A white male in a fam ily of booty Shorts- Micheal goes to his new job

Therapy the day before had been intense, feminizing, and humiliating that night Micheal rested well dreaming of Caroline and Rachel being violated by big black cocks and that he could jerk off as much as he wanted. He dreamt that he would get close to orgasm, beating his meat then as he was about to cum in his dream he would be jolted awake by the harsh zapping of his electronic chastity cage. Micheal groaned, reeling from the sterilizing shocks.

“Come on silly!” Caroline teased.

Micheal put on his usual androgynous outfit an outfit that discouraged him from trying to look masculine, it would make him look gay, and it would backfire. For that reason, he stuck close to his sister or mother making him appear more feminine, it was a battle not meant to be won.

Tired, shabby-looking, and annoyed Micheal got to the car moments before Caroline, “So, Micheal, are you excited to get the job?”

“Yep!” Micheal tried to be enthusiastic but he couldn’t have given less of a shit and it was for that reason Caroline gave him another shock, “I said yes! Jeez!”

“Look Mikey, I’m trying to get you to realize that you need to show some enthusiasm, so let’s practice. Imagine I’m the boss, you have to sound appealing or else you will lose the chance.”

“Ok, I get it Caroline it’s fine.”

“No, I’m serious, practice with me, you should’ve said yes boss,” then she gave him another zap.

“Yes, boss!”

“And you’re excited?”

“Yes, Caroline.”

He was zapped again, “Yes, boss,” Caroline teased him for the entire ride to the large and ominous building, the same company that had employed Rachel and Caroline and took him up to Trey’s office.

Micheal silently entered with Caroline, “Good morning, Micheal good to see you,” Trey came and shook his hand before giving Caroline a big kiss on the lips. Micheal got flustered as Caroline laughed, “Anything I can do for you before I begin with this little guy?” Trey then put his arm on Micheal as he looked at Caroline.

“Nope, he’s all yours... Oh, take this.”

Caroline handed him the remote to Micheal's electro-chastity cage.

“What’s this?”

“This is Micheal’s behavior button, if he doesn’t follow directions a couple of clicks should straighten him out,” Micheal looked down, embarrassed, feeling more akin to a dog or pet than a human.

“I see, thank you.”

Trey ushered her out before turning to Micheal, “So, let’s get right to it. My assistant will be bringing in the clothes for today, and I already have the camera set up,” Trey explained as he pointed to 3 cameras in the room, “Want to explain this behavior device?”

“Yes sir, I am, it’s for my behavior, it is part of my changes that are needed due to physical abnormalities, not by choice. So my therapist and sister feel it is needed as part of the process it essentially delivers a gentle shock,” he lied, knowing it was quite intense, but not wanting to admit his chaste situation.

“I see, so should this be for small reprimands or occasional larger reprimands?”

“You’re the boss,” Micheal remembered what Caroline said. Be respectful and always listen.

“Good answer, I like you already,” Then the assistant entered the room with a pile of red, pink, and purple clothes. Micheal rolled his eyes seeing the girly colors but then remembered to give it a chance and remembered the money. 30 bucks an hour was a lot even if he was only allowed to spend 5 out of that 30, “Thank you, Denise. Now, Micheal, start with the top one. Changing room is right over there.”

Micheal grabbed the first article of clothing. It was what appeared to be a Woman’s leotard. He ignored this stripping down to his underwear and then putting it on. The purple leotard also had a graphic on the front, a spade ♠️ , like a deck of cards, thinking nothing of this, he reentered Trey’s modeling studio.

“Ok, now pose!”

Micheal couldn’t think of any pose, so he simply stood there, slightly embarrassed in the revealing clothes.

“Pose, Micheal,” he froze not sure what to do. Then he got zapped as Trey taunted him holding the behavior remote. He then struck a pose that Trey approved of but then just before the picture was taken, Trey stopped, “Are you wearing underwear beneath that? It looks bulky and unprofessional, go change, no underwear.”

Micheal obeyed but got embarrassed when he realized that his cage would now be visible, he returned to the room, defeated.

“Good, now back to that pose, buddy!”

Micheal struck a pose and Trey began to photograph him.

After a few photos, he was instructed to change into the next outfit, This cycle of changing, photographing along with an occasional shock for bad behavior kept Micheal busy as a bee. A red onesie that said “BLM,” thin pink boxers that said “Feminize” that were similar to the Blacked brand, another purple leotard this time with a BLM fist, then there was a skin-tight shirt that said “inferior,” then a pair of booty shorts.

As Micheal posed in the booty shorts, he was immediately reminded of his fam ily making his cock stir but nothing could be done, the cage held firm. He figured that Trey must have understood it was a chastity cage but regardless he was surprised when Trey paused.

“Well, I think that’s good for today but if you wouldn’t mind I’d like to get a few blanks.”

“Sure, tell me what I have to do, sir?”

