

Then under the white on white sex, he wrote:
1. Outdated
2. Unusual
3. Underwhelming
4. Boring
5. Conservative
Then he wrote how it made the woman feel:
1. Betrayed
2. Disappointed
3. Regretful
4. Depressed
5. No orgasm

He handed the papers back, as Mr. Jackson again ran through them, repeating them to Micheal and approving his answers, “A quick learner!”

“Thank you, Informing and entertaining!”

“True, so why do you think the white male sex aura is simply… different, inferior perhaps to that of black men?”

“I think it comes down to size and shape for the body and the cock. Black men tend to be more athletic, white boys tend to be more feminine and have on average 6 inches..."

“4 inches, don’t change the data,” Mr. Jackson laughed.

“Whatever, 4 inches and black men are probably double that on average.”

“Good, do you see now that your treatment going forward must be race-based? If you were black you’d be out of here free to masturbate because if the need arose he could satisfy. You however with your small cock that is now locked have no means to provide pleasure, so you have no right to experience it.”

“It all makes sense now,” Micheal yelled with joy, “But are you saying I can never cum again that you won't unlock me eventually?”

“Well, no and no. Unfortunately, Caroline has asked me to keep the cage going but I will have your replacement sometime this week, which I will mail to you. Additionally, the white male sex organ is not the penis despite what you may think. A sex organ must provide a certain function for sex which your penis no longer does, it is only an auxiliary organ used for peeing.”

“Oh, I see I am to be deprived for the rest of my life?” Micheal mood soured not liking the idea of permanent chastity.

“Not necessarily, the white man is lucky his lack of length is made up for by a large prostate.”

“Prostate, isn’t that like the thing in a guy's ass?”

“How would you know such a thing?”

“I... uhm, Hmm.”

“Exactly, now hush up. If you’re still truly dying for a release next week, perhaps we can make some arrangements, until then nothing.”

“Fine, that would be more than generous since I technically can’t pleasure anyone with... yea know.”

Mr. Jackson laughed, agreed, and handed Micheal a hard drive, “Since you’ve been such a good boy, here are all of me and Caroline’s best moments... maybe one day you can be the cameraman.”

Micheal realized this must have all the episodes of their porn, not just the few he found for free online, “Thank you so much,” Micheal said excitedly as all thoughts vanished from his head except watching the videos. They talked for a while more as Micheal did a few more different worksheets, learning more about the divide between white and black men. When Caroline came to pick up Micheal she didn’t know he had several gigs of images and videos of her and Mr. Jackson.

Arriving home Micheal rushed to his room, he immediately began watching the videos in chronological order. Soon he realized something strange about Caroline's panties in the videos. As he watched her get plowed by Mr. Jackson’s bbc he realized Mr. Jackson was busting nut after nut into Caroline and some of the videos ended with her pulling up her panties, and after checking the dates of the videos he realized that the ‘discharge’ he had been eating was his therapist's sticky semen. In that moment of clarity that would normally be one of disgust and shame, Micheal came in his cage. It wasn’t a full orgasm, but it was undeniable that he launched some watery yellow cum. Now his head reeled as it addicted itself to black male everything. He kept watching all night and into the next morning until he passed out sleeping until the next evening.

“Micheal?” Caroline banged on his door.

“What?” Micheal said lying on the bed in just blacked underwear.

She entered before he could cover himself, “Dude why are you wearing my clothes?”

“Hey, technically they are mine I did buy these,” Micheal said, "So it is you and Mom that are wearing my clothes."

“With my money!”

“Ok well, you have ten pairs.”

“Why didn’t you ask?”

“I... I felt embarrassed.”

“Awww Mikey boy don’t be embarrassed,” She said as she slapped him on the ass, “Besides, you’re looking good.”

Micheal blushed too embarrassed to respond to what he considered an insult.

“Anyways, you can keep those and I’ll give you some shorts too," Caroline always loved dressing Micheal up, it was one of the games they played a lot as children one Micheal hadn’t played in ages, “Maybe you’ll even let me dress you up one day?”

Normally Micheal was opposed to the idea but her suggestion made him giggle, perhaps because of the effects of the cage he no longer felt as contentious. Perhaps it was Micheal's spongey mind being bombarded by Blacked porn, but he could no longer see his sister without imagining a black cock. fortunately for Micheal Caroline didn’t find the porn that Mr. Jackson had given him of the two of them.

A few days later a package arrived, on the box was a letter from Mr. Jackson that read:

“Dear Micheal,

I hope you have been enjoying your week. Here is the key to your cage and the new cage. The new one although smaller has a few features like vibration and shock. If you’d like to try these settings you may ask Caroline to link the cage to the app, I will see you soon!”