“Please strip down,”

“Naked sir, I’d rather keep something at least,” Micheal received a firm shock, “Yes sir!” He stripped immediately, revealing the cage.

“Ahhhh what do we have here?”

“I’m sorry sir, I won’t be able to take that off.”

“Oh, I didn’t want you to, quite the opposite, so this is the delivery system for the zapper?”

“Yes sir.”

“Good, face forward,” Trey took the photo, grinning.

Micheal looked at it as if it was his mugshot since the job felt more like a prison.

“We could be done for today or we could do some more, we do more than clothing so if you’d like to model anything else let me know?”

“That would be great, sir! The clothes were alright but I think I’d prefer accessories or whatever else you had planned.”

Trey chuckled, "You asked for it," and left the room. He returned with a special collar, pink, plush, soft, stylistic, and truly impressive as an article of clothing despite the unconventionality. The collar had Micheal’s name on it making him feel special to get to wear it. He readily accepted the collar although the click sound of a lock as it cinched around his neck did slightly startle him.

“I want you to kneel on all fours for this last photo, please.”

Micheal obeyed, getting on the ground. Trey snapped some photos of him in this naked, *******, vulnerable state. Then Micheal felt a leash being attached and Trey pulling him into view of the cameras. There he was naked, caged, collared, and leashed by a sturdy black stud (who had been banging his mom.) The camera flashed as Trey chuckled, “This is going in the books,” Micheal blushed as he waited for when he could put on normal clothes again, “I like this pet theme, Micheal, what do you think?”

Micheal, feeling embarrassed and exploited planned to protest but remembered his zaps from before and his sister's advice. “Sir, I think if that is what you want to pursue, then you know what's best.”

“Interesting... Well, in that case, let’s keep going. Let’s start with the limb restraints.” Micheal began to sense trouble as his red flag alarms were ringing but Trey’s presence was like Mr. Jackson’s, Micheal dissolved in the presence of black men. Trey returned with a full rubber gimp suit and suddenly this got intense. Micheal was instructed to put it on and Trey helped, when all was said and done Micheal was now helplessly balanced on his knees and elbows, and photos were taken.

Micheal began to feel unsafe, “Trey sir, do you think I could change now?”

“Nope, I’m sorry but I would like it if you could break in the suit a little more so that it’s more flexible.”

“But sir, it hurts, and...”

“Silence,” Trey shocked his genitals under the rubber suit.

Micheal was quiet he turned away to look out the high windows as he did Trey snuck up and gagged him. Now fully bound in the suit and gagged Micheal was a captive. Trey then tugged the leash forcing Micheal to walk around the studio.

Micheal obeyed out of fear and inferiority to Trey then Micheal’s phone rang. immobilized, he could not answer, so Trey did, “Hello?”

“Trey, where’s Mikey?”

“Ahh, don’t worry Caroline he’s having a great time.”

“Should I come pick him up?”

“Nah, I’ll have a company truck bring him home.”

“That’s so sweet of you.”

“It’s nothing, is Rachel still free tonight, I might swing by?”

Micheal lit up with the idea of Trey pumping his mom. Perhaps this humiliating job was worth it.

“Yep, I’m having someone tonight too it’ll be like a double date!”

Micheal realized Mr. Jackson must be going to ravage his sister aside from Trey taking Rachel but unable to protest and secretly supporting them Micheal stayed silent.

“I’ll be over ASAP," then Trey hung up.

“Gotta go kid, the crew will move you home in a bit!”

Trey then locked Micheal alone in the studio and drove to Micheal's house to get a piece of Rachel leaving Micheal scared and alone.

Micheal tried yelling then quickly two black men arrived in the room with a large rolling platform like a luggage carrier, but it was a cage. The men approached Micheal and were about to put him in the cage when one stopped for a moment, “Think I could give him a spanking or would the boss be mad?”

“As if he could do anything about it,” the workers laughed as one of them grabbed a wooden board off of Trey’s desk and spanked Micheal several times. Micheal yelped into his gagged and teared up as the workers laughed louder by the minute. After ten minutes of spankings him the workers stopped when one received a call.

“Crap, it’s the boss! He must have seen us on the cameras.”

“Well then pick it up dumb ass!”

The main worker answered the phone, “Boss?”

“Hey Antonio, are you guys still moving the product?”

“Yep, why?”

“I forgot a special remote that is essential to the product, please bring it when you deliver the product.”

Micheal realized he was the product, as one worker scooped him up and put him in the rolling cage while the other found the remote to Michael's cage. They moved him to the freight elevator to take him to the truck when one of them pressed the button. Micheal yelped as one of the workers realized it must have caused him a little harm.

Then he took the remote to prove it, sending more and more zaps and shocks deep into Micheal's genitals, frying them alive.

Micheal banged against the cage but could barely move in the rubber suit as they put him in the back of the truck. It was hard to know where they were going but when they stopped Micheal knew they were at his home. Micheal prayed for the salvation of what awaited him inside as the workers slowly pushed the rolling cage through the garage.